#V. Great Demon King of Mount Suzuka
wiildcardd · 2 years
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A little thing for my Onmyo peeps that Otakemaru is slowly dying in the Great Demon King scenario. Sure, he may have survived Heian-kyo and is even making amends for his actions. And yes, he may have purified the corruption in Suzuka but the sheer fact that he had to use his own body to do so?
There is still no happy ending sadly while initially he lives his best life and it's all happy, that toxic miasma that he's taken into his body and continues to do so until the source is stopped completely is eating away at him from the inside. He rejects its power, refusing to succumb to it as it screams for him to use it as a weapon at the cost of his mind. Otakemaru knows that he's on borrowed time, he just hopes he lives long enough to see the head of the snake removed before he does die.
There's always a caveat with these but at least in this timeline he can leave Mount Suzuka willingly with enough persuasion~
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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@sortilegii (Shuten Doji) sent: ' i am aware of the serpent's workings. his poison has spread throughout the lands for too long. it brings me to sorrow to understand, at long last, what it has done to you and your people. i would be willing to be burnt to ashes for oeyama. thus, i understand your pain, too. but, we have a chance now to repay all the suffering the serpent deity has inflicted on our land. will you join me? ' ( shuten doji for otake ! )
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The Great Demon King of Mount Suzuka, had only recently been coronated after he worked tirelessly to purify his home for his people. Inherited from his sister, it took a great amount of power and effort that almost cost him his life, let alone his sanity. The request from his fellow Yokai did not fall on deaf ears however as he leaned forward on his Brass Throne, pondering this request.
"For many years, this place you see before you had been beset by the corruption. During those years, I was left to defend it... You are asking me to leave my home vulnerable to the very corruption that I have fought tirelessly to rid to fight in this war with a small likelihood of success?" He rises from his seat, an almost angered expression on his face as he takes slow steps towards his fellow mountain lord. "Perhaps the Otakemaru of old would have accepted this adventure, if only out of desperation to save his home."
His expression softens as he places a gentle hand on the taller demon's shoulder. "Standing up to the serpent is one thing, I would gladly raise my blades to help you. But with my sister still missing, I cannot in good faith leave Mount Suzuka without its guardian." There was a sense of regret in his voice, he had heard the tales and news, it enraged him to no end, a side effect from the corruption he had taken into his body. "We're still rebuilding, restoring what was lost. I'm sorry, Doji. If there's anything else you need, I will gladly help as much as I can."
The King squeezed his shoulder before moving a hand to his cheek and offering a reassuring smile. "Just make sure you come back alive, alright? There are so much our cultures could learn from one another. You're not too ugly to look at either." That toothy grin returns. "If there is anything else I can offer you then I will provide it, you're more than welcome to stay for the next few days to rest and eat before your grand quest."
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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@sortilegii (Shuten Doji) sent: [ YANK ]:     seeing the receiver is in immediate danger, the sender hastily grabs them and pulls them against them, out of harm’s way. ( mountain boi x mountain boi thank u )
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Pouring forth from the sea beyond they came, monsters and yokai with black banners above their ships arriving at the shores of Mount Suzuka once more. Were they here to plunder the treasures of his people? Or carry out something more sinister? Either way, they will not pass, nor will they succeed. With the Jade Blade of Yasakani in hand, Otakemaru prepared for battle.
Wave after wave, the Great King cut them down. Utilising a combination of the great energy within his sword and his own feral aggression, he dispatched the assailants with relative ease. But he was but one Yokai against a sea of enemies. A mild concern was on his face however as the ships repositioned, groups of yokai still emerging from the sea.
"Is there no end to you? I'll kill you all!" Cried the Demon King in defiance, hacking and slashing his way on the beachfront with style, grace and fury that only a mountain god can do. But the onrushing tide of foes grew too much, pinning down the mountain lord. A roar of rage left Otakemaru, as he was disarmed and the all too familiar sound of cannons firing filled his ears. Eyes widened as violet balls of inferno flew towards the beach. Dishonourable bastards, all of them... Resorting to artillery and even risking their allies' lives.
It wasn't until he realised the direction of some of the fire that he realised they intended to harm more than just he, but the tranquil and peaceful areas surrounding the Mountain. Fear sets in, not wanting to unleash the devastating power that destroyed Mount Suzuka when he was a child. "STOP THIS NOW!"
It happened so fast, as if they were fireworks, each conflagrated speck explodes in a sea of violet flames in a blink of an eye. He feels himself swept off his feet, the enemies surrounding him dispatched with as he's carried to the safety of... The forest? It wasn't until he was let down that he realised his knight in shining armour was none other than...
"Shuten Doji? W-What are you doing here?" He gets onto his feet, dusting himself off before scoffing. "I suppose I owe you after this, but before that I could use your help.... I suppose."
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