#Víctor Santiago
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Proceso “inédito” del Responsable del Frente Amplio Por México
Proceso “inédito” del Responsable del Frente Amplio Por México #aperturaintelectual #vmrfaintelectual @victormanrf @Victor M. Reyes Ferriz @vicmanrf @victormrferriz Víctor Manuel Reyes Ferriz
27 DE JUNIO DE 2023 Proceso “inédito” del Responsable del Frente Amplio Por México POR: VÍCTOR MANUEL REYES FERRIZ Con apenas nueve años de haberse conformado, el Partido Político Nacional (PPN) denominado MORENA ha conseguido lo que muchos otros partidos no han podido e incluso, lo que el Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) tampoco tuvo en sus mejores épocas, y es que, hoy en día…
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#AperturaIntelectual#vmrfaintelectual#22 entidades gobernadas por MORENA#Alito Moreno#Beatriz Paredes#Claudia Ruiz Massieu#Demagogia#Enrique de la Madrid#Frente Amplio Por México#Gustavo de Hoyos#Juan Carlos Romero Hicks#Lily Téllez#Marko Cortés#Método de selección del Responsable del Frente Amplio por México#Populismo#Santiago Creel#Silvano Aureoles#Víctor Manuel Reyes Ferriz#VMRF#Xóchitl Gálvez#Zambrano Grijalva
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I'm going to university now (in Germany) and the uni i'm at offers catalan as a side course. Tomorrow i'll finally be at an event where they introduce the subject among others. I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! ^^ Finally! >< Sadly, there won't be a class for catalan literature (omg actually - if you have recommendations of important works from the recent centuries, i'd love to hear, but i'm just rambling, no pressure xD). There will be linguistics and speech praxis. I can't wait! :D
That's great!! I hope you enjoy it very much ☺️
Some of the modern classics (from the late 19th century to the present):
L'Atl��ntida (Atlantis, 1877) by Jacint Verdaguer. Epic poem that re-interprets history and legends. Jacint Verdaguer is the most representative poet of the Renaixença/Romanticism movement in Catalan literature.
Other poems by Jacint Verdaguer (1845-1902) and Joan Maragall (1860-1911) are the most important poetry of the Renaixença.
The theatre plays Terra Baixa (usually published in English with the title Martha of the Lowlands, 1896) by Àngel Guimerà. Also Mar i cel ("Sea And Sky", 1888) by him.
La febre d'or ("The gold fever", 1892) by Narcís Oller, the most representative of the realist movement.
The monologue La infanticida ("The Child Murderer", 1898) by Víctor Català (pseudonym of Caterina Albert). And her novel Solitud ("Loneliness", 1905), which is considered the most representative book of the modernist and naturalism movement in Catalan literature.
The satirical theatre plays by Santiago Rusiñol like L'auca del senyor Esteve (1917) —personally I really like his play El bon policia ("The Good Policeman", 1905).
The theatre play El cafè de la Marina ("The Marina Café, 1933) by Josep Maria de Segarra.
Poetry by Pere Quart (1899-1986)
La Plaça del Diamant (it has been translated to English with the titles In Diamond Square and The Time of the Doves, 1962) by Mercè Rodoreda. Her novels Mirall trencat ("Broken Mirror", 1974), La mort i la primavera (Death in Spring, 1986) and Aloma (1938) are also iconic.
The short stories books by Pere Calders, most famously Cròniques de la veritat oculta ("Chronicles of the Hidden Truth", 1955).
The short stories book El cafè de la Granota (1985) by Jesús Montcada,
Poetry: Josep Carner (1884-1970), J.V. Foix (1893-1987).
The novel Bearn, o la sala de les nines ("Bearn, Or The Doll Room", 1961) by Llorenç Villalonga.
Poetry: Vicent Andrés Estellés (1924-1993), Salvador Espriu (1913-1985), Maria Mercè Marçal (1952-1998), Miquel Martí i Pol (1929-2003).
The essays by Joan Fuster, most importantly Nosaltres, els valencians ("We, the Valencians", 1962).
Mecanoscrit del Segon Origen (Typescript of the Second Origin, 1974) and Totes les bèsties de càrrega ("All The Load Beasts"?, 1967) by Manuel de Pedrolo, also personally by him I really liked the sci-fi short stories collection Trajecte Final ("Final Journey", 1975), and I will add my dad would be upset if I didn't mention his theatre play Homes i no ("Men and no", 1957).
Incerta glòria (Uncertain Glory, 1971) by Joan Sales.
Les veus del Pamano (Voices of the Pamano, 2004) and Jo confesso (I Confess, 2011) by Jaume Cabré.
I know some of them, at least Jaume Cabré's novels, Àngel Guimerà's plays, Uncertain Glory, and some Mercè Rodoreda novels have been published in German and/or English. In fact, Voices of the Pamano was a huge success in Germany.
I hope you enjoy the class very much!
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Día Mundial para la Prevención de los Ahogamientos, Día Internacional de la Mujer Afrodescendiente, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Valentina, Santa Glosinda, San Cristóbal y Santiago Apostol.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2018
Un grupo de científicos italianos anuncian que el radar instalado en la sonda espacial europea Mars Express ha detectado, después de muchos años de búsqueda, un gran lago de agua salada bajo la superficie del polo sur de Marte, reabriendo el debate sobre la posibilidad de existencia de vida bajo el subsuelo del planeta rojo. (Hace 6 años)
El avión supersónico de pasajeros anglo-francés Concorde, de la compañía Air France, se estrella pocos minutos después de despegar del aeropuerto Roissy Charles de Gaulle de París (Francia), sobre el hotel Relais Bleu en la localidad de Gonesse, a 17 km al norte de París, poco antes de las 17:00 hora local (15:00 GMT), causando la muerte de las 109 personas que van bordo y de cuatro personas en tierra. La aeronave ha caído en picado al suelo después de que uno de los motores del ala izquierda se incendiara durante el despegue. Este accidente será el principio del fin de este polémico avión, que realizará su último vuelo el 23 de octubre de 2003. (Hace 24 años)
Con la presencia de 169 países y 9.367 deportistas, se inauguran en Barcelona (España) las XXII Olimpiadas de la Era Moderna. Se clausurarán el 9 de agosto. (Hace 32 años)
En Italia, el rey Víctor Manuel III declara ilegal el Gobierno fascista y Mussolini es arrestado por la policía tras 21 años de dictadura. Con la excusa de liberarlo, Alemania invadirá Italia. (Hace 81 años)
Louis Bleriot, francés, gana las 1.000 libras que ofrece el diario británico Daily Mail al atravesar en aeroplano el Canal de la Mancha en un vuelo de 37 minutos de duración. (Hace 115 años)
Cerca de las cataratas del Niágara (EE.UU.), tropas británicas comandadas por el general Phineas Riall frustran una invasión de Canadá por una fuerza de EE.UU., dirigida por el general Jacob Brown, en la Batalla de Lundy's Lane, durante la Guerra de 1812. (Hace 210 años)
George Stephenson, ingeniero inglés, pone en marcha su primera locomotora a vapor, inventada para circular sobre carriles de hierro. (Hace 210 años)
El español Diego de Losada funda la ciudad de Caracas (Venezuela). (Hace 457 años)
Aunque en 1534 y 1535 Sebastián de Belalcázar, en su expedición hacia el norte, fundó la ciudad de Santiago de Guayaquil, que será quemada y refundada en dos ocasiones, no es hasta el día de hoy con su refundación y cambio de emplazamiento cuando la ciudad, pensada como astillero y puerto comercial al servicio de la Corona española, comienza a tomar auge. (Hace 487 años)
En la actual Guatemala, en un paraje cercano a Iximché, el español Don Pedro de Alvarado y Contreras, funda la bonita ciudad de Santiago de los Caballeros de Guatemala. En 1979 será designada Patrimonio cultural de la Humanidad por la Unesco. (Hace 500 años)
El condado de Portugal, hasta ahora dependiente del reino de Castilla y León regido por Alfonso VII, se convierte en reino al resultar proclamado por sus tropas rey de Portugal el conde Alfonso I, tras haber vencido a los árabes en Ourique. En 1143 se firmará el tratado de Zamora entre este reino y Castilla, reconociendo de hecho la independencia potuguesa y marcando el límite territorial entre ambos territorios. (Hace 885 años)
Al morir en el día de hoy en Eboracum (actual York en Inglaterra) el emperador del Imperio Romano de Occidente Gayo Flavio Valerio Constancio durante una expedición contra los pictos y escotos, su hijo Constantino I es proclamado augusto (emperador) por sus tropas tal como su padre ha recomendado a su ejército en su lecho de muerte. El reinado de Constantino será transcendental para occidente por su conversión al cristianismo en 313. (Hace 1718 años)
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Illustration by moly_ilustra on IG
The Olympics are over, but I needed to give a shout-out to our delegation. We are not many, we didn't win much, but each single one of them gave it all and from here we fiercely supported and followed every single one until the end.
Thank you to all of our 91 participants, 4 medalists, and 14 diplomas. We're proud of all of you with our entire hearts.
Alejandro Solarte, Alexis Cuero, Alisson Cardozo, Ana María Rendón, Andrés Hernández, Ángel Barajas, Ángel Hernández, Ángela Daniela Barón, Angie Orjuela, Angie Valdés, Anthony Rincón, Anthony Zambrano, Arnovis Dalmero, Camilo Villegas, Carlos Alberto Ramírez, Carlos Muñoz, Carolina Arias Vidal, Catalina Pérez Jaramillo, César Herrera, Cristian Ortega, Daniel Martínez, Daniel Restrepo, Daniela Alexandra Arias Rojas, Daniela Caracas González, Daniela Montoya Quiroz, Diego Arboleda, Diego Arias, Erika Lasso, Evelis Aguilar, Fernando Gaviria, Flor Denis Ruiz, Gabriela Bolle, Geiner Moreno, Ilana Izquierdo Zanger, Ingrit Valencia, Jazmín Álvarez, Jenny Arias, Jhancarlos González, Jhon Edison Rodríguez, Jhonny Rentería, Jorelyn Daniela Carabalí Martinez, Jorge Enríquez, Kevin Quintero, Lady Patricia Andrade Rodriguez, Laura Chalarca, Leicy Maria Santos Herrera, Liana Milena Salazar Vergara, Lina Licona, Linda Lizeth Caicedo Alegria, Lorena Arenas, Luis Felipe Uribe, Luis Javier Mosquera, Luisa Blanco, Luz Katherine Tapia Ramirez, Manuela Gómez, Manuela Pavi Sepulveda, Manuela Vanegas Cataño, Marcela Restrepo Valencia, Mari Leivis Sánchez, María Camila Osorio, Maria Camila Reyes Calderón, María Carolina Velásquez, Maria Catalina Usme Pineda, María José Uribe, María Lucelly Murillo, Mariana Pajón, Martha Bayona, Mateo Carmona, Mateo Romero, Mauricio Ortega, Mayra Gaviria, Mayra Tatiana Ramirez Ramírez, Natalia Linares, Nicolás Echavarría, Paula Patiño, Queen Saray Villegas, René López, Ronal Longa, Sandra Milena Sepulveda Lopera, Santiago Arcila, Santiago Buitrago, Stefania Gómez, Stefany Cuadrado, Valeria Araújo, Valeria Arboleda, Víctor Bolaños, Wendy Katerine Bonilla Candelo, Yeison López, Yenny Álvarez, Yílmar González, Yirleidis Quejada Minota
#olympics 2024#colombia#comité olímpico colombiano#colombian olympic committee#(nightmade)#it's funny if you know that 22 of those 91 is just the fútbol team#Instagram
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Proyecto Transversal 3 Benjamin Piñeiro Pacheco Antonio Marcos Sánchez Santiago Víctor Manuel Guerrero Mateos Grupo503
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Mercado persa Víctor Manuel 🇨🇱 Santiago de Chile 📷 Instagram: @chamorojas
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On 22 September 1973, Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda – whom Gabriel García Márquez dubbed "the greatest poet of the 20th century" – received some visitors at the Santa María hospital in Chile's capital Santiago. Among them were Sweden's ambassador Harald Edelstam and the Mexican ambassador Gonzalo Martínez Corbala, offering a plane to fly Neruda and his wife Matilde into exile.
We know about their conversation thanks to as yet unpublished documents at the National Archive in Sweden. Edelstam asserts he found the poet "very ill" though still willing to travel to Mexico. In a memo sent to his superiors, Edelstam observes: "In his last hours [Neruda] either didn't know or didn't recognise he suffered a terminal illness. He complained that rheumatism made it impossible to move his arms and legs. When we visited him, Neruda was preparing as best he could to travel … to Mexico. There, he would make a public declaration against the military regime."
That made the poet dangerous to some very powerful people, who had shown they would stop at nothing to defend their interests. They had ousted his friend, Salvador Allende, from the presidency less than a fortnight earlier. Allende died in a coup that was as much about silencing dissident voices as bringing about regime change. Another voice, that of popular singer Víctor Jara, was cut off four days later. Neruda remained. He was perhaps the loudest. His face certainly the most recognisable worldwide. He was too dangerous.
Members of the junta are on record expressing the view on the morning of September 22 that if Neruda flew into exile, his plane would fall into the sea. In the afternoon, radio stations under military control announced the poet would probably die in the next few hours, at a time when he was still awake in the hospital. The following day he was dead.
That historical mystery alone explains why his body was exhumed this week. But there are more pressing reasons too, at a time when the destiny of the left hangs in the balance in Latin America. The death of Venezuela's Hugo Chávez, one of many leftist leaders in the region to have fallen ill to cancer, has combined with the 700 documented assassination attempts against Cuba's Fidel Castro to fuel all manner of conspiracy theories.
More important still is the fact that, faced with an economic crisis without foreseeable end and few alternatives, a new generation of world activists needs to reconnect with the vibrant political imagination embodied by Neruda. The question is not merely whether the commitment he exemplified is possible now, but whether technology, and the institutions we use to manage it, can allow the kind of freedom Neruda called for in his poetry.
In this context, Neruda's life, as well as the shadows cast by his death, are Google-bombs waiting to be set off by a new generation of networked freedom fighters at the heart of our austerity-obsessed, repressive, and frankly boring narratives.
Neruda wasn't surprised by the 1973 coup – most people knew that the consequences of restoring "economic order" would be vicious, and many accepted it as necessary – but it wasn't inevitable: under a deal accepted by the government coalition as well as the opposition, President Allende was going to call for a referendum and would have resigned if the result went against him. This made any show of force by the smaller but influential sector within the Chilean armed forces unnecessary. But the conspirators were bent on regime change, so they brought forward the date of the coup, subjecting Chilean society to a trial by fire in order to cure it of a supposedly menacing communist "cancer".
The invocation of "cancer" to provide yesterday's rulers with a pretext to unleash war abroad and repression at home is mirrored by the questions being asked about Neruda's cancer today.
Neruda and the other individuals behind the Chilean revolution of the early 1970s made mistakes and were at least partially responsible for the consequences. But the real story behind their defeat and deaths hasn't been told yet. This is one of the reasons why people are looking to unearth new truths, hoping to shed some light on the origins of our problems today.
Through histories, testimonies, and documents declassified in the US or revealed as recently as last year by Wikileaks, we now know that the fate of Neruda and others like him had been decided long before they had any hand in mismanaging the economy or dividing political opinion. Persecution of the left had begun in Chile as early as 1948, at the behest of a US government awash with anti-communist paranoia.
That year, a controversial measure known as "the Damned Law" ("la ley maldita") outlawed the Chilean Communist Party, sent the communist leadership into exile and imprisoned hundreds of militants at the Pisagua camp under the orders of a young lieutenant named Augusto Pinochet – the concentration camp's director who would become Chile's dictator, and a friend and inspiration to Margaret Thatcher.
Neruda, radicalised like many others by the anti-fascist struggle of the 1930s and 40s, chose to flee the country. Fearing for his life he crossed the Andes on a horse, carrying with him the manuscript of his epic poem Canto General, before resurfacing in Mexico thanks to the help of his friends Pablo Picasso and Diego Rivera.
His second exile would have been in 1973. Edelstam's conversation with Neruda took place a mere two hours before the poet went to sleep, never to wake up again. When the Swedish diplomat went to Neruda's house to offer his condolences, he found it destroyed. Pinochet's men were bent on erasing every trace of his existence. They would do the same with thousands of people during a reign of terror that would last for nearly two decades. That is why so many people this week are holding their breath to find out what clues Neruda's exhumed body might hold.
One of the most enduring mysteries in modern Chilean history may finally have been solved after forensic experts determined that the Nobel prize-winning Chilean poet Pablo Neruda died after being poisoned with a powerful toxin, apparently confirming decades of suspicions that he was murdered.
According to the official version, Neruda – who made his name as a young poet with the collection Twenty Poems of Love and a Song of Despair – died from prostate cancer and malnutrition on 23 September 1973, just 12 days after the military coup that overthrew the democratically elected socialist government of his friend, President Salvador Allende.
But some, including Neruda’s nephew, Rodolfo Reyes, have long believed he was murdered because of his opposition to the then incipient dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
Ten years ago, a Chilean judge ordered the exhumation of the poet’s remains after his former chauffeur, Manuel Araya, revealed that an agitated Neruda had called him from the Santiago hospital where he was being treated to say that he had been injected in the stomach while asleep. The poet died hours later.
Samples of Neruda’s remains were dispatched to forensic laboratories in four countries for analysis, and in 2015 the Chilean government said it was “highly probable that a third party” was responsible for his death. Two years later, a team of international scientists said they were “100% convinced” the poet did not die from prostate cancer.
On Monday, Reyes said scientific tests had shown the toxin clostridium botulinum was present in his uncle’s body when he died, suggesting he was indeed “poisoned” in the aftermath of the coup. The results of expert analysis are due to be published in a report on Wednesday.
“We now know that there was no reason for the clostridium botulinum to have been there in his bones,” Reyes told the Spanish news agency Efe. “What does that mean? It means Neruda was murdered through the intervention of state agents in 1973.”
The bacteria, which produce the neurotoxin that causes botulism, were discovered on one of Neruda’s exhumed teeth in 2017. Reyes said analysis by experts at McMaster University in Canada and the University of Copenhagen had established the bacteria did not find their way into Neruda’s body from the coffin or the surrounding area.
“We’ve found the bullet that killed Neruda, and it was in his body,” Reyes told Efe. “Who fired it? We’ll find out soon, but there’s no doubt Neruda was killed through the direct intervention of a third party.”
Pinochet’s US-backed coup, during which Allende killed himself as troops stormed the presidential palace, devastated Neruda and led him to plan an exile in Mexico.
But a day before his planned departure, he was taken by ambulance to the hospital in the Chilean capital where he had been treated for cancer and other conditions. He died there on the evening of 23 September, purportedly from the wasting effects of the prostate cancer that had first been detected four years earlier.
However, the official version of the events surrounding his death has frequently been called into question. Gonzalo Martínez Corbalá, who was Mexico’s ambassador to Chile at the time of the coup, told the Associated Press he had seen Neruda two days before his death, and that the poet had weighed almost 100kg (15st 10lbs) – contradicting claims that he was fatally malnourished because of his cancer.
Last month, Araya told AP that if Neruda “hadn’t been left alone in the clinic, they wouldn’t have killed him”.
The chauffeur said he and Neruda’s wife, Matilde Urrutia, had been at the couple’s mansion to pick up their suitcases for Mexico when the poet rang, asking them to come back to the hospital quickly. Neruda died later the same day.
Following Neruda’s death Urrutia maintained that he had been increasingly agitated as he learned of the early atrocities of the dictatorship and that it was the anguish of the coup d’état which led to his demise.
The lengthy investigation hit a number of obstacles, from non-cooperation on the part of the clinic where the alleged injection was administered to difficulty in funding foreign lab tests.
In the years after Neruda’s death, much of the focus has been on locating a mysterious “Dr Price” who had apparently been on duty at the clinic that night. However, there was no mention of the doctor in the records of Chile’s medical union, and it was eventually deduced that he had been invented to stall investigations.
Though described by his friend Gabriel García Márquez as “the greatest poet of the 20th century in any language”, Neruda’s reputation has been damaged in recent years by details of his personal life. Not only was the writer a self-confessed rapist, he was also a man who abandoned his first wife and their daughter, Malva Marina, who was born with a neurological disorder and died at the age of nine.
In his posthumously published memoirs, Confieso Que He Vivido (I Confess That I Have Lived), Neruda admitted raping a Tamil woman who worked as his servant when he was posted to Ceylon as a young diplomat. After describing the rape, he wrote: “She was right to despise me.”
The rape confession, which resurfaced almost five years ago, led human rights activists to oppose an attempt to rename Santiago airport in honour of the poet.
Speaking at the time, the author and women’s rights campaigner Isabel Allende told the Guardian that Neruda’s criminal and callous behaviour did not devalue his work.
“I am disgusted by some aspects of Neruda’s life and personality,” she said. “However, we cannot dismiss his writing. Very few people – especially powerful or influential men – behave admirably. Unfortunately, Neruda was a flawed person, as we all are in one way or another.”
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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Justice delayed is justice denied - Victor Jara's widow Joan died two weeks ago, at the age of 96, after campaigning for her entire life.
Augusto Pinochet escaped trial for crimes against humanity three times, twice on medical grounds and then by finally taking the hint and dropping dead, aged 91.
Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, both aware and supportive of the CIA's involvement in the coup, died aged 81 in 1994 and 100 in 2023, respectively.
I tend to agree with Dylan that focusing on the pawn who fired the gun is missing the point. How convenient to finally extradite the shooter nobody's heard of when everyone who gave the orders or who could demand reparation is out of reach. Still. Better than nothing. And it was nothing for a long time.
#Chile#Augusto Pinochet#Victor Jara#Henry Kissinger#Richard Nixon#Crimes against humanity#They lowered him down as a king#But when the shadowy sun sets on the one who fired the gun#You'll see by his grave#On the stone that remains#Carved next to his name#His epitaph plain#Only a pawn in their game
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EMDT Historical Tournament
Character 1
Complete name: Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio (Madrid, November 25, 1562-Madrid, August 27, 1635)
Status/Proffesion/Charge: Writer, poet and playwright, priest and knight of the Order of Malta
Actor: Víctor Clavijo
Episodes: 1×02, Tiempo de gloria 2×03, Tiempo de hidalgos 3×05, Tiempo de esplendor
Character 2
Complete name: María Mayor Fernández de Cámara y Pita (Santiago de Sigrás, c. 1565- Cambre, Fabruary 21, 1643)
Status/Proffesion/Charge: Merchant, heroine of the defense of A Coruña against the attack of the English Counter Armada, honorary alférez/ lieutenant ( Philip II of Spain rewarded María Pita for defending the city by giving her the title and salary of a lieutenant)
Actress: Tania Villamarín
Episode: 2×05, Un virus de otro tiempo
#emdt historical tournament#el ministerio del tiempo#emdt#duel 18#lope de vega#maría pita#víctor clavijo#tania villamarín#emdt polls
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🌟 Primer Encuentro Nacional de Programas de Bachillerato de las universidades chilenas en la USACH 🦁 https://youtu.be/ZIgXvOQc-8g
La directora del Programa de Bachillerato USACH, Dra. Verushka Fuentes Stipicevic, te invita a este evento que estamos organizando como Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
🗓️ Jueves 21 de noviembre ⏰ 09:30 horas 📍 Auditorio del Edificio ESID (Av. Víctor Jara 3524, Estación Central) 🎟️ Inscríbete en: https://forms.gle/3XUFtNjsf5TxZpZg6 💬 Esta actividad contará con dos espacios de diálogo de los que participarán la directora del Bachiller en Ciencias y Humanidades de la Universidad Católica de Temuco, María Verónica Vivanco Vergara; el director del Programa Académico de Bachillerato de la Universidad de Chile, Jorge Babul Cattán; el director del Bachillerato Inicia UC de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Pablo Marshall Rivera; el Coordinador de la Unidad de Bachillerato, PACE y Propedéutico de la Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Alejandro Rossel Ordenes; y la directora de nuestro Programa. ¡Te esperamos! www.bachillerato.cl
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From June 8 to June 14, 2025 Starting this spiritual and psychological journey and awaking pilgrimage from SARRIA to the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral-El Camino Francés. Ramón Blandino Aída Ripley Candida Parra Candida’s Companion Karina Rieke Dr. Jorge Piña Víctor Catano Andy Jiménez Confirmed Participants: 8 Who Else? Members who already completed EL CAMINO DE SANTIAGO: Fabiola…
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492 años de historia y contando...
492 años de historia y contando... #aperturaintelectual #vmrfaintelectual @victormanrf @Victor M. Reyes Ferriz @vicmanrf @victormrferriz Víctor Manuel Reyes Ferriz
25 DE JULIO DE 2023 492 años de historia y contando… POR: VÍCTOR MANUEL REYES FERRIZ El día de ayer la ciudad de Santiago de Querétaro estuvo de manteles largos, y es que, conmemoraron su fundación desde aquel lejano 24 de julio de 1531 por lo que además de las actividades cotidianas en los sectores turísticos, culturales y gastronómicos, contaron con un festival para festejar a lo grande. La…
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#AperturaIntelectual#vmrfaintelectual#1er Congreso Constituyente#24 de julio de 1531#300 etiquetas de vino en México#492 años de historia y contando…#Destilados de maíz#Fernando de Tapia#Franja Mundial del Vino#Ginebra#Hernán Pérez de Córdoba y Bocanegra#Juan del Campo#Mezcal#Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad#Qué hacer en Querétaro#Restaurante Bárbaro#Restaurante comida India "Zaika"#Ron#Santiago de Querétaro#Segundo productor de vino en México#UNESCO#Víctor Manuel Reyes Ferriz#Viñedo María y Bernardo#Vinos queretanos#VMRF#Whisky#Zona vitivinícola
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Santiago de los Caballeros, República Dominicana – viernes 25 de 2024.-Por décima ocasión, vestidas de rosado y unidas en cuerpo y alma, cerca de 1,000 trabajadoras del Parque Industrial Víctor Espaillat Mera (PIVEM), formaron el Gran Lazo Humano en prevención del cáncer de mama. La actividad que corona la campaña de educación y salud "Porque Te Quiero", de la Corporación Zona Franca Santiago (CZFS), celebró "Una década de conciencia rosa", a través de la iniciativa que asegura acciones educativas, respaldo y realización de miles de estudios gratuitos en la sede de MĒDICA. Desde su creación, la campaña "Porque Te Quiero" se ha enfocado en la prevención del cáncer de mama, logrando impactar de manera significativa a miles de mujeres de la zona franca y sus familias. Miguel Lama, presidente del consejo directivo de la Corporación, dijo que preservar la salud de las comunidades es esencial para el desarrollo y el bienestar colectivo. “Crear un entorno laboral y social más seguro y saludable es nuestra responsabilidad. Me enorgullece ser parte de esta misión que no solo cuida de nuestros colaboradores, sino también de sus familias”, remarcó el líder empresarial. Lama informó que este año, la Corporación superó la cifra de 15,000 mamografías y sonomamografías, realizadas gratuitamente en la comunidad. Luego, el radiólogo Marcel Morel, expresó que "Porque Te Quiero. Una década de Conciencia Rosa", simboliza el compromiso con la salud y la vida. El presidente de MĒDICA manifestó que la prevención del cáncer de mama es una de las causas más nobles y urgentes en la salud pública de nuestra nación. A su juicio, la batalla contra el cáncer de mama no es fácil, pero con iniciativas como las de “Porque te quiero”, se demuestra que la prevención y la detección temprana son las mejores armas. Con una década amparada en la zona franca, la campaña "Porque Te Quiero" ha sido un ejemplo de responsabilidad social empresarial, combinando esfuerzos colectivos para sensibilizar a la población sobre la importancia de la prevención y el diagnóstico oportuno del cáncer de mama. Son colaboradores solidarios de la campaña: AFP Siembra, ARS Abel González, ARS Yunén, AFP Crecer, AFP Popular, ARS Futuro, ARS Meta Salud, ARS Monumental, ARS Primera, ARS Reservas y ARS Universal. Fungieron como aliados estratégicos: Grabo Estilo, A+E Publicidad, Photo Print y Alkifiesta.
Santiago de los Caballeros.-Por décima ocasión, vestidas de rosado y unidas en cuerpo y alma, cerca de 1,000 trabajadoras del Parque Industrial Víctor Espaillat Mera (PIVEM), formaron el Gran Lazo Humano en prevención del cáncer de mama. La actividad que corona la campaña de educación y salud “Porque Te Quiero”, de la Corporación Zona Franca Santiago (CZFS), celebró “Una década de conciencia…
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La encía y el Tai Chi
Por Víctor Manuel Mendoza-Núñez, Beatriz Hernández-Monjaraz , Edelmiro Santiago-Osorio, José Miguel Betancourt-Rule y Mirna Ruiz-Ramos El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto del Tai Chi sobre los marcadores biológicos del estrés oxidativo en la saliva y su relación con la enfermedad periodontal (EP) en adultos mayores. Realizamos un estudio cuasi-experimental con una muestra de 71…
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XXIX Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario (B)
XXIX Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario (B) - Palabra, Espíritu y Vida #Podcast #Video Comentario de Monseñor Víctor Hugo Palma, Obispo de la Diócesis de Escuintla, para XXIX domingo del tiempo ordinario (B) del Evangelio según san Marcos 10, 35-45.
Palabra, Espíritu y Vida. Lectura del santo Evangelio según san Marcos 10, 35-45. Gloria a ti, Señor. En aquel tiempo, se acercaron a Jesús Santiago y Juan, los hijos de Zebedeo, y le dijeron: “Maestro, queremos que nos concedas lo que vamos a pedirte”. El les dijo: “¿Qué es lo que desean?” Le respondieron: “Concede que nos sentemos uno a tu derecha y otro a tu izquierda, cuando estés en tu…
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IPG se consolida como principal fuerza opositora en Guerrero
La oposición en Guerrero se encuentra disminuida, a punto de la extinción, podría confirmarse en el venidero proceso electoral de 2027. La alianza de los partidos oficialistas Morena-PT-PVEM, predomina en la mayoría del territorio de la entidad con 47 Ayuntamientos; la alianza PRI-PRD-PAN, 26; MC, 5; Partido del Bienestar de Guerrero, 2; PES, 1; México Avanza, 1 y Partido Sustentabilidad Guerrerense, 2. La integración del Congreso del Estado, Morena, 22 curules; PRI, 6; PVEM, 6; PT, 5; PRD, 4; MC, 2 y PAN, 1. En el Congreso de la Unión, la coalición “Sigamos Haciendo Historia”, se llevó carro completo, como en los mejores tiempos del PRI que arrasaba en los comicios. En este escenario participaron ocho nuevos partidos políticos, ninguno alcanzó el 3% de la votación requerida por la legislación electoral, lo cual obligó a cuatro de estos, a reagruparse y constituir la coalición “Unidos por Guerrero”, conformada por los extintos partidos: México Avanza, de Abraham Ponce Guadarrama; Sustentabilidad Guerrerense, de Daniel Campos Carballido; Bienestar Guerrerense, de Marco Antonio Santiago Solís y Laborista, de Víctor Aguirre Alcaide. Estos mini partidos lograron en conjunto más de 80 mil votos, obteniendo cinco alcaldías y más de 30 regidurías, esos resultados no les permitió continuar vigentes en las siguientes elecciones. El viernes anterior se sostuvo un interesante encuentro político en la Ciudad e México, siendo convocado el ex gobernador Ángel Aguirre Rivero, en su calidad de dirigente de la asociación Izquierda Progresista Guerrerense (IPG), por los líderes de la naciente coalición “Unidos por Guerrero”, con la finalidad de analizar la coyuntura política y social y la posición relevante de Morena como partido político e instaurado como gobierno de la República; así como, los grandes proyectos para el desarrollo estatal. En los hechos, la oposición en Guerrero es prácticamente inexistente, solo emiten débiles balbuceos, sin impacto en la opinión pública. A esto obedece que la asociación política IPG, esté cobrando fuerza después de su salida del PRD, cuyos dirigentes de los grupúsculos interfirieron para que IPG no obtuviera candidaturas de elección popular, en consecuencia, la renuncia definitiva a ese partido. En el nuevo escenario político guerrerense, el aguirrismo se ha convertido en la principal fuerza política opositora, ante el vacío de los partidos políticos tradicionales, inmersos en el ostracismo y la indiferencia popular. Aguirre Rivero es un político experimentado; más que sumar fuerzas políticas como la coalición “Unidos por Guerrero”, ha puesto su disposición en coadyuvar con las instituciones oficiales, en la transformación económica y social de Guerrero, nunca en plan de confrontación o beligerancia; sino en aportaciones especificas como el ambicioso proyecto “Puerto Balsas”, en el municipio de La Unión y puerto Lázaro Cárdenas, que llegó a su punto óptimo de saturación de contenedores y requiere ampliarse hacia nuestra entidad federativa. IPG se encuentra en proceso de reconstitución y fortalecimiento con el desarrollo de asambleas regionales: la primera se desarrolló en Acapulco, la siguiente será en Chilpancingo el 13 de octubre y así sucesivamente, hasta cubrir todas las regiones. Marea Baja.- Incomprensible desde todos los ángulos, la ingenua actitud asumida por la todavía alcaldesa chilpancingueña, Norma Otilia Hernández Martínez, quién se aferra en mantenerse adentro de Morena, pese haber sido eliminada del padrón de militantes, a causa de la reunión clandestina que tuvo con el líder de “Los Ardillos”, Celso Ortega Jiménez, hace un par de años. No se tiene conocimiento que Norma Otilia haya impugnado ante el Trife, la decisión de la Comisión Nacional de Honestidad y Justicia de Morena, cuyo dictamen aprobó su exclusión del padrón, equivalente a la expulsión; haciéndose la desentendida, e hizo acto de presencia en el Séptimo Congreso Nacional, donde supuestamente fue conminada por altavoz a abandonar la sesión, conjuntamente, con otro sancionado de Querétaro, no se refirieron a ella por su nombre, permaneciendo durante todo el desarrollo del Congreso morenista. Marea Alta.- Acertado el nombramiento realizado por el Séptimo Congreso Nacional de Morena, a favor de Arturo Martínez Núñez, como secretario de Arte y Cultura del Comité Ejecutivo Nacional, donde resultó electa Luisa María Alcalde Luján, como máxima dirigente de ese partido político y Andrés Manuel López Beltrán, ungido como secretario de Organización. Martínez Núñez, es hijo del reconocido militante comunista Arturo Martínez Nateras y de María de la Luz Núñez Ramos, ex alcaldesa de Atoyac y miembro de una combativa familia de izquierda. Arturo Martínez se venía desempeñando como delegado del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), antes diputado local, ex secretario de Cultura durante el gobierno de Ángel Aguirre, asesor del exgobernador Zeferino Torreblanca Galindo y articulista del periódico “El Sur”. Maremoto.- Una intensa campaña de alertamiento en colonias populares y en municipios de la Costa Chica, viene realizando el Gobierno del Estado, a través de altavoces en vehículos oficiales, ante la eventualidad de la tormenta tropical John evolucione a huracán en categoría 3, que viene desarrollándose desde las costas de Oaxaca. Por instrucciones de la gobernadora Evelyn Salgado Pineda, se han extremado las medidas preventivas, para que este tipo de fenómenos meteorológicos con tengan efectos devastadores como ha sucedido con los huracanes Otis, Ingrid, Manuel y Paulina. www.acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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