#Véronique Silver
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creepynostalgy · 4 months ago
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Catherine Wagener, Jeanne Goupil and Bernard Dhéran in Mais Ne Nous Délivrez Pas Du Mal aka Don't Deliver Us From Evil (1971)
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letterboxd-loggd · 9 months ago
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Don't Deliver Us from Evil (Mais ne nous delivrez pas du mal) (1971) Joël Séria
May 28th 2024
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detournementsmineurs · 1 year ago
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"La Vie est un Roman" d'Alain Resnais (1983) avec Fanny Ardant, Ruggero Raimondi, André Dussollier, Vittorio Gassman, Sabine Azéma, Pierre Arditi, Géraldine Chaplin, Martine Kelly et Véronique Silver, septembre 2023.
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miguelmarias · 2 years ago
La Femme d’à côté (François Truffaut, 1981)
Por lo general, las películas de Truffaut son claras, tenues, suaves, frágiles, sencillas y pequeñas —no necesariamente menores: es una cuestión de formato y dimensiones, no de categoría artística; todas las de Bresson, por ejemplo, son «pequeñas»—. La Femme d'à côté (La mujer de al lado, 1981) es más clara todavía, pero además es seca, sobria y áspera, dura y elemental.
Casi siempre tienen atractivos suficientes —y variados— como para que cualquiera pueda hallar algo en ellas que le agrade, interese o conmueva; de la cantidad que encuentre, y de la que pida, depende el grado de satisfacción de cada cual. El caso es que desde tiempos ya lejanos, por lo menos desde Jules et Jim (1961), el cine de Truffaut apenas agita las aguas estancadas de una crítica y una afición en trance de desvanecimiento progresivo: difícilmente puede indignar y el contento que procura es más bien de carácter íntimo y recogido, del que apenas se siente deseo de comunicar a los amigos o de vocear en la calle (lo contrario que una obra tan viva, amplia, liberadora, expansiva y contagiosa como Hatari!, de Hawks, por citar la última que he vuelto a ver). Como son además narraciones pausadas y ordenadas, apacibles y moderadas hasta cuando su materia bordea el delirio, el vértigo, lo turbio, lo criminal o lo amatorio, choca la apasionada y decididamente sostenida tozudez con que, siempre de tarde en tarde y cada vez con menos asiduidad, se adentra Truffaut en las zonas de sombra de sus personajes, de los lazos que les atan y de los tajos o desenlaces que promueven el paso del tiempo, la acumulación de circunstancias, un suceso fortuito, un malentendido. Porque Truffaut sólo se atreve a cruzar la línea de penumbra cuando, cubierto por un gran éxito comercial anterior, se siente tan seguro de sí mismo que cede a la tentadora llamada de lo impenetrable, incluso para él; y en parte porque —lo sea o no realmente— así se lo exige su discreción, que entonces conduce no a la superficie o la apariencia, sino al misterio; su sumisión a la lógica le lleva, por otra parte, a una poco llamativa desmesura, y esa misma renuncia a la pretensión resulta provocadora. Por eso, películas como La mujer de al lado tienen la virtud de que cortan, dividen en dos bandos no ya irreconciliables, sino entre los que no cabe diálogo alguno: no han visto la misma película, o, mejor dicho, sí es la misma, pero unos la han visto y otros no han querido verla. Porque al contrario que, por ejemplo, El último metro (1980) —donde uno puede seleccionar las escenas y hasta los gestos que le gustan o interesan, contarlos y decidir si vale o no la pena—, La mujer de al lado constituye un bloque monolítico, que avanza indetenible según el rumbo fijado por su autor, que no es divisible y que incluso se resiste, denso, desnudo y opaco, al análisis crítico.
Más allá de oscuros rencores personales, que hagan que unos detesten al personaje principal femenino y otros al masculino, si no a ambos por igual y de paso a los secundarios, creo que esa dureza compacta de la película es lo que la hace odiosa para sus detractores. La mujer de al lado se presenta, desde su arranque de urgencia, como un misterio, anunciado por una toma aérea —de ojo omnisciente— y una voz en off que nos conduce al pasado. Lo grave es que cuando concluye la película el misterio permanece: la vuelta al punto de vista elevado no presupone ya sabiduría y amplitud panorámica, sino distancia infranqueable, impotencia ante lo ajeno, limitación insalvable de la perspectiva exterior. Cierto que la narradora, Odile Jouve (Véronique Silver), nos ha referido parte de la historia de Bernard (Gérard Depardieu) y Mathilde (Fanny Ardant), pero a través de sus comentarios nos ha revelado menos acerca de ellos que sobre sí misma. No podía ser de otro modo, pues la pasión que realmente padecen —como una enfermedad incurable y propensa a las recaídas— los amantes, pese a su reticencia o contrariedad inicial o posterior, prematura o tardía, hasta que logran que se consuma —por falta de materia combustible, no de fuego— es estrictamente incomprensible desde fuera de ellos para los demás e incluso, mientras arden con ella, para ellos mismos, que están fuera de sí, pero son reincidentes y saben que no se trata de arriesgarse a ver el fin, acaso feliz, de un encuentro que puede ser aciago, sino del remake o la repetición —sin rectificar nada— de una relación condenada a acabar mal. Se trata, pues, de dos amantes malditos, pero de verdad: «La culpa no está en las estrellas, sino en nosotros mismos», vino a decir Shakespeare, y aquí vemos que no son los remordimientos, la culpa, la moral, la religión, la familia —bien comprensivos y civilizados se muestran los respectivos cónyuges cuando llegan a enterarse: no se trata de un drama de adulterio, ni de triángulo, ni de amores culpables—, la sociedad, la economía, la guerra, una catástrofe, la divergencia de ideas o culturas o edades, la locura, el azar o el destino, qué va: la de Bernard y Mathilde es una relación maldita, porque se son funestos el uno al otro y, sin embargo, poco pueden —en los momentos que quieren— resistirse: ni para sustraerse a la atracción que sobre cada cual ejerce su pareja, ni para, una vez reunidos, soportarse. Porque no es que sean incapaces de vivir a solas o con otros —ninguno de sus matrimonios parece brillante, pero tampoco insufrible; ni siquiera consta que antes de reencontrarse como vecinos se recordasen o echasen de menos—, sino que algo falla en ellos, en su relación. En cuanto transcurren unas horas su mezcla da lugar a una combinación inestable, que pronto se deteriora, se pudre, se hace explosiva; tal vez su error estribe en aspirar a la unión permanente, a lo definitivo, al «para siempre»; tal vez han tenido la mala suerte de enamorarse de quien no debían, de cruzarse antes con el doble oscuro de la persona destinada.
Es esta historia, ante todo, lo que perturba, desasosiega y fastidia a muchos. Además, les irrita que no sea «de época» o irrealista, que no se adelanten explicaciones psicológicas o sociales ni se detecte un barniz «romántico» o «poético» que justifique tal carencia o que «sublime» el mortal fracaso del segundo intento de vivir tan elemental relación. Todo esto, que ya agrava el malhumor de quien siente que le cierran el paso —porque no es asunto suyo— al corazón de los hechos, resulta especialmente molesto para el crítico que tiene que definir la película y se encuentra con que su colección de etiquetas no le sirve, de modo que opta por acusar a Truffaut de no haber hecho ni un melodrama, ni una tragedia, ni una crónica social, ni un retrato psicológico, ni... (al final, el crítico en cuestión rompe los papeles furioso). Lo que sucede es, sin embargo, muy simple: que para narrarnos una de sus historias más simples, inquietantes y confidenciales —Los 400 golpes, Tirez sur le pianiste, Fahrenheit 451, La sirena del Mississippi, Diario íntimo de Adèle H., El amante del amor, no todas de las más logradas, y sospecho que las inéditas La Chambre verte y L'Amour en fuite, ambas inéditas en España—, Truffaut se ha servido, como en La piel suave (que seguía siendo hasta ahora su obra más madura, aunque no la mejor), de la precisión quirúrgica, de la dureza, del despojamiento —de personajes, de detalles, de anécdotas, de decorados— y de la fijeza de que permiten dominar plenamente el tiempo y el espacio de una película desde que empieza hasta que termina. Por eso esta película, que me hizo pensar en la sublime obra repudiada por Dreyer, Tva människor (1944), acaba por acercarse al Hitchcock más profundo y peligroso, aunque ni un solo encuadre acuse el influjo del maestro; le faltan carnalidad, crudeza y sexualidad para parecerse de verdad a Pialat, pero no sería imposible que llevase la savia subterránea de No envejeceremos juntos o Loulou, lo que situaría a Truffaut más cerca de lo que él cree, o quiere, de Sauve qui peut (la vie). Eso sí, creo que La femme d'à côté permite reírse no ya de El imperio de los sentidos, sino de Last tango in Paris, que a su lado se me antojan pintorescas y melodramáticas.
Publicado en el nº 17 de Casablanca (mayo de 1982)
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moviemosaics · 4 years ago
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The Woman Next Door
directed by François Truffaut, 1981
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genevieveetguy · 6 years ago
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- I asked Mme Jouve to help us find a flat in town. That woman’s a god-send. You know what she did last month? A former lover of hers who lives in New Caledonia came to see her in Grenoble. Well, she spent three days in Paris to avoid meeting him so he wouldn’t see how she’s aged. - You’re wrong! You’re all wrong! That man was Odile’s only love. Because of him she jumped out of window 20 years ago. She never let him know that she’s a cripple because of him. She’s a remarkable woman but he never understood it. - Well, neither did I. Men never understand love. They’re amateurs. I love you but I don’t understand you. I’ve never lied in my life: it’s too complicated but now, I’m living with a liar, sleeping with a liar and I’m in love with a liar.
The Woman Next Door (La femme d'à côté), François Truffaut (1981)
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blondrichclosetwitch · 5 years ago
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Hey Jakk, hey.
Guess what’s playing?
Remember when I sent
This to
You back in 2012? I think it was before spotify.
“It was.”
Come to think of it, I should look and see what other songs I sent you. But I specifically remember sending you this song.
right now I’m playing my ninth oldest playlist, circa Spotify. The seventh playlist is dedicated to you. The ninth one is called how it ends.
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When I once saw this redheaded burlesque performer perform to the how it ends song, I was moved to sobbing and I wasn’t quite sure why.
It brought up for me the feeling I had when I was in junior high at a sleepover. The nerdy Catholic girls let me hang out with them were there, along with a girl from public school named Chris. That was my name when I was little. We were having some sort of seance. The girl was on her back.
She was out for longer than expected, and all I remember is a feeling of other fear and protection went through me. Like she was my sister, and she was dying, and I had to bring her back.
I suffered from debilitating anxiety as a child,… Partially because of unnamed traumas. And also because… Well you know that movie, the double life of Veronique? There’s a line in it that sticks out though I was just in college at the time.
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The line is, I feel that I’m not alone. I’m not alone in the world.
As I’ve written on here before, since I was a child, I felt that I was missing my twin. This moment when I was 13, at the sleepover, I felt that same gape in my soul.
And I felt that same hole watching this burlesque performer. Though I didn’t quite understand it.
I talked better with
My writing than my
Mouth since forever, so at 13 I wrote the chris girl a letter. I talked about the closeness and utter protection I felt.
And she pretty
Much never talked
To me again.
Pretty much learned to not let my feelings out after that. To be embarrassed by the heaviness I felt.
That Veronique film? I never saw it, though I bought the couleurs trilogy, and then again bought the movie in 2010.
It’s funny that with the trilogy I saw blue & white, but never red.
Think I’ll watch it today.
I have not heard this song in a
Long long
Long time. It was my favorite silver scooter song
Of all time. I was hardcore
Into indie bands. Did you know that?
You just rolled your eyes at me! I saw you do
(He sighs. )
I think the point is Jakk, that these have been messages The Whole time. Including that line from Veronique which I haven’t even fucking seen.
And This song is all about everything that we’ve gone through since 2012. The lyrics.
“Say it.”
____When you walk away
Take my hand to stay
Think of what you've been dying to, been dying to, been dying to say
Pumpkin eyes you are a dream
Look away from everything
Seems like what you wanted, isn't what you wanted anyway____
The last line is yours.
“Yes I am
Fully aware.”
And the dying to say, that’s me.
“Forever, tinka. That’s your line.
So say it all. “
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somediyprojects · 2 years ago
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The Wolf and the Lamb stitched by Prestigious-Alarm522. Pattern from the book Fables and Fairy Tales by Véronique Enginger.
“Really proud of this one 😊 I still consider myself a beginner but I feel like I've learnt so much. This the most complex piece I've done so far.
I changed the grey thread in the pattern for sparkly silver thread and added a few minor changes. Backstitching took me like 100 years 😵 (or it felt like it).
Pattern by Véronique Enginger from her book Fables: contes et comptines à broder au point de croix.”
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byneddiedingo · 2 years ago
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Gérard Depardieu and Fanny Ardant in The Woman Next Door (François Truffaut, 1981) Cast: Gérard Depardieu, Fanny Ardant, Henri Garcin, Michèle Baumgartner, Véronique Silver. Screenplay: François Truffaut, Suzanne Schiffman, Jean Aurel. Cinematography: William Lubtchansky. Music: Georges Delerue. François Truffaut's penultimate film skims along the surface of romantic melodrama (not to say soap opera) without ever really picking up any of that genre's essential energy the way filmmakers like Douglas Sirk or his great European admirer Rainer Werner Fassbinder were able to do. It's a film full of Truffaut touches, such as having the story introduced by a secondary character, Mme. Jouve (Véronique Silver), an older woman who has her own history of disastrously blighted love. Mme. Jouve even orders the camera about as she sets up the narrative. There are also some intriguing details about the characters that seem to have symbolic potential. For example, both husbands, Bernard (Gérard Depardieu) and Philippe (Henri Garcin), have managerial jobs that involve transportation: Philippe is an air traffic controller, and Bernard trains the captains of supertankers, working in a large outdoor scale model of a harbor for tankers -- a job that superficially resembles the one Antoine Doinel held in Truffaut's Bed and Board (1970), except that Bernard takes it much more seriously than Antoine did. Unfortunately, there's not much story here: Bernard and Matilde (Fanny Ardant) had been lovers, and after their separation each married someone else. Now Matilde and Philippe have moved in next door to Bernard and Arlette (Michèle Baumgartner), and the old love affair resumes, with painful results. It's only the finesse in the direction and acting, and the attention to secondary details, that give The Woman Next Door resonance and depth -- though perhaps not enough.
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openheartfanfics · 4 years ago
Meet the OPH MCs Masterlist
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Bryce Lahela
Ethan Ramsey
F!MC (A - N) 
F!MC (O - Z), M!MC, NB!MC
Jackie x M!MC
Dr. Jake Tweneboah - @ezekielbhandarivalleros 
Meet MC  |  The Past
_ Rafael x F!MC
Dr. Grace Sullivan - @inacrowdofchoices
Meet MC  |  The Past  |  The Present  |  The Future
Dr. Véronique Lucas - @princepotatosack
Meet MC
_ Rafael x M!MC
Dr. Matthew Rupert Valentine - @silver-rings-and-rabbits
Meet MC  |  The Present  |  The Future
_ Sienna x M!OC
Max Valentine - @liaromancewriter
Meet OC | Meet Sienna | Relationship Stats
_ Tobias x F!MC / F!OC
Dr. Adelaide Mae Barnes - @tveitertotwrites​
Meet MC | OC Children
Dr. Casey Rose MacTavish - @jerzwriter
Meet MC | Meet Tobias | Relationship Headcanon 
Dr. Kayla Herrera - @peonyblossom
Meet OC
Dr. Nyla Imani Hassan - @a-crepusculo
Meet OC
Dr, Samantha Carlson - @lucy-268
Meet MC
_ No LI or Broke Up with LI 
Dr. Brynn Sarah Cooper - @kat-tia801 
Meet MC
_ Aurora x M!OC
Dr. Kevin Isabella Arnold - @headoverheelsforramsey
Meet OC
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quelsentiment · 5 years ago
Thanks for tagging me Cami @pinkpoppunk 💕
Tag 8 people you would like to know better. 
Favorite colors: green has been my favourite too for a long time, but these days I’m gravitating towards purple and lavender as well
Last song I listened to: Silver by DMA’s. I love it and their new album, Louis’ got TASTE
Favorite musicians: 1d/solo, Florence + the Machine, Depeche Mode, Archive, Kate Bush, The Weeknd, Arcade Fire, Ben Howard, BROCKHAMPTON, Foals, Phoenix, Lorde, Spoon, Kanye West, Anathema. And then a lot of French artists, aka Emilie Simon, Michel Berger, PNL, Juliette Armanet, Orelsan, Christine and the Queens, Eddy de Pretto, Abd Al Malik, Véronique Sanson. I’ll stop there 😝
Last Film I Watched: And Then We Danced. I don’t often watch films these days but this one was incredible, much much recommended 🌈✨
Last TV Show I watched: I’m currently watching Avatar The Last Airbender and I’m loving it!! (thank you Sher 😌)
Favorite Original Character: any character from BBC Merlin
Sweet, Spicy or Savory: sweet 
Sparkling Water, tea or coffee: i hate sparkling water, i quite like tea, but i got back into coffee this year and yep, i’m addicted 😔
Pets: my family was never really into pets... we had a hamster for a very short time when i was like 7, but he died during a heat wave, poor little guy 🥺 and then we’ve had countless goldfish, the most memorable one being Saturnin, who lived for over 2 years (!!!) i think, but a neighbourhood cat came into our house one day and ate him. and this is why i hate cats 😳
tagging: @merrrrrrrrry @herefortommo @louhazpride @non-binharry @whatagreatproblemtohave @lovewallsontour @0ne-direction and @flamboyo-xx 💜 (feel free to ignore of course!)
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detournementsmineurs · 2 years ago
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“La Femme d'à Côté” de François Truffaut (1981) avec Fanny Ardant, Gérard Depardieu, Michèle Baumgartner, Henri Garcin, Véronique Silver et Roger Van Hool, mai 2023.
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vm4vm0 · 5 years ago
CHARLOTTE CARDIN - THE KIDS (short film) from Kristof Brandl on Vimeo.
YDA Silver Screen @CANNES2018 New Director Showcase by Ridley Scott @CANNES2018 Best Cinematography @LUX AWARD 2018
Shot on Kodak Vision 3 500T Aaton Penelope 2 perf Arri 435 4 perf
With: Francis La Haye, Mylène Mackay, Hubert Proulx, Anthony Riendeau, Anne-Charlotte Côté, Liam Weisman, Ilan Sawan, Daniel Lapierre, Mathieu Lepage and Louise Latraverse.
V.O by Victoria Diamond & Dusan Dukic
Directed & Edited by Kristof Brandl Written by Kristof Brandl & Shane Patrick Cinematographer: Christophe Collette, CSC Additional Cinematography: Kristof Brandl Executive Producer: Alexandre Auray Line Producer: Clara L’Heureux-Garcia Focus Puller: Maxime Boutin 2nd Camera Assistant: Erin Weisgerber Camera Loader: Robin Rigault 8mm & Super 16mm: Benoît Jones-Vallée & Laurent Schrænen Set Photographer: Gaëlle Leroyer Gaffer: Jacques Girard Best boy: Conrad Roy & Louis Cloutier Key Grip: Stéphane Klopp Best Boy: Marcel Bonneville, Camille Bergeron Bégin Sound Man: Laurent Ouellette, Dominic Remiro Grading: Simon Boisx Art Director: Frédérique Ste-Marie & Maxime Normand Art Assistant: Sophie B.Jacques, Geneviève Boiteau, Véronique Perreault, Yann Filly-Paré Costume: Amanda Van Der Siebes Makeup and Hair: Catherine Brunelle Flame Artist & VFX Supervisor: Flore Mounier @MikrosMPC Special Effects: Remy Couture Special Effects Supervisor: Blood Brothers Stunt Coordinator: Jean-François Lachapelle Riggers: Stéphane Julien et Sébastien Peres 1st Assistant Director: Clara L’Heureux-Garcia 2nd Assistant Director: Mathieu Turcotte Production Coordinator: Gabrielle Dussault Unit Manager: Joseph Liane Key Production Assistant: Jeremy Hughes Production Assistant: Patrice Arseneault, Iskouhie Yacoub, Georges Mazraani Film Lab: MELS Sound Design: Jean-David Perron & Theo "Lewis" Porcet @CULT NATION
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boireuncoup · 7 years ago
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bacejelerenvorthos · 6 years ago
The Lore of Zendikar: Akoum (Part 1)
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“Jagged mountain peaks rise high into the air, topped by gravity-defying arches and spires. Titanic structures of crystalline rock formations, abyssal crevasses where magma bubbles and flows, desolate badlands of eroded volcanic rock, geysers of sulfurous water and vents of toxic gases — all these features define the harsh landscape of Akoum. Floating mountains, unmoored from the earth, hover in defiance of gravity, extending the uneven landscape upward as far as the eye can see. From the jagged obsidian cliffs at the coast to the soaring mountains called the Teeth of Akoum in the north, the region is bristling with angular spikes as if the land itself is trying to ward off any encroachment.
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Life in Akoum is harsh, perhaps more so than anywhere else on tumultuous Zendikar. Its largest settlement, Affa, was a tiny cluster of stone and brick buildings nestled in what pass for foothills at the base of the Teeth of Akoum — before disaster drove its scant population underground. Akoum’s greatest concentration of people is not a settlement at all but the giant caravan of Goma Fada.
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Most of the land is cracked and dry, but hardy plants and animals find a way to thrive in unlikely places. Trees and shrubs cluster around volcanic gas vents, defining environments unlike anything else on Zendikar. Aggressive silver and blue grasses take root in volcanic stone and spread rapidly, providing meager fare for the larger fauna of the region. From time to time a volcanic burst brings fertile earth to the surface, and Akoum springs into beautiful flora in an event the elves call a ‘life bloom.’
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Creatures that can survive this rugged land are as tough and dangerous as their environment. Even the mammals have some form of hard carapace or shell, and many forms of insect life, from tiny beetles to enormous burrowing geopedes, thrive in the ground. Various kinds of elementals — living embodiments of earth, fire, and magma — are the most common predators.”
Art by Véronique Meignaud, John Avon, Johann Bodin, and Adi Granov
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met-photos · 6 years ago
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VIe Station. Ste Véronique essuie la face sanglante de Jésus. Aucune marque extérieure n'indique cette station. La tradition la place au pied du petit escalier by Louis de Clercq, The Met's Photos
Gilman Collection, Gift of The Howard Gilman Foundation, 2005 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY Medium: Albumen silver print from paper negative
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