theartifxce · 7 months
“I don’t understand why you are still here.”
“I don’t understand why you are still here.”
✖  — ; Her knife-like words had dulled upon it's delivery. Johan stared blankly at her flushed demeanor, observing the specs of sweat glistening across her hot porcelain skin as she struggled to catch her breath. Completely unmoved by her attempt to wound him with her callous façade - Johan lifted his hands and placed a cold towel on her forehead.
"You should save your energy, Anna." He uttered warmly, purposely contrasting her cold tone from earlier in order for the guilt to seep in and fester. And it worked because her once tense body relaxed from its stubborn performance just before she sighed. Her fiery eyes eased upon his form and her lips pouted from its protest.
He understood the extent of her anger - and his silence was in no way trying to displace her feelings. But the emotional explosion she has displayed over the day has now landed her in her current state; a high fever of 104.6. Retreating, Anna threw her arm over her eyes. He was fine with her ignoring his presence.
The quiet that replaced the battle that took place in her living room was certainly a nice change of pace. Johan took in a deep breath and exhaled gingerly - relaxing his own nerves as he started to truly access the situation.
Unlike the expected dawn - Anna's outburst was abrupt like a terrible storm on a beautiful sunny day. He was only thankful that the Lieberts were not around to witness it. The pair have been left alone to mind the house while they were on a business trip. The first few days went without incident.
But late last night, something had triggered his dear sister and she collapsed. The natural distrust of adults and children alike made it painfully obvious not to call the doctor or even bring her to a hospital.
While she laid asleep, Johan read up as much as he could on her possible ailments given her symptoms. Without the colorful hues of her laughter painting the house with her fervor, Johan had been left alone with the hauntings of his mind.
Her terrible scream shook him to the core. No matter how hard he tried, it was not something he could rid off his mind. The sound repeated over and over - the shriek of terror and confusion. The blond tried to steel himself, but the past was beckoned for him - to the time at the 3 Frogs when he was first exposed to the sound of pure fear.
He held her hands in his - one of the only things he was able to afford her in the past. He nearly dozed off when he felt Anna shuffle from her spot on the bed. When he prompted his head, the sight in front of him plummeted his heart into his gut. For the first time, his mechanical expression was broken by a look of astonishment and anxiety.
Anna was backed into a corner, staring at him as if he was a monster with fangs and claws. He slowly edged closer and that was when Anna ran towards the living room in a frenzy, panting heavily as doing the meager task took a toll on her body.
She was still sick and that is why Johan was able to easily catch her by the arm. Instinctively, his sister turned and clawed his face, causing him to let go immediately. The stinging burn on his face further shocked him. He cupped his cheek, wondering what exactly happened to him, doubting that his sister would hurt him in this way. But once he looked at the spats of blood on the palm of his hand, he accepted the truth for what it was.
He couldn't understand what was going on with his twin sister. But he knew that in order to handle the situation, he needed to detach his sensitivity. His eyes became lifeless, as if he had turned off his soul when facing his sister once again.
She pressed herself against the wall, looking like a cornered wounded animal. He planted his feet into the ground and appeared to have no intentions on coming closer when he finally opened his mouth and said with a strict tone.
"Anna - you need to rest. You're sick."
"Stay away from me!!!" She shouted coarsely.
"..." Johan simply stared, expressionless and aloof.
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"You were there when they came - wh-when Mother threw me away."
He watched as pools of tears welled in her eyes, teetering on the edge of her waterline refusing to fall in her stubborn nature. She took in a deep breath, her cheeks and nose red as her lamentations choked against her throat.
"...You just stood there as they dragged me away."
Johan thought he could turn off his humanity like he had in 511. But he should have known - he never could when it came to his sister because her words shattered him. In his defense, he forced that nameless smile upon his features in order to harden himself. But that had only made matters worse.
"WHY ARE YOU SMILING?!!?" Anna screamed in a fit of anger, panting exhaustingly as she now took a step forward from her hiding place.
Yet, Johan did not budge.
"Come on Anna, go back to bed." He said sweetly, trying to deescalate the whole ordeal, not liking where the conversation was going. The warmth of his blood dripping down to his chin reminded him of the gash his sister had given him and it was now he understood why she was so angry.
She remembered it all from that fateful day. Something from the night before triggered the memory he worked so hard to repress. All for naught.
"THEN YOU MADE ME FORGET IT ALL!!! TRICKED ME THAT NOTHING HAD ACTUALLY HAPPENED TO ME. WHY?!!" She cried out, stepping even closer to Johan and he could feel the tension rising in the room they shared. Yet, he stood as still as a statue.
She gripped her head, her voice quivering as Anna tried to take in a few breathes and exhale.
"All those dead people...the darkness..." and just as it looked as though her knees would give away, Johan rushed forward and caught her in his arms once she fell forward, unconscious once again.
Now, she was up once again - this time a bit more composed. Emotional, but at least it was not in a fit of rage. Each time he opened his mouth, the words retreated down his throat. But he knew, his refusal to speak was an admittance of guilt. Given the situation, Anna needed him to be sincere for once.
"...If I could take it all back..." He started off in almost a whisper. He took a deep breath and continued.
"On that day, when the Monster came - if I could take it all back and just give up myself up instead...I would do it in a heartbeat." He felt Anna's eyes on him now but he refused to make eye contact.
"If I had known that mother was capable of giving you up, I never would have clung to her believing her up until the very end."
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inproelia · 1 year
will you stay with me while i sleep? //I SLIDE... a baby joshua here.
P R O M P T S - F O R - W O U N D S
It was almost like a whisper; the soft plea which slipped from his younger brother’s lips. He nearly thought he had imagined it at first. Gingerly, he turned with a curious and expecting gaze, gently resting upon his brother’s tiny frame. He observed Joshua’s demeanor and was able to detail the feelings whirling inside of him from one look alone. With his shoulders hunched, his head bowed in shame and his eyes fixated upon the ground – it was clear that his brother hated being so vulnerable in front of the one he admired most. Given his young age and the unfair social pressures that chisel away at his innocence – Clive was aware at how heavy a burden those tiny shoulders carried on a daily basis.
If the Founder would have it, Clive would take it all away without a moment’s hesitation. But alas, easing his young brother’s concerns at night was all he could offer aside from his sword. Clive turned his gaze out the open window, admiring the full moon and its iridescence that dispelled the shadows within his brother’s chambers. A light snicker hummed at the back of his throat before he turned on his heel and took a few steps towards Joshua.
With a firm hand, he gripped the other’s shoulders, lightly shaking him as he said, “What’s this? Suddenly embarrassed to make requests of me brother?” He joked, hoping to clear the tension in the air. It wasn’t like Clive could dismiss his concerns by telling him monsters didn't exist.  Being the Dominant of Fire has painted a precariously large target on his head. It was this harsh reality that robbed him of his youth and gave birth to the embers of his constant distress.
While Joshua hid it well; there were times when he’d let his façade down, only for Clive of course.  It was this honor that made Clive eager to do anything at all to help him. A sigh slipped through his rose colored lips, the smile which had been etched across his features dipped. “Did Father’s tales and warnings scare you, Joshua?” He asked earnestly, reflecting on the very words the Duke had shared with Joshua and the 1st shield of Rosaria in the early afternoon.
With the Iron kingdom being a constant threat, their father thought it a good idea to remind Joshua that he was incapable of living like most normal boys – that his life would always be in danger. He warned HIM sternly to never leave Clive’s side. It was one of the only times the Duke had been strict with Joshua.
Clive placed a gentle hand at his back and urged him towards the bed.  “Come, let’s get to bed Joshua.” He pulled out a chair from his desk, turned it and sat, leaning his chest against the wooden backings of its frame.
Again, he smiled softly as the two now locked eyes. For a moment he allowed the silence to linger before he finally said,
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“Tell me, what’s on your mind brother?”
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cephydeluxe · 2 months
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old joke lol post it anyway
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Uzi: My boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss on the lips. What should I do?
V: Punch him in the stomach. Then, when he doubles over in pain, kiss him.
Lizzy: Tackle him.
J: Dump him.
Doll: Kick him in the shin.
N: No to all of those!!! Just ask me to lean down!
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pochipop · 1 year
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#. synopsis! — how they show their trust .
#. characters! — jumin, zen (hyun), yoosung, saeyoung (707), saeran (ray), jihyun (v) .
#. warnings! — slight angst.
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
#. a/n! — come join my discord server? it's newly opened with a fantasy bakery theme! we have emojis from genshin impact, honkai star rail, sanrio, overwatch, pokemon, mystic messenger, and more! a collection of funny stickers, channels to promote yourself, meet new friends, share your writing/art, + lots more! plus, our staff is very chill and friendly! we'd love to see you there! <;33
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# JUMIN !! ♡
Jumin, who never really thought himself to be the romantic type, but loses himself so easily in his relationship with you that he’d do anything imaginable just to see you smile for him. This sophisticated, pressed-suit wearing, stone-faced man who just crumbles when it comes to you, —who once thought love was some sick ruse made to rope people in and keep them hostage to their feelings, suddenly realizing that this rush is marvelous, and he can’t quite clearly remember a time before his heart seemed to beat for you. This man who swore he’d never love someone enough to put aside everything else on his mind and just live in the moment who sheds that dry cleaned business attire at the end of every workday and lets himself come undone for you. His walls come down and he welcomes you inside, and for once, he’s not scared of what will happen when you see the parts of him that perhaps aren’t as pretty as others. He lets you see the beautiful mess he’s made of himself over the years, and it’s then that he begins to pick up all these tattered pieces, finally preparing to put himself back together again. And recognizing you’ll help him do so is the sweetest comfort he’s ever known.
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# HYUN (ZEN) !! ♡
Hyun, who stops pretending to be perfect over time and lets you see him in all the stages of healing. This man who often shields himself from the world, hiding behind a mask of narcissistic confidence, who finally lets his imperfections seep through to the surface and breathes another sigh of relief every single time you stay in the aftermath. He lets you in on the insecurities that lap at his ankles much more often than he'd ever had liked to have admitted before. He lets you hold him when he shatters instead of pushing you away, —dulls all his rigid edges to feel your warmth surround him, as if lowering all his defenses for the very first time. The world can be a cruel place to those that have made mistakes, but Hyun feels like he's finally found someone who can look at him for more than just the pretty, well-kempt face he maintains for the public. There's no sense of shame he feels the need to drown in when you let him fall apart in your arms. There's no crushing feeling of disappointment or suffocating feeling of disdain. He's more human than he fears he's ever been when your thumbs wipe the tears from beneath his eyes and you whisper to him that everything will be okay.
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# YOOSUNG !! ♡
Yoosung, who learns over time how to not let things fester until they’ve built up so much he can’t keep them in any longer. For all he is and might not ever be, he’s come to realize that it’s okay to express his emotions before they reach a boiling point. He comes to you at the onset of upsetedness, —allows himself to feel frustrated without stuffing it down and pretending the problem doesn’t exist until it explodes. He finds that it’s so much easier to be earnest when you never talk down to him or make him feel like he’s any less of a person in your eyes because of it. Sometimes he needs advice, and other times, he just needs someone to talk to. No matter the case, he seeks you out before anyone else, knowing that you care enough about him to value his thoughts and opinions without qualifiers or regulations. He holds grudges sometimes that aren’t good for his own sake, and being shut down when he tries to address them only adds fuel to the fire. Having someone who truly listens and tells him that it’s okay to feel the way he does goes such a long way, —perhaps longer than you’ll ever know.
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# SAEYOUNG (707) !! ♡
Saeyoung, who lets himself be honest eventually, —who lets himself chip away and then lets you smooth him over. He’s done a lot of things he’s not proud of, and he doesn’t need anyone to tell him that it wasn’t his fault. Whether it was or wasn’t doesn’t matter as much as what he knows he has to do going forward, and the last thing he really wants is to be coddled out of pity. He just wants to be heard, no sympathy necessary, no fawning over the way he sheds the skin he used to wear when he felt like happiness was millions of miles away. He just wants to be listened to. To Saeyoung, it’s the ultimate show of trust to admit to all the things he regrets, let them spill out like word vomit and not have to worry about the consequences. He doesn’t need you to understand, and knows you likely can’t given the specifics of his life’s course thus far, but knowing that you’re keen on carrying the burden with him is such an insurmountable feeling of relief. Finally, someone knows every grimy little corner of his soul and they still love him, still hold him, still want him. . . There’s nothing quite like it.
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# SAERAN (RAY) !! ♡
Saeran, who lets little things slip as time goes on, —stares a little longer when he passes twin popsicles in grocery stores because he knows you won’t ask why. As much as he likes to pretend that he can fix things by pretending they never hurt him in the first place, there are always scars that linger just below the surface, ready to burst at the first sight of mint-colored liquids or at the first sound of deceptively sweet voices offering commands from the shadows. He carries a lot around with him wherever he goes, and just loving him until the sun dies isn’t a cure-all. You can’t turn back time and shield him from all the things in his life that have left him feeling like a shattered stain glass window. All the love in the world can’t fix the past. But there’s nothing that means more to him than knowing he can lean on you, —even if he doesn’t always do it. There’s such a sweet comfort in knowing he can turn to you when he feels like he’s drowning. And if sometimes that manifests only in letting himself shed a few tears while he eats an ice cream cone outside next to you in the sunshine, then so be it.
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# JIHYUN (V) !! ♡
Jihyun, who talks about it all a little at a time, —about the good and the bad, the ugly and the beautiful; because it wasn’t always bad. There were times before you came in which he’d been so in love that he’d have done anything to stay exactly where he was, to freeze those moments up and keep them in a capsule that could never be shaken. And it’s important for Jihyun to tell you about those things every now and again, to let you in and reminisce on the way he’d once been so sure of it all, so ready to settle down and stay exactly where he was. But it’s equally as important for him to bare the remnants of the betrayal for you to kiss, and hold, and make peace with. He likes to think you understand him better in the wake of it, —that you’ve seen him in a new light every time he sits with you and tells you of the loss, the desire, the yearning, and all the ways he wishes things could have been different for everyone. In the end, he’s here, and there’s nowhere else he’d rather be.
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837 notes · View notes
Cicero: I'm a reverse necromancer.
Babette: Isn't that just killing people?
Cicero: Ah, technicality.
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intr0verted-weird0 · 11 months
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Mint Eye Idol Project 🎸 2023
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zootopiathingz · 2 months
Charlie: hey, wanna come eat what my dad made?
Alastor: what did he make?
Charlie: me.
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harbingersecho · 4 months
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I don't feel pain I never escape I'm under the bed I'm licking the floor
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b1odeuwed · 10 months
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haiiii. ausmp s2 aimsey design
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glandot · 2 years
Unknown redesign !!
This is a bit of a hot take, since i changed him a lot more than i changed 707. I just thought something more mysterious would better suit his personality :⁠-⁠P i also made his hair significantly messier than 7, to kinda show his life has been rough since they separated. I dunno!
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theartifxce · 1 year
"Shit!" Few things make the hair on his neck twitch, and after some consideration Kenzo is well versed in accepting his fate. Except when in the hands of an absolute monster. He holds a scalpel, the only weapon at his disposal in an otherwise empty, dimly lit office. "I-I guess old habits die hard." 👀
A smile had formed upon hearing the other break out of decorum; an ugly twisted little thing pulled at the edges of his rose colored lips. He took his sweet time walking down the empty hall, the slow tapping of his shoes leaving behind a haunting  while following closely behind the vulnerable doctor. With his hands tied behind his back and his shoulders pronounced in his veneered poise; Johan paused at the open doorway and turned when he finally spotted the other, barely - in a poorly lit office space.
Johan's snake-like eyes contradicted the gentleness of his demeanor. His contorted shadow stretched along the only source of light on the floor painted his being in a more candid way. He stopped after only taking a few steps into the room, not wanting to corner the already frightened man before him. He took a moment to consider the room, reading the golden nameplate on the desk as “Kenzo Tenma” and he smiled amusingly.
“Hello, Dr Tenma.” The words slithered off of his tongue in a gracious manner. Then he locked eyes with his, reveling in the clear apprehension and confusion pooling in his autumn hues. “Why do you look as though you’ve seen a ghost Dr?” He teased, a light chuckle humming at the back of his throat. He closed his eyes and unfolded his hands from behind his back - as a way to relieve the other that there was nothing being concealed about him; not a weapon or a trick up his sleeve.
“Are you really that surprised to see me?” He allowed his words to linger in the air before continuing, “ - Given you’re the one who brought me to life once again?” He mocked - a slight tinge in his tone blundered his usual restricted speech. Finally, he reopened his eyes and stared, focusing now on the scalpel in his hand. He was quite entertained by his weapon of choice. It was ironic but also very fitting. If the kindhearted Doctor would choose to end his life now out of all the more suitable moments the call for his death was necessary, Johan would simply let him do it. 
 It was only then did he raise his arms up to depict there was no need for such hostility. “ Please rest assured Dr, I am only here to talk with you.” As if he would trust his mechanical, half baked smile for anything human. But given the circumstance, did he truly have any other choice? “Of course, if you’d rather take my life with that scalpel in your hand, you’re more than welcome to do that as well.”
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He offered him a way out - the only other way out.
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inproelia · 1 year
is that your blood? (from Olivier / and hello!)
✘ — ; Clive flinched at the question, feeling caught in a terrible act. A quick glance at his attire and the specks of blood that adorned it – guilt festered as the adrenaline from his battle dissipated.  As the child stepped forward in wonder, Clive naturally stumbled back. 
He threw a defensive hand before him and said airily, “Stay back – you’ll get blood on you.” The flashes of lightning illuminated the room – shedding light on the lifeless bodies Clive ruthlessly cut down in his pursuit. It was never a second thought – to show mercy when it was his life or theirs.
But now, under the gaze of a child; Clive began to question the honor behind his blade. The grip on his hilt loosened and he bowed his head, taking his eyes off of the boy for a moment.
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“You should run along…this isn’t the place for you.”
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cephydeluxe · 2 months
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secret scrapped v route bad ending leaked
real talk I have like so many of these edits should I spam post them lol
@zentherainbowunicorn for photoshop template
EDIT: I JUST REALIZED THE MISTAKE FUCK but I already posted it whatever skjdskhdsjhfskj
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V: Why are you lying on the floor?
N: Oh, I’m just vibing!
N: Also I was shot, please don’t tell Uzi.
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mochiimiiki · 1 year
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| Saeran Choi Headcanons |
{GE Saeran x mc}
Warnings: spoilers for Saeran/ Ray route and after ending, sevens real name, some parts slightly suggestive (will be marker) so feel free to ignore those bits
A/N: the amount of pain and angst this man specifically has gone through is unbearable, out of all of the RFA members him and seven had it worst (my opinion). Anyways some happy hc because i think he deserves to be happy
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After everything was resolved between Saeran and Saeyoung (which mind you took a while) the three of you decided to move and leave behind Saeyoung’s bunker, a place you had called home for the last six months
the reason for this choice was quite simple; a reminder of what was.
the twins didn’t need a reminder of everything that had happened over the course of time anymore than they needed the unpleasant memories. So they left.
The house which saeran and you moved to is a beautiful cottage, with a small farm attached. Saeran spends most of his days attending to the livestock and garden he grows, don’t worry though he definitely doesn’t neglect you (whether saeyoung came or not is up to you)
Saeran spends his days down in the dirt, very literally. As he’s all hands and knees and very much determined the best plants are grown from intense love and care
other than gardening and farming Saeran’s other past times are reading. He doesn’t have a particularly favourite genre but loves a good book with a happy ending. He reads all the books he can possibly get his hands on, very much including children books and fantasy novels. He was deprived of imagination when he was small so now he allows himself to indulge in it as he’s free to do
Saeran spends as much time with Saeyoung as he does his garden. This is mostly because Saeyoung is always around helping out on the farm, trying after years of being seperated to bond with his brother. Saeran deeply appreciates Saeyoung doing this as he knows being outside is something out of a comfort zone for Saeyoung (with unpleasant memories still always fresh Saeyoung feels safest behind a desk and screen).
Saeran is actually afraid of the dark so hopefully you don’t mind but he keeps a little nightlight by his bed side, it’s actually a cat and can change all sort of colours. It was invented by Saeyoung no doubt. Saeran treasures it with his whole heart.
Everytime you and Saeran go shopping he always collects a little toy, his inner child never had so much as a teddy bear so when he sees something he likes he gets it. Of course he asks you if he even should or if that’s silly, but naturally you insist that it’ll help heal his inner child.
Everytime Saeran sees you he gives you a kiss. On the forehead, cheek, neck, shoulder or lips it really doesn’t matter. He feels like giving you a kiss each time you see one another. It grounds him, reminds him that even though he has nightmares this, with you, is real.
Which means he ends up kissing you very often; you’re watching tv and he comes in from the garden. A kiss. You’re making dinner together and you go to the toilet, come back, a kiss. it doesn’t matter how much time apart you’ve spent. He just has to give you a kiss.
Now as mentioned before he does get nightmares and unfortunately they’re quite often, gently shake him awake if you hear him crying out in his sleep and murmur that it’ll be okay. He’ll hold you without saying anything until he drifts off again. Over time they fade away as he heals.
{suggestive} each time the two of you make love, and yes it’s 100% love making, saeran makes it his duty to tend to you. Running a soft, warm cloth over your body as you come down from your high. fixing your sweaty hair out of your face before heading off to fetch you some water and maybe a snack if you’re hungry. He treasures you and shows you that every way possible.
ofc u should give him aftercare everyone once in awhile (after you do he’ll not stop kissing ur face <3)
Saeran is a very tactile person. He went so long without physical touch that now he has yours he won’t let it go, ever. Has a hand on you, hovering about you or grabbing you every time he’s around. It’s probably another form of grounding for him, especially in crowded places where he feels very out of place and anxious.
Saeran 100% has hands on you everytime you kiss as well. and i mean everytime.
Work wise neither you nor saeran probably need to work as saeyoung has a lot of money and sold multiple cars to give saeran money. (he confirms at one point the gathering of cars was for his family)
However, Saeran never got to experience normal work and pay and so he does in fact work for awhile. He stays on with Jumin even after Jumin got elected and worked as part of a security team for a few months. But when you guys moved to the cottage/ farm he quit his job to focus on his life with you and Saeyoung. He just wanted a little bit of normalcy to feel complete.
One thing that doesn’t sit right with him no matter how much time has gone by is being out and about in a normal shop with normal people. It just never feels quite normal. He will of course insist on coming with you anytime you want to go shopping but other than that he doesn’t express any interest in exploring things like the cinema or public pools. Public places with so many people make him uncomfortable, especially with the way he’s recognised now because of the debacle with his dad.
His sanctuary is being in your arms, chatting with Saeyoung and your little farm together. (farmer Saeran brainrot)
Saeran devotes everything he has to you, that fact does not change no matter how much time passes. Every choice he makes is with you in mind, despite the fact you trying to dissuade him in order for him to form his own choices. But they are still his own decisions that he was free to make, he didn’t decide these things because he felt indebted to you but rather because he simply adores you and that was what he wanted to do to show you.
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