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leonidnovokov · 2 years ago
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     vienna is so beautiful this time of year, natya, i am so very glad you could join me. it is a shame to experience such stunning sights alone - and you are alone, this time, i have been sure of it. did you really think something as mundane as a prison cell could hold me? did you think your little american whipping boy would be able to contain me? it has always only ever been a matter of time. 
     leo watches her leave the train station and finishes his coffee, his pastry, and waits to take note of the taxi she climbs into; he thinks she might have seen him. a flash glimpse he is sure she will spend time wondering about. leo follows and follows and is sure to be spotted in her periphery enough times that her sightings become rarer, the more invisible she makes herself. she will have called her american, of that leo is certain, so time is of course short. 
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leonidnovokov · 5 years ago
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she is as beautiful as the day he first saw her. it was across a table where aleksander and alexei were laughing, two other women with them, and natalia sandwiched in between. leo remembers being in love at first sight (an american cliche, but cliches are that way for a reason) and spent most of the night enraptured with every word. it didn’t matter she was alexei’s wife. it didn’t matter at all. 
           ❛  Здравствуй милый.  ❜     hello, darling.
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leonidnovokov · 5 years ago
@russiasredguardian​ said / you wouldn’t want to start a war.
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            ❛  oh, brother. comrade.  ❜       
when an entire country trains you to hate with the very fire of your soul? it sticks. when the heroes tell you fate has a far greater meaning for your life than simply surviving and then ask you to serve? you fucking serve. you are of service. 
and then you get frozen in a block of ice and wake up forty years later only to find the war you were trained to fight has been won, and not only that, by the opposite fucking side. 
     ❛  that’s exactly what i’m going to do.  ❜
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leonidnovokov · 8 years ago
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        the girl is PRETTY, even when harassed and busy as she appears. leo has never been one for pretty women, too frivolous and easily caught, preferring more to taste the wicked bite of a COLD THRILL. he likes ice. this girl is a sunflower seed. charlotte danvers. he remembers a child barely taller than his knees. when the clerk drops the bill on the counter, it’s leo who slides his wallet across, palm settling on the small of her back and smiles widely, as if this was so EVERYDAY for the two of them.     “  i’ll get it. sorry i’m LATE, traffic was to die for.  “  
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leonidnovokov · 8 years ago
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       from afar, there is a RADIANCE which seems to follow as a shadow might; not to be confused with lightness of being, of course, they’ve come from a cold and dark winter -- she is a BLACK WIDOW, after all. dampness seeps in through the battered leather of his jacket, a chill in the air despite the new york summer, and his HEAVY BROWN BOOTS are soaked through to the toes. 
                    “  no umbrella, gospozha?  “     madame, as if he owes her respect. madame, as if they are acquaintances meeting through purpose. madame, as if he’s SNUCK UP, as if she didn’t know he was there.   ( leo is proud, not stupid. she probably knew he was in new york before his FLIGHT TOUCHED DOWN. )
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leonidnovokov · 8 years ago
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      leo smiles, serene and knowing, at THE WINTER SOLDIER from the other side of the glass; shield had it’s tricks, certainly, and with blood still oozing from knocked out teeth and broken fingers, there is nothing to be done. but ONE DAY they are going to make a mistake, and leonid will be a prisoner no longer. 
             “  you are not a realist, BUCKY.  “   the nickname is spat, bitten off, by a bastardisation of an american accent. 
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leonidnovokov · 8 years ago
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     LEO’S FIST lands hard, solid, a wet thud as it snaps whatever bone sits underneath the skin of his adversary; it’s incredibly SATISFYING, nearly masturbatory. back on wet concrete, head slapping against a new york sewer man hole. ( leo has done his research. the currently-choking on his own vomit and blood man at his feet? NEILL YOUNG. )  leo looks up, hands raised.    
                   “  who’s next?  “
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leonidnovokov · 5 years ago
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