#Uzi gets all her attitude from Nori
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dronebiscuitbat · 9 months ago
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 16)
They had done a decent job hiding this all from Khan until this point. The man had been busy fixing a malfunctioning main door and she had gotten quite good at hiding things from him. However that had to end when she was going to be forced to spend at least a couple of days staying in N's apartment, looking after his new daughter.
Khan decidedly did not need to know that her name was also on those adoption papers, and the longer she could keep that hidden the better, as much as N was someone she could let her guard down around, the same couldn't be said about the rest of the bunker, there were already rampant rumors flying around the bunker about her and N, not helped by them walking together with a baby to his apartment she was sure. She didn't need to give them any more fuel.
So now she was near the front of the bunker, looking for her dad to break the news that yes, N did end up adopting the baby they'd literally just told him he wasn't like… a few days ago.
She was sure that conversation was going to go well.
“Dad?” She called out, her voice echoing out in the much larger hall, absent of other people. At this hour, most sane people would be asleep, but not her, and it would likely be a little bit before her old man would want to stop working, that was one of the few things they shared; when a task needed to be done, neither of them stopped until their bodies demanded it.
“Here dronelette!” His voice came from above, and so her head turned towards it, only to find Khan awkwardly wrapped around a pipe, tightening a gasket on Door 2, honestly it almost looked like one of the weird ass positions she would take while writing something that caught her attention.
“How did you even get up there?” She asked, looking around for any evidence of a ladder or a stool and found neither.
“I scaled the pipes! What? Didn't think your old man could climb?” He chuckled lightly without loosing focus, tongue sticking out of his mouth as his eyelights scrunched up
“Uh no, actually.” Was all she said, watching as he worked for another minute before he wiped the nonexistent sweat of his brow and looked down.
Then with a semi-impressive level of balance and grace, jumped down from the rather high ceiling, using the other pipes as monkey bars before landing safely at her side.
Only to wince as his joints made a rather concerning noise.
“Agh, so it's been awhile…” He chuckled again, although this time a little sadly before turning to his daughter with a smile that seemed genuine.
“What did you need?” He asked, and Uzi shook off the strange feeling of awe watching her dad do something that was actually sort of risky like it was normal for him.
Only for it to be replaced by the nervousness of the reason she'd actually sought him out. Great…
“Uh yeah. I was just letting you know I need to stay over at N's tonight…”
Khan looked confused, but a smile still graced his face.
“Is that all? You normally wouldn't come find me for something small like that.”
“And… for possibly the next few days?” She finished, at which then Khan’s face fell, becoming more confused and a little concerned.
“Why's that? N's not sick is he? Can murder drones even get sick…?”
“No! He's fine, well mostly. It's just he needs my help with… uh something.” She was trying to avoid the inevitable. She knew playing the pronoun game with her dad was a habit, but one she'd only truly win if she had a door to slam in his face.
“Which is?” She winced, sweat appearing on her visor as she grinned warily, shifting her fingers together nervously.
“N ended up… adopting Tera. And he needs my help in taking care of her until he gets everything ready for her.”
Khan’s jaw was on the floor, put of all thing he'd expected out of his daughters mouth that was… not at the top of the list; along with “Bite me” or “Mind your freaking business.”
“He told me he wasn't going to.”
“He wasn't, but… Tera has an overheating issue and no one else seemed to want to deal with it.” She tried to explain without concerning him further.
Khan didn't say anything, so she felt the urge to continue impulsively.
“We talked about it, and we agreed that Mrs Rayn is a little too old to raise a baby. And We have a lot of experience with overheating… with him getting his new apartment, we thought…” She stopped suddenly. Realizing she had gone from talking about N to talking about them. As a unit.
“I-uh yeah, he talked to me about it first and I talked him through it all to make sure he was serious about it. I-I'm not on the papers or anything!”
She probably could have omitted that last part, but the way Khan was looking at her was making the usually rather quiet part of her brain requiring his approval speak up slightly louder.
She wasn't sure Khan entirely believed her, squinting at her with extreme suspicion, she glanced to the side, eyeing the way she came as if she regreted the entire trek up here.
“If you're just doing it to help them settle in. Wouldn't that only take a few hours? Or a day?” He began again slowly, still processing the sudden information.
“Normally, and that was the plan. But uh, he lacks the hardware to take care of her properly.”
“Rayn should have given him the cable and the bottles, what do you-”
“He doesn't have a side panel.” She interrupted him blunty, pausing whatever he was about to say next
Khan was quiet.
“No, you didnt mishear me. He doesn't have a side panel.”
“Everyone has one.”
“He doesn't.”
Khan blinked before he sighed heavily, thinking deeply on everything that was just discussed. He felt one of his hands start shaking, but he gripped it to make it stop.
“I had about the same reaction, but it makes sense, why would a disassembly drone ever need that kind of hardware?”
He nodded at that, before a different thought entered his head entirely.
“How do they raise their kids then?”
At that Uzi paused, she knew N's background, how he used to be a worker drone and had never been a pillbaby. So that thought had simply never entered her mind, but it did get her thinking…
Could N even pass down his code at all? Did it work the same way as with worker drones?
And if it did, what would his kids even look like? White eyelights? Yellow? Would they carry the same traits as a disassembly drone or would they just remain a worker drone?
“I don't think they do…” She answered, she didn't want to expose too much of N's past, that wasn't her story to tell, but her dad had been being… more tolerable as of late. “N was a worker drone before he became… what he is now. So I think all that hardware was removed.”
“He was? What did he used to do?” He asked, head tilted to the side.
“He…” She paused for a moment, deciding if N would mind if she said anything, he was pretty sensitive about his time at the manor; she decided giving him the very basics was enough. “He was a butler, he had white eyelights.”
“White. Huh.”
At that the conversation stagnated, and Uzi sighed, beginning to walk away.
“Now that you know, can I uh… go?” She gestured in the direction she was currently going, clearly not waiting for his answer as Khan seemed to be frozen, processing all of this information.
But he nodded, dumbly. And she took that as her que to book it, not stopping until she was certain that even if her dad wanted to catch up, she'd be long gone. Perfect for making an undetected journey back.
She didn't take the normal way back to N's apartment either, trying to avoid more stares from more judgemental faces, it was somehow worse now than it ever was, at least before they'd done it quietly, too scared to be noticed by her and be met with violence, but they seemed to sniff out her now softened edges, because now some drones didn't bother to hide it.
“Looks like the freak found a boy toy.”
“Of course she'd be freinds with a murder drone, she's all kinds of gross.”
“You think she let's him bite her? She's probably into it…”
One of those came from Lizzy, which was honestly so typical she barely even registered it. (Although she hadn't said anything in awhile, V probably had something to do with that.) But the other two, the one about N being a boy toy and her letting him bite her, were new, and came from a brand new mouth.
She wasn't sure if this particular girl had a thing for N, because both of those were rather strange places for someone's mind to default to, but whatever the case she'd made comments like that rather often, her name was… Chloe? That sounded right.
She was quiet before, Uzi thought, because she was a brand new face and voice for her, orange eyelights and rich black hair that went down to her shoulders. But that was literally the only thing Uzi could remember about her.
And the only reason she hadn't bitten back when she'd heard it was because N had been next to her, oblivious to it all, walking back to her place after the craziness that was prom. She'd also been tired, injured, and freaked out, but those things didn't stop her nearly as much as N's presence.
N didn't deserve that ridicule, not in the least. He was the sweetest guy on the entirety of Copper-9. And yet those comments were derogatory to him too, essentially calling him easy, for Uzi to be able to “get him.”
First. Ew, Not that Uzi wasn't attracted to him, she was. (Not like she was ever going to say anything.) But talking about anyone like that was gross, and this was N, Her best freind.
Second. How dare she drag his name in the dirt with her! She could drag Uzi's name around all she wanted, it would just be treading old ground. But N? He'd done nothing to Chloe, except maybe make her feel things? She didn't know, those comments were so weird and uncomfortable.
She pushed out the thoughts from her mind when she reached N's door, partly thankful for her switch to being a night owl, she rarely saw any of her classmates anymore, except Thad. And when she did it was incredibly brief, when she was turning in her work.
Because yes, she was still going to school. She just did all of her work at home. What else was she supposed to do after murdering half her class? V had taken the blame, but that didn't mean everyone else didn't know the real culprit.
The door swished open, revealing N still on the couch, watching Tera as she rolled around playing with her jingling roll toy, he smiled when he looked up at her, worry leaving his visor somewhat.
“What'd he say?” He asked, motioning her to sit across from him, which she did, her eyes going back to Tera, who rolled over to her, jingling all the way.
“I mean, he asked a bunch of questions. But he didn't stop me sooo…” She flashed him a smirk and he felt his eyes roll, even still his smile didn't leave, instead he tried to relax, keeping an eye on the pillbaby as Uzi picked her up, looking down at her with a small smile.
“She's getting sleepy… do you know where that charger went?” N looked over and noticed that Tera's eyes were substantially dimmer, as well as her normal rolling had slowed down.
He plucked the charger put of the bag and handed it to her, and Uzi began the process of lifting her hoodie and undershirt enough to plug it into herself, thankfully, this didn't time it didn't seem to be painful.
She plugged the normally excitable rolling machine into her side and her eyes immediately brightened, and Uzi's visor immediately filled with a warning, telling her a foreign entity was drawing her power.
She closed it instantly, old JCJenson warnings that no longer applied. The pop-ups were still annoying regardless.
“There you go, happy now?” She asked the infant as if she could respond, and she did, by rolling into Uzi's chest and yawning, before quickly falling into sleep mode.
N just watched, smile never once fading from his face. He'd known that he rather liked seeing Uzi interact with Tera, as she was normally at her softest. But with that added context that this was now his daughter she was interacting with left him with his core full of fuzzy cotton.
“You're really good at that.” He pointed out as Uzi tried to get get comfortable with a baby attached to her, though it was rather difficult, as the cord was quite short and didn't leave much room to menuver.
But she still looked up at him, a small blush on her face that he caught a glimpse of before she turned away.
“Just practice is all.” She waved off, finally giving up on being comfortable and just sitting awkwardly stuffed into the couch with Tera laying on her stomach.
“You're still amazing at this. I would be totally freaking put right now without you being here.” He admitted, trying to make her take the compliment without waving it off, it was probably never going to happen though.
“Your instincts would have kicked in, and you'd get all fatherly on her without my help.” She laughed, and put a hand over Tera to steady her, as the action disturbed her slightly.
“Seriously, you're way better at this then you think you are.” She hummed, presumably to get him to shush about it.
At that moment Tera became unplugged, starting her into a fall off Uzi, rolling off and beginning to plumet to the hardwood floor, N immediately rocketed forward, catching the little pill before she ever touched the ground, even if it left him in the rather awkward position of his legs still on the couch as the rest of him was on the floor.
Tera giggled sleepily before going back into sleep mode, satisfied with her mischief.
“See? You already have the reflexes.” Uzi pointed out and caused N to look back at the pillbaby with a smile.
Maybe he could be alright at this after all.
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erinartemis · 11 months ago
Theory time!!
I already mentioned this is my long teaser analysis post, but I wanted to flesh it out a bit before the episode comes out and probably proves it wrong! ✨
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Okay, while like the "N killed Nori" theory, and I feel like it's very likely to end up happening, I have another theory that I'm kind of hoping happens instead-! I think that N is going to have a breakdown of sorts, as an emotional response to EVERYTHING the poor drone has been going through. Maybe there'll be a tipping point, where Uzi gets fully possessed, or almost dies, or N THINKS Uzi dies, or even Tessa trying to get him to kill her, that will push him over the edge. It has been shown multiple times in the show that N's go-to way of coping with things is repression; in fact, it's been mentioned so many times that it makes me feel like it must have SOME significance. He's able to maintain his happy-go-lucky attitude, but repressing all that trauma is NOT good... Eventually it'll lead to a breakdown. The X visor scene could happen when everything that he's been bottling up all comes rushing out at once.
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Additional evidence for my theory comes from the Black Friday merch promo. The whole premise is (at least very heavily implied) that N needed to release his emotions, and that he couldn't control turning into his "final form" and going on a rampage. I doubt a "final form" will actually appear in the show, but I do think there's a possibility that N reverts to his old murderous self because he can't handle everything anymore. Plus the fact that, when N comes back from running around as the N-dog plush in the ad, he says "it's even deeper down now! :D"... Implying N is STILL repressing things, because he doesn't know what else to do.
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So yeah, that's my "N has a breakdown" theory! xD VERY excited to see what actually goes down in the episode today!!
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ladydaybreaker · 1 month ago
Well, I finally got around to reading "Cross the Jaded Stars" and so I really wanted to leave a comment, but I felt like since I also wanted to ask a couple of questions, I decided it would be better to do it here.
I'll start by saying that this is probably the most unique RoleSwapAU for MD that I've ever seen and damn, I love that J is the main character. It was quite funny while reading to think about who is who and it was fun when I guessed, especially with the fact that Beau, N and Khan are also SD and I already have bets on Doll and Yeva. Also, of course, I can't help but note the differences from the original story, which only add to the fanfic's pluses.
But as I said earlier, I also had a couple of questions:
How did you come up with the idea of ​​who should take whose role? Especially interesting regarding DD, since the use of secondary characters was quite unexpected for me.
Why did J, N and V get these names? I can also guess about J and V since the beginning of their names is identical to how these letters are read, but how N became Emmett is a mystery to me (there is not even an N there).
Why does Jaelyn have this corporate slang? And what is her attitude towards people and JC Jenson in general? In canon, her loyalty made sense, but there must be another reason for this.
Since Cyn is just a drone from the colony, then if this is not a spoiler, then can we see or at least mention Johanna and Simon? Perhaps this can also be expanded to Ava.
Sorry if this is too much for one message, I needed to put these thoughts somewhere and understand a few things.
Oh my guy, do not feel bad for asking all the questions haha. I am always constantly checking ao3 to see if there are questions to answer (I'm a bit bad about it here but I try to get better!) So, let me see if I can answer your questions! (below the line for spoilers and for ease of access for the mobile users!
Ok so, J being the Uzi swap was a bit of a joke because @mephiles97 (SilverTails), DoodlingNutjob (She doesn't have tumblr from what I know) and I were all talking about how funny it was that each of Tessa's bots got with the Doorman kid or were the Doorman kid in our respective stories. Silver's got Serial Designation: C falling for the Doorman kid in Through the Looking Glass (There's Cyn). DoodlingNutjob, Heart, had Vera Doorman in Flipside (there's V). And I had of course N and Uzi for Ad Astra. Then we realized that...huh. J's alone.
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I made the joke a loooong while back that the only one that could make J chill tf out other than Tessa would be Sam. So that started talks of the crack ship we called "Business Casual"...
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As for the DDs, well, Sam was a given. I came up with Emily next mainly because I went "V swap...could play with the shy girl becomes monster...final girl...final monster Emily let's go." Lot of Emily's look I got inspiration from Sidney Prescott from Scream. So she became Serial Designation: E. And since I didn't want to do the common thing of Lizzy being the J swap Rebecca was the next one on the list...so she came to be known as Serial Designation: R.
My Solvers were...interesting. Mainly because I had the idea, because no one had done it before...having N be the Doll swap. And it tied in what I wanted for the Host...which I'll talk about in a bit :3 Part of me wanted Beau to be in here in some respect as a nod to both my co-conspirators Silver and Heart since they have him in prominent places in their swaps...that being the Doorman Kid for Through the Looking Glass and the Doll swap in Flipside. But with N taking the original place I wondered...what if I made him N's brother? So Beau became the second half of the Doll swap and Alice (and Luke!) became their parents as the Yeva and Alexei swaps which meant they unfortunately met their ends by E pre-story (plus, Nori and Alice being best friends was hilarious to me considering how hostile they are to each other anywhere else).
Cyn and V were fun to place. V taking Thad's original role (with N sharing it somewhat) but still being ready and willing to crack a few skulls was funny to me. And Cyn...well...I had Beau as half the Doll swap...seemed fitting that Cyn became the Lizzy swap. Except for the fact she's queen bee but is by no way the typical mean girl. She's just popular because of her friendliness and kindness...though can be a regular gremlin as Beau can tell you.
The Solver Host was probably the one after J I made. And with her...I kinda figured out where N went because I'm a sucker for tragic romances. I was very surprised that no one (that I had seen) had made Uzi the Solver Host...where Doll was rampant as the Host. Lumineary Arts and Heart being some of the big ones there that had her as it. I knew I wanted to do something big and dramatic because, c'mon, it's Uzi. So...I did two things. One: She has an illusion she constantly keeps up as a form of 'protection' and reassurance...that being of the scariest thing she can think of, a dragon. And two...I didn't do the 'Big Brother'-'Little Sister' relationship between her and S(am). I turned that into the Manor eNVy. And that fueled R(ebecca) and her manipulation tactics against S. "I won't hurt you like she did."
So I will admit for V I was lazy and Victoria seemed to sound right to me. Could go with 'Vicky' or 'Tori' (like I do with Ad Astra V's kiddo). But Vicky's got another thing going for her...she's undefeated in a fight (until the bar. And then against E. Which she is incredibly bitter over). J and N both have the same reasoning for them. I wanted something unique...but I do have nods to friends' works with J (Jaelyn uses many names to get into the bunkers. Joy is Silver's J, Jade is Heart's and Jeannette is The_Caretaker @existence-overwhelming and the name he uses for his series Eschatology.) I hadn't seen anyone use "Jaelyn" before so I used that. Emmett was the fun one because I was fruuuuustrated with the fact I couldn't find a normal name that no one had used. And I didn't feel like going obscure and hard to pronounce. So I played a bit with it. The reason it is what it is and why it has no N? Little two year old Beau couldn't say "Emmett" and it lisped out as "N". Alice and Luke didn't have the heart to correct him.
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So the reason for Jae still having the jargon thing is it's a glitch in her system that she hates. If she gets worked up, frustrated or scared enough she'll start speaking corporate jargon. Nori and Khan found this effing adorable when she was a kid despite the fact they don't like the megacorp. Jae doesn't care for them either but eh, what can you do? They're a million miles away and Jae's only one drone (Unlike Uzi in canon Jae's realized "The heck exactly am I going to do?"). It's also a thing of, if I didn't have the little corpo speak glitch people would eat me alive. It's my little reminder that "Guys, remember this is J, not Uzi." (I've had so many people go "but she shouldn't be so callous and willing to murder!")
Ah Joanna and Simon, my sweet little sibling units...Unfortunately Cyn's alone in this world, so if they were a thing they likely were killed by a DD or in a raid on the colony. Poor Cyn...you do not get your sibling units in my stories. As for Ava...Ava would have been on Earth or amongst the stars much like she is in Ad Astra...whether or not that means she's alive...well...that's just something that has yet to be seen :3
I hope that answered your questions! Please feel free to ask more, I like to gab about my stuff. I've been feeling kinda down on JS lately because it feels it's not getting the same amount of traction as Ad Astra or iNtersubJeCtiVe requital do. And I've been putting a lot of worldbuilding stuff into this one to make it unique as a swap. So, thank you. That made my day and renewed my hope a bit in this one.
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therabbitthatpostthings · 9 months ago
It’s V. V killed Nori.
I stand by this theory.
She knows Nori and Yeva were infected and most likely killed others like them, the ones that might of survived the initial blast as well. Of course all drones look identical but Nori and Uzi are exactly alike: thier Absolute Solver ability is yellow, their main eye and hair color is purple, the hairstyle, same attitude and general vibe, etc.
When she calls Uzi and her kind “conveniently innocent”, she’s referring to Nori who we know due to Khan’s “cannibalism and Nightcore” line that Nori was most likely eating people before the Disassembly Drones came.
As far as her programming let her see their job was to excite rouge AI bots that “killed the humans” which in turn would trigger an dormant bots and get rid of the ones Absolute Solver couldn’t take as a host, all while covering up her tracks while the exterminated the rest of the human colonized galaxy.
And yet, V still covered for Uzi after the camping trip. Saved her from the sentinels and entrusted N’s safety to her.
It just occurred to me that when V says (ep 2) “the one where your kind is so conveniently innocent.”
She’s referring to Absolute Solver. V is aware that SOMETHING involving Cyn and THAT symbol is nothing but trouble, even if she doesn’t fully remember. Before Uzi turns the arrow organic she’s was already on the defense against Uzi’s “special eye”.
Even if she’s didn’t remember exactly what Cyn did, it makes sense why she would not believe every human on planets like Copper 9 managed to wipe themselves out. She was rebuilt and “raised” by a human, they’re dumb but not that dumb.
So yeah, up until Doll mentions Uzi loosing her family (something that everyone knows about the Doorman Family) she has no reason to believe Uzi or any drone besides Doll because she personally killed Doll’s family.
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 months ago
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 106)
N helped Uzi follow her parents back into their apartment. V being dragged away by Lizzy despite the fact she'd didn't quite look like she wanted to leave just yet.
With Uzi riding on his back and both of his kids tucked into his arms, Bishop asleep and Tera… glaring daggers at Nori like she owed her money.
Khan was taking in the moment, constantly looking over at his wife like he was expected her to poof into dust or for him to wake up from a fever dream.
When he opened the door and let her inside, she stood in the middle of the living room, eyes scanning the apartment before she turned to face them.
“You put all my stuff away.” She observed, her expression nearly unreadable.
“I… you were gone so long…” Khan wilted slightly under her gaze, shuffling his feet.
She laughed, it sounded almost ethereal.
“It's just an observation Khan. Where'd ya put it when you thought I'd kicked it?” She smiled, Khan smiled back, almost love-struck.
He pointed his thumb to the closet door, labeled Nori's Kooky Insane Stuff.
She huffed in amusement. “I made that sign for a specific box, not all my stuff!” Khan smiled sheepishly, shrugging as if saying “I don't know, I thought I'd fit.”
N watched the exchange with a small smile, Uzi watching from his back in a mixture of awe and cringe from watching her parents be all awkward around each other.
Bishop squirmed in Ns arms, making a soft little babble up at him as he squinted his eyes, it got N's attention immediately and he hummed affectionately, bringing him up closer to his visor.
“Hey B, what is it you want buddy?”
Khan blinked from his awkward conversation, turning to look at N, who was placing Uzi on the couch gently.
“Need anything sweet bat?” He asked her, bringing his hand up to cup her cheek, which she leaned into without thinking
“Oil? I lost… a lot, and some cold sounds freaking amazing right now.” She replied, taking Bishop into her arms while N carried Tera on his shoulder.
“On it.” He leaned forward to kiss her forehead before moving off into her old room to find some.
She'd left some here just in case… good thing too, because he was getting low too.
Khan made his way up to Uzi, shuffling his hands together like he was nervous. Uzi rolled her eyes.
“His name is Bishop, Dad. And yes, you can hold him.” She held up the newborn, setting him in his grandfather's arms, he tensed for a moment before relaxing.
“Look at that… he's got white eyelights! Like me!” Khan grinned, brushing some silvery hair out of the little one's visor. “And skipped the pillbaby stage… ehehe.”
Bishop squinted up at him, bringing his tail up to chew on the vial.
“No stinger either…”
“Thankfully. Nanites in your internals don't feel very good… speaking from experience.” Nori commented, making Khan and Uzi look at her with hollowed eyelights.
“What?” Nori replied dumbly.
“Just as blunt as always…” Khan chuckled to himself before Nori came around to his side to look at Bishop too.
She cocked her head, examining him very closely. “Wonder why he didn't get yellow eyes, don't all murder drones have those?”
“He's not just a dissasembly drone though, he's got worker drone too.” Khan hummed, “Maybe he got it from me!” He grinned proudly.
Uzi thought more that Bishop got it from N's worker form. But she let her dad have his moment.
“Hmm.” Nori made a thinking noise, before shaking it off. “Suppose that makes sense.”
“NO!” Tera's indignant shout came from the bedroom, dripping with as much attitude a toddler could possibly have.
“Jellybean… what's the matter?”
N came out of her old bedroom with three oil cans, in one arm, and Tera's kicking, yelling form in the other, she seemed like she didn't want to come back out of Uzi's old bedroom.
“Here…” He handed a can to Nori and Uzi. “I'm not sure what's up with her… she's not usually like this.” He tried to hold Tera in a better position, but she suddenly bit his hand- hard.
“OW! Tera! What has gotten into you!?” He yelped as Tera scurried across the floor back into Uzi's old bedroom with feral hissing all the way.
He sighed. “Maybe she's upset at not being an only child anymore?” N offered, and Nori seemed to agree with him.
“Just a little mad she has to share Mama and Dada's attention now, I think.” She laughed again, covering her mouth as she did.
“It's… a little weird to have a Mu- ahem, a dissasembly drone as a grandson and… son in law.” She admitted, N rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Y-yeah uh…”
Khan jumped when Bishop starts wailing, throwing his balled up little fists around. “Ah… I think someone's hungry.”
He handed him off to Uzi, who chuckled lightly. “He's gonna be oil hungry like his Dad…”
She's laughing, cause otherwise she'd cry, she was gonna go through so much oil…
She filled a bottle N handed to her, and Bishop took it greedily, little fangs digging into the rubber tips as he suckled on it. He quieted as soon as the oil touched his lips, eyelights closing.
“There we go…”
“Your room is still set up to sleep in, I'm sure you're both tired… your mother and I have… a lot to talk about, regardless.” Khan glanced over at Nori, who blushed breifly. “B-bite me Khan!”
“Uh huh… talk.” Uzi hummed with a knowing look, causing Khan to flush himself.
“YES. Talk!” He clarified, raising his finger as his daughter chuckled, nodding as they both walked off towards Khan’s bedroom
N and Uzi both looked at each other, stress on all their features, before N reached down and picks her up, embracing her tightly. “It feels like today has lasted a month…” He admitted, speaking almost directly in her audial.
“Yeah…” Uzi agreed. “Mom's back and… Bishop, Tera.” She chuckled exhausted. “Kinda feels like a fever dream.”
“It's all good things though! Maybe all our bad luck was cashed in for good luck!” N smiled, giggling as he nuzzled Uzi's visor.
“I don’t think that's how luck works… but maybe.” She laughed eyelights dimming a little as a low power warning flickered on her visor.
“Hm, Bedtime then…”
“Carry me?” Uzi suggested, blushing slightly as Bishop curled up in her arms, listening to the core he was nestled inside of for months.
N laughed and kissed her on the forehead. “Course…”
He scooped her up and walked them to the bedroom, placing her on the bed and looking around for a certain squirmy kit.
Tera popped her head out of the pillowcase, to look at her parents, though N hadn't seen her yet, she looked guilty, crawling out to place her head over the hand she'd bitten.
“There she is! You wanna tell me why you're being so bitey?” N hummed, not so much angry about the bite itself, more worried about how out of character it was for her.
She licked the already healed wound. “Sowwry Papa…”
He picks her up “It's not okay to bite, but I'm not mad at you, you won't be in trouble if you tell me why.”
Little Tera furrowed her brow. “Don't feel good…”
N held her a little closer. “You don't feel good? Where?”
“Tummy…” She replied, almost dead quiet. “Lady makes it feel bad.” She finished.
“Lady? You mean Nori? That's just your grandma… why would she make your tummy feel bad?”
Tera shrugged, and made a face N is very familiar with-
“Nonono! Not on the bed!”
“Blegh!” She spilled her guts out. Thankfully out onto the floor and not on the bed, N having moved her in time.
“Aww… poor baby…” He hummed after it's over. When he turned Tera back around though, she still didn't look like she felt better, she was sweating, too warm, and oil still leaking out of her mouth.
She whimpered, holding onto him as she starts to tremble…
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