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Ain't that the goal...
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Oh no... Kindle is waving limited time achievements in my face. Crazy over-achieving competitiveness activated, I guess...
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 11 months ago
Silver & Gold - Chapter Eight
Everyone's favourite couple go exploring - but not everything goes as smoothly as they'd like. Prompts fulfilled;‘Died in Your Arms Tonight’ -@multifandom-flash (Dozen) - BINGO! (Masterlist here!); ‘Lost in the Woods’ (Alternate), 'Hypothermia' (Alternate), ’Lost in the Woods During a Storm’ - Winter Wonderland Bingo (@seasonaldelightsbingo); ‘Can’t Keep Their Eyes Open’ and ‘Lost Together’– Bug’s First Bingo; ‘Idiotic Partner Confession’– @multifandom-flash (Beehive). CW: Exposure, hypothermia, accidental injury
Check it out below, or on AO3 here. Boards at the bottom. Divider by our own tiny Swan!
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Yoshitsune didn’t mention my nightmare when we work in the morning – although he was oddly silent over breakfast, barely uttering a single word as he sipped coffee while I winced at the bags under his eyes.
“Are you okay?” I murmured, poking morosely at my cereal. He signed and looked away for a moment, fingers drumming on his mug, the rhythmic sound of metal on china oddly comforting.
“I have to tell you something,” he admitted quietly. I froze as my heart picked up uncertainly in my chest, a lump forming in my throat and making it hard to breathe.
Is this it? Is he going to tell me he really is sick of me? He offered me a weak smile, shaking his head quickly as he wrapped his fingers with my own, the alloy warmed by his grip on his drink. “Nothing so dire, don’t look so worried. I…” he hesitated, eyes lowering once more. “I saw the fire starting to die, and I didn’t do anything. I was just so comfortable and sleepy, and I didn’t think it would get so cold that…” He grimaced, and I exhaled in a soft laugh, squeezing his hand reassuringly.
“Oh, sweetheart…” I sighed, shaking my head fondly. “My dear, sweet boy.” He met my gaze uncertainly, and I rounded the table to drop into his lap, burying my face in his neck. “You’re an idiot, and I love you so much.”
With a nervous chuckle, he held me close, pressing a kiss to my hair. “You’re not mad?”
“Of course not.” I drew back to press my forehead to his, fingertips tracing his jaw. “Of course not. I don’t blame you at all, Silver. My silly boy.”
“But… But I know you get nightmares when it’s too cold; I should’ve-”
I silenced him with my lips on his, hand knotting in the hair at the base of his neck. “No. What you should have done is stayed cuddled up with me, happy and content, just like you did. It wasn’t even a cold-induced nightmare – they’re… Specific.” I winced reflexively, and his arm tightened a little around me protectively. “This was just… A regular old bad dream. It happens, and it’s not your fault, okay?”
His smile firmed a little, and he kissed my cheek, letting out a quiet, relieved sigh. “I’m glad.” With a gentle nuzzle against my jaw, he patted my leg encouragingly. “Come on. Finish your breakfast, and we’ll go for a walk, yeah?”
The small sound of joy that escaped me as I hopped to my feet made him chuckle, and he watched me as I settled back into my seat and tucked in to my cereal, making me blush under his reverent gaze.
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It was snowing by the time we headed out, and while I was warm enough in my thick winter coat, I let out a theatrical shiver, offering my soldier a sidelong glance and a cheeky giggle. He laughed affectionately, draping an arm over my shoulder. “You’re adorable,” he informed me seriously, lips brushing my cheek and earning a shy squirm in response.
“It’s beautiful out here,” I murmured, running a fingertip along the frost-crusted bushes lining our path. “How did you find it?”
With a chuckle, he pulled me a little closer, pressing a kiss to my temple. “I had some help,” he assured me mysteriously. I raised an inquisitive eyebrow, and he shot me a crooked grin. “Utseo and Greg, the Spiders…”
Looking about myself, I blinked in surprise. “They… All those people… They helped find the perfect place for us?” I clarified, eyes tearing up at their consideration.
“Mostly for you,” he corrected, grinning, fingers teasing my hair lightly. “It’s generally agreed sentiment that there’s never been someone who deserves to be blissfully happy more than you.”
I wriggled happily, nestling further into his side as silence descended peacefully between us, our footsteps hushed on the falling snow.
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We walked for half an hour or so, Yoshitsune’s steps determined despite the rapidly disappearing dirt trail.
He pressed a kiss to my cheek, hand coming up to smooth the cool pad of his thumb over my forehead. “Close your eyes.”
I obliged immediately, unwavering in my trust of my soldier, and his fingers found mine to gently guide me forward. “Where are we?” I giggled, squealing as he hoisted me into his arms.
“About two miles from home. There’s something I’ve been meaning to show you… And I figured, after last night, you could use it today.” I could hear the smile in his voice, the warmth of his tenor enveloping me and driving away the cold, and I couldn’t help but squirm happily in his embrace.
I buried my face against his chest contentedly, a happy sigh escaping me. “As soon as I woke, I knew it wasn’t real. Even if you didn’t want me… You could never speak to me like that. Not ever.”
His fingers smoothed my hair as he hummed in agreement, lips skimming over my forehead. “I could never not want you, either. You’re my Swan. I’ll love you for the rest of my life.” I let out a soft, happy sound, and his hand cupped my jaw to tilt my face upwards to kiss me gently. “You can open your eyes now.”
I blinked my lids open, gazing in awe at him for a moment and earning a chuckle before turning my head to see where he’d taken me.
Stretched before us was a lake, glistening and sparkling despite the falling snow, frozen solid and smooth as glass.
“I figured… It’s a little bigger than the pond, you know?” he murmured shyly. I squeaked excitedly, scrabbling from his arms to kneel at the edge of the ice.
“It’s amazing!” I giggled, running a finger over the surface gently. “Will it hold?”
He squatted beside me, grinning, and raised an eyebrow. “You think I’d put my perfect Swan at risk? I tested it. It’ll hold, I promise.” He pulled the rucksack from his back, excitement fizzing in my veins as he delved inside to offer me my skates. “Why don’t you show me what you can do with a little more room?”
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I loved the way he looked at me when I danced.
So much so that neither of us noticed the snow getting thicker until I shivered so hard that I fell out of my pirouette, landing hard and twisting my ankle in the process.
The second I landed with a yelp, he was by my side, his hands on my leg and brow furrowed with concern. “Fuck! Baby, are you okay? That looked like it hurt…”
I sobbed softly, clutching at my ankle and burrowing against him. “It did.” I slipped off my skate to assess the damage, wincing at the rapidly darkening skin. He cursed again and held me tighter, cradling me to his chest, rocking me gently.
“It’s okay,” he soothed softly, lips pressed to my hair. “It’s okay. I’ll get you home, little one. Don’t you worry about a thing – I’ve got you.” One strong, metal arm slid under my legs, the other pressed against my back as he lifted me carefully. Despite his delicacy, I whimpered as gravity took hold, and he flinched visibly. “I’m sorry- sorry. I’ve got you. I’ll be as careful as I can, but I need to get you home, okay?” As he stood, we both looked around at the swirling snow, and I noticed the subtle twitch in his jaw at the uniform whiteness.
“D-d’you know how to get us home?” I stammered softly, my voice hushed with anxiety. He nodded, uncertainly at first, and then a little more firmly as he started out toward the backpack.
“I’ll never let anything happen to you, Swan. I’ll get you home. I promise.” He clutched me a little closer as I shivered, my fingers curling in his jacket, eyes half-closed against the swirling flakes.
“You promise?” I repeated, barely above a whisper, and he glanced down to meet my gaze, silver burning into emerald with fierce determination.
“On my life, Aurelia.”
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It had taken us around half an hour to get to the lake.
I was tucked against his chest as the minutes ticked by – thirty, forty, fifty minutes, my heartbeat increasing as I grew colder, his pace getting faster until he was loping as smoothly as he could, trying his hardest not to jostle me, not to show his panic.
But his own pulse was quickening with every step, every anxious scan of his eyes over the environment.
“We’re lost,” I noted softly. He shook his head hard, and I rested my cheek against his chest, tired and frozen. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault.”
“I’m getting you home,” he murmured firmly, fingers tightening minutely against me, casting about wildly for some sign of familiarity. My nod was weak as I burrowed further, slender limbs offering little resistance to the painful cold, and he pressed a kiss to my forehead when my lids grew heavy. “Stay awake, Swan. Just a little longer. We’re almost home.”
“It’s okay. I’m okay here,” I breathed, offering a weak, exhausted smile blindly in his direction. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”
“You can’t go to sleep, Aurelia.”
“It’s okay. If I have to go anywhere, I’d rather it was here, with you. I love you, Yoshitsune. I…” My words died as I lost the capacity for speech, fingers dropping uselessly from his jacket, my violent shaking finally subsiding as I slipped into the warm embrace of unconsciousness.
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The cracking and spitting made me smile and burrow closer to the soft material beneath my cheek with a pleased hum. Waking up with the fire roaring and Yoshitsune cuddled up with me was one of the best things in my life, and I shifted nearer instinctively - then let out an audible hiss as my foot dragged against the sofa, sending me jerking upright as comprehension dawned.
Gentle hands met my shoulders as I rubbed my eyes, blinking until my vision cleared, my soldier’s face steadily gaining definition. “Aurelia,” he breathed, kissing me softly, desperately, dampness forming where his skin met mine when he drew back to bury his face against my temple. “My sweet girl… You scared me.”
“I did?” I clarified softly, glancing around, rubbing my arms. “… You got us home.” He nodded against me, then shrugged.
“I got us lost.”
“You got us home,” I pressed again, leaning into his hand as it found my cheek. “We’re safe. I’m safe.” Shifting a little closer, I blinked in surprise, looking down at my carefully strapped ankle. “… You… You did this?”
He nodded once, fingertips grazing against my calf lightly. “I… I called Stephen. You were so cold, and I wanted to make sure… I mean, I know how to treat a sprain, and hypothermia, but I just…” He shrugged again, and I leant closer into him, tangling my fingers with his as he pulled my blanket closer around me.
“Thank you,” I breathed, tipping my head up to kiss him softly. “I’m sorry I got hurt…”
His eyebrow raised as he considered me wordlessly, confusion evident. “There’s nothing to be sorry for. Accidents happen, Swan. I should’ve paid more attention to the weather.”
Nuzzling closer, I shook my head once, made lethargic by the warmth enveloping me and the safety of my soldier’s embrace. “You were watching me. I could never be anything but grateful for that.” His fingers caressed my spine as he hummed softly, his gentle touch soothing the last of my ragged nerves, the quiet singing against my hair lulling me back into an easy sleep.
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azepci-remaking · 5 years ago
stardust excerpt under the cut! stan lily’s dads 🥰🥰🥰
Utseo opens the ship door, reaches out, and takes Isulma’s hand to pull him into the ship, and the doors automatically closes behind him. Added to his weight is a hefty bag of belongings.
He ignores the weight and the sound of Isulma dropping cloth on metal as he pulls him into a tight embrace. Isulma returns it just as fiercely, and buries his head into the crux of Utseo’s shoulder and neck, inhaling him and exhaling Valkoram.
“I’ve missed you so much,” he says, and Utseo cherishes just the sound of his voice, let alone his words. “It’s unbearable over here.”
“I’ve missed you too, and you’re gonna be okay. It’s all over now,” Utseo reassures, his voice tender.
Isulma won’t let go. Utseo wouldn’t let him if he wanted to. Isulma sighs and says: “My hero,” like the sap he is.
Guess Utseo is a knight in shining armor after all. But Isulma is also his hero. The two of them are both knights as well as princes in distress, saving each other from the dragons of war.
taglist: @honey-tee // @sunny-with-a-chance-of-fiction // @carnationwrites
(lmk if you want to be added to the taglist!)
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noodlesoldblog · 1 year ago
*snort* Sounds right
- Mars
Something that definitely happened:
Pepper: Friday, why did Tony not show up to any of his meetings this morning?
Friday: Peter asked if it was possible to use an arc reactor to create a functioning lightsaber.
Pepper: Please tell me Tony and Peter are not trying to build lightsabers right now.
Friday: Mr. Stark and Peter are not trying to build lightsabers right now.
Pepper: Is that true?
Friday: Yes, they are currently using YouTube videos to teach themselves how to correctly fight using the lightsabers they built.
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SEO In Utah
SEO marketing solutions don’t fit in a box. Each client’s needs are unique, and what makes it worth it for YOU isn’t always the same.  Our team knows what it takes to fully understand each client’s industry and competitors, and to mold your plan to a blueprint that will take you straight to The Boss’s chair in your industry. If you search online, you will find a few of our front page Google listings click one of our over 50 proven seo results. SEO In Utah, SEO Firm Salt Lake City, SEO Salt Lake City, Internet Marketing Company Salt Lake City. Feel free to visit us at: http://www.sitesbysara.com/seo-in-utah-services/
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shybirdchopshop-blog · 7 years ago
As a highly experienced SEO SLC company, we execute strategic search campaigns that follow our proprietary SEO formula that has been developed and refined over our many years in the digital marketing industry. Our SEO service performs on a consistent and reliable basis. We create sustainable search engine results that will endure the test of time. Visit us here: http://www.sitesbysara.com/seo-slc-a-dummys-guide/
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This year SEO has brought a whole new set of changes in the way business market their products and services. These trends have proved effective and will continue to work next year as well. The top SEO SLC trends are: Mobile only world, Accelerated Mobile Pages, Video/image marketing, Local search etc. As a digital marketing company, sitesbysara delivers targeted traffic to a website through digital channels. They blend the concept of relevancy and popularity to get better online visibility leading to lead generation, increased sales, profit and decreased cost. Visit here for further details: http://www.sitesbysara.com/seo-slc-a-dummys-guide/
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God would, and does, and so do his minions.
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we-tinybouquetnacho-blog · 7 years ago
SEO is one of the best marketing investments you can make for your company. This also means we do not use black hat techniques to trick Google. These tricks are dangerous and will drastically affect the visibility of a website in the long run. At sitesbysara, we ensure your website appears when customers are searching for your business – whether they are trying to find your location, get in contact with you or wanting to enquire or buy your product or services. Get more information here: http://www.sitesbysara.com/seo-utah-agency/
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shybirdchopshop-blog · 7 years ago
SEO marketing solutions don’t fit in a box. Each client’s needs are unique, and what makes it worth it for YOU isn’t always the same.  Our team knows what it takes to fully understand each client’s industry and competitors, and to mold your plan to a blueprint that will take you straight to The Boss’s chair in your industry. If you search online, you will find a few of our front page Google listings click one of our over 50 proven seo results. SEO In Utah, SEO Firm Salt Lake City, SEO Salt Lake City, Internet Marketing Company Salt Lake City. Feel free to visit us at: http://www.sitesbysara.com/seo-in-utah-services/
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noodlesoldblog · 1 year ago
What a way to trigger about ¼ of my brain while making DB feel like it's sinking into the most perfect bubble bath... How confusing...
- Mars
it's been years since Whumpee escaped. Their life will never be the same as it was before but they are pretty close. They have a successful career, a family, good friends, a house, a life. They can sleep through the whole night without waking up screaming. It has been ages since their last trauma flashback.
They really thought they had recovered.
Until one day. They're out and about. A hand grazes the small of their back. It's the lightest of touches over their jacket. There is no reason for Whumpee to recognize it.
But they would know that touch anywhere.
"It's been a while hasn't it, Whumpee?"
Their body reacts instinctively. They lean into the touch, lower their head in submission, drop what they are holding - ready for Whumper to do as they please.
They want to scream but they just... can't. They hadn't recovered as much as they thought.
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shybirdchopshop-blog · 7 years ago
Our SEO company in Salt Lake City isn’t restricted to local SEO Utah. Our SEO work has no limitations, you can search SEO Near me at any time & place we will be there for you. We specialize in affordable nationwide SEO . SitesBySara will seo your company, so your business is on the front page of Google, Yahoo and Bing whether it’s on a local or national scope. Get more information here: http://www.sitesbysara.com/seo-near-me-searches/
0 notes
This year SEO has brought a whole new set of changes in the way business market their products and services. These trends have proved effective and will continue to work next year as well. The top SEO SLC trends are: Mobile only world, Accelerated Mobile Pages, Video/image marketing, Local search etc. As a digital marketing company, sitesbysara delivers targeted traffic to a website through digital channels. They blend the concept of relevancy and popularity to get better online visibility leading to lead generation, increased sales, profit and decreased cost. Visit here for further details: http://www.sitesbysara.com/seo-slc-a-dummys-guide/
0 notes
This year SEO has brought a whole new set of changes in the way business market their products and services. These trends have proved effective and will continue to work next year as well. The top SEO SLC trends are: Mobile only world, Accelerated Mobile Pages, Video/image marketing, Local search etc. As a digital marketing company, sitesbysara delivers targeted traffic to a website through digital channels. They blend the concept of relevancy and popularity to get better online visibility leading to lead generation, increased sales, profit and decreased cost. Visit here for further details: http://www.sitesbysara.com/seo-slc-a-dummys-guide/
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It's very weird to think of you as "copies of the same person".
Does it count as polyamory if you are in a relationship with multiple copies of the same person?
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