#Using my French citizenship for tumblr captions
heuffopla · 2 years
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La tortue hirsute 😌
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pochinumaki · 5 years
Masterpost on the Hong Kong Extradition Amendment Law Bill
I’ve struggled for a while whether to make a separate and anonymous tumblr blog/email account just to post this, since there have already been arrests made on university students as well as police officers showing up at the house of an admin from a Telegram group that organizes the protest and searching the place. But I know it in my heart that I do no wrong in speaking up. If I do end up facing legal consequences for doing this, then it only further proves my point on how dangerous it has become to live in this once beloved city.
Hong Kong citizens are protesting against the government’s proposed Extradition Law Amendment Bill (“Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019” in full) that would allow people accused of offense to be handed over to Mainland China, Taiwan, and Macau upon request with only prima facie level evidence provided to the court. The bill has raised serious concerns and opposition for its possible violations against freedom of speech, judicial independence, and Hong Kong’s autonomy under One Country Two Systems, etc. With incidents such as the disappearance of the five staff members working in Causeway Bay bookstore, many fear that the passing of this bill will allow China to request extradition from ANYONE, INCLUDING THOSE WHO ARE NOT RESIDENTS who dare to speak in any form against the CCP and step foot in Hong Kong even only for transition.
Because of this proposed amendment, Hong Kong people have taken to the streets and other acts of protest to voice our disagreement. But our democracy and rights are being stripped away by a government that will not budge even with over 1 million people (one seventh of our population) marching to be heard or seeing students being tear gassed and shot by rubber bullets. The government is refusing to listen to its people, instead it is using unnecessary force on us through its police force and calling us rioters when all we did was gather together and protect ourselves.
As of right now (16th June, 03:00 GMT+8), there has already been one casualty in our fight to be heard. The government has only promised to pause the passing of the bill, meaning that at ANY TIME the Legislative Council can restart the reading process on the bill. Though we still feel suppressed and carry a heavy heart, we will not lose hope. If its citizens are not enough, we are wishing for louder international attention to give the government more pressure to COMPLETELY WITHDRAW the bill to safeguard Hong Kong’s democracy.
Knowing why it matters to you even if you DON’T LIVE IN HONG KONG.
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#News Sources
Read credible, international reports about our protest:
BBC News (topic, all related articles)
Bloomberg: Everything You Need to Know About the Extradition Bill Rocking Hong Kong
CNN (Live updates)
The Economist: The rule of law in Hong Kong
The Guardian: What are the Hong Kong protests about?
The New York Times: What is Hong Kong’s Extradition Bill?
Reuters (Live blog/updates)
SCMP (topic, all related articles)
The Wall Street Journal: Why are People Protesting in Hong Kong?
WashingtonPost: Hong Kong’s protests are about more than an extradition law. Here’s why.
Reject Immigration or Non-Immigration Visas of Hong Kong Government Officials violating human rights (34,785 signed out of 100,000 goal)
Request for Sanctions Against Those Responsible for the Extradition Law Amendment in Hong Kong (100,525 signed out of 100,000 goal)
Impose sanctions upon Hong Kong officials who are acting against American interests (22,560 signed out of 100,000 goal)
Revoke the U.S. Citizenship and Visas of the Hong Kong and China Officials who are in Support of the Extradition Bill (267,354 signed out of 100,000 goal)
Extradition Law Amendment in Hong Kong - Threat to Personal Safety and Freedom (129,991 signed out of 100,000 goal)
Global Signing: Against Extradition to China (580,597 signed out of 1,000,000 goal)
Demand retraction of ‘riot’ classification by the police (81,312 signed out of 150,000 goal)
Revoke Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam's Legion of Honor Distinction (150,176 signed out of 200,000 goal)
#Police Brutality
Cases of questionable behaviour and unnecessary violence committed by the police.
An Open Letter Addressing the UN against Police Brutality - PDF on Google Drive (containing multiple sources listed below)
Compilation of Several Clips on Hong Kong Police's Brutality on 12th June, 2019
Youtube Channel containing footages listed below
Against the Press
French Journalist yelling at police officers to "STOP SHOOTING JOURNALISTS!"
Police officers ignoring freedom of press and forcing a journalist to leave, beating him and calling him “journalist motherfucker”. (Youtube Source 2)
Police officer using pepper spray on journalist then running away. 
Verbal violence
Group of “Elite Team” police officers yelling profanities “Come on out, motherfucker! Lib-tard (literally “liberal cunt”)!”. (Youtube Source 2) (Facebook source 3)
Excessive physical violence
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Police officers using water cannon on lone protestor.
Aiming and firing bean bag rounds at protestor’s head. Videos derived from TVB News broadcast. (Youtube Source 2) (Youtube Source 3)
Protestor recounts being shot by police without warning.
Entire group of “Elite Team” police officers jump on unarmed protestor from the back. (Youtube Source 2 )
Same as above. A protestor carrying a box of water.
Same as above. A female protestor.
Group of police officers suddenly beating an already restrained protestor to force him onto the floor. (Youtube Source 2)
Police officers using pepper spray on protestors already retreating into MTR station.
Police officer using pepper water spray multiple times on foreign protestor suffering from leg pain and resting by the grass to force him to leave.
Other abusive behaviour
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Smiling/Laughing after firing water cannon. (credit)
Cheerful reaction for colleagues at firing tear gas (presumed).
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Posing for photo inside the Legislative Council building after chasing protestors away. Screenshot from Apple Daily News.
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Conducting excessive stop and search on young student protestors carrying backpacks or umbrellas in MTR stations.
Blocking an ambulance from reaching injured protestor.
Reports on police officers stopping a blind protestor in the MTR station for suspecting their support cane is a weapon. Both the Hong Kong Blind Union and Ebenezer School Alumni Association have criticized the police’s behaviour. (News Article Source in Chinese) (Hong Kong Blind Union’s Statement on Facebook in Chinese)
Statement and reposted photos by ActionQ, an LGBTQ advocacy group formed by students across higher education institutions on alleged sexual violence committed by police during protests. (Facebook Source in Chinese)
Members of Gender and Sexual Justice in Action going on hunger strike to protest the bill. They plan to continue for 103 hours for the 1.03 million protestors that showed up on June 9th. Up till now several members have not eaten for 100 hours.
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Legislator Kwong Chun Yu, Roy fainting after delivering heartfelt speech to protestors. Caption says he had not eaten or rested for a day since the protest started.
A young protestor refused to use the last bottle of saline solution carried by first aid volunteer and asked her to use it on herself instead so she could save more protestors as they are both injured by tear gas. (News Article Source in Chinese)
An unarmed mother crying her lungs out at police officers in attempt to stop them from using more pepper spray and tear gas. (Youtube Source 2)
Protestors giving their umbrella and putting a helmet on a reporting journalist (Ramy Inocencio, from CBSNews) as they all run from tear gas. Others helped douse his eyes with water.
Video captured by Nathan VanderKlippe (Globe and Mail Beijing correspondent), on joint effort of protestors rushing to douse a tear gas canister to protect other protestors from the gas.
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Protestors wrapping the sharp ends of mills barriers to avoid other protestors or police officers getting hurt.
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Protestors returning to site of protest after being evacuated at midnight to clean up rubbish.
More than 6000 Hong Kong mothers attended the “Hong Kong Mym AntiELAB Assembly” on 15th June night.
#Live Updates and #Social media in English
Telegram channel: Verified information from various sources , Hong Kong news updates
Instagram: @protecthongkong , @hknews.en
Twitter: @fight4hongkong , @anti_elab , @antielabhk
Twitch: ronald_fung (with english/multilingual interpreting)
Twitch: unabletobreathe 
Facebook: TheStandNews  
Believe it or not, this is not yet a complete collection of footages and news sources. The fight is on-going, and today (16th June) we will march the streets again, not only to reiterate our demand on completely withdrawing the bill, but also for the life that is lost to this fight and to condemn the classification of our protest as a “riot”.
TL;DR Hong Kong needs your support and attention. Please reblog to let more people know. 
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