#Uriah Setoah
gireferig · 8 years
Can you talk a bit more about Uriah? Also how do you pronounce his name?
His name is pronounced your-eye-uh and his last name is se-toe-uh (I’m just now realizing how close his name sounds to seto fucking kaiba so thanks for that).
Throughout the story he will be in his human form. Uriah as a human however still retains a lot of his powers, due to his abilities of life force manipulation he kind of never ages and always stays ridiculously beautiful without ever having to lift a finger. The one thing that is a dead give away that Uriah is not a normal human is his bright green hair (like parrot feathers) however no one bats an eye since everyone is dying their hair these days.
Uriah also has another form known as his Spectre form, something all Spectre’s get when they enter the After Lands. I wrote a description about what he looks like in that form in his story but I’ll just put it here for simplicities sake -
“ - a fantastic creature with the torso of a man, with a hollowed out back. The magical being had it’s back filled with an ever changing ecosystem, representing the variety of life. A speck of snow began to fall all over the tiny biome and things grew cold with his uneasy demeanor. Where his head should be there was only smoke carrying all the colors of the sky. On his shoulder blades rested large magnificent wings, which shimmered with every color known to man, but carried a distinct green tone. Veins of life coursing through his wings as if electricity surged through them, carrying the vitality of the animals in the wild. In the dim light of the room they glowed a vibrant green. The lower half of his body was separated from his upper half, an eternal downpour of rain coming down. Four spectral legs hung below his torso, legs of a being not known to man. These legs never touched the floor and hovered above, gliding along the air. His bare chest adorned with a long wooden necklace, each round bit carved with incantations and contained a faint ethereal glow. Each large bead was said to contain the energy of life itself. This being was known as the patron of life in the council, also known as Uriah.
Uriah Setoah.”
Uriah is going to help our protagonist Luke fight against those who want him dead, and help each of his friends awaken their hidden potential so they can help Luke defend himself too!
Sorry I’m leaving out tons of details since I’m on mobile, but if you have any other questions I’ll be glad to answer them!
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chainzwebcomic · 8 years
“ORDER, ORDER IN THE COUNCIL! I hereby declare this meeting in session!” The droves of supernatural beings in the room began to settle down and look at their esteemed commander. Today’s meeting is on a particularly unique case.An event that hadn't transpired for 3,000 years This was the legendary Council of Ven. Here they discussed what was allowed and how they should handle unique situations. What was ethical and what was immoral and what they as a society deem crossing the line.
“Today, a human known as Winona Howle has done something the current council has yet to see, this woman has ‘fallen in love’ with her Spectre and in an inconceivable turn of events, is now carrying his child.”
The room awed collectively and hushed whispers echoed throughout the chamber until their commander demanded their silence once again. Then the room finally settled down.
“I know among many of you this is untreaded territory-”
“This is blasphemous! How long has this woman interacted with the Spectre issued to her for so long without our knowledge!” A long slender being bursted, many voices speaking in unison in the hivemind.
“How could that Spectre break our most important law and interfere with human affairs - to go impregnate some mortal scum? This is completely atrocious!” Another being interjected, A harpy-like creature multiple sets of wings and 2 sets of arms, impossibly large teeth with immense ivory canines protruding outwards like the tusks of a walrus.
“SILENCE!” Their commander bellowed with awe-striking power. Everyone remained silent. “Many of you have not seen the completely outlandish events I have lived through, many of you arrogant and young -and have never seen an event of this scope, but believe me when I say I have seen the world come to the brink of destruction and break all laws of nature time and time again; and none of you here can even imagine what those of my prestige have seen! So I encourage you to remain a silent and obedient council or I will find those who will!”
As the commander’s booming voice halted, baring an echo which reverbed throughout the ancient building, not a soul could be heard - not even the sound of breathing; some looking down in shame, others turning away in spite.
“I brought you all here to discuss what should be done about the matter, not to revel in how bewildering or vile it may be. The first point to discuss: what should be done to the Spectre. He has broken our most sacred bond and the punishment is non-negotiable.” “If I may interject, sir!” A young Spectre among them said meekly. He had a long slim torso, stretching an abnormally large length, with think branch-like pale blue arms to match. The upper half of his face masked with dark water swirling and concealing his face.
“Feel free to speak Filvéz” He pursed his lips hesitantly and then stated boldly, “The Spectre broke a doctrine that has been fed to us since primordial times, he knew the value this held in our society and broke it all despite that sake. What he has done is unforgivable, death should be non negotiable. We must make an example of him! He should be executed in the center spire for all to see.”
The room absorbed all of what was said, many hushed whispers rose again as the shocking statement was being absorbed. The commander himself was caught in a contemplative state as the others buzzed with thought and the rooms atmosphere grew tense. The commander raised his powerful arm and the room grew silent once again.
“I want to hear if the council has any objections to Filvéz’s idea.” The room grew deafeningly silent, all members glanced at each other and the captain bowed his head in agreement, “Then it’s settled Filvéz thank you for the marvelous suggestion it’s quite the concept, it's time all Spectre’s received a reminder of what will befall those who disturb the natural order. Our rules are not just for show!”
One being among the council looked clearly uneasy with the decision that was made - a fantastic creature with the torso of a man, with a hollowed out back. The magical being had it’s back filled with an ever changing ecosystem, representing the variety of life. A speck of snow began to fall all over the tiny biome and things grew cold with his uneasy demeanor. Where his head should be there was only smoke carrying all the colors of the sky. On his shoulder blades rested large magnificent wings, which carried shimmered with every color known to man, but carried a distinct green tone. Veins of life coursing through his wings as if electricity surged through them, carrying the vitality of the animals in the wild. In the dim light of the room they glowed a vibrant green. The lower half of his body was separated from his upper half, an eternal downpour of rain coming down. Four spectral legs hung below his torso, legs of a being not known to man. These legs never touched the floor and hovered above, gliding along the air. His bare chest adorned with a long wooden necklace, each round bit carved with incantations and contained a faint ethereal glow. Each large bead was said to contain the energy of life itself. This being was known as the patron of life in the council, also known as Uriah.
Uriah Setoah
Uriah stood up and slammed his arms against the table, “Commander with all due respect a punishment this harsh goes against everything we as a society stand for. The whole reason the Spectre initiative was founded was so every human gets their fair shot at eternity, and are we going to punish this lone Spectre without a trial by his peers without a Jury? Are we going as far is to kill him for the sake of a mere spectacle? What he did may have been the least moral thing I have seen in my time in this council but that doesn’t change the fact he’s just as much a member of this society we have built up for eons as me, as you, as everyone else standing in this room!”
The room sat back is awe, one dared to move in this high tension. The commander’s face twisted and gnarled with disdain. “You dare claim a higher moral ground than me, patron? Uriah, you have been a noble example member of this council for centuries - but how do you have the audacity to disgrace this committee like this? We are his trail of peers, we are the judge, we are the jury - and very soon we will have his lowly head posted on a stake for all to see and be the executioner.”
“No more disrespect will crawl out of you or you will face severe punishment, do you understand Uriah Setoah!”
Uriah sat back down clenching his fist, defeated. There was nothing he could do if no one was willing to stand up with him. The rest of the council turned back to the commander while Uriah sank down with shame.
“Now I understand this is an extremely important issue which is why I will not hold it against our Patron for acting so rashly,” Uriah Looked away with nonchalant distaste. “However, we have only addressed half of the issue at hand. There is still a child who will be born who is half Spectre, and I’m sure you all know the gravity of this situation as last time this happened mankind made an entire religion based upon it. Now I ask all of you, what should we do with this unborn creature.”
The large toothed harpy spoke up once again, “Isn’t that obvious? We eliminate it. As you said last time, this was documented by humanity the consequences were practically catastrophic :-) wars were fought and entire empires rose and fell over their new found religion merely for the sake of us interfering briefly with the life of humans.” Uriah once again spoke up, “But we can not fault a creature for something it can not help! This unborn child did not chose to be half spectre and to punish somebody for something they had absolutely no fault in goes against everything we stand for. If we agree to eliminate this child too then we- Then we’re are no better than the monsters in the abyss!”
The council stirred with Uriah’s valid point. The Large Harpy and the commander exchanged a quick glance. A vapid sense of annoyance was spread upon their countenances. The council soon rose to an uproar of different opinions and they decided what to do. The commander now scared of the morale Uriah has inspired and his previous outburst of rage at his peer chose the kinder option against his will.
“Our Patron of Life raises a valid point, we can not punish this child for something it can not help, it would not be right to eliminate it. However, we cannot allow this child to have the same impact as it’s predecessor, we must keep a strict eye on it - and if it shows the same potential it must be eliminated.”
The Council all agreed on that outcome, while Uriah remained sulking in his seat.
“Alright everyone, thank you tremendously for your input. The After Lands wouldn’t be the same without you. The council members all bowed humbly and exited. The commander caught Uriah’s shoulder as he headed out. “And I want to give a special thank you to you as well Uriah,” The grip on his shoulder became bone breakingly tight. “Thank you truly for your input.” Uriah shook him off and bowed quickly before rushing out of the building.
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chainzwebcomic · 8 years
Descent III
He was put a top the spire already, limbs secured in place by many chains, hung up for all to see, with his head held back to leave his throat exposed. It’s quite a ghastly display, he’s primed and ready to be butchered, soon a blade will slice his neck open laterally, and he will be drained of all life upon the spire. This ritual is something the After Lands has not done in a large number of years and Uriah had forgotten how much he hates the absolute barbaric spectacle. Unfortunately not everyone else feels the same way. This event is ‘the cleansing,’ said to release all the negative energy in a rotted individual and bring good energy to the After Lands for the next 10 years. If this horrid place was going to go through with their sacrifice he was going to at least grant the man’s last wish and help him see his lover again. He clutched a bead on his enchanted necklace.
“The waves lay still under the full moon, not a sound is heard in the grand forest. All life is perfectly still, the world lays suspended in harmony and not a sound is heard.” The beads glow brighter and brighter as he continues his incantation. “I call upon nature to help me disappear, SUKÉ TAOSUGA”
Uriah had made his entire essence appear invisible to the rest of the world, a technique he has not had to use since the fight with the creatures of the abyss eons ago. He was a valued member of the army back then due to his vast array of powers. He was a force to be reckoned with. Even if he hated the thought of fighting, he knew the odds of his losing were very low.
He made his way up to Vanthros and cast the same spell on him. The complete disappearance of his presence alerted the guards, but when they went to check on him it was too late, he had somehow escaped.
He held Vanthros as they flew to the edge of the After Lands.
“Who are you?! Vanthros questions as this mysterious individual facilitated his escape.
“That’s not important.” Uriah slowed down as they finally got to the edge miles away from any other forms of life.
“You said you’re a gatekeeper right?” “You’re that Patron who stood up for me in the trial!” “Open the gate, go to the real world with her, let’s go before anyone sees!”
Vanthros hesitated for a second, then collected his thoughts “Thank you so much, this means more to me than you know-”
“Not so fast buddy, I’m going with you, but we’re coming back. I just want to grant you your last goodbye.”
Vanthros’ heart sunk to his stomach, he tried to hide his sadness and remain grateful that this kind stranger would allow him to see Winona one more time.
Vanthros clapped his hands together loudly, pressing them tightly in front of his chest as his arms stretched outward. He shut his eyes tightly as he focused all his energy on his finger tips. Suddenly he shot his  eyes open, irises which glowed before with a dull amber shone bright with a brilliant yellow as he became to kick up energy around himself. He then separated his hands and dug into the air in front of him. He clawed viciously at what appeared to be nothing until a visible resistance began holding his hands back. His fingers glowed a lustrous crimson as he began ripping a small hole and opening a portal to another dimension. Violent flashes of blue white and violet erupted from the small hole he had created, as vicious energy poured out reacting to the breaking of reality. The power emitted from this portal would give their location away even if Uriah masked their presence completely.
“Vanthros, we don’t have much time!” Uriah yelled as he anxiously covered their 6.
“Just- A little bit… Longer!” Vanthros yelled powerfully. He let out a powerful bellow as he pulled as hard as he physically could. “HRAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!”
Vanthros ripped open the portal viciously, as he let out a sigh of relief. He grinned slightly as he rested his hands on his knees “Ha… sorry, still not used to doing that.” The portal cracked loudly with energy reacting rapidly to the exposed new dimension.
“Good job nonetheless, I can carry you the rest of the way if you’re too tired to continue.”
“No I’ll be fine, that’s very kind of you sir, thank you. Do-Do you mind if I ask your name?”
Uriah froze up for a bit, at this moment it all collapsed on him. What he was doing, how far he had gone in the name of justice to save this man. How far he had become invested in preserving the imagine of the After Lands he once loved. He broke the law, if he was caught he would surely be caught. And all for what, this stranger who stood before him? This foolish boy who fell in love with a mortal and now may change the course of history with his actions. This is the man he was willing to risk everything for, just to grant his last wish before he atones for his crimes. Uriah let out a loud sigh as he realized how far he had gotten himself into this mess.
“I’m… I’m  Uriah. Uriah Setoah, I’m a Patron of Life. What was happening to you- I couldn’t bear to see. The After Lands I stand for would never treat a fellow Spectre so harshly, I guess I took your case fairly personally. I wanted to at the very least show you the mercy you should have been shown among your peers… And look how far I’ve gone…”
“I’m sorry about all this Uriah, I- I didn’t mean to cause all this commotion I really didn’t! I never thought what I did would affect anyone else in such a grand way.”
‘Don’t apologize for having a conscious kid. Even if it’s against the rules it’s admirable what you did I say. But rules are in place for a reason and I’m afraid you’ve upset the balance of our world severely with what you did. It’s unfair what that woman was going through but life doesn’t exactly function in fair ways. There is always uncalled for tragedy that never receives an element of retribution. Maybe what you did is what the Universe planned all along… I can’t say…”
The Portal continued to crack loudly, Vanthros peeked into it and saw the never ending abyss that awaited them.
“We better get going. They know you’re a gatekeeper and no one has business in the outskirts at this hour. They’re coming for us.”
Vanthros gave a slight nod and swallowed the emotions that consumed his mind. He would never have come this far without Uriah’s help, a Patron who was willing to risk his life for proper retribution. He truly was the embodiment of the Philosophy of the After Lands. The two hopped into the portal together as they made their way towards Winona.
Travelling through a portal was intensely taxing on one’s spirit. A human couldn’t dream of making it through one in one piece. Once you enter you are suspended in a sea of absolute darkness. Your only guides are the sparks of energy emitted between dimensions, guiding you to your location. Venturing through this abyss of darkness can be treacherous. Many corrupted creatures inhabit the darkness, feasting on the lack of light and lurking in hopes to prey on passers by. The air of the space itself saps your spiritual energy away slowly as you venture through, not leaving you with time to waste. Low energy targets are chum in the water for the beasts of the abyss.
The two made their way swiftly through the heavy darkness without a second to spare. Once at the entrance to the human world Vanthros opened the gate quickly as the two travelled together to where Winona lives
Once they finally arrived in the real world together Vanthros stormed off to the Northern part of town rushing to find Winona.
He burst through the door and saw her sitting at the table alone, clutching a pregnancy test. Her long violet hair cascading down unto her lap like a soft waterfall in a Fae world. Her tired worn eyes catching a small glint of light causing them to shimmer delicately  as she looked up shocked. The bags under her eyes puffed from recent tears. Tears begin to trickle down once again as she formed a smile and rushed to hug Vanthros.
“I knew you wouldn’t leave me!” She cried into his shoulder and held him tight against herself
“Nothing in this universe could stop me from seeing you again Winona, I love you.” He held her tight as he stroked the back of her hair.
“I don’t know where I’d be without you my angel, you’ve done so much for me. Oh there’s something I have to tell you-”
“I already know Winona, you’re going to have my child! I’m- so happy!”
They held each other tightly as Winona opened her eyes in shock!
“Wha-What’s that!” She said in a shrill shocked voice. She glanced at this absolute beast on a creature that stood behind Vanthros. An unreal being so large It could not fit through the door properly. With the only think it sharing with man was a torso. She held Vanthros tightly as she gazed in awe.
“That’s Uriah, He’s- another guardian angel. He helped me get here. Winona there’s something I have to tell you. I can not stay, what I have done is forbidden, angels are now allowed to interfere with human affairs and you bearing my child- is something they can not forgive. I am forbidden from ever seeing you again. This kind angel was benevolent enough to grant me my last goodbye with you.”
“Vanthros this- this can’t be!” She held onto him tightly as she sobbed into his chest. All Vanthros could bring himself to do was hold her tightly as he held her gently.
They hugged and Uriah sighed, he can’t leave her without him. He had made it this far, and for what? To strip this man away from the mother of his child? He was already too far gone, if he gets caught, he’ll lose his prestige in the After Lands. He’ll become a wanted criminal no matter what. Failing to bring this man back would guarantee he can never set foot in the afterlands again. He had made his choice. That place was no longer the Utopia he remembers dearly. It had changed to quickly, for the worse. As much as he has been trying he was powerless to stop the wicked direction his society was turning too. He’ll set this man free, and the next morning he will plan his escape.
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chainzwebcomic · 8 years
Descent: Finale
He became visible again and decided to wander to his quarters. He stood thinking about his goodbye with Vanthros as he made his way to his quarters.
Vanthros gave him a tight hug as Uriah entered the portal. “What you’re doing means the world to me, I couldn’t have done this without you!”
“Don’t thank me, I should apologize for your experience in the After Lands.”
“Uriah, will you be ok? What you’ve done for me, surely it will make you guilty of treason…”
“Don’t worry about me, just take good care of Winona and the child.”
Vanthros gave him a warm smile as Uriah made his way back to the After Lands.
He drifted lazy to his quarters with a heavy head. “So this is it huh? Uriah, grand Patron of Life of the afterlands, valuable Fighter of Virtue among the battles of the abyss, esteemed member of the Council of Ven…. traitor to his kingdom…” He continued with a heavy heart, unable to process anything else.
“Uriah,” A familiar booming voice called out to him.
“C-Commander, what are you doing out?”
“It seems our prisoner is missing? You wouldn’t have to know anything about it would you Uriah?”
“I can’t say I do sir.”
A fiendish smirk grew on the Commander’s. Uriah was taken aback and stepped away cautiously.
“Well it was nice seeing you tonight Commander, better be going-”
The Commander bursted out in a large guffaw.
“You think I don’t know it was you Uriah?”
Uriah froze in place.
“The ability to make one’s essence completely disappear, that was completely unique to you in the war if I remember correctly.” “Many Spectre have joined the After Lands Since-”
“Then where did your essence go Uriah?”
He froze with shock as he assessed his situation. He calmed down and kept his cool.
“Alright, I let him go, if you want to try me for that by all means, just bring him back alive he had nothing to do with this.”
The commander burst out laughing again.
“You’re a fool if you think that insolent disgrace is still alive.”
Uriah felt the air grow cold and his body became uneasy.
“It was painfully obvious where you two were going, I tracked you and waited for you too leave. I knew you wouldn’t keep your lying word on bringing him back to the After Lands, you’re too good to bring him back to die. You’re such a fool.”
“You can’t do that! What about the Public? They will outrage if they find out he didn’t die in a cleansing ceremony!” “But Uriah, I didn’t do that, you did!”
The large harpy  from the council crept out of the shadows and stood next to the Commander.
“Mephista! You’re in on this too? Of course you are, you’ve had it out for me since day one in the council, you could never stand me thwarting your violent ideas.”
Mephista crossed both sets of her arms and rolled her eyes, “Oh get over yourself.” Uriah clenched his fist in anger, “There’s no way you can pin his death on me!” “I believe the public will have a change of heart about you after the massive slaughter you’re about to commit Uriah?
Mephista pressed her hands together arched one pair in a v formation upwards and one downwards. She then twisted her arms in a horrifically in-human way as her eyes began to glow light blue. And her open mouth flashed her fangs. White energy began to fill her mouth as she casted a spell. “YOU WILL FOLLOW MY HOLY WILL, NABIRU” Uriah was placed under complete hypnosis and lost all control of his body. Mephista twisted her arms once again, “Carry out my holy will, Kill every single guard on the spire”
Uriah’s rose at her command and kneeled. He responded in a monotone hollow voice. “I will carry out your holy justice.”
Uriah proceeded to mercilessly slaughter every guard on the spire until he was successfully contained. He was placed in the crimson room until his rampage ended.
“Patron of Life Uriah Setoah, for being responsible for the largest mass slaughter in the history of our society and the murder of prisoner Vanthros Haliet you will be banned from ever again entering the Afterlands. You will be sent to the real world and stripped of your awaken state, and branded with the Mark of the Scourge!”
“M-Mark of the Scourge?!”
“It completely removes any chances of you obtaining the power of ever entering the After Lands again, and severely inhibits your powers to near human like levels! Brand him!”
An Old Spectre carrying a large metal Spike was ordered into the room.
“Impale him!” The Spectre plunged the spike into Uriah’s shoulder blade, through his wings and piercing past his chest. The agonizing pain swept through his entire being making his muscles spasm and scream as loud as possible. The Spectre drew the spike out but it left no wound, only a mysterious symbol on his right shoulder blade. As The Spike was pulled out Uriah’s for began to deteriorate. His Spectre form began to evaporate away until all that was left were his wings, his large necklace. What laid before them now was nothing more than a man. Most likely in his late 20’s. He appeared to be of Asian descent with shockingly bright green hair to match his wings. He laid there naked, barely breathing with his wings shielding him.
“Those damn things should fall off in due time. His Necklace should fade away too. He’s done for. Throw him into the real world. It’s been a long time since he was a human, Uriah won’t have the slightest idea what to do.”
They picked up his unconscious body, the commander came with them and Mephista followed eagerly.
The Commander masqueraded sadness, “Such a tragedy, he was a great council member.” “Good Riddance!” Mephista said with a large grin. They dropped his body down into a portal and Mephista cackled viciously, “Lemme just get one Last blow in!” She dove after his body and clawed at his chest, snagging his necklace breaking the string and crushing some beads.
“Mephista get back!” The commander held her back as she almost fell into the portal.
“He’s mortal now, there’s no need to be so excessive.”
She breathed scorching flames at him and lit one of his wings aflame. “I want him dead!” She yelled struggling against the commander.
“Let him die down there like he deserves.” They watched as his body made a slow descent into the real world, doomed to fall to earth dazed, confused, and powerless. The feathers on his right wing slowly began falling off, creating a beautiful flourish of green as descended down and down out of the After Lands. Uriah would never see the After Lands again.
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