#Up In the Air
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Up in the Air (2009) director: Jason Reitman
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critter-casey · 8 months
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“Chance Encounter” (animated digital drawing) — CW
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viridianblueocean · 5 months
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Up in the air!Feeling free:)!
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lukin08 · 16 days
Up In The Air Chapter 9
Kristanna Modern AU
Rated T
WC 3048
Summary: Tired of her nomad lifestyle, traveling nurse Anna Arendelle on a whim picks Pensacola Florida as her new town to try find a sense of home. Meanwhile, Navy Pilot Kristoff Bjorgman has accepted a dream position at the Naval station in the same town. After a chance encounter goes south, the two of them find their lives entwined, with neither of them all that happy about it!
Also Available on AO3
Previous Chapter
“Anna!” Nicole exclaimed for the fifth time as Anna tried to justify another clash she had with Kristoff from the last year.
Kristoff couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across his face listening to Nicole reprimand Anna.  They were sitting on opposite ends of the couch with Nicole pacing in front of them.  He almost jumped out of his seat when Nicole directed her ire at him.
“I don’t know what you think is so funny.  You’re just as bad as Anna.”
Kristoff’s eyes went wide with the weight of Nicole’s words directed at him.  From the corner of his sight, he could make out the scowl on Anna’s directed at him.  It baffled him how someone as small as Anna could be so intimidating.  It made him slump down against the couch to minimize the space he was taking up.
After a while, Kristoff grew weary of hashing out the last year with Nicole.  All the arguments, his justifications, Anna’s wild versions of what really happened; it all brought back his annoyance again.  Kristoff laid his head against the back of the couch.  He knew all this was childish, but there was something about Anna he couldn’t shake and he was almost ashamed to admit he liked getting a rise out of her.  But now he was done for the night and looking for a way out.
“So,” Nicole finally said, putting her hands on her hips. “Do you think you can both be adults and make up?”
Anna sat back, crossing her arms.  “We’re all good as long as he stays away from me.”
“Don’t need an invitation for that,” Kristoff interjected, making his eye roll obvious.
“You see,” Anna said first looking at Nicole then focusing on Kristoff.  That look was back and he knew she was incapable of letting this go.  “I feel like you do.  It’s like you can’t stay away from me.”
He turned and glared at Anna.  “Yeah, like when you see a car wreck on the highway and can’t look away.”
“Kris!” Nicole reprimanded.
Anna shot forward, her arms out in a plea to Nicole.  “This!  This is what I’m talking about!  He doesn’t leave me alone.  He continues to bug me over and over like the mosquito he must have been in a former life.”
In the background, Sven was trying to stifle a laugh.  Kristoff shot Sven a stare and noticed Camilla was also laughing.
“Anna, I don’t think- “
Anna cut Nicole off “Or maybe a gnat. Whatever is more annoying.”  Anna flung herself back on the couch, her eyebrows scrunched together.
“Alright, that’s enough.”  Kristoff slapped his thighs and stood up.  His eyes scanned the group in the living room. “It’s been fun, but I realized I don’t have to sit here and take any of this.”  He started to move towards the door. 
“Kris, come on.  Don’t leave,” Nicole implored.
Kristoff paused, quickly shaking his head as he looked over at Nicole. “Nah, I think I will.  Enjoy the rest of your evening and your new friend.”  He turned back and took several large strides towards his exit.
“That’s not fair.  Please- “
Kristoff was already out the door slamming it behind him before Nicole could finish her sentence.
“…come back.” Nicole turned back to Anna, a defeated look across her face.  “I’m sorry.  That’s not what I wanted to happen.”
Anna waived her off, pretending Kristoff storming off didn’t bother her.  “I’m used to it.  People have been doing that all my life.”
The light raps on the door made Kristoff flinch.  He jumped up hoping it wasn’t Boss coming to reprimand him for not joining the group for dinner.  He wasn’t in the mood to be around anyone, the madness from Monday still a fresh wound.  Kristoff was hoping that leaving for the show would give him some reprieve, but it didn’t look like that was going to happen.
Sven was on the other side grinning from ear to ear. “So, this is where you’ve been hiding.”
Kristoff sighed.  “What do you want, Sven?”
“Can I come in?  Thought we could watch a movie.”
Kristoff took a step back and gestured for Sven to come into the room.  “Is Boss pissed?”
“Nah.  He gets it.  We all have our off times.  But you missed a hell of a dinner.  What did you do anyway tonight?  Sulk in here?”
“I went for a run if you must know.”
Sven shrugged and looked around.  “At least you weren’t hanging out at the bar alone.  Which bed are you using?”
Sven jumped on the opposite bed that Kristoff pointed to and started scanning for movies.  Kristoff went and sat in his own bed against the headboard.  Thankfully Sven picked a comedy he didn’t have to think about.
“I wasn’t hiding.”
“I just didn’t want to be around anyone.”
“If that’s what you say.”
“There’s a difference.”
“Is there?”
Kristoff didn’t respond.  Thankfully Sven let it drop and focused back to the TV.  After the movie, they switched on a game from the West Coast that was still on.  In as bad of a mood Kristoff had been in all week, he was still grateful for moments like this.  To have his best friend come in and do something as simple as watching a movie with him was something Kristoff didn’t take for granted.  They had spent the last ten years seeing each other a few times a year and it was nice not to have to worry about that for at least a few years.  
But Kristoff knew Sven also had an ulterior motive.  They needed to talk about what happened on Monday.  Sven wasn’t going to let Kristoff get away with that, but he was giving Kristoff the space to bring it up.
Finally, Kristoff relented.  He couldn’t take the dead space between them. “How angry is Nicole with me?”
Sven waived his finger, smiling as he looked at the TV.  “Now that is who you need to be worried about.  Not Boss.  Glad to see you finally figured that out.”
Kristoff winced.  “That bad, huh?”
Sven turned towards Kristoff.  “She’s more disappointed than angry.” He stared over at Kristoff for a few moments before breaking out into a grin.  “How was that? I was practicing my dad voice.”
The pillow hit Sven square in the face. He yelped as he fell back.  “Damn, Kris,” Sven said as he rubbed his nose.  “You didn’t have to throw it that hard.”
Then don’t be a smart ass all the time.”
Sven laid there for a few minutes looking over at the game again.  He let out a small chuckle before he spoke.  “Look man, I think this is funny as hell.  I mean what are the chances?”
“Just my luck.”
“You know, I think there’s a part of you that actually enjoys all the bickering with Anna.”
“Yeah, ok.”
“No really.  She keeps you on your toes. A little bit of a challenge.”
“Can we not talk about Anna. I’m more concerned about Nicole and the possibility of never being allowed to step foot at your doorstep again.”
“Nicole’s not mad at you.  She’s frustrated with the situation.  If I had to describe it, she’s more sad than anything.”
That wasn’t the response Kristoff expected. “Sad?”
“Yeah, you know,” Sven’s arms fell to his side. “She really likes Anna and you’re like a brother to her.  She was hoping everyone would get along.  Now it’s all fucked up and if you two are going to butt heads all the time…”  
“I don’t have to go to anything that Nicole wants Anna at. If it makes it easier, don’t worry about me.  I’m fine.”
Sven shifted again and looked Kristoff in the eyes.  “No, that’s not ok.  I’m asking you as my best friend. Don’t make Nicole choose.  Don’t do that to her.” 
Guilt washed over Kristoff.  He knew Sven was right, but all he could do was nod back.
“As entertaining as it is, can you at least try not arguing with her as much?  Maybe keep it to a light banter around Nicole.”
Kristoff wanted to scoff at the request, but he held it in.  “Yeah, bud.  I’ll try.”
Sven smiled and sat back. “Good, because Nicole invited Anna to the Memorial Day remembrance.”
“She what?!”
“Hey, you’ve been warned with plenty of advance notice.” Sven pointed a finger at Kristoff.  
It was enough for Kristoff to only let out a small grumble before turning back to the tv.  They settled back into watching the game a now comfortable silence between them.  After a few minutes Sven spoke again.
“I have to ask you something.  I’ve held back asking you forever, but now you owe me.”
“If that night you met Anna hadn’t gone to shit.  Don’t tell Nicole this by the way, but I’m on your side with that.  But if things hadn’t gone sideways, would you have asked to see her again?”
The question hung out between them. Kristoff could feel the weight of it in his chest.  He didn’t want to answer, didn’t want to say it out loud.  But Sven was right.  Kristoff owed him.
“Yes,” he said flatly not taking his eyes off the TV.
The wing was void of any activity as Anna walked down the corridor.  The hospital was inching closer to the pediatric wing opening and it was exciting to see it start to take shape.  But the walk to the new wing was quiet and it felt lonely with all the lack of activity.  Anna did her best to shake off that isolating feeling that always seemed to be stalking right behind her and walked faster to the last set of doors
The committee was meeting to take a tour of the progress. She couldn’t wait to really get to work, making the area an inviting place for the children and their families.  Beyond the state-of-the-art equipment, there were murals, decorations, books and toys all waiting to fill up the space. She walked through the doors and into an open space that would be a staging and area for families waiting for doctor appointments.  The whole room would be lined with bookshelves and interactive toys.  
Anna stopped when she noticed Kristoff sitting on one of the benches, hunched over with his back turned to her.  It was just her luck that he’d be the first one here.  He looked towards Anna briefly as she started walking again only to turn back without any acknowledgement.
She rolled her eyes.  Kristoff was not going to get under her skin today.  At least that was the mantra she had been repeating to herself all day.  It was the first time they had seen each other since the incident, as Anna referred to it, at Nicole’s and there was no way she was going to let him think it rattled her.  She threw her shoulders back and purposely walked over to a chair near him.
He nodded her existence when she sat down.  Anna quickly pulled out her phone after a quick hello.  She did a good job ignoring him for all of thirty seconds when she noticed something in his hands.  He was flipping through note cards and when she looked closer, she could see handwriting on them.  Anna was intrigued.  Studying him closer, Kristoff was not his usual cool collected self.  In fact, he almost looked nervous.
With a sly grin, Anna leaned forward, getting closer to Kristoff.  “What’cha got there Cap?”
“Huh?” Kristoff glanced up at Anna, almost startled before he was able to put on his emotionless mask on his face.  He quickly cleared his throat. “Nothing.”
Anna grinned.  “Come on, share.”
“It’s none of your business.”  He sat back against the bench, looking towards the entrance like he was willing someone to walk through.
Anna didn’t relent. “What is it? Top secret?”
“No.”  He looked back down at the cards he was holding, tapping them on his thigh.  “Why do you care anyway?”
“Just curious what’s making you so nervous.”
“I’m not nervous.”
“Right.”  Anna shook her head.  “Then why do you look like your about to be called into the principal’s office?”
He let out a loud sigh, slumping his shoulders.  “It’s that obvious?”
“Yes, unless you’re going for the about to yack up your breakfast look.”
Kristoff chuckled and it almost made Anna smile knowing she cracked what she thought was the impervious shell he wore.  “I, uh, have a presentation to give this afternoon.”
Anna sat back, crossing her arms.  “And?”
“I had to do it last year too and let’s just say it could have gone better.”
“Who’s it for, the head of Navy or something?”
“Worse.  It’s for a bunch of high schoolers. 
Anna burst out laughing envisioning Kristoff giving some dry speech to a group of teenagers. “Oh, they ate you alive, didn’t they?”
“No, but only because it was the ROTC and a group of the sports teams.  This year I’m in front of a whole auditorium of these kids today. I’m toast.”
“It can’t be that bad.”  Anna held out her hand. “Gimme.”
It took a moment, but Kristoff finally relented and handed his notecards over to Anna.  She flipped through them, before stacking them together and handing them back to him.  “I take it back.  It is that bad.”
“Fuck.  But I have to cover certain topics and- “
Anna held out her hand to stop him.  “You fly jets for a living.”
“So?!” Anna’s arms flew up in exasperation.  “You have the coolest job in the world!  Tell them about it.”
“It’s not really that glamorous,” Kristoff said, brushing her off.
“I don’t buy that for a second.  Come on, tell me something.”
Kristoff tilted his head at Anna. “Like what?”
“Like something about what you do.  What’s the best flight you ever had?”
Kristoff thought for a moment then broke into a small grin.  “It had to be dancing with the Northern Lights at 40K feet while flying North of the Artic circle.  I’ve never been so in awe of anything in this world as I was that night.”
Anna nodded in appreciation trying to imagine what Kristoff saw.  “And what’s the scariest thing about flying?  Teenager approved answers only.”
“That’s easy.  Night carrier landings in a storm with the carrier pitching and rolling.”
“Tell them that. Tell them about a time you had to do that.”
“That’s it?”
“Yes.  Tell them what scares you, a funny story, why you love flying. Mix them into your presentation.”  Anna stood up, noticing some other people enter the room.  Then she added, “They’ll love it, and you might trick them into thinking you are actually human, not just a robot spitting out facts.”  Anna walked away, not giving Kristoff an opportunity to respond.
The tour went by too quickly for Anna.  Her head was filled with ideas on how to make the pediatrics wing an inviting space for the children and families.  There was a twinge of disappointment when the tour was over until the administrator giving the tour asked if anyone would like to visit the current pediatric area.  Anna lit up, jumping at the opportunity.
Unfortunately, everyone had to bow out except for Kristoff.   She was surprised he agreed to go over to the floor, convinced he would have ducked out at the first opportunity.  They followed the administrator until she said she needed to stop at her office and asked Anna to show Kristoff the way to the floor.
They walked in silence down the hallway, Kristoff keeping a step behind her.  
“Can I ask you something?” Kristoff asked, breaking the silence.
“Ask away, Cap.”
“Why did you decide to be nice to me earlier?”
A small grin came over Anna’s face.  “I don’t know if I was being nice.  Helpful, yes.  But they aren’t the same thing.”
“Ok fine.  Why were you helping me?”
She saw Kristoff pull a face at her, but he didn’t say anything.  After a few moments, he responded.  “You got the talk, didn’t you?”
“I knew it.  Guess we need to be on our best behavior.”
“Nicole is my friend and Sven too…don’t give me that face.  I’m not going to lose her because of you.  If it takes putting on the air of civility with you, then fine.”
“You stay in your lane, and I’ll stay in mine?”
Kristoff pondered that for a second before saying.  “I can live with that.”
The time on the pediatric floor flew by for Anna.  She was in her element stopping to talk to the children.  She made sure to talk to each of them, not leaving until she got a smile or laugh.  She even promised to come back to visit a few of the children on her breaks at work.  It was something she was looking forward to.
As she was getting ready to head out, she realized she hadn’t seen Kristoff.  He had come into a few of the first rooms with her not saying too much until a small child they met in the hall, enamored by his uniform, took his fingers in their hand and led him away.  He’d been gone since, and she figured he must have made his escape some time ago.
Anna did a double take, stopping quickly to back up when she swore she saw something out of the corner of her eye.  When she went to peer into the common play area for the children, there was Kristoff, sitting on the floor with a group of children surrounding him.  A young boy was pointing to his shoulder boards, asking about them and the service ribbons on his shirt.  
She leaned against the doorframe in disbelief.  “Wasn’t expecting that,” Anna said to herself.
Another nurse saw Anna and walked over, a large smile on her face.  She looked back at Kristoff. “He’s got a big group of fans.  Been here over an hour with all the kids.”
Before she could say anything, Kristoff caught her eye.  He gave her a small wave and a sheepish smile and Anna couldn’t help but return a warm smile.  Maybe she didn’t have Kristoff Bjorgman completely figured out.
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downfalldestiny · 1 year
Up in the air 🦅 !.
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faffreux · 9 months
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sm-11-11 · 1 month
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zackkcore · 9 months
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One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals.
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raurquiz · 2 months
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#happybirthday @AnnaKendrick47 #annakendrick #actress #pitchperfect #intothewoods #twightlight #newmoon #breakingdawn #trolls #worldtour #BandTogether #WomanoftheHour #SelfReliance #AliceDarling #scottpilgrimvstheworld #TakesOff #holidayinharmony #paranorman #familyguy #upintheair
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howifeltabouthim · 1 year
To experience intensity is to not know how things will end.
Chris Kraus, from I Love Dick
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hotandfunnywomen · 2 years
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Entertainment Weekly 2010 with Anna Kendrick, Vera Farmiga and George Clooney for "Up in the Air".
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marsmad · 2 months
Today, today, today! 🎶💖🎶💖🎶💖🎶💖
ytilizacuay on IG
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lukin08 · 4 months
Up In The Air Chapter 7
Kristanna Modern AU
Rated T
WC 2559
Summary: Tired of her nomad lifestyle, traveling nurse Anna Arendelle on a whim picks Pensacola Florida as her new town to try find a sense of home. Meanwhile, Navy Pilot Kristoff Bjorgman has accepted a dream position at the Naval station in the same town. After a chance encounter goes south, the two of them find their lives entwined, with neither of them all that happy about it!
Also Available on AO3
Previous Chapter
Thanks for picking me up, again,” Sven said as he hopped into the Jeep.
“No problem.”
“What do we have on the docket…wait, why are you wearing your khakis?”  Sven gave Kristoff a full scan of his uniform.
“I have a meeting before practice.”
“With who?” 
“Shashaty and Kesselring.”
“No fucking way! For what?”
Kristoff didn’t really know what to say to Sven.  While he had his suspicions, Kristoff wasn’t given the full details of the meeting.  He knew it had to do with the new pilot training at the base, but there was more to it to be meeting with both men.  Kristoff answered nonchalantly, hoping Sven would drop it.  “Just some stuff about the flight instruction program I’ve been helping with during the offseason.”
“That can’t be all.” Sven squinted his eyes and studied Kristoff.  He was quiet for a minute before stating confidently, “I know what this is about.  They’re looking to move you up.”
Kristoff scoffed at Sven’s words.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“That’s it. I know it.” Sven sat back in his seat, crossing his arms.
“It’s just a meeting.”
Sven instantly leaned forward and turned to face Kristoff.  “The head of the base doesn’t want to just talk to you about the program. They have their eye on you.  Just tell me I’m right. Come on, you know.”
“I don’t know anything. “
“Blink twice for yes.  Kris, please.  You know I won’t say anything.”
Kristoff shook his head.  “I don’t even have enough years in for board review to move to Commander.”
Sven held his finger out.  “One, you will next year.  And two, your work on the flight instructions makes total sense to help you move up.  So, there you have it. Done deal.”
The thought had crossed Kristoff’s mind, but he had been trying to ignore that. His year in Pensacola had brought up an urge to stay longer and he wasn’t really sure how to handle these new desires.  But flight instruction was a means to possibly stay, and Kristoff had thrown himself into the program, finding ways to improve it.  He found the work more enjoyable than he thought he would.  Assisting on the program could give Kristoff an advantage to being re-assigned at Pensacola.  Throw in a commander rank and he might have a shot when his time in the Blues was over to at least stay a few more years.  But he didn’t want to have that conversation with Sven on the drive to work and needed to change the subject.
 “You know what I think?”
“That you should spend less time worrying about me and more about focusing on yourself and getting moved up to LT. commander.  I’m sure the pay jump will help especially now for you and Nic.”
Sven was sitting back again in his seat.  He turned away to look out the window, letting out a deep breath. “I know.  I slacked and you were right to push me like you did even if I didn’t appreciate it before.   But you know I recommitted to it.  I’ve been working my ass off like you’ve been on me to, and I got the highest marks after my last deployment.”
Kristoff smiled at that.  He felt guilty pushing Sven as much as he did over the years.  Sven wasn’t behind in his promotions as far as the Navy viewed it, but Kristoff knew the potential Sven had and how he could be farther ahead in his career.  It didn’t help that Sven sometimes compared himself to Kristoff and perceived he was lacking. It was quite the opposite.  Sven had proved himself by applying to the Blue Angels.  Kristoff had no influence if he would make it or not.  Sven stood in front of the sixteen officers that interview day and everyday leading up to that and was accepted into the team on his own merit.  A pilot was only accepted by a unanimous vote.  Sometimes it would take long hours into the night to get everyone to approve a pilot.  Sven was voted in within ten minutes of the discussion starting.  Kristoff couldn’t wait to tell Sven that fact next year when it was Sven’s turn to take part in the voting.
 If anything, Kristoff felt Sven had a healthier view of his career and more importantly what was outside of it.  Sven had a wife, a family, things that Kristoff never thought he’d get to experience.  The idea almost felt foreign to him now. Kristoff had pushed that yearning down so far for so many years that he almost believed that he didn’t want that anymore.
“Keep grinding it out and you’ll be in good shape to move up at the next boards.”
Sven grinned.  “I hope so.  It would be the best news to tell Nikki.”
“Speaking of Nic, how’s she doing?”
The smile was back on Sven’s face.  “Better.  She hasn’t been feeling as sick lately, thank goodness.  She’s set up with a good doctor now and I’m starting to be able to breathe again. I’m glad you’re here with me. I know we told you early, but I needed someone I could trust to talk to.  You’ve been a lifesaver.”
“Any time.  I hate to ask this, but are you set for when we leave for El Centro? That’s going to be a long stretch with you gone.”
Sven nodded.  “We’re going to tell Boss’s wife and a few others about the pregnancy so Nikki will have a support system while I’m gone.  She’s starting to make some other friends too outside of the Blue’s family. You know Nikki.  She’s strong.  She’ll be good.”
“And how about you?” Kristoff asked, glancing at Sven from the side of his eyes.
“Don’t worry.  I’m good.  Focused.  I’ll huddle up in our cocoon out in the desert and be 100 percent in.  I’ve been away from her before.  I can manage a couple months.”
Kristoff nodded.  He needed Sven’s head in the game when they went to winter training.  And while he trusted Sven, he was still going to have to keep an extra eye on him.
Sven managed to stay quiet for a few minutes.  Then if on cue, he started up again. “So, are you working on the instruction program for any other reason?”
“You know that’s where I want to focus on after this is over.”
So much for not talking about it.  Kristoff silently swore at Sven.  It was like the man had radar to focus in on exactly any topic he’d rather avoid. “…and it’s been nice being home.  I wouldn’t mind if I happened to get stationed here as an instructor. I have zero say where the Navy sends me.”
“But a nudge from the base commander wouldn’t hurt when the time comes. I get it.”  Kristoff was a little surprised Sven didn’t push more.  Instead, he sat there in contemplation for a moment before shifting the conversation.  “I’d give anything to be assigned to the states after this,”
“I just want to be done with all the long deployments.  I know you do too no matter what you say.  We aren’t supposed to live for months on end on the carriers anymore.  That’s for the younger guys.  We’ve been living like this since we were what? 22, 23?  It’s time for us to come on the carriers for shorter stints and patrol domestically.”
“You almost sound like you don’t want to fly anymore.”
“Hell yeah I want to fly.”  The look on Sven’s face was pure indignancy. “I want to every day!  But you know the optimal age for a dog fight.”
“Well, we have started that downhill trajectory my friend.  And going out on patrol to hunt for subs is for the newbies anyway.  That’s not our role anymore. We should be working on projects and training and going out and leading squadrons when there is a conflict, and you know it.”
“I’m not arguing with you.”
“Sorry bud.  I just get myself worked up sometimes thinking about what’s best for my family.”
Hearing Sven talk about his family sent a knot in Kristoff’s stomach.  So many things were changing, and it was the first time in a long time that Kristoff wasn’t 100 percent sure where the next step in his life would take him.  He reminded himself that the next two seasons were devoted to the Blue Angels.  Talk about next positions and assignments were distractions he shouldn’t be fixating on.  He’d cross that bridge when this run was over.
They made it to the base.  Kristoff pulled into his parking spot and went inside.  
Kristoff stopped before heading to his office.  “Remember not a word.”
“Roger.  I’m going to go over the flight map of El Centro before our briefing.  Anything else you want me to look at?”
“The inverted to inverted roll.  I want to work on that today when we’re up.”
“Got it.  Good luck,” Sven said before saluting Kristoff and heading over to his desk and parting ways with Kristoff.
“So how did it go?”
Sven was sitting across from Kristoff in his office, tossing a baseball in the air.  They had just finished the team debrief and were going over some of the solo flight details for the next day.
“It was…fine.”
“What was Boss’s and Shashaty’s feedback?”
Before Kristoff could say anything, there was swift knock on the door.  Kristoff looked up.  “Come in.”
An ensign came saluted and handed Kristoff a folder. He already knew what this was for and quickly opened it and signed his name.  Kristoff handed the folder back and dismissed the junior officer.
“What was that?”
Kristoff looked up and saw Sven eyeing him.  For a half second, he thought about reprimanding Sven for stepping out of line and asking about the file.  But they were in private, and Kristoff allowed a more informal environment when it was just the two of them.  There wasn’t anything classified in the file anyway and Sven was bound to find out sooner than later.
“Re-evaluation orders for a group of flight trainees.”
Sven raised an eyebrow.  “You ordered that?”
“Sure did.”
“So that’s how it went today,” Sven said with a knowing look.  “Masters is going to be pissed you are questioning his team’s flight evaluations and recommendations.”
“I’d be surprised if he wasn’t.  And I’m not questioning them.  I’m questioning the process. They are passing up on some top tier candidates for the fighter jet pipeline.”
“Good luck with that one.”  Sven let out a whistle and shook his head.
Kristoff started pulling out his bag and checked his watch for the time.  “You got a ride home?  I’m going to the hospital as soon as I get changed back into my Khakis.”
“All set.”  The grin was back on Sven’s face.  Kristoff knew instantly where this conversation was headed.  He didn’t like it one bit.  “So, are you going to see the red head today? What’s her name again?”
Kristoff’s eyes narrowed as he glared at Sven.  “Anna.  Why are you bringing her up?”
“Just getting ahead of you before you start complaining about her.  Do you actually get anything done in these meetings or do you just fight with her all the time?”
“I don’t fight with her.  She fights with me and I correct her.”
“Right.  Cause you never rub people the wrong way.  Are you sure you can’t smooth things over with her.  Apologize and move-“
Kristoff cut Sven off.  “I don’t have anything to apologize for.”
“Doubtful. But think about it.  Maybe you two could get on a better standing.”
Kristoff leaned forward, putting both hands on his desk to get his head lower and more in line to where Sven was sitting.  He stared directly into Sven’s eye to emphasize his point. “She called me a liar and said she didn’t have any respect for me.  I know exactly where I stand with her.  And I’m just fine with that.”
“She really gets under your skin doesn’t she? I think I could like her.”  Sven started laughing to himself. “Man, I wish I could remember what she looked like from the bar.”
Kristoff stood back up.  “And I wish you would stop bringing that up.”
“Hey, great idea.  Take me with you next time.  I’m dying to see this war between the two of you play out in live action.”
Sven was laughing again.  Kristoff picked up his bag.  “Absolutely not,” he barked before walking out and leaving Sven as fast as he could.
“Why are you always so late!”
Anna chastised herself looking at the time on her phone again.  She knew she was running late, but she really wanted to get changed out of her scrubs before leaving the hospital.  The drive took longer than she thought and she wasn’t that familiar with downtown Pensacola. Between finding parking and walking in the wrong direction twice, she was running over fifteen minutes late.
“Oh, that’s cute!” Anna slowed for a second to admire a dress in a boutique’s window before catching herself and walking again at a brisk pace.  “Focus!”  She made a mental note to come back to this area soon.
She made it to the restaurant and found the hand waving to her across the room.  Anna quickly dodged around the tables to get to her seat.
“I am so sorry I’m late!”
“Oh, my goodness do not worry about it.  I’ve been living on this bread.  It’s so good. I’m on my second basket.”
“What? The baby’s hungry.”
Both women burst into a fit of giggles.  Anna looked over at her new friend.  She was so happy they hit it off.  From that first day they met when Nicole came in alone to her appointment, they had become fast friends.  Anna was the nurse that day and stayed with Nicole her whole appointment after finding out Nicole’s husband had just been deployed out of state and would be gone for several months.  They cliqued immediately and Anna was grateful for this new friendship.
“I saw some baby shops on my walk here, we should check them out some day.”  Anna hesitated.  “Unless you rather go with your husband.”
Nicole waived her off. “Are you kidding me? Sven does not need to go baby clothes shopping with me.  I’m terrified of what he’d pick out.  I’d rather go with you.”
Anna smiled at that.  “So, what is the countdown at?”
“Three weeks.  Right before we find out if it’s a boy or girl.”
“I’m so glad he’ll be back for that.”
Nicole nodded.  “Me too.  And I can’t wait for you to meet Sven.  You’re going to love him.  We’ll have you over when he gets back, maybe with a few other friends.”
Anna squinted her eyes at Nicole.  “You mean Navy guys, don’t you?”
“And their significant others…at least some of them.  Relax Anna.  I promise we only know the good ones.  I’ve already vetted any of the single ones.”
“Why don’t I trust you?”
Nicole purposely ignored Anna.  “It’s set.  I’ll get a date when he’s back and we’ll have some people over.  It will be fun.”
“I don’t have a choice in this do I?”
Nicole grinned over at Anna.  “Absolutely not.”
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s-505 · 8 months
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downfalldestiny · 1 year
Right. Well i don't 😂 !.
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slowsweetlove · 8 months
I made a silly little thing ages ago when the first promotional pictures came out and an online friend's husband constantly referred to 'Masters in the Air' as 'Up in the Air'.
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