#Unpredictable plot
c2e1-book · 8 days
Dive into the Twists and Turns of "Mind Games" – Free Audiobook!
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Ready for a gripping psychological thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat? "Mind Games: A Novel" takes you into a world of deception, manipulation, and mind-bending twists. As the characters play dangerous mental games, you'll find yourself questioning what is real and what’s not. If you love stories filled with suspense, intrigue, and unexpected revelations, this audiobook is a must-listen.
And the best part? You can experience "Mind Games" for free on Audible! Click the link below to begin unraveling the mystery:
🎧 Get Mind Games for $0.00 here.
Prepare to have your mind twisted—start listening now!
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poppiesforthirteen · 2 years
i don't get people who don't like looms because "when two time lords love each other very much they send a formal application to the council to use a machine that is in their house" is so much funnier than a nuclear family
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treasureplcnet · 11 months
also quite obsessed with karl being as detached from the story as he is. there's nothing that makes him have to be the detective that has to be involved, but he unknowingly dooms himself by agreeing to work with the KYAL cult. every other detective basically deals with elias head on except weissman, who only meets him right before he kills him. like he's right when he says "by my choices" because everything that leads him to being mixed up with the mannix cult is himself. it's the gambling debts and the choice to do the dirty work for an organisation he knows nothing about. he's the only one that doesn't encounter that body doing police work and it's specifically because he's told to cover it up. he gets himself into the mess and eventually fixes it but the fact that esther always dies in the doomed timelines and he's always too late even if he starts wanting to change things ("till this child. esther.") it just makes me very ill
#sorry jane who heard this on her dms but now im posting it to tumblr cause im having a category 5 woman moment. AND ALTERNATIVELY:#i am also EXTREMELY obsessed with how its a time loop and the idea (so sorry tumblr user whose post i have lost and was inspired by)#weissman was just so fucking hard to deal with that they made sure that he was in their pockets. i just like the idea of the loop--#--having like. fixed points that elias would need to ensure the dystopia (body is covered up/the investigation closes/etc) but#how they get there is a slightly slower process and the earliest loops were the messiest/most unpredictable#and what we see in the show itself is like. the most streamlined version over hundreds of loops and attempts#so karl specifically. lonely that he is and determined to survive. AND with a cruel streak against people he doesn't like#kept nearly blowing their operation so they began to incorporate him in it instead#there's also another tragedy in there if /esther/ is what they realise works best against him..#just love and kindness for a girl that weissman comes to see as family and they immediately exploit it after learning during an early loop#im ignoring specific plot points here (polly seemingly panicking when esther shows up at the station) but I DO NOT CARE.#THERE'S ANGST HAPPENING RN. IM CREATING SCENARIOS TO HURT ME#now if i could write coherently this would be written as a fic but im stuck writing too long textposts#karl weissman#bodies 2023#bodies netflix#sorry to the other detectives. weissman in particular is my babygirl who i devote most of my brainpower to#personal
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guwix · 8 months
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No, this IS NOT A THEORY... I just thought it was too "dramatic" if he was "fallen." A wise, correct, "yellow" soul, but Husk does not fit the criteria of Heaven. Although, it is not known how Paradise works at the Hazbin Hotel. Therefore, it was predictable if the meaning of Husk "Remember" and "Was" were based on this.
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the-music-maniac · 3 months
If Yan Wushi is so unpredictable, I think that DILF should bottom once in a while 👀
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lieutenantselnia · 4 months
I randomly felt like watching this edit again and ohh ... the feelings😭😭 This video basically carried me through my last semester and final exams at high school, I literally watched it multiple times every day (I swear a couple hundred views are from me alone), on the bus ride to school in the morning, when I got home again, before going to bed, just in between because I felt like it ... Internally I wasn't doing that well at the time, and it just brought me so much comfort. Also I'm pretty sure it plays a significant role in how I fell more and more in love with 2nd Dimension Heinz💕 This edit just means so much to me and I love it so much <3
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arcadekitten · 11 months
how would you feel if someone like matpat made a theory on your game series?
matthew patthew
I guess where I stand right now is I feel like...indifferent I suppose? Just as long as people don't treat a theory like it IS canon before I've said or done anything or finished whatever I'm working on
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dannyphannypack · 9 months
Happy Holiday Truce @ghozteevee !
I'm so sorry about the wait! I'd say the holidays got away from me, but I think procrastination is pretty true-to-form for me. Something I'll definitely work on in the New Year. I really hope it's still January 3rd for you!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little story <3 I took some inspo from two of your prompts: post identity reveal family outing and sibling bonding. The sibling bonding is in the first quarter or so, the parental bonding is in the last bit. Also, the conclusion definitely ran away from me! Very Brother Bear vibes up in here. I hope that's okay!
Enjoy! :3
Word Count: 3280
Danny gasped awake with a shiver, barely catching the green of his eyes as it caught on the shiny, canvassed ceiling of their tent. His breath fogged in front of him, visible in the quickly dimming glow. It served as a warning of what he already knew had awoken him, but it was nice to get the confirmation anyway: there was a ghost nearby.
He rubbed the crust from his eyes as he allowed his brain time to wake up the rest of the way. The good news was that it didn’t feel like anything overly powerful. The bad news was that if it tripped his Ghost Sense, then it was powerful enough—and more than likely causing havoc, because it was clearly feeling some big emotions and those emotions usually amounted to some brand of anger. It also felt distinctly feral, and given their locale, it was safe to bet it was an animal spirit of some kind. Those could be especially unpredictable, and he wasn’t in the mood.
Danny looked over at the sleeping bag where his sister slept—seeing in the dark hadn’t been a problem for a long time, with or without the aid of glowing eyes—and he watched the slow rise and fall of her chest as she quietly snored. Now, whether or not to wake her was the question. The Ghost Assault Vehicle would be the safest place for her if things went haywire, but undoubtedly she’d be worried and clingy and want to help, which he also wasn’t in the mood for.
Ultimately, though, safety overruled whatever annoying sibling feelings she might stir up. Danny dislodged himself from his own sleeping bag and crawled across the floor to her, the waterproof fabric beneath him making rustling noises all the way.
“Psst,” he whispered, setting a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Jazz.”
“Whazzat?” she asked, jerking. “Danny?”
“Hey. There’s a ghost.”
Her eyes blew open. “Like, here? Now?”
Yeah, maybe he could’ve handled that better. “Not yet,” he amended. “But I’m heading out. You should probably get in the Gav, just in case.”
“The G-A-V, Danny, not the ‘Gav.’” It was an old argument, one they hadn’t really argued over in years. Danny figured that Jazz probably found it endearing now that she was out of the house and missing him for most of the year. She sighed as she sat up and reached for the ground, hands fumbling towards her glasses. “You’re going alone? At least tell Mom and Dad first. And help me with a light, please.”
Danny summoned a ball of ectoplasm and sent it floating up towards the domed ceiling, where it lit the whole tent in a dim, soft blue. He grimaced. “I was kind of hoping you’d do that.”
Danny’s parents had been informed of his little secret only a week ago, and all-in-all it had gone down pretty well. The timing had been strategic, of course; Danny was going off to college at the end of the summer, and his parents needed to know why their newest ghostly ally would be disappearing from Amity for the entire school year (barring holidays and emergencies, if all went well). Going to college was a failsafe he knew he hadn’t needed, but wanted anyway—seeing alternate timelines where his parents were accepting of his after-school activities was very different from actually experiencing it in his own, after all. They’d reacted much as expected, though. Surprised. Excited. Sad. Guilt-stricken.
Jazz looked at him with something that bordered on pity, and it made him squirm. “I can if that’s what you really want, Danny,” she allowed. “But you know why I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Okay, no need to get all mopey about it,” Danny deflected, clambering up to his knees (the tent wasn’t tall enough to stand, which kind of put a damper on his whole ‘stoic’ front. Not that he’d admit that). “It just…still feels weird. But I can do it!”
Jazz raised her hands in fake surrender and fought a smile. “Yeah, yeah, you’re a big boy now, I got it.” She unzipped her sleeping bag and cast the cover aside. “I’ll go hide. Though…if it’s big enough that you needed to wake us up, maybe you should do more than just let them know.”
“Like?” Danny asked, just to be obstinate. He knew what Jazz was hinting at.
Jazz rolled her eyes. “Like ask for help, you big dummy.”
Danny sighed. It’d be the first time working with them since…“I don’t know if we’re at that level yet, Jazz.”
“You were before you told them,” Jazz pointed out with a raised brow.
“It’s different,” he stressed.
“Okay, well, different or not, you need to tell them you’re leaving, at the very least.” Jazz crawled over her sleeping bag towards the door and unzipped it with a practiced, fluid motion. “After you,” she said with a dramatic gesture towards the dark campfire and forest beyond.
Danny grumbled as he passed, and once out of the threshold he let the ectoplasmic ball lighting the inside of the tent wink out, just to hear Jazz’s indignant “Hey!” from behind him. Seconds later he heard (and saw) her flashlight click on behind him; ectoplasm-powered and too big for its own good, Danny was sure that thing created its own light pollution. He refused to use it on principle.
Danny walked the short trek to his parents’ tent and crouched to get the zipper, deciding against intangibility just in case one of his parents was awake enough to notice a shadowy silhouette phase through the wall. On the other side, Jack snored with the force of a train engine; Danny could swear it was rattling the zipper out of his hands as he fumbled with it.
The inside was dark, but Jazz’s flashlight outside cast long shadows across the floor. Danny moved out of the way so that the light could hit his parent’s faces; Danny knew his mother would have in ear plugs, so this was really the only safe way of waking her beyond shaking, which Danny knew from experience could be…startling, sometimes.
He watched her brows furrow before her eyes squinted open. She rubbed at her eyes with one hand and took an ear plug out with the other. “Danny? What happened?”
“Um, there’s a ghost,” Danny said (muttered, more like). “I was gonna go—”
“Hold on, I can’t hear you,” Maddie said, turning to shake her husband. “Jack, wake up. Danny needs something.”
“Whazzat?” Jack yelled, in much the same way as Jazz. Like father, like daughter. “What happened?”
“Uh,” Danny said, feeling tenser now with both their attentions on him. “There’s a ghost.” He pointed north. “Half a mile that way, maybe. Getting closer. I was gonna go deal with it, but I told Jazz to get in the RV just in case.”
Maddie frowned. “You were gonna go deal with it? By yourself?”
Danny glanced behind him, where Jazz was giving him a thumbs up from across the campsite. “Um, no,” he lied, turning back around. “You guys can come. If you want. You don’t have to.”
“Of course we want to, Danno!” Jack shouted. He had positively lit up, like grogginess wasn’t and had never been an issue for him. “I’ll go get the Fenton Grappler!”
“Do you know what kind of ghost it is, sweetie?” Maddie asked, still watching him. “What equipment do we need to bring?”
Danny hadn’t thought that far ahead. “It’s an animal, I think. It feels pretty feral. It’s not that strong, either, but—”
“Animal spirits can be unpredictable,” Maddie said, echoing Danny’s earlier considerations. “Alright, we’ll bring the capturing gear.” She paused. “If…that’s okay?”
Danny almost laughed; he’d never heard his mom sound so unsure when it came to ghost hunting. “That sounds good, Mom,” he said. “I’ll go get my boots on.”
— — —
Danny led the way through the timber with his parents, feeling a little silly in human form but unwilling to change nonetheless. It was nice to walk, sometimes, even when flying would be quicker and less taxing. And he could pass his feet intangibly through those pesky fallen branches and thorny bushes, so really it wasn’t all that worse than strolling down an Amity sidewalk. There was, he told himself, no other reason he might want to stay human in this scenario. He certainly wouldn’t feel uncomfortable otherwise.
“Are we getting close, honey?” Maddie asked after helping Jack over a rotted trunk.
The irony wasn’t lost on Danny; he’d asked the same question on the RV ride there. He felt around in his chest, feeling for the speed at which his core buzzed it’s steady warning, the strength of the tug. “Nearly there,” he promised.
“That’s a real neat trick, Danny-boy,” Jack praised. Danny could hear the smile in his voice. “You know, I always wondered how Phantom heard wind of a ghost faster than we did. Didn’t I, Mads?”
Danny kicked at some dead leaves and sticks at the ground, embarrassed. “That ghost alarm you guys developed works similarly. It maybe doesn’t have quite the range, though.”
Maddie hummed, contemplating. “And that’s what woke you up tonight?”
Maddie reached out to set her hand on his shoulder, stopping him. He closed his eyes before he turned to face her, bracing. If he hadn’t caught on to the concern in her voice before, he was definitely feeling it now. “How often do ghosts wake you up?” she asked, quiet.
Danny opened his mouth to lie and then thought better of it. That was a habit he was determined to break with his family, whether they’d like the answer or not. “Once or twice a night,” he admitted, slowly. When Maddie made a pained noise, he quickly added, “Usually it’s nothing to worry about, though, so I just go back to sleep. Like, at least half the time.”
She bit her lip. Guilty. “You shouldn’t have had to deal with that, hun.”
“Can we not do this?” Danny pleaded. These were the kind of conversations he’d been trying to avoid for the past week. “It’s my fault for not telling you guys, not your fault for not noticing.”
“We know that’s how you feel, Danny,” his mom allowed. She shared a glance with Jack from over her shoulder. “But we can’t help but feel like some of that lies on us, too. For noticing the clues but not acting on them in the ways we should have.”
“We want to know now, though,” Jack said, coming up behind his wife. “Warts and all.”
“Is this an intervention?” Danny asked, nervous. It felt like his core was constricting in his chest. “Because I get enough of that from Jazz.”
“It’s not an intervention,” his mom denied, pinching the bridge of her nose. “It’s just…Why haven’t you turned into Phantom yet, Danny?”
Danny wasn’t sure if he heard that right. It felt like the conversation had spun 180. “What?” he asked.
“This isn’t exactly an easy hike, sweetie,” she said. “Mostly uphill, through brambles and across fallen trees.”
“It’s been fine,” he argued. “I’ve been phasing through most of it.”
“If we were Tucker or Sam, you would have flown us there,” Maddie finished, and, well, he couldn’t deny that logic. “So why haven’t you?”
Danny frowned. “I didn’t think we were at that stage yet.”
“We’re not on a date, Danny; we’re your parents,” she sighed, shaking her head. “There is nothing you could do that would make me stop loving you. I changed your diapers; I should know.”
Danny frowned. If she had said that two weeks ago, before they’d known, he might not have believed her. He did believe her this time, but it was marred by something else—this aching, squeezing feeling in his chest, riddling his core with fear and anxiety and confusion and—
Oh. That wasn’t from him.
“Look out!” Danny yelled, grabbing hold of his parents and shoving them to the ground. His shield came up just in time: a glowing black bear, absolutely massive for its species, came barreling down upon it, scratching and growling and baring sharp, sharp teeth with saber-toothed tiger levels of length. He flinched against its strength but held steady, keeping his hands in front of him to feed ectoplasm into the bubble that surrounded them.
Perhaps realizing that its efforts were futile, the bear backed away, roared once in warning, and then took off running in the opposite direction, taking a moment to pause awkwardly at a hollowed tree stump before disappearing over the hill.
“Okay,” Danny breathed, allowing the shield to dissipate. There was that conversation out the window. He was almost grateful for it; he’d always been better at fighting than he was at talking, and staying human during this battle was quickly becoming a moot point, anyhow. “Alright, here’s the plan: you guys follow from back here, and I’ll fly up and cut it off from the front. Sound good?”
He was about to run off then, but Maddie grabbed his chin and twisted him to face her. Her eyes scanned over him faster than Danny could even blink, checking for injuries at a near-inhuman speed. 
Once he got over his shock at being grabbed, he started to squirm. “Mom, stop. I’m fine,” he murmured, trying to turn away to hide the way embarrassment was quickly flooding his cheeks with red.
Once satisfied, Maddie nodded and placed a chaste kiss to his forehead. “Be safe,” she commanded in a no-nonsense voice, like he’d be grounded for a week if he came back injured. Then, she finally let him go.
“You too,” he said, turning away. Squeezing his eyes shut, he transformed—focusing on the way his core bloomed outward instead of the stares on his back—and took off into the air.
Going on a bear hunt. He was sure there was a kid’s song about that.
Danny followed the tug in his gut from the sky; it was even stronger now that he’d transformed and they’d gotten…acquainted, for lack of a better word. He couldn’t shake that weird anxious worry in his gut—the one that seemed to be emanating from the bear in waves—but he could fight through it, and that’s what mattered.
Animal spirits were all instinct and emotion, wrapped up into something tight and cohesive that ectoplasm wouldn’t have trouble latching onto. Usually that something was governed by anger, which, as far as Danny knew, was the strongest emotion in a living animal’s arsenal. Human spirits could end up governed by that too, but there was more nuance to the reasoning behind anger with a person: jealousy, revenge, even loneliness could rearrange into different flavors of the same base emotion. It was easier to assuage because of its complicatedness; when there was a direct physical link to someone’s anger, there was something to solve.
It was more difficult to get angry animal spirits to move on. They were angry at everything and nothing all at once. The whole world fueled their anger, and so there was little that could calm them down.
Fear, though…He’d never met an animal spirit governed by fear, or worry, or whatever anxious instinct this bear’s ectoplasm was releasing. Maybe he could turn this into a happy ending, for both him and the bear. He hoped he could, anyway.
Danny dived down in front of it, and from the way it twisted backwards and picked up its pace in the direction opposite of him (the direction towards his parents), it seemed the bear could sense him, too. He went intangible and picked up the pace, letting trees and leaves fly through him at a dizzying pace. Finally, the forest opened into a little clearing, and Danny threw up a green wall at the end of it, where the bear was trying to escape. It skid to a halt so fast it left deep gashes in the dirt, dropped something fuzzy and black from its mouth, and turned to face him.
Danny froze. There, curled beneath the ghost bear’s legs, was a single cub. It peered out from behind her, oblivious to the danger and curious as to the reason for their night’s interruption. More importantly, it did not glow like it’s mother. It was still alive.
Mother Bear growled a warning at the same time Danny’s parents started crashing through the brush nearest her. “Stop!” he shouted out, holding out a hand despite his parents not being able to see him. “Uh, stand down!”
“Danny?” His dad called. “What’s going on?”
Mother Bear was looking increasingly frantic. Panicking a little himself—whether from the emotions that he was accidentally leaching off her or the situation, he wasn’t sure—Danny made a split-second decision and thrust a dome over the top of her and her cub. It would shield them from any sudden bear attacks, true, but it also served as makeshift protection from any Fenton weaponry.
He trusted his parents not to shoot him. He wasn’t sure if he trusted them not to shoot Mother Bear.
“It’s safe now!” Danny called to his parents. “Um, leave your guns outside the clearing! And walk slowly!”
Danny was almost surprised to hear them listening. He didn’t know why. He had to stop doubting them.
“Oh,” Maddie said when she breached the tree line. Mother Bear rotated to face her and Jack as they stepped out, gnashing her too-long teeth and backing further over her cub to put it safely beneath her belly. It peeked out from beneath her paws. “It’s…a mother.”
She sounded shocked. Danny concurred.
“Come over here,” Danny told his parents. “Behind me. I’m gonna try something.”
He stepped forward as his parents came around the dome. Mother Bear watched them walk until they’d settled behind Danny, and already he could feel that fear worry stress easing, just from having all potential predators in-sight instead of surrounding her.
“Danny,” Maddie warned when he took another step forward. “Bears are extremely protective of their young.”
“I know,” Danny murmured, keeping his voice low. He inched forward, getting lower to the ground as he walked. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Mother Bear snarled statically, touching on Ghost Speak but unable to form full coherence. Worry, is what Danny was able to read from it. Worry. Baby. Danger.
Danny switched tactics, changing to Ghost Speak as he set his hands gently against the wall of the dome, emanating as many calming emotions as he could summon. Calm. Safe.
She flinched, but her teeth were shortening, growing less sharp. Baby Bear yawned beneath her, a kind of squeaking hum. Almost like a puppy. Like Cujo, maybe.
Calm. Safe. Danny promised, at the same time voicing sentences in English above the Ghost Speak’s static: “It’s okay. You’re safe. I won’t hurt you. I won’t hurt him. You can let go. I’ll protect him. It’s alright.”
Mother Bear swayed, grew smaller. Promise. She growled. Staticked. No-nonsense voice. 
Promise. Danny responded.
Baby Bear nuzzled into Mother Bear, and she licked at his cheek as her body grew brighter and began dissipating, moving on. Baby Bear purred and purred.
She looked at Danny. Looked behind him, where his parents stood. Mother? she asked. With the emotions clogging her speech finally gone, he could actually understand her.
Danny nodded. “Yeah. That’s my Mom.”
Good. Mother Bear hummed, closing her eyes. Safe.
She disappeared, her glowing green fragments scattering on the wind.
Danny turned around to face his parents, and for the first time noticed that they were both crying. That was okay. He was crying, too.
He cleared his throat. “So. Anyway. Where’s the nearest Animal Sanctuary?”
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lazzarella · 3 days
Well, The Paradise of Thorns was a wild ride. I think I’m feeling kind of shellshocked. All I can say right now is the acting was incredible across the board, the score is beautiful and it looked stunning. And it left me stunned XD
Might say more later when I’ve digested it, but I kind of suck at writing about movies, so this will probably be it, as vague and pointless as it is
But I definitely liked it! Just, you know, need to process it a little more
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months
Ep 4 :)
#I LIKE Dostoyevsky. I like how mysterious and unreadable he is. What is his goal!!!! Why does he do what he does!!!!!!! He's very cool#I think knowing his ability now REALLY adds to his character. Him being so smart so manipulative so disruptive in the way he–#seemingly kills people on touch! Only added to this impression of him being “demon” and “inhuman”#But now that we know his ability you realize... That's all his doing; no ability.#His ability in a way does help humanize him by reaffirming that except for the moment he dies– he's got no superpower at all!!!#It's just him.#And yet at the same time also solves the exact opposite role of dehumanizing him because if it's not his ability that makes him like *that*#then he's even different than other ability users!!! Then‚ if not an ability user‚ if not a non ability user: what is //he//?#It's all SO compelling!!! Also makes for an extremely insightful narrative parallel with Dazai#Not an ability user not a non ability user. Not good not evil. (I feel like Dostoyevsky does exceed the definitions of good and evil as–#much as Dazai does. If he causes evil‚ yet does so with the intention of bringing salvation to humans– is he really *simply* evil?)#Both have these borderline superpowers that make them extraordinary beings (we can call it super intelligence‚ but it goes from controlling#their own heartbit to everything else) but are unrelated to their respective abilities! Once again making them neither this or that#I find Karma's words at the end to be extremely insightful.“Ace was evil for sure‚ but this man isn't even evil.#He's a being from the beyond. A being that exceeds human limits.” Like!!! That's all that there is to it!!!!!!#Back to this chapter / episode. There's some themes / worldvies once again I don't agree with but narrative wise I think it's extraordinary#I feel like after the Guild arc the writing really matured a lot and this is a kind of preview of what the doa arc is going to be like#(aka very very well written especially if compared to the previous arcs)#The plot twists of this episode are all so unpredictable and exciting!!! I think it's remarkably witty how it takes advantages of previous–#clichés - villains always revealing details about their own ability in a way that is quite baffling - to actually surprise the audience.#It's so effective. How skillfully unpredictable Dostoyevsky is to the point you can never guess what he will do next!!!#Him killing Karma is... Idk so so soooooooo interesting. I could talk about this forever but I'm being very dispersive in the rable and–#running out of tags. The whole episode you're sorta rooting for Dostoyevsky. He's very cool and comes out charming in the way he keeps–#surprising the audience. He looks bothered by Ace's disregard of other people's lives and that makes him sympathetic too.#But then he kills Karma out of nowhere and it's an “Ah! You fell for his lies too– remember he's nothing but evil. He cares just as little#about life as Ace does”. And then??? Karma in his last words is himself so generous in his words to Dostoyevsky. It's baffling.#And it almost feels like thenarrative is once again turning around and telling you you should root for Dostoyevsky.#It's endlessly fascinating.#I have more to say about the worldviews I don't share and the art style Dostoyevsky was portrayed with this episode (love it!!)#But alas ran out of tags
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tokutaiseichan · 2 months
i know i said Haku is the most suspicious but that doesn't mean i don't have other suspects in my mind. anyway! here's my list of spy suspects → 1) Haku 2) Rui 3) Tohma
if you let me go even more wild with my ass-theories, i'd say even Kaito can be a spy candidates if the writers are into the whole "guy who spents more than half of the story being a cowardly underdog is actually super smart and works for the enemies" trope.
or Haru if they're into the "shady fox eyes" trope.
(※ don't take this seriously, they don't call me Detective Reaching #2 for nothing)
#one thing that i keep holding onto tho: whoever the spy is i don't think they do it willingly#first years and Luca are clears一they only got into Darckwick recently (and Lyca was jailed)#Jin isn't exactly someone who would bend to the will of the institute (also he's a shut-in)#Alan is too earnest and doesn't have enough cunning to be a double agent (unlike Tohma)#Towa is too unpredictable to control#Taiga is the one who warns you about the spy so chance is small that he's the one#(unless he's playing some 4D chess and purposely mess with MC while being the spy) (doubt it tho)#but Taiga seems to also have somekind of animosity towards the spy? yet he maintains a close relationship with Romeo so idt Romeo is the spy#Subaru seems to have developed an even greater distrust towards Darckwick#i really don't think Darkwick tasked him with anything greater than monitoring Lyca#Zenji is dead#Ed is under house arrest (and i don't think Darkwick has enough guts to try and control him more than they already has)#the Mortkranken duo seems to be always so busy in maintaining the health of the students and doing whatever experiments Yuri is cooking#there are more than one opportunities where we were shown that those two often pull an all nighter for days#and with Jiro having to constantly renew his meds idt those two are fit to be the spy........#oh... actually them having to work so closely with the students and ghouls may be advantageous if they were to be the spy........#ok so perhaps Jiro but definitely not Yuri. he's to prideful for that.#[Detective Reaching Mode Activated]#plot twist: the spy is a ghoul from one of the defunct houses
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
One TF fandom argument that confuses me is when people put Megatron and Starscream versus each other like, when people say that it's "unfair that Megatron gets redemption but Starscream doesn't" (in regards to IDW1) because like. One, IDW1 in phase 2 was written by like 4 different writers, so you can't try to claim that there was some unified vision where the nonexistent Singular Writer of IDW was like "no Starscream isn't allowed to have nice things."
And second, I don't think the writers would even think of it that way? It's not like the writers were like "okay we have one Get Out Of Jail Free Card and we're going to spend it on Megatron, sorry Starscream maybe in the next reboot you can get it." The divisions fans make between X character likers and Y character likers are completely made up fandom drama and sometimes I feel like people don't understand that the writers aren't privy to fandom infighting/drama and wouldn't write Megatron and Starscream in opposition to each other as if one character's gain must come at the other's expense.
And finally............. IDW1 Starscream literally does get to be portrayed as a more morally gray person, have his feelings shown and treated as human, even make some friends/have people treat him nicely? IDK what fucking comics people are reading where they think that Starscream is treated as an evil villain with no redeeming qualities at all. Maybe it's the same Starscream fans who shit on TAAO/Scott or something, that's the only way I could explain it.
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datastate · 1 year
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loving variations
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lavenderjewels · 11 months
my only general predictions for jjk is that Yuuji will be able to target the different souls in Sukuna’s body to be able to reach Megumi’s suppressed soul and attack sukuna’s. Im actually interested in how this will all go down, especially with Higuruma in the mix, since these fights can’t be as simple as two overpowered characters with the loss of multiple special grade sorcerers. With the potential of a court trial domain or Yuuji’s knowledge of the soul, I imagine it’ll become more psychological or metaphysical in the fighting, with a lot of good insight into sukuna and/or yuuji, megumi, etc. As for Kenjaku, I have NO idea where their story is going (apart from Yuuta wanting to kill them), but i enjoy that part of the story being unpredictable—it fits their character
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riomarks · 22 days
I understand why riordan made new rome have a child army because percy needed to integrate among peers for the sake of Plot and Character but it would have been more impactful to go from a camp where the average age was 14 (similar age to achilles at the start of the trojan war, supposedly) and the culture surrounding aging is the same as mayflies and the persuit of individual glory
To new rome where the average recruit is between 18-22 years old (like actual ancient roman legionnaires), expected to serve for 10 years before retirement where 'real life' begins and any glory earned is for the collective glory of rome.
Imagine veteran war leader, saviour of olympus percy jackson turning up to camp jupiter and everyone just sees a traumatised child. Maybe percy does still join the legion at 17, a year early because of his experience or maybe he's in a foster home in the city for a year before being a recuit and comes to learn the roman way of life, the community outside of its military, maybe it would actually trigger a loyalty in him that strengthens the ties between camps or creates a meaningful internal and philosophical conflict thats not based on percy, the bitter and jaded child soldier, supporting a literal child army bc yay university!
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acourtofquestions · 4 months
Why I’m currently mad at Chaol:
… buckle up folks; these ever-changing opinions (started with the Rowan rollercoaster) & are now about to go off the roads (much like Queen of Shadows seems to be preparing me for)…
Honestly, I think I am angrier with him than I was with Rowan. Maybe cause I’m slightly bitter because I did love him (maybe I still do… we shall see) but that came first, so there was a character more than the initial arguments — but even more so because she loved him, and he did love her; it makes it worse — Rowan at least didn’t know her; yes, it made him seem more unjust in his cruelty & anger, it was clearly far more assumption based & projection, but despite how well he managed to know her (& use it to hit where it hurt) he didn’t really know her (not yet, not in the same way). Meanwhile, Chaol KNOWS her & she trusted him; more than almost anyone or “entrusted” (maybe as the better term); giving him her identity after 10 years TEN YEARS on the run she told him.
And when he said those words it was pointed to the fact of knowing her, hurtful in a way only he could be; knowing not only her, but her past, her trauma, her grief, and saying all of it to spite those things; to hurt her. I at least don’t think Rowan wanted to hurt her; he was willing to, he was aware of the bruises he left but with the end goal was not suffering, he wanted to help. Chaol was angry over some petty claim to a broken heart, angry at himself & unable to admit it, angry at her for so many held tallies & mistakes against her, he leaves so much unforgiven & carries such a grudge. He is unwilling to admit to the parts he plays & willing to hurt her for the sake of his anger, regardless of the price; one she will be paying instead. The way he blatantly disregards her; her name, her ideas, her love, her family, her grief, her fear, her… everything; the good she did, the bad he did, what parts they both played. It’s not acceptable.
Not After everything… perhaps one could say it’s because of everything… but it’s just unacceptable. And though there is no “just” nor excuse in trauma; it’s not a competition; he, however, has no reason within it. I’m sorry, but your broken heart is not the same as hers, your year is not the same, you know nothing of duty & horror & guilt & grief; of monsters, & love, & tragedy. And though he has kept his hands mostly clean, he has been privileged; that’s not to say she hasn’t chosen wrongly, she has decided to bloody her hands in wrong ways time & time again. There is no changing that, but she also has not had many choices in her life & the ones she had she made right. She tried to spare you of so much even after & in her own fury over Nehemia… and you just threw her to the wolves like that; just. like. that.
All of this; intent, uneven, ignorant, cruel, small mindedness… it’s shifted into something more menacing; & dare I say tinged with misogyny? His system of; she is erratic, emotional, hysterical, uncontrollable, manipulative, selfish, unpredictable, “monster” thought process of a “tyrant queen”… Not to mention the further concerning growing edge of prejudice; his love & his fear for his friends, his lack of knowledge & blissful ignorance of privilege, has all instead shifted into a “holier than thou” it’s all of them thought process. A belief system built on eliminating danger, on singular right without wrong; dangerously capable justifications & a start to ruin; not just for her, or him, but the world.
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