unlockyourcode · 9 years
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UnlockingWeekly: Build A Future Now  -1-
Do you recognize the signs that point to your ideal life?
Find The Key To Your Ideal Future... Visit  www.unlockthecode.today/future and Unlock Your Code Now  
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unlockyourcode · 9 years
UnlockingWeekly: Inner Peace, Outer Peace -3-
To maintain a peaceful attitude even under chaotic circumstances can seem like the hardest thing to do. It is a zen masters spiritual exercise to transfer theory into practice and stay centered as pure awareness during phases of turmoil.
But it is not necessarily years of meditation you need to zenmaster your lifes challenges. Although meditation is a helpful tool to free yourself from distress and limitation, it is only one of many possible paths. In the end every spiritual path has the purpose of unlocking the code of your true Self to bring liberation, lasting contentment and joy.
Choose the path that is the right one for you wisely, remember, there is always a shortcut to happiness. Don´t waste your precious lifetime on anything less than inner peace and content happiness! Unlock Now!
Find The Key To Your Center... Take The Shortcut And Unlock Your Inner Peace Now, Visit  https://www.unlockthecode.today
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unlockyourcode · 9 years
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UnlockingWeekly: Power Of Intention -3-
Quote Of The Week It is a fact that intention is the creating factor in our lifes and Dr. Wayne Dyer expressed it beautifully. Choose consciously what you desire.
Live The Life You Desire... Find The Key To Unlock Your Code... Visit  https://www.unlockthecode.today
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unlockyourcode · 9 years
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UnlockingWeekly: Read The Signs -3-
Quote Of The Week His Holiness the Dalai Lama said: „I am open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations hinder my path.“ We find signs and synchronicities every second along our path – we only have to learn to read them and follow them with an open heart to meet our destiny. Trust your destiny to be pure beauty and don´t keep it small by holding fast to old pictures, just let it happen and unfold freshly.
Let It Happen... Find The Key To Unlock Your Code... Visit  https://www.unlockthecode.today/product/future
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unlockyourcode · 9 years
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UnlockingWeekly: Read The Signs  -1-
How do you avoid missing the clues that guide you towards your dream future?
Read The Signs – Find The Code To Unlock Your Ideal Future... Visit www.unlockthecode.today/future Now!
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unlockyourcode · 9 years
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UnlockingWeekly: Transforming Karma -3-
Quote Of The Week
Albert Einstein said „Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.“ We are all living an „in-sane“, or unhealthy life until we realize the karmic circles that apparently „run“ our lifes. Breaking free from them means to win a new sovereignty, and thus gain a new possibility of creating wonders in our lifes.
Find The Key To Heal Karmic Wounds And Create A Wonderful Life... Visit  https://www.unlockthecode.today/product/past
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unlockyourcode · 9 years
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UnlockingWeekly: Transforming Karma  -1-
„Is this happening to me AGAIN?“ How often did you hear yourself saying that? Actually, before we have seen through our own problematic and limiting thought-patterns and subconscious beliefs we are condemned to re-live certain situations over and over again. Not as punishment, but as a chance to raise #consciousness and spiritually grow.
Just as the movie „Groundhog day“ so perfectly shows: The protagonist, a misanthrope and grumpy person, re-lives a certain day over and over again. First fighting it, he then realizing how ignorant he had been to see the gifts life had given him. And suddenly his life changes drastically, he falls in #love and has wonderful encounters, and suddenly a new day starts.
Start A New Day – Free Yourself From Negative Karma... Find The Key To Unlock Your Code, Visit  www.unlockthecode.today
#karma #transform #groundhogday #martinzoller #spiritualgrowth
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unlockyourcode · 9 years
UnlockingWeekly: Go Big -1-
How brilliant our life is depends on our determination to live up to our potential. Does that mean we have to work hard to reach our goals?
The surprising answer is... No.
We only have to work hard to keep something alive that is not natural to us. As soon as we found out who we are and which path is the right one to carry us towards our destiny, things get really easy. Success, abundance, joy and love will automatically accompany us, as soon as we head for our truth.
Find Your Truth – Live The Life You Desire... Find The Key To Unlock Your Code, Visit  www.unlockthecode.today
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unlockyourcode · 9 years
#UnlockingWeekly: Do It Your Way  -1-
Imagine to be eighty years old and look back at your life. What will be important for you? That you have been a nice and convenient person to everybody around? Or that you lived your life YOUR way? Based upon your talents, your individual gifts – your lifes purpose? What will be more important: That you lived the dream that others dreamt for you? Or that you made YOUR dream come true? Unlock Your Code To Your True Self... Make Your Dream Come True. Visit  www.unlockthecode.today #trueself #beyourself #findyourself #sucess #martinzoller
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unlockyourcode · 9 years
UnlockingWeekly: Fulfilled – NOW! -1-
If someone asked you to describe your life with only 5 words – which words would you choose?
Write these 5 words down... And then discover the 3 Secret Keys To Set You Free And Get Anything You Want In Life – after a few weeks answer the above mentioned question again... See how drastically beautiful life can be?
Unlock Your Code... Don´t Waste Your Precious Time – Find The Key To A Brilliant Life Now! Visit  www.unlockthecode.today/present
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unlockyourcode · 9 years
UnlockingWeekly: Be A Creative Source -1-
What is Spirituality „good for“? Sometimes I hear people say, that people being on their spiritual path are selfish, only caring about their own happiness, creating a pink bubble and shutting out the world and its problems. But that is not what true spirituality is about.
Read more in my article „Meditation Guerilla“ http://www.unlockthecode.today/meditation/meditation-guerrilla
... and find the Key to be a gift for this world. Visit  www.unlockthecode.today
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unlockyourcode · 9 years
UnlockingWeekly: Universal Connection -3-
Affirmation Of The Week:
„I am connected. Connected with every being, connected to the wisdom of the Universe. I am a part of it ALL. My Self is a vital part of a vast creation. To know my creative destiny in it is the greatest quest to explore. While I discover the truth about myself I will never be lonely. I am connected to the breath of this beautiful creation.“
Find the Key to connect with your true Self... find your Destiny,  visit http://www.unlockthecode.today
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unlockyourcode · 9 years
UnlockingWeekly: Universal Connection -1-
If I asked you about your perception of being connected – what would you answer? What is connection to you? Where do you feel connected – or when? It could be a higher force you feel connected with. It could be a partner, a soul mate, a best friend, a family member. You could feel deeply connected to yourself, your heart and dreams.
Find the key to connect to your true Self... and unlock a divine power in you, an unknown realm of deep happiness! Visit http://www.unlockthecode.today and live the life that is meant for you!
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unlockyourcode · 9 years
UnlockingWeekly: The Key To Your Inner Self -3-
Affirmation Of The Week:
„I tune in into the unlimited wisdom of the Universe, ready to meet my destiny. My destiny, my universal gift, that is waiting to be revealed. I face it, leaving pain and sorrow behind. As I move to the rhythm of my heart I see: The reward is unlimited happiness and an abundance I only dreamed of. What was I waiting for?“
Don´t wait for your happy life to begin – start it NOW... Find your personal key to unlock happiness,  visit http://www.unlockthecode.today/past
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unlockyourcode · 9 years
UnlockingWeekly: The Key To Your Inner Self -1-
Are you ready to explore your inner Self? Are you ready to transform the influence of hidden aspects and live an abundant and brilliant life?
Find the key to enlighten unconscious aspects... unlock your brilliant and ever perfect Self... Visit http://www.unlockthecode.today/past and live the life that is meant for you!
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unlockyourcode · 9 years
UnlockingWeekly: Spiritual Knowledge -3-
Affirmation Of The Week: „Fearless I begin the journey to my innermost Self. The divine space, that allows me to see the Universe from another angle. The space, where I observe the manifestations of my life from a non-personal perspective. Floating in this space, I see my past creations... and I am free to recreate a fulfilling present, an abundant future. I know, I am the creator of my happiness.“
Find the key to your shining Self... Be the creator of a bright and abundant life: visit http://www.unlockthecode.today
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