#Undertale Comic Shattered Remnants
Undertale Comic, Now or Later Question...
Thank You, and Happy Hunting or well Questioning (so to speak). And Welcome to the world of the Undertale Comic ‘Shattered Remnants’
(Skip down to the Italicized portion for the actual question to Undertale and fans of undertale comics, though anyone can be involved with asking questions)
Hey everyone, man the last year was rough on me. Not only have I failed to post my fanfictions and art from DA and Fanfiction on here, but I’m falling behind on doing the same to AO3.... Anyways that’s not why I’m here or what’s important to say...
I’m in the process of making an Undertale comic, having recently come into the fandom. I was well inspired while making a fanfiction into creating a comic based around certain events in my fanfiction, but standing as it’s own story that will separate/detach itself from the fanfiction I’m writing into an entirely new story and narrative.
However, with that said. Though I’m not a fan of such (of personally doing so) I often include OC’s in my work as I feel I can’t really claim something as my own like a story and even art without having something that I own in it. This is my personal beliefs towards myself and the way I work when I go to write stories (trust me I’ve tried my hand at not doing this and attempting the opposite, but I always seem to back off last minute and add a main character eventually that I own)
Though in this case of both my comic and fanfiction it’s sorta necessary otherwise the story I created wouldn’t make sense without the characters I own… Or frankly even exist.
If you're curious the story centers around Frisk’s family above ground (from earth) and what exactly transpired with them. What has occurred in the time of his disappearance and what efforts the community at large are giving towards finding the missing child. I came to the conclusion to write this, as besides seeing a room at the end of the game in the neutral run, there isn’t much if at all that we can actually perceive about his life above ground. Besides the facts that are revealed by his room and that he can easily accept the idea to be adopted. There isn’t much after the fact that we can surmise. E.G. is his family alive? Abusive? Dead? Is Frisk in fact an orphan? None of this is known. Although it’s widely accepted (or so I’ve seen) that he’s in fact an orphan. I’m still led to wonder what in fact happened to his family that would lead him to a place such as Mount Ebott. And thus this story was born. It delves into that idea of his family, and what consequences or events have occurred in the city/town he once called home since the time of his disappearance. For years I was a criminology major, I had to study the mental, physical, and community effects of children going missing. As well as those infamous cases that go national. How media likes to find people to condemn, and how sadly communities on their own do the same. It’s a hard reality what happens in these cases. It became something of interests when wondering these questions for myself and considering what in fact would a child rather Frisky, going missing who may not have family left look like.
The comic itself differentiates itself from the main story at the climax of the first act and centers itself more into the middle of the second act of my story. Where it has become it’s own narrative with the same characters and only sharing the background with the original fanfiction. Although, it may have a few differences in even the background (as I’m making the comic like I said entirely it’s own story). As stated above, the comic centers itself around the events after the main team/group found themselves in the underground world seeing it has no official name I called it ‘Underlin’ (Under-l-in) The team by unfortunately lamentable circumstances have been separated in this deadly underground hell. That’s all I’m actually giving for now. I feel giving too much will spoil the story. Or at least where we begin in the comic, and how I move about the other spectrum of the fanfiction. And besides I want to see what questions you send in, as I may use those to give more info on the story itself. However, I infer that you please don’t ask questions intentionally about plot or stuff to do with the main story just the characters here themselves. As that will be answers later for you. Although, you can ask about them and characters in Undertale, like how they would likely interact with each other, stuff like that no biggie (I’m not limiting the reactions to just the oc characters, as I will happily include Undertale characters reacting to possibly certain things they say just as well or in classic Sans fashion interrupting the point for example (I won’t give away what I plan on characters doing, after all that will ruin the fun). Just don’t expect them (or have me write the characters responses) to give away any specific crucial plot details. Those will come later revealed in the stories I’m telling themselves. This is really all just for fun and kicks while I’m working on the first few episodes of the story and also the little mini episode comic that I made to go with the main story just for kicks. As I sit creating this, expanding the intro, and even having one or two minor spin offs that I’ll post around the time of the first chapter/episode/prologue episode. I began to realize today that Unlike the fanfiction (which will be slower on updates then probably the comic itself) I’m probably posting this without people getting a full depth of my characters. Most of whom for the sake of the comic will hang more as memories in the background. Except maybe a select few for when I need them and one that is obviously in the forefront with the main characters. Still each of them have reasons of importance in the comic. Considering this, before I post the story or even a sub story connected to it in comic form.
 Would you guys like me to do a little ‘Question and Answer Panel’ with the characters to get to know these OC’s a little better? 
I know often people do this after somethings become popular. I feel using this method here would better prepare people for the characters, to relate with them when they come around then just being blindsided by a new individual in the picture (I feel like Sans would make that a joke considering picture and comic could go hand in hand as a joke, couldn’t think of one at the moment of posting though so just pointed it out). Anyways, I’ll open it for you guys to ask whatever questions you want. I’ll give maybe a week if I get enough interests/questions (depending on how quickly I get responses) and at most a month to send questions aimed at specific oc’s or all of them to get an idea of who they are. I did this because I feel drawing the characters reactions to the questions would be more fun then me just making a dull description because interesting things can come out of it.
Anywho, out of the few OC’s I have, the ones who are mostly my “main” OC’s are:
~Dalean ‘Dale’ Bentley Kewish
~Benji ‘Ben’ Rufus Euphoria
~Kyleen ‘Kyle’ Olive Tenison
~Nova Jordan ‘N.J.’ Leander Kewish
And MAYBE… ~Douglas ‘Doug’ Quinten Carter
With one or two question slot that you’ll hopefully find adorable for: Baby and Pupkin ‘Buppie’ and no that last one is not a misspelling.
Can’t wait to hopefully see questions you have to ask for these characters that I can make a little fun comic style for them to answer. No question is off limits (Except anything vulgar, please I’m trying to keep it PG-PG-13 at most) Remember there’s no stupid questions, only stupid decisions (Couldn’t think of anything better. And yes-yes that does make me sound like a pretentious teacher now doesn’t it) Have fun asking questions. I’ll have character drawings out soon of each character so we can exclude questions of what they look like and such from the question poll.
Thank You, and Happy Hunting or well Questioning (so to speak). And Welcome to the world of the Undertale Comic ‘Shattered Remnants’ And So It BEGINS...
Always Yours, Blurr’s Girl Blazin’ Blaze
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lordbloodysoul · 3 years
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Rift Doorman
“The Layer Breaker” – “Usurper” – “Ever Hunger”
Rifty / Riff Raff / Tele-Broski (Fresh)
Freak of Nature / Parasite / Anomaly Animus (Error Sans)
Paperworm / Layer Breaker / Clown Vomit (Ink)
Height / Weight:
Soul Type
“Collective Soul”
// - A Collective Soul shows trades of all known Soul Types and is shielded by a thin membrane of Void. It looks like a blank Soul with a black outline, that has a small pitch dot in its center from which a vibration rolls across the surface of the Soul. Those waves appear in different colors and strokes. To those who are very sensible to Soul Energy, the vibration will sound like an endless army of different voices breathing simultaneously in sync. The rhythm changes with Rift’s state of emotion. It has an aroma/flavour that could be described as “Retro and vibrant”. The feeling it would induces is more reminiscent of Allure and vivid Chaos. Like a puzzle started, but left unsolved. With every piece just raining passed fields of endless colors, trapped within a pool of blackness. - //
[REDACTED]        // It will show the “ : P “ Emoji //
[REDACTED]        // It will show the “ >:] “ Emoji //
[REDACTED]        // Just spells out “YOLO” in painfully bright colors //
[REDACTED]        // Just spells out “LMAO” in painfully bright colors//
Tier A—Strength Level is not readable, due to its current activity behavior.
Rift Doorman was born outside a Universe of the Undertale Multiverse. Its behavior is unusual compared to other Doorman. Rift traverses the Layers of the Timelines in search of something, but without a Universe to akin to, both its Power and Ambition were altered in a dangerous manner. Throughout its travels, this Doorman has eaten itself through various Timelines and Multiverses. However, these places didn’t just disappear, like usually when things are being destroyed through Outcodes or beings from the Anti-Void. They stay mostly intact. Broken like shattered glass, but still existing. Each piece would then connect with another part. A puzzle, that was willingly done wrong, with Timelines and places in Space just overlapping in chaotic patterns. Strings missing, but not forgotten, rules shifted, players removed and entire areas shifted incoherently.
When Rift gained conscious it felt nothing. Devoid of anything, it just drifted. This state changed when it fell into a Genocide Timeline by accident. Within it, Rift faced the Fallen Human in the Judgment Hall together with Sans. As it wasn’t able to feel pain, watching Sans Dust became its first experience with Death. It amused it. Thus it smashed the human child. Seeing as the child’s death was different from Sans’s, curiosity began building up. More so as Sans returned from the dead when the Timeline reset. The battle broke apart, literally, when Rift tried mimicking voices and speech patterns, causing a ear ripping shriek that splintered the very fabric and Layers of the Universe it was visiting. Sans, slain once more begged the creature to stop the child’s madness. Still incapable of understanding why, it understood that this Fallen Human had caused the Skeleton grievance. He understood the visualization of agony and hopelessness, but couldn’t comprehend the feeling itself. Amused by the concept of FIGHT and MERCY, they decided to experiment with it in this broken place. Trapping the Human Child in a never-ending loop of Resets they had no control over. Dying as plaything to the anomalous creature. Rift bored itself over the course of 17.589 Resets, ending the Human Child by eating first their upper body and disintegrating their Soul for absorption. This act loaded the Fallen Human’s Timeline Data Layers into its own being, giving it a broader view on what’s been happening. Still not able to comprehend things, however, Rift left the splintered Timeline and returned to the Layers between.
More travels were its answer. Further down its path, this Doorman entered a Rampage, experiencing many Emotions from interacting with various worlds in different ways. However, it couldn’t feel them at all. It understood. It could see them. Could comprehend what actions would lead to what reaction, but not why it was necessary. Hollow. It was hollow. Like a Black Hole. Just ripping everything apart and consuming it, but nothing could look back or return it. Within it grew a terrible Hunger, which it satisfied by devouring various portions of the visited Timelines and Multiverses. Places, Sections, Memories, People. All fell to its strife to understand. To engage. To be part of something. It began building a sort of pocket dimension in the Layers between the Multiverse, where it gathered things from various Timelines that kept intriguing it. In one already destroyed Universe, Rift recovered a monitor of round shape, still functional. It had the shape of a face, much like all the other creatures it met had. Thus it connected with the screen and used it as a makeshift face-mask, ensuring its actual form wouldn’t freak out too many people.
While striding through the Timelines, absorbing information, energy, magic and various other stimuli into its form, Rift discovered that it was possible to READ these Data and use it. Shaping its attacks in combat into Patterns and Styles unlike anything this Multiverse had ever witnessed. But not only that, it began to hunt and kill other Doorman instinctively, absorbing them into its form as well, leaving their Timelines defenseless. Rift became a true threat to many, just through its curiosity and yearning for understanding. It also began leaving pieces of itself behind in various distorted Worlds, hidden from view. Small Homunculi, holding enough Data and energy to reincarnate it. Rift slowly devolved into a Parasite that endangered the delicate balance of the Multiverse. A thorn in the side of both the protectors of the Multiverse as well as the Vanguards of the Anti-Void. As its shattering of Timelines caused multiple Universes to intertwine with one another. Rift became a target for eradication, even though no one knew about its existence yet.
It was during another stride into another Timeline that it encountered the parasitic entity known as “Fresh”. Their interaction was quite different than what it was used to. And something began to stir within it. Rift felt something. Something that was unfamiliar and strong. It played with Fresh, before that one disappeared to safety, as the creature seemingly grew too attached to them. That escape started it all. A chase that both were not prepared for nor understood. Rift’s conscious was completely fixated on Fresh. It didn’t understand why, but knew it was important. For days, weeks and months it kept chasing them. However, the Parasite didn’t need or wants anyone following them, so they kept fleeing and hiding. Despite their best efforts, though, Rift finds them every single time.
[!!!SPOILERS WARNING!!! - for those who wish to Read the FanFiction or wait till I get around to making the Comic, since the LITERATURE SUBMIT on DA doesn’t allow much creative Freedom, so I have to do a lot of Re-Spacing and Editing on those Parts. This Section will spoil some of the Plot in exchange for Character Build - If you don't want that spoiled, please proceed to the APPEARANCE Section - !!!SPOILER WARNING!!!]
Fresh found himself in a skirmish with Error and Ink, as they both tried tracking him down. They misjudged and thought they were responsible for several Holes within the Multiverse. With no secure escape Route, they were forced into battle, holding their own well. Up until the Anti-Void’s Enforcer, C0D35 Doorman, stepped onto the field. His entire presence alone began to erase the Universe he’s chosen as a battleground. Manipulating Space was practically useless against this foe, as one of C0D35 special abilities was to block all types of magics. Before the fight could harm Fresh, however, Rift shattered the Universe into several pieces. It took Fresh with it and delved through several Layers of broken Code, Timelines and hid them in a small Space it had created from the leftover scraps of Multiverses long forgotten. A Null Space of sorts. Due to the strenuous battle with Error and Ink, the body Fresh had chosen was slowly failing. They had to let go of the host body and seek out another. Rift, even though unable to talk and acting more like an excited puppy, willingly helped the Parasite. It took them to another Timeline to gain a new host body. Fresh, unable to understand or comprehend the motivation of this anomalous creature, decided to experiment how far its warped sense of loyalty would go. Curiosity getting the better of them. Since they couldn’t escape from it for long anyway. Thus the duo began their journey to try and understand what this drive was, where it was coming from and what it all meant. But Fresh already has the slight suspicion that something was off with Rift. Something huge was brewing.
Rift Doorman has no corporeal form. It’s a mass of black noise, free floating energy and magic. The almost cloud-like, dense column attached itself to an egg-shaped monitor. A remnant of a long forgotten Timeline. Due to the vapor form of its body, Rift can change its density and size at will, ranging from grasp-less like fog and air to solid and unmovable like a wall of steel and stone. This Doorman is holding its form together through sound wave. The magic and energy flooding its form gives these waves color and form, embracing its shape and fueling every movement of the mass. This special way of mass control makes it possible for Rift to even split itself into multiple smaller versions of itself. The Energy and Magic coursing through its vapor shape glows in various colors, like a swarm of bugs and fireflies. The ones that are mostly present range from neon-pinkish to eye-stinging green lights. The color of the Emoji faces on its screen are similarly bright and colorful, while the biggest mass of the body is a pitch-black buzzing fog.
Rift uses the screen it found as a makeshift face. By sending energy and magic through it, it channels different words and expressive Emojis, which it uses for communication, since it cannot speak. It developed this form of talking, which is accented with Retro musical tunes and sound effects, due to its own lack of actual vocal cords. Rift can only mimic various words through pitching and dipping sounds and tunes.
Underneath the screen is a distorted black orb-shaped head, with a bright, monstrous white jaw and eyes. The magic, energy and sound waves, which course through the body are accentuated here, pulsing through the big eyes that stare empty into the world. As the delight of murder and fighting was presented with a smile by both his first encountered Sans and Fallen Child, Rift has adopted that same expression into its own. Empty of empathy, reason or guilt. Hollow.
Rift is a peculiar Doorman. Even though highly intelligent and fast learning, it prefers to act like an excited puppy or curious child. Devoid of any real emotion to drive its actions, it only acts upon what other people think is the “good thing” to do in a situation. Leaving trails of Chaos and destruction in its wake. Rift’s first real emotion was “a sense of joy” which emerged from killing the Fallen Human in their first ever visited Timeline. After loosing that, it was filled with a Hunger to learn more, experience more and discover why it was unable to understand or hold emotions like other beings do. It likes being lout and giddy, causing confusion and messes all around.
Rift learned from its travels that violence is considered bad, thus it only acts upon it when given a cause or being asked of. Through Fresh’s company, it grew found of their way of speaking, censoring and general demeanor, which they try to imitate. Not always successful. Rift lacks empathy and basic moralities. Doing the right things as much as they can, but never getting appreciation, feelings of guilt or delight out of any of its actions.
It is a slight hoarder, liking to collect various things from visited Timelines and just storing them in their own little Null Space.
making music through its distorted Retro Voice (which would probably sound much like the music you can hear in the “Just Shapes & Beats” Video Game – example here )
helping people
playing with Fresh
exploring and learning / education
collecting stuff for its Null Space
cuddling and hugs
Fighting, when allowed to do so
people laughing and smiling
inducing Fear into ‘evil’ people (it doesn’t understand it, but their expressions give it a sense of ‘delight’, which it can’t comprehend)
pointless violence
anyone who tries to harm Fresh
disrespectful and rude behavior
the other Parasites spawned from Fresh
seeing other people go through loss, sadness and hopelessness (it doesn’t understand, but it dislikes their expressions during these moments)
Rift is a special Doorman. Unlike any other it can and can’t do various things that are unlike its species. Since Doorman are shaped by what their Timeline / Universe needs, their abilities will be manifested into something they can use as an exploit to reach their goal. Rift, however, has neither a goal nor a world for that to work. Being born outside the Multiverse, Void and such, beneath the Layers of the In between, corrupted its whole existence. Thus it learned an ability so variable, loose and dangerous, that Rift managed to break its own power limitations. That ability is ADAPTATION. Through it, the anomalous entity can learn anything that it finds. This ability is limited only by its corrupted special skill, ARCHIVE, which extents its own Data Volume by absorbing that of other objects, Worlds and people. Through these two abilities, Rift extended its repertoire of skills by taking those of others into its own. By devouring other Timeline versions of Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Mettaton, Napstablook and various other monsters, it learned their magics, attack patterns, strengths and weaknesses, accumulating them into its own form and using them against various aggressors along the way. Taking the Souls of the Fallen Children, it enhanced its own Soul Power, HP and influence over various aspects within the Timeline Layers. Even though unable to cause REWRITE or OVERWRITE, its Determination rivals the power output of such abilities, nullifying their affects on its own self. By devouring various Doormen, Rift added their special abilities into its own arsenal. But not only these are something to worry about, since they also absorbed the (apparently) infamous “COLOR PUZZLE”, which appeared in various Timelines. Through absorption of its information, Rift learned to utilize the principle in its own combat patterns, making for, probably, the worst experience of a FIGHT for any genocidal maniac. During a FIGHT Rift delights itself by causing its opponent as much headache and frustration as possible. All its patterns are a mix of things it accumulated from various Timelines, objects and people. The difference to its style is that every pattern follows a rhythm it deliberately switches to cause as much distress as it can. Their own original patterns appears as orbs, bars and string lines, which move in a sort of symphonic flow. It likes to abuse the rules of the infamous “COLOR PUZZLE” into each of their attacks. Goal during these fights are to keep itself busy till its bored. It will reset its opponent back into battle till it can’t get enjoyment out of it anymore. Than the most common outcome is for Rift to grab its foe and devour it (or part of it), just to satisfy its hunger for a bit.
// Attack Patterns for this Character would look like a mix between Undertale and “Just Shapes & Beats Style //
Rift’s voice is a powerful instrument of destruction, as its wavelength and pitch can shatter and fragment entire worlds, when threatened. Most of the time, though its a tool for amusement and distraction as they can’t use it to speak, but make totes rad Retro music and sounds with it.
Due to their body being so fluid, Rift tends to shape-shift a lot. Switching sizes being one of the more common transformations, however, it is capable of turning into practically anything it has a rough understanding off. From people to buildings and even entire landscapes. The greater the scope, thought, the higher the risk of its Soul overloading and damaging it. This skill it uses often to entertain Fresh’s curiosity and help them fight their boredom.
The Doorman is capable of using the Data collected to create completely new Multiverses out of them, which it does by filtering the most intriguing information into its “Null Space”. A collective widespread anomalous space in the Layers in between. Much like the Core Universe, it is a hidden pocket dimension that is unreachable unless you’ve been there once or are aware of its existence. As the Null Space grows, so does Rift’s power, which is connected to it. Would this secluded fragment in the Layers in between be destroyed, the damage to Rift itself would be tremendous. Rift is capable of creating “BACK UP FILES” for itself. So called Homunculi, which it scatters across the various splintered Timelines, hiding them in various objects. Through those Back up Data pieces, killing the Doorman has become nearly impossible. For its adversaries it is even unclear if this anomaly can ever truly be completely killed, since normal, widespread magic and fighting abilities are completely wasted on it. However, Rift is not completely invulnerable. All of its outstanding skills require huge amounts of magic, which it needs to store by devouring and absorbing Energy, Magic and Entities from other Timelines. Starvation is a realistic issue to it, since their moral compass started to change with the appearance of Fresh. Survival becoming an “optional goal” to its primary instinct fixating on the Parasite and its well-being. Rift can be harmed by beings from the Anti-Void as well as Ink, which is why it tries to stay hundreds of paces away from them. Especially C0D35, as his ability, ANNIHILATION, exceeds its coded protection by a margin. When Rift’s Soul reaches critical its body becomes fully corporeal and eats at its own mass till burn-out. The energy and magic from its body will slowly dissolve the very fabric of Reality, Time and Space as it goes on, till everything just becomes absolute Chaos. This meltdown can cause any nearby organism to be entrapped in a cascade of pain and maddening delirium, slowly eating at their very existence. It would cause an unseen apocalypse of shier Madness, but also cause the very Death of Rift, if the burn-out isn’t stopped.
Rift has no great attachment to anyone besides Fresh. And even that “affection” is a level of understanding it can’t comprehend. For it, its something that it was born for, but doesn’t know why or what it is supposed to do with it. Finding the answer to this riddle is the only ‘purpose’ it got and after wandering aimless for so long, it decided not to let go of it till it knows.
The first word Rift ever spoke was “YOLO”, when it read the glasses of Fresh at their first meeting.
There is a Momma CQ version of Rift.
Kid!Rift entire backstory is goign to make people wanna stab me to death. I am sure of that.
Rift’s musical Battle Patterns are inspired by the game “Just Shapes and Beats”
Yes, I am aware that I messed up the Color Patterns of both of my Fresh Designs there. They were both drawn separately before placed in the same picture together. It has bugged me to no end!
Yes, there will be a Momma CQ version of this one coming (probably soon, since I don’t want to loose my shin. It’s not worth making Rifty mad)
Fresh Sans belongs to @loverofpiggies
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Shattered Remnants--Undertale AU Update... and other things!
Hey Everyone,
Sorry for the lack of updates. Honestly, I got really busy with school lately, but I’ve been working and tweaking my written forms of the comic. While making my first few pages by hand. I was holding back on major art for a while to see if I could save enough money for an art tablet to help me better color the pictures faster then using my laptops mouse pad. (Yes I know I could invest in a cheap mouse, but my history with them is many lost pieces (port or mouse) and disappointed running times  (how long battery lasted, or it lasted before refusing to work), and many other reasons I won’t get into... Huh.... Lets just say mouses and me, specifically wireless mouses just never have had a healthy relationship (at least not for several years). 
Besides I like the feel of at least having physical control through feeling through the pad. Where a sudden jerk of the mouse can mess a whole thing up, it’s more controlled this other way)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anyways, I wanted to inform you that I’ve been lately working on a fun little present for Christmas with my characters. Although I started this late in the season when the idea for it came to me. So I’m not sure i’ll have it entirely finished for Christmas, but I’ll do my best to have it out soon. With it, I’m also planning a surprise for you by New Years.... What is it??? Well you’ll have to wait and see ;) But it may or may not be a preview, or first few pages of the comic. I will not admit to which, but in the next week or two look out for a update from me...
However, I’m planing on making a patreon page. School is important and I am struggling to find a second job to help pay for it, which means less time spent on this comic i have a long plan for. While I’m in the works of possibly creating another comic I hope to submit to webtoons when I get the right tools to complete my work faster.
But this said my main focus isn’t on the comic seeing I’m focused on finishing school for now... But it would help having a patron to pay for art supply's in the future...
However I don’t want to sound like I’m petitioning/pushing for this at the moment, seeing I have nothing to show for it...
As for the original characters picture I promised you. I have it, I was working hard on it... Even evading computer updates to keep up certain pictures of settings... When I finally updated and realized I really craped out my computer which now restarts every time I close it and open it back up.... Lets say me and computers always have a love hate relationship... It’s just I’m the one who does the dumb no brainer thing last minute. It kinda deterred me for a while. But i’m looking at my half finished page of them and I should have it done soon.
I still have considered the character greet comic, just to get to know my original characters in this.I just haven’t made time to make it. I plotted out ideas and questions that could be asked. I just got lost between everything I didn’t really put the effort into it as I hoped. By looks of things, if I manage to do it around the posting of the first few pages, I should have something like this closely following. Although I won’t make promises....
On another note the other comic I mentioned. I originally intended it as a Fanfict to a ride that I always loved. Although being a ride it was more inspired by things in it and not became my own story original characters, while mentions to the lore in it... I’m considering making a test comic for it. Though I can’t say I’ll post it any time soon, as like I said, if I’m to make it I have to have saved for a art tablet.... But just let me know if your interested. It’s a ghost story tied with mystery. I always loved mystery and supernatural themed stories growing up and this one has a fun twist to a famous ride and it’s lore. Just if I get enough interest i might post the art I already created out of fun for the story, or recreate some scene.... I just thought I’d add this little message in as well. 
BUT DO NOT FRET..... I couldn’t possibly leave this message high and dry without showing something... So instead of posting just a another long worded message that might fall on deaf ears... Instead I decided to post early concept art of the first chapter... This was the early in progress page (not taken with my best camera) art concept of the Season 1 Chapter art.... The other picture is a snapshot of my work in progress for the work I did in the musical setting I spoke of as a fun mini comic I believe in a previous message. (Although that could be a message I never posted that’s probably still sitting in docs... in that case Whoops) Anyways early on in making this comic I started a fun musical themed comic with characters of this comic. It started as a fun step back from the harder more depressing tone of Shattered... Besides I grew up on music and musicals. So I couldn’t resists... This is just an idea of my unpainted bare bones of my comic. This is hardly how the final project will look. Both pictures are somewhat old as some things have changed and in these and been fixed. But I felt they still looked good to show (and that way I don’t spoil the final version) Anyways see you Lovely's... Have Very Incredible Holidays Whatever you Celebrate, A VERY MERRY FABULOUS CHRISTMAS,
AND EXTREMELY WONDROUS HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Sincerely Blaze (BlurrsGirl/Sweet<3)
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