#Undergrowth was bored and wanted to show Poison Ivy how to do it right
skylersprompts · 7 months
DC x DP Prompt *20*
Sometimes life is a bitch. And it seems like death was no different. Jason died and came back to life. At least he always thought that that is what happened. It is was everyone told him, what made sense at the time.
But the more he looked into things, the less certain he was.
He knew something was up, when Bruce called him to the cave. Normally he would have ignored it, but it seemed different then usual. They were still on shaky legs in their relationship, after everything and he had only been at the cave for a handful of times. Maybe he should have known that it couldn’t be good news, as soon as he saw Bat’s sitting at the Bat-Computer with a bunch of files open about him.
As soon as his father Ex-mentor saw him, he just stood up and motioned for Jason to take the seat. He started to read the documents, not really understanding what the Bat wanted from him.
“I put your DNA in our system, the standard procedure. The system found something you should see”, Bruce seemed to bleed a little into Batman, his voice a little to soft, like it was back then.
Maybe the Lazarus Water had messed him up a little bit more than he had thought? It took some time for him to make sense of everything he saw, but it made it really hard to not let the Pit Madness just swallow him, so that he had not to think about it.
“Your still part of this family, if you have us Jay…”, his dads voice was quite, his hand on his shoulder a grounding weight.
Jason was a clone… he wasn’t the boy who died and came back. He was just a cheap copy of the original. Was the real Jason still dead? Or did they resurrect him and he didn’t act like they wanted to? What did they do to him?
It took month to work through all of these thought, even though he couldn’t find any real answers. But he made himself a place in his family. It was easier now, knowing that the memories of the past weren’t really his. It also made it harder. But he started to become his own person again. The dead Robin and the `resurrected` Jason had already been vastly different, so he could just stay mostly the same.
The crisis came back, when there was another world ending event. Some plant villain - that put Poison Ivy to shame – was holding big parts of the world hostage. And none of their powers or weapons seemed to do anything. So in a last ditch attempt the JLD was trying to summon another, stronger being from the place this thing came from. King Phantom – the ghost king - would probably help them, at least that said the rumours that Constantin had heard.
But the being they summoned was a kid, something that already didn’t sit right with Jason. The boy was maybe fifteen, white hair, green eyes and so scrawny that he would fall over because of a soft breeze. Never the less, he didn’t take long to defeat their foe that they had fought for the better end of a month. The young king looked exhausted as he landed before the hero's. Before anyone could really say anything a white light flashed around the boy, before he fell to the ground.
His hair was now black and he looked far to alive for a ghost.
But the thing that rattled him and his family most, was the stark similarity between the second Robin and the boy king.
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