#Under the moonlight (Ezphel)
arcane-luna · 5 years
ok but like 
Ezreal keeps very detailed field journals that detail a lot of his adventures, lots of writing and maybe some little sketches. He’s not the best artist ever but he likes to mess around. 
When he start’s taking Phel with him however his journals start having a lot more drawings of his favorite Lunari, especially when he smiles.He just likes to capture Phel’s beauty. And one day Phel’s just cleaning and ends up flipping through a few of the pages, just curious was to what he actually writes in there. He’s totally blown away by the fact that Ezreal draws him and it just makes him feel so warm and fuzzy inside. 
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arcane-luna · 5 years
ezphel feelings bc I feel like it
-it took Phel a little while to get used to being touched, but as soon as he did Ezreal realized how big of a snuggler he was. He loves to cuddle up to the blonde and hold him extra close, his nose buried in soft blonde locks. Every morning Ezreal has to find a new way to escape Phel's grip since he cuddles so close.
-Ezreal's entire goal is to get Phel to laugh and smile, with much success. Ezreal saved up quite a collection of horrible jokes to send the other into a giggle fit.
-Phel has a tendency to hum real quietly when he's cooking or even just sitting there running his fingers through Ezreal's hair. Ezreal will never admit how comforting of a sound that is.
-Ezreal likes pet names, and one day he got the confidence to start calling Phel "moonlight". He'll never forget the shade of pink Phel's cheeks turned. Phel calls him "my dearest".
-Ezreal loves to have his back rubbed. No matter how upset or angry he is, Phel's gentle touch is usually enough to soothe him.
-When Phel volenteered to come with Ezreal on one of his expeditions it was like a dream come true. Ezreal was worried Phel really wouldn't like it, but turns out they both have a blast exploring together, showing each other all the beauty in the world.
-as a gift one Valentine's day Ezreal got phel a huge teddy bear, since he figured phel would cuddle with it. Sure enough the next day ezreal came home from some errands to find Phel passed out snuggling it. He secretly holds it when he misses Ezreal.
-Ezreal is a pretty shitty cook but he actually tries really hard to make something for Phel. He wants him to eat things that are delicious that he’ll love...with mild success. Phel appericiates that he tries though even though it usually ends in a culanry disaster and has to take over. 
-Ezreal loooooves little kisses, and Phel absolutely provides. Kissing his cheeks, his hands, Eskimo kisses and everything in between. Phel quit likes when Ezreal presses their foreheads together, or squeezes and rubs his hands-which Ezreal is more then happy to provide.
-They sleep on the couch a lot, either one snuggling close to the other. Ezreal prefers to sleep on Phel's shoulder, hugging his arm. While Phel prefers to sleep on Ezreal’s chest- lulled to sleep by his heartbeat. 
-Aphelios still has his frequent awful nightmares, and Ezreal will always hold him and try to calm him down. He’ll hold him close and reassure him that it’s ok, that he’s safe and not alone. Ezreal will always kiss his tears away, whispering how much he cares about him and how important he is, that he's more then the weapon the lunari wanted him to be.
-They both like to watch the stars, it's so romantic to see the beauty and wonder in the others eyes. They've shared more then a few kisses under the starlight.
-Ezreal has quite the collection of treasures, but he will always maintain that the best treasure he ever found was Phel.
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arcane-luna · 5 years
Phel’s birthday!!
So realistically, Phel’s birthday has never really been important. The other Lunari didn’t really care, it was another one of those things that just wasn't the priority. It was just another day. Even Alune didn’t ever acknowledge if it was a day of any particular importance, only another day to work to fulfill their duty. So when Ezreal eventually asked him when his birthday was ( already planning a surprise) and Phel just can’t respond because he just...doesn't know. And it actually genially saddened Ezreal because to him that’s such a personal and special thing and that level of individuality was just not something Phel was able to have growing up in his training. It was something he wanted to give Phel, to be able to share those special days with him.
 Ezreal remembers that Phel said he was born under a special lunar event, and takes him to the library to dig up a record of most of the lunar events within the recorded past. Sure enough, Phel was able to find the specific lunar event and therefore find his actual birthday. Ezreal loved to see him smile, to uncover more of himself. And he absolutely will give him the best birthday he ever had. 
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arcane-luna · 5 years
wait wait it gets better 
If Ezreal falls asleep at his desk  Aphelios would absolutely get him a blanket or something, something to keep him warm because he always gets cold sleeping at his desk. But he just sits down next to Ezreal for a second to look at him because he’s just so precious when he sleeps, his own head resting on his arms smiling at him. But he just gets super relaxed and then he ends up dozing off. And eventually Ezreal wakes up and notices his sweetheart sleeping so close, and his heart just MELTS because how sweet is that. He drapes the blanket over Phel too and snuggles a little closer to him before drifting back off to sleep 
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arcane-luna · 5 years
I’m drabbling I apologize
“Here, I promise you’ll love this.” Ezreal beamed, reaching out his hand to the other giving his slender fingers a gentle squeeze as he helped him up. Not that he had to do a whole lot of helping, Phel was so graceful he almost seemed to glide up next to Ezreal, taking a seat close on the rocky ledge.
“This is one of my favorite spots. I found it on one of the first expeditions I ever went on...and I always told myself I’d take someone special here when the day came. If that day ever came that is.” Ezreal chuckled, grateful that the darkness hid the warmth in his cheeks, still holding tight to Phel’s fingers. 
Phel laughed a little. Maybe at his comment, maybe from the same fluttery feelings that seemed to be blooming in his own chest. It didn’t matter. Phel’s laugh was just so soft and gentle, such a calming sound. It always brought a smile to Ezreal’s lips. “I’m sure I’m not the first..you must have taken so many others here.” Phel signed, his eyes glittering in the moonlight. They almost caught Ezreal off guard, they looked just like the stars in the sky. Genuinely so deep and mesmerizing. “No no...you’re the first as hard as that is to believe.” Sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. “You’re the most special to me, I want to show you something special.” Phel looked genuinely surprised, his eyes wide and blinking, as if he didn’t know what to say.  
“Look” Ezreal whispered as he moved just a little closer to Phel’s side, motioning with his head to the beautiful scenery around them. The stars were all around them, swirling in the moonlight, some shooting across the sky in the blink of an eye. Phel was transfixed, watching with glee at the beauty in front of him. Sure he had seen the stars many times, but none like this. Almost as beautiful as the blonde next to him watching them.
“I don’t think I’ll ever forget seeing this.”Phel signed, still watching the colors move across the sky with glee. All illuminated by the glow of the moon, lingering just above the horizon. 
“I want you to have so many more memories like this that you’ll never forget, I have so many beautiful places I want to show you all over Runeterra.” 
“Any place can be a place as beautiful as this so long as you’re with me...you shine like these stars do.” Phel smiled as he dropped his hands he moved closer, pressing his lips to Ezreal’s cheek. Ezreal pressed Phel’s hand to his cheek, sighing as he gazed at the beauty in front of him. 
“Then I’ll be sure to keep you with me always moonlight.” he whispered as he kissed Phel’s palm before resting his head on the other’s shoulder, sighing as he squeezed him tightly. There didn’t have to be any more words, just the mere presence of each other in the cool starry night and the sound of the gentle breeze blowing through the treetops. Interjected only by the small bouts of laughter from the two happy souls, content in a moment of bliss.
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arcane-luna · 5 years
oh yea I should do shipping tags
I’ll just do the ships I know i’m gonna write stuff for bc I have a bunch of drabbles and shit sitting in my drafts im not good at shipping names so bear with me. 
Timesnap ( EzEkko) 
I don't hate all noxians ( EzTalon) 
Under the moonlight (Ezphel) 
those are just the ships I like personally but I’m always open to try things if the chemistry works and then i’ll add more tags :3
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arcane-luna · 4 years
//This is a bit of a longer drabble but I’ve been thinkin about it! 
Ezreal was used to strange and vivid dreams. His constantly running mind combined with his vivid and expansive imagination made for quite the combination every time he fell asleep. He had seen everything from his day to day activities to fantastical landscapes that he failed to describe with ay sort of accuracy. But even then, none of his dreams were quite this vivid. The way the cold stone felt on his finger tips. The soft whistle of the wind through the canyon the peaks illuminated against the dark sky.. The end of the canyon featured a building unlike any he had ever seen. It glimmered as if it was made of moonlight itself, sitting perfectly among the darkened rocks. It looked stunning from afar, but up close Ezreal found it to be even more splendid. The architecture of the building he was in was incredibly unique, made of graceful circles and curved structures. It reached up into the sky, nearly blending in with the stars with its beauty. The structure had an allure to it, the same kind of allure that often drove Ezreal into the most remote of ruins, they always had a sort of life to them as if they were breathing. It’s a dream he figured, what's the absolute worst that could happen. Curiously he peeked inside, noting the delicate and smooth texture of the stone the outside seemed to be composed of. It didn’t feel like normal stone. It felt frictionless, otherworldly even. He was surprised to see that the walls just inside the massive structure were absolutely covered in designs, an incredible amount of detail even for one of his dreams. The intricate carvings swirled all around, converging in beautiful starry patterns along the ceiling creating a soft glow that bathed the mostly white inside the same peaceful light. Ezreal stepped closer to one of the distinctive massive circular doors, peering curiously at the runes all around it. Mouthing the words carefully, passing over runes he had never seen before. “These look like ancient Shuriman..Targonian maybe..” he mumbled to himself in habit, rubbing his chin with his finger. The runes were reflected in the art that covered even the massive pillars inside the structure, carved depictions of what looked like the sky and the stars illuminated by the light of the silvery moon. He smiled softly at the thought of the moon. “Phel..” he whispered as he thought of his darling partner. Maybe all his time listening to the other talk about his people had finally started to take hold in his dreams. He sighed as he reminisced, the longing tugging painfully at his chest. Usually when he dreamt Phel was there, or at least he wasn't’ alone. Peculiar he thought that this time he was all alone. He crept towards the center of the temple, trying his best to look down each of the massive dark halls that lined the center atrium. The massive alter  sat on one end, again ringed in beautiful white stone opening its mouth wide to the expanses of the heavens.
 “How big is this place..” he whispered to himself, even that soft sound echoing off the walls.
“Big enough to get lost, I have a lot in my time here.”
 he nearly jumped at the sound of another voice, a tiny yelp escaping his lips. He whipped around, his left hand instantly pointed in the direction of it, quickly realizing he had failed to dream himself with any kind of protection. The owner of the voice was a woman, her hair silvery, her dark clothes glittering as they fell around her body with a grace he had yet to see anywhere else. “Don’t worry, I’m a friend.” she smiled, her head tiling ever so slightly to the side. Her voice  was melodic, soothing even. A comfort in a place that seemed to only get stranger.
“I’m just happy that I managed to get you here.”
 “Here?” Ezreal asked, his brows raising in confusion. “Yes here, the Marus Omegnum. It’s  a mysterious place isn't it. It rarely shows itself to others. Hidden in a space between our world and the next over”. Ezreal mulled the words over in his mind, the familiarity of the name floating on the tip of his tongue, rubbing his chin with his fingers gently. “I just wanted to see if i could meet you at least once, since my brother seems to be so deeply in love with you.” His thoughts shattered like glass as the realization hit, his eyes blinking quickly in surprise. “Wait, you’re Phel’s sister??” he exclaimed. She smiled and nodded. “Yes, that would be me. I’m Alune.” she said as she made a slight bow.  “Well it’s great to meet you, I’m Ezreal but i’m assuming you knew that.” he beamed with a cheeky smile, his hands resting on his hips. She giggled “Cheeky I see, I didn't expect anything less. Forgive me for dragging you here. Maybe it’s selfish of me..iIjust wanted to see what you were like. She looked Ezreal up and down a little, her slender brows arching. “I just never imagined this was his type.” Ezreal blew his bangs from his eyes with a huff. “What’s that supposed to mean?” It got a laugh from her. It was gentle like a bell ringing, much like Phel’s. “Nothing, i just didn’t think he was into blondes. I figured from the way that you make him feel you must be quite spectacular”  
“Do you still...feel what he feels I suppose?” 
“A little, I can feel the very intense emotions. We were linked so closely for so long after all. You can imagine my surprise when i started to feel the intense passion just flow from him.” Ezreal couldn’t help but blush, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. “I try, your brother can be hard to read. At least I know I'm doin somethin right.” She turned towards the moon hanging in the starry abyss in the opening of the back of the temple, leaning back against the pillar. “He didn’t used to be you know. He was always smiling when he was younger. I still remember his laugh when it used to ring through the night air.” her eyes fell as the reality came back to her, the heavy fate that they both were forced to carry. “It feels like so long since I’ve even seen him smile, since I’ve seen the light in his eyes.” Ezreal leaned against the wall near to her. They had only just met, but he felt the pain that hung in the air. The inability to help the person most dear to her.
 “Well if it makes you feel any better, he smiles a lot now.” Ezreal added softly. 
She shifted a little, sitting up a little straighter. “So I assume he’s doing well then?” 
“extremely. He’s always smiling and laughing, he has his own job now too. He’s even picked up a few hobbies and made some friends. Everyone adores him.” Her eyes glittered, rubbing them carefully with her slender fingers. “I’m glad. That’s all I ever wanted for him. I never wanted to have to put him through so much pain and suffering. He deserves so much more than that. He is such a kind and gentle soul.” “He really is.” Ezreal sighed as he thought of his partner, all the joy and light that he brought. “He’s so sweet, I’m always surprised at how kind and loving he truly is. Every day I wake up and I love him more than I did the day before.
 “I’m glad you’ve found my brother. I can tell you from the bottom of my heart you make him nothing but happy.” Her voice sounded pained, full of desperate longing. 
“Well he does the same for me, I love your brother more than anything.” Alune was quiet for a moment, lost in thought. Ezreal wasn't sure what to say to her, she had such an ethereal presence- otherworldly almost. Someone who always seemed so far by the way Phel talked about her yet sitting here she seemed so vulnerable. “Do you stay here alone?” Ezreal finally asked, shattering the silence like a sheet of thin glass. She nodded. “Isolation...it’s part of what I must do for our people.” 
“If Phel doesn’t have to live in pain, you don’t have to be here alone either.”
 “Maybe not...but if it’s my orbit then so be it at least it's something that will end in good. The light of the moon will be able to shine on our people again.”
 “I wish there was something I could do..for both of you.” 
 “Just promise me you’ll care for him, give him a life that he could never have.” her voice sounded like it was about to break, turning away from Ezreal in the process. “If you can help at least him, then it would be alright.” “Of course I would, I’d never let anything happen to him. I’d give him the world if I could.” the tears trickled down her cheek. “As i thought, my brother found someone truly amazing.” she whimpered. “Thank you Ezreal, for everything.” She whispered, the tears trickling down her cheeks like stars. Her smile  large and bright, matching the soft light that glimmered through the temple. The light fluttered and obscured his vision, quickly climaxing in his eyes opening. The white temple was gone, replaced by the glimmering lights through his window, the distant sounds of the city droning on behind him. He felt the bed shift to his side, arms still wrapped tightly around his waist. The soft sound of Phel’s breathing creating a peaceful atmosphere. Ezreal smiled, running his fingers down Phel’s cheek, gently brushing the long dark bangs aside. He grunted softly as he turned closer to the blonde, nestling deeper into comfort. “I love you Phel..” he whispered as he kissed his lover's forehead, nestling close to his chest. “I love you more than anything...and I always will.” 
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