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naplesfamilydivorcelawyer · 1 month ago
Uncontested vs. Contested Divorce: Which is Right for You?
Divorce can be a complex and emotional process, but choosing the right approach can make a significant difference. In Florida, couples can file for either uncontested or contested divorce, depending on their level of agreement on key issues like property division, child custody, and support.
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What is an Uncontested Divorce?
An uncontested divorce happens when both spouses agree on all terms, making the process quicker, less stressful, and more affordable. Since there are no disputes, the paperwork is straightforward, and court appearances may not be necessary. This option allows couples to maintain more control over the outcome and move forward with minimal conflict.
What is a Contested Divorce?
A contested divorce, on the other hand, occurs when spouses cannot agree on certain aspects of their separation. These cases often involve negotiations, mediation, and court hearings, where a judge ultimately makes the final decision. While this process takes longer and can be more expensive, it ensures that all issues are fairly addressed, especially in cases involving complex financial matters or child custody disputes.
Which Option is Right for You?
If you and your spouse can reach a mutual agreement, an uncontested divorce is often the best option. However, when conflicts arise, a contested divorce may be necessary to protect your interests. At Naples Family and Divorce Lawyer Kevyn Noonan Hayes, we provide guidance and advocacy for both types of divorce, ensuring your rights are safeguarded every step of the way.
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pluxmarketings · 3 months ago
Considering an uncontested divorce? Our team can help make the process smooth and stress-free.
#UncontestedDivorce #DivorceLawyer #PeacefulResolution
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jollyjackjr · 4 years ago
What is an Uncontested Divorce?
While you can handle the uncontested divorce with minimum intervention from a lawyer, it is best to find one to look into the agreement that both parties have set up. Taylorlassen.com can help you get through an uncontested divorce in San Antonio with the least stress. They work through a client-approach and give appropriate solutions to resolve any issues left so that transitioning to a new chapter will not be as hard as it already might be.
Read more: https://www.newsblogged.com/what-is-an-uncontested-divorce/
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cabanaslawfirmfl · 3 years ago
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Do you have questions about the differences between contested and uncontested divorces in Florida? At the Divorce & Mediation Law Firm, our seasoned divorce lawyers daily deal with both types of divorces.
Read our blog for more information:https://cabanaslawfirm.com/contested-vs-uncontested-divorce-in-florida-what-you-need-to-know/ The Divorce & Mediation Law Firm is ready to provide you with a confidential consultation today!
Call our offices today. 📲 954-231-1312 or visit CabanasLawFirm.com
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ccdailydeal · 7 years ago
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Today's Cape Cod Daily Deal is a Half Price Initial Consultation with Cape Cod Uncontested Divorce and Mediation in Hyannis. #capecod #ccdailydeal #uncontesteddivorce #mediation #consultation #hyannis #halfprice #divorce #help
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localbusinessvideonetwork · 4 years ago
AFFORDABLE LAW ASSOCIATES has answered their most frequently asked questions on an uncontested Florida divorce. If you need help with any family law matter call us for a free consultation or visit us online for more information.
Affordable Law Associates 1860 SW Fountainview Blvd., Suite100 Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Phone: (772) 236-6949 https://AffordableLawAssociates.com
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cainslegalsupport · 5 years ago
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In most cases, uncontested divorces in CA take an average of six months. Most of these cases are faster, because you can work with a Legal Document Assistant to complete the paperwork and handle communications with the courthouse via mail. #legaldocumentservice #legaldocumentsmadeeasy #uncontesteddivorce #divorce https://www.instagram.com/p/CC6ELqdH_jt/?igshid=1ihk9z6vfoqf
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andersonbobackandmarshall · 5 years ago
Should You Pursue a Contested or Uncontested Divorce?
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Getting a divorce doesn’t have to be a fight, and most times, after some initial problems are resolved, the vast majority of cases never go to trial.  When people first get started, however, they want to know the difference between a divorce that is contested or uncontested.  Whether you believe your divorce will be contested or uncontested,  it is imperative to have a lawyer review your agreement and to guide you in the process.  No matter which way you go,  your lawyer will need to complete certain petitions and judgments.  It is important that your agreement is written in the correct manner and that you don’t forget important things that are typical in all divorce judgments. Read the full article
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Today, we’re focusing on uncontested divorces in Texas.  We’re looking for any information on the process, cost, and how long this process usually takes.  We’ve found a helpful page for Waco Uncontested Divorces here.
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nemisisblog · 6 years ago
@maddpoprecords Pop has partnered with Legal Shield. This company has over 20 years in the business and one we personally use and it is #AMAZING ‼️ In this day and time where people who don't have proper legal representation have to spend YEARS in the system because they were not prepared is a huge problem. That's the reason why #KimKardashian #MeekMill and #JayZ have to work so hard on #reform. BE PROACTIVE AND PROTECT YOURSELF! #landlordissues #uncontesteddivorces #traffictickets #startingabusiness #identitytheft #ceaseandesistletters #24houremergencylegalservice if you get in a jam and immediately need a #Lawyer and that's not even half of the benefits of having Legal assistance at your fingertips. DM OR EMAIL US WITH YOUR LEGAL ISSUES AND WE WILL STEP BY STEP WALK YOU THROUGH THE ENROLLMENT AND GET YOU TO A LAWYER. You can not play around when it comes to your rights, your family and most importantly, your #FREEDOM. Get protected! ⚖️ #MaddPOPRecords #morethanmusic #acompanywithapurpose #abrandyoucantrust ♥️ - (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxh1AL6hwFi/?igshid=1sdhw159ezduw
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lawofficesbenke-blog · 5 years ago
Find out how child custody is handled in an uncontested divorce.
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Tips for Your Day in Court from Shawn Michael Rudisel on Vimeo.
Here are some helpful tips for your day in court. For more information visit us at houstondivorcesource.com or give us a call at (713) 781-7775.
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familycourtlawyers-blog · 7 years ago
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Uncontested Divorce Less Expensive and Less Time-Consuming
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morrowlawfirm-blog · 7 years ago
an uncontested divorce can save you lots of money and nerve cells. Uncontested divorces – though not possible for many couples going through a divorce – offer a plethora of benefits.
Divorce attorneys help clients both file an uncontested divorce and initiate a contested divorce in court. Consult the divorce lawyers today by calling at 754-300-5900 or fill out the contact form to schedule a free initial consultation.
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melvinacooklaw-blog · 7 years ago
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Are you looking for an attorney for your divorce? We understand this hectic process involving dividing assets, child custody, alimony and many other things. If you need counsel regarding your uncontested divorce in Utah, we recommend free consultation with Salt Lake City divorce Lawyer. Contact the Law Office of Melvin A. Cook.
For more information visit this: https://www.cooklawut.com/practice-areas/no-fault-divorce-attorney/
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houstontexaslawinfo · 5 years ago
Answering Frequently Asked Questions about Texas Divorces
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If you want to related guideline confidentiality Texas Child Law experience, So you can better suggestions in Answering Frequently Asked Questions about Texas Divorces
Kingwood Divorce Attorney: One of the benefits of working as an attorney at the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC is that I have the opportunity to frequently meet with potential clients in consultations. We offer people like you that live in our community the opportunity to come into our office, free of charge, and ask questions about whatever family law matter may be relevant in their lives.
Being able to assist people, even if he or she does not sign up to work with our office, is a special privilege because I am able to share knowledge and advice with a person who otherwise may not be able to get it.
Seeing as how I meet so frequently with potential clients I have come to expect a handful of questions to be asked of me, especially in the area of divorce cases. Divorce is combination of all of your life’s areas of emphasis- your children, your finances, your home and your work. If a divorce just dealt with your relationship with your spouse then the questions I would hear probably would not be as interesting and diverse as the ones I typically field in these consultations.
With that said, I’d like to devote this blog post to answering some of the more frequently asked questions that I have been asked by potential clients. It’s likely that you have pondered some of these questions as well while you consider whether or not to move forward with your own divorce. If you are just beginning your journey towards learning about divorce and whether it is the right next step for you and your family this blog will hopefully offer a good starting point for you to pick up some knowledge on this important subject.
Money, Money, Money: How much will my divorce cost?
With budgets having to be stretched thinner than ever it seems, the cost of divorce is always a part of the discussion with any potential client of our law office. If you were to come in and speak to me about becoming a client of the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC, I would tell you that it is always a smart move to set up interviews with multiple attorneys, not only to learn how much he or she would charge you to take your case, but to learn who suits your personality and who you feel comfortable with as your attorney. Cost is important, but it should not be the deciding factor in hiring an attorney.
Family law attorneys typically bill you by the hour. This means that your attorney will have an hourly rate at which he or she bills you for doing work on your case. Our office is no different. Answering and placing phone calls to you, negotiating with opposing counsel, typing emails, preparing for hearings and attending hearings and mediations are examples of work to be done on your case.
When you consider how much a divorce will cost we will need to decide whether or not your divorce is contested or uncontested. An uncontested divorce means that all of the issues in your case- children, money, community property, etc.- have all been agreed upon by you and your spouse. We’re talking details and specifics.
If you believe that you all have an uncontesteddivorce it is worth discussing that with your spouse prior to filing divorce papers. If even one subject needs to be negotiated upon your divorce is a contested matter. As far as costs are concerned, a contested divorce usually means a longer process with more billable hours possible for your attorney. This doesn’t mean that your divorce will drag on for years and years, but it does mean that a little more work will need to be done prior to its conclusion.
A retainer is an up front payment of money that begins the attorney-client relationship. By paying a retainer fee and signing a contract we become your representative and begin to work on your case immediately. Typically our clients will get on payment plans where he or she will pay us a monthly sum of money to ensure their accounts have sufficient funds to pay the lawyers and office personnel that are working on their case.
Time is money: How long can I expect my divorce to last?
The Woodlands Divorce Attorney: Divorce is no fun and it is not a surprise that most people want their divorce done yesterday. The law in Texas is that from the date that your Original Petition for Divorce is accepted by the county clerk, you must wait at least sixty days to finalize the divorce. This waiting period’s purpose is to allow you and your spouse to cool your heels a bit and to decide if the divorce is necessary. Our State does not want to see people divorce because this can create difficulties when it comes to support of children and general hard times for you and your spouse.
I tell clients that you can expect your divorce to last approximately 4-6 months. Some last longer due to there being a lot of disputed issues. Some divorces will conclude rather quickly and you can finalize your divorce close to the sixty day minimum time period. The lawyer’s favorite response, “It depends”, is applicable to the expected time length of your divorce.
As I stated a moment ago, if you and your spouse need to reconcile every issue of your case (children, community property, etc.) then there will be a fair amount of negotiation necessary and possibly even a temporary orders hearing or trial. Attending a courtroom proceeding is becoming increasingly uncommon, however, as you and your spouse will have ample opportunity to settle your case out of court and avoiding a protracted divorce that eats up a ton of your family’s time.
Part Two of the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC’s series on FAQ for divorce to be posted tomorrow
Spring Divorce Lawyers: Please come back to our website tomorrow for the second installment in this series on frequently asked questions for Texas divorces.
As always, if you have any questions after having read this blog post please do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC today. Again, our consultations are free of charge and can really offer you some great insights and information that can benefit you and your family ... Continue Reading
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