thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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TIBERIUS- “It passed to me. So it was you that created what I am.”
ULYSSES- “Ultimately, yes, I suppose it was me. And in you, I got one even better than what your mother would have been.”
TIBERIUS- “Only one catch to your plan, Ulysses. In order to gain my soul, I have to die and I can not die. And even if I could die, in order to gain control of my soul, I have to have one.”
ULYSSES- “You think that just because you are a vampire hybrid that you have no soul? Tiberius… you never died, son. You are unlike any other vampire in the entire world. A living being, a vampire with a soul. A very powerful one at that. You definitely have a soul.”
TIBERIUS- “So you think I am just going to let you have my soul Ulysses?”
ULYSSES- “If it was that easy I would have taken it long ago. There is only one way, and my ancestors created that ability before either you, or I ever entered this disgusting world. Trust me Tiberius, Soon I will have that as well, even if it means I have to kill everyone that you ever loved to get it. So go.  Go back to the security of your sanctuary that you call the Realm. By coming here you have put the plan into motion, now it’s just a matter of time. So good talking with you son….
With that he was gone. Tiberius knew exactly what it was he referred to when he said his ancestors created it before they were born. It was the ring. And he knew exactly where it was, and knew exactly how he was going to use it to destroy Ulysses Rocha once and for all.
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