#Ultrasound Systems Report
mohitbisresearch · 9 days
The ultrasound systems market includes medical devices that utilize high-frequency sound waves to create images of internal body structures. A global report on the ultrasound systems market delivers an in-depth analysis of the industry, providing valuable insights into market dynamics, emerging trends, and future growth opportunities.
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avikabohra6 · 8 months
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futuretonext · 9 months
According to the MarkNtel Advisors' research report, "Global Next-Generation Ultrasound System Market Analysis, 2021," the market is likely to grow at a CAGR of around 5% during 2021-26 due to the surging demand for high-quality ultrasound systems in the healthcare sector and rapid adoption of technologically advanced devices like 3D, 4D, and future 5D ultrasound systems.
Further, the mounting prevalence of target diseases and snowballing government investments to support the R&D activities for developing next-generation ultrasound devices are primary factors fueling the market growth.
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opencommunion · 4 months
"'Nothing, absolutely nothing, justifies what we have witnessed here,' says Dr Mohammed Tahir, an orthopaedic surgeon from London. 'People bring in their children, who are dead on arrival, and want us to try to resuscitate them – even though their bodies show no sign of life. They then leave carrying the limbs of their dead children in cardboard boxes.'
'The Palestinian medical students are the real heroes,' says Tahir. 'They have had their universities destroyed and flock to us for any knowledge we can impart that may help them, help others. They are young volunteers, who aren’t getting paid, but turn up to work every day, trying desperately to prop up a failing health system because the world has failed them.' One day, the doctors say they visited the sites of the destroyed Nasser and al-Shifa hospitals, where the mass graves of hundreds of Palestinians were recently discovered, many stripped naked with their hands tied, according to reports published by the UN human rights office.
'It was apocalyptic,' says Dr Laura Swoboda, a wound care specialist from Wisconsin. 'The sheer destruction was unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Decomposing bodies still stuck beneath the rubble. All around us, we could smell death.'
As she walked among the debris, Swoboda says she saw overturned ambulances and a burned-out dialysis centre; medical supplies scattered everywhere and the sound of black body bags flapping in the wind. 'There were notes scribbled on the walls of theatre rooms by doctors who had been hiding there,' says Swoboda.
... 'One day I went to the emergency room and lying on a stretcher was a small boy, the exact same size as my four-year-old son; his ashened baby hands were becoming toddler hands,' says Kattan. 'His name was Mahmoud and he was a victim of an Israeli bombing campaign that left more than 75% of his body burnt. His eyebrows were singed off, his hair smelt of smoke.'
Mahmoud lay crying in pain as Kattan unwrapped his wounds; an ultrasound revealed a shattered spleen and crushed lungs. 'We did not have the resources to save him and he died in front of us – cold and in pain with no one who knew him,' she says, holding back tears. 'I wish I could have protected him. He was only four.'"
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sebastianstangirl01 · 2 years
Hey I was just asking if you could write a Pete Mitchell x daughter reader??
Like the reader looses her wingman in the same way her dad did and when it happens she attempts to close everyone out in the same Mitchell fashion. But Maverick isn’t buying it so he pushes her to the breaking point in order to get her falls to crumble and he is there to help her and lend a pair of arms for her to cuddle and seek comfort in.
Thank you
150 your choice
I Think I’ve Seen This Film Before
Title: I Think I’ve Seen This Film Before
Pairing: Mitchell!Pilot Reader x Pete “Maverick” Mitchell, Implied Rooster x Reader
Summary: History repeats itself and the reader does her best to put up a wall to hide her true feelings, but Maverick refuses to let his daughter make the same mistake he did.
Warnings: angst, character death (Falcon, readers WSO), depression, self blame, guilt, Maverick comforting his daughter.
A/N: Readers callsign is MJ (Maverick Junior)
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After the uranium plant mission the dagger squad became permanently assigned to top gun, either to train new pilots or to fly high risk missions. You and you’re WSO Falcon we’re picked as the 2nd bravo team alongside Phoenix and Bob, it was your job to fly with your father Maverick while Phoenix and Bob were with your honorary brother Rooster.
It had been 6 months since the mission and now there is a new group of Top Gun students coming through the program. All week you had all been taking turns doing flight trainings and now it is you and Falcon who are going to be leading this dogfighting exercise.
You and Falcon were walking side by side with his arm slung over your shoulder as he showed you a new picture he was adding to his cockpit.
“Kate’s 20 weeks, can you believe that? Me? I’m going to be a father.” Falcon chuckled shaking his head in disbelief making you smile
“That’s going to be the luckiest kid in the world, because they have me as godmother. Obviously.” You smiled making Falcon laugh and squeeze your shoulder
“Obviously. Not because they have the funniest and sexiest guy in the world as their dad. It’s definitely because of you.” Falcon said and you nodded
“Exactly.” You said before looking back down at the ultrasound picture. “But seriously. I’m happy for you, you’ll make the best dad.”
“Thanks MJ. That means a lot coming from you.” Falcon smiled
The two of you climbed up into your F-18 and got situated in, clipping your helmets on and double checking all your systems were in tiptop shape. Before you knew it you were taking off and souring across the sky.
“Alright Aviators, today MJ and Falcon will be leading you in dogfight maneuvers. You will have to evade MJ and if she gets a lock on you then you are out, report back to the tarmac for 200 push-ups. Good luck.” Maverick spoke over the radio as he flew a little ways behind you
“Talk to me Fal.” You said as you glanced around your surroundings looking for the other planes
“Looks like we’ve got 2 bogeys, about half a mile southeast.” Falcon said and you nodded before immediately flying that direction
“Gotcha, I’m in pursuit.” You said said as the two other planes came into view
“Shit! MJ’s on our tail!” One of the TopGun recruits, the WSO Flame spoke
“Damn right. Better make a move.” You smirked getting ready to perform a radar lock, you could have easily already taken them out but you wanted to give them the chance to make a move
“Break right, Dutch!” Flame instructed her pilot, Dutch
“Copy! Breaking right!” Dutch replied and did as he was told
You were already 1 step ahead though, anticipating the turn you got ahead and were able to get a lock on them making them groan in defeat, while Falcon laughed.
“You can’t beat the best.” Falcon chuckled shaking his head and you just shook your head fondly
“Nice try Dutch. Good communication Flame. Both of you head back to base.” You instructed as you flew behind them
“Copy.” Dutch spoke before increasing his speed
You followed behind them increasing your speed when suddenly your jet shook and alarms started blaring.
“What the fuck!” You exclaimed having no idea why this was happening or what this even was
“Shit! We flew into their jet wash!” Falcon exclaimed from the back as your jet shook
“I can’t control it Fal! Something wrong with the control system!” You exclaimed jerking the controls but nothing happened, it was like your jet was on autopilot and there was nothing you could do about it
“Left engine failure! Right engine failure! We’ve lost both engines MJ!” Falcon exclaimed as your jet suddenly began to spin
“Mayday! Mayday! MJ and Falcon are in trouble! They’re in a flat spin heading out to sea!” Dutch exclaimed over the radio
“The engines won’t restart! I can’t control this thing!” You exclaimed while you and Falcon both groaned as your jet kept spinning
“Altitude 8,000. 7,000. 6! We’re at 6, MJ!” Falcon exclaimed, his voice strained
“MJ! Falcon! Eject! Eject! You can’t save the plane! Eject damn it!” Mavericks voice suddenly exclaimed over the radio
“Fuck! Falcon, I can’t reach the ejection handle! You need to punch us out!” You exclaimed feeling yourself pinned forward against the controls because of the G force
“I’ve got it!” Falcon exclaimed reaching up for the ejection handle
“Watch the canopy!” You warned before you were ejected from the plane, everything from that moment happened in slow motion
Your head flipped backwards from the force of the ejection making you groan, you caught sight of Falcon as he ejected and your heart dropped and a bile raised in the back of your throat as he smacked right into the canopy. It was exactly how your father explained how Goose died all those years ago, you never knew the full extent of how your dad felt until this very second.
Falcons parachute deployed first lowering him down into the water and then yours did immediately after, you hit the water with a start the cold water shocking you momentarily. You felt your arms hit some of the debris that already fell from your plane, cutting your skin but none of that mattered.
“Falcon!” You exclaimed swimming towards his limp body. “Oh! Oh no! Falcon!”
You got to him and pulled him into your arms, his helmet was busted open and blood was leaking from a deep head laceration, his head bobbed around limply and you could feel the deep sense of dread bubbling to the surface.
“No! You can’t die! You can’t die! Please! Please! Goose! Goose please don’t take him! Please!” You screamed hysterically, feeling your emotions bubble up knowing what you feared was true. “Oh god!”
There was nothing you could do for Falcon. He was dead, just like that. No warning. No preparation. He was just gone. You held him tight and let your head rest against his as the tears flowed.
The rescue helicopter appeared and it took everything in you to get yourself together and shove your emotions down, Falcon was dead and he may have been your best friend but you weren’t the one who would miss him most. His pregnant wife and their unborn child will miss him most. He’ll never get to be the great dad you know he would have been.
And it was all your fault.
When the rescue helicopter landed at base the first person you caught sight of was your father. Maverick looked like a mess, his eyes were rimmed red and his hair was all out of place like he had continuously ran his fingers through it.
The medical team rushed towards the helicopter and unloaded Falcon onto a stretcher and rushed him into the infirmary. You numbly accepted the hand of another medic and felt Maverick wrap his arms around you tugging you to his chest. He held you against him, one hand on the back of your head while his other rested on your upper back. You could feel your resolve slipping and quickly pulled away, spotting your dads frown as your helmet clattered to the tarmac before you rushed into the building feeling that bile rise in your throat.
You busted into the bathroom and dropped to your knees in front of the toilet before throwing up everything that had been on your stomach, which wasn’t a lot but it was enough to have you heaving into the toilet bowl. After you were done you flushed the toilet then flopped back against the wall. Your adrenaline was wearing off and you could feel the ache in your limbs and around your stomach.
You pulled yourself up off the ground and stood in front of the mirror, your skin was blotchy and red and you could see a bruise starting to form around your eye from the force of hitting the water. You splashed some water on your face before unzipping your flight suit leaving you in a sports bra and a pair of spandex shorts as you kicked your flight suit over to the side along with your boots.
You looked at your reflection and saw a bruise forming around your ribcage more than likely from the force of your parachute deploying. You had cuts along your arms so you filled the sink with warm water before grabbing some of the disinfectant soap and a wash cloth, you dipped the wash cloth in the water and squirted some of the soap onto the washcloth before dabbing your wounds. All while blankly looking into the mirror watching yourself.
You looked away as someone knocked on the doorframe, Warlock was standing there giving you a sympathetic look that made you immediately look away from him. He sighed and stepped towards you settling beside you and leaning against the sink.
“Falcon is dead.” Warlock informed you and you just blankly nodded
“Yeah. I figured. It didn’t look good.” You said pausing to look up and catch his eyes before going back to what you were doing
“Your father went to inform Falcon’s wife about the accident. He said she might take it better from a familiar face.” Warlock said and you scoffed shaking her head
“It doesn’t matter who breaks the news. In the end her husband and the father of her unborn child is dead. This is going to be the worst day of her life regardless of who tells her.” You snapped before sighing and resting your head against your crossed arms on the sink. “I’m sorry sir. I didn’t mean to snap.”
“I understand MJ. These next couple of weeks are going to be tough on you and I want to let you know that there are people you can talk to. At least one person knows what your going through. One is a lot closer than the others.” Warlock said giving you a knowing look before patting your back and leaving.
You sighed and finished cleaning your wounds before grabbing your discarded flight suit and boots before leaving, you walked into the locker room and spotted Rooster waiting for you leaning against his locker. He sighed in relief when he saw you and got up to pull you into a hug.
“I’m so glad you’re ok.” Rooster said kissing your forehead
“Yeah.” You mumbled tightening your hold around his waist
“I heard about Falcon. I’m so sorry baby.” Rooster said cupping your cheeks and you nodded
“Yeah me too. He was a great WSO.” You replied before pulling away and moving to your locker, you dropped your flight suit into the hamper beside it before grabbing your clothes you brought to change into and changing ignoring the look of worry Rooster was giving you. “I just want to go home.”
“Ok. Yeah. Let’s go home.” Rooster nodded and wrapped his arm around your waist leading you out of the locker room.
“Y/N.” Maverick said as he jogged up to you and Rooster. “Can we have a second Rooster?”
“Yeah. Sure. I’ll go start the car.” Rooster said kissing you on the forehead before leaving allowing you to turn back to your father
“I know what your thinking right now. But this wasn’t your fault, it’s impossible to recover from a spin like that. Trust me I’d know.” Maverick said making you sigh
“I am the pilot. It’s my job to keep my WSO safe and I didn’t do that. So yes it is my fault. I guess I really am Maverick Junior. Killing our WSO’s is just a Mitchell thing I guess.” You said shaking your head as you felt tears form in your eyes before rushing away, not noticing the heartbroken expression on Mavericks face.
The next few days have been the longest of your entire life, there was a hearing about the accident and it was ruled that there was nothing you could have done to avoid or recover from what happened and were put back on full duty. You were immediately told by Cyclone that you would be flying today and you just wanted to get it over with and go back to normal.
You were flying solo today in a F-4 instead of your normal F-18, they thought it might be a good idea to try something different instead of jumping right back into a F-18.
You had just taken off and were flying in formation with another one of the TopGun pilots when you felt it. Your chest was so tight it hurt to take a breath, your heart felt like it was about to beat out of your chest, you were shaking and sweating. You didn’t know what was happening but you knew you couldn’t focus.
“MJ, you alright?” You vaguely heard one of the pilots ask you but you couldn’t respond
“I think somethings wrong with MJ.”
“MJ report.”
You could hear everything everyone was saying but couldn’t bring yourself to respond, all that was going through your head was flashes of the accident.
“Altitude 8,000. 7,000. 6! We’re at 6, MJ!” Falcon exclaimed, his voice strained
“MJ! Falcon! Eject! Eject! You can’t save the plane! Eject damn it!” Mavericks voice suddenly exclaimed over the radio
“Fuck! Falcon, I can’t reach the ejection handle! You need to punch us out!” You exclaimed feeling yourself pinned forward against the controls because of the G force
“I’ve got it!” Falcon exclaimed reaching up for the ejection handle
“Watch the canopy!” You warned before you were ejected from the plane, everything from that moment happened in slow motion
Your head flipped backwards from the force of the ejection making you groan, you caught sight of Falcon as he ejected and your heart dropped and a bile raised in the back of your throat as he smacked right into the canopy. It was exactly how your father explained how Goose died all those years ago, you never knew the full extent of how your dad felt until this very second.
Falcons parachute deployed first lowering him down into the water and then yours did immediately after, you hit the water with a start the cold water shocking you momentarily. You felt your arms hit some of the debris that already fell from your plane, cutting your skin but none of that mattered.
“Falcon!” You exclaimed swimming towards his limp body. “Oh! Oh no! Falcon!”
You got to him and pulled him into your arms, his helmet was busted open and blood was leaking from a deep head laceration, his head bobbed around limply and you could feel the deep sense of dread bubbling to the surface.
“No! You can’t die! You can’t die! Please! Please! Goose! Goose please don’t take him! Please!” You screamed hysterically, feeling your emotions bubble up knowing what you feared was true. “Oh god!”
There was nothing you could do for Falcon. He was dead, just like that. No warning. No preparation. He was just gone. You held him tight and let your head rest against his as the tears flowed.
“MJ! Hey snap out of it. Y/N! Honey look at me!” Maverick exclaimed and you managed to look over and saw your fathers jet right next to yours. “You’re ok. Everything’s going to be ok, follow me back to base. I’ll be with you the whole way.”
You somehow managed to land your plane and immediately jumped down onto the tarmac ripping your helmet off and gasping for air as you lowered yourself to your knees. Arms wrapped around your body and you were met with the smell of cedar wood and jet fuel, your dads scent.
“I’ve got you honey. I’ve got you.” Maverick soothed rocking you back and forth like he did to calm you from a nightmare when you were a child.
“I don’t think I’m ok.” You shakily admitted and Maverick gave you a understanding smile
“I know. You won’t be for a little while, but eventually it will get easier. Not much easier but it will be more bearable. I’ll be with you the whole way.” Maverick promised kissing your forehead
“I love you dad. I’m sorry about what I said.” You guiltily spoke, remembering the comment you made about Mitchell’s killing their backseaters
“I love you too. It’s ok.” Maverick assured you. “I’m going to help you get through this. I promise.”
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killed-by-choice · 16 days
“Tara Roe,” 32 (USA 2005)
“Tara” was a 32-year-old Black woman who died after three consecutive abortion attempts.
Tara initially went to an abortion facility for a surgical abortion. However, this attempt failed because of a fibroid that blocked attempts to insert tools into her endocervical canal.
The abortionist administered mifepristone for a chemical abortion on May 21 and sent her home with instructions to take 600 mg of misoprostol on May 24. However, Tara reported that the pill fell out of her vagina. (Note that mifepristone suppresses the immune system and that the FDA had never approved use of the drug as a vaginal suppository.) An ultrasound showed that she was still pregnant.
A third abortion was attempted, this one surgical. The abortionist managed to carry out the abortion despite the fibroid, but Tara suffered severe bleeding as a result. (It is likely that surgical instruments were forced past the obstruction and caused damage.) The bleeding reportedly stopped spontaneously and Tara was discharged despite having low hematocrit from all the blood loss.
Tara later went to the emergency room. It was reported that she “apparently looked OK” but had a white blood cell count of over 14,000, abdominal pain, subjective fever and low hematocrit. She was admitted to the ward.
24 hours later, Tara suffered decompensation, hypotension and shortness of breath. She was transferred emergently to the ICU and had to be intubated. Workup for a pulmonary embolism started, but her condition became so bad that she was brought to the OR for a hysterectomy.
Unfortunately, Tara was so sick that even hospitalization in the ICU, intubation and hysterectomy were not enough to save her. She died on the operating table at 11:20 P.M. on June 22, 2005.
Tara’s family decided not to have an autopsy performed. Pathology findings from her uterus, however, shed light on her condition. The uterus showed necrotic breakdown and endometrial inflammation. The endometrium contained serosanguinous pus. Cultures from the uterine cavity grew Peptostreptococcus. The fibroid that had blocked the first abortion attempts was now degenerated and full of thick, foul-smelling green pus. Cultures of the fibroid grew Prevotella. The CDC listed the cause of her death as “delayed onset toxic-shock like syndrome.”
While the medical professional who submitted a report of Tara’s death to MedWatch did not believe that mifepristone or misoprostol were the cause of her illness, they noted her surgical abortions. It is possible that when the instruments were forced past the fibroid and triggered the bleeding, the injury became badly infected. The CDC included Tara’s death as a maternal death after mifepristone/misoprostol abortion.
MedWatch report
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mcatmemoranda · 4 months
Rheumatoid Arthritis
When to suspect – A patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) will typically have constitutional symptoms, morning stiffness, elevated acute phase reactants, and a small-joint arthritis affecting the hands and feet. Joint erosions appear late in the disease process.
●Evaluation – A diagnosis of RA requires an examination of the extremities to detect the presence of synovitis, which will typically present as a symmetric polyarthritis affecting the metacarpophalangeal (MCP), metatarsophalangeal (MTP), and proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints.
In a patient suspected of having RA, both MRI and ultrasound can be used to determine the presence of synovitis when the physical examination is not clear.
•Use of serologies – In a patient who presents with a symmetric polyarthritis, the presence of rheumatoid factor (RF) or anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies(ACPA) confirms the diagnosis of RA. However, these tests have limited value as a screening tool or to evaluate patients with a syndrome atypical for RA, since both may appear in patients with other rheumatic or inflammatory diagnoses.
(I got this part from a simple Google search: Rheumatoid factor (RF) testing for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has a sensitivity of 60–90% and a specificity of 85%. For early RA, RF sensitivity is estimated to be around 41–66%, while for established RA, it's 62–87%. The specificity accounts for 43–96%, with most studies reporting specificity higher than 70%.)
•Use or radiologic studies – Plain radiographs demonstrating the presence of joint erosions confirms the diagnosis of RA. However, erosions are a late finding of RA, and their absence does not rule out RA.
•Classification criteria – The 2010 American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism (ACR/EULAR) classification criteria were not designed to establish a diagnosis of RA, although they are often used for this purpose. It is important to remember that these criteria may not identify RA in all patients, particularly after the initiation of immunosuppressive therapies.
●Differential diagnosis – Some infections, malignancies, and rheumatic diseases may present with synovitis that can mimic RA. Noninflammatory diagnoses, such as osteoarthritis (OA), carpal tunnel syndrome, and hypermobility syndromes, may present with joint pain or dysfunction in the absence of synovitis.
Epidemiology and risk factors – Involvement of the musculoskeletal system other than joints (e.g., bone and muscle) and of nonarticular organs (e.g., skin, eye, lungs, heart, and others) occurs in approximately 40 percent of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) over the course of the disease. Risk factors for systemic, extraarticular disease include the presence of rheumatoid factor (RF), anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies (ACPA), and smoking. Extraarticular involvement in RA is associated with increased severity of disease, with overall morbidity, and with premature mortality.
●Constitutional symptoms – Constitutional and systemic symptoms and findings may include generalized aching, stiffness, and constitutional symptoms such as fevers, weight loss, and fatigue; these features sometimes antedate the onset of articular disease by several months.
●Osteopenia – Bone loss in RA is common. It may be generalized, resulting from immobility, the inflammatory process, and treatment effects of glucocorticoids; periarticular, due to local inhibition of bone formation by immune cells; or focal, due to degradation of juxtaarticular bone by activated osteoclasts. In the absence of antiresorptive therapy, all patients with RA can be expected to lose bone mineral. The generalized and periarticular osteopenia that affects all patients with RA should lead to a low threshold for therapy to prevent bone loss.
●Sarcopenia – Muscle weakness is a common symptom in RA. It may have several, often additive, causes. These include synovial inflammation, drug-induced muscle disease, myositis, and vasculitis.
●Weight gain – Body composition is frequently altered in patients with RA, with changes of increased body fat mass and reduced lean body mass (sarcopenia), even at normal body mass index. Altered body composition contributes to reduced physical function and cardiometabolic risk and may be attenuated by formal exercise interventions and control of the underlying inflammatory disease.
●Cutaneous manifestations – The most common of the cutaneous manifestations of RA is the rheumatoid nodule. Other cutaneous manifestations may arise when rheumatoid vasculitis is present or may be due to dermal infiltration of neutrophils. Atrophic skin over involved joints is sometimes present.
●Ocular manifestations – Symptoms of ocular and/or oral dryness are the hallmarks of Sjögren's disease, which may occur in association with RA. Eye involvement in RA also may include episcleritis, scleritis, peripheral ulcerative keratitis, and, less frequently, uveitis.
●Pulmonary manifestations – Pulmonary involvement in RA may include pleurisy and parenchymal lung diseases (e.g., interstitial fibrosis, pulmonary nodules, bronchiolitis obliterans, and organizing pneumonia), as well as lung disease caused by drugs or other agents used to treat RA or as a result of infectious complications resulting from immunosuppression.
●Cardiac manifestations – Cardiac involvement, such as clinically apparent pericarditis and myocarditis, and the presence of rheumatoid nodules in the pericardium, myocardium, or valvular structures are uncommon in patients with RA, although there is an increased risk of coronary artery disease, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation (AF). Vascular disease can take several forms in patients with RA. Vasculitis of small to medium blood vessels can occur, and higher-than-expected rates of coronary artery, peripheral vascular, and cerebrovascular disease are also seen.
●Kidney manifestations - Direct effects of RA on the kidney are rare. Membranous and mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis are the most commonly reported nephropathies. Rheumatoid vasculitis may also occur. Drug toxicity is much more common.
●Neurologic manifestations – A range of neurologic abnormalities may be associated with RA, which can involve the peripheral or central nervous systems and which can result from local or systemic factors. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common neurologic manifestation, and a compressive myelopathy or radiculopathy can also occur. Patients with rheumatoid vasculitis may experience subtle or more severe neurologic disease.
●Hematologic manifestations – Anemia is commonly present in patients with active RA. Other hematologic abnormalities, including neutropenia, which is present in Felty syndrome and in large granular lymphocyte (LGL) leukemia (LGL syndrome), may require therapeutic interventions, while reactive thrombocytosis and eosinophilia generally parallel disease activity and do not themselves require treatment. Cytopenias related to the drugs used to treat RA also may be seen.
●Principles and goals of therapy – In patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), affected areas may be irreversibly damaged or destroyed if inflammation persists. Thus, prompt diagnosis, early recognition of active disease, and measures to quickly achieve and maintain control of inflammation and the underlying disease process, with the goal of remission or low disease activity, are central to modifying disease outcome. The application of these principles in the management of patients with RA, together with the development and use of newer and more potent drugs, has resulted in significant improvement in the outcomes of treatment.
●Care by a rheumatologist – An expert in the care of rheumatic disease, such as a rheumatologist, should participate in the care of patients suspected of having RA and in the ongoing care of patients diagnosed with this condition. The treatment of patients with RA by a rheumatologist is associated with better disease outcomes compared with care rendered primarily by other clinicians.
●Nonpharmacologic measures – Nonpharmacologic measures, such as patient education, psychosocial interventions, and physical and occupational therapy, should be used in addition to drug therapy. Other medical interventions that are important in the comprehensive management of RA in all stages of disease include cardiovascular risk reduction and immunizations to decrease the risk of complications of drug therapies.
●Initiation of DMARD therapy soon after RA diagnosis – We suggest that all patients diagnosed with RA be started on disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) therapy as soon as possible following diagnosis, rather than using antiinflammatory drugs alone, such as nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and glucocorticoids (Grade 2C). Better outcomes are achieved by early compared with delayed intervention with DMARDs.
●Tight control of disease activity – Tight control treatment strategies to "treat to target" are associated with improved radiographic and functional outcomes compared with less aggressive approaches. Such strategies involve reassessment of disease activity on a regularly planned basis with the use of quantitative composite measures and adjustment of treatment regimens to quickly achieve and maintain control of disease activity if targeted treatment goals (remission or low disease activity) have not been achieved.
●Pretreatment evaluation – Laboratory testing prior to therapy should include a complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), aminotransferases, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine. Patients receiving hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) should have a baseline ophthalmologic examination, and most patients who will receive a biologic agent or Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor should be tested for latent tuberculosis (TB) infection. Screening for hepatitis B and C should be performed in all patients. Some patients may require antiviral treatment prior to initiating DMARD or immunosuppressive therapy, depending upon their level of risk for hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation.
●Adjunctive use of antiinflammatory agents – We use antiinflammatory drugs, including NSAIDs and glucocorticoids, as bridging therapies to rapidly achieve control of inflammation until DMARDs are sufficiently effective. Some patients may benefit from longer-term therapy with low doses of glucocorticoids.
●Drug therapy for flares – RA has natural exacerbations (also known as flares) and reductions of continuing disease activity. The severity of the flare and background drug therapy influence the choice of therapies. Patients who require multiple treatment courses with glucocorticoids for recurrent disease flares and whose medication doses have been increased to the maximally tolerated or acceptable level should be treated as patients with sustained disease activity. Such patients require modifications of their baseline drug therapies.
●Monitoring – The monitoring that we perform on a regular basis includes testing that is specific to evaluation of the safety of the drugs being used (table 1); periodic assessments of disease activity with composite measures; monitoring for extraarticular manifestations of RA, other disease complications, and joint injury; and functional assessment.
Table 1:
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●Other factors affecting target and choice of therapy – Other factors in RA management that may influence the target or choice of therapy include the disabilities or functional limitations important to a given patient, progressive joint injury, comorbidities, and the presence of adverse prognostic factors.
Rheumatoid factor can also be positive in diseases other than rheumatoid arthritis:
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Pathophysiology – Rheumatoid factors (RFs) are antibodies directed against the Fc portion of IgG. Normal human lymphoid tissue commonly possesses B lymphocytes with RF expression on the cell surface. However, RF is not routinely detectable in the circulation in the absence of an antigenic stimulus. How chronic infections and rheumatic diseases lead to increased RF in serum is uncertain.
●Possible physiologic function – Whether RF has a physiologic function is uncertain, though some potentially pathogenic and other potentially beneficial activities have been suggested.
●Disorders associated with RF positivity – RF is detected in the setting of various rheumatic diseases, in infections, in other inflammatory diseases, and in some healthy people.
●No role as a screening test – Measurement of RF has little value as a screening test to diagnose or exclude rheumatic disease in either healthy populations or in those with arthralgias.
●Role in prognosis - Although, in aggregate, seropositive disease and higher titers of RF are associated with more severe RA, measurement of RF has limited prognostic value in the individual patient with RA. When RF is combined with other clinical data (such as joint count, anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies [ACPA] results, and C-reactive protein measurement), prediction can be improved but is still limited.
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Conceiving a baby in a body pumped with testosterone for more than two year, I’m sure that is 100% healthy!
Conceiving a baby in a body pumped with testosterone for more than two year, I’m sure that is 100% healthy! This article even argues that there is a lack of “research around transgender health care”. Shouldn’t we follow the science with this? I’m always amazed that transgender individuals still want to partake in a major function of the sex that they rejected.  
One of the saddest parts of this article is the desire that Trans men still want to have families. It’s common for biological females to have a desire to procreate. The fact that there is a lack of “research” and the massive amount of body altering that takes place with some transgenders that could prohibit this capability is heartbreaking. 
The article goes on to diminish and deny science. Instead of going to doctors for fear that they might be misgendered; Trans and nonbinary people turn to the internet including Facebook, Reddit & Instagram for medical advice. I wonder if any of that information get’s flagged as misinformation? During Covid I was told that this was a big no, no that they I should only listen to licensed physicians that agreed with Dr. Fauci.
Direct Quotes:
When Jay Thomas, 33, decided he wanted to get pregnant in 2016, he spoke to his physician.
Thomas, a cook who lives in Louisville, Kentucky, explained to his doctor that he and his wife, Jamie Brewster, 33, a bank employee, are both transgender, and that he had been on testosterone for more than two years. The physician said Thomas had likely gone through early menopause, and that if they were able to conceive at all, he would have to go off the hormone for at least 18 months.
One of the most persistent myths transgender men and nonbinary people hear from doctors is that testosterone has sterilized them, experts say. While testosterone generally blocks ovulation, trans men can get pregnant while taking it, particularly if they are not taking it regularly.
It’s just one example of the misinformation and discouragement transgender men say they face from the medical establishment when they decide to get pregnant
It’s just one example of the misinformation and discouragement transgender men say they face from the medical establishment when they decide to get pregnant
Williams Institute found that 1.4 million adults in the U.S identify as transgender, which was double the estimate based on data from a decade earlier.
according to statistics from the country’s universal health care system. And a Dutch study published in the journal Human Reproduction in 2011 found that a majority of trans men reported wanting families.
Transgender and nonbinary people describe gaps in medical professionals’ understanding ranging from an ultrasound technician calling them by the wrong name to doctors who tell them hormone therapy probably ruined their fertility. The consequences can be dire. A recently published case study described a transgender man who went to an emergency room with severe abdominal pain — but doctors were slow to realize that he was pregnant and in danger. The man delivered a stillborn baby several hours later.
According to a small 2014 study published by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 22 percent of trans and nonbinary people said they chose to give birth at home with the assistance of a midwife or doula. Overall, just 1.36 percent of births in the U.S. were outside of hospitals in 2012, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
A private Facebook group for trans men, which contains more than 200 members, serves as a network for those looking for advice on how to plan families.
Many trans and nonbinary people also look online for information about getting pregnant and giving birth. Clift said he and his wife use Reddit and Instagram to find and share information with other trans and nonbinary people who are going through transition or pregnancy. On Instagram, Clift said there aren’t many trans men who are pregnant, but he can find them through hashtags and ask them questions in the comments.
For example, some trans men think they need to undergo hysterectomies because they have read that testosterone will cause uterine cancer, but there is no rigorous research supporting that, said Obedin-Maliver, who co-authored the Pride Study, the first nationwide report on the physical, mental and social health of LGBTQ people.
Yu’s center in Carrboro, North Carolina, made several changes starting in 2014, including developing gender-inclusive patient intake forms and documenting patients’ gender identity and sex assigned at birth in both physical and electronic records. Staff were trained on how to ask and consistently use a patient’s preferred name and gender from “the front door until they exit,” she added.
“I have more experience now simply being comfortable with talking to and taking care of non-cisgender people, getting comfortable with the idea that a man can have a vagina or a woman can have a penis, that “There’s very little knowledge, and there’s often an opening for misinformation." the identity was in the brain, and not our biological parts.”
Keuroghlian, of the National LGBT Health Education Center, suggested that hospitals change the name of their maternity wards to “labor and delivery,” so everyone feels welcome.
Thomas said pregnancy reignited his dysphoria, the sense of disconnect transgender people experience between their bodies and their gender identity. The surgeon who had done his mastectomy neglected to remove all of the glands in his chest, he said, which caused some of the tissue to return as the pregnancy progressed.
“All we have is anecdotal evidence,” Reese said, “and anecdotally, it does seem as though transgender and nonbinary people are more susceptible to things like postpartum anxiety and postpartum depression.”
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zimed-healthcare · 10 months
Ultrasound System 
Ultrasound system small size portable device, make it perfect for small exam room’s use. It is incorporated with transducer port to connect transducer which send and receive high frequency sound wave. Patient data report in auto-generated BMP format are stored permanently. High quality and flexible images are produced which can be viewed at the same time.
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newhologram · 2 years
New's March 2023 hospitalization update (2 years after March 2021 hospitalization)
I'll try not to meander too much in this health update, but there is a lot to unpack, and some backstory to lay out first. (tldr will be at the end)
Recap: I have a lot of conditions but this is mostly about my ulcerative colitis (diagnosed 2011) and endometriosis (suspected/undiagnosed). Every 2-4 years I get a colonoscopy to check the disease progression because colon cancer also runs in my family. My colitis has always been considered "mild" and my colonoscopies generally don't look that bad despite me not taking colitis medication the past 12 years since dx. But I'm still having debilitating GI symptoms, especially in the past 2 years since I was hospitalized in 2021 for the worst flare-up of my life. While recovering, suddenly in June 2021, what I thought was a "spinal flare-up" increased my level of disability so much so that I can't really sit up for long now.
In 2022, while trying to get to the bottom of my "back pain" with another spinal MRI, I noticed that my left ovary was very obviously enlarged but that no one had marked it on the report.
In 2022 I had 129 appts which included many ultrasounds/CTs/MRIs and we learned many things: my ovary is in fact enlarged and likely full of blood, the lymph nodes around my colon are enlarged, and there's wall-thickening (lesion) on my colon. Even before the lesion was discovered my PCP was already pushing me to oncology because of my ovary, so I now do bloodwork every 3-4 months to check my blood for signs of cancer. This is important and I get why they're checking it, because my symptoms are also suspicious for lymphoma or leukemia, but I really don't think that's what's going on at all. Still, here I am with a cancer doctor who doesn't wear a mask at his appts when he has CHEMO PATIENTS IN THE OFFICE. Wtf.
While spending 2022 trying to access an endometriosis specialist, I've become more and more disabled. I'm at the point where I constantly have intense pelvic/back pain even when not on my period. I've had to go to the ER over it multiple times. I was only able to access a gynecological oncologist who "treats" endometriosis via full hysterectomy and ablation. She wanted to "burn" the endo lesions (not remove them, which would allow them to grow back in 4-6 mos), and completely remove my uterus and ovaries. I pointed out to her that neither of these things treat endo and her dumbass tried to argue the outdated reason why.
There are only a few hundred endo excision surgeons in the world who would be able to handle the kind of surgery I need, which will likely involve multiple of my organ systems if the endo has spread as much as suspected.
Moving forward, I knew I needed to get the lesion in my colon biopsied, so I also fought for a GI last year. Since then I've gone through 4 different GI docs because they're impossible to make appointments with. I even had a consult with one for my scope, but my insurance wasn't with his surgery center, so I couldn't do it.
RECAP OVER, PRESENTLY: My body has been going through it and I still needed that scope badly, so my PCP urged me to go to the ER and try to get admitted for scope again like I did back in 2021. This is what happens when insurance makes it impossible for us to access care: we have to force it at the ER.
I finally had the mental strength to do it, so I packed my bags and went on a Thursday morning.
I got to my usual hospital around 10:45am. To my surprise, they got me in really fast and the doctor I spoke to agreed that I needed to be admitted and scoped immediately. I didn't even have to fight for it for 12+ hrs withering away in an ER bed like last time. She saw my records, heard my story, and believed me. They did labwork and got me in quick for a CT scan which confirmed my ovary is still enlarged, but also that my kidneys are a little backed up (have known this) and my bladder wall is thickened. These all further point to endometriosis. At this stage, it's likely invading my ureters, bladder, and bowel, which is why I'd need such a specific kind of surgery to handle it.
Our first concern was a colonoscopy to biopsy the lesion first and rule out cancer, and possibly confirm endo since that would be obvious under the microscope. I knew it was going to be a rough time, with the liquid diet/prep/enema/etc, but I thought at least I'd be comfortable there with my own room to rest in like last time. I had packed everything I needed to stay sane. I thought maybe I'd be in the hospital 1-2 days max, since we knew exactly what needed to be done.
But it turns out my insurance is no longer contracted with my hospital, so they had to transfer me into the city, a 40 minute ambulance ride away. I waited 5 hours in the ER bed with no fluids, meds, or pain relief while they tried to get my transport ready. I really hated being strapped into the gurney, very uncomfortable. The paramedics were nice enough and helped to keep me distracted during the ride.
I was put in a room with 2 other patients, elderly women who shouted and aggressively prayed to Jesus while both their TV's blasted from 7pm to 5pm the next day. I didn't sleep because of the noise, but also becasue my first nurse sucked ass. She was so awkward and not understanding what I needed, and would only give me ketorolac for the pain and no morphine (bitch, why would I be hospitalized for you to give me the SAME MEDS I HAVE AT HOME THAT I JUST TOLD YOU BARELY HELP?)
In the morning, I had a much better day nurse who gave me morphine, fluids, and colitis meds (steroids, anti-inflammatory stuff). And both noisy patients got discharged by evening so I had a good solid couple of hours all by myself in the room. One of my new roomies ended up being pretty loud/oversimulating but still much better. I know we were all going through a lot and in pain but the shouting really freaks me out :(
I was also allowed to have a liquid diet at some point before that. I had gone a full 24hrs with no food or water because the whole point of this was to get scoped, but when I brought that up everyone acted confused and said it wasn't on my file or anything. I had been waiting for a GI consult the whole time, for a scope. Finally he came in and wouldn't listen to me, kept saying that my efforts at diet/supplements don't matter with colitis and that I just needed to be on meds/other immune suppressants. I had to interrupt him several times to get him to stfu and listen to what I was saying, that this is likely ENDO, not just colitis, but that I need this scope and biopsy done to rule out other things urgently. So he finally was like "ohhh, endometriosis would make a lot of sense" and agreed to scope me in the morning (Saturday).
So it became night 2 and I was started on the bowel prep. I didn't sleep, but thankfully had another good night nurse who kept my spirits up. Wouldn't be able to sleep much anyway since they were waking me every few hours for vitals, and at 4-5am to take more blood. My blood pressure and potassium kept both being low, which is a new thing for me.
Nurse came to bring my enema before sunrise and by 7:30 I was first in line in the scope surgery room. Weirdly probably the easiest colonoscopy I've ever had, I usually have a really rough time with the recovery. But I noticed when I woke up (and stopped rambling lol) that they had not only bundled me with blankets but put a tube of hot air under them with me. Because I had told them that I usually shiver really hard after being put under. I'm sure that helped me not feel like death after, I was so toasty. I also wasn't anxious beforehand. Usually the little pulse monitor is beeping so fast because I get so nervous, but honestly I think I was just super numbed out by that point.
Once I was coherent, the GI brought me a nice color print of my colon pics. And wouldn't you know it, my colon actually looks good, inflammation-wise. Still really minimal, a few visible ulcers here and there, but not terrible. Which means that every time a GI tells me "diet and supplements don't matter, you just need to be on meds/immune suppressants", they're full of shit. Clearly all of my hard work with smoothies, bone marrow, etc, works. If it didn't work, wouldn't my colitis be terrible after 12 years living with it, with almost no meds?
He saw no lesion (but still took plenty of biopsies), which means that the lesion is on the outside of my colon (hi, endo). He did show me another important piece of evidence: part of my colon is very visibly twisted, which makes so much sense. The pain, pressure, weeks-long constipation episodes, my decreasing ability to tolerate solids. The endo is likely scarring/gluing it into that position. More reason I need excision surgery, because they know how to restore the anatomy of the pelvic organs.
After the scope, I was feeling hopeful about getting home by that afternoon. But they wanted to do a CT scan to check my uterus again (even though I'd just had the same scan a few days ago). And because the radiology dpt was so backed up, I ended up being kept a whole extra day. Just because they wanted to know my results, which were "unremarkable" even though the one from a few days earlier noted all the other stuff I mentioned. I was pretty upset but just tried my best to stay distracted when I wasn't able to rest. Had a lot of sweats though, suddenly. Night nurse wouldn't give me my midnight morphine because of my low blood pressure, so I was pretty uncomfortable. Nurse also informed me that I have grade 2 hemorrhoids, which the GI failed to mention. KINDA IMPORTANT, DUDE. But makes sense, colon stuff, blah blah. Not really my main problem right now, though.
Finally got discharged in the late morning/early afternoon. Hardly remember the past day being home except for the epic 3 hour long bath routine I did lol.
The morning after, I went to pick up the colitis meds they'd been giving me only to find it's $174, so I didn't even get them. I make less than that in a day, and I'm barely working 3-5 days a month at this point. Sometimes a period of 3-6 weeks will go by where I can't/don't work. Also since the source of this pain is not the colitis, but the endo, why the hell am I gonna spend so much on medicine when I already see good results from bone marrow and everything else I do? I bet you if I didn't have endo, my colitis WOULD be as "mild" as every doctor says it is.
I'm glad I finally got all of that out of the way… but the truth of the matter is that I'm nowhere closer to getting the surgery I need I may now have a little more evidence pointing to endo, but none of that matters when I can't access the experts. The best endo surgeon in Los Angeles doesn't take insurance and just a consult with her is $1500+.
My only barriers are the American healthcare system and money. These two 100% fake made-up things are keeping me from living a better and longer life, and I'm expected to be positive through this all because "it could be worse" or whatever.
There is so much that makes me happy, that I'm so grateful for, that really makes it worthwhile for me to stay alive to experience. I'm genuinely still able to have fun, day to day. I make my own little bit of fun out of whatever I can. But I'm in so much pain. I've been disabled my entire adult life. I've never known anything else. I've been frozen here the entire time, just trying to make meaning and find happiness hidden underneath it all.
So what's next? There's nothing more to do, no other way to fight when it's just about money. The only thing in I can do right now is try as much as possible to eat stuff that won't clog my silly twisted part of the colon and cause more pain. I've already lost weight from this ordeal, but the bone marrow might help me get my calories in at least. I'm hopeful the testosterone therapy will reduce some of the endo inflammation, but the damage is done. Scarring like that requires surgery to fix. No amount of good diet, acupuncture, positive thinking can unglue my organs from each other.
I know this all could've been so much worse, but it was hard for me and making comparisons is useless. Thanks to everyone who messaged me, sent memes, etc. Kept me from losing my mind at the hospital. Now my pain level is back up and the medical PTSD is slapping, so I'm going to do my best to stay hunkered down this week.
Colitis patient, 12 years. Colonoscopy was a year past due, unidentified lesion in colon, family history of colon cancer. Suspected endometriosis. PCP told me to go to ER because it can't wait, worsening condition, weakness, pain.
ER did a CT: ovary cyst still there, and kidneys backing up/thickened bladder wall (more endo points). Got admitted but to a different hospital kind of far from home. Mostly a shit-show, very overstimulating and didn't get taken care of that great at first.
Got colonoscopy, colon is looking alright. Still "mild" colitis, which means my supplements/diet works and my GI docs are full of shit about meds being the only way (but you knew that.)
But: part of my colon is visibly twisted, possibly explaining a lot of my pain. This would be due to endo and the only treatment is surgery, which I can't access. Pointless to pay $174 for colitis meds when this pain is not my colitis, but endo messing with my colon/other pelvic organs.
Since I can't afford such an expensive surgery, there is nothing else for me to do in this fight.
Unless I get a windfall, all I can do is eat gentle and keep surviving this pain.
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jesseevelann · 1 year
Reasercher Logbooks Part 2
The First Year
March 01, 5:36pm:
More accidents have been reported in the lab. Test subject 001 has been getting more agitated. We're unsure of how long we can keep it without a host. It has caused fires and immense damages to equipment, we've lost three doctors in the past week. Lord third is making attempts to find a young, long lasting host, but no one is willing to give one up thus far. I have a suspicion on a family that might, but the head professor wouldn't be happy with it.
March 13, 5:23am:
Mebuki Haruno and her husband are expecting a baby in a week or so, and have offered to hand it over. From ultrasounds, the child appears male. Which is why they don't want it, they wanted a girl. Lord Third accepted, and they agreed that during the day the child would be in the lab, and at night returned in their possession. The baby is healthy, and a suitable host for subject 001.
March 29, 7:30pm:
The child came out perfectly healthy, and took the operation well. Subject 001 was implanted inside its lungs, and spread throughout the nervous system and other organs. The baby survived, and is soundly sleeping while we perform more tests.
April 2, 4:37am:
The child, newly named Sakura, has survived every test thus far. 001 has settled greatly upon receiving a host.
Lord Third has ordered multiple bloodtests be performed on the child, I'm unsure if it's a good idea. It's a lot of blood to draw, and Sakura is so young... but orders have to go through.
April 9, 10:32am:
The bloodtest results have come back. Iron levels and blood pressure is good, and there is no sign of hereditary diseases. There is however, a small issue. The child is male. This doesn't affect the experiments, but Mebuki and Kizashi aren't happy about it. I suspect it may cause issues in the future.
// end of log
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rohit890 · 2 years
Clinical Trial Imaging Market 5.9% CAGR Projection Over The Next Five Years
Market Overview
Clinical Trial Imaging is the use of imaging modalities, analysis services, and software to ascertain the effectiveness of innovative drugs before they are made available for purchase. Clinical imaging methods are being utilised more frequently in oncology treatment trials to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of the drug. Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and Ultrasound are the imaging technologies most frequently employed in clinical trials. During the projection period, the market is anticipated to be driven by the rise in cancer diagnoses and deaths globally. However, it is anticipated that the industry's growth prospects will be constrained by the severe government regulations in the field.
View Detailed Report Description: https://www.globalinsightservices.com/reports/clinical-trial-imaging-market/
Market Dynamics
The most important aspect, like an increase in R&D expenditures, is an increase in R&D expenditures. Companies in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries spend a lot of money on research to create novel compounds. The market for clinical trial imaging is predicted to grow as a result of rising government and pharmaceutical R&D spending as well as a growing emphasis on life science projects to create new therapeutic and diagnostic products. Similarly, developing nations like India, South Korea, Brazil, and Mexico present substantial potential opportunities to market participants in clinical trial imaging, primarily as a result of the rising R&D investment in these nations.
A notable trend in these emerging markets is the commercialization of life science research. These economies are expected to present the clinical trial imaging market with substantial growth prospects due to considerable advancements in life sciences research. Additionally, there are other CROs that provide drug development services to pharmaceutical and biotechnology businesses in Asian markets, particularly China and India. The need for clinical trial imaging is predicted to rise in emerging nations in the next years due to the large increase in R&D spending and CROs operating in these nations.
The key players in the global clinical trial imaging market are ICON plc. (Ireland), BioTelemetry Inc. (US), Biomedical Systems Corporation (US), Medpace Holdings, Inc. (US), IXICO plc. (UK), Resonance Health Ltd. (Australia), Radiant Sage LLC. (US), BioClinica Inc. (US), Intrinsic Imaging LLC. (US), Cardiovascular Imaging Technologies LLC. (US), Medical Metrics Inc. (US), Prism Clinical Imaging, Inc. (US), Boston Imaging Core Lab LLC. (US), anagram 4 clinical trials (Spain), Lyscaut Medical Imaging Company (Belgium), Calyx Group (UK), Bioseptive Inc. (Canada), ProScan Imaging LLC. (US), Micron Inc. (Japan), Imaging Endpoints LI, LLC (US), Perspectum Ltd. (UK), Pharmtrace Klinische Entwicklung GmbH (Germany), WorldCare Clinical, LLC (US).
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Global Insight Services (GIS) is a leading multi-industry market research firm headquartered in Delaware, US. We are committed to providing our clients with highest quality data, analysis, and tools to meet all their market research needs. With GIS, you can be assured of the quality of the deliverables, robust & transparent research methodology, and superior service.
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health-views-updates · 12 hours
Global Doppler Ultrasound Industry Growth Analysis by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast Analysis to 2032
The global Doppler ultrasound market is projected to experience steady growth over the next decade, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.77% from 2024 to 2032. Valued at USD 1.83 billion in 2023, the market is anticipated to reach USD 2.53 billion by 2032. This growth is driven by technological advancements in medical imaging, the rising prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, and the increasing demand for non-invasive diagnostic techniques.
Doppler ultrasound is a medical imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to evaluate blood flow in blood vessels and organs. It is commonly used in cardiology, obstetrics, and vascular studies to detect blockages, abnormal blood flow, and other medical conditions, making it an essential tool in the healthcare industry.
Key Growth Drivers
Rising Incidence of Cardiovascular Diseases: Cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, atherosclerosis, and heart disease, remain leading causes of mortality worldwide. Doppler ultrasound is a critical tool for diagnosing these conditions early by assessing blood flow and detecting abnormalities. The increasing prevalence of these diseases, particularly in aging populations, is expected to drive demand for Doppler ultrasound equipment.
Advancements in Doppler Technology: Technological advancements have enhanced the accuracy, efficiency, and portability of Doppler ultrasound devices. Innovations such as 3D and 4D Doppler ultrasound, as well as the integration of AI and machine learning into imaging systems, have improved diagnostic capabilities. These advancements allow for more precise assessments of blood flow, fetal monitoring, and the detection of vascular diseases, contributing to the market’s growth.
Rising Demand for Non-Invasive Diagnostic Techniques: As patients and healthcare providers increasingly prefer non-invasive and radiation-free diagnostic options, Doppler ultrasound stands out as a safe, efficient, and cost-effective tool. The non-invasive nature of Doppler ultrasound makes it ideal for monitoring a wide range of medical conditions without the need for surgical intervention or exposure to ionizing radiation.
Growing Use in Obstetrics and Gynecology: In obstetrics, Doppler ultrasound is extensively used to monitor fetal health by evaluating blood flow in the umbilical cord and fetal vessels. It helps detect issues such as fetal growth restrictions and placental insufficiency. As awareness of maternal and fetal health grows, the demand for Doppler ultrasound in prenatal care is expected to rise, further fueling market expansion.
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Challenges and Opportunities
While the Doppler ultrasound market shows promising growth, several challenges remain. One significant obstacle is the high cost of advanced Doppler systems, which may limit their adoption, particularly in emerging markets and smaller healthcare facilities. Additionally, the need for skilled technicians to operate these systems and interpret results may hinder widespread implementation in underdeveloped healthcare settings.
However, increasing government investments in healthcare infrastructure, especially in developing regions, and rising awareness of early diagnosis are creating new growth opportunities. Additionally, portable and handheld Doppler ultrasound devices are gaining popularity due to their ease of use and affordability, expanding the market to remote and rural areas where access to advanced diagnostic tools may be limited.
Regional Insights
North America currently dominates the Doppler ultrasound market, driven by a well-established healthcare infrastructure, a high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, and the early adoption of advanced diagnostic technologies. Europe follows closely, with a growing focus on improving healthcare services and investments in medical imaging.
The Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period, driven by increasing healthcare spending, growing awareness of non-invasive diagnostic techniques, and a rise in cardiovascular diseases. Countries such as China, India, and Japan are at the forefront of this growth due to their large patient populations and expanding healthcare infrastructure.
Future Outlook
As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, the Doppler ultrasound market is set to experience steady growth. The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, combined with the demand for non-invasive diagnostics and technological advancements, will drive the market forward. With a projected CAGR of 3.77% from 2024 to 2032, the Doppler ultrasound market is expected to reach USD 2.53 billion by 2032, cementing its role as a vital tool in modern healthcare diagnostics.
In conclusion, the global Doppler ultrasound market is on a path of sustainable growth, driven by innovation, rising healthcare needs, and expanding applications in various medical fields. From its current value of USD 1.83 billion in 2023, the market is poised to grow steadily over the next decade, offering enhanced diagnostic solutions for cardiovascular, obstetric, and vascular conditions.
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pathcares · 18 hours
Full Body Checkup Noida : A Comprehensive Health Solution by Dr. Path Cares
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In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining good health is more important than ever. A full body checkup acts as an essential tool in preventive healthcare, allowing individuals to detect health issues early on and take proactive steps towards a healthier life. If you are in Noida and looking for a reliable, convenient, and efficient service for a Full Body Checkup noida , Dr. Path Cares has you covered.
What is a Full Body Checkup?
A Full Body Checkup noida is a complete medical examination that assesses various aspects of your health, from organ function to overall body systems. This comprehensive evaluation can detect conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, liver and kidney issues, and more, even before symptoms appear. It typically includes:
Blood tests (CBC, lipid profile, liver and kidney function tests)
Blood sugar tests
Urine and stool analysis
ECG (Electrocardiogram) for heart health
Imaging tests such as X-rays or ultrasounds
Thyroid and hormone assessments
Vitamin and mineral deficiency tests
Why Opt for a Full Body Checkup noida?
Preventive Health Care: Regular checkups help in the early detection of potential health risks, allowing for timely intervention and treatment.
Peace of Mind: Knowing that your health is being monitored by professionals provides peace of mind.
Cost-Effective: Catching an illness in its early stages can save money on future medical bills that arise from serious complications.
Tailored Advice: Based on your results, the doctors can offer personalized advice on lifestyle changes, diet, and exercise to optimize your health.
Full Body Checkup at Home in Noida by Dr. Path Cares
Understanding the demands of modern life, Dr. Path Cares offers the convenience of a Full Body Checkup noida You no longer have to deal with long hospital queues or crowded diagnostic centers. With just a phone call, a trained technician from Dr. Path Cares will visit your home at your preferred time to collect blood and other samples. This makes it easy to schedule your checkup even with a busy lifestyle.
Why Choose Dr. Path Cares for Your Full Body Checkup?
Expert Team: We have a team of highly trained medical professionals and certified pathologists to ensure accurate and reliable test results.
Convenient Service: From sample collection to delivering reports, we prioritize your convenience by offering at-home check up that save time and reduce stress.
Affordable Pricing: Dr. Path Cares offers cost-effective packages tailored to meet your health needs without compromising on quality.
Detailed Reports: You’ll receive comprehensive reports, and our expert doctors are available to discuss your results and offer guidance on next steps.
How to Book a Full Body Checkup Noida with Dr. Path Cares?
Booking a full body checkup with Dr. Path Cares is easy. You can:
Call our customer care number to schedule an appointment.
Visit our website to choose from a range of checkup packages.
Request a call-back for more details.
Once your appointment is booked, our technician will visit you at your scheduled time, and the results will be available online within 24-48 hours. You can also schedule an online or in-person consultation to go over your test results with a specialist.
Your health is your greatest asset, and a Full Body Checkup noida is an important step in maintaining it. Dr. Path Cares brings you the convenience of a comprehensive health checkup at home in Noida, ensuring that preventive healthcare is accessible, affordable, and hassle-free. Whether you're proactive about maintaining good health or looking for early detection of potential issues, a full body checkup is the way to go.
Stay ahead of health concerns with Dr. Path Cares – your trusted partner in healthcare in Noida.
For more information or to book your checkup today, visit our website or call us at
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This blog can help your readers understand the importance of full body checkups and how Dr. Path Cares can meet their health needs in Noida. Let me know if you'd like to make any changes or add more details!
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killed-by-choice · 1 year
Alyona Dixon, 24 (USA 2022)
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Alyona with her son Walter
On September 22, 2022, LA resident Alyona Dixon went to Planned Parenthood and was told she was 8 weeks and 5 days pregnant.
Alyona loved children and hoped one day to operate a play center, but she felt that she wasn’t ready to add another child to her family. If she had been given support and assurance, maybe she and her baby would still be alive. But according to a medical officer who later reviewed Alyona’s case, Planned Parenthood gave Alyona what they considered “appropriate counseling”, which led to her undergoing a chemical abortion. The abortionist administered mifepristone and then misoprostol as a vaginal suppository. Although it was still legal, no method involving the vaginal administration of the abortion pill has ever been approved by the FDA. The drug itself has a Black Box warning.
Only four days after her visit to Planned Parenthood, Alyona had to go the ER at Dignity Health’s Blue Diamond Hospital. She reported suffering from “sharp tower abdominal pain since yesterday.”
Blue Diamond observed that Alyona was bleeding vaginally and that she was experiencing tenderness in the right lower quadrant. Despite the recent abortion, no pelvic exam was performed. Alyona’s ultrasound was interpreted by Dr. Justin J. Puopolo, who detected ‘abnormal vascular flow between the endometrium and the myometrium at the uterine fundus could represent retained products of conception and should be correlated with the patient’s serial beta-hcg levels. Complex material within the endocervical canal could reflect an abortion in progress or blood products.”
A pelvic exam would have given Alyona’s doctors a better chance for faster intervention. Instead, after receiving pain medication, a CT scan with abnormal results and an ultrasound that showed her dead child could be rotting inside of her, Alyona was discharged and told to arrange a follow-up appointment with a gynecologist. Blue Diamond employee Dr. Maag documented “a low suspicion for septic process/systemic infection.” This was a fatal mistake.
The next day, Alyona’s symptoms were even worse. She was seen at Desert View Hospital, where Dr. Clark “documented his clinical impression as abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea, severe dehydration, acute renal failure, leukocytosis, sepsis, lactic acidosis, hypokalemia, sinus tachycardia, metabolic acidosis, pulseless electrical activity, respiratory failure.” She never should have been discharged from Dignity Health in such a condition.
Despite all of Desert View’s attempts to save her life, Alyona continued to deteriorate. She was transferred to Summerlin Hospital, where she spent her last hours of life.
By 3:10 AM of September 28, Alyona acutely worsened. She had to be sedated and intubated, but vomited during the intubation. After about 5 minutes, she went into “a rhythm of pulseless ventricular tachycardia then asystole then pulseless electrical activity with bradycardia.”
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All attempts at resuscitation failed. Alyona Dixon was pronounced dead at 5:32 AM.
The Clark County Coroner’s Office gave her cause of death as “complications from septic abortion.” (While the term “septic abortion” has historically been used to describe sepsis after a miscarriage (such as in the infamous and typically misrepresented case of Becky Bell, who miscarried and then died of pneumonia), it can also be used to describe an abortion death such as Alyona’s.)
A lawsuit was filed on behalf of Alyona’s husband Michael and her little son Walter. The The complaint alleges that the Emergency Department physician “negligently failed to conduct a pelvic exam”… “failed to order a consult with an OB/GYN despite ALYONA’S abnormal lab results, her clinical history, and her abnormal diagnostic imaging…” “…negligently discharged ALYONA without preforming a pelvic exam and without ordering an immediate consult with an OB/GYN…” and “negligently did not have a credentialed OB/GYN on-call at the facility,” all of which were categorized as substantial factors in Alyona’s death.
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Oddly enough, Planned Parenthood was not named in the lawsuit for Alyona’s wrongful death despite being the cause of the entire incident.
Alyona Dixon should still be alive today.
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digitrenndsamr · 2 days
Light Fidelity (Li-Fi)/Visible Light Communication Market to Transform Smart Cities and Homes
Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) is a very high speed, two-way wireless communication method which uses visible light from LEDs as the medium for transmitting the data by turning them on and off at very high frequency which human eyes cannot sense. This technology is an apt replacement for currently prevailing Wi-Fi technology as Li-Fi is considerably faster, has almost 10,000 times broader bandwidth because it uses visible light, and it is safe to operate in electromagnetic sensitive areas.
Light Fidelity (Li-Fi)/Visible Light Communication Market report, published by Allied Market Research, forecasts that the global market is expected to garner $115 billion by 2022, registering a CAGR of 116.8% during the forecast period 2016 - 2022. In 2015, North America contributed major share in the market and will continue to lead throughout the forecast period.
Li-Fi incorporates three major components, which are LED, photodetector, and microcontroller. Among the three components, in the year 2015, LED dominated the market by contributing over 40% share of the overall component segment revenue. Also, this segment is anticipated to grow with the highest CAGR 118.1% during the forecast period owing to its low cost, increased adoption in different applications such as households, offices, vehicles, airplanes and retail stores among others. Furthermore, LEDs are preferred over all other lighting systems as they can easily be turned off and on with the use of a microcontroller.
Under the industry vertical segment, retail industry contributed over 30% of the overall Li-Fi market, in 2015. Li-Fi enables the storekeepers to monitor the positioning of customers by tracing their location to improve shopping experience and provide notifications on their cellphones. However, healthcare sector would be the fastest growing industry and is expected to register highest CAGR 125.3% during the forecast period. This is because Li-Fi does not cause any electromagnetic interference and can safely be used with other medical apparatus such as CT scanner, MRI machine, X-ray machine, and ultrasound machine among others.
North America dominated the market in 2015 by accounting for around 40% of the total market revenue and it is expected to maintain its dominance throughout the forecast period. This is accredited to the presence of various research and development facilities in the region and investment for implementation of this technology by the major companies in the region.
Asia-Pacific is anticipated to be the fastest growing region among others with CAGR of 121.7% during the forecast period. This is attributed due to the large electronic market in China and Japan as well as presence of several developing regions where governments promote the use of LED lights. In Asia-Pacific, China holds about 50% of the market at present and is expected to maintain its leading position throughout the forecast period.
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Light Fidelity (Li-Fi)/Visible Light Communication MarketKey findings:
In 2015, LED component led the overall Li-Fi market revenue, and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 118.1% during the forecast period.
Retail industry vertical segment is projected to grow at a CAGR of 112.8% during the analysis period.
Asia-Pacific is anticipated to be the fastest growing region growing at a CAGR of 121.7% during the forecast period.
The key players in the Li-Fi market are focused on intensive research and development such as undergoing researches in Edinburgh University and the research facility of pureLiFi in United Kingdom, to improve their product quality and partnerships to reach untapped regions. Key players in the market have adopted product launch as their key strategy to grow in the market. For instance, launch of enhanced lighting named Atlanta for precise indoor positioning by acquity brands and the Li-Fi enabled router, LiFi-x by pureLiFi The key players profiled in the report include General Electric, Oledcomm S.A.S, Renesas Electronics Corporation, pureLiFi, LVX SYSTEM, Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc., Qualcomm technologies Inc., IBSENtelecom Ltd., Koninklijke Philips N.V., and Panasonic Corporation.
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