#Ultima is...not gifted in arts and craft
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ruubesz-draws · 9 days ago
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Godzilla Minus One drawing competition!
I wonder who won?
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zeledonia · 9 months ago
Yes, yes, the thought of taking inventory of MeaningfulTM accessories brings me joy actually. As of the start of 7.0, T'renin carries with him... A black leather dog collar originally crafted to fit around the neck of a puppy. What became of the canis pugnax Zenos received as a gift from Varis for his 10th birthday is a story he never shared with his best friend. But T'renin kept the collar all the same, and made a point of wearing it after being drafted into the XIVth. Used to come with a dogtag, which got lost during the seventh umbral calamity and was never recovered. A dodo earring given to him by the child of the family that took him in after the calamity. T'renin spent a year in Swiftperch, lending a helping hand to repay their kindness. Upon leaving for Limsa Lominsa to take on a job at the Drowning Wench, he was handed the adorably crude wooden craft as a parting gift. Many years later, he would receive a significantly less crudely carved carbuncle earring from the same boy. The Soul of the Summoner, equal parts gift and payment from Y'mhitra and the Sons of Saint Coinach, fulfilling his dream of reviving the art of summoning.
The Soul of the Reaper, a final gift from Zenos in Ultima Thule. While its previous bearer never got to teach the art to his friend, T'renin chanced to meet a fine tutor in an Ul'dahn back alley... ...and to give his new choice a more modern Garlean flourish, Nero took it upon himself to craft the aspiring reaper a prototype Scaevan Magitek Scythe. He may have bragged about it a few times.
That is not to say that Mimesis Lux gets no use any more, though! Quite the contrary! T'renin and his Anima weapon have travelled a long path together, and the grimoire now seems to practically respond to his mere intuition. A weapon can be a friend, right? Further, otherworldly unexplained keepsakes include: a lovingly handwoven ribbon in blue and orange, to remind him of a fierce friend from the Azim Steppe, a pile of smoked chicken of highest quality, apparently the trademark stock of a coffee loving hunter, several pieces of bubble chocolate, from a staggeringly passionate fisher, and a hand-carved whistle that taught one unfortunate Bauricoin that not every adventurer's ride of choice is a chocobo...
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twilightvolt · 6 years ago
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I kinda was saving this for when i had the time to type everything out in one go, so let’s just get this over with before Smash drags me back into the depths of hell. XD
So, like, things happened back in 2017. a lot of things. graduated highschool, felt the winds of freedom as i stepped into the world of adulting and.....fell into a deep abyss of crippling depression as my life took a rather....wild turn to say the least. these feelings would linger and continue to haunt me throughout the majority of 2018. if you’d like to hear them or just need a refresher, my 2017 summary WITH that in depth description is on my DA that i no longer use cuz all i can think of when i go there is that year as a whole.
That’s not to say the year was cruddy, though. it really looked up by the end and it’s been one of the better years of my life as an artist. i’m about to go into that, so sit tight if you wanna actually read everything.
January: Arcus ~Collab with KLou
Things got heated at grandma’s after the holidays and we left in a huff cuz yeah, big fight the night before. it wasn’t something i ever wanna remember, but i gotta acknowledge it happened. thus began the struggles of living life as a nomad basically. From this point on until May, i won’t say much about our situation cuz honestly, time grinded to a halt after hotel life began.
February: Let’s Save the World
Believe it or not, this was a mobile drawing. i still didn’t have my tablet or my computer, so i tried using my phone for awhile. this was, of course, after i got Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory for PS4, so this right here was my Dracomon babu Takumi, named after the former wearer of the goggles i equipped to him.
March: Let’s Kick It!
A brief moment of light as i fINALLY GOT MY TABLET BACK ONLINE! i felt like things were going to be different, we’d finally get somewhere and i felt like i could do anything again! this drawing, while super simple since it was just me around most of my current OCs at the time, was meant to represent me being back in business after around 4 or 5 months of being restricted to traditional work, a medium i, at the time, didn’t have much development in. (although, those months sure did help me learn how to draw that way in more than just sketching. so i’m actually kinda grateful i was stripped of the tools that i realize i may or may not have taken for granted.)
April: Spyro the Dragon
The Reignited Trilogy was announced and that’s why i drew that cuz literally everyone was doing Spyro fanart. i remember also doing a bunch of little doodles of other people’s characters in this same coloring style since some of the drawings i did before like the mobile drawing and my traditional work gave me inspiration on how to go about doing this new watercolor/marker like style that i started to experiment with throughout 2016 and ‘17.
May: Memories in Pieces
Remember how i said time grinded to a halt after hotel life began? yeah, this is where it reeeeaaally started to effect me. the days dragged on and blended together, we STILL could secure a home to house all of us and it just felt like my life was just....over. like, all the important stuff happened and now my story’s just done. it didn’t help that memories from the year before decided to come back and hang over me like an undying demon cloud. my anxiety and depression couldn’t have been higher. and yet i still managed to wake up. in fact, i woke up bright and early every day somehow. it felt like there wasn’t anything to believe in and yet....i still had hope that we could get through this. i knew deep down we weren’t gonna be completely out of luck.....but i still hurt at the same time.
I never uploaded this drawing anywhere, but this was, to put it simply, partly a new direction for a future project but also a vent art of sorts, representing the negative thoughts and regrets that never seemed to leave me alone no matter how much time has passed.
June: Digimon Atlas Adventures Ultima Vocal Collection
My second commission ever made since i opened that month. it was also the first time i really cel shaded along with made a logo since the year before. this day marked the turning point along with the end of my depression for the most part as the parents finally gave up and took...some of us down to Florida. a couple of siblings had jobs to keep up with, so they had to stay back in NY with.....eghh....grandma. to this day, i’m still hearing stories even if some of them eventually found their own place. i swear, the more i hear about what’s going on, the less i wanna go back to NY. >_>’
July: Drake ~Art Fight 2018
Oh yeah, we moved down to FL, but we were still in hotels IN FL, so there was change, but still pretty similar circumstances. we quickly found a place at some point, though. a cozy apartment complex that i’m happy to live in.
This is when Art Fight began....or rather when it was supposed to begin cuz they had technical difficulties for the first week or so. the day i revamped Drake for it was like i was saying hi to an old friend after parting ways years prior. it was a really fun experience that i’d gladly partake in again next year if i’ve got the time.
August: Gathers Under Night...
A very ambitious looking piece i did as an attack against a friend during Art Fight. it was my favorite attack i ever did and could quite easily be my favorite drawing from this year. after leaving hotel life behind me, i rarely, if ever, had war flashbacks or anxiety over the past. i felt like my life was finally getting somewhere again. for real this time. and that it did, thankfully.
September: Lost in Thought
A gift i made for a longtime friend and art senpai to try and cheer them up. i still look back at this and think “yeah....this is the style i’ve been longing to emulate. and i’ve finally achieved it.” granted, it took a lot from Kingdom Hearts II’s title screen, but where do you think i got my love of watercolor from?
At this point, i started to become a new person. i mean i already was considering the summer also involved me trying to become a little less total weeb at least in terms of music taste and also leaving my hoodie lifestyle for a good few months, but yeah. in fact, i think this was the month i buzzed off all my emo hair and really ended up resembling how i looked like back when i was little, anime cowlick and all.
October: The Lethal Protector
Oh yeah, Venom happened. i should’ve disliked that movie with all it’s flaws and unused potential, but instead i wholeheartedly stan it and i luv the portrayal of Eddie and Venom to the point where i forgive where it went wrong.
Yeah, i completely moved on from everything that tied me down at this point. i yeeted the past into the stratosphere and focused solely on what i wanted to do now. what my next move was. and i can thank these two losers for helping me stay focused on my craft. i also kept branching outside of Digimon. i wanted to be more than what i used to be.
November: My Favorite Ninja Frog
Didn’t do much this month, so all i had was a doodle of my starter partner for Pokemon Y. i never evolved him past Frogadier cuz i preferred him over Greninja. it was the tongue scarf, dude.
Why? ehh, it was most likely Warframe. i got into that game at some point cuz a friend persuaded me to do it. i don’t regret anything. i luv this game when i’m playing with friends.
December: Draw Your Roster Ultimate: The Winds of Reunion + Holiday Arcus
The Winds of Reunion cuz Wind Waker and the fact that everyone including Wolf, Young Link and even Pichu returned to Smash Bros. when Ultimate happened. this game cured my depression, cleared my skin and reignited my love for Starfox oddly enough since Starfox Zero AKA 64 with a new coat of paint and motion controls that weren’t as bad as you think didn’t exactly do it for me. i haven’t been so content with the way things are in a long time and i’m happy i finally got my hands on this treasure of a game. now, to wait for Kingdom Hearts III. ;w;
And now we finally get to the end of this long as heck recap. thank god Tumblr gives you unlimited characters, amirite? XD
Overall, this was a year of recovery and rebirth. it was a long and rough winding road, but in the end i think i’ve healed enough to finally get on with my life.
I’m not the same kid i used to be when i graduated highschool, and i’m definitely not the same kid i was when i was first starting out as an artist. my journey has been full of ups, downs and all arounds and it was all a much needed learning experience. even if i felt like i was suffering at times.
My future is mine to decide, and i’m not letting anything stand in my way again.
For the future i want to believe in.
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steak-n-popotoes · 7 years ago
Detailed Character Info: Beef Broganoff
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Art by @manasong 
It’s about time I made one of these bios and had it handy anyway
Gender: Male
Race: Plainsfolk Lalafell
Height: 2′ 10″
Eye Color: Ocean Blue
Hair Color: Dusty Gold
The Facts
Nameday:  He doesn’t know, it was lost along with his true age when his biological parents died. Celebrated on the 2nd Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon, his adoptive mother’s nameday.
Occupation: Adventurer, Monk, Culinarian, Bard, Botanist, Helping Hand for Free
Allegiance: The Wild Roses FC, The Sultanate, The Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Da Family, The Smallfolk of Hydaelyn (particularly Ul’dahn citizens and the refugee population of said city-state)
Sexual Identification: N/A (tbh I don’t think Beef knows what sex is he never really had The Talk)
Romantic Identification: Open
Alignment: Neutral Good
Criminal History: Numerous assaults (generally accepted as just, most pardoned by the Sultana herself)
Relationship Status: Single
Favorite Food: Any kind of Miq’abob
Favorite Drink: Mulled Tea
Favorite Artist: Alphinaud drew a sketch of him once and Beef has it plastered on his wall, but his favorite musician is his Caranar Bairon ( @bluebairon )
Favorite Scents: Clove, rain, roasting meat, chocolate and baking pastries
Favorite Person: U’Zhango Odh, his adoptive mother and inspiration for his helpful nature
Ten Facts
Most all of Beef’s personal belongings are treasured gifts he was given after helping people, as he doesn’t ask for for any payment.
Beef’s real name is U’Bifu Tia, as he was adopted into the U tribe at a young age, though very few people are aware of this. Beef is a nickname born from Hamon Holyfist mishearing “U’Bifu”.
Beef’s personal quarters double as a greenhouse where he grows numerous edible seasoning herbs.
Beef isn’t a Warrior of Light, and thus doesn’t have Hydaelyn’s blessing against tempering. However, after accompanying Eryna Spellgrave @heroofshadow and Caranar Bairon to the Howling Eye so that Eryna could fight Garuda on her own -as she was the only member of their party who could resist tempering at the time- something unprecedented occurred. Rather than simply be crushed by the Ultima Weapon, Garuda tethered her aether to the first thing she could in a last desperate act for self-preservation, and the closest thing happened to be Beef. This symbiotic relationship resulted in a number of interesting effects. A much smaller and less powerful form of Garuda now serves as his constant companion, one he insists is now named “Gale”. As he is technically beholden to a primal, he cannot be tempered by another. Gale isn’t powerful enough to really bend Beef to her will, but she can augment his attacks with wind aether to improve his agility or redirect his arrows. She often serves as a spotter to keep him more aware and less prone to ambushes, all without any verbal communication.
His hat used to belong to U’Zhango. He intends to return it when they are reunited.
Beef keeps numerous wrapped treats and snacks in his bag for himself and his companions. He can’t really carry enough to serve as proper rations, but they keep well and his party tends to appreciate it.
Beef tends to pass wind crystals to Gale for her to drain so she can maintain her form. The amount of spent aether is less than that used when crafting, so it’s “probably fine”. Sometimes she chooses to gnaw on them when she’s stressed.
Beef has a bit of a crush on Nanamo. He admires her will to help her people despite her inability to do so directly, and preparing the fare for her banquet with Merlwyb is the pride of his accomplishments as a Culinarian. The cooking pan Nanamo presented to Beef as thanks is one of his prized possessions.
Beef knows how to use lock picks and will oftentimes let himself into his friends’ houses without realizing that this is immoral, and that perhaps the door was locked because he was not supposed to be inside.
As she’s a scholarly type, Eryna is forcing Beef to learn how to read.
Five Things...
They Like
Hot Springs
They Dislike
Water too deep to stand in
Anything that eats Lalafell (except Goobbues)
People who prey on those weaker than them but turn craven when faced with someone their own strength or stronger
The Monetarists
Good Traits
Bad Traits
Overly trusting
May help others without considering his own needs and safety
Being alone
Accepting that U’Zhango is dead
Zenos yae Galvus
Tagged by @dat-paw
Tagging @bluebairon, @manasong, @popola-sil-pola, @lifeofaernthota, @lalagogo
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arplis · 5 years ago
Arplis - News: All Bar Marquee Sign
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Buy Marquee BAR Sign Lights Light Up Black B-A-R Letters Home Decor Business Signs Battery Operated LED . Special offers and product promotions. 9 Bar Marquee Sign, Red; 17 Warm White LED Lights; Cordless battery operation The antiqued exterior offers a look that is authentic and fitting for a range of. Shop Wayfair for the best bar marquee sign. Enjoy Free Shipping on . With the help of two AA batteries (included), LED bulbs (included) offer 200 hours of light. Neonetics offers hundreds of different neon light inspired products. Their collection of . Bud Light Man Cave Bar Garage LED Marquee Sign. by Crystal Art. Celebrate the good times with this Bar Marquee Light from Threshold. Illuminated by LED bulbs and powered by battery, it is the perfect party prop you have. Check out our marquee bar sign selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our signs shops. Embellish a ravishing look to any room in your living space with the addition of this amazing BAR Marquee LED Lighted Sign. Products 1 28 of 28 Nottingham Home Happy Hour LED Neon Animated 10-Inch x 19-Inch Sign. Free Shipping on Orders Over $39. Add to Cart. Compare. Crafted of metal with a sleek gunmetal finish and illuminated with five globe LED lights for each freestanding letter, our vintage-inspired marquee sign adds.
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LED Marquee Sign features bright LEDs Includes 5 slides. . Regular Price: $19.99. QTY: Triangle
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Mastercard Benefits. 12 equal monthly payments*:. 1.67/. Find Marquee Sign in Canada Visit Kijiji Classifieds to buy, sell, or trade almost . Damage deposit fee of $150 required, returned once we receive letters and . retro retail store atomic bar cafe reclaimed etc 1 authentic antique letter E. 10 x. Buy hometrends BBQ Marquee Sign from Walmart Canada. Shop for more BBQ . Unique MDF LED letter light decorates your garden even in the evening. Skip product . What is the price in-store? Were sorry, the . +. TV Tips and Guides. 13 fev 2019 Proudly Canadian . Glassware Gift Sets, and Pub Signs are just the beginning. The H-D . H-D Nostalgic Bar & Shield Double LED Clock. Buy Marquee BAR Sign Lights Light Up Black B-A-R Letters Home Decor . IT MAKES A GREAT GIFT: The Ultima LED BAR sign is a fantastic and unique present for your friends and family. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? The LED sign is fantastic everyone who sees it cannot believe how it looks for such a LOW PRICE. In total I now have purchased 5 LED signs and all on display in my MAN CAVE GARAGE. Thank You Ross CANADA . Up Sign Open with 2 Flashing Modes Electronic Lighted Signs for Barber Shops, Bars, Restaurants No. Finish off the look in your man cave, garage, home bar or game room with this Coca-Cola in Bottles Double Sided LED Marquee Sign. Made from sturdy and. Drawing inspiration from vintage marquee signs, this rustic metal sign takes on . See your name in lights (or at least your initial) with this marquee wall decor! . At a budget-friendly price, this piece is a no-brainer for man caves, home bars,. Decorative LED Illuminated Letter Marquee Sign Alphabet Marquee Letters with Lights . Darice Light Up Marquee Letter: White Letter J, 9.875 inches. Price. $11.04 . Metal Marquee Letter R Light Up Wall Initial Wedding, Bar, Home and.
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30% OFF ALL REGULAR PRICE ITEM IN YOUR ONLINE OR BUY ONLINE PICK UP IN. Click to . lighted marquee letters: silver light up letter a, 9.875 inches. lighted marquee letters: silver light up letter a, 9.875 inches $15.99. Compare at $19.99. Free Shipping on your Entire online order with purchase. Bulk Deal. lighted marquee letters: silver light up letter a, 9.875 inches $15.99. Compare at $19.99. Free Shipping on your Entire online order with purchase. Bulk Deal. DIY Marquee Letters #hsmarqueelove kits Easy DIY illuminated marquee letter kits to . Lighted Marquee kits sold at Michaels/Hobby Lobby to spell BLISS they are white . DIY guide to making your own giant light-up letters // The Natural Wedding Vintage Marquee Letters BAR Sign by VintageLightCompany on Etsy,. Buy Marquee BAR Sign Lights Light Up Black B-A-R Letters Home Decor . It seems you have to dance around with it and point it at crazy angles to get it to. Light up Letters LED Letter Black Alphabet Letter Night Lights for Home Bar Festival Integrated hanging hook holes for ease of display on wall or just rest on. Inspired by vintage marquee signage, Raw Metal Bar Marquee Sign will . letter is sure to collect compliments on its own, you can also string it beside up to eight. Find Light Up Marquee in Canada Visit Kijiji Classifieds to buy, sell, or trade almost anything! . Letters are $45 each Delivery is FREE in GTA Pick up is FREE in GTA Set up is Free White wooden light up letters Worth $9 each from Michaels. . intermittent lights -Great idea for gift, man cave, bar, basement, games room,.
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Celebrate the good times with this Bar Marquee Light from Threshold. Illuminated by LED bulbs and powered by battery, it is the perfect party prop you have. Shop Target for Novelty Lighting you will love at great low prices. Spend $35+ or use . marquee letters & sign lights LED Neon Rainbow Sign Pillowfort
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. Shop for bar wall decor online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over $35 and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Buy Marquee BAR Sign Lights Light Up Black B-A-R Letters Home Decor . Item looks used, cheap plastic quality, also letters I received has scratches. Lighted Marquee Metal Bar Sign Wall Decor Arrow Industrial Art Wall Mount Led . Target Brand Mini Marquee Light Up Letter 4 Hour Timer Letter E NEW. $7.49. 1 dek 2018 Light up your bar area with this Bar Marquee LED Light ($29). I chose Edit > Copy and Edit > Paste from the menu bar and the selection of the . I then used the Elliptical Marquee tool from the toolbox to create a circle selection. . To make the center line of the target, I clicked on the layer with all the sign. 28 apr 2014 Heres a quick tutorial of how I made my DIY marquee letters. including some of the wood marquees, but this tutorial is a fast, easy, inexpensive option for those . Project // Easy Googly Eyes Halloween Crafts // DIY Changing Table to Chalkboard Bar Cart [] . Target Style: Plaid is Rad This Fall says:. Figure 3-20 Rectangle created for the sign Fl File Edit Vielril insert Modify Text . VPUBLISH Q Profile: Default 3 rectangle and teXt for the Sign Target: Flash Player . On the menu bar, click View, point to Guides, and then click Clear Guides. . and then draw rectangle ahdthetext a selection marquee around the rectangle.
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Free Shipping. Buy MARQUEE BAR SIGN at Walmart.com. Buy Decorative LED Illuminated Letter Marquee Sign Alphabet Marquee Letters with Lights For Wedding Birthday Party Christmas Night Light Lamp Home Bar. Celebrate the good times with this Bar Marquee Light from Threshold. Illuminated by LED bulbs and powered by battery, it is the perfect party prop you have. Customizable Marquee Pig Sign, BBW Marquee Sign, Marquee Letter . Gorgeous marquee lights, would you use these sort of lights at your wedding? . Marquee Sign, Custom Marquee Lights for your business, restaurant, bar, logo or name. Light Standing Hanging Light UP Wedding Party Decor inch, White. Walmart. Wedding Vintage Furniture Bar Marquee Sign www.ruthshouseinc.com . Electric, LED-Illuminated Neon Cheers sign with 6-Hour Timer Feature Walmart.com . THIS GORGEOUS FLAG MADE OUT OF AMERICAS NUMBER ONE. See more ideas about Marquee lights, Marquee sign and Bar lighting. . Zigzag Stripes Area Rug or Runner, Diana Sideboard with 2 Doors and 3 Drawers at Walmart and save. Gorgeous Wedding Cakes That Are Almost Too Pretty To Eat. Dont go from store to store to find the best prices on big marquee arrow sign rustic . Big marquee Arrow Sign rustic home bar decor vintage style arrow light up sign . 20 Overnight Beauty Products for Always Waking Up Gorgeous . Decorl Lights Sign Vintage Style Sign Light Up Nightlight Decoration Wal-Mart USA, LLC. Crystal Art Gallery Budweiser Beer King of Beers Marquee LED Sign . Flashing & Animated High Impact Energy Efficient LED Sign Wal-Mart USA, . for various neon signs products, and all of our brand new gorgeous real neon . Desung Brand New Fat Tire Neon Sign Lamp Glass Beer Bar Pub Man Cave Sports Store. Shine brighter with our Arrow Vintage Marquee Light Symbol (White Gloss)! Each of our Light Up Marquee Symbols are great for weddings, restaurants, bars, events, home . Sign (8 Inch, Battery Operated w/ Timer) by PaperLanternStore Wal-Mart wedding gown that instead are easy, breezy and downright gorgeous.
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DIY Marquee Letters #hsmarqueelove kits Easy DIY illuminated marquee letter kits to . Vintage Marquee Letters BAR Sign by VintageLightCompany on Etsy,. How to make DIY marquee lights to spell out any word you want. . Vintage Marquee Letters BAR Sign by VintageLightCompany on Etsy, $375.00 Marquee. Buy Marquee BAR Sign Lights Light Up Black B-A-R Letters Home Decor Business Signs Battery Operated LED Remote Control Lighted Vintage DIY. 28 apr 2016 Find out how to make your own DIY Marquee letters and signs. . Lighted Marquee Sign from Practically Functional . diy-hot-chocolate-bar-1. DRINKS Sign in Block Font Marquee Letter by TLNFunctionalArt, $810.00. . 30H BAR Marquee Sign Marquee letters Marquee by TLNFunctionalArt Pallet Wood OPEN Lighted sign diy, marquee open sign, open sign with lights Pallet Glass Signage, Exit Sign, Light Project, Mezzanine, Basement Remodeling. 3 mar 2015 Light up your home with one of these 11 DIY marquee signs! 1. Happy Hour. A Beautiful Mess Happy Hour marquee sign over a bar cart . decorating, home remodeling and loves scouring Pinterest for the best DIY projects. Vintage Marquee Letters BAR Sign by VintageLightCompany on Etsy, $375.00. . DrinksMain Lighted Bar Signs, Diy Bar Sign, Light Up Signs, Light Up Bar. Inspired by vintage marquee signage, Raw Metal Bar Marquee Sign will brighten . The marquee letter light box gives you the opportunity to create a DIY a personal . Strong metal construction can be placed on the table or hung on the wall. Paper craft Faux steel sign Diy Marquee Letters, Marquee Lights, Marquee Sign, Giant Love Grows Wild // Liz Fourez Interior Design, Home Renovating, Styling + Light Up Wine Cork Bar Sign 12 Letters by TheEliteBoutique Light Up Bar.
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Shop Wayfair for the best bar marquee sign. . Opens in a new tabSale . Inspired by vintage marquee signage, Raw Metal Bar Marquee Sign will brighten any. Buy Marquee BAR Sign Lights Light Up Black B-A-R Letters Home Decor . Best Sellers Rank, #101,368 in Home & Kitchen (See Top 100 in Home & Kitchen) Buy products related to bar sign for home products and see what customers say . DELICORE BAR Illuminated Marquee Bar Sign Lighted LED Marquee Word Best part is, when I visit later, I see them hanging in their house somewhere. Find great deals on eBay for Marquee Sign in Retail and Services Business Signs. Shop with confidence. . Lighted Marquee Metal Bar Sign Wall Decor Arrow Industrial Art Wall Mount Led. $35.00. Buy It Now. or Best Offer. Free Shipping This passerby, whether walking or driving, is there at the point of sale. This all. Celebrate the good times with this Bar Marquee Light from Threshold. Illuminated by LED bulbs and powered by battery, it is the perfect party prop you have. This vintage, double-sided, open daily bar sign with marquee LED lights Sign Inch, Battery Operated w/ Timer) on Sale Now At Best Bulk Wholesale Prices! Check out our marquee bar sign selection for the very best in unique or custom, . ON SALE! Plugin or Battery. Craft Beer Served Cold Double Sided Rustic Man. Shop Wayfair.ca for all the best Bar Lights. Enjoy Free . Coca-Cola in Bottles Double Sided LED Marquee Sign. by Crystal . Opens in a new tabSale. Save. A. Hot Promotions in bar marquee sign: the best online deals and discounts with real customer reviews. Great news! Youre in the right place for bar marquee sign.
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Custom Vintage Marquee Lights, Marquee Signs . when purchasing an AUTHENTIC and ORIGINAL Vintage Marquee Light, youre . Restaurant/Bar Signage. Retro Vintage Bar Box Light up Sign: Add a touch of vintage to your home decor . Neon Lights BAR Purple Illuminated Marquee Bar Sign Purple Lighted LED. Neon Lights BAR Purple Illuminated Marquee Bar Sign Purple Lighted LED . 20x30cm Vintage Metal Tin Wall Sign Plaque Poster for Cafe Bar Pub Beer #1. Vintage Marquee Letters BAR Sign by VintageLightCompany on Etsy, Inspired by the British summer of sport, Teds City Centre Mirdif, Dubai store is. Results 1 48 of 201 Premium Quality Same Day Dispatch #1 UK Seller . Vintage LED Metal Sign Light Up Bar Pub Beer Cafe Wall Signs Hanging . Battery Powered Vintage Carnival Fairground Bronze A Z Marquee Letters Lights. 21 BAR Large Metal Marquee Light Up Bulb Letters Sign CANTINA Sign restaurant bar decor rustic Marquee vintage sign custom signs available. Custom signs, marquee signs, marquee letters, LED signs, your logo signs and much more. www.toplineshowcase.com This is an adorable vintage style BAR shown in 30H We cant go smaller . Sorry, this item doesnt ship to United Kingdom. LOVE Play Eat BBQ Open Yum Bar Dream Custom Wedding Gift LED Light-Up Arcade Games Metal Arrow Vintage Marquee Sign. ZUGMONSTER 5 out of 5. OPEN Sign Marquee Sign Lighted Marquee Large Custom Vintage Inspired Wood Sign Open Lighted . LOVE Play Eat BBQ Open Yum Bar Dream Custom.
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Funny pictures about Outside my favorite drinking spot. Oh, and cool Take Your Tiny Hairy Faces Out Of Here Funny Bar Signs, Beer Signs, Laughing. Funny. Check Out These 20 Very Funny Chalkboard Bar Signs: 20 Very Funny Chalkboard . Making beer is something that anyone can do with a little time and effort. Wood primitive sign, bar, pub, patio, yard signs, man cave, game room, wall. Funny Beer Sign, Bar Decor, Beer Sign, Man Cave Decor, Exercise Room Sign, Gym Decor, . Invitations, Announcements, Personalized Cards & Stationery Tiny Prints . Super bar set-up with marquee letters for your wedding reception. 40 Funny And Creative Bar Signs Thatll Make You Step In And Grab A Drink . Youll find the catchiest slogans and wittiest taglines outside small shops and. Drawing inspiration from vintage marquee signs, this rustic metal sign takes or living room, den, basement or home bar with this Bar Animated Marquee Sign. . to little ones bedrooms to wedding receptions, these timeless signs brighten. Creativity on bar signs Meer ideen over Beer signs, Beer quotes en Funny bar . A sidewalk sign outside a bar eloquently states, I Only Drink a Little, But When I I have a lot of family photos in a little hallway in front of my laundry room. Buy products related to home bar signs and see what customers say about home . Marquee Bar Sign Lighted LED Marquee Word Sign Pre-Lit Pub Bar Sign Light . Couldnt be happier. warning: the lights are a little bright! LDGJ 500 5:00 Somewhere Neon Home Beer Bar Pub Recreation Room . Funny and true! :). Novelty Bar Signs Funny, Antique, Beer and More! . BAR Marquee Letter Light Kit character and personality to your space with the help of our unbeatable collection of novelty bar signs. . Less than $25 (39); $25 $50 (4); $75 $100 (1). You searched for: funny wood signs! Etsy is the . Anniversary Fathers day gift funny wood sign My Husband needed more space, So I locked him outside rustic.
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The Bar Marqus Graefestrae 92, 10967 Berlin, Germany Rated 4.8 based on 90 . Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, table and indoor. 50 reviews of Marques Excellent evening sitting on a picturesque side street. . Almost 90 euros for 2 can buy you an excellent meal in Berlin but not here. See 31 photos and 37 tips from 485 visitors to The Bar Marqus. . Photo taken at The Bar Marqus by Shalon G. on 1/25/2014 . Ranked #10 for gin in Berlin. It may be tough to find theres no outdoor signage to hint at its existence below the restaurant upstairs, but this appealing basement bar. Rene Maschkiwitz Restaurant Marques, Berlin Picture: Bar Marquez im Keller der Tresen Check out TripAdvisor members 50374 candid photos and videos. Rene Maschkiwitz Restaurant Marques, Berlin: See 58 unbiased reviews of Rene Maschkiwitz Restaurant Marques, rated 4 of 5 on TripAdvisor and . All photos (8) . Reservations, Outdoor Seating, Seating, Waitstaff, Serves Alcohol, Full Bar. Image: Yelp/QType User. GRAEFESTRAE 92, 10967, BERLIN, GERMANY . However the cosy Bar Marqus, with its waistcoated bartender and low-lit dcor,. The Bar Marqus has no signs, just look for the Spanish tapas restaurant Marqus and had to the basement below. They serve some pretty dope cocktails, with. You wont find a cocktail menu at Marques. Instead, youll find Marcus Wolff, a friendly former five-star hotel barman who has set up shop in the basement of the.
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Bar Raval, Tapas in XBerg, Lbbener Str. 1 Tapas Dinner, Tapas Bar . Bar Marques, Graefestr. 92, 10967 Berlin Berlin, Restaurants, Germany, Restaurant. Great sharing concept named Dinner with Friends which gives the opportunity to try a variety from We found ourselves seats at the very crowded bar (this . Marques. 50 reviews. Cocktail Bars, Mediterranean, Spanish. Good for Dinner. 030 61625906. Graefestr. 92. Kreuzberg. as a standalone thing, but it was just. 19 iyn 2015 Put on your sunglasses and be prepared for the best part of the year! . This is the best farmers market in Berlin, which has everything you are looking . Bar Marques . Open: MonSun, 18:00-00:00 Location: Graefestr. 92, 10967 Berlin . The concept Store, which is located in the heart of Kreuzberg sells. Neat place! 10/06/2018; Best Coffee in Town 28/06/2017 Graefestr. 92. 0,2 : SSAM Korean Barbeque. Lovely bar with tasty cocktail. 30/05/2018. Vido avec un concept diffrent ! . VandB Houdemont (Nancy) Dcouvertes caves & marques . Mona Lessnicks best boards. Kids. Mona Lessnick 10 Pins. More from Mona Lessnick Restaurants Berlin. Mona Lessnick 15 Pins. More from Mona Lessnick. Changement de propritaire et de concept (restauration rapide le midi) . Camille Kms Marques is feeling amazing with Roger Marques and Sabine Marques at. 18 fev 2015 92 Partages . Stphane, Jerk 45 et Ned sont les cofondateurs de 9eme Concept, chacun avec sa . Le concept cartonne, les marques se prcipitent pour les avoir leur ct. Bar et hospitalit : elle est o, bordel ? 20 mar 2019 . philips hue candelabra color picturesque bar marques graefestr 92 pretty garage door opener parts 41a5021 perfect concept best place.
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/all-bar-marquee-sign
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joannrochaus · 6 years ago
The most distant object ever visited by a spacecraft
NOTE: I want to thank each of you who contributed so graciously to our ministry in 2018. We are entirely donor-supported–your gifts make this ministry possible. Our entire team joins me in expressing gratitude for your encouragement and support. Every life touched by this ministry is an extension of your faithfulness. To God be the glory.
What do NASA scientists and the lead guitarist for the rock band Queen have in common? A bowling pin-shaped rock four billion miles from Earth that is making world headlines today.
Ultima Thule is a billion miles on the other side of Pluto. The space rock is approximately twenty miles long by ten miles wide and seems to spin like a propeller through space. It could also be two objects in orbit around each other.
The object was discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope four years ago and named 2014 MU69. A public campaign hosted by NASA renamed it–“Ultima Thule” is a reference to the most distant place beyond the borders of the known world.
Yesterday, the NASA spacecraft New Horizons conducted a successful flyby of this remote space object. Over the next few days, scientists expect to receive more photographs of the most distant object ever visited by a spacecraft. Because the probe is so far from Earth, scientists say data on Ultima Thule will continue streaming to us until September 2020.
Brian May, the lead guitarist for Queen and an astrophysicist, is a participating scientist on the New Horizons project. He wrote a song to honor the mission.
Traveling 31,000 miles an hour
We could focus this morning on NASA’s stunning achievement.
New Horizon measures only 7.2 by 6.9 by 8.9 feet. This tiny space probe is blazing through space in excess of 31,000 miles per hour. The scientific ingenuity and sophistication required to engineer and operate such a device are truly remarkable.
Or we could focus on the wonders of the universe New Horizon is exploring.
As we have noted, the probe flew approximately four billion miles to reach Ultima Thule. However, the Milky Way Galaxy is more than 620,000,000,000,000 miles across. In twelve years of space travel, the probe has crossed 0.000645 percent of our galaxy. And the Milky Way is just one of more than two trillion galaxies in the known universe.
While NASA is to be congratulated and the universe is to be admired, I’d like to suggest a third option for us to consider today.
If the Milky Way were a grain of sand
I will never forget the first time I visited the statue of David in the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence, Italy. Standing seventeen feet tall, this massive work of art is truly stunning. But even more amazing is the fact that it was crafted from a flawed block of marble by a twenty-six-year-old genius named Michelangelo.
Which deserves more praise–the creation or its creator?
Humans are capable of technological feats nearly beyond imagining. In 2019, experts foresee prosthetic limbs controlled by a paralyzed patient’s thoughts, autonomous robots at work and home, and genetic cures for sickle cell disease.
Who deserves credit for us?
If our solar system were the size of a grain of sand, the Milky Way would be a thousand times larger than a cathedral in comparison. If the Milky Way were the size of a grain of sand, the universe would be the size of a cathedral.
And God measures all of that with the palm of his hand (Isaiah 40:12).
One of Satan’s most subtle strategies
However, Western culture acts as though we live in a creation with no Creator.
Technological hubris and materialistic secularism have relegated God to the realm of superstition and mythology. This is unsurprising–lost people are unable to comprehend spiritual truth (1 Corinthians 2:14).
My point today is that Christians must not make the same mistake.
One of Satan’s most subtle strategies is to tempt God’s people to work for our Lord rather than with him. The enemy knows we cannot convict a single person of a single sin or save a single soul. He knows that nothing we do in human strength–even preaching, evangelizing, or writing Daily Articles–can accomplish eternal significance.
So, if he cannot lead us into sin, he will lead us into self-reliance.
Why do evangelicals have bigger churches than ever before but seem to make less impact on our culture than ever before? It’s not that we are not well-intentioned, theologically orthodox, hard-working, even sacrificial.
Here’s the issue: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6).
My resolution for 2019
Francis Chan: “The church becomes irrelevant when it becomes purely a human creation. We are not all we were made to be when everything in our lives and churches can be explained apart from the work and presence of the Spirit of God.”
Are we truly dependent on the Spirit? Are we yielded to his direction every moment of every day? Are we praying earnestly before we preach, seeking God before we serve him, walking with him before we work for him?
The good news is that nothing we face in 2019 is greater than the God who loves us.
If we choose to “be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might” (Ephesians 6:10), no attack of the evil one can defeat us (vv. 11-17). If we begin each day by surrendering it to the Spirit and walk through the day seeking his leadership and power, God will do far more through us than we can do for him. And we will be able to testify, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).
Therefore, if I could make just one New Year’s resolution for God’s people in 2019, it would be this: we will live in the power of the Spirit.
Samuel Chadwick: “Destitute of the Fire of God, nothing else counts; possessing Fire, nothing else matters.”
The post The most distant object ever visited by a spacecraft appeared first on Denison Forum.
source https://www.denisonforum.org/columns/daily-article/distant-object-ever-visited-spacecraft/ source https://denisonforum.tumblr.com/post/181643595657
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denisonforum · 6 years ago
The most distant object ever visited by a spacecraft
NOTE: I want to thank each of you who contributed so graciously to our ministry in 2018. We are entirely donor-supported–your gifts make this ministry possible. Our entire team joins me in expressing gratitude for your encouragement and support. Every life touched by this ministry is an extension of your faithfulness. To God be the glory.
What do NASA scientists and the lead guitarist for the rock band Queen have in common? A bowling pin-shaped rock four billion miles from Earth that is making world headlines today.
Ultima Thule is a billion miles on the other side of Pluto. The space rock is approximately twenty miles long by ten miles wide and seems to spin like a propeller through space. It could also be two objects in orbit around each other.
The object was discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope four years ago and named 2014 MU69. A public campaign hosted by NASA renamed it–“Ultima Thule” is a reference to the most distant place beyond the borders of the known world.
Yesterday, the NASA spacecraft New Horizons conducted a successful flyby of this remote space object. Over the next few days, scientists expect to receive more photographs of the most distant object ever visited by a spacecraft. Because the probe is so far from Earth, scientists say data on Ultima Thule will continue streaming to us until September 2020.
Brian May, the lead guitarist for Queen and an astrophysicist, is a participating scientist on the New Horizons project. He wrote a song to honor the mission.
Traveling 31,000 miles an hour
We could focus this morning on NASA’s stunning achievement.
New Horizon measures only 7.2 by 6.9 by 8.9 feet. This tiny space probe is blazing through space in excess of 31,000 miles per hour. The scientific ingenuity and sophistication required to engineer and operate such a device are truly remarkable.
Or we could focus on the wonders of the universe New Horizon is exploring.
As we have noted, the probe flew approximately four billion miles to reach Ultima Thule. However, the Milky Way Galaxy is more than 620,000,000,000,000 miles across. In twelve years of space travel, the probe has crossed 0.000645 percent of our galaxy. And the Milky Way is just one of more than two trillion galaxies in the known universe.
While NASA is to be congratulated and the universe is to be admired, I’d like to suggest a third option for us to consider today.
If the Milky Way were a grain of sand
I will never forget the first time I visited the statue of David in the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence, Italy. Standing seventeen feet tall, this massive work of art is truly stunning. But even more amazing is the fact that it was crafted from a flawed block of marble by a twenty-six-year-old genius named Michelangelo.
Which deserves more praise–the creation or its creator?
Humans are capable of technological feats nearly beyond imagining. In 2019, experts foresee prosthetic limbs controlled by a paralyzed patient’s thoughts, autonomous robots at work and home, and genetic cures for sickle cell disease.
Who deserves credit for us?
If our solar system were the size of a grain of sand, the Milky Way would be a thousand times larger than a cathedral in comparison. If the Milky Way were the size of a grain of sand, the universe would be the size of a cathedral.
And God measures all of that with the palm of his hand (Isaiah 40:12).
One of Satan’s most subtle strategies
However, Western culture acts as though we live in a creation with no Creator.
Technological hubris and materialistic secularism have relegated God to the realm of superstition and mythology. This is unsurprising–lost people are unable to comprehend spiritual truth (1 Corinthians 2:14).
My point today is that Christians must not make the same mistake.
One of Satan’s most subtle strategies is to tempt God’s people to work for our Lord rather than with him. The enemy knows we cannot convict a single person of a single sin or save a single soul. He knows that nothing we do in human strength–even preaching, evangelizing, or writing Daily Articles–can accomplish eternal significance.
So, if he cannot lead us into sin, he will lead us into self-reliance.
Why do evangelicals have bigger churches than ever before but seem to make less impact on our culture than ever before? It’s not that we are not well-intentioned, theologically orthodox, hard-working, even sacrificial.
Here’s the issue: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6).
My resolution for 2019
Francis Chan: “The church becomes irrelevant when it becomes purely a human creation. We are not all we were made to be when everything in our lives and churches can be explained apart from the work and presence of the Spirit of God.”
Are we truly dependent on the Spirit? Are we yielded to his direction every moment of every day? Are we praying earnestly before we preach, seeking God before we serve him, walking with him before we work for him?
The good news is that nothing we face in 2019 is greater than the God who loves us.
If we choose to “be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might” (Ephesians 6:10), no attack of the evil one can defeat us (vv. 11-17). If we begin each day by surrendering it to the Spirit and walk through the day seeking his leadership and power, God will do far more through us than we can do for him. And we will be able to testify, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).
Therefore, if I could make just one New Year’s resolution for God’s people in 2019, it would be this: we will live in the power of the Spirit.
Samuel Chadwick: “Destitute of the Fire of God, nothing else counts; possessing Fire, nothing else matters.”
The post The most distant object ever visited by a spacecraft appeared first on Denison Forum.
source https://www.denisonforum.org/columns/daily-article/distant-object-ever-visited-spacecraft/
0 notes
jeremystrele · 6 years ago
51 Cool Carafes To Hold Your Water Or Wine
Looking to infuse a bit of class into your dining or drinking experience? A carafe is the perfect solution! Affordable on almost any budget, a carafe is a glass, ceramic or plastic vessel that is typically used to serve and pour water. However, what you serve in them is only limited to your imagination. Looking to add a splash of color to the brunch table? Fill up your carafe with orange or tomato juice. Want to enhance your wine? Aim for one that also aerates. Have no use for a carafe in the kitchen? Instantly add an elegant touch to your bathroom by displaying your mouthwash in a glass carafe. Versatility has never looked so chic!
$70BUY IT Designer Glass Carafe With Wooden Stopper: Elegant and playful collide. Introducing the Alfredo carafe designed by Alfredo Häberli for Georg Jensen. This glass carafe with its unusual wooden stopper is a must-have for those looking to embrace a Danish aesthetic.
$89BUY IT Minimalist Glass Carafe With Ball Stopper: Never lose your lid again with this innovative, minimalist carafe. Fun Fact: This crystal glass carafe is named Fia after the Swedish version of the board game Ludo! Available with a stopper in Amber, Pink, Clear Crystal, or Black (shown).
$75BUY IT Georg Jensen Barbry Carafe: A true celebration of modern living, this carafe combines both art and function with ease. Its soft, sculptural body is not only sleek but with a shape that provides superior grip, it is also highly ergonomic.
$12BUY IT Minimalist Bottle Carafe: Shhhh! No one needs to know that this minimalist carafe cost you less than $20. A sleek glass body equipped with a rubber seal lid makes this not only an amazing option for those on a budget, but a great choice for anyone looking to infuse their dining experience with minimalist style.
$33BUY IT Bedside Etched Glass Carafe With Cup: Carafes aren’t just for the kitchen or dining room! Take it to the bedroom or office with this unique design that includes a drinking glass. Etched with “H20”, this makes a fantastic gift for science lovers.
$55BUY IT Kosta Boda Bruk Carafe Set: Infuse your water with a little extra color. The Kosta Boda Bruk Carafe is uniquely available in Gray, Blue, and Clear.
$30BUY IT Small Bedside Clear Glass Water Carafe Set: Keep it simple with a bedside carafe. A bedside water option that is more eco-friendly than plastic bottles and more elegant than your typical reusable water bottle.
$30BUY IT Patterned Glass Carafe: A conversation starter in the form of a carafe! The pattern on this glass carafe is said to represent the art and history of France.
$47BUY IT Tapering Glass Carafe With Stainless Steel Lid: A stainless steel lid gives this carafe a versatile and modern aesthetic. If you don’t like doing dishes by hand, no worries, it is dishwasher safe.
$17BUY IT Heat Resistant Borosilicate Water Carafe With Stainless Steel Lid: An ideal choice for tea lovers that want something a bit more offbeat than the traditional teapot. The heat resistant build of this carafe makes it perfect for serving up your favorite tea any other hot beverage.
$95BUY IT Georg Jensen Sky Wine Carafe Glass & Stainless Steel Coaster: A robust bottom paired with a tapered neck make the Georg Jensen Sky Wine Carafe quite the masterpiece. It is simplistic but divine, especially with the addition of the stainless steel coaster bottom.
$20BUY IT Tourbillon Aerating 0.75L Carafe: For all you budget wine lovers out there, this is the carafe for you! This aerating carafe not only looks far more expensive than it is, but its design encourages aeration, which can make a cheaper wine taste much more expensive.
$50BUY IT Sempli Swirling Carafe: Hand blown from lead free crystal, the Sempli Swirling Carafe is great for aerating your favorite wine. Just pour, swirl, and enjoy! Also available in frosted glass.
$79BUY IT AYTM Volvi Rolling Carafe: A must-have tableware accessory for the Scandinavian-inspired home. With its gray glass build fitted with a large cork, this decanter is a modern delight!
$150BUY IT Tom Dixon Carafe: The flared mouth of the Tom Dixon Carafe ensures a perfect pour every time. And the copper stopper? Well, that truly is the cherry on top of this elegant design.
$42BUY IT Ribbed Texture Carafe Set Ferm Ripple: The Ferm Living Ripple Carafe Set makes pouring and drinking a pleasure. Not only does this set have a distinct ribbed texture, but the drinking glass’ bottoms vary in size to create a dynamic visual treat.
$33BUY IT Cylindrical Glass Carafe: Affordable and colorful, this cylindrical glass carafe is dishwasher safe. The stainless steel lid is available in 6 colors, including Blue, Red, Green, and Black (shown).
$40BUY IT Novelty Carafe: We couldn’t help but to think of a cat when first setting eyes on this novelty carafe with its long, tail like handle. A wonderful statement piece for a cat lover’s table or bar!
$40BUY IT Pierced Glass Carafe: A pierced glass carafe is the perfect blend of modern and classic. Created with European lead free crystal, it is a truly elegant choice for your pouring needs.
$20BUY IT Tall Glass Carafe: This tall glass carafe has an impressive 60 ounce capacity that is ideal for both hot and cold beverages. It also features a lid that keeps ice, tea bags, and fruit inside the pitcher when pouring.
$130BUY IT Large Minimalist Designer Carafe: With a design that makes liquids appear as if they are defying gravity, guests won’t be able to get enough of this minimalist carafe!
$76BUY IT Mr. & Mrs. Night Carafe Set: Simplistic facial features adorn the Mr. & Mrs. Night Carafe Set making it quite the striking set. Available in two glass colors, Clear or Green (shown).
$36BUY IT Wide Base Glass Carafe With Oak Stopper: The solid oak stopper is the perfect finishing touch for this 67 ounce, large capacity carafe. A great piece for either formal or casual dining.
$50BUY IT Menu Winebreather Carafe: Breathe new life (and new flavors!) into your wine with the Menu Winebreather Carafe. By allowing your wine to breathe, this carafe helps tease out flavors in your wine that you might of otherwise missed.
$35BUY IT Minimalist Conical Carafe With Bamboo Lid: Glass and bamboo come together to create minimalist perfection. Filled with either fruit water or just plain water, this conical glass carafe will always look modern and chic.
$55BUY IT Black Minimalist Ceramic Carafe: While most carafes are made of glass, this black minimalist carafe is constructed of ceramic. Ceramic being naturally cooling means that your beverage will stay cold longer with this black beauty. Just soak the carafe in water for a minute or two before use to keep its contents cool throughout breakfast, lunch or dinner.
$64BUY IT Menu Bottle Carafe: The brass lid fitted to this glass carafe sets it apart from the rest. An elegant addition to any bar or kitchen.
$30BUY IT Sagaform Carafe with Oak Stopper: This mouth blown glass carafe has an easy hold shape and easy pour spout. No bells and whistles, just simplistic elegance.
$95BUY IT Cobra Carafe: Tall, curvy, and oh-so alluring. The cobra carafe takes the shape of a snake with its long neck and flared collar.
$145BUY IT Chill Carafe: Keep it cool, keep it classy. Place the elegant marble base of this carafe in the freezer to keep your beverages cold through breakfast and beyond.
$232BUY IT Luxury Water Carafe: If you are looking for a luxury, then the Parrot water carafe is quite the contender. This parrot shaped glass carafe is hand cut and hand painted, making it a unique and playful addition to any home.
$180BUY IT Pellicano Carafe: With a silhouette that resembles a pelican bird, this is a must-have if you are looking for tableware that is both whimsical and functional. This hand-crafted porcelain carafe is available in two sizes.
$45BUY IT Hay Tela Carafe: This carafe’s unusual appearance has been created by blowing molten glass into a textile bag, which in turn leaves a stunning texture on the glass’ surface. It is no wonder the Hay Tela Carafe was named after the Spanish word for textile. An ideal carafe for serving water, soft drinks, and other beverages to dinner guests.
$34BUY IT Normann Copenhagen Junto Water Carafe: The terracotta clay construction of this carafe isn’t only rustically charming, but it can also help keep your beverage cool for longer. Inspired by the traditional Spanish carafe named botijo, this modern carafe features two spouts, one for filling and one for pouring.
$55BUY IT Kähler Hammershøi Carafe: The Kähler Hammershøi Carafe is a Finnish treat created by Hans-Christian Bauer. It is the perfect mix of classic and modern with its glass body and ceramic lid. Also available with a blue lid.
$125BUY IT Iittala Essence Carafe: Giving off a distinct feminine aura, this is one carafe that is hard to miss! Love the style, but not the color? The Iittala Essence Carafe is also available in other shades.
$24BUY IT 2 Piece Glass Carafe With Gold Accents: This carafe and tumbler really know how to set themselves apart from the crowd with their golden, honeycomb design. A highly affordable set that is fantastic for the office or bedroom.
$30BUY IT Bedside Water Carafe With Custom Initials: With a drinking glass that doubles as a lid, this is a great carafe to keep your water clean and your decor stylish. Plus, you can customize the initial that appears on the glass, free of charge!
$17BUY IT Glass Carafe With Art Deco Style Personalized Monogram: Nix all those plastic bottles and go with an eco-friendly, travel-sized carafe. Made of durable glass, this one can be personalized with your monogram.
$22BUY IT Crystal Bedside Night Carafe With Tumbler Glass: This crystal bedside carafe is an ornate statement piece. If you have no use for it in the bedroom, consider using it to hold mouthwash in the bathroom. It will look much more elegant than the cheap plastic bottle that mouthwash usually comes in!
$150BUY IT Ultima Thule Designer Pitcher: A carafe inspired by the melting ice in Lapland. This mouth blown glass beauty reflects thousands of hours spent perfecting the glass blowing technique required to produce the poignant melting effect.
$180BUY IT Rasori Carafe: A true mastery of the art of glass, each Rasori Carafe is hand-formed without the use of any molds. Not only is this glassware a work of art, but it is also highly user-friendly since it’s dishwasher, microwave, and oven safe.
$75BUY IT Sugahara Night Carafe by Heath Ceramics: A splash of blue gives this carafe set a gradient reminiscent of the night sky. A timeless design that is a must for a beach-inspired or coastal home.
$95BUY IT Colorful Glass Carafe: Add a splash of color to the table with a carafe inspired by Japanese pottery. Featuring a textural body complimented by a matte finish, this carafe is available in multiple earthy colors.
$72BUY IT Sculptural Carafe Made From Handblown Glass: Subtle texture contrasted by bold color brings this hand blown, glass carafe to life. Whether you choose Red, Blue or any of the other 6 colors, this carafe is sure to make quite the impact.
$82BUY IT Jellies Colorful Glass Crystal Carafe: The way the light dances around this carafe designed by Patricia Urquiola is rivaled by few. Available in Light Blue, Light Pink, Green or Crystal.
$88BUY IT Sculptural Clear Glass Carafe With Wrinkled Design: Make a wave with this sculptural carafe. With quality craftsmanship and a borosilicate glass build, this is one carafe that is built to last.
$130BUY IT Glass Carafe With Ribbed Design: Ribbed for your dining pleasure! This carafe is great for both formal and informal dining. Each piece is handcrafted by master glassblowers using the finest quality Borosilicate glass, so your carafe will always be one-of-a-kind.
$60BUY IT Filante Carafe: The Filante Carafe is where fun meets functional. Molten glass “string” has been added to an otherwise simple design to create an eye-catching focal point that transforms this carafe into a modern showpiece.
$70BUY IT Cold Sake Carafe: Make sure your sake or wine is always cold and never watered down by using this carafe. Featuring a separate pocket for ice, you never have to worry about accidentally diluting your favorite drink again!
$50BUY IT Soma Water Carafe With Filter: A double duty carafe that stylishly holds your water AND filters it. Finally, a water filter jug that is elegant enough for a dinner party, yet simple enough for a kitchen counter!
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drewebowden66 · 6 years ago
51 Cool Carafes To Hold Your Water Or Wine
Looking to infuse a bit of class into your dining or drinking experience? A carafe is the perfect solution! Affordable on almost any budget, a carafe is a glass, ceramic or plastic vessel that is typically used to serve and pour water. However, what you serve in them is only limited to your imagination. Looking to add a splash of color to the brunch table? Fill up your carafe with orange or tomato juice. Want to enhance your wine? Aim for one that also aerates. Have no use for a carafe in the kitchen? Instantly add an elegant touch to your bathroom by displaying your mouthwash in a glass carafe. Versatility has never looked so chic!
$70BUY IT Designer Glass Carafe With Wooden Stopper: Elegant and playful collide. Introducing the Alfredo carafe designed by Alfredo Häberli for Georg Jensen. This glass carafe with its unusual wooden stopper is a must-have for those looking to embrace a Danish aesthetic.
$89BUY IT Minimalist Glass Carafe With Ball Stopper: Never lose your lid again with this innovative, minimalist carafe. Fun Fact: This crystal glass carafe is named Fia after the Swedish version of the board game Ludo! Available with a stopper in Amber, Pink, Clear Crystal, or Black (shown).
$75BUY IT Georg Jensen Barbry Carafe: A true celebration of modern living, this carafe combines both art and function with ease. Its soft, sculptural body is not only sleek but with a shape that provides superior grip, it is also highly ergonomic.
$12BUY IT Minimalist Bottle Carafe: Shhhh! No one needs to know that this minimalist carafe cost you less than $20. A sleek glass body equipped with a rubber seal lid makes this not only an amazing option for those on a budget, but a great choice for anyone looking to infuse their dining experience with minimalist style.
$33BUY IT Bedside Etched Glass Carafe With Cup: Carafes aren’t just for the kitchen or dining room! Take it to the bedroom or office with this unique design that includes a drinking glass. Etched with “H20”, this makes a fantastic gift for science lovers.
$55BUY IT Kosta Boda Bruk Carafe Set: Infuse your water with a little extra color. The Kosta Boda Bruk Carafe is uniquely available in Gray, Blue, and Clear.
$30BUY IT Small Bedside Clear Glass Water Carafe Set: Keep it simple with a bedside carafe. A bedside water option that is more eco-friendly than plastic bottles and more elegant than your typical reusable water bottle.
$30BUY IT Patterned Glass Carafe: A conversation starter in the form of a carafe! The pattern on this glass carafe is said to represent the art and history of France.
$47BUY IT Tapering Glass Carafe With Stainless Steel Lid: A stainless steel lid gives this carafe a versatile and modern aesthetic. If you don’t like doing dishes by hand, no worries, it is dishwasher safe.
$17BUY IT Heat Resistant Borosilicate Water Carafe With Stainless Steel Lid: An ideal choice for tea lovers that want something a bit more offbeat than the traditional teapot. The heat resistant build of this carafe makes it perfect for serving up your favorite tea any other hot beverage.
$95BUY IT Georg Jensen Sky Wine Carafe Glass & Stainless Steel Coaster: A robust bottom paired with a tapered neck make the Georg Jensen Sky Wine Carafe quite the masterpiece. It is simplistic but divine, especially with the addition of the stainless steel coaster bottom.
$20BUY IT Tourbillon Aerating 0.75L Carafe: For all you budget wine lovers out there, this is the carafe for you! This aerating carafe not only looks far more expensive than it is, but its design encourages aeration, which can make a cheaper wine taste much more expensive.
$50BUY IT Sempli Swirling Carafe: Hand blown from lead free crystal, the Sempli Swirling Carafe is great for aerating your favorite wine. Just pour, swirl, and enjoy! Also available in frosted glass.
$79BUY IT AYTM Volvi Rolling Carafe: A must-have tableware accessory for the Scandinavian-inspired home. With its gray glass build fitted with a large cork, this decanter is a modern delight!
$150BUY IT Tom Dixon Carafe: The flared mouth of the Tom Dixon Carafe ensures a perfect pour every time. And the copper stopper? Well, that truly is the cherry on top of this elegant design.
$42BUY IT Ribbed Texture Carafe Set Ferm Ripple: The Ferm Living Ripple Carafe Set makes pouring and drinking a pleasure. Not only does this set have a distinct ribbed texture, but the drinking glass’ bottoms vary in size to create a dynamic visual treat.
$33BUY IT Cylindrical Glass Carafe: Affordable and colorful, this cylindrical glass carafe is dishwasher safe. The stainless steel lid is available in 6 colors, including Blue, Red, Green, and Black (shown).
$40BUY IT Novelty Carafe: We couldn’t help but to think of a cat when first setting eyes on this novelty carafe with its long, tail like handle. A wonderful statement piece for a cat lover’s table or bar!
$40BUY IT Pierced Glass Carafe: A pierced glass carafe is the perfect blend of modern and classic. Created with European lead free crystal, it is a truly elegant choice for your pouring needs.
$20BUY IT Tall Glass Carafe: This tall glass carafe has an impressive 60 ounce capacity that is ideal for both hot and cold beverages. It also features a lid that keeps ice, tea bags, and fruit inside the pitcher when pouring.
$130BUY IT Large Minimalist Designer Carafe: With a design that makes liquids appear as if they are defying gravity, guests won’t be able to get enough of this minimalist carafe!
$76BUY IT Mr. & Mrs. Night Carafe Set: Simplistic facial features adorn the Mr. & Mrs. Night Carafe Set making it quite the striking set. Available in two glass colors, Clear or Green (shown).
$36BUY IT Wide Base Glass Carafe With Oak Stopper: The solid oak stopper is the perfect finishing touch for this 67 ounce, large capacity carafe. A great piece for either formal or casual dining.
$50BUY IT Menu Winebreather Carafe: Breathe new life (and new flavors!) into your wine with the Menu Winebreather Carafe. By allowing your wine to breathe, this carafe helps tease out flavors in your wine that you might of otherwise missed.
$35BUY IT Minimalist Conical Carafe With Bamboo Lid: Glass and bamboo come together to create minimalist perfection. Filled with either fruit water or just plain water, this conical glass carafe will always look modern and chic.
$55BUY IT Black Minimalist Ceramic Carafe: While most carafes are made of glass, this black minimalist carafe is constructed of ceramic. Ceramic being naturally cooling means that your beverage will stay cold longer with this black beauty. Just soak the carafe in water for a minute or two before use to keep its contents cool throughout breakfast, lunch or dinner.
$64BUY IT Menu Bottle Carafe: The brass lid fitted to this glass carafe sets it apart from the rest. An elegant addition to any bar or kitchen.
$30BUY IT Sagaform Carafe with Oak Stopper: This mouth blown glass carafe has an easy hold shape and easy pour spout. No bells and whistles, just simplistic elegance.
$95BUY IT Cobra Carafe: Tall, curvy, and oh-so alluring. The cobra carafe takes the shape of a snake with its long neck and flared collar.
$145BUY IT Chill Carafe: Keep it cool, keep it classy. Place the elegant marble base of this carafe in the freezer to keep your beverages cold through breakfast and beyond.
$232BUY IT Luxury Water Carafe: If you are looking for a luxury, then the Parrot water carafe is quite the contender. This parrot shaped glass carafe is hand cut and hand painted, making it a unique and playful addition to any home.
$180BUY IT Pellicano Carafe: With a silhouette that resembles a pelican bird, this is a must-have if you are looking for tableware that is both whimsical and functional. This hand-crafted porcelain carafe is available in two sizes.
$45BUY IT Hay Tela Carafe: This carafe’s unusual appearance has been created by blowing molten glass into a textile bag, which in turn leaves a stunning texture on the glass’ surface. It is no wonder the Hay Tela Carafe was named after the Spanish word for textile. An ideal carafe for serving water, soft drinks, and other beverages to dinner guests.
$34BUY IT Normann Copenhagen Junto Water Carafe: The terracotta clay construction of this carafe isn’t only rustically charming, but it can also help keep your beverage cool for longer. Inspired by the traditional Spanish carafe named botijo, this modern carafe features two spouts, one for filling and one for pouring.
$55BUY IT Kähler Hammershøi Carafe: The Kähler Hammershøi Carafe is a Finnish treat created by Hans-Christian Bauer. It is the perfect mix of classic and modern with its glass body and ceramic lid. Also available with a blue lid.
$125BUY IT Iittala Essence Carafe: Giving off a distinct feminine aura, this is one carafe that is hard to miss! Love the style, but not the color? The Iittala Essence Carafe is also available in other shades.
$24BUY IT 2 Piece Glass Carafe With Gold Accents: This carafe and tumbler really know how to set themselves apart from the crowd with their golden, honeycomb design. A highly affordable set that is fantastic for the office or bedroom.
$30BUY IT Bedside Water Carafe With Custom Initials: With a drinking glass that doubles as a lid, this is a great carafe to keep your water clean and your decor stylish. Plus, you can customize the initial that appears on the glass, free of charge!
$17BUY IT Glass Carafe With Art Deco Style Personalized Monogram: Nix all those plastic bottles and go with an eco-friendly, travel-sized carafe. Made of durable glass, this one can be personalized with your monogram.
$22BUY IT Crystal Bedside Night Carafe With Tumbler Glass: This crystal bedside carafe is an ornate statement piece. If you have no use for it in the bedroom, consider using it to hold mouthwash in the bathroom. It will look much more elegant than the cheap plastic bottle that mouthwash usually comes in!
$150BUY IT Ultima Thule Designer Pitcher: A carafe inspired by the melting ice in Lapland. This mouth blown glass beauty reflects thousands of hours spent perfecting the glass blowing technique required to produce the poignant melting effect.
$180BUY IT Rasori Carafe: A true mastery of the art of glass, each Rasori Carafe is hand-formed without the use of any molds. Not only is this glassware a work of art, but it is also highly user-friendly since it’s dishwasher, microwave, and oven safe.
$75BUY IT Sugahara Night Carafe by Heath Ceramics: A splash of blue gives this carafe set a gradient reminiscent of the night sky. A timeless design that is a must for a beach-inspired or coastal home.
$95BUY IT Colorful Glass Carafe: Add a splash of color to the table with a carafe inspired by Japanese pottery. Featuring a textural body complimented by a matte finish, this carafe is available in multiple earthy colors.
$72BUY IT Sculptural Carafe Made From Handblown Glass: Subtle texture contrasted by bold color brings this hand blown, glass carafe to life. Whether you choose Red, Blue or any of the other 6 colors, this carafe is sure to make quite the impact.
$82BUY IT Jellies Colorful Glass Crystal Carafe: The way the light dances around this carafe designed by Patricia Urquiola is rivaled by few. Available in Light Blue, Light Pink, Green or Crystal.
$88BUY IT Sculptural Clear Glass Carafe With Wrinkled Design: Make a wave with this sculptural carafe. With quality craftsmanship and a borosilicate glass build, this is one carafe that is built to last.
$130BUY IT Glass Carafe With Ribbed Design: Ribbed for your dining pleasure! This carafe is great for both formal and informal dining. Each piece is handcrafted by master glassblowers using the finest quality Borosilicate glass, so your carafe will always be one-of-a-kind.
$60BUY IT Filante Carafe: The Filante Carafe is where fun meets functional. Molten glass “string” has been added to an otherwise simple design to create an eye-catching focal point that transforms this carafe into a modern showpiece.
$70BUY IT Cold Sake Carafe: Make sure your sake or wine is always cold and never watered down by using this carafe. Featuring a separate pocket for ice, you never have to worry about accidentally diluting your favorite drink again!
$50BUY IT Soma Water Carafe With Filter: A double duty carafe that stylishly holds your water AND filters it. Finally, a water filter jug that is elegant enough for a dinner party, yet simple enough for a kitchen counter!
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garagedoorshampshire · 6 years ago
51 Cool Carafes To Hold Your Water Or Wine
Looking to infuse a bit of class into your dining or drinking experience? A carafe is the perfect solution! Affordable on almost any budget, a carafe is a glass, ceramic or plastic vessel that is typically used to serve and pour water. However, what you serve in them is only limited to your imagination. Looking to add a splash of color to the brunch table? Fill up your carafe with orange or tomato juice. Want to enhance your wine? Aim for one that also aerates. Have no use for a carafe in the kitchen? Instantly add an elegant touch to your bathroom by displaying your mouthwash in a glass carafe. Versatility has never looked so chic!
$70BUY IT Designer Glass Carafe With Wooden Stopper: Elegant and playful collide. Introducing the Alfredo carafe designed by Alfredo Häberli for Georg Jensen. This glass carafe with its unusual wooden stopper is a must-have for those looking to embrace a Danish aesthetic.
$89BUY IT Minimalist Glass Carafe With Ball Stopper: Never lose your lid again with this innovative, minimalist carafe. Fun Fact: This crystal glass carafe is named Fia after the Swedish version of the board game Ludo! Available with a stopper in Amber, Pink, Clear Crystal, or Black (shown).
$75BUY IT Georg Jensen Barbry Carafe: A true celebration of modern living, this carafe combines both art and function with ease. Its soft, sculptural body is not only sleek but with a shape that provides superior grip, it is also highly ergonomic.
$12BUY IT Minimalist Bottle Carafe: Shhhh! No one needs to know that this minimalist carafe cost you less than $20. A sleek glass body equipped with a rubber seal lid makes this not only an amazing option for those on a budget, but a great choice for anyone looking to infuse their dining experience with minimalist style.
$33BUY IT Bedside Etched Glass Carafe With Cup: Carafes aren’t just for the kitchen or dining room! Take it to the bedroom or office with this unique design that includes a drinking glass. Etched with “H20”, this makes a fantastic gift for science lovers.
$55BUY IT Kosta Boda Bruk Carafe Set: Infuse your water with a little extra color. The Kosta Boda Bruk Carafe is uniquely available in Gray, Blue, and Clear.
$30BUY IT Small Bedside Clear Glass Water Carafe Set: Keep it simple with a bedside carafe. A bedside water option that is more eco-friendly than plastic bottles and more elegant than your typical reusable water bottle.
$30BUY IT Patterned Glass Carafe: A conversation starter in the form of a carafe! The pattern on this glass carafe is said to represent the art and history of France.
$47BUY IT Tapering Glass Carafe With Stainless Steel Lid: A stainless steel lid gives this carafe a versatile and modern aesthetic. If you don’t like doing dishes by hand, no worries, it is dishwasher safe.
$17BUY IT Heat Resistant Borosilicate Water Carafe With Stainless Steel Lid: An ideal choice for tea lovers that want something a bit more offbeat than the traditional teapot. The heat resistant build of this carafe makes it perfect for serving up your favorite tea any other hot beverage.
$95BUY IT Georg Jensen Sky Wine Carafe Glass & Stainless Steel Coaster: A robust bottom paired with a tapered neck make the Georg Jensen Sky Wine Carafe quite the masterpiece. It is simplistic but divine, especially with the addition of the stainless steel coaster bottom.
$20BUY IT Tourbillon Aerating 0.75L Carafe: For all you budget wine lovers out there, this is the carafe for you! This aerating carafe not only looks far more expensive than it is, but its design encourages aeration, which can make a cheaper wine taste much more expensive.
$50BUY IT Sempli Swirling Carafe: Hand blown from lead free crystal, the Sempli Swirling Carafe is great for aerating your favorite wine. Just pour, swirl, and enjoy! Also available in frosted glass.
$79BUY IT AYTM Volvi Rolling Carafe: A must-have tableware accessory for the Scandinavian-inspired home. With its gray glass build fitted with a large cork, this decanter is a modern delight!
$150BUY IT Tom Dixon Carafe: The flared mouth of the Tom Dixon Carafe ensures a perfect pour every time. And the copper stopper? Well, that truly is the cherry on top of this elegant design.
$42BUY IT Ribbed Texture Carafe Set Ferm Ripple: The Ferm Living Ripple Carafe Set makes pouring and drinking a pleasure. Not only does this set have a distinct ribbed texture, but the drinking glass’ bottoms vary in size to create a dynamic visual treat.
$33BUY IT Cylindrical Glass Carafe: Affordable and colorful, this cylindrical glass carafe is dishwasher safe. The stainless steel lid is available in 6 colors, including Blue, Red, Green, and Black (shown).
$40BUY IT Novelty Carafe: We couldn’t help but to think of a cat when first setting eyes on this novelty carafe with its long, tail like handle. A wonderful statement piece for a cat lover’s table or bar!
$40BUY IT Pierced Glass Carafe: A pierced glass carafe is the perfect blend of modern and classic. Created with European lead free crystal, it is a truly elegant choice for your pouring needs.
$20BUY IT Tall Glass Carafe: This tall glass carafe has an impressive 60 ounce capacity that is ideal for both hot and cold beverages. It also features a lid that keeps ice, tea bags, and fruit inside the pitcher when pouring.
$130BUY IT Large Minimalist Designer Carafe: With a design that makes liquids appear as if they are defying gravity, guests won’t be able to get enough of this minimalist carafe!
$76BUY IT Mr. & Mrs. Night Carafe Set: Simplistic facial features adorn the Mr. & Mrs. Night Carafe Set making it quite the striking set. Available in two glass colors, Clear or Green (shown).
$36BUY IT Wide Base Glass Carafe With Oak Stopper: The solid oak stopper is the perfect finishing touch for this 67 ounce, large capacity carafe. A great piece for either formal or casual dining.
$50BUY IT Menu Winebreather Carafe: Breathe new life (and new flavors!) into your wine with the Menu Winebreather Carafe. By allowing your wine to breathe, this carafe helps tease out flavors in your wine that you might of otherwise missed.
$35BUY IT Minimalist Conical Carafe With Bamboo Lid: Glass and bamboo come together to create minimalist perfection. Filled with either fruit water or just plain water, this conical glass carafe will always look modern and chic.
$55BUY IT Black Minimalist Ceramic Carafe: While most carafes are made of glass, this black minimalist carafe is constructed of ceramic. Ceramic being naturally cooling means that your beverage will stay cold longer with this black beauty. Just soak the carafe in water for a minute or two before use to keep its contents cool throughout breakfast, lunch or dinner.
$64BUY IT Menu Bottle Carafe: The brass lid fitted to this glass carafe sets it apart from the rest. An elegant addition to any bar or kitchen.
$30BUY IT Sagaform Carafe with Oak Stopper: This mouth blown glass carafe has an easy hold shape and easy pour spout. No bells and whistles, just simplistic elegance.
$95BUY IT Cobra Carafe: Tall, curvy, and oh-so alluring. The cobra carafe takes the shape of a snake with its long neck and flared collar.
$145BUY IT Chill Carafe: Keep it cool, keep it classy. Place the elegant marble base of this carafe in the freezer to keep your beverages cold through breakfast and beyond.
$232BUY IT Luxury Water Carafe: If you are looking for a luxury, then the Parrot water carafe is quite the contender. This parrot shaped glass carafe is hand cut and hand painted, making it a unique and playful addition to any home.
$180BUY IT Pellicano Carafe: With a silhouette that resembles a pelican bird, this is a must-have if you are looking for tableware that is both whimsical and functional. This hand-crafted porcelain carafe is available in two sizes.
$45BUY IT Hay Tela Carafe: This carafe’s unusual appearance has been created by blowing molten glass into a textile bag, which in turn leaves a stunning texture on the glass’ surface. It is no wonder the Hay Tela Carafe was named after the Spanish word for textile. An ideal carafe for serving water, soft drinks, and other beverages to dinner guests.
$34BUY IT Normann Copenhagen Junto Water Carafe: The terracotta clay construction of this carafe isn’t only rustically charming, but it can also help keep your beverage cool for longer. Inspired by the traditional Spanish carafe named botijo, this modern carafe features two spouts, one for filling and one for pouring.
$55BUY IT Kähler Hammershøi Carafe: The Kähler Hammershøi Carafe is a Finnish treat created by Hans-Christian Bauer. It is the perfect mix of classic and modern with its glass body and ceramic lid. Also available with a blue lid.
$125BUY IT Iittala Essence Carafe: Giving off a distinct feminine aura, this is one carafe that is hard to miss! Love the style, but not the color? The Iittala Essence Carafe is also available in other shades.
$24BUY IT 2 Piece Glass Carafe With Gold Accents: This carafe and tumbler really know how to set themselves apart from the crowd with their golden, honeycomb design. A highly affordable set that is fantastic for the office or bedroom.
$30BUY IT Bedside Water Carafe With Custom Initials: With a drinking glass that doubles as a lid, this is a great carafe to keep your water clean and your decor stylish. Plus, you can customize the initial that appears on the glass, free of charge!
$17BUY IT Glass Carafe With Art Deco Style Personalized Monogram: Nix all those plastic bottles and go with an eco-friendly, travel-sized carafe. Made of durable glass, this one can be personalized with your monogram.
$22BUY IT Crystal Bedside Night Carafe With Tumbler Glass: This crystal bedside carafe is an ornate statement piece. If you have no use for it in the bedroom, consider using it to hold mouthwash in the bathroom. It will look much more elegant than the cheap plastic bottle that mouthwash usually comes in!
$150BUY IT Ultima Thule Designer Pitcher: A carafe inspired by the melting ice in Lapland. This mouth blown glass beauty reflects thousands of hours spent perfecting the glass blowing technique required to produce the poignant melting effect.
$180BUY IT Rasori Carafe: A true mastery of the art of glass, each Rasori Carafe is hand-formed without the use of any molds. Not only is this glassware a work of art, but it is also highly user-friendly since it’s dishwasher, microwave, and oven safe.
$75BUY IT Sugahara Night Carafe by Heath Ceramics: A splash of blue gives this carafe set a gradient reminiscent of the night sky. A timeless design that is a must for a beach-inspired or coastal home.
$95BUY IT Colorful Glass Carafe: Add a splash of color to the table with a carafe inspired by Japanese pottery. Featuring a textural body complimented by a matte finish, this carafe is available in multiple earthy colors.
$72BUY IT Sculptural Carafe Made From Handblown Glass: Subtle texture contrasted by bold color brings this hand blown, glass carafe to life. Whether you choose Red, Blue or any of the other 6 colors, this carafe is sure to make quite the impact.
$82BUY IT Jellies Colorful Glass Crystal Carafe: The way the light dances around this carafe designed by Patricia Urquiola is rivaled by few. Available in Light Blue, Light Pink, Green or Crystal.
$88BUY IT Sculptural Clear Glass Carafe With Wrinkled Design: Make a wave with this sculptural carafe. With quality craftsmanship and a borosilicate glass build, this is one carafe that is built to last.
$130BUY IT Glass Carafe With Ribbed Design: Ribbed for your dining pleasure! This carafe is great for both formal and informal dining. Each piece is handcrafted by master glassblowers using the finest quality Borosilicate glass, so your carafe will always be one-of-a-kind.
$60BUY IT Filante Carafe: The Filante Carafe is where fun meets functional. Molten glass “string” has been added to an otherwise simple design to create an eye-catching focal point that transforms this carafe into a modern showpiece.
$70BUY IT Cold Sake Carafe: Make sure your sake or wine is always cold and never watered down by using this carafe. Featuring a separate pocket for ice, you never have to worry about accidentally diluting your favorite drink again!
$50BUY IT Soma Water Carafe With Filter: A double duty carafe that stylishly holds your water AND filters it. Finally, a water filter jug that is elegant enough for a dinner party, yet simple enough for a kitchen counter!
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from Interior Design Ideas http://www.home-designing.com/buy-modern-glass-water-and-wine-bedside-carafes-for-sale-online
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