#Uhh.... If you wanna know more stuff then send me a message and I guess I'll get back to it at some point
daily-kanda-yuu · 8 months
hi! I'm sorry but where do you read the manga? thaks for all the content, it's a blessing truly ♥︎
Hello! So very sorry for answering only now, I've sort of abandonned the blog as life got busy on my end (I do plan on coming back, though!) To answer your question, I personally read it all when the physical volumes come out as I've been collecting them for over a decade now. (I'm french so we get the volumes earlier than the peeps in America). However, you can find all the chapters here: mangadex
The kougeki team has been translating the newest chapters for the past few years now. However they are severly understaffed and need all the help they can get!
Lastly, if you are wondering where I get all the panels for my blog, I mainly use the ones provided by Viz as they upload good quality scans (their translations are shit tho so I wouldn't count on them for that)
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smalltimidbean · 7 months
hi again! So I have a lot I wanna say following the anatomy post, as I'll be calling it, because even though it's fresh I read the whole thing and I'm glad we know more about the clones :D and also I assume now would be a good time to ask about because of how fresh it is. ANYWAYS let's get to it!
So I wanted to ask about these specific parts, and what I could tell from them:
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To summarize, a clone bearing a toothy grin is threatening, and a clone sticking its tongue out/drooling/licking it lips is not threatening. This is the premise I worked under when I made this:
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(In like, 2 minutes. I wonder if anyone can tell!)
As you can see, I added a few facial expressions that weren't mentioned l, and that I wonder their meaning in relation to what has already been stated. I think I can confidently predict what the first two mean, thanks to the fact that clones have made those facial expressions before. Though anyone is welcome to correct me if I'm wrong!
Closed-mouth and open-mouth smiles are not threats, unlike the toothy "smiles" which are. The quotation mark around "smile" in the original post(as well as a part of pep's toyhouse page(which didn't appear in the Tumblr post from several months past)) also indicate that the threatening smiles are not genuine, and so smiles without teeth are genuine expressions of joy.
The other one, though, seems to send somewhat mixed messages. That expression is saying both that "I am a threat" and "I am not a threat, " which when a applied to the only clone we ever see donning this face, Pep, is true. Though, whenever he smiles like that, it is genuine and not an attempt to threaten anyone. Is this because he's smiling at something or someone other than a fellow clone, and he knows that, in order to communicate the same emotion he has to make a different facial expression depending on if he's making it at clones on non-clones?
But uhh yeah :D hope this wasn't too long winded and that I made any sort of sense lol!
Yaya! I have a ton of clone info I wanna post, but I have been trying to figure out how/where to do that, so I might just unload it all here in chunks kjlfdkfg
Asking questions about clone stuff is alright, and it helps me figure out stuff, or point out if I have contradicted myself - which happens more than I would like kjfgkjfg
Although for these points, perhaps I spoke too broadly as this post was supposed to be on anatomy and not behaviour, but I guess I can't help myself kjdfgk - it is also why I did not mention other types of smile
But for clones there are genuine smiles, and there are threat 'smiles', like this;
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Threat smiles are not expressions of joy, they are meant to convey 'I have teeth, and I will use them if you continue to upset me' or simply 'you are bothering me' if they are not showing teeth - whereas genuine smiles are just that, they are happy
If you add a tongue to a threat 'smile', it is still considered a threat due to other aspects like the eyes and stance etc, but more along the lines of either a submissive threat ('I am scared, please leave, or I will attack') or the clone is hungry ('I will eat you if approached, so back off for your own good') - but honestly it depends on the situation, sometimes clones already have their tongues out before threat 'smiling' and it ends up hanging out regardless dhfsdh
And yes, most of Pep's smiles have been genuine - there has been at least two with a threat 'smile' (both directed at or implied to be directed at Peppino) - but most of the time he is genuinely happy
It can be a bit confusing since clones are kinda animal, kinda people, so they get both that 'smiling is a threat' (animal side) and 'smiling is friendly' (people side) lfglgfd
When I make a post(s) on clone behaviours, I will be sure to make this more clear! But I still appreciate the questions!
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henrioo · 5 months
i just wanna say i really like your work and your posts make me very happy, i think what you’re doing it great and i wish you luck in your future endeavours RAHSHSHSHSHSH *panics* UH I DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY? aAM I OVERDOING IT? AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
(ignore my autistic panic HAHAEHAHSAH)
Hahahhaha I remember my first ask too, I was really scared of not doing what the people wanted and I still have this tbh, but now I really like doing ask because my brain works better with other people's ideas I guess
But I would give you the advice of making things simple, don't try to do something really big if you are starting in writing, also try to enjoy the process more, put some music, read some stories for inspiration, use Pinterest to see arts of the chars and other things. Just staring at the black document won't make things easy, so try to make a comfortable space for your imagination work, it will be really easier
You can also use goals or a pomodoro, like "today I will write 100 words" or "I'm going to write for 5 minutes"
Thanks so much babe, I love seeing everyone really enjoying my things, for me you are all my friends so I want to share this so we can all enjoy and talk about
Tbh I'm not sure about the future of the blog, and not because I'm planning on giving up or stopping writing, but it's more because my plots and stories
I'm not sure anymore about what I want to write and what I like to write, besides my personal problems are not helping in that, so I'm afraid of having another big hiatus because I won't be able to write nothing
Or even stop liking writing and stuff, but the plan is continue writing, I still have a lot of ideas I want to write and I won't be satisfied leaving the blog without making them first hahah
Hahhaha you can say whatever you want, I really love talking specially if you guys, so don't be shy, send me an ask or a dm and I will love to talk to everyone
But I not the best on sending messages first, because some issues, but I'f you send me a message I promise I will reply
Byeee :))
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abigail · 10 months
in regards to the postman thing i would say absolutely trust your gut. just reading that made me feel very uneasy. it may be a good idea to file a complaint or something? if he oversteps or does anything else weird it could help to have some kind of paper trail, just in case the situation escalates. in the end it may be nothing but i think it's always better to be safe than sorry. at the very least i would say just trust yourself and don't share any personal info even if he keeps asking. wishing you the best and stay safe! <3
yeah I thought on it more while at work today (and read the comments some mutuals left on the post - I read them while on shift and haven’t had a chance to reply but I agree with what was said !! thank u guys I love u lots !!!) and I for am going to trust my gut with it like.. since he called me by nickname it felt weird and he’s only gotten more uhh.. weird I guess.. (also I wanna note you guys can call me abi or whatever like .. it’s literally in my carrd lol but with this random man just assuming to call me by a nickname when idk him and he knows nothing about me… felt weird.. anyway !!)
I’m not sure if I’m able to file a complaint tbh .. as in, I don’t even know HIS name for one and if I was to do it I’m not sure if it would even do anything.. like for example whenever I’ve worked somewhere and has to file a complaint for similar stuff, barely anything has happened (as sad as that is).. and because he obviously knows where I live and now knows my bus stop/time I get the bus/direction I’m going etc I’m kind of anxious for if I was to do something about it he would… react in a way I’d rather he didn’t.. if you get me lol
but yeah I’m not gonna tell him anything personal !! I haven’t really told him anything anyway but yeah I’m gonna try to keep any future conversation as small and dull and whatnot as possible.. and I’m hoping he will see how uninterested I am and calm down, if not then maybe in the new year I’ll figure out a way to report him
thank you (and beloved mutuals who commented on the post) for saying all of this though and letting me know your thoughts and such !! I’m glad I’m not being silly about it and other people agree it’s odd behaviour and something to make a note of.. truly thank you for reading my post and messaging me ♡ sending big hugs !!!
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cosmossystem · 4 months
on the friend skills thing; most of those things, even though they feel pretty big, shouldnt be too big of a deal? like with the stuff youd have to remember, if you add them on pretty much any messaging app theyre gonna have a name listen, alot even let you set nicknames or add notes so you could add their pronouns onto that. there is programs to track birthdays, along with pretty much any calendar thing (plus most friends will tell you like 2-3 days beforehand in my experience). friends of friends dont really matter until they become just friends, bc if a friend of friend is there they will probably be called their name atleast once by the shared friend. trying to analyze mannerisms & trying to say the right things are,, okay, fair, but to be honest you probably wont need to care about those past the first meeting because with good enough communication they dont rlly matter. like, if youre confused or wanna know if theyr upset you can just ask. if you cross or go close to a boundary theyll clarify it and then you can respect it moving forwards (also, if youre scared you wont remember, 1. thats fine, they can always state it again and you try again and 2. you could always keep notes on them, their interests, boundaries, etc). you can always reclarify a message or go 'nvm'. and also ive always heard the "be yourself!" advice, like uhh, dont over-salt yourself with trying to be normal and do the right thing in friendship, bc then all thats gonna attract is people who .. suck. idk where i was going with that metaphor. basically dont overpower 'you' with trying to do what others want. or something, idk. also yeah theres gonna be people who dont like you, and that sucks but what can ya do besides try again. also maybe check if theres any meetups around you? because even if you dont keep them as friends it still gets you around people! dont worry too much about having those as friends forever or whatever, just see them as a starting point.
this all sounds great in theory but doesn't actually help me. i was just mostly listing hypotheticals with things that make relationships more complicated to navigate. like i've never actually gotten far enough into a relationship to worry about birthdays except for once, and we were barely friends by the time their birthday rolled around, but i write down important details that i don't want to forget. or i would if there were any!!!
the problem is that every part of the process of actually getting to know someone sucks. you have to meet them and then you have to talk to them. i don't like talking and if i could, my entire life i would be mute. but sure let's start with the meeting:
i go out of my way to speak to people in meatspace. it usually doesn't work. like, i go to cons. i'll try to chat with people but most are already there with friends anyway and don't care. i mean no one wants to let anyone in their clique anymore. when i was younger i almost got adopted by a friendgroup because i was 14 and in cosplay but then no one spoke to me and my mom was just awkwardly standing like ten feet away and so we left. as for "going to meetups" that'd be great except i can't go anywhere because i can't drive yet, so i'm stuck dragging along a 50-year-old asshole with me everywhere and that scares people off. until i get to college that's my only option. (and guess what? when you have an abusive piece of shit parent, that parent doesn't want to leave you places alone. so even if i told her "hey drop me off here and return in two hours" she just won't.)
so i'm left to try to meet people online. that's harder than you think. if you try to meet people organically in your community, there's a bunch of barriers to it. on tumblr specifically even attempting to find people i could tolerate is hard. i block the weirdos but it doesn't leave many options (everyone has a dni these days, which is fine, but i'm usually on it somewhere.) and let's say i finally find someone. well i want to try sending asks but i have nothing to say. i already know "hey how are you?" won't get me anywhere and if i get someone in my dms the conversation eventually dies out.
i tried going onto other social medias but that just really means twitter because i don't understand how instagram works. when i was on tiktok, no one talks to each other and so that's a bust. on twitter there's a different Social Ecosystem (meaning more invisible rules i have to figure out. what the fuck do all of these abbreviations mean? i don't reply to anyone because it feels needlessly direct, but that's the only way people communicate on twitter, and if i DO reply i never get a reply back so i look crazy. etc) and be honest, everyone on twitter is more insane than here.
i don't do discords because every time i've been in a discord it's either way too busy to actually get to know anyone, someone starts some kind of drama, or i'm inevitably the odd one out because i don't talk as much. i thought group chats would be an easier way to socialize but it turns out i hate those too.
i don't feel like i'm really speaking to someone on the internet. it feels more like a magic box i type in and sometimes i get a response. i don't get attached to people both online or offline because i've never known someone for more than a few weeks/months and even people i see at cons all the time, that's only twice a year maybe and we never follow each other's socials because I Don't Have Any. yes i've made them no i don't use them insta sucks tt sucks no one has a twitter and no one remembers me.
and when i, finally, have enough good days and make it work for long enough to feel like i'm "friends" with someone (mind you i have never had a "best friend" or even known someone for longer than a few months) at some point, i will either miss a message for a day or two, then feel so bad about that that i give up on trying with them; or i manage to convince myself that they hate me.
it seems like the only way is to talk to someone directly and it sucks. i don't like it. i never get past the initial Polite Chit Chat portion. i don't know how to. and if i try, i inenvitably sabotage myself somehow or i ghost them or. i don't know. it just hasn't worked. i feel like every social interaction is a puzzle and everyone knows the answers except me. i want friends but i just don't care about people because i've never had a reason to care about people.
and i say all of this as i ignore maybe a dozen discord messages. because my social meter is shot. just totally drained. every time i write something i have to script it, that takes hours, it's draining, and so i section off a portion of my day to it but then i get a message back immediately and i'm already drained. i can't talk to people forever it's tiring to me i dread having to do it. but none of that matters because i don't message people back immediately, so they start to think i don't care about them. and maybe i don't.
ok i'm still sobbing and have more to say but. this is long enough. it's not proofread. bon appetit
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the-grey-stickfox · 1 year
The beginning part 1 (Canon story)- Breaking the bank.
Was a pretty slow week for our green scarfed thief…not a lot of interesting items or places to rob or steal, not a lot of good paying job offers to go for either on his other professions, all the good jobs he either did already or was waiting for the pay to come in, plus he was a pretty frugal individual so he didn’t spend his money on a lot of stuff, but that thrill of stealing something big? That was always enough to keep him wanting more… but having not been able to find anything from his usual sources, he had to take a defeated sigh as he looked on one website not known to be reliable…Stickslist.
Taking his time to look at the job offers he found one that seemed a bit interesting, it was a picture of a bank that was for some reason in the middle of a…desert?? From the looks of it. Reading through the description it was apparent either this person was new to this line of work, or was pulling some practical joke to see if anyone would even take the offer, feeling enough interest since it was a fricken bank in the middle of nowhere, he sent a message of interest to the poster and got a message back with the phone number of the poster from the looks of it and got in touch with them using one of his burner phones.
“Hello? Is this the…person interested in my post?” The voice on the other line sounded kinda nervous, but…genuine in a way. “Yup that’s me, not giving my name until we meet in person though. But I’m interested. You really wanna break into a bank Huh?” Our green scarfed thief spoke in a chill tone to try to help calm the poster a bit, ease tension, taking the chance to try to see if this wasn’t a sort of trap by authorities he connected his burner phone to one of his laptops and used a little program he had made for him to track the posters location and saw he was in a hotel close by the road leading to the bank.
“Y..yeah, I could really use the money and I got a bunch of stuff that’d work for robbing a bank. And…I guess I should keep my name until we meet Huh?” The poster had a faint little nervous chuckle at his own home.
“Yeah, best to safe it until we meet in person… So, when did you want to meet up for this little heist of yours? We can discuss pay AFTER we get out with some money, I’m not to picky, plus I’m pretty sure you could use the money more right?”
“R-really? Just like that your letting me get more pay?? Uhh…well, thanks but I’m at a motel near the road going to the bank so…I guess sometime soon in a few days time, when do you think you can get here?”
Checking his schedule for any other jobs he might have gotten ready or had to wait a bit to start, he was pretty free obviously and made a mark for either tomorrow or the day after to meet up with his ‘rookie associate’. “I’m free this whole week so I can probably get to you tomorrow or the day after honestly.”
“Great! I’ll send you the motel address and you can meet me here!” He almost yelled but was able to keep it to a…hushed excitement volume. “I’ll uhh…be waiting then. Send a message when your close ok? Or a email since I left it on the post, should I take it down or think we should see if anyone else will take the offer?” A faint grumbling noise could be heard on the other end
“I think it’s best to take it down, better if it’s just the two of us, we’ll look less suspicious if we’re hanging around the bank and get spotted, can just look like two dudes wandering around or something, and…did your stomach just rumble or something? I heard something growl just then.” The poster had a embarrassed chuckle when our green scarf thief mentioned it.
“Y..yeah, haven’t eaten much in the past few days since…you know, money issues…”
“I’ll bring some stuff over to eat, or…cook, that place got a kitchen?” A bit of shuffling can be heard on the ‘rookies’ end. “Uhhh….yeah, we got a kitchen here, just a standard stove with a microwave and a oven compartment.
“Then I’m bringing some stuff to cook. So I just send you a message when I’m close by right?” Our green scarfed thief began to make preparations for his new job while the ‘rookie’ was a stuttering in a bit of confusion.
“I…y-yeah, send me a message and I’ll try to get the motel room nice and ready for you too bunk down in before we do this thing. I uhh…I guess I’ll leave you to it. Look forward to working with you man.” The ‘rookie’ sounded a bit hopeful.
“Look forward to working with you too. See you soon.” The green scarfed thief hung up and with that he prepared for his little heist adventure with a rookie thief.
~A few days later~
Our green scarfed thief was standing on the staircase of the motel his ‘rookie’ partner in crime was staying at, wanting to try to avoid any potential traps. He texted the ‘rookie’ that he was there at the motel ready to come on in.
A couple second’s later he got the motel room number and headed over to the door trying to take a peak through the window seeing a small crack through the blinds, as someone in a blue hoodie and shorts was stumbling around the room trying to clean things up. This got a small chuckle from our green scarfed thief as he knocked on the window second’s after seeing the blue hoodies figure finish cleaning the other bed getting a audible Yelp out of them.
Backing up a little bit the blinds opened a bit from the middle showing the nervous face of the ‘rookie’ as our green scarfed thief waved hi showing he also had a bag of groceries in his hands. The rookie waved hi back albeit a bit nervously, they quickly went over to the door opening it. “He-hey man, uhh…didn’t expect you to get here so soon, come on in.”
“Good to see you too.” The green scarfed thief came on in setting his things down by the more tidyed up bed and put the groceries neatly on the counter top seeing the ‘rookie’ close the door and lock it a bit too quickly needing a few tries to get the slide part on right.
“So Uhh…guess since we’re here, in person…might as well introduce ourselves to each other….? My names Henry, Henry stickman.” The blue hoodied stickman offered his hand to the green scarfed thief, a hopeful smile creeping across his face, seemingly excited to actually have a partner.
“Hmm, nice to meet ya Henry, names Fox, Fox Greyhound.” The green scarfed thief shook Henry’s hand, sealing their fate as partners in crime for this heist.
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carnationcreation · 4 years
Hi! I have a request for a Jason x reader. Jason and the reader are best friends and/or dating. One day, the reader needs to be rescued by the Power Rangers. The reader recognizes Jason's voice and confronts him about it. Thanks so much! 💞
TITLE: Dear Diary (Jason Lee Scott x reader)
✌🏻Masterlist Taglist, Requests, and Works in progress!
Please check bio to see if requests are open before sending any in! 
Request: Hi! I have a request for a Jason x reader. Jason and the reader are best friends and/or dating. One day, the reader needs to be rescued by the Power Rangers. The reader recognizes Jason's voice and confronts him about it. Thanks so much! 💞
Prompt/summary:  Jason keeps running off from his best friend, until a chance encounter reveals a secret he wanted to keep hidden. 
Word Count: 1,705
Authors note: Italics are written in a diary. Tbh I’m really feeling this format and might do more like this in the future!
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Dear Diary, 
The past few days have been… strange. I’m not even sure how to properly explain it, but I think Jason’s hiding something from me.
He was supposed to meet me at the youth center yesterday to help me with some of my self defense moves I learned in class that day. He never showed up though.
“I’m so sorry,” Jason said over the phone. It was almost midnight when he called my house, luckily my parents were out of town so it wasn’t a problem.
I sighed, “It’s fine Jace. We can just go over them some next week.”
“I promise I won’t miss it,” he said, “Besides I like seeing you kick ass.”
“Oh shut up,” I said, he could probably hear my smile through the phone.
And over the weekend he said we could go out to lunch to celebrate being nominated for senior homecoming candidates. He was almost an hour late.
“I’m sorry I’m late!” Jason said. He sat down at the table and dug into some chips and salsa.
“You’re lucky I didn’t get up and leave earlier Mr. Jason Lee,” I said, closing the book I had open on the table.
“I know, I know, I’m the worst best friend ever.”
I don’t know what’s going on with him. In school I’ll try to stop him in the hallway but he’s always in a rush to get somewhere. It’s really making me worry.
I just really want my best friend back.
I closed the diary and wrapped the elastic cord around it to keep it closed before it went into my bag. The warm sun felt amazing on my face. The park was bustling today as people of Angel Grove enjoyed the clear sunny day.
I hadn’t heard from Jason in a few days. His absence was really starting to make me worried. Yeah, I had other friends, but Jason and I had been best friends for years ever since we met in primary school. 
The sound of laughter made me look up. I watched as Jason passed by with no more than a glance in my direction.
I grabbed my bag before trying to catch up to them, “Jason!”
He turned around with a slightly surprised expression on his face.
“Hey,” I tried to smile and not make things awkward, “Are we gonna meet up at the Youth Center this Friday?”
“Oh… I’m sorry (Y/n) but the gang and I already had plans.”
My heart sunk as I looked at his new group of friends with a solemn expression, “Oh, alright then. Guess I’ll catch you later…”
I tried so hard to not let the pain come out in my words, but I never was a good actor. I left the park holding back tears and walked all the way home with them staining my cheeks.
Three weeks flew by in a hurry and I was sucked into the frenzy of the prom committee. To my surprise (and some dismay) Jason’s new friends had volunteered to help decorate the gymnasium. The exact area I was in charge of. Luckily I was too busy to even dwell on the fact that my ex-bestfriend came to talk to them more than he did me. 
“Hey (Y/n),” Kimberly said, “Which spot do you think would be best for the drink table?”
“Over by the photo booth,” I said, writing down every task we had gotten done that day on a clipboard. I must’ve gotten so caught up in my work I didn’t realize that Jason’s whole friend group had entered the gym.
“Wow! This place looks amazing!” Trini said.
Kimberly smiled, “Yeah all thanks to (Y/n).”
“It was no big deal. Mrs. Saslow bought all the decorations we just had to set them up.”
“Well,” Billy adjusted his glasses, “You did a phenomenal job coordinating everything.”
“Thanks guys.”
My eyes caught Jason and I looked away quickly. Maybe it was the awkward silence, or maybe they were in a rush, but Trini quickly led the boys back to the hallway to help her bring in more folding chairs.
“What happened between you and Jason?” Kimberly asked while putting a light blue tablecloth over the drink table.
“I don’t think that’s true,” she said, “Everytime you’re around him anymore you just seem so sad. You two used to be inseparable and everyone knew it.”
“I mean it literally, nothing happened. He kept promising to hang out and do all the things we used to do together but then never did. I’m not even sure why.”
Kimberly sighed, “I promise, Jason’s just going through a lot right now.”
She must’ve noticed the tears forming in my eyes when she placed a gentle hand on my shoulder.
“Are you in love with him?”
“I- I’m not exactly sure,” I sighed.
Kimberly chuckled, “For you to be as heartbroken as you are whenever you see him there has to be something a little more than friendship there.”
“I don’t know. Maybe I’ll figure it out one day, right now he doesn’t even want to be around me so I should just move on.”
“That’s not true.”
I huffed, “He hasn’t called or stopped to talk to me in three weeks Kimberly. He doesn’t want me around.”
“Kim! A little help here?” Zack yelled from the hallway.
Kimberly grabbed a napkin and the pen from my hand, “Here, call me this weekend and we can hang out instead. No stupid, idiotic boys, just some girl time.”
“Thanks Kimberly, I appreciate it.”
Dear Diary,
Jason finally got back to me today. He asked for us to meet up at the park. I’m not sure exactly why, but I’ll update you on it when I get back.
 The swings had always been my favorite part of the park, so as I sat and wrote the latest entry in my diary my legs swung back and forth slightly.
My diary is knocked out of my hands and before I could react my arms were being tugged on by two weird gray looking creatures. One of them has rope in their hand as they lead me to the nearest tree. I swiveled my arm out of one's grip and knocked its legs out from under it. The other tries to do the same to me but I jump and flip it over onto it’s back before it even got the chance.
A bright flash goes off to my right knocking me to the ground.
When I finally get my bearings I'm being tied to the tree by those weird creatures.
From the corner of my eye I see people in bright colored suits running towards the gold monster. 
Holy shit, it's the power rangers. 
“Stop right there Goldar!” the one in red yelled.
My eyes narrow as I try to place where I had heard that voice before. I barely even noticed some of the fighting as I wracked my brain trying to think. He sounded so familiar.
One of the rangers came crashing into me with a hard hit to my stomach.
“Sorry!” the girl in pink yelled.
Wait a second…
Finally the monster teleported away and the rangers rushed over to untie me from the tree.
“You’re safe now,” the one in the black suit said.
“Here’s your stuff,” the yellow ranger said.
“Uhh, thanks…”
“Are you alright?” the red ranger said. Hearing his voice for a second time made everything click.
I could visibly see him freeze up causing me to chuckle, “Is it really you?”
With a sigh him and the rest of the rangers demorphed. In front of me stood Kim, Zack, Billy, Trini, and a really embarrassed looking Jason. 
“I promise I was on my way to meet you.”
“It’s alright,” I said, picking up my bag and grabbing my diary from Trini, “It looks to me like you had bigger problems to handle at the moment.”
“Yeah,” he said shyly. 
“What did you need to meet me here for?” I asked.
“Oh!” Kimberly yelled, “You guys wait here, Jason I’ll let you know when it’s ready!”
“When what’s ready?”
“Just don’t worry about it, see you guys later!” Billy said as he, Zack, and Trini took off after Kimberly.
I looked to Jason only for him to smile shyly and take my hand. My heart was racing as he led me over to the swings. Was his hand always this nice to hold? Why hadn’t I noticed this before?
“I’m really sorry for avoiding you. I promise I was trying to keep you safe.”
“Safe?” I asked, “Safe from what?”
“Rita. The one who keeps sending all these monsters. I promise I’ll make it up to you, whatever way you want me to.”
“I understand Jace, but…”
“But what?”
“Hmmm maybe a proper dinner at our favorite restaurant on main street might help me forgive you.”
He chuckled, “It’s a deal, right after this though.”
“After what?”
The bracelet on his wrist went off before he could answer me, “Jason! We’re ready!”
He smiled and grabbed my hand again, leading me down the path that leads to the parks gazebo.
“Oh, wait,” he said, stopping me before we could round the corner, “You, uh, might wanna cover your eyes for a second.”
“You’ll see, please?”
“Fine,” I huffed.
He placed my hands over my eyes before guiding me by the small of my back. Which made my heart beat even faster. 
“Alright, open them.”
I pulled my hands away from my face and looked around in awe. Fairy lights had been strung around the banisters and a giant sign was placed in front of where he stood.
A laugh rang out from my chest as I jumped into his arms in a bonecrushing hug.
“Is that a yes?”
“Yes you dummy!”
“She said yes!” he yelled.
“YAY!” the rest of the rangers yelled and clapped from the edge of the clearing where the gazebo stood.
I laughed as he finally set my feet on the ground, blushing madly from his friend's reaction. 
He kissed me gently on my forehead making me smile and lean my head on his chest.
 Dear Diary,
He made it up to me. 
*If you signed up for my taglist but don’t see your name please message me!
Taglist:  @thebookwormlife @talksoprettyjjx  @coolreallyfuzzystudentuniverse  @igotabadfeelingabouteverything @larrystylinson-sus @lovesanimals @aunicornmademedoit @thexhotmess @ssprayberrythings @registerednursejackie @nicolewithasoul @homealone200 @hemmingsness @persephonequeenofthedead @bookfrog242 @itz-jas @smol-book-nerd @thewifeofhades @igotissuesmister @carnations-red  @disgustedchild
100 notes · View notes
meruz · 4 years
Aforementioned long ask post please excuse me while i try to figure out tumblr's new text editor. I’ll get into the art meme questions first and then the rest at the end.
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Ok first of all thank you all for sending in questions! Giving me an excuse to talk hehe. I’ll address these in number order. Here’s a link to the ask meme for reference but also I’ll restate the question for ease of reading.
1. When did you get into art?
Super cliche answer but I don’t remember a time where I WASN’T the weird art kid! I started keeping a dedicated sketchbook when I was about 12? But here’s a page from my kindergarten journal about what I want to be when I grow up.
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2. What art-related sites have you ever signed up for? 
LOL this is a weird question. Not sure why so many people want to know. Anyways I definitely had a dA. more than one dA account. I used to browse oekakis when I was a kid but I think I was only signed up to some small ones that internet friends owned. What else...? Mangabullet,Tegakie, Paintberri, iscribble back when that was a thing, instagram if that COUNTs, I used to post art on livejournal and dreamwidth too. Patreon, I guess. Gumroad, inprnt, bigcartel, storenvy all for selling stuff.
In terms of resources.. I have a schoolism account that I’m sharing with friends. Used to take classes on coursera for free. I signed up to textures.com for work recently haha. I can’t remember if I ever had an account on posemaniacs. Did they have accounts...? I definitely used to visit all the time.
3. Show us your oldest piece of art you have on hand.
Alright here’s me actually logging into my old deviantart account. These are from September 2008 So I was 13 years old. I don’t have a deviantart account from before then because 13 was the required age for having an account and I didn’t want to lie about my age because I wanted people to be impressed by how young yet clearly incredible at art I was LOL.
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4. What defines your artistic style?
You guys are probably more equipped to answer this than me but uh... I wanna say... Focus on colors. And... a slightly heavy hand? Like confident... not always well-considered mark making HAH...
Also I think I have a pretty healthy mix of american comics/manga influences. I feel like people who are into american comics always think my art is too manga and people who are into anime/manga always think my art is too american. And I’m taking that as a good sign.
5. Do you practice other styles/have you tried other styles in the past?
I like to think I switch it up a bunch! I mean, these are pretty different, right?
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I think I’ve mentioned this before but one thing I really took away from art school is that, for an illustrator at least, art style shouldn’t be consistent. Your greatest weapon is changing the aspects of your style based on the task, the emotions and message you want to illustrate etc. So depending on the project I’m working on, the fandom I’m drawing for, whether I want something to be funny or serious or dramatic, I’ll change things about my style all the time.
One thing I don’t rly post on here is really tight polished work and that’s because I do that for my day job haha. If you’re not paying me... I’m probably not gonna color in the lines.
6. What levels of artistic education have you had?
I have a whole ass diploma LOL. Bachelor of Fine Arts in Illustration. from the Rhode Island School of Design. And I had a great college experience tbh. Besides the student loans. If any of you guys are thinking about art school feel free to e-mail or message me questions or concerns, I’ll be happy to help. Be as honest as I can be.
7. Show us at least one picture you drew or sketched recently that you did not put on a public site.
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heres the wandavision kids. Uhh what else do I have...I feel like I’m rummaging for loose change here...
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assorted valentines prep doodles
8. What is your favourite piece that you have done?
Well, obviously this is gonna change all the time and generally it’s gonna be my most recent piece LOL. So yeah, why the hell not. I’ll say it’s this one. I have a pretty short memory which I count as a blessing for an artist. I don’t dwell that long on older work and it keeps me moving forward.
10. What do you like most about your art?
I like that it’s something that only I would make! I had this thought fairly recently and I wrote it down in my sketchbook, it’s pretty cheesy and rambling but it felt revolutionary at the time:
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So yeah. I like my art best when it’s the most me and for me. And I like it least when it feels like I’m just making something for social media or for other people’s expectations or whatever.
14. What do you like drawing the most?
Kids in baggy clothing are like my go-to LOL idk if that’s obvious. but also I like being challenged so lately I’ve really loved drawing multi-character compositions, environments, weird angles, etc.
oh i LOVE drawing the underside of shoes lol. And bandages. People that are kinda beat up.. I think it comes from getting a bunch of cuts all the time. I’m always patching myself up and I want to patch characters up too.
15. What do you like drawing the least?
mmm I try to find something to like in every drawing but lets see... I don’t like doing commissions of people’s dogs. Just because it’s normally like... a family friend and my mom volunteered me without my consent and I don’t even really know what they’re expecting me to draw and I don’t even get to meet the dog. Also I’m not that great at dog anatomy. Trying to learn though.
18. What is your purpose for drawing?
This could have a million answers! Uhhh to GIT GOOD??? But also to express myself... and also to make money... I mean it depends on what the drawing IS. I draw fanart mostly to connect to people in the fandom so if you ever see me drawing fanart please take it as like an open invitation to talk to me about the character haha. 
20. How would you rank your art? (poor, mediocre, good, etc.)
Good!!! I have a lot of self-confidence primarily born out of ignorance and a short attention span. If I don’t think too hard about how many other artists are mindblowingly unfathombly good... its easy to think I’m good too! LOL
In all seriousness though, I think the opinion a person has of their art is like a crazy balancing act, right? Like you have to think you suck enough to want to get better but also you have to think you’re good enough to not want to give up. I think we’re all walking that line, I know I am! But also I’m a glass half-full type of person so. Most of the time I feel good about it.
22. List at least one of your “artspirations.”
This is a good question because I’ve been trying and failing to put together one of those “influence map” memes for like a full month now. What’s giving me a hard time is I feel like none of these are actually really obvious “““influences”““ in my art? Like it’s hard to see a lot of them in the work I make...? But idk maybe you guys’ll see what I can’t.
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And these are just a couple! God there’s so many more. I could talk about other artists for ages, from all different genres of art. Daumier, Rockwell like every illustrator out there, Dana Gibson, Alex Toth, Hiroshi Yoshida, a lot of the Brandywine School. Lots of current working artists too, Karl Kerschl, frikkin Masashi Kishimoto lol, Jake Wyatt, Richie Pope, Edouard Caplain, Matt Cook, Sachin Teng, - lots of big internet artists, Sophie Li, Freddy Carrasco, Milliofish, Angela Sung... like all my friends from art school too. I could just keep going but I’ll stop for now lol.
24. Do you have a shameful art past? (recolour sprite comics, tracing art, etc.)
I mean if that’s how we’re defining shameful?? sure LOL. It’s not sprite comics but I used to do pokemon sprite recolors all the time. And I used to trace manga panels and color them... Granted this was all when I was like under 12 yrs old so it’s not even embarrassing. Can you really call it shameful when a 7 year old wets the bed or whatever? Not really. In fact some of these are cool as fuck. Look
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25. Draw a picture!
Man I’m so tired now but here.
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I used to get a lot of compliments for drawing people smiling lol but I don’t think I’ve drawn a lot of smiling lately.. here’s proof I’ve still got it.
OK MEME DONE. onto the rest.
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I read this ask first thing when i opened my computer in the morning and it made me really emotional.. I’m so glad my sketches could help you!!
I think a lot of artists on social media talk about the struggle of making art but imo not enough people talk about the joy! Like I know it’s corny but. I really meant what I said at the beginning of that sketchbook about re-contextualizing art around process and progress > product and perfection. I think its super important..! The strength of messy, unfinished, and energetic art! For the feeling of it, for the love it!
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That's crazy!!! I hope you like 'em. The whole line of x-books is really good rn imo.
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Hi! I totally have the answer for digital stuff on my faq lol. But in terms of drawing on paper.. it varies! I tend to use sketchbooking and any on-paper doodling I do as a way to loosen up/warm-up or experiment. But right now my go-to aresenal is:
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from top > bottom
- kuretake no.55 doublesided brush pen
- tombow fudenosuke
- muji 0.38 ballpoint
- medium size poscas
- grey tombow double brush pens
- good ol bic mechanical pencil
not EXACTly sure which inking you referring to from my sketchbook but if I had to take a guess it'd probably be the kuretake no55. That's been my main inker, lately. Great for sketching with the thin end too.
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You can print out and eat my art if you like. Just please don't mass produce or re-sell. <3
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Thanks! I've come to accept that my art is always gonna be sort of gestural and painty naturally. It's getting it to tighten up enough to be legible that's hard lol...
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uh yeah lol I agree actually. I think yolei is great.
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I assume these asks are related? LOL
1) Yeah totally true. I love David.
2) I don’t take requests, sorry! But if you want to commission me to draw Legion i would be MORE than happy to. Just e-mail me at [email protected].
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sleepy-exe · 3 years
Shapeshifter AU - 9
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Iwaizumi x f!reader
<< Part 8 | Part 10 >>
Summary: The morning after Iwaizumi found out about shapeshifters. Y/n tries to play it cool. Iwaizumi gets to see into part of her world.
Word count: 3k
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Warnings: none, fluff
Genre: sfw (18+ regardless), shapeshifter au, strangers to lovers
a/n: Ahhhh this is so late. The next two parts are almost ready at least. Haha..
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Part 9: Walls Will Fall 
Y/n woke up in her bed at home, alone as usual. Not long after her and Iwaizumi’s shapeshifter discussion, she had to head home to get ready for work later that morning. She had today off though, so she could clear her head from yesterday’s events, and she hoped to hear from Iwaizumi. He had texted her once that evening after he got home from his own job, not that he’d planned to come over. He still didn’t know exactly where she lived anyway. Regardless, he normally says more even if he doesn’t seem to text much. She hoped he wasn’t scared off.
>> To ‘zumi’: “good morning~”
She immediately cursed herself realizing she majorly slept in. It’s far from morning now. She stretched while sitting in bed for a moment before heading to her master bathroom. Her phone chimed as she stepped foot on the tiled floor, so she ran back to grab the phone she had left behind before heading to do her morning routine. She checked her notifications while grabbing an elastic to push any baby hairs out of her face. He texted back already. She sighed in relief; having wondered if he’d answer at all.
>> From ‘zumi’: “morning? Dont tell me you just woke up”
>> From ‘zumi’: “y/n it’s 1pm”
She smiled to herself. At least she didn’t get a one word reply. He can’t be completely avoiding her then, right?
>> To ‘zumi’: “course not i meant afternoon lol”
>> From ‘zumi’: “you totally just woke up”
She admitted defeat in silence and headed for the shower. During her shower and the rest of her morning ritual, she heard several dings from her phone but ignored them.
Exiting the en suite, she tossed her phone onto the bed before walking to the kitchen completely naked. The joys of living alone. She grabbed a water bottle from her fridge and checked the cat’s bowls before returning to her bed, water in hand.
She swapped the bottle for her phone, plopping down on the foot of the bed with a light bounce. There were various app notifications that she ignored and texts from a few friends, which she also ignored. For now. She’s not a bad friend for that, right?
But below her friends’ texts was another text from Iwaizumi, and she clicked it. She’s definitely going to reply to her other two friends very soon.
>> From ‘zumi’: “no reply makes it sound like I was right”
>> To ‘zumi’: “maybe I was busy all morning”
>> From ‘zumi’: “I thought you had the day off”
>> To ‘zumi’: “Nope was definitely busy and I’m definitely being productive”
>> From ‘zumi’: “prove it”
She paused. She’s pretty sure he’s expecting a pic. At least if she was texting Mizuki or another friend that would be more or less a demand for a selfie to prove what she’s actually doing. But not only would that prove she lied, she still hadn’t picked out clothes to wear.
Her cat suddenly jumped onto her bed and started head butting her. “Yeah yeah, breakfast. I saw you had some left in your bowl, kitty cat.”
>> To ‘zumi’: “well i can’t send a pic not dressed”
After several minutes of giving the cat much needed attention, she moved her to the side so she could get to her wardrobe. While she decided on an outfit, she heard her phone chime again, but decided maybe she should go ahead and get dressed.
Now fully clothed she grabbed her phone and headed over to do some minimal makeup. Fill in her brows, cover her dark circles, the usual.
>> From ‘zumi’: “Not dressed this late in the afternoon? At work?”
>> From ‘zumi’: “I dont believe that’s normally acceptable in an office setting”
>> From ‘zumi’: “I’m guessing that means one of those things was a lie. you’re not supposed to lie to your friends”
She clicked her tongue. “Okay.. Oh wait!”
She quickly checked her other messages. Sakusa and another friend had texted her earlier. Sakusa just sent a reminder about plans they had made for later in the week, so she confirmed the plans were still on. Her best friend surprisingly didn’t blow up her phone for ignoring him; not that he had anything important to say. She typed out a quick message to him, then got back to Iwaizumi.
>> To ‘zumi’: “fine I did sleep in”
>> To ‘zumi’: “sorry for lying how can I ever make it up to you”
Mochi was on her heels as she left the bedroom. “Okay! Okay!”
>> From ‘zumi’: “depends”
>> From ‘zumi’: “are you planning on getting dressed today”
She chuckled, and quickly gave Mochi food and fresh water.
>> To ‘zumi’: “yeah. Done. Mochi got her breakfast and now I’m getting mine”
As she stepped into her kitchen, Iwa was already calling her. What did she expect? She sighed and answered the call.
“You haven’t eaten yet?!” Did she expect him to say anything else? No.
“Hello to you, too.”
“Don’t dad me.”
“Don’t ya have work today?”
“No, I have today off.”
“Oh. Fun fun.” She sent a request to switch to video chat before working on her brunch.
“..You’re dressed, right?”
She snorted. “I generally don’t cook naked.”
“Generally?” He accepted the switch to video call and she propped her phone up on the countertop. She could see he was indoors, but did not recognize where.
“I’m making something to eat now, but we can talk. Don’t worry, I’m fully clothed.” She snickered.
“Oh, so you do live somewhere,” he said with a coy smile. She winced at the nod to her secrecy. “What are you making?”
She paused staring down at her phone, then looked around and left the phone’s frame.
“You haven’t even figured out that much? I can’t believe you haven’t had anything to eat yet! It’s after 3pm!”
“It’s not-“ She caught sight of the time on the microwave and winced again. Whoops. She popped her head back in the camera frame long enough for a, “Nah.. Totally know what I’m cooking, yup!”
But she still caught his less than pleased expression before she turned away. She heard a sigh then, “Why don’t we just have lunch together?”
“Oh? You wanna have lunch with me, Iwaizumi?” She said, digging through the refrigerator for something she could make a meal out of.
“Do you want to cook or do you want to join me?” He cocked an eyebrow.
“Boo.” She picked the phone up and held it in front of her as she abandoned what food and cookware she already laid out. “Yeah, I’d love to go get somethin’. Anything.” She glanced around the room. “I apparently need to grocery shop.”
He shook his head. “Any preference?”
“Nah. I’m literally wilting away. I’ll eat anything.” She threw an arm over her face dramatically as she walked from the kitchen.
He laughed. “Okay. I’m already out. Want to meet me somewhere?“
“Well, if yer out already,” she smirked and fell back onto the loveseat, “Why don’t you get whatever and come to my place. We can eat here.”
“Uh huh. I don’t know where you live, you little shit,” he grumbled.
“Ah, well, I could text you my address.. Are you anywhere near Kita ward?” His eyes were fixed on her through the screen, but he gave no response, verbally or otherwise. Her cheerful expression dropped and she spoke with an apologetic tone, “Look, I’m sorry about not sharing this stuff. I only didn’t want you to know where I live to be careful. Because the whole.. y’know..”
“Because you were afraid that I knew. And now you know that I do. How is that better?” The screen adjusted as he stepped outdoors from wherever he was.
She flicked stray hair out of her face. “Well.. because of your reaction. That’s what I was afraid of. But it was fi-“
“I’m still mad about it,” he commented without looking at the screen as he walked. Wherever he is isn’t too busy.
“Yeah, well.. ya have the right to be.”
“Please, just.. don’t lie to me anymore.” He stared at her through the screen with furrowed brows.
She nodded. “I won’t. I promise.” Mochi jumped over her face and onto the arm of the loveseat behind her head. “Also, sorry for lying this morning too.”
“What- Was that a cat?”
“Huh? Yeah.”
He just stared for a second before shaking his head. “And I don’t care about the thing earlier. Playing around and teasing is different than hiding a part of yourself and your life.”
“Yeah..” Mochi flipped her tail in Y/n’s face and she quickly slid it away. She then tilted her phone up so the cat was now in front of the phone and the shifter’s head was peeking from the bottom of the screen. “This is Mochi by the way. Umm, are ya allergic to cats?”
“So that’s who that is, huh. And no, I was just surprised you had a cat. You never talk about it.”
Around you, comment best left to herself.
“Good ‘cause her fur is everywhere.”
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Y/n ran across the apartment when she heard knocking at the front door. Unlocking it, she opened the door to Iwaizumi with takeout. “Hey! Did ya have any trouble getting here?”
The smell of food suddenly hit her and she moaned, “I am so hungry. Oh my gosh, thank you.”
He stepped into her apartment and kicked off his shoes. “I didn’t think you’d live in the city.”
He looked around the apartment. It appeared to be not much bigger than his, but the floor-to-ceiling windows along the entire wall to the right made it feel much larger.
Y/n grabbed the bags of takeout from him and ran off to the kitchen which sat to the left, dining table sitting in the area between the entryway and kitchen.
The floors were a grey wood and the walls were painted a darker grey. The white and black in the kitchen along with her mostly black furniture definitely gave the space a monochrome feel.
“What, thought I lived in the woods?” She laughed. “I just run there. And, like, chill there. I love nature and the city alike, and this is closer to work so..”
He walked toward the living room, walking past a sofa to reach the wall of windows. Mochi jumped onto a small end table next to him to request a greeting. He ran a hand along Mochi’s back after letting her sniff him. “What do you do again? It’s close by?”
“Uhh,” he could hear her shuffling around in the kitchen, “Best summary would be really boring business stuff. For other businesses. Around Chuo Ward.”
“How creative,” he said dryly.
“Logistics,” the kitchen noises stopped, “Making calls, boring desk work.”
She walked up behind Iwaizumi so quietly he didn't notice she had left the kitchen. “I mean, other stuff too, but ya know.”
He jumped a little when her voice came from his right where she suddenly appeared.
She stifled a giggle. “Sorry. Do ya wanna eat over here?”
He gave a wary look.
“Believe me it’s fine,” she shooed the cat from the end table, “This little brat makes a bigger mess than you ever could.”
She paused before adding, “Ah.. Actually, I might make more messes.”
He snorted. “Wherever is fine.”
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The two of them shared the larger of the two sofas. She placed her mostly empty noodle bowl on the coffee table, then leaned back and maneuvered so that her legs were draped over the arm of the sofa and her head resting against one of his thighs. “Excellent choice. You are definitely allowed to pick where we eat in the future,” she said staring at the ceiling, totally content.
Iwaizumi’s legs were stretched out in front of him, one hand holding a drink and the other now moved to the back of the sofa after Y/n claimed where the arm once was. “Oh yeah?”
She hummed in agreement, eyes now gazing across the room.
He looked towards the windows again, sipping at his drink. “I bet sunrise is pretty from here.”
She hummed again, but this time in disagreement. “Nah, wrong way. But I never wake up early enough anyway.”
He looked down at her resting face. She was wearing much less makeup than usual. It’s the first time he noticed the faint details of her face. “You wake up early enough when you stay with me,” voice low.
“Yeah.. But that’s the only time. I don’t sleep much there.” She opened her eyes just barely to look at him.
His eyebrows raised, he wasn’t aware of that. He thought she just woke up early. “Why’s that?”
She turned her head so she faced away from him now and spoke softly, “..Anxious maybe?” She turned back to him. “You make it sound like I stay with you a lot. I’ve only stayed twice.”
“I think it was three times.”
“Nah,” she sat up this time, kicking her legs around to face forward, just missing Mochi, “Maybe four times.”
“Definitely not four times.” He looked around the room again, taking in her home.
“Eh. Next time,” she reached down to swipe at Mochi under the coffee table.
He chuckled as Mochi took off to climb a cat tree against the wall behind them.
“So other animals..” He trailed off, not sure if he should finish that sentence.
“Cats don’t mind at all,” she met his gaze, “You’re talking about Mochi living with me, right? Dogs and some other animals do seem to notice, but she doesn’t. I could shapeshift in here and she wouldn’t care less.”
“And you can ask me whatever, I won’t get offended. Not really anyway.” She turned in her seat to fully face him, leaning her head against the arm he had along the back of the sofa. “Well, I mean, if you did ask something I didn’t want to answer, I just wouldn’t answer,” she playfully crinkled her nose at him to which he rolled his eyes.
He sat his drink to the side. “You do that in here?”
“What, shapeshift? Not usually.” She moved her attention to the windows. It was well into the evening now and sunset had started, shades of yellow and orange filling the sky around the city. “Hmm.. I might not get to see sunrise here, but sunset always gets me.”
He looked over this shoulder then shifted to face the windows to watch the sunset as well. “What’s better, sunset or sunrise?”
She shifted again, this time to sit on her legs. She hadn’t had the chance to go for a run lately, and it’s starting to catch up with her, making her fidget. She leaned forward, letting her chest press against his back and head rest on his shoulder. She hums. “They’re two different things that can’t be compared. I pick both.”
They stayed there in silence watching the sun set behind the tall buildings of Kita. At least until Mochi saw her chance and jumped onto the coffee table just to nosedive into takeout leftovers. Y/n jumped up, chasing the cat away. “Mochi!”
Iwaizumi shook his head, watching her remove a food container from Mochi’s head. “How about I help you clean this up?”
She exhaled, starting to already stack some of the takeout containers. “Sure. I’d appreciate it.”
He reached over to grab anything she missed and followed to dispose of everything. She made a second trip to carry glasses to the sink. He met her back in the kitchen just for her to grab his wrist and drag him back to the living room.
Sunset was almost over, the sky fading to darker shades, deep pinks and purples painting the sky. “Watching the sunset from here is beautiful,” she whispered.
They returned to their spot on the sofa, this time she leaned into his side. “But watching the sunrise from your living room.. feels warm.”
“Is that so?”
They stayed like that while the sun disappeared, lights of the city illuminating the dark blue sky. Iwaizumi caught her starting to doze off as she leaned heavier into him. One arm around her side, he shook her lightly. “Hey, go to bed.”
She stirred and grumbled a response, “Fine. Stay?”
“Yeah, if that’s what you want. I’ll stay out here. You go to bed.”
She sat up and stretched. “Nah. My bed‘s huge. It’s like a.. I don’t know.. There’s plenty of room.”  
“No, that’s okay.” He watched her stand and shuffle towards the front door, checking the locks.
“Look, I can’t make ya,” her voice filled with exhaustion. She walked behind the sofa and reached over to wrap her arms around his shoulders in a lazy hug from where he sat. “But if ya change yer mind.”
“I’ll get blankets.” She released him and moved around the living room towards the back of the apartment. She walked through her bedroom to one of the closets and pulled out a huge fluffy blanket and headed for the living room.
Iwaizumi was outside the bedroom door by the time she reached it. “What’s up with you and sleepovers?”
“I get lonely.” She handed him the oversized blanket. “Here.”
Taking the blanket, he said, “We don't even sleep in the same room.”
“Yeah. Well.” Her unfocused eyes looking past him. “My other friends do, but that’s fine. Just bein’ here matters.” She yawned again before continuing, “I have extra pillows too.”
He waited outside the doorway as she went back to the closet to retrieve pillows. Unlike the rest of the apartment, her bedroom was colorful from what he could see, and also messy. Compared to the monochrome, nice and neat main areas, this room could have belonged to an entirely different unit.
She returned to the doorway with two pillows and they walked back to the living room. “If you need anything, ya know, make yerself at home,” she said sleepily followed by a yawn, “I’ll leave the door open. And if Mochi bugs you, you can close her in my room. She’s a cuddler.”
He smiled before chasing the tired shifter off to bed, exchanging goodnights.
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Parts 10 >>
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pixuou · 3 years
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Nina's private life might have been a complete mess, but at least career-wise she was finally satisfied. She was teaching a jazz dance course (in rotation with the Wirth sisters) at Desi-Rhythm Dance Studio in Desiderata Valley.
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One night, Nina heard Mr. Landgraab knock on her door.
Nina: ...Malcolm? What are you doing here? I thought you didn't wanna see me anymore.
Malcolm: Yeahhh I thought so too. But then I... see, I was just wondering if... if you were alone tonight and had a little free time maybe, if we could...
Nina: But I thought you got married? Are you already bored?
Malcolm: Nah I'm just... Okay, the truth is, I realised... you were the best woohoo partner I've ever had. And my wife is, uhh, not feeling up to it lately so...
Nina: So you came here on a whim?
Malcolm: Sort of. More like, on a want, but yes...
Nina: Well, now that you're here, it wouldn't be nice of me to send you back home, would it? And, I really don't have much else planned for tonight, and I guess even though you're a bit of a dick, I still prefer you over a solitary binge watch of WooHoo and the City for the hundredth time.
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Malcolm: Wait... I always thought it was WooHoo IN the City?
Nina: Ah, that's like a common thing. A lot of people remember it like that. So many that it's become a famous case of the Mandela effect. If you believe in stuff like that.
Malcolm: I swear I saw that when Jodie was watching it last week. Like the title was spelled like that in the opening credits and everything... it was WooHoo in the City.
Nina: I'll give you your woohoo in the city now...
[ugh im sorry shshsh]
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Nina dialed up the number, the phone rang for a little bit, then went to voicemail.
Nina: Hi Dina! It's your sister... I know you still don't wanna talk to me, but I think it's only fair I call now. First of all, I'm so sorry about Mortimer. Please accept my honest condolences. Stay strong, and I hope you're surrounded by nothing but love and support in that house in these trying times... Speaking of which... I wanted to tell you I know what I've done at the wedding was wrong. But it's been so long now, and I'm not seeing Don anymore. I think we should maybe talk it through, or talk about anything else really, and put it behind us finally. Also, I hope you know that if you can't stay at the manor, you always have a place to come home to here. It is a little too big for just me anyway. So... how about you come over sometime? Or should we go get coffee and chocolate cake in the city together, like in the good old days? I'm free in the evenings, just give me a call. Alright, I think that's all... I hope you made it this far. Uh, speak to you soon!
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Dina got Nina's message and accepted her invitation, without much hesitation. She was obviously feeling down and lonely, and could do with a bit of familiar company. She wasn't even that mad at her anymore, in fact, now she barely remembered why she got so upset over somebody else's problem in the first place.
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Dina: You're not seeing Don anymore, then?
Nina: I'm not. Does he still go out with other girls though?
Dina: Oh yeah. Quite a lot. But I think Cassandra knows well enough now.
Nina: That's so strange... How has she not filed for divorce yet?
Dina: I don't know. Maybe it's their son. She doesn't want him to grow up without a father. I get it... That's why I decided not to try for a baby with Mortimer after all, too. I knew he wasn't going to be there to see them grow up, and the thought of that kinda breaks my heart.
Nina: And... what's going to happen to you now? Will you move out?
Dina: I don't know! Everyone keeps asking me that, as if I knew. Of course I'd like to keep living in a mansion, duh. And I grew so fond of little Theodore over the years, it's almost like I'm his step-mum, even though he has a real mum. But then again, I'm not related to that baby at all, and I don't get paid to take care of him, so... guess I'll just wait and see if Cass kicks me out.
Nina: At least you got a load of cash now, didn't you?
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Dina: Owww! What are you doing?! I still have makeup on.
Nina: So do I. Is yours not waterproof? I thought you only used the best of brands. ... What? Come on, you used to be the playful one. It was just a splash! I thought it would cheer you up a bit. Sorry.
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moadvx · 4 years
Don’t lie to me - J.J. Maybank.
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JJ maybank x reader
Word count: 2.124
Warnings: None, I don’t write smut :)
Request: not a request but my requests are open :)
You are one of Kie’s only kook friends. You are Toppers sister, but everyone knew you are nothing like him. That’s why Kie and you became friends. She knew you were nothing like the kooks. You loved to travel and you had an internship for this company that worked on climate change and how to stop it. You are also friends with Sarah but after she stopped hanging out with Kie you kind of lost contact because you would hang out with Kie a lot. But after she started dating Topper you two got in contact again. You were good friends and she told you in secret dat she didn’t like Topper that much anymore. You saw how she changed when he was around and how he would treat her.
You were also very smart, that’s why you skipped a grade and why this summer you graduated high school. So this summer you wouldn’t actually be in the outer banks, you would be going to New York to work for your summer job and after summer you would go to school there. Then the hurricane happened and when you got the news you went back home. You would help them with building the town back up in a sustainable way. So that’s why you are on a ferry back home right now.
You send a message to Kie and Sarah too. To make sure they were okay. They are both fine and you told them that you are arriving soon. They were both excited that you were coming back. Topper and his friend Rafe would pick you up from the dock even tough you told them not to. You didn’t really like Rafe because he would hit on you sometimes. Which you found very uncomfortable but he wouldn’t stop so you ignored it.
When you arrived you walked to them, you gave Topper a hug and when you turned to Rafe you just walked to the car. “Don’t you think you are forgetting something sweetheart?” Rafe said to you. You kept walking and said “I’m not giving you a hug Rafe, so pop that bubble in your head. Also stop calling me sweetheart it really creepy.” He just looked at you annoyed. You sat in the back of Toppers car and Rafe sat in the front.
When you arrived you unpacked your stuff and send a text to Kie asking if she could hang out. She replied with and okay but that the pogues were with her too. They were just chilling at the beach. So you grabbed your  longboard that you hadn’t ridden in a couple weeks and went to the beach. It felt weird to be back home. Nothing really changed just more stuff was destroyed. You took the long road to the beach to look at what the storm had destroyed. You’ve met the pogues before and they think you're cool but you wouldn’t consider them close friends. You saw the group on the beach but without Pope. “Hey guys, how are y’all doing?” You said to them. Kie stood up and gave you a big hug. “Hey, I missed you but they kept me company.” JJ and John B just waved at you and John B said teasingly “We’re bored around here but you probably wouldn’t have that problem.” You just laughed and said “Nope I’ve been really busy lately. Even here I won’t have that much free time I guess.”
JJ looked at you curiously and asked “Why not?” “I came here to help the town with more sustainable homes. So yeah im basically going to give advice on how to do that.” You answered him “So during the day I’m probably going to be running around town.” He smiled at you. He had a beautiful smile. You’ve always found JJ attractive but you were never the type of girl to go after a boy. Also you really focused on school and work so you really had no time.
They were curious about what New York was like and you told them what had happened and Pope also joined you all. He asked you a lot of questions but not about your work more about college and the way universities would accept him. So you helped him a bit and after that you went back home.
A couple of days later you were invited to the boneyard party. You were kind of tired but Sarah and Kie insisted you needed to go. So you arrived with Sarah, Topper and Rafe but they all left you when the party started. Rafe went after some tourist girl and Topper and Sarah just went somewhere together. You looked for Kie but couldn’t find her. So when you saw JJ and John B giving out drinks you walked up to them. “Hey has one of you seen Kie?” You asked them. “No maybe she just went to the toilet or something but you can stay here. Do you want a drink?” JJ answered you. You nodded and he gave you a drink. “So this is just like how it used to be huh, just parties on the beach, getting really drunk.” You said, John B looked at you and said “yeah this is the most fun we can do around here, New York probably has better parties than this.” You thought about it and said “Well the thing is I worked a lot in New York so I was tired most of the time and when I went out it ended in a disappointment. So I much rather enjoy these kinds of parties.” They looked at you very surprised but JJ asked and laughed “Why? they have better beer and more drugs.”  “Oh come one JJ you know that doesn’t make the party better. At least these parties don’t make me want to cut off my feet from dancing and I can just chill on the beach.”
After the conversation ended and you had a couple more beers you walked to the water. You took of your shoes and walked into the water. You sighed because you were actually really tired and you kind of wanted to go home but also not. They would just ask more questions at home. Then you heard footsteps approaching you. “Hey what are you doing here all alone.” JJ asked. You were kind of surprised he even noticed you bc it was very dark. “Oh you know just thinking about stuff.” You said to him. “Like what kind, the good or the bad thoughts?” He asked curiously. Why was he even interested you thought to yourself but answered him anyway because of the alcohol in your blood. “The kind that makes you wanna run away and never come back.” You said, which surprised him because you are so happy all the time and this was a different side of you. “Why? Did something happen?” “Well there’s just a lot of pressure on me right now because my parents don’t know if what I'm pursuing is a real job so if I fuck this project up they will send me to a different school.” You said JJ looked at you in admiration and said “Well Y/N if you ever need help with anything just ask me or the pogues. We would love to help you.” You looked him smiling and said “Thanks JJ. I just hoped that after I moved to New York they would change their opinion you know.” He put his arm around you and suddenly your heart sped up and you blushed. You immediately stood up and said you would go home. “Is everything okay y/n/n?” He asks you. “yeah, yeah, I just want to go home. I really thank you for the conversation JJ, it was nice.” You say and he looks confused at you. So you put your shoes back on and walk back home.
The next day you woke up with a massive headache and you immediately wanted to swim. This was one of your free days so why not. You grabbed your longboard and went to the beach. You laid down in the sand and thought about yesterday and the conversation with JJ. You wished you weren’t so awkward around him. You texted Kie and told her about it yesterday when you came home. She found it funny because you’ve never been like this. You went for a swim and when you came back out you decided to longboard around town a little.
You ended up at John B’s house and when you walked up the steps to enter the house you saw a black SUV arriving so you call John’s name. “we’re here in the office.” He said “Hey John do you know someone with a back SUV.” You say while entering the room and he looks through the window and immediately starts looking for another way out. But when the guys came into the office you all left and went into the chicken coup. But the chickens wouldn’t shut up so when it got too loud JJ killed the chicken and it was quiet. It kind of shocked you and he saw that and looked at you with an apologising look. You mouthed “its okay” because if he wouldn’t have done that maybe you would be dead.
When the weird guys in black left, you all came out. You let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. Kie gave you a hug and then asked you “I’m sorry y/n, but what are you doing here?” You looked at the group and said “ I was just riding through town with my longboard and I was bored and guessed that you would probably be at John Bs house.” They nodded and went back inside again. They sat down on the couch and Kie patted the spot next to her with a smile. Because JJ was siting on the other side. But you sat down anyway because where else would you sit. JJ put his arm on the armrest behind you. You looked down at your lap and played with you hands. They started talking about something but you didn’t understand. JJ looked at you and whispered in your ear “hey did I do something yesterday?” You looked at him surprised and whispered back “No like I said I just wanted to go home JJ.” “but you said home was where you didn’t want to go when we talked yesterday y/n.” He said “its okay JJ could be way worse.” And you looked at the rest of the group. He also looked at the group and after a couple minutes you stood up and said “Hey I’m gonna go home chill a little. Are you doing anything tonight?” They shrugged and you left “bye y/n” you heard JJ say. You smiled and went back home.
You get a text that night at a weird time from an unknown number.
Unknown: hey its JJ, I really wanna talk and I know its a weird time but I could also be at another time I just wanna talk.
You: hey JJ, yeah I can hang out for a bit rn. I won’t be sleeping anyway but where?
JJ: Uhh we could go to the beach I could be there in about 15 minutes.
You: Okay I will be there too.
JJ: see ya then
You sneak out of the house and go to the beach. You see him sitting on the hood of his car. “hey JJ, what’s up.” You said he looks ay you and sticks his hand out for you to climb up his car as well. “Okay so I know that was a lie yesterday and today too and you know it too. Why won’t you tell me why you left?” He says and you sigh “JJ its has nothing to do with you.” You sigh again and decide to just tell him “but when you put your arm around me yesterday my heart did something and it made me realize something. I have a crush on you JJ” “Wait what… are you serious?” You nod and he looks at you with a smile “So to assure you I have a crush on you as well.” You looked at him so surprised and smiled. “Can I kiss you?” He asks “only if you want to y/n I don’t wanna force-“ you shut him up by kissing him. He kisses you back and you move to his lap. You pull back and say “just promise me that im not just a hookup JJ.” “I swear on my damn life that you're not just a hookup. We are gonna rule the world together.” You smile and that night you end up watching the sunrise together.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
NSFW 100 Officer Thanisson
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1. What’s the dirtiest thought you’ve ever had about a total stranger?
I guess I don't think about strangers. Is that normal? Maybe it's just because I don't think about sex all that often? Or maybe because I know pretty much everyone onboard now?
2. Do you prefer sex at night, in the morning, mid-afternoon, or NOW?
Uhhh morning I think, it sounds nicer. nice snuggle leading into kissing and then into some… fun. Plus the finalizer is close quarters with others the walls are like paper I wouldn't want to disturb anyone or wake anyone up.
3. What’s your favourite way to be seduced? 
Y/n does this thing where she strokes her fingers across my hand while she makes direct eye contact… it does… things to me.
4. What’s the dirtiest fantasy you’ve had at work?
I once imagined y/n had snuck to work with me and sat under my desk at the control panel and uhhh sucked me off. Ummmm it was so dirty I had to run home on my break just to finish myself it was so good.
5. How would you dominate your boss sexually if given the chance?
I'll be honest. I'd think about it! He's a dick and he's not that bad looking… 
6. What do you do when you get horny in public?
Hide from the world. Or run back to my room. I am not good at being… outwardly Sexual.
7. Have you ever masturbated in a public bathroom?
No! They have cameras everywhere on here even in the bathrooms. I'll just wait till I can go home.
8. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve thought about while touching yourself?
I once dreamt… about y/n, masturbating while she was on a planet mission, just video calling me showing her laid on this little bed, her breasts bouncing, her pussy glistening, as she Screamed for me. I wish she would sex call me from missions sometimes it would make me so horn- happy. Happy.
9. What’s the strangest prop you’ve used to get yourself off?
We have a little alarm clock. It's meant to be for the kitchen or for work stuff because when it goes off it vibrates, it's meant to vibrate off of whenever you put it and go across the floor so you can't ignore it but uhhh… I have put it down my pants and set it for in two minutes. Fuck I screamed so loudly… feeling myself up the whole time it went off. 
10. Do you remember the first time you felt aroused?
I don't remember it exactly I remember like the aftermath like I now know all of training I was horny as fuck I was hard, I was aroused but because y/n was with me I just thought I was nervous but as I watched her walk away I knew… ohh fuck I'm in love aren't I? And uhh something is wrong with my pants.
11. Who gave you your first orgasm?
Y/n did, I had never really worked out how to do it without her so I just kinda lives with it and then a date night about ten months into our relationship we laid on my bed making out hard and she slipped her hand down and… well you know what she did.
12. Do you remember what that first orgasm felt like?
Not really. I was on another planet, just kinda staring at her feeling this wave of unexplainable feeling washing over me taking away years if build up frustration.
13. Have you ever had sex with someone whose name you never knew?
No, never.
14. What’s your favourite thing about a quickie?
Just getting it over with getting rid of this stupid thing or or course helping y/n when she needs me desperately too
15. What the most sexually daring thing you’ve ever done?
Everything on our trip to lapliaz, it's a small moon of a planet far from here and we went for a little anniversary trip last spring and uhh everything on lapliaz is an aprohdesiax for humans, and I mean… everything. The food. The water. The air! As you can imagine little cabins are very popular destinations on lapliaz, we had so much sex in the garden, in the rivers, anywhere possibly could. It was a world of sex and I can't wait to go back… for our honeymoon.
16. Have you ever fantasized about fucking one of your teachers?
No… should I have?
17. Do you ever mentally strip strangers just for kicks?
Sometimes, when I'm bored but it always ends up to me just thinking about y/n
18. And then imagine, in dirty detail, what it would be like to fuck them?
No! I wait for that sort of thing till I get home 
19. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
Yes. Many times. Mostly trooper boys in truth or dare but I like it fine
20. What inspires you to make the first move?
Uuhhh no. Y/n makes the first move I do not. I am not… that sexual of a boy.
21. In your opinion, what does it mean to be good in bed?
To make your partner Happy and to not be a dick.
22. Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend because you just couldn’t help yourself?
No! I've only ever done anything with y/n. Except some kissing and stuff with the guys but that was before we where together and she knows about it all I've told her she doesn't mind I had a couple of flings before we got together so did she I would never chest on her never.
23. Have you ever pushed the boundaries of fidelity to the brink and then retreated just for the rush?
No! Why would I risk hurting the feelings of the most wonderful girl in the galaxy? Why would anyone do that? 
24. Do you have a go-to masturbation fantasy?
Uhhhhh well… I don’t do it much but whenever I do I always Imagine my sweet y/n in her tight first order uniform, bending over and teasing me with her sexy body, or imagining her touching herself in her room, or in her on her little missions hidden away moaning for me
25. What kind of porn turns you on?
I don’t really look at porn. I just imagine y/n if I ever need to, but if I really don’t want my imagination when y/n is away then I’ll bring up some of her beautiful pictures she takes and sends me while she’s away. Or our video’s and pictures from our time on lapliaz
26. Have you ever had sex with your eyes closed?
A couple of times not on purpose I just sometimes shut my eyes when I get so overwhelmed especially if y/n is on top
27. Have you ever blindfolded or handcuffed your partner?
y/n has blindfolded me so many times she enjoys torturing me, she hasn’t handcuffed me yet but… I wouldn’t put it past her planning it
28. Does naughty talk get you aroused?
Ughhhhhh well I uhh kinda… when she makes eye contact and says something to me with that evil little smile
29. Are you sure about that, my dirty little forest nymph of a sex god?
Well… Yeah, I uhhh….. I’m sure 
30. What’s the dirtiest thing someone’s ever said to you during sex?
“My sexy baby want to be inside me? Hu? Is that what you like? Being inside me? Then make love to me baby” 
31. Have you ever watched another couple get it on without them knowing?
No! That is weird why would you wanna do that!
32. Have you ever watched another couple have sex with their permission?
No! Who wrote these? This is crazy...
33. How would you respond if a couple approached you to be their “third”?
No thank you, y/n teasing me is enough I do not want another person involved.
34. What’s the most flattering thing someone’s said about your naked body?
“So beautiful, so handsome, how can I stop these desires towards you when you are so lovely” 
35. When’s the last time you had a vivid sex dream?
Two nights ago, she was away on a mission to track the rebels and I imagined her in bed with me teasing me and torching me in all the dirty little ways she loves
36. What do you think an orgy would be like?
Awkward… I am a small introverted boy. I am not that sexual I don’t think I’d enjoy it
37. Have you ever propositioned a total stranger?
38. What does your ideal one-night stand look like?
I don’t like one night stands, I want to be able to cuddle and to have breakfast the next day and… truly feel in love
39. How long does it take you to get yourself off, on average?
About ten minutes on my own or… with my clock. 
40. What’s the weirdest thing that turns you on?
Y/n’s voice. I can hear her voice call across a room and I have had to put my legs together or cross my legs and force the thoughts that perk up in my mind when ever I hear that beautiful voice 
41. Have you ever had a naughty dream about a close friend or family member?
No! What is wrong with you people?
42. Have you ever woken up humping your pillow?
So many times. Like daily if y/n’s on missions without me. Or her if she’s there
43. When’s the last time you orgasmed in your sleep?
44. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you while hooking up?
Well cumming to early. And screaming too loud, having people walk in on us, but the worst was that I got the hiccups one time after a very intense make out. 
45. Do you like touching yourself in front of the people you sleep with?
Well I like doing it for her while she’s away if she asks it of me, I’ll let her watch me all she wants but never in the same room… well I would if she wanted me too 
46. What’s the dirtiest text you’ve ever sent or received?
So many dirty messages of the things she wanted to do to me, all the dirty things she wanted me to do to myself and film it for her she always sends me sweet seductive messages while shes away or while she’s at work there always so good. And they make me miss her even more.
47. Do you prefer professional or amateur porn?
Amateur. I love videos and photos and text massages she sends me I love it all so much
48. What’s your favourite blowjob technique?
Uhhhhhhhhh there are techniques? If I’m getting one I’m overwhelmed and excited she only does it if its really being mean to me, or if I was a very good boy
49. If you had to pick, would you be a dominatrix or a submissive?
Submissive. I am a submissive boy.
50. Is there anything you won’t do in bed?
Anything she doesn’t want and I am never ever doing anything involving like body fluids
51. What’s your dirtiest sexual fantasy? 
I want to take Y/n back to our little cabin by the purple shores on lapliaz, have her tie me to the bed… and so whatever she wants to me for a whole week.
52. How many people have you slept with? 
One just y/n
53. Where’s the weirdest place you’ve had sex?
On the beach in lapliaz. On the sand together next to our cabin and the woods. 
54. What’s your favourite part of Y/n’s body? 
I love her shoulders, to nuzzle with, to cuddle with, to kiss all over, to give hikis and love bites, I just like her shoulders 
55. Have you ever had anal sex? 
… not on y/n. We have on… me a few times.
56. If you could choose what Y/n was wearing right now, what would you choose? 
Ohh my god I get to choose. Uhhhh I’ll have her dressed in those tight first order pants, her little white shirt with the lace around her arms and chest, and those big chucky black boots.
57. Where on your body is your favourite place to be touched? 
I like when she ghosts her fingers across my hand, or my V… I love when she just teasingly strokes across me
58. If you could have sex anywhere in the world, where would it be? 
On lapliaz of course 
59. When did you first had sex? 
One very happy date night on the finalizer 
60. What’s the best sex you’ve ever had? 
On Lapliaz! Just letting her torcher me as much as possible
61. What’s your favourite position? 
I love her riding me, she’s so happy because she gets to torcher me, and I get to watch her do whatever she wants to me
62. Have you ever been caught having sex? 
So many times. We just have to double check we locked the door before we get too busy
63. Do you watch porn? 
I watch y/n
64. What kind of porn do you watch? 
Y/n’s photo’s and videos. 
65. How often do you masturbate? 
 Well not so often I don’t get horny too much without y/n here to torcher me, but when she sends me a sweet photo or video.. I can’t help it
66. Name a sex position you’d like to try?
 I wanna try reverse cowgirl! So badly!
67. Do you prefer to give or receive? 
 I prefer to give she’s always so good to me I like giving her something back. And I get so overwhelmed when she gives to me
 68. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
 So many times, and I like doing it, I wish we could more often
69. What’s the most sex you’ve had in a day? 
 Sixteen times in one day, but with our honeymoon coming I plan on breaking that record
70. Are you loud or quiet during sex? 
 I love quiet sex. I love trying to stay quiet so knowone hears us
71. Have you ever tried using food during foreplay? 
 We tried using chocolate but… the mess it made on the bed was not worth it
72. What’s the first thing that sexually attracts you to someone? 
 Voice, and well… showing an interest in me
73. Would you say you have any fetishes? 
 I like being a sub and letting her have her way with me. Does that count? 
74. When it comes to BDSM, how far have you gone/would go? 
 As far as y/n wants to go
75. What’s your favourite toy? 
 I like the alarm clock,
76. Do you ever read erotic fiction? 
 No, I don’t know where you’d get that from
77. Have you joined the mile high club? 
 Well we often have sex on the finalizer… so? The trillion mile high club?
78. Do you think you could take off Y/n underwear with no hands? 
 I don’t know… I think I could. But I’ll happily try
79. Would you say you’re kinky? 
 Y/n is kinky I just let her have me all she wants
80. Do you enjoy shower sex? 
 I love shower sex, I love when y/n climbs in with me! Its so good
81. Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever masturbated? 
 ….Under my desk. Everyone was at lunch so… I put my hand under my pants and thought about my y/n
82. Do you like to be spanked? 
……... Yes. I do
83. Have you ever fantasised about someone else during sex? 
No! Only my y/n
 84. If y/n caught you masturbating, would you stop or would you finish? 
Well, I’d do whatever she wanted me to. But I don’t really do it if she is around only when she’s away. But if I was then I would do whatever she wanted me to do
85. Have you ever had an inappropriate crush? 
Well on y/n. But thats all
86. Have you ever cried or fallen asleep during sex? 
I have cried when I get too overwhelmed or when she’s tortured me far to much and I get overwhelmed 
87. Do you prefer eye contact or not during sex? 
 I love eye contact it does something to me...
88. Do you like to kiss during sex? 
 I love kisses but I rarely get them, she knows I like them during sex so she keeps them from me
89. Do you get tired after sex? 
 Very tired after all the torcher 
90. How many positions do you think you’ve tried? 
 Most of them I think
91. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sex? 
 Six months, she was off on a mission 
92. How high is your sex drive? 
 Mines not all that high but y/n’s is crazy
93. What’s a surefire way to turn you on? 
 Stroke against my skin… it is amazing
94. Sex with lights on or lights off? 
 Lights on, but she likes blindfolding me anyway
95. Do you like dirty talk? 
 Well …..I like it sometimes
96. Do you prefer one night stands or longer-term sexual partners? 
 Long term. always
97. Do you prefer to be on top or bottom? 
98.Rough or romantic? 
 Roughly romanic
99. Quickie or marathon session? 
100. What’s the best thing about our sex life?  
Aww that you’re happy to go along with how… shy and how crazy I am. I love how nothing is ever no, its an open discussion, and I love how much you take care of me my little glaralian flower. And I can’t wait to marry you, and take you back to our little cabin on lapliaz
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diamondofversailles · 4 years
Couple’s Cosplay (ASAHI X READER)
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So you are a fellow third year at Karasuno, super artsy and all that, you draw,paint and sew, aND you cosplay as a hobby and you wanted to cosplay Kofuku from Noragami for a Con that was going to happen (Let’s forget we all on quarantine for a sec lol).
Okay so you and Asahi are really good friends and high key crush on each other, and as you planned your Kofuku cosplay you simply have the idea “Asahi would make an awesome Daikoku.” Also most of the scenario is texting so bear with me hehe.
To anyone wondering these are Kofuku and Daikoku before we start the actual scenario lol
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(Y/N) was currently at her “studio”, sewing machine on and a pink plaid fabric that was going to be made into a skirt and a tie, the only two things that was missing for her Kofuku cosplay, and as she continued working on the soon-to-be plaid skirt, her thoughts went to Azumane Asahi, at first as a transferred student from Fukurodani back in Tokyo to Karasuno in her second year, she thought he was kinda intimidating, not because of his face nor his facial hair that gave him an older and mature look, oh no, she was terrified of his height, he towered over her small frame but as the two were paired for a Japanese literature project she saw him finally for him, and she gained quite a crush on the brunette, his presence was so calming and he resembled a teddy bear despite his height, she had to stop sewing for a minute as she simply sighed at the thought of her and the brown eyed male together in a relationship, then she shook her head and thought ‘Enough (Y/N)! You should finish this first and the you can think of him all you want without fucking up precious fabric!”.
           Now focused on her task at hand, with her laptop on near her sewing machine with a picture of Kofuku from Noragami opened, (Y/N) decided to scroll more through google images to see more reference pictures for her cosplay and she came across a picture of Kofuku with her shinki, Daikoku, seeing as both acted like a married couple they were certainly one of the top ships in the whole fanbase maybe losing only to Yato and Hiyori, and she lightly fangirled over how cute they were and how she would love someone to cosplay him with her as Kofuku, she then started staring at Daikoku’s face in thought, brown hair, check, brown eyes, check, stubble, check. Her eyes widened slightly at the newfound piece of information, Asahi would make a perfect Daikoku!
           (Y/N) ran straight to her bedroom to get her phone, and as she did she noticed a message just from the gentle giant she crushed on, he was asking her if she would be able to come to the match Karasuno would have on Saturday, she didn’t know the name of the opposing team but she quickly typed an yes back to him, and she quickly went to google to save a picture of Daikoku on her phone, she then went back to the texting app and started texting Asahi.
Hey Asahi-kun, would you maybe consider cosplaying with me?
           (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
Eh? Cosplay?
Hmm I don’t know (Y/N)-chan…
Wouldn’t I have to wear a wig and all that? Plus I’m not exactly the perfect face for cosplay you know.
Ah don’t worry about that!
The character I was thinking for you kinda looks like you!
I mean, maybe he looks more intimidating tho, but he’s really cool I swear!
ALSO DON’T SAY THAT! There is no such thing as a “face for cosplay”.
A character that looks like me?
(Y/N)-chan what do you mean he’s intimidating?
You know people are already afraid of me.
Omg Asahi-kun you used a kaomoji!!!
Ah don’t worry Asahi-kun!  He looks kinda intimidating but he’s really soft.
Kinda like what people think of you!
Anyway I’ll send a picture of him!
[picture attachment]
So what do you say???
When is the Con you want to go?
Also there aren’t any matches near the day of the Con so you can also relax!
Do you need help with anything for the cosplay???
With the clothes I think I have everything.
Can you lend me that fake cigarette you have?
If it’s not a problem I mean.
It isn’t a problem!
Waaah I’m so glad you can come!!!
Let’s have lots of fun!
Please guide me on the cosplay world haha.
Also what is the name of the character I’m doing?
Does he have any connection with the character your doing?
(⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
Uhh, his name is Daikoku.
He is Kofuku’s Shinki but…
AAA I’m okay!!!
So uh, Daikoku and Kofuku and kinda like a married couple.
And I uh kinda decided to ask you to do a couple’s cosplay with me ‘cause…
I kinda like you, like a lot actually.
If you don’t want to do it anymore I understand but could we still be friends tho?
As much as I like you I still don’t wanna make you uncomfortable but
I like you a lot too.
I’m not the best tho…
Are you really into a coward like me?
Also the rumors might affect you too…
I mean…
You’re gentle and thoughtful and kind but you’re not a coward!!!
And I fell in love with that personality of  yours back in second year
I fell in love with you back then too ♡
Are we like…together now?
Like dating?
Also well I guess?
I mean we pretty much confessed to each other
Plus I wouldn’t mind we being bf and gf!
And going on dates and all that stuff  ♡
I’d like that…
So we’re official wow
Never thought that’d actually happen tbh
I mean I thought you would never like a guy like me more than as a friend.
But anyway
(Y/N) I love you.
You really are gonna pull that card on me omg
I love you too Asahi!
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Ah, uhh, 🐳 again, so i was looking for labels that are like man/woman-adjacent, and I can across proxvir/juxera or I guess xoy/xirl kinda fit too? but I'm hesitant to use any of those mainly because of gatekeepers, and people who just think it's weird or something. How do i not internalize all that stuff that gatekeepers say? (And could I still consider myself ambonec if im not male/female on the binary sense but in the adjacent sense? And also can i still even consider myself sapphic?) 1/2
2/2 sorry for sending in so many asks about this it's just something i kinda worry about a lot i guess, and I don't think the mental and personality disorders make it any better because there's so much anxiety in figuring out the exact label but not wanting to be labeled a ""trender"". Sorry again, i really hope im not being annoying -🐳
So, for ambonec, I'm not finding anything on being boy- or girl-adjacent instead of male and female, so I'm not sure you could consider yourself ambonec when you're adjacent to the binary. That said, you can still call yourself sapphic. The only requirements to be sapphic are that you can't be a man (you can be multigender, partially male, and/or connected to manhood/masculinity in some way though) and that you have to feel like the word sapphic describes your attractions. No matter your gender, if you feel the word describes you, you can use it.
Now, as for using labels like proxvir/juxera or xoy/xirl, if you feel like those describe your gender better than any other terms you've come across, USE THEM!! Gatekeepers be damned. Their opinions don't mean shit. They don't get to determine your labels and police your gender. Only YOU get to do that.
And as far as avoiding internalized transphobia/enbyphobia, surround yourself with positivity. Follow people who post positivity for you, and make your own positivity posts, too!! Write posts about positive stuff that you wanna hear about your identity. And put sticky notes on your computer or around your room that remind you how awesome you and your identity are. You can also block gatekeepers!! Block them as soon as you see them. Look up transmed/truscum, TERF, and exclusionist blocklists on here, and block as many as possible. That way you're waaaay less likely to see their identity policing bullshit. And write yourself something nice on a day where you feel positive about your gender/feel gender euphoric. It can be a short note, a poem, a letter, a song, or whatever else you want. Put that note in an envelope and save it for a day when you're feeling down about your identity; that way, you can be reminded of how wonderful your identity is and feel a little less sad. Also, surround yourself with people who accept you, even if they're online! Online friends are just as good as IRL friends, despite what some people think. Other than those things, you can always message me. I'll be here for you whenever you need me 💕
Also, please know that you really don't need to apologize. I promise, you're not annoying me whatsoever. I get being anxious about that and about labels, trust me. But uh, if anyone calls you a trender, they're an asshole and a dumbass. Transtrenders, outside of the reclaimation context, are not a thing. No one just... fakes being trans for funsies, so please don't listen to that whole transtrender crap exclusionists spew.
Now, please don't hesitate to message me again if you need more help! 😊
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mgnifiqueyoo · 4 years
NCT Dream Chenle/Reader __ Highschool AU/Secret Admirer AU
Genre: fluff (notice?)
Word count: 1,894
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"Oh, look. Another one."
Chenle showed his friend, Jisung, the love letter in his locker. Jisung laughed and made fun of Chenle's love letters even though he haven't read anything from the letters. Basically, Chenle and Jisung were the two athletic dorks that every girl crushed on in the campus.
They weren't as popular as the jocks because they weren't "muscular" and they were too "soft-looking" but every girl in the campus secretly loved them for their carefree attitudes. They also didn't have a lot of friends since most of the jocks don't like them and majority of the girls who crushed on them were too shy and nervous to ask them out.
"Bro, do you even read these letters?"
Jisung asked, still making fun of Chenle.
"Me? Reading these letters? Of course. It's rare for a girl to make the first move!" "Bro, what if the girl's not your type?" "Honestly... I don't care if she fits my type or not. If I like her then I like her. If I don't like her then I don't like her. As simple as that, big skull."
Chenle rolled his eyes at Jisung, opening the small pink envelope. Chenle smiled at the letter. He thought it was sweet for someone to always send him compliments, cute messages, and a pick-up line in the end.
You took a peak, hiding behind your locker.
"I hope he reads it."
You told yourself as someone patted your back. It was Mark Lee, your brother-like best friend that knows everything about your crush on Chenle.
"Honestly, when are you gonna tell him?" "Come on, Mark. Chenle doesn't even know me." "So? You made the first move! You should at least make him find you OR you show yourself to him!" "And how do I do that?"
You sarcastically asked Mark, he glanced at the ceiling while he thought about what he can offer to help you confess to Chenle. After a few seconds, his eyes lit up.
"I know! You know "Donghyuck the fashion guy", right?" "Yeah? He's literally dressed like an instagram model whenever he comes to school-" "I haven't told you but he's the one who helped me with clothes before prom. I can ask for his help to dress you like a glamorous lady."
Mark boasted as you sighed, thinking if you should do this or just remain anonymous. You've been sending letters to Chenle for two months. Mark thought that it was time for you to show yourself to Chenle.
"I have a whole three days to prepare?" "Yes, hun."
This was Donghyuck talking to you. Mark, Donghyuck, and you were staring at the school calendar for almost a minute. You snapped out of it and started to ask Donghyuck questions.
"What do I do, fashion god?" "Thanks for the compliment but anyways... You have to purposely bump to Chenle on the first day and try to converse with him." "... I thought you were just a fashion guy but you're also a matchmaker guy." "Well, yeah. Anyways, the second day... you have to purposely not send any letter to Chenle. Don't even think of sending him a letter. You can approach him but don't send a damn letter or hint that you're the one who sends him those letters. The third day, that's your time to shine." "This has nothing to do with fashion-" "It has something to do with it. I picked out your clothes for the third day. Black body-fit dress, a brown blazer, and cute boots should do it."
Donghyuck proudly stated. His fashion sense never disappointed anyone at all. You suddenly thought if you even have those clothes.
"I don't have those clothes-" "Don't worry, hun. We're shopping after school."
Donghyuck smirked, you were amazed at Donghyuck's perfectly planned strategy.
"I told you bringing Donghyuck in here wasn't difficult."
Mark insisted as you sighed in defeat.
"I'm sorry!"
You bumped to Chenle purposely, doing the first task Donghyuck gave yesterday. Well, you actually bumped and you're clumsy enough to drop all of the notebooks you were carrying for the next class. Guess what? Some of them are not even your notebooks. Some of them belonged to Mark because Mark is that guy who helps you review for upcoming tests.
Chenle quickly knew what was going on as he helped you pick up the notebooks. He's with his best friend, Jisung. You slightly disliked Jisung because he was always making fun of the letters you sent for Chenle... but he's really a talented athlete so you most likely didn't care.
"Mark Lee? You're friends with him?"
Chenle asked and you were just speechless. Your crush is talking to you for the first time and you didn't know how to act at all.
"Yeah, I'm friends with him. Why?" "Nothing. I just noticed that you were always with him. Mark is with some of our teammates sometimes and I always see you alone when he's with them." "Oh? You noticed that?"
You're physically okay but emotionally? Your heart is pounding ten times faster.
"Well, yeah! Jisung is my closest friend. If you're alone, you can always approach either me or Jisung. It's hard to be alone in highschool these days that's why if you need someone to talk to... you can approach me."
Chenle smiled and you were melting inside. You've had a crush on him since you transferred. It has been two months since you've been sending letters to Chenle. How many weeks in a month? About four. How many days in a week? Seven. Subtract two days in seven? Five. Technically, you've sent him over forty letters. All of those letters are handwritten and created with full effort.
"Sure. Thanks, Chenle."
You smiled and walked away, sweating. That's your first conversation with Chenle? Really awkward. You hid behind your locker again, taking quick glances from Chenle.
"Bro, did I really just see you talking to a girl? Don't tell me you wanna be one of the jocks, dude." "She's the lonely girl we always wanted to talk to, you dumb prick. I haven't talked to her that long but I can tell that she's nervous." "Bro, what if she's the one sending you letters?"
Chenle was startled but he quickly let it pass.
"Nah, that's impossible. I'm pretty sure the "love-letter girl" is much more extroverted." "I'm betting on that. Ten bucks?"
Chenle sighed, clearly tired of Jisung's competitive attitude.
"Hey, Jisung!" "What?" "It's been six hours and there is still no letter."
Jisung made a funny face before comforting Chenle.
"I don't know, bro. But maybe she gave up-" "Chenle, don't even think of that. Maybe she didn't attend school today or something." "I know but... I didn't even try to find her after like... two months? I'm so dumb." "You are dumb to think that she gave up giving you those letters. She's probably just absent somehow."
Jisung comforted his best friend. Chenle thought about those nights where he kept reading the letters you've sent before it was time for him to sleep. Chenle even re-reads some of those letters. The letter you sent him yesterday? It made him feel happy and content. In those letters, you also wrote stuff about yourself. Chenle feels like he knows you as a person but at the same time... he doesn't even know what his "love-letter girl" looks like.
You walked through the halls, seeing Chenle and Jisung talking. You remembered that Donghyuck told you not to send him a single letter... but you can talk to him since Chenle told you that he is approachable. You just have to keep it cool and don't creep the two of them out.
You, being the anti-social soul that you are, walked passed them. Chenle, on the other hand, saw you. He thought that you were alone again.
"Uhh... Hey!"
Chenle grabbed your wrist gently as you felt time stopped in that moment. You turned around to see Chenle smiling at you.
"I kind of forgot to ask what your name is. What's your name?" "My name is Y/N-" "Y/N, I noticed that you weren't with Mark today... Do you want to grab some lunch with us?" "Uhh... Sure."
You smiled as Chenle lets go of your wrist. You guessed that Donghyuck's strategy is working. One letter wasn't sent but in return, you had lunch with Jisung and Chenle. You discovered that Chenle liked reading poems and often blushed whenever he mentions that someone has been giving him letters anonymously.
You couldn't to tell him that it was you.
"Mark, I am such a genius."
Donghyuck praised himself once more as Mark rolled his eyes. You were wearing the outfit the three of you bought for this special day. Mark smiled at you, looking like a proud brother at the same time."
"You got this, Y/N. I believe in you."
Mark cheered you up as he hugged you. Mark was like a brother to you since you transferred here. He's really a nice senior and also a nice friend. You even got to meet Donghyuck, a new friend, because of him.
Without Mark, you'll probably never get that confidence you have until you meet someone like him in the future. But here you are, dressed to impress.
"Kill it, Y/N."
Donghyuck winked as he pushed you lightly and left you at the halls again. You were still anxious. If Chenle rejects you, find a new crush.
Instead of a letter, Chenle saw a simple pink piece of paper in his locker.
"Jisung, look. It says, 'Notebooks, lunch, and a black dress.'... Jisung, are you even paying attention?-" "Bro... Look."
Jisung told Chenle as Chenle looked up, seeing you walking towards them despite the random people walking by. Chenle realized that it was you, the lonely girl he approached two days before.
"It's you?" "Yep, sorry for the late reveal. I was very anxious about this day the moment I started writing and sending you letters... but I finally got the confidence and it's really not ideal for a girl to make the first move. I guess, you make your choice and I'll respect whatever your choice is."
Chenle sighed and smiled, you could tell that he was nervous.
"Just so you know, I always read your letters every night and I was upset yesterday because you didn't send me one. I never knew that the girl I've been waiting to approach was the one who approached me two months ago... I guess I could say that I liked you and your personality when I read those letters. You're actually just as awkward in letters as you are in real life... and I like that."
Chenle smiled and Jisung was still startled. You were still nervous, his response gave you mixed messages. Is it even a yes or a no?
"So, Y/N. Let's have lunch together. If you want a label? Sure, I'd love that." "So... Are we dating right now?-" "It depends on your choice, do you want to?"
Chenle asked, you smiled as you held his hand.
"Sure..." "... Yes! I finally have a girlfriend!"
Chenle cheered, you found him cute. Jisung's eyes suddenly widened.
"And my guess was right! Ten bucks, please."
Chenle sighed at Jisung's response.
"No, sir. I'll be using that ten bucks for lunch."
//the end//
Requests are open!
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thundersstruck · 5 years
Down the Hall-Auston Matthews
A/N: oh look I’m not dead I’ve just had major writers block and Auston feels... anyways uh the title sounds like a Harry Styles song lol. Auston and the reader met on tinder but never realized they live super close to each other
Let me know if you want a part two ig
P.S. idk how Canadian money works lol
Masterlist of writings that I sometimes update
Requested: negative
Warnings: fluff, swearing, poor plot and poorly proofread ya know tha usual, short-ish
Gif credit: @fivehole
Word count: 1100
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(Y/N)’s POV:
Unlocking the door to my dark apartment I open the door, drop my heels and flip on the light with a sigh. As I kick the door shut a message comes through on my phone.
Starboy💫: how was your work event?
Me: a total snooze fest with no deserts, that forced me to wear heels and a dress all night when I could’ve been watching say yes to the dress on my couch in my comfy clothes
Starboy💫: sounds like fun
Me: loads :) how was your night?
Starboy💫: good me and some of the guys hung out but now seeing that it’s approximately 12:15 am they have all left and now it’s just me
Me: woah you used a big word, I’m proud
Starboy💫: hahaha very funny
Me: you know you love me...
Me: xoxo gossip girl 💋
Starboy💫: you need sleep go to bed
Me: no! What I need is cake
Starboy💫: you what?
Me: I. Need. Cake.
Me: I would kill for a slice of cake right now…literally
Starboy💫: umm ok, do you wanna go get cake with me? There’s a cute little bakery down the street from my place that’s open 24/7 and always has good cake. Also please don’t kill me
Me: yes! I mean uh yeah sure let me just change I’ll text you when I need your address
Me: don’t worry I won’t :)
Starboy💫: sounds Gouda
I quickly run to my room, slipping out of my dress and into jeans and the first hoodie I see. I grab my purse and my phone sending a text to Auston.
Me: hey I’m leaving now
Starboy💫: ok I’ll meet you in my lobby *sends location* I’m wearing a hoodie and sweats... you know what I look like lmao
Me: okay sounds good.
I slip on my shoes and open the door to my apartment just to close and lock it. As I turn around to head down the hall I run into a tall, very muscular person. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry!” I say looking up at the person. “No no it’s totally my fau- (Y/N)?” The person says. “Auston? Where did you come from?” I ask in total shock. “Uh my apartment that’s down the hall.” He says “wait how long have you lived there?” I ask looking towards his apartment door. “Uhh like four years roughly” he answers “wow uh ok me too how have we never run into each other?” I question him. “That’s a good question, that I’ll answer when we get cake.” He responds and we start walking down the hall to the elevators. We step into the elevator and stand in silence, hands brushing against each other just like a movie. Even more cliche like a movie I’ve got a million thoughts running around my damn head but they’re all interrupted by Auston lacing his hand in mine, which is oddly soft, and pulling me out of the elevator and my thoughts. “Safety first ya know.” He says as we leave the building and out into the cold of Toronto. We walk in the quiet night for a bit until Auston starts talking. “I like your jacket, maple leaf blue looks good on you” He says with a wink “aw thanks someone I know kinda plays for them, he’s kinda cute, has tattoos and is tall and stuff.” I say with a smile. “Wow sounds like a great guy.” He says stifling a laugh. “Yeah he really is.” I say with a wide smile, my thoughts drifting to how great Auston is. We reach the bakery and he lets go of my hand to grab the door for me. “Wow what a gentleman” I say with a giggle. “I try, if I didn’t my mom would probably slap me.” He says laughing. “Welcome to Maple Sweet Bakery how may I help you?” The girl behind the counter asks. “Hi yes could I please get a slice the orange dreamsicle cake?” I ask “yes ma’am and for you sir?” She asks referring to Auston. “I’ll take a piece of cannoli cake please.” Auston says. “Coming right up, that’ll be $6.34 please.” The girl says as Auston and I both pull out our wallets. “Nope not gonna happen this is a date, let me be kind and buy you your cake so you don’t possibly think about the thought of killing me.” Auston says handing her his card as I cross my arms. “I owe you one.” I say as she hands him the card and a receipt and me the slices of cake. He hands her back the receipt and heads to the table that I’m sitting at. He sits down and we both start eating our slices of cake and make small talk. As we talk I find myself admiring his features. His soft brown eyes that are like melted chocolate and his cute smile and the cute lines that come with it. “You ok?” He asks me shaking me from my thoughts. “Hm what yeah.” I answer looking at the last bit of cake I have before eating it. “You looked zoned out, deep in thought.” He says taking his last bite of cake. “I was in thought but it was more like admiration.” I say crossing my arms on the table and placing a smile on my face. He reciprocates the smile and asks “whats caught your eye?” “Oh nothing just this cute boy who lives down the hall from me.” I say causing him to lightly blush and smile. “Interesting I was thinking about this breathtaking girl who lives down the hall from me.” He says causing me to blush and smile, as he helps me up from my seat.
We walk back hand in hand to the apartment building, talking and flirting back and forth. We get into the elevator and ride it up to our floor still thinking about our date. We reach my door first and stop after I unlock it. “Well I guess this is goodnight.” He says holding my hands “I guess so.” I respond looking into his eyes. Both of our eyes flicker between looking at each other and looking at our lips. And just like a movie he pushes some hair behind my ear, leans in and places his lips on mine. The kiss is soft like his lips and tastes like the cake he ate a bit ago. He pulls away and then places a kiss on my cheek. “Goodnight.” He says leaving me star struck in my doorway. “Goodnight. See ya later Starboy.”
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