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sauceytwinkietwinkling · 25 days ago
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Forgot to share this, but meet Ugatha’s mother, Clara.
Clara was very strict with Ugatha, and after divorcing Ugatha’s father when she was 7 years old, she got full custody of Ugatha, and never allowed him to see his own daughter.
Not only was she strict, she could be abusive if Ugatha didn’t do something she asked.
And I almost forgot to mention that Ugatha’s mother never wanted her, but when she got full custody, she just decided that if she had a daughter to raise on her own, she’d have to live under her rules and discipline.
Ugatha’s mother unfortunately visits Ugatha sometimes, but Ugatha wouldn’t tell anyone that. Not even Puzzles, because she knows he has a lot on his plate. Neither would she tell her students.
AU I mentioned is by @jovialoddity!
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fenicearts420 · 2 months ago
Hehehe I'm adding to the list
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Staff Member | 34 | Still a HTTYD shapeshifter | Still a coffee addict | Assistant for Physical Education and Flight Instruction, but will help with other courses if need be | Provides transportation for students off campus who have early morning classes cuz she understands the struggle of having to wake up so early | Always has water and protein bars on hand | Neutral towards almost everyone on campus | Thinks Professor Puzzles and Ugatha are a cute couple | Thinks Roxxie is cool. Wants to be her friend, but is too nervous to talk to her. | Quotes the HTTYD franchise way too much |
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Provides transportation for students who have their first classes at 7 am, 8 am, and/or 9 am. If you got them at any time after that and you're late, that's on you, cher [sha].
Professor Puzzles AU belongs to: @jovialoddity
I couldn't resist! This AU is just so fun!
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jovialoddity · 17 days ago
hey Jovi! Wanted to come in here and wish you a Happy Valentines Day!
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Ugatha has also come to wish you and Prof Puzzles a Happy Valentines Day!
also ignore how I drew her hands I struggled w them….
Hey Saucey!! Thank you so much, I hope you had a happy Valentine’s Day too! :)
And Prof. Puzzles wishes a happy V-Day right back to Ugatha!
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jovialoddity · 1 month ago
YYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSSS MORE FOOD I’m wearing a cartoony ass bib as I type this
THESE ARE SO DAMN FUNNY LMAO I absolutely love your sona causing so much annoyance for Professor puzzles, her whole concept is just too funny 😭 and I LOVE all her interactions with everybody else here too!!! Lmao of COURSE she’s trying to get Clench to do HER homework as well it’s so funny and absolutely something that he is asked WAAAAAAY too often 💔
AND ALL THE OC INTERACTIONS ARE ADORABLE TOO!!! Man I’m crying over Pepé roasting poor Ugatha and Roxxie’s taste in men LMFAO, it’s a mystery how this sad old bitch has bagged so many people 😭 Thank you SO MUCH again for drawing more for this AU, I love what you did for it so much!!!
The brainrot is in full force once again, so more silly GMU AU shenanigans
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@boxycrawly @jovialoddity @deprived-apathii @sauceytwinkietwinkling
Might draw another page with another set of characters as soon as I come up with scenarios yaya
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alien-star88 · 3 days ago
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🎉🥳Happy birthday to me ! I'm officially 15 !🎉🥳
Im still processing the fact 2024 was 3 months ago. And how I still feel 13 . Fuck im getting old. I know I'm 15 now but in the next 5 years I'll be 20... it's not a long time if you think about it !
I wanna make this post a bit long , just to thank people here , on Tumblr (Before I vanish again to finish my projects and shit) for their support and for the inspiration, and the motivation they have given me these past few months. Why , because I just wanna thank them for the time I've being here on tumblr , a lot of them have nelped me with my anxiety when posting here on Tumblr:
My first moot . When I first joined tumblr , I saw your SMG4 art , and I saw you as , like a celebrity of the Fandom here on Tumblr. You were the first person to send an ask to Demon Puzzles, and that holds a very big and special place to my heart . Thank you .
Your support with my ocs and my au has played a special part for me , giving me motivation to draw. Speaking of drawing ! I was honestly shocked when I saw you draw in FlipaClip , cuz HOW! Your oc , Nicknack has such a unique design , and her lore is very well planned ! I love your artstyle too ! It's very squishy !
Your support has also done a lot! I also saw you as a big part of the Fandom. So I was shocked that you followed me ! Your oc,Ugatha, brought me a lot of comfort at times !
Your reblogs have brought laughs to me , and also awareness with certain things, as well as comfort , knowing not everyone here is rude . And your art has always fascinated me !
I know we haven't talked much , but your support to me has also meant a lot . And I thank you for that ! Your oc is very cute ! Simple , yet expressive!
Imma be Hella honest . When I saw you like posts that didn't involve Demon Puzzles , I lost it (In a good way!) I also saw you as a celebrity in the SMG4 Fandom! RTV was one of the first AUs I saw, here on Tumblr!
Thank you . That's all I'm gonna say . Thank you for a lot . I know I've said it before . And sorry if I tag you a lot , you've inspired me a lot as a young artist .Labyrinth and The Lost Boys will forever be my favorite movies. You will forever be my number 1 favorite artist!
When I saw you loved HTTYD I freaked out ! I loved the movies and the series ! I thought the Fandom was dead completely! But nope , it's not! I'm glad we both freaking love HTTYD . And I thank you for your support as well . Seriously Thank you .
Thank you everyone for everything! Seriously, it means a lot to me . I came to tumblr not expecting my art and au to pop off. Yall are awesome, and im glad i saw you guys here on Tumblr. 👽💙💚
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iheartcborle · 7 months ago
my dad’ll drinknoutside and theyll sing together its kinda cute ANYWAY heres our oldest puppy ugatha :3 shes almost ten but this was taken like two years ago so shes a lot grayer now :(
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Ohhh she's such an old lady /pos. Love her so much, I'd die for her actually :). -Hozier
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jovialoddity · 2 months ago
I absolutely LOVEEEE the human design you gave her oh my god, she ABSOLUTELY gives off business girl Roxie Hart vibes and I am HERE FOR IT!! AND I LOVE THE LITTLE CROSSOVER DOODLE OF HER AND UGATHA AAAAAAAAAA THE GIRLSSSSS 😭💖💖 I could so see her trying to talk Ugatha out of dating Puzzles once she learns about her crush LMFAOOOO and of course, that last doodle is just PURE GOLD
Thank you SO MUCH again for sharing your amazing art!!! I absolutely love every OC that people have added into this AU so far, they always make me so happy to see 🥹🫶
some more roxxie doodles! (+ human design of her)
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(+ that thing that i saw with ugatha and stuff because I love her, and not to mention her finding out the bullshit he did that almost got him fired)
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@jovialoddity (owner of the puzzelvision! professor au)
@sauceytwinkietwinkling (owner of ugatha)
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sauceytwinkietwinkling · 16 days ago
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the long awaited doodle/comic!
In a short summary, Clara’s cooked and dead.
Marie: @fenicearts420
N0VA: @frantic-drawer
Nicknack: @runrabitrunrunrun
Pepe: @4thwallbreakerdraws2
Roxxie: @deprived-apathii
Mushu: @alien-star88
Clara and Ugatha: Me
Professor Puzzles: @jovialoddity
Alex: @alex-dolmatescu2-0
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varian-the-alchemy-boi · 2 months ago
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A drawing I did for @sauceytwinkietwinkling
I spent probably an hour drawing this but anyways I hope you like it @sauceytwinkietwinkling
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startup-punk · 6 years ago
Ma elmentem a kiscellibe megnézni a fekete lyuk kiállítást.
Nem vagyok egy múzeumfej, hogy tudjam az ilyen hogy legyen fasza, szerintem kicsit túl van használva a TV mint filmeszköz, de így is tök érdekes kontextusokat adott dolgokhoz és emberekhez akiket vágok (amik meg egyben kontextusok mindazokhoz, amiket most csinálunk).
Egy enyhe kifogás, hogy eléggé megjelenik a nácipunk/náciska vonal, meg az Inconnu csoport is valahogy depolitizálva van megjelenítve, de hát erre már kinek van ideje-energiája, miközben a Lyukból egy idő után kitiltották a kopaszokat, és a VHK-t sok módon lehet szidni, de azért nem, hogy ők lettek volna a nácizmus kapudrogja, viszont az is csak a levegőbe lóg a sok érdekes dolog mellett, ami ott történt, és a kiállítás is inkább a formaságokra fókuszál (épület, emberek, mittudomén), de ez asszem így megy mostanság.
mindenesetre azt nem tudtam, hogy az ottani stúdió tök progresszív volt és megelőlegezték a felvételt a zenekaroknak, az Ugatha Christie Világhamvasztója is így készült el, meg persze a Sex Action is így épült fel: nekem generációs élmény volt nyilván a Tűzraktár/Tűrzraktér, így ahhoz vezettem vissza sok mindent, de a Fekete Lyukban az összes kavarásával meg játszmáival meg esztétikáival már nagyon nagyon sok mindent előrevetített, sőt, domináns paradigma lett, így aki mozog bármennyire az underground/kultúrában, az sztem mindenképpen nézze meg.
ha másért nem mert a belépőterem egy WC, ami egyben az üzenőfal is, és aki mondjuk a Vittula WC-jében szocializálódott, az így szembesülhet saját kultúrájának prototípusával. meg vannak ilyen nosztalgikus arcok akik jönnek erre a kiállításra szelfizni, élve mumifikálva magukat instagrammon, azok is hót viccesek, érdekes közjátékot mutatva a videó-emlékeken szereplő emberekkel, akik azóta vagy full feloldóttak a mainstreambe, vagy meghaltak, vagy azóta is truek mint az állat.
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sztupy · 8 years ago
Zenekaros threadről jut eszemebe, hogy a fenti válogatás egy ideig eltűnt, még archive.org-on se találtam meg (gondolom a TOFK új robots.txt-je miatt), de aztán megint megváltozott a robotok fájl, szóval újra elérhető.
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lemonex · 6 years ago
BAJ VAN # magyarugar:MiX # 33 válogatott szám >>Tankcsapda, Faxni, Kretens, Ugatha Christie, KFT, Trillion, The Devil's Trade, Várvölgyi Szabolcs Trió, Kamikaze Scotsmen, Trans-formation<<
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sauceytwinkietwinkling · 2 months ago
tysm, this is so cute!! And you may give her a hug, I’m sure she’d love that!!!
*adds to my fanart album CRYING*
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A drawing I did for @sauceytwinkietwinkling
I spent probably an hour drawing this but anyways I hope you like it @sauceytwinkietwinkling
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sauceytwinkietwinkling · 19 days ago
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doodle I did of Ugatha as Mr. Puzzles (AKA Swap AU) She’s been kinda swimmin’ around in my brain hehe
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Doodles I forgot to post here bc I procrastinate a LOT.
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I think it’d be funny if Ugatha met Puzzles when he was still a teen and they were in the same class, and then she gains a lil crush on him, not even knowing his name. She’d probs be heartbroken after he gets w Roxxie “nooo I lost my chance 😭” -Ugatha probably
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Plus a lil doodle I did of Tari x Elix loll (based off of those haunted house photos of ppl scared)
Credits time!!
@jovialoddity: owner of Professor Puzzles AU and Human teen puzzles :] @runrabitrunrunrun: creator of the tari x Elix ship name (tysm btw 🫶)
saucey is out!
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sauceytwinkietwinkling · 23 days ago
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Thumbnail for smth I may or may not be working on in the future 👀
I’ll probs make it when I have motivation lol
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sauceytwinkietwinkling · 1 month ago
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ugatha meeting Miss Puzzles! She would find Miss Puzzles’ mannerisms, voice, and looks very beautiful!
after that interaction she will look at herself and ask, “wtf just happened to me”
Ugatha is still questioning whether she’s bi or not, she’s not so sure yet herself.
anywayyy, creditsss!
Miss Puzzles by @dakaakula!
btw I love your design sm she’s my wife now hehehehe
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