#Udemy clone
sangvishtechnologies · 6 months
How an Udemy Clone Script Can launch your eLearning Platform
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People and companies are looking for flexible, accessible education solutions, which is why the eLearning market is expanding. If you have the skills to contribute or spot a need in the online learning environment, starting your own eLearning platform might be a profitable endeavor. However, developing a platform from scratch may be a demanding process. This is where the Udemy clone comes in.
What is a Udemy Clone Script?
A Udemy clone script is a pre-built software solution that has the fundamental functionality of prominent platforms like Udemy. These scripts lay a foundation for your eLearning platform, including features such as:
Instructors can create and manage courses by uploading videos, PDFs, quizzes, and other learning resources.
User management includes registration, profile creation, and course enrollment.
Integrate secure payment methods to process course sales and payments to teachers.
Learners can simply locate courses using search options and filters.
iscussion forums: Promote an experience of community and interaction between instructors and learners.
Progress monitoring allows learners to monitor their learning progress and completion rates.
Benefits of Launching with a Udemy Clone Software
Using a Udemy clone script may let you launch your platform faster and gain a competitive advantage.
The Udemy Clone from Sangvish is a cost-effective solution for startups and entrepreneurs with limited budgets, as they are typically less expensive than customized creation.
Pre-built and tested clone scripts reduce development risk compared to custom projects.
It also prioritizes scalability and security to protect user data as platforms develop.
The Udemy Clone app gives customization options for branding, user interface design, other features, and essential functionality.
Things to Consider Before Buying
Check the script for features and functionality that align with your eLearning platform goal.
Consider customization options to adapt the platform to your brand and audience.
Select a Udemy clone software that can grow with courses, teachers, and learners.
Verify the script's security procedures to secure user data and payment information.
Look for a script vendor with solid customer assistance for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting.
Udemy clone script from Sangvish can be a robust tool for establishing your eLearning platform quickly, cost-effectively, and with minimal risk. By considering your specific needs and conducting thorough research, you can choose a script from Sangvish that provides the foundation for a thriving online learning hub.
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appysa-technologies · 7 months
Unleashing the Power of Elearning with Innovative Scripts and Apps: Creating Your Own Udemy, Coursera, LMS, and Lynda Clones
Are you ready to dive into the booming world of online education? In this article, we will explore the dynamic landscape of elearning, guiding you through the process of creating an elearning script with apps, akin to popular platforms like Udemy, Coursera, LMS, and Lynda.
Elearning Script with Apps: Transforming Learning on the Go
The core of any successful online education platform lies in its elearning script, especially when complemented by intuitive mobile applications. Integrating apps into your script not only ensures accessibility but also takes the learning experience to new heights. Imagine the ease of accessing courses, quizzes, and discussions anytime, anywhere – that’s the power of an elearning script with apps.
Udemy Clone: Your Gateway to Diverse Learning Opportunities
Udemy has set the benchmark for diverse online courses, and you can follow suit by creating your Udemy clone. Tailor your platform to offer an extensive range of courses, attracting learners with varied interests and learning objectives. With a user-friendly interface and comprehensive content, your Udemy clone can become a go-to destination for knowledge seekers worldwide.
Coursera Clone: Providing a Global Learning Ecosystem
Building a Coursera clone means crafting a global learning ecosystem. Ensure your platform offers a multitude of high-quality courses, creating an environment where learners from different corners of the world converge to enhance their skills and knowledge. Emphasize collaboration and a sense of community to truly emulate the Coursera experience.
LMS Clone: Streamlining Elearning Management with Efficiency
Your elearning venture demands an efficient Learning Management System (LMS). Develop an LMS clone that streamlines course management, making it easy for both instructors and learners to navigate through content, assessments, and progress tracking. An intuitive LMS clone is the backbone of a successful elearning platform.
Lynda Clone: Specializing in Skill-Based Learning
Lynda has carved a niche in skill-based learning, and you can do the same with your Lynda clone. Focus on curating content that enhances users' expertise across various domains. Whether it's coding, design, or business skills, your Lynda clone can become the preferred platform for individuals looking to upskill and stay competitive in their fields.
Conclusion: Creating Your Unique Elearning Identity
In conclusion, the key to a successful online education business lies in creating a unique identity. By combining an innovative elearning script with user-friendly apps and drawing inspiration from Udemy, Coursera, LMS, and Lynda, you can build a platform that stands out in the competitive elearning landscape. Start your journey today and empower learners worldwide with your distinctive elearning solution.
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zipprr · 1 year
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Udemy Clone App Development
In the current digital climate, e-learning platforms are highly sought after. With the pandemic restricting traditional forms of education, applications like Udemy have become increasingly important. Businesses everywhere now need to create their own reliable e-learning apps, and one way they can stand out is by incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their offerings. Doing so can drastically enhance user experience and give them an edge over competitors in the field. Understanding the Udemy Clone App
Udemy clone apps are digital learning platforms that give users the flexibility to access courses from any location at any time. These apps offer courses on various topics like coding, music, business and so forth. Udemy clone app also has several features such as personalized course recommendations, course search and filtering, enrollment in courses, certification upon completion and more. Furthermore, it offers an affordable way to gain knowledge and learn new skills quickly and conveniently. Role of AI in Udemy Clone App Development
The incorporation of AI during Udemy clone app development brings a multitude of advantages for users, instructors, and developers alike. AI is capable of automating tasks to reduce manual labor, allowing apps to operate faster and more efficiently. For example, AI can be used to personalize learning recommendations according to the user's interests, skillset and past experiences; or track progress and adapt the learning path based on their learning speed and style. Plus, tools powered by AI enable instructors to monitor student engagement and use the feedback gathered in order to create course content that better serves students' needs.
Implementing AI in Udemy Clone App
Integrating AI into Udemy clone app development presents a number of advantages; however, there can be some difficulties as well. A major problem is a lack of pertinent data. Companies must gather and interpret relevant data so that they can generate customized suggestions and content for courses. This should be done while keeping a balance between automation by AI and human assistance to make sure that users have an optimal user experience.
Benefits of AI in Udemy Clone
AI can add great value to Udemy clone app development. Companies can benefit in a variety of ways, such as through improved user engagement and retention, increased business competitiveness due to unique features, and increased revenue from offering premium courses, certificates, and add-on services. AI technology offers these advantages and more, making it an invaluable asset for businesses looking to innovate their eLearning platforms. If you want a Udemy clone application, selecting the right script is essential for success. Zipprr has an impressive version of this script with all the necessary components and abilities required to get your e-learning app up and running. It's customizable and can easily be modified as your business grows. Moreover, Zipprr offers dependable customer service that ensures any issues are settled expediently. By selecting Zipprr's Udemy clone script from our website https://zipprr.com/udemy-clone/ you can save time, money on development costs, and launch your e-learning platform quickly.
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migrateshop21 · 5 months
Establish Your Online Education Hub with a Udemy Clone
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An online education platform like Udemy serves as a marketplace that connects learners or students with a wide range of courses taught by instructors across the world. These platforms have diverse courses ranging from technical subjects like programming and design to soft skills such as communication and leadership.
Learners can access the courses at their own pace and convenience, often at a fraction of the cost of traditional education. Instructors on the other hand can create and sell their courses, reaching a global audience and earning massive income from it.
The platform typically provides tools for course creation, management, and marketing, fostering a dynamic learning ecosystem for both educators and learners.
If you are looking to tap into the growing market and establish your online education hub, anUdemy clone script could be the perfect solution for that.
With this blog post, we will explore how you can leverage a Udemy clone to create a thriving online learning platform.
Understanding the Udemy model: Before diving into the details of building an Udemy clone, it's essential to understand the key features that make Udemy successful.
Migrateshop’s Udemy offers a wide range of courses covering various subjects, allowing learning to find courses that match their interest and goals.
Building your platform with our Udemy clone: Decide to build an online education hub or platform? Then you can start by choosing a reliable Udemy clone script that offers essential features such as course management, user registration, and payment processing.
Creating and seamless user experience: User experience is crucial for the success of your Udemy clone website. Ensure that your education platform is easy to navigate with intuitive search and filtering features to help users find relevant courses quickly.
Attracting Instructors and Learners: To attract instructors, offer the theme a user-friendly platform to create and monetize their courses. Provide tools for course creation, marketing, and analytics to help them succeed.
For learners, focus on offering high-quality courses at affordable prices, with essential features such as lifetime access and certificates of completion to incentivize enrollment.
Marketing and monetization strategies: Once your platform is up and running focus on marketing strategies to attract more instructors and learners. By utilizing social media, content marketing, and SEO to increase visibility and drive traffic to your platform.
Building and developing an online education hub or platform with our Udemy clone app can be a rewarding venture, offering a platform for individuals to learn and grow. By understanding the key features of successful platforms like Udemy and focusing on user experience, you can create a thriving online learning community that benefits both instructors and learners. With the right strategy and execution, your Udemy clone software could become the go-to destination for online education in your niche. 
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codenance · 1 year
Find the Best LMS PHP Script to Start Your Own Learning Management System Like Udemy
What is Udemy Clone LMS PHP Script?
As per my knowledge LMS script is an already developed learning management code that is written in PHP. With this PHP script, you can start your own learning management app or platforms like Udemy or Coursera. Udemy Clone script is also ready-to-use code in PHP which code is similar to the Udemy app.
However, as of my last update, there were many open-source Learning Management System (LMS) platforms written in PHP that you could use as a starting point to build your own Udemy-like platform. Some popular PHP-based LMS scripts include:
Codenance: Codenance is one of the most widely used open-source LMS platforms, written in PHP. It offers a wide range of features for creating and managing online courses, user management, and assessments.
Moodle: Moodle is another popular open-source LMS written in PHP. It provides a user-friendly interface and various tools for course creation and management.
Claroline: Claroline is a simple and efficient open-source e-learning platform written in PHP, allowing instructors to create courses and manage learners.
ILIAS: ILIAS is a comprehensive open-source LMS that is written in PHP. It comes with a variety of features, including course creation, assessment tools, and collaboration features.
When building an LMS, keep in mind that it requires careful planning, security considerations, and ongoing maintenance to ensure a successful and reliable platform.
If you're not experienced in web development, you might consider hiring a professional developer or team to assist you in creating your LMS.
Remember to respect copyright laws and always check the licensing terms of any scripts or code you use as a starting point for your project. Additionally, it's crucial to verify the legality and licensing of any "Udemy clone script" you come across to avoid potential legal issues.
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journey4learn · 2 years
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java-full-stack-izeon · 3 months
java full stack
A Java Full Stack Developer is proficient in both front-end and back-end development, using Java for server-side (backend) programming. Here's a comprehensive guide to becoming a Java Full Stack Developer:
1. Core Java
Fundamentals: Object-Oriented Programming, Data Types, Variables, Arrays, Operators, Control Statements.
Advanced Topics: Exception Handling, Collections Framework, Streams, Lambda Expressions, Multithreading.
2. Front-End Development
HTML: Structure of web pages, Semantic HTML.
CSS: Styling, Flexbox, Grid, Responsive Design.
JavaScript: ES6+, DOM Manipulation, Fetch API, Event Handling.
React: Components, State, Props, Hooks, Context API, Router.
Angular: Modules, Components, Services, Directives, Dependency Injection.
Vue.js: Directives, Components, Vue Router, Vuex for state management.
3. Back-End Development
Java Frameworks:
Spring: Core, Boot, MVC, Data JPA, Security, Rest.
Hibernate: ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) framework.
Building REST APIs: Using Spring Boot to build scalable and maintainable REST APIs.
4. Database Management
SQL Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL (CRUD operations, Joins, Indexing).
NoSQL Databases: MongoDB (CRUD operations, Aggregation).
5. Version Control/Git
Basic Git commands: clone, pull, push, commit, branch, merge.
Platforms: GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket.
6. Build Tools
Maven: Dependency management, Project building.
Gradle: Advanced build tool with Groovy-based DSL.
7. Testing
Unit Testing: JUnit, Mockito.
Integration Testing: Using Spring Test.
8. DevOps (Optional but beneficial)
Containerization: Docker (Creating, managing containers).
CI/CD: Jenkins, GitHub Actions.
Cloud Services: AWS, Azure (Basics of deployment).
9. Soft Skills
Problem-Solving: Algorithms and Data Structures.
Communication: Working in teams, Agile/Scrum methodologies.
Project Management: Basic understanding of managing projects and tasks.
Learning Path
Start with Core Java: Master the basics before moving to advanced concepts.
Learn Front-End Basics: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Move to Frameworks: Choose one front-end framework (React/Angular/Vue.js).
Back-End Development: Dive into Spring and Hibernate.
Database Knowledge: Learn both SQL and NoSQL databases.
Version Control: Get comfortable with Git.
Testing and DevOps: Understand the basics of testing and deployment.
Effective Java by Joshua Bloch.
Java: The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt.
Head First Java by Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates.
Online Courses:
Coursera, Udemy, Pluralsight (Java, Spring, React/Angular/Vue.js).
FreeCodeCamp, Codecademy (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
Official documentation for Java, Spring, React, Angular, and Vue.js.
Community and Practice
GitHub: Explore open-source projects.
Stack Overflow: Participate in discussions and problem-solving.
Coding Challenges: LeetCode, HackerRank, CodeWars for practice.
By mastering these areas, you'll be well-equipped to handle the diverse responsibilities of a Java Full Stack Developer.
visit https://www.izeoninnovative.com/izeon/
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neworange · 9 months
Project Driven Learning - Dumped in notion today's morning😅
[ ] Job But in a good organization that I can be proud of
[ ] Worked for interesting companies at the beginning of my career which are also easier to get into and can provide valuable experience and a learning environment
[ ] I want to build visionary solutions for an organization like Sundar Pichai did for Google.
[ ] Meaningful projects - projects that I want to use myself
[ ] Find clone development projects of popular apps
[ ] I'll just have to build Just good enough projects
[ ] Project Matrix - Value / Complexity / Skills / Scope
[ ] Projects that are not just learning coding and development but also cloud computing and other skills
[ ] Don’t just build what you are passionate about but build what resonates with the target audience for which you are going to be applying for
[ ] What’s the enterprise-level business problem for which a solution can be coded equivalent to the exercises I’ve done from the book
[ ] Enterprise level Solving some Business Problems
[ ] Build the developer's Brain
[ ] Setting up a system to efficiently complete projects after projects
[ ] Build using AI and Google → Do the same projects using tutorials → Build a similar project of my own on my own
[ ] Keep reflecting to improve the project system and workflow
[ ] What are the outcomes of working on that project?
[ ] Pivot when projects not working or when gotten stuck
[ ] Which projects to take
[ ] Each project must have Skill/ challenge/ value/ purpose criteria
[ ] aligned with your immediate goals, if not add to the project backlog
[ ] Create mini frameworks to build project-efficient, effective and robust solutions.
[ ] Learn from the experts - So many online have built projects with so many functional things
[ ] How they approach building a new project
[ ] How they plan to Strategically set up for success
[ ] How they start a project from scratch
[ ] How do they plan architecture?
[ ] Build a project-building system and improve it along the way while building and learning
[ ] Theory management by reflecting on the progress of the project
[ ] Cross-check the concepts learnt in the theory
[ ] Find books & courses with enterprise-level application project
[ ] Full in-depth tutorials with examples
[ ] Reverse engineer Portfolios and Github
[ ] Research the expert people in building projects.
[ ] Medium, Github contributors
[ ] Udemy SDE project tutorials
[ ] Workshop → Software Development
[ ] Job boards require analysis to practice skills for software engineering
[ ] Agile certification
[ ] Cloud Certification
[ ] Software development online communities to ask for help and feedback and get to know about new things
High-Quality Questions
[ ] How to become a GitHub star
[ ] How to become an open-source star
[ ] what it takes to create a software from scratch till deployment
[ ] How to become a modern software engineer
[ ] What are the skills apart from coding and development?
[ ] What skills to acquire to go from to great engineer
[ ] Gather a network of support system
To help out of the stuck zone
Get feedback on stuck projects
[ ] Find a few developer friends
[ ] Ask them if they have built projects and hosted them on GitHub
[ ] Ask them to give feedback on my progress & help me make it functional
[ ] Software development online communities to get to know about new things
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courseunity · 2 months
The Impact of Open-Source Clone Scripts on the Market https://courseunity.com/open-source-clone-scripts-impact/ #Education #Elearning #Teaching #Learning #OutdoorLearning #Classroom #School #udemycourse #onlinecourses #onlineclasses #udemy #udemyfree #onlinecertification #courseunity
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adamhousevgd · 2 months
Super Mario Clone (Adams version)
Want to play this game? click here: https://adamh5.itch.io/supermariocloneadamsversion
password is : SMC85
Normally I prefer not making clones of games that already exist on shelves and I also prefer making something original that sets itself apart from similar games, however, it wasn't until recently that I found an online course that contains a Mario Clone tutorial by Awesometuts on Udemy. Originally I started with the Mario Clone lecture (and some other lectures) in the course expecting to learn familiar Super Mario mechanics that are part of the norm of Sidescrollers like coyote time and responsive jumping (the longer the key it held, the higher the jump) for one of the upcoming original games I planned, unfortunately when I found out the game idea would be too complicated for this time round and the responsive jumping mechanic was nowhere in the Mario Clone lecture, I scrapped it and left it too rust in my computer and started with my other projects.
Until recently, I thought: What if the project could help me strengthen my game design, programming, and Level design skills? So I started to get back on the course and proceeded to complete the Mario Clone lecture.
After I completed the lecture, I was unsatisfied with the end result since the project had bugs, unfair difficulty, and unpolished mechanics. So I decided to take roughly more than a month to fix these issues as much as possible without making a full game with many levels since it is not a game I would make money by selling on Steam or Itch.io, that’s why I only made 1 level, used the only sounds in the package rather new sounds, and just generally focused on Quality instead of Quantity.
On the bright side: I learned a lot about managing sprites and Side scroller mechanics, It isn’t the first time I have prototyped a side-scrolling game, but it is the first time I started building the side-scroller game on my own except for the art assets are not mine and I was taught by AwesomeTuts which gave me a head start on building the game.
I was originally going to have it displayed only as a practice project which is unplayable by the public and only displayed on my Portfolio, but because I put so much work and effort into it, I thought of having it as a private product so only certain people can play my game and give me constructive criticism.
I don’t exactly know who made the original sprites and other assets, but I was provided by AwesomeTuts for the project.
I managed to have little bugs in my game. Some bugs I had to let go like the player going stuck in between edges of snail shells and tree trunk edges because they weren’t too severe since this is not a full commercial game. At least the game does not crash or break mechanics to cause it to be unplayable for the Player.
I managed to stay organized with prefabs this time making folders with different sets of them like Lego bricks. E.g. “Ground” folder contains prefab sets “4x1 ground”, “1x1 Ground with 1 Trunk”, and “1Tree_2x1Ground_1Stump_1flower”. This made finding the exact prefabs for the level easier.
I successfully managed to put up a camera collider that stops the Player from going backward just like the original Mario games without the collider pushing other game objects with physics such as enemies and powerups. However, the Player's fireballs do collide with the camera collider on purpose.
I successfully used a public enum that I called “Item” which allows me to select which powerup the Player gets by jumping underneath the Bonusblock, by default I set it to “coin” which is self-explanatory and gives the Player coins. I figured most of the Bonus blocks in the game would give the Player coins.
I managed to make the Player lose the ability to throw fireballs upon enemy collision after the Player gets the Fireflower just like in the original Mario games.
Managed to get the game to freeze for a few seconds and play at normal speed in an instant. This is done when the Player has run out of lives and than falls off the level yet again just like in the original Mario games.
I set public bools such as “downfirst” and “FlipYDirection” to tell the spider to go down first and to flip its Y position sprite each direction it changes respectfully. If down first is false, it goes up first. This allows me to add character to each spider and to add challenge to the Player with its AI behavior.
Managed to get the spider to only die when the Player jumps on it and is also midair, so if the spider comes underneath the Player on the floating blocks, it will damage the player and still move up and down as normal.
I fixed a bug where if the Player hits underneath the Bonusblock and stays colliding there, multiple powerups will instantiate. Since the bug fix, only one powerup instantiates no matter how fast the Player hits the Bonusblock underneath.
I coded a mechanic where if the Player falls under a certain limit based on his/her Y.transform.position, the camera will stop following the Player, the Player movement script is disabled, play game over audio plays, and then restarts the level without using colliders to cover the empty pits where the Player can fall from.
I have made Player and Enemy scripts a bit tighter with being alive or not. If the enemy or Player is dead, they cannot respond to anything else from the code, for example when the Player dies and gets thrown back falling off the screen: he/she can not collect powerups, Though I did leave the Player accidentally falling on Beetle than bouncing off it while falling off screen because I thought it was a funny harmless glitch that didn't break the design or gameplay. Another example is birds won't drop eggs if already killed by the Player and the Player also cannot bounce off snails or beetles if already jumped on or died respectfully.
Creating the script for the Snail was a real challenge because it needed to execute code for not only the Snail itself, in its shell form but for the Beetle that shares the same script.
Using the sprite editor to cut out the sprites I want and animate them in a new animation clip. While also changing samples of each animation for the player from 60 to 12 FPS to animate very similar to the 8-bit style.
Flipping Sprites X and Y by code (not transforms).
Changing Order in Layer in inspector by code (like Photoshop layers).
Can enable the sprite's sprite renderer on and off without turning off the Parent game object.
Getting the world width and height than divide them together with Main Camera Orthographic Size and divide them again with Screen height times screen width which are the screen size in screen space of the game view. Then scales the width and height of the background a little bit to match the full aspect of the camera frame.
Having fewer sprite sheets reduces the game's memory use.
Using Yield return new WaitForSeconds inside a For loop with some public variables to make the Player flash a certain amount of times and time before the next flash every time the Player has been hit by an enemy. If the enemy attacks the Player while still flashing, the Player will not lose health unless flashing has stopped.  
To add velocity on the Player going upwards after jumping on the enemy's head like in the original Mario games.
Able to Fire fireballs from the Player by instantiating at Quaternion identity from one transform.position and set the scale.x +1 or -1 depending on which direction the player is facing.
Getting and Setting the Movement speed value of the fireball script to be multiplied with the PlayerShoot script on transform.localScale.x from where the fireball is instantiated.
Velocity is speed over time for the Player's movement since we are adding speed to the player on inputs.
Changing the Player's sprite facing direction based on whether the Player is moving left or right with changing the X-Axis leaving the Y-Axis on the Rigidbody untouched.
If storing temp variables is not done correctly for Player movement directions, you will get an error telling you to store a temp value.
Converting the Players anim speed with Math.abs into an int to then convert it into the rigidbody x-axis movement either left or right depending on which direction the player is facing.
For the Boss, using an IEnumerator to not take damage from Players' fireballs for a certain amount of time once hit by one until time is up and can be damaged once again, repeating the process again until it's dead.
 Can use the “SendMessage(MethodName)” method to deal damage to the target (Player) propertie of OnCollisionStay2D who collides with the Boss while still alive.
Can change the Player RigidBodyType into dynamic along with turning on its BoxCollider2D trigger so the Player can fall through the level when lost all his/her health.
Using Vector.3 up and Vector3.down for the Spider as private variables to determine where the spider climbs first depending on the direction it's set too. Also to change directions in a certain time by a public variable.
Creating Collider2D’s with a Pyshics2D sphere from each position, size radius, and which layer for enemies to detect player collision depending on where the position.transform is placed. For e.g 1 Collider2D on each left and right side of the snail detects and damages the Player while moving. But the collider2D collision on top of the snail is its weak spot, which if the Player jumps on it, it goes into its shell and stops moving.
Experimented how powerful the Layer mask detection public variable is when detecting different layers of game objects such as which enemies are affected by the Snail shell after it was kicked by the Player.
Able to make a Snail shell be kicked by the Player after he/she jumps on its shell all in Snail Script, just like with the Koopas in the original Mario games. This is done by rigidbody velocity.
Creating RaycastHit2D detection on the Snails from the front and behind the snail while also using Vector2.left  and Vector2.right respectfully detecting from a small distance and only the Players collider with the Player damage script. If The Snail is moving, it damages the Player, but if inside its shell after the Player jumps on it, it gets kicked in a direction depending on where the Player kicks it from and does not damage the Player unless the shell comes back towards the Player.
 Able to check if the enemy has the appropriate functions to execute certain code. For example, the Beetles share the snail script with the Snails, if the Beetle has a Beetle tag, it will execute certain code, unlike Snails that go in their shells after the Player has jumped on them, the Beetles instead get squashed and die instead when jumped on the Player. 
Able to get the Snails and Beetles to change opposite directions if it doesn’t detect any ground from on the edge or collides head first with walls and other enemies (Snails,Frogs and Beetles,) respectfully. These use Transform. positions each with short raycasts and bools for detection. Birds also have one raycast but it is to raycast infinity down to check if the Player is below them before dropping the egg damaging the Player if hit.
For the Bird, I was able to instantiate the egg from the Bird gameobject without an empty transform variable. Only instantiated – y position underneath the bird.
Able to get the bird to change directions with If statements if the Bird moves too far from its original position and change move direction both by Vector3’s.
Able to change the x.scale (-1 or +1) of the Bird depending on which direction the Bird is facing.
Can change the Bird rigidbodytype2D from kinematic to dynamic in code once the player jumps on Bird's head. This causes the bird to fall down.
The Frog is a child of its parent transform, I managed to code for the parent transform position to move to its child position to move the frog forward with every single jump it has made.
Camera options Aspect: gets the aspect ratio of the camera. Orthographic: gets half the size of the camera.
Able to code a camera script that determines the size of the collider for the camera and then resizes the collider for the bounds using a Vector2 for the Main camera’s aspect times the main camera OrthographicSize.
The variable “Bounds” represents the Axis aligned to the bounding box of the sprite background.
Able to get the camera following the player by first storing the Player's last transform position, then offsets the camera following the Player's current position on the Z axis.
Able to get the camera to not move back with a Vector3 whenever the player turns around and tries to go back rather than forward.
Vector3.SmoothDamp moves along the Vector3 to its end position smoothly. It takes 4 refs for player position, current position, current velocity, and camera speed.
 The Ref method parameter keyword is to refer to the same variable that is passed into another method. Basically, currentVelocity variable is a ref and will be changed while the camera is moving and storing it there to follow the Player. So if the Player is too far from the camera, the camera will move fast smoothly towards the Player until at its current position and continuously moves behind the Player.
Screen.height is the current height of the screen window in pixels while Screen.width Is the current width of the screen window in pixels. These are the actual screen sizes in the screen space of the game view.
World space canvas are best for 3D games, not 2D games.
Anchors are really important to anchor UI that will adjust to different screen sizes so Players can see the UI easily and clearly.
Rect transform is the UI equalivent to the Vector3 transform.
100 pixels is 1 unit for the camera.
Screen space: The camera allows you to render in the camera view.
Scale With Screen Size: match width and height will closely match with the resolution with Reference Resolution.
Screen space Overlay: Will overly the canvas on the screen space. Used to position in UI elements.
The higher the number of sorting layers, the order of the game object sprites and text will be rendered first to last.
Calling Coroutines by public strings rather than by public function names.
Creating Physics2D.OverlapCircles by code to determine what position it starts at, its radius, what layers to detect to do things like damage Player, activate bonusblocks, and Player to detect if on the ground.
Using concatenation (converting int to string) for updating the Player score. Updating text from code like “coinTextScore.text = scoreCount;” won't work. However concatenations like “coinTextScore.text = scoreCount.ToString();” and “coinTextScore.text = "x " + scoreCount;” will work as intended.
The code outside of If statements will be executed regardless of If statements above are true or false.
Yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime allows for the countdown to happen in real-time even when Timescale is 0 (when the game is frozen). It is independent of Timescale.
How I can set Bonusblocks from a start and end position to move up and back down to the start position smoothly by transform.translate, bools, and  If statements once the Player has hit underneath it without moving it by animation.
Able to use parameters in code to determine each OneShotAudio audio clip volume rather than relying on the Audio source volume in the inspector.
FixedUpdate is good for calculating physics and rigidbody code, however, there are times it may need to be executed in an Update function.
Fixedupdate won't be called as often as the Update function. This compares to the Update function which is called in 60 times in 60 frames per second.
GetAxis and GetRawAxis. - Raw means whole number like 1. - GetAxis(not Raw)takes time to get to be a whole number in decimals. - GetAxisRaw goes to 1 as soon as the input has been pressed.
Z axis is not used for 2D game objects, only 3D game objects.
Localscale is a vector 3.
How I can freeze 2D rigidbody constraints such as the X position by code.
SmoothDeltaTime: Smooths out Delta time
Collider components work differently between 2D and 3D, This includes their respective rigid bodies.
Kinematic is not affected by gravity but is affected by physics such as applying force.
Rigidbody and transform don't usually match up well together.
The list of scenes in the build is actually an array list.
1 in animation speed = 100 in Unity.
I didn’t organize the code to be cleaner and easier to read. I was full speed ahead testing different codes until one of them worked mostly for the Snail script because it was complex to act like a Koopa shell in the original Mario games, detecting edges, changing directions, dying by Players' fireballs and being hit by Snail shell including each enemy and Player in the game that respond upon collision. I need to stop at an appropriate moment, clean up code, and make comments to reduce running like a headless chook finding the right code I need to edit and make changes before I make catastrophic mistakes to the game.
I couldn’t add the Player Jump sound because I already programmed that you can hold the jump key to bunny hop without pressing the jump button each time you are on the ground. When you jump and the jump sound is played, the jump sound plays almost 3 times in a row each jump in an OneShotAudio which is annoying, I tried to change the input type so you not holding the jump button to keep bunny hoping and you hear the sound once each jump. Still, it leads to some unknown animation issues. I decided to let it go with no sound and hold the Jump key to bunny hop because if I changed it, I would have to redo the entire Player movement mechanic all over again. So next time when I’m making a platformer, I will start with the press once each jump with sound played mechanic.   
I couldn’t program a mechanic when two snail shells (after the Player kicks both of them) ram together they both die, I couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t working, but it didn’t help that I did not clean the code to read better, so I decided not to include a game moment where the player can actually collide two snail shells together. I need to stay in the habit of making comments above code, clean code to read, and not repeating the same code in different lines but only one function.
I had to get certain pairs of ground tiles and mid-air blocks to share one collider before I had each tile have its own collider, but for some reason it stopped the player in its tracks despite having a physics material. If I am going to have tiles with colliders snap to each other like Lego bricks, I need to make sure it has the intended mobility for the Player without stopping him/her for no reason.
Regarding the lack of sounds, I could have found royalty-free sounds to fill the gaps of missing sounds like shell impact, or Player shoot fireballs, but since this project was more of a side project than a commercial one, I decided to let the sounds go and use the ones that were given to me by AwesomeTuts.
I tried to swap two detection transforms left and right whenever the Snail turned directions, but the detection transforms just went elsewhere and nowhere near the Snail, so I just simply left them there not to be switched around, and just simply flipped the sprite which did not affect the detection transforms.
I would think its best for the Frog to jump forward using velocity like how the Snails and Player use velocity to move, jump, and push away rather than using moving animations, that way I can easily control how far and high the frog jumps and if midair by the time player jumps on its head, it can just fall down midair like the bird does rather than go back to its previous landing position squashed and died.
I could have made one of the Bonusblocks respawn a Fireflower at the Boss area so the Player can continually fight and kill the Boss, but that ended up being very difficult to do, so I had to let it go.
I could have text feedback like 1Up like in the original Mario games to tell the Player they got an extra life after collecting a mushroom so they know rather than just guess what happened when they first play the game.
Could have had checkpoints around the level to reduce punishing difficulty for the Player, but it would have been extra work and yet again this was a practice product, not a commercial game, so I will keep that in mind next time I create a sidescroller/ platformer.
Even though Sidescrollers and platformers are not my cup of tea and I prefer not to make clones of existing games. I’m still happy with the end result that I did the best I could to loosely replicate a Mario game from the assets given to me and taught respectfully. Someday I want to make a sidescroller runner, so this was a good start to learning Sidescroller mechanics to make a similar game in future.
It was also good to warm up my level design skills, I needed to do that so I am prepared to organize prefabs of set tiles so it's easy for me to find and use them.
Stand by for the next post on my level design of the game.
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jph0 · 3 months
What are good ways to learn web development?
Learning web development can be both rewarding and challenging. Here are some effective ways to get started and advance your skills:
Online Courses and Tutorials:
FreeCodeCamp: Offers a comprehensive, free curriculum covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.
Codecademy: Provides interactive coding lessons on various web development technologies.
Udemy and Coursera: These platforms offer both free and paid courses on web development topics.
"HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites" by Jon Duckett: A great introduction to the basics.
"JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development" by Jon Duckett: A follow-up for learning JavaScript and jQuery.
"Eloquent JavaScript" by Marijn Haverbeke: A deep dive into JavaScript.
Interactive Platforms:
LeetCode and HackerRank: Practice coding challenges that improve problem-solving skills.
CodePen: An online community for testing and showcasing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code snippets.
Documentation and Official Guides:
MDN Web Docs: Mozilla’s documentation is an excellent resource for learning web technologies.
W3Schools: Offers tutorials and references on web development languages.
Build Projects:
Start with small projects like personal websites or blogs.
Gradually take on more complex projects, such as web apps or interactive websites.
Contribute to open-source projects on GitHub.
Join Communities:
Participate in forums like Stack Overflow to ask questions and help others.
Join web development communities on Reddit, such as r/webdev.
Practice and Experiment:
Regularly code and experiment with new technologies.
Try building clones of popular websites to understand their structure and functionality.
Stay Updated:
Follow web development blogs and YouTube channels.
Subscribe to newsletters like Smashing Magazine and CSS-Tricks.
By combining these resources and approaches, you can develop a solid foundation in web development and continue to grow your skills.
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