francepittoresque · 1 year
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PATRIMOINE | Nouvelles fouilles à Alésia l'été 2023 ➽ https://bit.ly/Fouilles-Alesia-2023 Le site archéologique d'Alésia à Alise-Sainte-Reine (Côte-d'Or) n'a pas encore révélé tous ses secrets. Un nouveau chantier de fouilles va débuter en août 2023 au nord du monument d'Ucuetis, place centrale de la cité. L'occasion d'en apprendre davantage sur la ville gallo-romaine
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heroesofgaleia · 3 years
The Deities And Their Real World Inspirations
Catríona- The Dagda
Glædwine- Danu
Gizem- Mergen
Perpetua- Nuberu
Amund- Freyja
Lebbaeus- Cupid
Aislin- Alaunus
Sæwine- Sionann
Sorcha- Brigid
Hertha- Danu
Brandubh- Nuada
Luíseach- Lugh
Brinley- Nótt
Sionn- Cernunnos
Athaulf- couldn't find a Germanic one, so Hestia
Zheng- Guanyin
Hwangbo- Paritegi
Konya- Inari Ōkami
Borak- Quzah
Renato- Libitina
Indira- Yami/Yamuna/Kalindi
Orabelle- Ucuetis
Maldwyn- Clíodhna
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hearthfirehandworks · 8 years
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fieldsofstone · 12 years
To Ucuetis
Ucuetis of the hammer and tongs, strong of arm and sure of strike, god of forge and furnace, master of the anvil’s art, I offer you my praise. Ucuetis, in times long gone you heard the prayers of those whose work it is to arm the soldier, to shoe the horse, to make bright gold and stone into treasures to adorn a queen’s smooth throat or enrich a king’s hoard. Your temple stood, Ucetius, beneath the crafters’ hall, the sound of sledge on iron ringing out, a wordless hymn. Lord of the uncertain lands, lord of the smithy, shaper of men and of metal, I honor you.
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hearthfirehandworks · 8 years
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