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Oannes !
I’ve always loved Sumerian mythology and ancient history ^^ a friend asked me for a fish guy in some IG doodle box requests so couldn’t help to indulge myself xD needed to finish that doodle !
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my current piano practice/goal is to learn this piece i took off a midi of "stay with me" but i wanted JUST the backing piano. no melody. its hard asf to find stuff like that out there. everyone wants a full cover/rendition of the song. melody and all. i wanna play what the pianist played when they recorded the song
I took the midi and gutted it some and changed parts around to sound more what i think the pianist played but i am very excited toelearn to play this.
Heres the 40bpm version i made to start learning from:
And heres the End Goal:
Sidenote i love hearing different 40bpm and 115bpm sound. 40 is like "this isnt that complicated. its nice but nothing crazy" but then you hear 115 and its like "oh this is a lot actually. im hearing patterns i didnt notice at 40" when i can actually play a song i love to do that, let me play it slowed. let me play specific parts, let me make it minimal or only play two notes at a time to hear how each voice moves throughout the piece
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who's Oannes. Sorry I just wondering
Oannes is the Greek transcription of the name Uanna (“light of An”) used by Berossos in his Babyloniaca. Berossos describes Oannes as some variety of fishman (and credits him with introducing civilization to the Mesopotamians during the reign of Alaros (ie. Alalium, the mythical first king); he then states that nothing new has been invented since. This myth is beloved by all sorts of ancient alien types and other cranks, though it obviously does not reflect historical reality in any shape or form. It’s not even particularly ancient by Mesopotamian standards. As noted by Paul-Alain Beaulieu, “this tradition is nothing but a projection back into mythical time of the conservative and incremental nature of late Babylonian scholarship” (Paul-Alain Beaulieu, Late Babylonian Intellectual Life in The Babylonian World, p. 476). The name Uanna (sometimes also Uan) was originally a byname of Adapa, the protagonist of the myth Adapa and the South Wind. Under uncertain circumstances he came to be viewed as an archetypal sage in the first millennium BCE, though there were at least two distinct traditions about his life - one, on which Berossos depended, indeed placed him at dawn of human history, but the other only in the times of Enmerkar, a legendary king of Uruk who reigned before Lugalbanda and Gilgamesh.
The former tradition is also documented in the Uruk List of Kings and Sages which would be roughly contemporary with Berossos; for some discussion see The Uruk List of Kings and Sages and Late Mesopotamian Scholarship by Alan Lenzi. Here Uanna/Adapa is the first of the seven apkallu, ie. sages, but they are followed by other figures regarded as sagacious, described as ummânu, “scholars”, so the full sequence has at least 17 (the funniest part is by far making Sîn-lēqi-unninni, the editor of the standard edition of the Epic of Gilgamesh, a contemporary of the eponymous king, even though he only lived in the Kassite period). There’s a handful of other attestations of Uanna, generally fairly late, which attribute the authorship of hitherto unknown literary texts and the construction of the temple Bīt Rēš (sic) to him. These are discussed by Michael P. Streck in his Reallexikon entry. Overall his importance is severly overblown online.
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Apkallu Talon Abraxas
"Seven Sages" Uanna, "who finished the plans for heaven and earth", Uannedugga, "who was endowed with comprehensive intelligence", Enmedugga, "who was allotted a good fate", Enmegalamma, "who was born in a house", Enmebulugga, "who grew up on pasture land", An-Enlilda, "the conjurer of the city of Eridu", Utuabzu, "who ascended to heaven".
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Abgal (Oannes), Sümer mitolojisinde Enki'ye hizmet eden yedi büyük bilge. Apsu'nun tatlısularında ortaya çıkan Abgallar, yarı balık yarı insan olarak tasvir edilirler. Akad mitolojisinde Apkallu olarak adlandırılırlar.
Oannes, Sümer tabletlerinde Uanna ve Uanna-adapa olarak geçen Tanrısal mitolojik bir kişidir. Uanna, Mezopotamya panteonunda denizden çıkan yarı balık yarı insan bir kişidir. Bütün vücudu balıktır. Fakat kafası, kolları ve bacakları insan gibidir. İnsanlarla konuşur ve insanlığa yaratılışın sırları hakkında bilgiler vermiştir.
Oannes ismini Babil’li rahip Berossus’un kitabında görüyoruz. Berossus’un Uanna ismini Oannes diye yazmasının nedeni kitaplarını Yunanca yazmasından kaynaklanıyor. Uanna ismini Yunanca şekilde Oannes olarak telaffuz etmiştir. Aslında kendisinin asıl ismi de Berossus değildir. Asıl ismi Bel-re’ûshunu ‘dur.Kendi ismine de Yunanca telaffuza uyması için –s takısı almıştır.
Oannes’in yazarı bir hellenistik dönem bilginidir Onun yaşadığı yıllar Hellenistik döneme denk gelmişti. Yani büyük İskender Mezopotamya’ya hâkim olmuş ve İskender’den sonra bölgeyi I. Seleukos yönetiyordu. İşte Berossus bu şartlar altında hellenistik dönem başlarken doğmuştu (M.Ö. 323) ve 250 yıl boyunca ülkeyi yönetecek olan Seleukos imparatorluğunda Helen kültürü altında yetişip Yunanca’yı da iyi öğrenmişti.Yunanca konuşan imparatorluk yöneticileri için Mezopotamya tarihi kitaplarını Yunanca dilinde yazdı.
Yunanca’da eril insan ve Tanrı isimleri genelde –s takısı alarak bitmektedir. Yunan Tanrılarının erkek olanlarından örnek verirsek, Zeus, Hades, Ares, Hermes, Dionisos, Artemis, gibi.
Berossus, Cos adasında bir Yunan astroloji okulu açmıştı ve ünü Atina’da o kadar yaygınlaşmıştı ki başkent Atina’ya heykeli dikilmişti.
Berossus, Oannes’ten şöyle bahseder:
“Babil’de Kalde’de bulunan ve yerin canavarları gibi kanunsuzca yaşayan büyük bir topluluk vardı. Birinci yılda Babil’i çevreleyen Eritre denizinin o parçasından sebepsizce vücudu balık olan bir yaratık çıktı. Öyle ki kafasının altında başka bir kafa, bir balık kuyruğuna bağlı insan ayaklarına benzer ayaklara sahipti. Ve bir tasviri bugün bile hala mevcuttur. Bu varlık gününü insanlar arasında geçirdi; ama o sezon hiç yemek almadı. Ve insanlara yazıları ve bilimleri ve sanatların her çeşidini kavrama yeteneği verdi. Onlara şehir inşa etmeyi, tapınaklar yapmayı, kanunlar derlemeyi ve geometrinin tüm prensiplerini öğretti. O, o insanlara toprağın tohumlarını ayıt etmeyi, meyvelerin nasıl toplanacağını; kısaca davranışları yumuşatan ve hayatlarına insanî vasıflar katacak her şeyi gösterdi. Bu zamandan sonra, öğretilerini üzerine getirilecek bir şey yoktur. Ve güneş battığında, bu Oannes denen varlık suya döndü ve geceyi derinlerde geçirdi; çünkü amfibi idi. Bundan sonra Oannes gibi başka yaratıklar da ortaya çıktı.”
İşte Mezopotamya’da uanna-adapa olarak bilinen yarı insan yarı balık Tanrı figürü Berossus tarafından Yunanca’ya Oannes olarak aktarılmıştır. Oannes ismini duyunca uzaktan Yunus ismine benzetebilirsiniz ama kelimenin aslı Sümer mitolojisinde uanna-adapa’dır ve Kuran’da geçen Yunus ismi ile uzaktan yakından bir benzerliği ve alakası yoktur.
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My girl Uanna recently levelled up to level 6. I found it only fitting to give her a little bit of a buff, muscular look in this character sheet 🧝🏾♀️
#artists on tumblr#character illustration#character art#DnD#DnD character#DnD character art#character design#dungeons and dragons#dungeons and dragons character#dungeons and dragons character art#art#dungeons and drawings#procreate
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Uanna held an umbrella industrial design competition Under the strong atmosphere of industrial design, Youanna umbrella industry has gathered a group of industrial design talents, and a number of new products are designed every month.
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Heres some info on him
I don't think he's a good fit for emps personally
For anyone who likes perpetuals having some kind of a connection to the gods
These are from Saturnine.
Also Emps is compared to Cronus the titan who ate his children and then they rebelled and overthrew him.
I don't know who Oanis is if any knows that would help.
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Oannes - The oldest known Merfolk
The oldest known mention of mermaids/mermen to exist in history is from the Mesopotamian civilization, also known as Adapa or Uanna, he was said to be a god that taught mankind wisdom. Described by the Babylonian priest Berossus, he rose out of the sea with a half fish half human body. He had the form of a fish but with the head of a man under his fish head, and then legs under his fish tail. During the day he would come ashore and teach mankind about reading, writing, the arts, etc. It was likely that he was a representative for Ea, the god of water.
#Mesopotamia#Ancient Civilizations#Mythology#Mermaids#Mermen#Merfolk#mermaidlore#merfolklore#folklore
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fori dende fori nai torang não vá! Torang a istil uanna biur feivor Tang Suco Da tangue!

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WAH swdden change in typing QWIRK!!!!! THAT only means bad bwsiness and STWFF
I'M gonna keep PWSHING
I uanna knou uhats going on tell me tell ME!!
I promise i uill keep it a SECRET
WNLESS yow are evvil, of COWRSE
I'M scrolling around grwmblr like all of ws AND
THERE are a lot of vviolet BLOODS!!
IRL uhen i look arownd im aluays so LONELY
IT isn't a bad thing of cowrse it's jwst vvery, **vvery** UEIRD!!!!!!!
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"Seven Sages" Uanna, "who finished the plans for heaven and earth",Uannedugga, "who was endowed with comprehensive intelligence",Enmedugga, "who was allotted a good fate",Enmegalamma, "who was born in a house",Enmebulugga, "who grew up on pasture land",An-Enlilda, "the conjurer of the city of Eridu",Utuabzu, "who ascended to heaven". Apkallu 𓅪 by Talon Abraxas
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The Neo-Assyrian ritual of the Bīt Mēseri (“the sealed house”)

Uanna, who completes the plan of heaven and earth, Uanneduga, endowed with broad mind, Enmeduga, ordained with a happy fate, Enmegalamma, formed in a house, Enmebulugga, who grew in a field, Anenlilda, incantation-priest of Eridu, Utuabzu, who ascended to heaven. They are the seven brilliant Purādu-fish, Purādu-fish of the sea; Seven apkallū formed in the river, who keep the plans of heaven and earth in order. Nungalpiriggal, apkallū of Enmerkar, who brought Ishtar down from heaven into the Eanna. Piriggalnungal, formed in Kish, who angered Adad in heaven so that he did not let there be rain or vegetation in the land for three years. Piriggalabzu, formed in Abad, who hung his seal on a Seal-fish and thus angered Enki in the Abzu so that a fuller struck him with his own seal. Fourth, Lu-Nanna, two-thirds apkallū, who drove a dragon out of the Eninkiagnunna, the Ishtar temple of Shulgi. Four apkallū of human descent, who Lord Enki endowed with broad understanding.
(ritual action:) Before the seven Purādu-apkallū who are striped with plaster and back paste, which are drawn on the wall of the side of the sanctuary, you recite (the above)
Source: Seth Sanders. From Adapa to Enoch: Scribal Culture and Religious Vision in Judea and Babylon. p. 53.
This is a protective Neo-Assyrian ritual, performed facing images of the apkallū, semi-divine sages from antediluvian times. Calling on them, as one invokes the angels during the LBRP, for instance, one could draw on their power to repel evil. On adapting it to modern times, I figure maybe this might work similarly to The Golden Dawn’s Rose Cross Ritual, but I still need to check this out myself. The apkallū are often portrayed as half-human, half-fish beings, though there are winged genies who are sometimes identified as apkallū.
The most famous sage is Adapa, well-known from the myth in which he breaks the wing of the Southern Wind and is summoned by Anu to dine with him in heaven and explain himself. Enki warns him not to eat any food offered by Anu, in which case he will die, and he follows those instructions to the letter. Unfortunately, Adapa is tricked by Anu, as he really does offer him the food of life, and because he refused it, he and all humans are made mortal. In this myth Adapa is a wise king, though later tradition identifies him as an apkallū, named Uanna (or Oannes, in Berossus). Adapa was the most famous ancient sage and his name was often invoked in exorcism rituals.
#mesopotamia#sumerian#akkadian#neo-assyrian#babylonian#exorcism#technique#apkallu#Adapa#original post
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Uanna with my beloved Copic markers ❤️
#artists on tumblr#traditional art#sketchbook#moleskine#character illustration#dnd art#dnd character art#q#dungeons and drawings#dungeons and dragons#alcohol markers#dnd character
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going throughtstuff and im getting all AHHHHHH cuz im reminded how muoh good art is out there and all the wonderful creators and i wont be able to see them all or save all their works and even the works i do save wont last forever in both my memory and in physical form IT BREAKS ME APARTTTTT

idk what r was thinking with my shelf setup, looking it now its kind of abysmal..
granted the entire two right middle shelves were for plushies until i moved them but still..

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