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nat-but-free · 7 days ago
my babiws...... little guys
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thenewfuture · 3 months ago
Yes we have some family issues to resolve and to end one half of the Final Killing Game!
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*The group walks on forward ahead and comes to a hallway of that of a castle, with a big open door in the middle...*
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The ambience in here is giving me the shivers....
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Y-Y-Yeah... A-And it's...k-k-kinda d-d-daaaark down here... This isn't good for my poor heeeaaart...
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Oh nooooo, Kuku. It may be too creeeeepy for you in here, hahaha. You want to hold my hand?
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Cut it out, Big Sis! I'm a big girl, and big girls don't get scared by something like this.
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GAAAAAAHHH! Wh-what?! Whaaaaaaat?!
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Something bumped into me! Oh no oh no oh no oh no! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! Big Sis, help meeeeee...!
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Oops....Sowwy... Wanted to give hawug...
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O-Oh... S-Sorry....
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Pffttt, hahahaha! Oh man, you shoulda seen your face! You're bigger than I we are and still afraid of the dark?
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Humph! Like you could do better.
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Of course I can, I'm the hero. And heroes are never afraid, they lunge into the darkest abyss head first just to show how brave they are. Like this! *Masaru runs down into the open door*
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Dammit, not again, Masaru! Get back here!
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H-Hey, you two, stop...!
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Hey, wait up gang!
*Nagisa, Komaru, Setsuka, and Kebi run after Masaru*
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God damn it you twerp! Get back here!
*Touko and the rest of the group attempt to follow suite, but right as Setsuka makes it past the door...*
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*Shuttttttter, BANG!*
*The door releases steel shutters and separates the group*
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Touko? Touko!
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Crap! Oh no, Kurumi...!
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Komaru? Komaru! *BANG BANG BANG!*
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N-N-No! Big Siiiiiiis! *The seperate group lift to lift, and bang on the shutters, but to no avail...*
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Urrrrgh...! Crap, shit...! God damn it!
Komaru: Touko! Touko! Can you hear me?!
Nagisa: Great Masaru! Look what you're reckless did again!
Masaru: Don't blame me, how was I supposed to know?
Setsuka: Hey, hey! Listen to me, it looks like it's not going to work. Let's just keep going our ways and see if we can meet up later on.
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Uggghh... F-Fine, if we have no choice... Let's go you three...
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I...I'm coming...
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*sigh* Just great... Come on, Jataro...
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*Touko's group turns around and tries to find another way to press on...*
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amydallonofficial · 2 years ago
going underwater and untying your bikini while you're too distracted to notice. btw.
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rayroseu-reblogs · 1 year ago
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mortaljoy · 2 years ago
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lil-inky · 2 years ago
Who? | DreamTale AMV
UWAAAAAHHHHHH it be finally done dkdkdkkdkf
It’s been a while since I properly sat down and animated something utmv related. Here’s hoping to many more animated shenanigans this year perhaps!
Ah…I’ve also made…a Kofi!
Thank ya for watching! (╯°▽°)╯
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tinyshinysylveon · 2 years ago
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piercingdarke · 2 years ago
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thebabyradiodemon · 2 months ago
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*A staff member walks up to the crying littles*
"Aww, what's the matter kiddos?"
M in da gwocewy stowe with Wosie but m bowed, am gonna wook awound. *He wanders off*
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asakamasanobu · 2 years ago
uwaa i am having ch34 thoughts ……. so many ch34 thoughts ;__; i think it might be my fave of the more recent chapters like UWAAAAAHHHHHH
breaking this down rn but like . it definitely has to do with the fact that ricchan’s self-esteem issues have come back SWINGING like idk why it feels like it’s been put in the back burner with the whole crazy nao plot going on a few chapters back and even in transitioning into this new arc (sort of ????? kind of feels like it) bc i just checked and the last time he exhibited signs of such mental illness was literally back in ch32 like ?!?!? BARELY TWO CHAPTERS AGO but at the same time maybe bc ch32 was only like a page of him mental illness-ing doubting himself before takano interrupted all that by taking over and reassuring both him and fujishiro and theN ricchan became super slay and professional while talking to fujishiro so he overcame his self-doubt really fast and that still makes me so emotional and proud of him even today but I AM DIGRESSING . what i mean to say is seeing ritsu struggle to take on everything even when it’s too much and being overwhelmed and still not wanting to rely on others bc he feels like it’s something he needs to do in order to catch up to takano and reach his goal as an editor and being so anxious over needing to do all of that yet failing to do so bc at the end of the day he’s him is like ah …… no matter what some things never change huh :’-)
but beyond all of that i just really vibed with the takaritsu dynamic in this chapter like IT FELT EXTRA NICE FOR SOME REASON ……. FELT SO NATURAL AND WHOLESOMES …….. from them having a meal together (outside !!!!!! Together) and ritsu being able to open up about his struggles in a way that is less hesitant and more forthcoming than usual (even though he initially wanted to shoulder it on his own ofc) and the really sweet and loving handholding moments both in the restaurant and out in da streets and and and ….!!!!! all of that and MORE ;__; it feels like even though ritsu hasn’t confessed yet they’re in such a comfortable place right now knowing where they are and knowing where they’re heading …… and the way ritsu is able to be a little more honest than usual even if it embarrasses him (cough his ch33 activities cough i also feel embarrassed for my little mf too COUGH) just feels so Him in a certain way like . it’s especially bc so much of him has been hiding his true and messy feelings from the world so seeing him being able to slowly come out and verbalise them ….. to convey them so that the other party can know what he’s thinking fully ……. and know how much these things means to ritsu himself too ……… it’s like just as much as some things never change, ritsu’s also been able to grow and grow So Much over these past thirty chapters and even if it’s bc man’s now horny IDC HE IS DOING THE GROWING !!!!!! and it might sound stupid but despite that it still means a lot considering who the man in question is (god this does not make sense but at the same time this makes perfect sense)
but yea tldr i love ch34 …… i hope future chapters will retain this vibe of calm and peaceful takaritsu that are coming together and ritsu being able to come out of his shell step by step despite still struggling with his self-worth and wanting to be better than his present bc these moments are really what make the series for me and i’m looking forward to more of them, especially when they are officially finally together <3
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angelfish114 · 3 years ago
On behalf of everyone on this website thank you for all your hard work on doing SP cat people edits ❤️
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You're right! I wanna be sure that these edits are the best quality for any personal use!! And, that means I will refurbish the panels with brand new line-art and coloring to make it the most accurate to the original image as possible while removing any speech bubbles! I work hard on these and seeing this ask made my week!! ^^
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scruffyssketchbook · 6 years ago
Ramblings of a Crazy Author Chan 8
UWAAAAAHHHHHH, the Discord ssec Admins and Leaders are so nice and great, I want to cryyyy, they are working so hard 😖
*says this with no context*
Anyone have Stardew Valley? I’d love to play with people ^^
Oh wait. My brother, Kevin, has it. I can play with him! Cool cool!!
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tormod · 7 years ago
overwatch fanfiction where mccree spoons Nadine.... 🥄
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dozeysheep · 5 years ago
im going to put you in a tank fill it with water put a lid on it and leave you in there
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