#UTMB 2024
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nature-hiking · 1 month ago
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a cold and foggy sunrise on the UTMB - Ultra Tour du Mont Blanc 2024
photo by: nature-hiking
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digitalmore · 3 months ago
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aigle-suisse · 5 months ago
UTMB Mont-Blanc 2024 - Vincent Bouillard, le triomphe d'un inconnu : Rés...
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turisiancom · 7 months ago
TURISIAN.com - Peserta lomba lari yang digelar Indorace dalam event Sari Ater Jambore Trial Run mengaku terpesona dengan keindahan alam Gunung Tangkuban Perahu di Jawa Barat. Salah satunya adalah atlet internasional Arief Wismoyono yang berhasil menyentuh finish pertama di kategori 45 Km. "Keren, pemandangan alam Gunung Tangkuban Perahu yang dilewati indah sekali. Ini rute lari yang bisa membuat lelah kita terobati," kata Arief saat ditemui, beberapa saat setelah finish dengan waktu tempuk 5,29 jam, Minggu 4 Agustus 2024. BACA JUGA: Sukses di Kategori 5K, Event Lari Pocari Sweat Run Indonesia Dilanjutkan Besok, Catat Rute Ini Akhir pekan ini memang menjadi saksi suksesnya gelaran Sari Ater Jambore Trail Run ke-3. Dikelola oleh Sport Event Management Indorace, acara ini mengusung tema ‘DISCOVER YOUR ADVENTURE’. Peserta tak hanya menikmati keindahan alam Kawasan Sari Ater melalui lari, tetapi juga merasakan sensasi berkemah dan barbeque di area Campervan. Dalam ajang bergengsi ini, tersedia tiga kategori jarak: 17 kilometer, 8 kilometer, dan 45 kilometer. BACA JUGA: Event Lari Tahunan Indonesia Financial Group Sukses Menarik Ribuan Peserta Hari Kemerdekaan RI Menurut Andi Sadruddin Rohadian, pemilihan kategori tersebut disesuaikan dengan peringatan Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia pada 17 Agustus. "Dilaksanakan di bulan Agustus, angka-angka 17, 8, dan 45 dipilih untuk memperingati Hari Kemerdekaan RI," jelas Andi. Uniknya, kategori jarak 4,5 kilometer dari tahun sebelumnya digantikan dengan 45 kilometer. Start dimulai pada pukul 03.00 WIB, Minggu dini hari, dengan rute melintasi area Perhutani Alam Wisata, Puncak Gunung Tangkuban Perahu, dan kebun teh di kawasan Ciater. BACA JUGA: PertaRun Energizing Run, Event Lari Pertama Pertamina Cilacap Andi menambahkan, Sari Ater Jambore Trail Run bertujuan untuk mengedukasi masyarakat tentang keamanan berlari di jalur trail. "Kegiatan ini memasuki tahun ketiga di 2024, dengan peningkatan peserta dari 120 orang di tahun pertama, 180 orang di tahun kedua, hingga 350 orang tahun ini," ujar Andi. Event ini juga dirancang untuk keluarga, menjadikannya pionir dalam segmen ini. Selain peserta lokal dari Subang, acara ini menarik minat pelari dari Bandung, Jakarta, dan Cirebon. BACA JUGA: Tiga Event di Yogyakarta yang Ditunggu-tunggu, Dari Gowes Hingga Lari Mariam Belina Di antara peserta, nama Meriam Bellina muncul sebagai salah satu yang turut serta menikmati acara. Meriam dan rekan-rekannya berbaur dengan ratusan peserta lainnya, merasakan pengalaman berbeda di Sari Ater, Subang. Arief Wismoyono, atlet Trail Running dan anggota International Trail Running Association (ITRA) yang akan mewakili Indonesia di Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc (UTMB) di Paris 2024, turut memuji acara ini. "Saya sangat menikmati berlari di sini, udaranya segar setelah hujan sehari sebelumnya," kata Arief. BACA JUGA: 5 Rekomendasi Objek Wisata Alam Subang, Dari Kawah hingga Air Panas    Ia juga memuji fasilitas water station di kebun stroberi yang menyediakan jus stroberi segar. "Water station di Asep Stroberi adalah yang terbaik, jus stroberinya sangat menyegarkan," ungkapnya. Rute acara ini dinilai Arief sangat baik, dimulai dari Perhutani Alam Wisata yang menawarkan pemandangan hutan alami yang rimbun. Kemudian, dilanjutkan ke Puncak Gunung Tangkuban Perahu dengan kawahnya yang spektakuler. Hingga kebun teh di kawasan Ciater dengan hamparan hijaunya. Namun, Arief menyarankan agar pendaftaran peserta dibuka lebih awal agar persiapan lebih matang. ***
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gorindol · 8 months ago
Lavaredo 2024
Po dveh letih nazaj v Cortini.
Tokrat je bilo vreme bolj stanovito. Deževalo ni, kar nekaj dni pred tekmo. Je bilo pa zato toliko več vode v rekah in potokih. Kar nekajkrat sem bil do kolen v vodi. Tudi vročina je bila bolj izrazita. Z izjemo dveh ur ponoči, mi je bilo non-stop vroče. Vse skupaj se je poznalo tudi na času. Za cel krog sem potreboval uro in pol več kot pred dvema letoma. Seveda je tudi Wild Horse igral vlogo pri tem. Utrujen sem bil že na prvem resnejšem vzponu proti Trem Cimam, na spustu proti polovici, sem pa tudi kar nekaj prehodil. Se je poznalo, da v visokogorju nisem bil že od UTMB-ja. No ja, mogoče se še kdaj vrnemo na tekmo, pa najbrž kar nekaj časa ne. Se bom pa sigurno vrnil v Dolomite, mogoče celo traso odtečem v treh etapah. To bi bil lep vikend treninga.
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hdsports · 8 months ago
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Wie hoch ist das PREISGELD beim wichtigsten Ultratrail der Welt?
Wer hätte das gedacht: Die besten Sportler erhalten beim UTMB 2024 ein Preisgeld im fünfstelligen Bereich: https://www.hdsports.at/trail/utmb-preisgeldd
Foto: © UTMB / Paul Brechu
utmb #trailrunning #ultratraiddumontblanc #utmb2024 #trailrun #HDsports #HomeofDistanceRunners
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communitymanagerandorra · 9 months ago
Si reservas una mesa en el Restaurante La Cirera en Encamp, podrás reponer energías antes o después de este famoso evento deportivo en Andorra. El Ultra Trail 100 Andorra by UTMB, que se llevará a cabo el 15 de junio de 2024, promete ser una experiencia impresionante.
El Ultra Trail 100 Andorra by UTMB, que se llevará a cabo el 15 de junio de 2024, promete ser una experiencia impresionante. Si reservas una mesa en el Restaurante La Cirera en Encamp, podrás reponer energías antes o después de este famoso evento deportivo en Andorra, ya sea para ti o para tus acompañantes. Este evento ofrece la oportunidad de vivir la aventura del UTMB en 2024, recorriendo…
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evekrd · 1 year ago
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A Triumph of Tenacity!
Courtney Dauwalter, you’ve conquered #UTMB 2024 with unmatched tenacity! 🏆
A true inspiration to us all, breaking limits and setting new standards in UTMB. 🏃‍♀️
eve NGO salutes your remarkable achievement — a testament to strength, resilience, and the power of determination. 🙌✨
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nature-hiking · 2 months ago
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Sunrise on the UTMB - Ultra Tour du Mont Blanc 2024
photo by: nature-hiking
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amey-inkwood · 1 year ago
Industrial Robotics Market: How Cobots are Transforming Automation
The global industrial robotics market is revolutionizing with a surge in automation demand across industries, stimulated by cost efficiency and advancements in technologies like AI and collaborative robotics. Cobots, or collaborative robots, stand out in industrial robotics with their unique design and functionality for human interaction in a defined workspace. According to Inkwood Research, the global industrial robotics market was valued at $xx million in 2023 and is expected to reach $xx million by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 12.4% during the forecast period 2024-2032.
Collaborative robots, distinct from traditional robots, shine in collaborative tasks with humans, offering a cost-effective solution for small and medium-sized enterprises. Versatile, easy to program, and equipped with sensors, cobots redefine automation by promoting seamless interaction, user-friendly interfaces, and enhanced workplace safety.
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Real-World Applications of Cobots: From McDonald’s to Doosan Robotics
Businesses like McDonald’s are capitalizing cobots in their outlets for automated operations, incorporating ATM-style cash and credit card dispensers to streamline customer transactions.
Manufacturers like ONExia integrate advanced cobots, such as Universal Robots’ UR20, into palletizing equipment like the PalletizUR 2.0. With a 20 kg handling capacity and user-friendly features, it streamlines case management without programming. It utilizes a touchscreen interface with drag-and-drop functionality for tasks like conveyor control and label orientation.
ABB Robotics joined forces with the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in February 2023 to address COVID challenges through the automation of neutralizing antibody tests for research and diagnostics. The robotic neutralizing antibody system speeds up detection—from 15 to over 1,000 tests per day and provides useful data for developing scalable and reliable methods to assess herd immunity against various COVID strains.
Doosan Robotics, a manufacturer of collaborative robots, introduced E-SERIES in April 2023, a range of collaborative robots certified by NSF that is designed especially for the food and beverage industry.
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Industrial Robotics Market: Major Players and Ongoing R&D Innovations
Major market participants such as Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd, ABB Ltd, Universal Robots, and smaller companies like Techman Robot, producing cobots for small businesses, consistently partake in research and development to enhance cobot offerings in an effective and economical.
Strategic Diversity Among Market Participants:
ABB introduced two new variations of its GoFa collaborative robot range in June 2023, GoFa 10 and GoFa 12. These cobots are simple to program and deploy, and they can handle payloads weighing up to 10 and 12 kg with repeatability, encouraging first-time users and SMEs to automate. 
Xaba, in June 2023, collaborated with Lockheed Martin, a global security and aerospace company. The collaboration aimed to automate manufacturing by integrating industrial robots with Xaba’s xCognition deep artificial neural network model. Test results showed a 10X improvement in accuracy and consistency, emphasizing the substantial potential of industrial robotics to transform diverse industries.
Collaborative Robotics secured $30 million in Series A funding, utilizing it to scale deployments and manufacture innovative cobots. Moreover, the team introduced the Cobot Flywheel Program to aid companies in biotech, healthcare, and logistics in achieving operational transformation through advanced robotics solutions.
The Danish cobot maker Universal Robots unveiled the UR30 in November 2023, a new cobot with a 30 kg payload capacity. The compact UR30 boasts exceptional motion control, enabling it to handle heavy loads with precision and operate at high speeds. This versatility makes it perfect for tasks like material handling, machine tending, and high-torque screw driving.
At the Tokyo International Robot Exhibition (iREX) in November 2023, Techman Robot, a manufacturer of collaborative robotic arms, debuted the TM AI Cobot TM25S. The TM25S, part of the TM Robot family and TM AI Cobot S Series, incorporates a 3D camera and integrated smart vision. With an impressive 25 kg payload capacity, it excels in precision-demanding tasks such as AI-driven mixed-case depalletizing.
The cobot market is set to advance with technology. Anticipated trends in Industry 4.0 include increased intelligence, improved sensing, and better integration with existing smart manufacturing. Advances in sensor tech will enhance cobots’ understanding of their surroundings, improving efficiency across various industries.
Cobots represent a significant advancement in the field of industrial robotics market, offering a collaborative and safer approach to automation that is in line with the changing demands of the modern market. As artificial intelligence and machine learning reshape the sphere of industrial robotics globally, collaborative robots with intelligence and advancement are anticipated to propel industrial robotics market growth during the forecasting years.
How do collaborative robots differ from cooperative robots?
Collaborative robots (cobots) and cooperative robots both involve human-robot interaction. Collaborative robots can work directly with humans in a shared location, adapting to their actions in real time. Cooperative robots, on the other hand, frequently collaborate with people but may require predefined, coordinated activities that do not allow for real-time adaptation.
What is driving the demand for the industrial robotics market?
Rising demand for industrial robots is fueled by several factors such as labor shortages and costs pushing automation, robots boosting production efficiency and quality, advancements making them smarter and adaptable, and companies reshoring production and strengthening supply chains through robot reliance.
How do industrial robots enhance operational efficiency?
Industrial robots enhance operational efficiency by automating repetitive tasks, reducing labor costs, and improving precision. Their ability to work continuously contributes to increased productivity in manufacturing processes.
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digitalmore · 3 months ago
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aigle-suisse · 5 months ago
UTMB 2024 - Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc - Parcours / Course - Live
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turisiancom · 9 months ago
TURISIAN.com - Dieng Caldera Race 2024 bakal menjadi salah event sports tourism yang cukup seru. Bagaimana tidak, event ini menggabungkan pemandangan alam kawasan dataran tinggi Dieng yang sangat luar biasa. Sekaligus juga, menawarkan rute yang menantang sesuai standar internasional, dimana akan memberikan pengalaman luar biasa bagi pelari gunung. "Dieng Caldera Race ini adalah event sports tourism dengan rute yang menantang dan selalu disambut dengan antusiasme yang tinggi oleh berbagai pihak," kata Menparekraf Sandiaga dalam "The Weekly Brief with Sandi Uno", Senin 27 mei 2024. Kegiatan ini dipastikan akan turut menggerakkan pariwisata dan roda ekonomi di Dieng yang merupakan salah satu Kawasan Strategis Pariwisata Nasional (KSPN). "Saya mengucapkan terima kasih ke Badan Otorita dan DeTrac yang telah berkolaborasi untuk mendorong orang event ini. Trail run di Indonesia bisa menjadi episentrum karena trek-treknya luar biasa," kata Menparekraf Sandiaga. BACA JUGA: Cara Banyuwangi Membangkitkan Sektor Pariwisata yang Sempat Terpuruk Pada penyelenggaraan Dieng Caldera Race 2024 akan turut mengundang perwakilan dari UTMB (Ultra du Mont Blanc). Yakni, untuk mempersiapkan event internasional by UTMB pada tahun 2025. Sementara itu, Direktur Utama BPOB, Agustin Peranginangin, mengatakan event ini menargetkan peserta sebanyak 1.000 orang. Dan saat ini sudah terdaftar 900 peserta dari 22 provinsi di Indonesia. Terdapat empat kategori dalam event ini yakni 10 KM dengan elevation gain 495 meter, 21 KM dengan eleveation gain 1.185 meter. Lalu ada, 42 KM dengan eleveation gain 2.630 meter, dan ultimate 75 KM dengan eleveation gain 4.850 meter. BACA JUGA: Cycling de Jabar, Event yang Mendorong Tumbuhnya Sport Tourism dan PAD Dieng Culture Festival "Kalau dulu Dieng dikenal dengan culture-nya dengan teman-teman mengembangkan Dieng Culture Festival.Tapi dalam tiga tahun ini kita harapkan sports tourism juga bisa menjadi salah satu strategi mengampanyekan keindahan dari Dieng," ujar Agustin. Lebih dari itu, Dieng Caldera Race 2024 diharapkan Agustin dapat mendukung pengembangan DPSP Borobudur. Yaitu, terciptanya penyebaran wisatawan ke berbagai daerah penyangga Borobudur termasuk Dieng. "Bagaimana wisatawan bisa menyebar ke KSPN-KSPN di sekitarnya salah satunya KSPN Dieng," kata Agustin. Di bagian lain, Event Director Dieng Caldera Race, Yulius Tjendrawan, mengatakan ada tiga hal penting yang diharapkan bisa menjadi capaian dari pelaksanaan Dieng Caldera Race 2024. BACA JUGA: Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru Masuk Taman Terindah Dunia, Ini Komentar Khofifah Pertama, adalah bagaimana Indonesia dengan potensi sumber daya alam yang sangat luar biasa juga dapat menggelar kegiatan trail run bertaraf internasional ke depannya. "Indonesia sebagai negara besar tidak boleh kalah dengan negara lain terutama tetangga-tetangga kita,” jelasnya. Memberikan Dampak Ekonomi “Bicara trail run, posisi kita kalah dengan Thailand dan Malaysia yang sudah punya gelaran internasional by UTMB. Karenanya kita akan kejar," ujar Yulius. Kemudian adalah bagaimana event ini dapat memberikan dampak ekonomi terhadap masyarakat. "Secara teori ekonomi, kita harapkan multiplier effect dari event ini bisa mencapai Rp27 miliar," kata Yulius. BACA JUGA: Dataran Tinggi Dieng Siap Sambut Libur Nataru 2024, Bagaimana Harga Tiketnya? Selain itu juga, event ini menjadi sarana transfer ilmu kepada komunitas juga masyarakat dalam mengelola satu kegiatan. "Kita berharap tentu selalu banyak komunitas yang akan juga terangkat, bisa merasakan dampaknya. Baik itu komunitas lokal atau pokdarwis tentang pengelolaan event,” ungkapnya. Dengan demikian, diharapkan nantinya mereka bisa jadi EO (event organizer) yang juga mumpuni di daerahnya untuk menyelenggarakan event nasional atau bahkan internasional. Sementara Atlet Lari Trail Indonesia yang juga founder Detrac, Fandhi Achmad, mengatakan event ini dapat menjadi persiapan bagi para atlet trail run Indonesia untuk dapat bersaing di event-event UTMB.
Turut hadir dalam kesempatan tersebut, Marketing Communication Manager National Geographic Indonesia, Agung Wibawanto. ***
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runbrief · 3 years ago
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2 cái tên lớn cùng sinh ra và lớn lên tại chân núi Chamonix của Pháp: UTMB và Hoka công bố mối quan hệ hợp tác lâu dài cho chuỗi UTMB® World Series mới toanh ra mắt năm 2022 Được khuyến khích bởi gốc gác chung ở dãy núi Alps của Pháp, ngày hội chạy đường mòn lớn nhất thế giới UTMB® World Series và thương hiệu giày HOKA®, đã công bố mối quan hệ đối tác kéo dài nhiều năm. Mối quan hệ đối tác chính thức từ nay đến năm 2023, với các lựa chọn kéo dài đến 2024 và hơn thế nữa. Đánh dấu sức mạnh tổng hợp tự nhiên, cả 2 biểu tượng đường mòn đều nắm lấy sức mạnh để định hình tương lai của môn chạy đường mòn trên toàn thế giới. Với tư cách là Đối tác Giày dép và Trang phục cao cấp, HOKA đặt mục tiêu truyền cảm hứng cho cộng đồng chạy đường mòn toàn cầu thông qua chuỗi hoạt động mới ra mắt, khi các VĐV cạnh tranh trong các sự kiện quốc tế tốt nhất và bắt đầu hành trình đến với UTMB® Mont-Blanc danh giá lâu đời và Vòng chung kết UTMB® World Series tại Chamonix , Pháp. Được công bố vào tháng 05/2021, UTMB® World Series có mục tiêu đoàn kết và truyền cảm hứng cho cộng đồng trên toàn thế giới gồm những người đam mê chạy trail bất cứ cấp độ nào và những elite hàng đầu, mang đến cho tất cả các runner nhiều cơ hội hơn để sống trải nghiệm UTMB® gần hơn, với các sự kiện sẽ được tổ chức trên khắp 6 châu lục. 8 sự kiện trong chuỗi UTMB® World Series đã được xác nhận, với các thông báo về Sự kiện bổ sung được lên kế hoạch trong những tuần tới. Sẽ có Sự kiện ở ít nhất 8 quốc gia Châu u, cũng như 8 Sự kiện trên khắp Châu Á và Châu Đại Dương và ít nhất 4 Sự kiện ở Bắc và Nam Mỹ. Eo ôi nghe mà rộn ràng cái chân luôn! Trong suốt quá trình hợp tác, HOKA sẽ cung cấp các loại giày dép và quần áo được tuyển chọn cho các tình nguyện viên trong tất cả các Sự kiện Thế giới của UTMB®, cũng như các VĐV tại các Sự kiện. Một loạt sản phẩm mới của UTMB® World Series cũng sẽ được tạo ra và chính thức ra mắt vào năm 2022. Nguồn @FastRunning https://facebook.com/106756498400411_125451673197560 #runbrief
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nature-hiking · 2 months ago
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better a late race report than never I guess... 
having spent the entirety of august this year training in the alps around Chamonix. on august 30th, I finally toed the start line of the famous Ultra Tour du Mont Blanc in Chamonix along with one of my best friends. the culmination of years of training and a though year gathering enough lottery points to qualify for the race. 
I started the 176km race (with 10K of elevation gain) at a fairly quick pace in order to outrun the crowds before the first narrowing of the course after ~35km. the first night would be a rough one, as I got nauseous and was unable to eat from around 11pm to 7am. the enormous calorie deficit I ran into that first night made my original goal time of 36 hours virtually impossible. but having survived that first night with the help of a fellow dutchie I ran into, I was confident I would still be able to finish. 
the sunrise pictured here was what brought me out of the rut I was stuck in during the first night. and while the following day and night were rough, I was still able to enjoy the race. I tried, unsuccessfully, to take a few short naps at the major aid stations  on the 2nd night. until just after the second sunrise my exhaustion finally caught up with me and I spent a solid hour sleepwalking on the course. 
after tripping on my sleep walk, and not being entirely convinced I wasn’t dreaming instead of talking to actual fellow runners, I found the first picnic table along the course and laid down for a quick 5 minute powernap. feeling refreshed as if I had slept 5 hours instead, I started the last big climb to La Flegere. 
arriving there entirely wrecked, I rested at the aid station a bit to eat & drink before heading down the final stretch to the finish back in Chamonix. early in this decent a couple of brand representatives who were also headed down were breathing down my neck. which, while to some might have been annoying, woke me all the way back up. and upon realising I had nothing left to lose, I started legging it down the mountain, even giving the fresh legged brand reps a run for their money. 
flying down the mountain and entering Chamonix again, I ran into my dad again at the start of the big river stretch leading into the city centre, quickly outpacing him as I spent everything I had still left in my mental reserves, my body being long since spent. at the end of the river I ran into my sister who ran along and cheered me on all the way to the finish line, also guiding me along a few turns in the city centre where the directions weren’t entirely clear to a fatigue addled mind like mine.
while I did not achieve my initial goal of 36 hours, I still finished ahead of the predicted time based on my UTMB index. and most important of all : I finished! in one of the toughest mountain ultras in the world, where around 60% of starters DNFed (did not finish) this year, that was always my goal first and foremost. and to my amazement I achieved it without even the slightest injury.
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turisiancom · 1 year ago
TURISIAN.com – Event Trail of Kings di Danau Toba, Sumatera Utara (Sumut) dipastikan akan memberikan pengalaman menarik bagi para wisatawan. Selain diikuti peserta dari berbagai belahan dunia, event yang bakal berlangsung pada 4-5 Mei 2024 di Waterfront Pangururan, Samosir itu menawarkan keindahan pemandangan Danau Toba. "Kami mengajak para pelari trail dari seluruh Indonesia dan dunia untuk menjajal jalur yang luar biasa indah dan megah ini," kata Menteri Pariwisata Sandiaga Uno, Jumat 15 Maret 2024 lalu, saat me-launching event ini secara daring. Ditambahkan Sandiaga, melalui partisipasi dalam event Trail of The Kings (Zero Edition) diharapkan akan tumbuh ekonomi masyarakat sekitar. Event ini sendiri menjadi bagian dari rangkaian trail running kelas dunia, UTMB (Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc) seri dunia pertama yang digelar di Indonesia. BACA JUGA: Air Terjun Sipiso-piso yang Memukau, Pelengkap Pesona Keindahan Danau Toba Sementara itu dalam konferensi pers di kawasan Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta Pusat, Direktur Utama Badan Pelaksana Otorita Danau Toba, Jimmy Bernando Panjaitan mengatakan, acara ini ditargetkan mampu menjaring 1.500 peserta. Selain juga diharapkan mampu mempromosikan Danau Toba sebagai salah satu dari lima destinasi pariwisata super prioritas di Indonesia. "Kami ingin mendorong Danau Toba ini sebagai lokasi event based tourism yang sifatnya harus ecogreen,” kata Jimmy. “Kami ingin mem-branding DPSP Danau Toba menjadi destinasi kelas dunia dengan event-event kelas dunia," sambungnya. BACA JUGA: Ada 1,3 Juta Wisatawan Menuju Danau Toba, Event Ini Daya Tariknya Bertajuk Live Your Legend Oleh karena itu, Jimmy pun mengajak agar seluruh stakeholder untuk ikut menyukseskan event ini dan event-event berkelas internasional lain di Danau Toba. Sehingga, event-event tersebut bisa berdampak positif terhadap perekonomian masyarakat di sekitar Danau Toba. "Kami di BPODT dengan kerendahan hati sangat mengharapkan dukungan dari semua pihak untuk melaksanakan event ini," katanya. Trail of The Kings (Zero Edition) yang bertajuk Live Your Legend ini terbagi atas empat kategori kompetisi. Yaitu, 5 kilometer, 10 kilometer, 27 kilometer, dan 50 kilometer. BACA JUGA: Danau Toba Disiapkan jadi Lokasi Event Internasional untuk Tarik Wisatawan Pendaftaran peserta pun telah dibuka sejak 13 Maret 2024 di situs run.trailofthekings.id dan akan ditutup jika kuota peserta telah terpenuhi. Konferensi pers ini juga dihadiri oleh Direktur Tata Kelola Destinasi Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf, Florida Pardosi; Wakil Bupati Samosir, Martua Sitanggang. Termasuk, Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Provinsi Sumatra Utara, Zumri Sulthony. Hadir pula Asisten Deputi Pengembangan Pariwisata Berkelanjutan Kemenkomarves, Kosmas Harefa; Plt. Deputi Bidang Revolusi Mental Kemenko PMK, Aris Darmansyah. Serta, Asisten Deputi Bidang Olahraga Masyarakat Kemenpora, Suyadi Pawiro. ***
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