#USS Daniel Inouye
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judgemark45 · 2 months ago
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USS Daniel Inouye (DDG 118) Arleigh Burke-class Flight IIA guided missile destroyer leaving Pearl Harbor - December 3, 2024
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pavel-nosok · 4 months ago
A destroyer’s first deployment took an unexpected turn
Diverted from the western Pacific, USS Daniel Inouye’s Red Sea duty included the rescue of Iranian mariners.
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schoenes-thailand · 9 months ago
Über 6000 US-Soldaten entspannen sich nach militärischen Übungen mit Partnern der Region
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PATTAYA: Mehr als 6.000 Soldaten der US-Marine verbrachten den Samstag in der Ferienstadt Pattaya in der östlichen Provinz Chonburi. Während einer militärischen Übung mit Partnern in der indopazifischen Region, mit Thailand als Zwischenstation, wurde ihnen Freizeit gewährt. Seit Mittwoch legten die USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71), die USS Russell (DDG 59), die USS Daniel K Inouye (DDG118), die USS Halsey (DDG 97) und die USS Howard (DDG 83) im Hafen Laem Chabang in Chonburi an. Die amerikanischen Truppen bleiben bis Sonntag in Chonburi. Dies sei die erste Reise nach Thailand für den Flugzeugträger USS Theodore Roosevelt, sagte eine Nachrichtenquelle. Mehr als 6.000 Soldaten der US-Marine entspannen sich in Pattaya Lokale Unternehmer waren am Samstag angenehm überrascht, als Tausende von US-Seeleuten in Scharen zu Restaurants und Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten in den Fußgängerzonen von Pattaya strömten. Viele ausländische Besucher entkamen der Hitze von fast 40 Grad Celsius in klimatisierte Einkaufszentren, wo sie in den örtlichen Geschäften nach Lebensmitteln, Kleidung und Souvenirs stöberten. Die Betreiber von Nachtlokalen erwarteten, dass am Samstagabend eine große Anzahl amerikanischer Segler auf der Suche nach einem Ort zum Trinken und Entspannen durch die Straßen von Pattaya schlendern würde, bevor sie am Sonntag mit der Trainingsübung fortfuhren. Restaurants und Bars in Pattaya stellten Schilder auf Englisch auf, auf denen amerikanische Truppen und ausländische Besucher willkommen geheißen wurden. In der Zwischenzeit wurde die Polizei entsandt, um den Verkehrs- und Fußgängerfluss auf den überfüllten Straßen Pattayas zu erleichtern und die öffentliche Sicherheit für alle Besucher zu gewährleisten. / The Nation Read the full article
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georgemcginn · 1 year ago
DOD Featured Photos
Surface Level A sailor dives in simulated Arctic waters during Snow Crab in Little Falls, Minn., Jan. 26, 2024. Th… Photo Details > Sunlit Sail The USS Daniel Inouye sails behind the USS Theodore Roosevelt during training in the Pacific Ocean, … Photo Details > Plotting Points Army Spc. Jantzen Weight plots waypoints during the Top Intelligence competition at Schofield Barrac… Photo Details…
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japantourguide · 3 years ago
211208-N-ER806-1361 by U.S. Pacific Fleet Via Flickr: PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii (Dec. 8, 2021) Sailors bow their heads during the benediction at the commissioning ceremony of USS Daniel Inouye (DDG 118). Homeported at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, DDG 118 is the first U.S. Navy warship to honor the Honorable Daniel K. Inouye, a U.S. senator from Hawaii who served from 1962 until his death in 2012. During World War II, Inouye served in the U.S. Army’s 442nd Regimental Combat Team, one of the most decorated military units in U.S. history. For his combat heroism, which cost him his right arm, Inouye was awarded the Medal of Honor. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Nick Bauer)
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navalpost · 4 years ago
U.S. Navy Accepts Delivery of Future USS Daniel Inouye
U.S. Navy Accepts Delivery of Future USS Daniel Inouye
The U.S. Navy accepted delivery of the guided-missile destroyer future USS Daniel Inouye (DDG 118) from shipbuilder General Dynamics Bath Iron Works, March 8. Delivery of DDG 118 represents the official transfer of the ship from the shipbuilder to the Navy. Prior to delivery, the ship successfully conducted a series of at-sea and pier-side trials to demonstrate its material and operational…
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leadsourcing · 6 years ago
A man hacked 16 NASA computers, what he found is beyond chilling | Ancient Code
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Between February 2001 and March 2002 Gary McKinnon,  who was initially looking for evidence of free energy suppression and a cover-up of UFO activity and other technologies potentially useful to the public, hacked into 16 NASA computers as well as dozens of US Army, Navy, Air Force, and Department of Defense computers. The Americans believed he had caused $800,000 (£487,000) worth of damage to computers.
In the last decade, countless whistleblowers have come forward arguing that there are shady organizations within world governments that have been operative under extreme secrecy.
Declassified documents—made available thanks to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)—have given unprecedented insight into top secret programs that were previously considered as just another ‘conspiracy theory’.
Curiously, many former astronauts have made intriguing comments in regards to alien life.
I suspect that in the last 60 years or so, that there has been some back-engineering and the creation of this type of equipment, which is not nearly as sophisticated yet as what the apparent visitors have.” –Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth astronaut, to walk on the Moon.
Interestingly, thanks to statements from former astronauts and government officials, these subjects have slowly transitioned from being a conspiracy theory, to ‘real accusations’ backed up by information.
Senator Daniel K. Inouye said: “There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”
One of the best quotes regarding alien life and ‘their’ presence comes from Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defense Minister, and the man responsible for combining the Canadian Air Force, Army, and Navy into one united force, known as the Canadian Forces. Mr. Hellyer said:
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead, we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat and decided to shoot first and ask questions after… Trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects about which both the Congress and the Commander in Chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.” (Source)
But quotes are one thing, where’s the evidence?
According to a man who—somehow—managed to hack into NASA and U.S. Navy computers, all statements from different whistleblowers about secretive space programs, highly classified technologies, and even alien life are correct.
Between February 2001 and March 2002 Gary McKinnon,  who was initially looking for evidence of free energy suppression and a cover-up of UFO activity and other technologies potentially useful to the public, hacked into 16 NASA computers as well as dozens of US Army, Navy, Air Force, and Department of Defense computers.
Gary McKinnon—the man who hacked NASA—firmly states that he uncovered evidence that the United States has a fully operational fleet of Space Warships. In a new interview on UFO channel Richplanet TV, McKinnon finally reveals the entire truth about his findings saying: ‘I kept going for months and months.  (Check out the full interview here)
I kept thinking, ‘They’re going to close this door’. I scanned and looked for documents, I found an Excel spreadsheet which said, ‘Non-terrestrial officers’, states McKinnon.
‘It had ranks and names. It had tabs for ‘material transfer’ between ships.
‘I took that to be, they must have ships based in space – the names started with U.S.S.’
Gary McKinnon is accused of mounting the biggest ever hack in the history of the United States by breaking into the computers of the Army, Air force, Navy and NASA.
Furthermore, the NASA hacker claims that he uncovered around 25 rows of details of officers’ ranks, names and ships accordingly.
McKinnon firmly argues that the ‘secret space fleet’ has WARSHIPS with prefix USS, just like all vessels belonging to the USA.
In 2005, McKinnon told the Guardian, “Once you’re on the network, you can do a command called NetStat – Network Status – and it lists all the connections to that machine. There were hackers from Denmark, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Thailand… every night for the entire five to seven years I was doing this”.
But are these just empty claims? Is this just a massive conspiracy?
Even Obama discussed McKinnon:
According to retired Aerospace Engineer William Tompkins “Thousands, thousands, not just a few, thousands of people have joined the Navy here in the United States. They joined the Space Navy. They signed up for a 20-year tour. So these folks, men, and women were given a lot of examinations and a lot of information on what they were going to need. Many of them went to the Moon, our Moon, and facilities there and got checked out and organized and established where is the best place they’re going to go, what their criteria is going to be, what major area they’re going to develop, like what class in the university. And then they get sent to a Mars facility for a short time.”
Thompson and McKinnon aren’t the only two who’ve spoken out about a secret space fleet.
‘Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode’ said that “Mars was first visited by the Germans as far back as the 1930s, but during the 70s, US space programs were actively exploring Mars and other planets to establish bases. In 1980 the US SSP became – Solar Warden. Under Project Solar Warden vast development and colonization occurred on Mars and other planets. Goode continues, “Bases on Mars were built under the surface.”(Source)
In addition to Goode, a former NASA employee claimed there were secret manned missions to Mars over 20 years ago. In an interview with Coast-to-Coast AM, a woman by the name of ‘Jackie’ talked about humans on Mars, something that has been discussed among other alleged NASA employees for years; ‘…Then I saw two men in space suits – not the bulky suits we normally used, but they looked protective. They came over the horizon walking to the Viking Explorer…’
So what’s your verdict, fact of fiction?
Some would say it’s all a massive conspiracy, and quotes, information and declassified documents were taken out of context but, the truth is that there is plenty of stuff which makes it hard to tell.
Many would agree that there is abundant evidence which points—at least partially—that society has not been told everything there is about UFOs, Alien life, and extremely advanced technology.
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tigermike · 3 years ago
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The Newly-Commissioned USS Daniel Inouye (DDG-118), based at Pearl Harbor HI.
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judgemark45 · 5 months ago
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The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Daniel Inouye (DDG 118) transits the South China Sea
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fortheking16 · 3 years ago
Future USS Daniel Inouye departs for the Pacific Ocean - Associated Press October 4, 2021 - December 8, 2021
Future USS Daniel Inouye departs for the Pacific Ocean – Associated Press October 4, 2021 – December 8, 2021
I saw this recently on Associated Press – Future USS Daniel Inouye departs for the Pacific Ocean: https://apnews.com/article/daniel-inouye-arleigh-burke-hawaii-maine-pacific-ocean-638213f424cae7582b4cb54285af31da. Longer article. BATH, Maine (AP) — The future USS Daniel Inouye departed shipbuilder Bath Iron Works on Monday en route to its home in the Pacific Ocean. The Arleigh Burke-class…
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nawapon17 · 3 years ago
USS Daniel Inouye Commissioned in Hawaii - USNI News
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georgemcginn · 2 years ago
DOD Featured Photos
Navigation Competition Army Spc. Christian Jaen Morales navigates through dense foliage while conducting dismounted land na… Photo Details > Missile Trail A missile launches from the USS Daniel Inouye off the coast of Kauai, Hawaii, March 30, 2023. Photo Details > View All Photos ABOUT NEWS HELP CENTER PRESS PRODUCTS Unsubscribe | Contact Us
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usapat · 3 years ago
The U.S. Navy’s newest guided-missile destroyer, the future USS Daniel Inouye transits Pearl Harbor and arrives at its home port Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam.
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defpost · 4 years ago
U.S. Navy Destroyer Future USS Daniel Inouye Completes Builder’s Trials
#USNavy destroyer future USS Daniel Inouye completes Builder’s Trials. #DDG118
The U.S. Navy’s newest Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, the future USS Daniel Inouye (DDG 118) successfully completed Builder’s trials on Dec. 19 after spending four days at sea off the coast of Bath, Maine. Builder’s Trials consist of a series of in-port and at-sea demonstrations that allow the shipbuilder, General Dynamics Bath Iron Works (BIW), and the Navy to assess the ship’s…
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azindy · 3 years ago
New $1.5 billion-plus Navy destroyer USS Daniel Inouye heading for Hawaii:
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navalpost · 3 years ago
Future USS Daniel Inouye departs shipyard
Future USS Daniel Inouye departs shipyard
According to the U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command, the future USS Daniel Inouye (DDG 118) sailed away from the General Dynamics Bath Iron Works shipyard on October 4th. The ship is currently on its way to its homeport of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, where it will be commissioned in December. “Following delivery to the Navy in March 2021, the entire team has continued to prepare DDG 118 for this…
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