#USEN Encore 2024
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USEN Music Lounge Review
Cr. Jimin Data
Post Date: 18/12/2024
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Who made another top list!
Usen Encore named the song to its Top K-Pop list of 2024 🤩

A frontman of k-pop, indeed!
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2024/05/16 Blog post by Wakana 5周年ライブ、ありがとうございました!!〜有楽町で逢えました!!〜
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ ❗Do NOT SHARE on other sites❗ ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Thank You For My 5th Anniversary Live!!〜Meeting At Yurakucho〜
After the live show on Sunday, it was raining in Tokyo the following few days☔️I was glad it didn't rain on the day of the live. I love rain though so I thoroughly enjoyed the sound of rain and wind from the comfort of my home✨I was also thinking that it would be nice if everyone was using the umbrealla from my live merchandise…😊💕
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
I feel more excited than usual on rainy days!
Well, last Sunday, on May 12th, I held two successful performances for my "Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The"VOICE"Stories~"! This was my very first performance at the venue "I'M A SHOW" in Yurakucho. The location was originally a theater and after a renovation it was turned into this wonderful concert hall. The lobby was also a stylish and spacious 😊I took a lot of pictures so I would like to share them with you today.
First of all, our circle before the 1st performance! ーAn incident occurredー As you can see, I was a couple of beats behind so we weren't in synch with each other. I was like, "eeehhhhh???!!" and tried my best to explan, "your timing is off! It should have been like this!" Everyone was surprised but ended up agreeing😯.
Then we have our circle right before the 2nd performance! (Everyone looks serious here because we were determined to get it right the second time around. The tension was rising considerably…) YAY! ! ! ! ! We did it ! ! !Relief! We were all proud of ourselves. And then of course we had to take a commemorative picture. (From left to right: Drums: Tomoo Tsuruya, Manipulator: Yugo Maeda, Guitar: Koji Ueda, Music Director/Keyboard: Satoshi Takebe, Bass: Kenta Hamasaki)
…Well, actually, thanks to these circles, both performances started out really fun😁! ・゜゚・:.。..。.:・'(゚▽゚)'・:.。. .。.:・゜゚・ At this venue, the distance between the stage and the audience is very small, and thanks to the slight slope of the audience area, I was able to see each and every person's face very clearly. Since it was my 5th Anniversary Live, I wanted to squeeze in as much of the past five years as possible. As always, Takebe-san did a great job at being a supportive music director by ensuring I was able to do everything my own way while still keeping things realistic. I hope I was able to convey all of my feelings to everyone. Your response meant the world to me😭✨ I was really happy that we were able to look back on the past five years together in such an intimate environment. I am once again overcome with gratitude, knowing that everyone has been by my side over the past five years, your presence has been more reassuring than anything else😊Thank you very much to everyone who came! ! It was a wonderful time! !
I want to talk about the live in more detail so please join me at my after-talk event tomorrow! ! \\\٩( 'ω' )و ////It would be great if those who didn't make it to the live could get an idea of what it was like that day 😆I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at 7pm! ! Here is a link => https://wakana-fc.jp/contents/741616
Finally, here are some photos of my stage outfits\(^o^)/For the main part of the live I was wearing this sky blue dress 😍So fluffy and puffy, I loved it! ! ! ! And for the encore I wore this white dress ♡ I think it has been a while since I have worn a comletely white dress! ! 😲
All right, that's it for today! !See you at tomorrow's live broadcast! ! \\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
Until next time~☆( '▽')/

USEN Live Report for Wakana 5th Anniversary Live 〜THE"VOICE"Stories〜
Link: https://e.usen.com/news/news-event/wakana-5th-anniversary-live.html
#kalafina#wakana#wakana blog#botanical land#fan club exclusive content#USEN#live report#Wakana 5th Anniversary Live#The “VOICE” Stories
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Jimin’s “Who” is on 'Best K-Pop Song by a Male Artists Edition' according USEN Encore Japan!
Chapter JIMIN「Who」
USEN MUSIC LOUNGE番組ディレクターのイチオシ!2024 K-POPシーン プレイバック!――男性アーティスト編
ソロアーティストとしてデビューから10年、成長のために努力を惜しまない姿勢、唯一無二の歌声とパフォーマンス、その魅力をしてK-POPのフロントマンと呼ばれるほど、絶大な人気を誇るBTSのメンバー、JIMIN。 2nd アルバム『MUSE』からの「Who」で見せたラテンテイストのカッティングギターにマッチする力強いボーカルやブレスの抑揚、深みを増した表現力、切れの良いパフォーマンスといった成長はファンにとっては感動もの。前作に続いて全作を通してソングライターとしても実力を発揮。 昨年12月以降入隊中だが、入隊前に準備した新曲やMVコンテンツなどを発表。プロモーションがないにも関わらずK-POPのソロアーティストとして初の40億ストリーミング再生を達成。米ビルボードシングルチャート「HOT 100」に12位でランクイン。ロングセラーとなっている。来年6月の除隊が待ち遠しい。 (おわり) 文/李 再恩(USEN)
“Who” de Jimin está en la 'Edición de Mejor Canción K-Pop de un Artista Masculino' según USEN Encore Japan.
Jimin "Who"
¡Recomendado por el director del programa! ¡Reproducción de escena K-POP 2024! --Edición de artista masculino
Han pasado 10 años desde su debut como solista y los miembros de BTS son extremadamente populares y son llamados los líderes del K-POP debido a su esfuerzo incomparable por crecer, su voz y actuación únicas y su encanto. . Su crecimiento en "Who" de su segundo álbum "MUSE", con su poderosa voz y entonación que combina con la guitarra cortante de estilo latino, su expresividad más profunda y su interpretación nítida, es algo que impresiona a los fans. Siguiendo su trabajo anterior, también demostró su habilidad como compositor a través de todos sus trabajos. Aunque se ha estado alistando desde diciembre del año pasado, ha lanzado nuevas canciones y contenido de vídeos musicales que preparó antes de alistarse. A pesar de no haber recibido promoción, se convirtió en el primer solista de K-pop en alcanzar 4 mil millones de reproducciones en streaming. Ocupa el puesto 12 en la lista de singles de Billboard de EE. UU. "HOT 100". Se ha convertido en un producto de larga venta. No puedo esperar a que me den de baja del ejército en junio del próximo año. (Fin) Escrito por Suen Lee (USEN)
지민 (Jimin) 'Who' Official MV
#park jimin#지민#jimin#jiminshiii#amor a mis chicos jmjk#지민 (Jimin) 'Who' Official MV#Jimin’s “Who” is on 'Best K-Pop Song by a Male Artists Edition' according USEN Encore Japan#“Who” de Jimin está en la 'Edición de Mejor Canción K-Pop de un Artista Masculino' según USEN Encore Japan#felicidades jimin#congratulations jimin#Jimin x USEN Encore Japan#Youtube
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