#UPDATE I cried a little bit and I’m feeling still complex but better so. adding crying only a little bit to the list
excusemebutiquit · 6 months
Uh oh besties, I’m feeling complex tonight!!
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talesofesther · 4 years
Anchor - Part 1
Five Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: When Y/N reunites with her friend Klaus he ends up dragging her into his family mess of saving the world from an apocalypse. Meanwhile, Five sees himself getting more and more attached to this new girl.
Masterlist with the other parts
A/N: if you wanna be added to the tag list, let me know. 
Important notes, PLEASE read: 
I suck at summaries, so I'm sorry;
Anyway, I haven't written anything in a LONG time, so brace yourself for some bad writing, also English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes;
Five is aged up to 17/18 years here (which is Aidan's age, so nothing's changed);
This fic will be focused on Y/N's and Five's relationship so if I sometimes just brush past anything important happening with the other siblings, that's the reason;
I will follow the main events of the series but there might be some changes to best fit this story;
I have just a vague idea of what I want this story to be, but I'll mostly figure things out as I write. I'll try to update this always as soon as possible, but no promises (I'm also open to ideas of what you would like me to include in this story, so don't be afraid to ask);
I'll always try to keep the siblings in character as much as I can, but it may not always be perfect, so I'm sorry;
And last but not least I will only continue posting this fic here if you guys like it, so please let me know, a simple like will suffice. And all feedback is appreciated :D.
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It was already late at night, Y/N didn't know how late, but it was late. She was mindlessly walking the empty streets, with her hands in the pocket of her jeans, her sneakers kicking the dirt and her head overwhelmed with probably too many thoughts. She reached a club, at least she presumed that's what this place was. Just hearing the music from outside already seemed to give her a headache.
She was already walking away from the disturbing place when she saw a man stumble his way out, something about him looked familiar so she walked a bit closer and squinted her eyes to give him a better look. The only light illuminating them was the moon and the faint colorful lights coming from the club, and when she saw who the man was her eyes automatically widened.
"Klaus?" Her voice made her sound more surprised than she actually was.
Klaus on the other hand, raised his head so fast when he heard her voice he even became a little dizzy. When he saw the girl in front of him, his hands came to his mouth in utter shock and he muttered "oh my god".
"Oh my god Y/N" he said again, louder, after some seconds. Next thing Y/N knew she was being enveloped in a bone-crushing hug by her weird friend. "I can't believe you're actually here. Oh, it's been so long, I missed you" Klaus said while holding her close, he seemed genuinely happy to see her and it sent a warm feeling to her heart.
"I missed you too, buddy" she said with a smile, bringing her arms around him as well.
Klaus finally pulled back and held her by her shoulders. Now that he was closer, she noticed that he was sweaty and looked quite on edge. "Finding you here is definitely the best part of today, oh I haven't seen you in ages"
Y/N grinned at his overreaction, this was so typical of him that it even made her feel at home. But honestly, it hasn't been that long, probably just... Two months.
"Are you back in town? Please tell me you're back in town"
"Yes, I'm back in town Klaus, I was planning to call you tomorrow actually" Y/N chuckled.
This put an even bigger smile on the man's face. For some minutes they just sat outside of the club and talked about what happened in their lives in the past months, Y/N realized that she also missed him dearly. She didn't have so many people she could talk this carelessly with, or any at all.
After some minutes, she decided to ask him the question that was swimming in her head. "Are you okay Klaus? You seem a little on edge"
His eyes met hers and he saw her genuine concern, so he told her the truth. "I conjured my dad"
Y/N's eyes widened once again. Yes, she knew all about his family and his powers, and she saw about his father's death on the news. But she also knew that he hasn't conjured anyone in years, so that was a surprise. "What?"
"Listen, I'll... I'll tell you everything he told me, god I'd be happy to" he gulped and fidgeted with his hands. "But not here, come with me to the Academy. It's comfier there" he smiled.
Y/N had never entered the Academy before, Mister Reggie would probably despise her so she kept her distance. But since he wasn't around anymore, she didn't see much of a problem. So she reluctantly agreed and left with him.
They stayed up all night, talking in the big living room, drinking some glasses of wine here and there. And Klaus told her everything. He told her about Dave while he cried and she held him close. He told her about the apocalypse that was coming, and as much as she didn't want to believe him, she saw the sad sincerity in his eyes. That one specific part she took a couple of minutes to process, but he promised her they were working on stopping it. And at last, he told her everything his father said to him.
They only noticed that it was already morning when the rays os sunlight seeped through the windows.
"Hey, do you wanna head down to the kitchen and make some coffee? I gotta wake my siblings and tell them the big news" he asked while he got up from the couch and stretched.
"Of course but, your siblings don't know me, Klaus..." Y/N smiled hesitantly, looking up at him with her head resting on her hand.
"Ah don't worry about them, they're gonna love you. Just like I do" he waved her worries off and headed upstairs.
Y/N sighed and rubbed her eyes. She had to admit she was a little nervous, from what Klaus had told her, his siblings were nothing like him and she honestly wasn't expecting to meet them anytime soon. Especially now that apparently their missed sibling was back and for some reason that Klaus failed to explain to her, he was her age, but very grumpy. Klaus's words, not hers.
Yet here she was, about to make them coffee. In the kitchen that she was supposed to find in this immense house. Just great.
After she spent more time than she would like to admit looking for the kitchen, she was finally able to brew the coffee in peace. But at least while looking for said kitchen, she was able to take a look at the house. It was huge, every part of it was filled with decorations that were probably worth more than everything she's ever owned in her life, but nonetheless, it was beautiful. Plus Y/N was lucky she didn't run into anybody yet.
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"Alright the big man is finally here, Y/N is that coffee ready yet?" Klaus barged into the kitchen followed by a huge man, too huge. Y/N even felt a little intimidated. The big man's eyes soon landed on the new girl awkwardly standing in the kitchen while he sat in one of the chairs.
"Hi I'm-" Y/N was about to introduce herself when Klaus put an arm around her shoulders and cut her off.
"This little thing is Y/N, she's my friend" Klaus had a pleased smile on his face while he held Y/N to him.
"Hey, I'm Luther" the big man mumbled his name, he was clearly very hungover.
Y/N was about to sit on a chair but Klaus stopped her once again. "Oh, Ben is sitting there" he said while pouring Luther a cup of coffee. So the girl sat in the chair in front of Luther, looking at the seemingly empty chair beside her and whispering "Hey Ben, how've you been?".
Her kind smile made Ben smile as well. "I'm good Y/N, I missed you" sadly she couldn't hear him, but her smile didn't leave her face for a while, which made Ben's heart feel a little alive again.
All too suddenly another boy appeared and took Luther's coffee cup from his hand. Judging by his age and appearance Y/N presumed this was their missing brother that was now back. He was wearing a blue set of pajamas and honestly, he was quite... Cute. An opinion Y/N would never let Klaus know, otherwise she would never hear the end of it.
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"Jesus, who do I gotta kill to get a decent cup of coffee?" His snarky comment made Y/N raise an eyebrow at him and a small smirk make it's way to her face. But it soon disappeared when the boy's eyes finally found her's. His gaze was serious like she was a complex math problem he was desperately trying to solve.
"And who are you supposed to be?" He asked without taking his eyes off of her.
"I'm Y/N, a friend of Klaus" She gave him a small wave of her hand, but his serious expression still hasn't dissipated. He just took another sip of his coffee and said "Five".
She supposed this was his name, giving that all the other siblings seemed to have actual names instead of their numbers it was a bit odd. But she decided to not ask about it.
"Don't worry guys she's already all caught up in the apocalypse business so she's here to help" Klaus voice made yours and Five's head turn to his direction.
Y/N and Five said at the same time. Which made them both look at each other for a second before Y/N spoke again. "You didn't say anything about me helping stop a fucking apocalypse, Klaus. I mean, I will but... A warning would have been nice" she mumbled the last part, bringing her eyes down to her hands to process her new task, apparently. Of course she would help them in any way she could. But she wasn't like them, she was just... Normal. 
"You can't just run around telling all of your friends about the apocalypse Klaus" Five scolded him.
"Hey for the record Y/N is like a little sister to me alright? And also she already knows everything about our weird family, the more help the better right? So you're welcome" Klaus said back at him waving his spatula around. Five didn't look totally convinced, but he didn't say anything else, just shot another glance to Y/N's direction.
"Can we get started please?" Luther finally talked again.
And so Klaus finally started to talk about what happened last night, which was the reason that everyone was here in the first place. His siblings didn't seem to believe that he was able to conjure his dad until a monkey showed up and confirmed his story. He was so adorable that Y/N had the sudden urge to give him a hug, but she stayed on her chair in silence. She wasn't surprised when he confirmed that their father had actually killed himself apparently just to bring their family together. There are probably easier ways to schedule a family reunion, but she wasn't one to judge.
Luther was the first one to leave, he seemed pretty annoyed with all of this, and Y/N couldn't blame him.
Five risked another glance up towards the new girl, she was mindlessly playing with a spoon on the table. He wondered how she ended up with Klaus, maybe someday he can ask her. She looked innocent, fairly happy, and despite Klaus saying she already knew all about his family's weirdness, he had no desire to put her in unnecessary danger. But now was probably too late.
When her eyes rose up and met his, he felt uneasy. He felt an unfamiliar sensation inside his stomach and he didn't like it one bit. So he ran his hands through his hair, said "I gotta think" and in a flash of blue, he was gone.
Leaving only Y/N and Klaus (And Ben) in the kitchen.
Thank you for reading ♥ the next part should be out soon. And as I said, if you have any idea about how this story should progress or anything you would like to see in it, please send me an ask or message and I'd be happy to include it. ♥
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shaken-veil · 6 years
Dream Again #1 - Prison of Elders
So... this is it. This is going to be slow going but I hope after finishing Restless Flame it’s going to update faster. This is Nevia’s and Cayde’s post Forsaken story. This strays away from the original story because fuck canon, right? I just finished this so as usual, my works are mostly unedited, since I can’t be arsed. 
Cayde-6 x Female Guardian / Canon Divergent / AU / Lightless!Cayde / Canontypical Violence / M for fucking Mature, I guess. / Featuring @seigephoenix‘s Siobhan
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I dream of towers in a world consumed A void in the sentient sky I dream of fissures across the moon Leaves of the lotus rise
Miracle of Sound - Dream Again
“You girls ready for this?” Cayde stepped up next to Siobhan and Nevia, who both turned their heads towards the Exo. “Not that I’m leaving you behind somewhere on the way.” The tone in his voice was teasing and Nevia recognized a certain thrill. Of course, he was excited to be back out in the field. She gave him a smirk and shook her head.
“You better try to keep up with us, old man.”, Sio replied and checks the magazine of her precious Pulse Rifle, having Arawn using a transmat to get it out of her hands only a moment later. Nevia eyed her best friend’s purple Rocket Launcher. This was going to be a fun day.
“Yeah, yeah, you keep talking, Kid.”
“You two done?” Nevia looked up, swirling Taranis in her right hand. Jareth had forged this sword for her as a dawning gift. For the Crucible, she still preferred Quickfang, because of it’s speed, but Taranis was charged with arc energy, adding more force to her hits and it’s perfect balance allowed her wild maneuvers. The Better Devils was strapped to her thighs and the Ahamkara bones of her Gauntlet gently swayed in the rhythm of her beating heart.
“You had to bring these creepy things.” Cayde looked at the moving bones and Nevia just shrugged. Neither Siobhan nor Cayde approved of her wearing this special piece of armor, but she felt comfortable with it on her arm, offering her peace of mind in the heat of battle.
“Are you sure you want a third wheel with you on your date?” Nevia laughed at her friend’s comment and shook her head. She didn’t waste anymore time and jumped down from the ledge, they were standing on, landing almost silently on the ground below. The Prison of Elders was a mess, though she was impressed. Sure, she had fought in this arena countless times, but never saw the actual inside of this huge complex.
It didn’t take long for them to encounter the first pack of Fallen attacking them from all sides. Without hesitation, Nevia stormed forward, sword in hand and sliced through the first Dreg passing her by, accompanied by the sound of Siobhan’s Pulse Rifle and Cayde’s Ace of Spades. The bullets were rushing by her ears, but she trusted both of them not to hit her. She could almost feel Chia’s distress. Her poor little Ghost, always so worried.
“Can you please not shoot my wife!”, she heard Cayde over the comms.
“Could you not hit my best friend?!”, Sio shot back.
“Can you two please shut up?!”, Nevia snapped, as she pulled her blade out of a Vandal’s back.
“Could everyone please focus now?!”, Petra dropped, the sound of gunfire accompanying her words.
“Sorry, Petra!”, they all three answered in union, before the fight continued without much of a break. Running around the corner, the hunter group came face to face with a literal Deathsinger. Nevia’s eyes went wide. She hadn’t seen any of these, since they took down Oryx. Where the hell did Variks get these from? A dark smile appeared on her lips and Taranis swirled once more in her hand, before she started charging forward.
“Fire in the hole!”, Siobhan cried a bit further away. The sound of a rocket unleashing behind her caught Nevia’s attention. “Get down, Nevia!”
That she did. Once she could almost feel the heat of the missile at the back of her neck, she used the full speed of her run and dropped to the floor, sliding over the cold metal, keeping her head as low as possible. Almost in slow motion, the rocket flew over her head. She looked up, watching it pass by and then hitting the Deathsinger full frontal in the face. The explosion shook the whole corridor and Nevia’s small, sliding form vanished into a thick cloud of smoke, which only slowly vanished, when the dust settled from the impact. She glanced down at the Deathsinger, now in fact dead, and smirked. Nevia twirled around and jumped into the air with a joyful shout.
“That was amazing!”
Sio jogged over to her and she patted her on the shoulder. “Looks like we’re in the clear here, let’s move on to the lower levels.”
“There’s pretty high activity on the upper and lower floor right here. If you guys feel kinda bored.”, Sundance dropped in, staying hidden with Cayde, only speaking over the comms.
“Ha, what a coincidence. I go top, you go low, girls. See you on the other side.” He jogged off and jumped up towards the next floor.
“Usually you like it when I top.”, Nevia commented, while she pushed a door open to get downstairs.
“You guys are disgusting.” She could literally feel the rolling of Sio’s eyes in her voice and it caused her so chuckle.
“I need you all in the security hub to get these systems back online. I will check the levels further below. Ha.. I love field work.”, Petra sighed and was gone from their comms again.
“You and me both, PV.”
The two awoken hunters left Cayde to the top level and cleared out the two floors below, before they could make their way to the giant platform in the middle of the prison. Nevia sat foot on one of the bridges and looked down. It didn’t look very trustworthy.. “Can’t be afraid of heights here, I guess.”
“Hey girls, incoming!” The Exo’s voice made them both look around, until Sio just looked upwards and Nevia followed her eyes. From above, there came Cayde.. flying from one of the Debris upstairs, colliding with the hull of the security hub, barely holding on. “Whoops. That looked better in my head.. Well! Let’s move on. Ya ready to go? Oh.. there’s a door!... IT’S A TRAP!... Just kidding.” And he was gone, vanished into said door.
“Sometimes… I swear, by the Traveler’s saggy balls..”, Nevia grumbled and returned Taranis to her waist, replacing it with the Better Devils.
“You married that man. Now, let’s see what’s going on down there.” Siobhan held out her hand and Arawn appeared, hacking the entrance to the large, round room. The sides were covered in something like..pods? Nevia shook her head and turned towards Cayde, who was wildly pressing buttons on the consoles.
“This is going to end like Nessus, I see that coming.”, Sio mumbled.
“Maybe it turns out worse than Nessus?”
The Nightstalker’s horrified face mad Nevia snort and the moment later, they had to open fire on a horde of Hive, which were ambushing them from below the center. Feeling overwhelmed with the number of enemies, Nevia summoned her arc powers and they formed her staff within the blink of an eye. She danced among the Akolytes and Thralls, they all perishing in lightning and thunder. With one last elegant swing, she came back to stand and the staff vanished. Nevia took a deep breath and reloaded her gun.
“I… I am so turned on.”, was Cayde’s useful comment, before he stared a moment and then continued working. Siobhan said nothing for now, but Nevia knew her best friend hated it, when they flirted in front of her like that. It took another wave of Hive, thousands of buttons to press, which Cayde pressed..all at once.. before security went back online. Siobhan looked back and forth between her friends and sighed annoyed.
“I’m going and activate the other terminal. Then join Petra. You have fifteen minutes.”
Outside, Siobhan fought her way through a horde of Fallen and Cabal, fighting each other. All of a sudden a turret next to her came online and started firing at the enemies. Confused, the huntress progressed forward, not paying much mind to the odd reaction times of the machines, she managed to catch sight of Petra on the bottom of the Prison.
“Where are Cayde and Nevia?”, she asked over the comms, looking up to Siobhan.
“Are you serious?!”
“How can you guardians even get anything done?”, she sighed heavy and crossed her arms over her chest.
“I was so free and isolated their comm channels from yours.”, Arawn appeared next to Sio’s shoulder, looking at his guardian. It took only a few more minutes, before said two channels opened again and Cayde dropped on.
“Hey, how did you like our new guns?”, he sounded cheerful, too cheerful, in the background, Nevia was laughing. She emerged shortly after from the security hub and jogged down the balconies to join Siobhan.
“What did he mean by your new guns?”, she asked the other huntress. The Arcstrider just grinned and shrugged. “Have you… No.. while firing the turrets?!” The answer was yet another shrug. “Fuck’s sake.. Why am I even friends with you two.”
“Because you love us.” Cayde had stepped out onto the bridge on the other side and looked down at Petra.. and then.. was when everything went to hell.
Nevia’s sight was blurry. What had just happened? She could only get on her feet slowly, Chia was flying around her with hectical movements, healing wounds, fixing bones. When she was able to see again, she examined her surroundings. Around her was the wreckage of the security hub. She looked at her ghost in question.
“After Petra informed us of the Prison Break, Cayde decided it was wise to block the only exit with..well.. this. We dropped over 20 levels down and crashed here. I lost contact to the others…” Nevia patted her ghost lightly on the shell and checked her weapons.
“We’ll find them.. Let’s move and we see, how far we get.” She was all set. Her hand cannon was without damage and so was her sword. She returned the Better Devils to it’s holster and took Taranis in her hand. When something was about to get the jump on her, she would rather be able to defend herself directly. The path in front of her was nothing but crashed corridors, broken vents and holes in rubble, where she could fit through. Chia traced some dark kind of ether through the destroyed prison. “I hope Siobhan, Cayde and Petra are alright…”
“I’m sure they are.”, the small ghost tried to cheer her guardian up.
Nevia herself wasn’t so sure about that. A bad feeling was settling in her stomach, crawling it’s way up to her heart.
She climbed out of a vent, quietly dropping onto the corridor beneath it. It was a whole row of these..pods… cells? Was this a cell block? Anyway they were all opened. Something had broken out in all this chaos and this corrupted Ether was all over the place. Nevia crouched down to take a closer look at it. “I’ve never seen anything like it. And we saw a lot in our time..”
Chia hovered down as well, trying to take scans. “I agree… I don’t feel good. You sure, we should move on?”
“Should we leave our friends to die down here?”, she almost snapped an answer, but instantly regretted it. “I’m sorry, Chia.”
“Don’t worry. I understand and you’re right. We should get moving. Come on, up to your feet. There is a rather clear path ahead, no movement detected.” Chia vanished again, though she was always with Nevia, never leaving her side, a comforting presence lingering in the back of her mind, only speaking up when needed.. or she wanted to.
Dropping onto the next lower floor, Nevia landed quietly, looking around only to find more of these Ether tracks. A low growl caught her attention and out of the walls spilled enemies...They looked fallen at first glance, but more like they had been changed, transformed and Chia confirmed her suspicion a moment later. There was nothing for her to do except reaching for her Better Devils and start firing. The floor just wouldn’t stop. When her ammo ran low, she switched to her sword and with Taranis she slaughtered what came into her way, her armor covered in strange fluids, which were probably the blood of these creatures. “I sense light below, Nevia!” Chia appeared next to her, visibly excited. “Sio or Cayde, I can’t make it out.. But one of them is alright.”
“Well, that’s at least something. Let’s find a way down. How much further?”
“Only one floor. There is a breach in the floor a bit ahead.”
Nevia moved forward with caution. She really had no desire to stumble over these things again anytime soon. The simple thought made a shiver run down her spine. She reached the whole in the ground.. Well, when Chia said it was a breach, she didn’t lie. Something had torn the whole ground apart and from her position here, she couldn’t see much. Carefully, she stepped forward and dropped down. The second her feet hit the floor a low explosion shook her surroundings.
Alarmed she looked around, she didn’t see it coming, the wave of light flooding the whole lower part of the prison. It hit her with incredible force, lighting her veins on fire for a moment and it was painful, she almost screamed. Chia looked at her. The ghost’s optic was nothing but hectic movements and the words ‘Oh no, nononono…’
Nevia had to get her bearings. She looked at her hands. Something had changed..her light.. An explosion of light? “Chia.. Tell me what happened.. What was that?!” She had seen guardians die, back when she was down in the Hellmouth with her fireteam. When Yaralia’s ghost was broken underneath the foot of a Hive knight…
Chia seemed like she didn’t know what to do. She just stared at her guardian. “Sundance.. They killed Sundance. Nevia, if we don’t reach Cayde, he’ll die. For good.”
Her heart felt like it dropped onto the ground. Panic rose in her chest and her hand clenched around her sword. “Point me in the direction. Now, Chia!” Without waiting much further, Nevia started running. She could feel her light pulsing in her head, heart, everywhere, as if it was just willing to consume her anytime.
“Left!”, her ghost commanded and Nevia threw herself to the ground to slide around the corner and just continue running. “Down!” Without thinking, she jumped over the railing and landed painfully on a floor below, which was mostly just rubble and covered in the remaining of the security hub. “Behind that vent, there was the source.. That was where Sundance left us.”
She wanted to cry, scream, but there was no time. The life of her husband was on the line. Nevia managed to push aside the grid, which covered the vent and her eyes landed on Cayde, who was surrounded by a group of huge Fallen. One of them walked towards him, swinging a burning mace in their hand. Cayde looked at his hand cannon and lifted it for one last shot. He was ready to die. She wouldn’t allow it.
She slid down a large piece of metal and landed on her feet, unnoticed by these abominations and Cayde. Nevia looked up and used the power of her light to jump up to another small catwalk above her. She quickly rushed along it, until she was above them. The one with the mace lifted their arm, ready to strike and she screamed: “No!”, dropped down as suddenly Solar energy unleashed itself in her body and mind, veins literally burning and in her hands didn’t form her usual Arc Staff, but a bunch of burning throwing knives. No second to waste, she didn’t think about it and spun in a circle, letting them fly and hit their targets. It was natural and came as easy, as the deadly dance of her staff.
Nevia landed in front of Cayde, one hand on the ground, but she glared at the biggest Fallen of the group. Her whole body was still bathed in Solar Light. Her enemies were only slightly wounded by her attack but it was enough to make them pull back. A shadow from the back caught her attention. Height of an average man and these giants..they parts for him to pass. When his face revealed, she couldn’t believe her eyes. She knew things were going on in the Reef but like this? Uldren Sov stared at her from his bright orange eyes.
“Don’t you dare.”, Nevia warned him. “I will not let you get away, piece of shit.”
But instead of paying any mind to her threat, Uldren just chuckled. “Ah, so protective. Come on then. Try. I’ll make sure to give you my undivided attention, but ask yourself what your lightless husband would do then... “
His words sank in. She was helpless. Would she stop them from escaping, they could easily put an end to Cayde, even if she knew, he would want her to act exactly like this… She couldn’t. So Nevia stayed silent, hand clenching around the sword grip, but the glow around her slowly faded. “You will not get away with this.”
“And who is going to stop me..exactly? You? Hah.”
No, she wouldn’t stop him and leave Cayde unprotected. So Nevia watched him go.. leaving with his monstrosities, saying nothing. The gate closed in front of her eyes and she turned towards her husband, laying coughing on the ground. He hadn’t said a word, since she stepped in front of him. She lifted her hand and Chia instantly appeared, checking him over and started to heal, what she could. “You damn idiot.”, Nevia hissed at him. “What were you thinking? You could have died down here… Sundance died! Why do you have to be so reckless! We could have lost you.”
“Sundance..”, he paused, apparently not having exactly the strength to speak. “I.. couldn’t.”
“Stop talking. Chia, how bad is it?” Nevia looked like she was in pure distress. The fear of losing the man she loved was too present in her mind, that she could even think clearly.
“Bad.. I’m doing what I can, but I’m no expert on this.. I’m no Braytech engineer, Nevia. We need to get him back to the Tower, where he can be treated properly.”
The same moment, her ghost finished, the door swished open again and Petra came running through it, covered in Scorn blood and scratches on her face. “What happened? Oh no.”
“He’s not dead. We need to get him out of here. Have you had any contact to Siobhan?” The answer to her question was just the other awoken woman shaking her head. Nevia had to make a decision. Going to look for her best friend or save her husband’s life. Her heart was torn in two. Sio was her sister. If anything happened to her, she would never forgive herself but Cayde was mortal now. As mortal, as an Exo was anyway. But he had only one life left to give and she would protect it. “Petra.. We have to leave for the Tower. Cayde needs urgent medical attention.. Please, look for Siobhan? I don’t know, if she is alright or not..”
“Of course. Are you sure, you two can manage everything else?” Petra put her gun away and looked at Cayde, obvious concern in her eyes.
“Yes, we’ll be alright..” ‘Hopefully’ she added in her mind and with that, she turned her attention away from Petra, who was just leaving. Cayde looked bad. His was was completely ruined and his armor wrecked. Nevia felt like she was about to cry, but she refused to break down in front of him. “Chia, can we transmat him to our ship?”
“I think so. It’s not like we have another choice, really. Don’t worry about Siobhan, she’s fine. I’m sure. Tell me Nevia, did you notice something about Uldren?”
“Aside from being the prick he usually is? I have no idea what this just was.. He seemed..strange. I can’t pinpoint it but I’ve seen him many times before.. You’re right, something was off. But I couldn’t care less if Uldren Sov would get dumped somewhere in the universe. Get ready for transmat.” Cayde wanted to say something, but she cut him off with a stern look and a moment later.. They were on her ship, back on their way to the Tower and the help, he really needed.
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insomniaacs · 7 years
Flashing Lights (part 3) - Benedict x reader
A/N: Well this was loads of fun to write. Especially the end because damn, the cumberbutt gets me every time. A huge thanks to @duskybatfishgirl for providing me with this post that inspired me profoundly, lol. Also, this week I might be slower on updates because of a few upcoming exams, but I promise I'll make an effort. Just be patient, you guys, because a lot of good stuff is coming up ;D
Requested by @thestrawberryblondehobbitbatch: Flashing Lights. I loved this fic. I was wondering if you could to do another one like it. But Benedict is going on the graham Norton show to promote Sherlock. And the reader is the surprise guest.
Word count: 2509 Warnings: none
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[part 1] [part 2]
Benedict smiled as the cheers and clapping from the crowd ceased.
His hands were a little bit sweaty, but other than that he felt calmer than he ever had during talk shows like this.
In front of him, Graham Norton beamed with a kind of mischievousness that was lost on Benedict. He'd been to the Graham Norton Show more times than he could count, but he still couldn't for the life of him figure out what its host was thinking most of the time. God only knew what that bearded little man was up to.
"So," Graham began, and Benedict shifted to a more comfortable position on his seat. "This is a good couch we have here tonight, isn't it?" he said, and Benedict looked to his side and at his longtime friend and costar.
Martin Freeman was sitting beside him with his legs crossed and his hands intertwined on his lap, and he too seemed laid back and quite relaxed.
"It definitely is," Martin answered, patting Benedict on the shoulder as they both smiled. The two were already used to all the fuss and commotion that came with being famous, and it helped that they were in it together for this one interview. They were more than used to each other, so it made it all a little more bearable.
"Well then, gentlemen, let's start talking about Sherlock," Graham made a show of waving the little card in his hand. "What is it like- because I reckon your characters are quite... eccentric-" he added with a smile, "-but what is it like to play the iconic duo; Sherlock Holmes and John Watson?"
Benedict and Martin both looked at each other knowingly, though Benedict was the first to speak. "Well... at first it was a little bit challenging," he admitted after taking a deep breath. "I mean, Sherlock, he's... a high functioning sociopath, as he likes to call himself," he laughed, "he's ingenious and completely out of the ordinary, so you can imagine how tricky it is to kind of get his personality right." Graham and Martin both nodded.
"Can we please talk about how talented this man is, though?" Martin chimed in and pointed at Benedict, who scoffed softly. He'd never gotten used to being praised, and the audience awed at the embarrassment on his face as he shook his head. "I mean, come on! It takes a great actor to play that kind of character, and an even greater one to do it well," Martin said and the audience clapped again when Benedict lifted a hand to cover his heart and then proceeded to hug his costar.
"No, but he's right," Graham agreed, stirring on his seat. "Let's not diminish you though, Martin, because John is a pretty complex character as well, I presume," he said and it was Benedict's turn to nod excitedly while Martin just laughed.
"Oh, he's actually pretty challenging too," Benedict said honestly. "Especially during third season. He actually cries a lot," he joked and Martin couldn't disagree, laughing along with the audience.
"And speaking of season three, I believe you actually have a very... well known guest star making an appearance in the show again, if you know what I mean," Graham waggled his eyebrows and winked, the suggestive tone of his voice making Benedict hide behind one of his hands while Martin chuckled.
"Ah, yes," Martin smiled, "(Y/N)'s presence on the set was definitely a game changer," he said with a hint of an innuendo to his tone, and Benedict felt the urge to sink further into his seat. Really, he'd known the subject of the both of you was bound to surface, and he had no problem discussing it in television. It was just that whenever your name came up, he suddenly became a stuttering mess. It was like a mandatory reaction to it, and he also couldn't keep the familiar funny feeling on his stomach from taking over him at the mere mention of you. "He doesn't even acknowledge my existence anymore... it's like I'm not even there!" Martin exclaimed dramatically, pretending to be upset while Benedict protested with a shake of his head and mouthed an 'Oh, come on' to the audience.
"Yes, my condolences, Martin," Graham joined on the drama, and then both he and Martin laughed at the guilty look on Benedict's face.
"Jokes aside now, though, (Y/N)'s just such a lovely person," Martin said more seriously now, and Benedict remained very quiet, because he knew if he started to talk about just how amazing you were, they'd be stuck on that couch for a few hours. "Honestly, when she first made an appearance in the show like, two years ago, the entire Sherlock crew had been praying for this guy over here to ask her out," Martin revealed with a nudge to Benedict's shoulder, and the man in question merely rolled his eyes.
Long after the two of you had met, you'd gotten a minor role in Sherlock for season two, and though your characters didn't have much interaction, you'd become inseparable on set. The friendship you'd had before had only strengthened, and you'd started hanging out together outside work schedules as well. Benedict was already single at that time, and it hadn't taken long for the both of you to start dating officially.
"And by the way, congratulations on getting engaged!" Graham exclaimed excitedly, and Benedict's smile only grew. His heart squeezed happily in his chest as he looked down at the engagement ring wrapped around his finger.
"Thank you," he replied, unable to keep from touching the silver band on his right hand and grinning proudly to the cheering audience.
"It was quite the announcement too. I'm sure no one payed attention to the Oscars after that speech," Graham said playfully, and both Benedict and Martin chuckled.
"It was Benedict's payback for not being nominated this year," Martin joked and everyone laughed. The room had acquired a cheery environment, and Benedict was feeling twice as confident as he had been when he first walked up the steps to the stage. You had that effect on him.
"Well, I have some great things planned for you this evening, gentlemen," Graham smiled wickedly and then looked to the audience, "but first, let me call to the stage our third guest of the night. Here with us is Oscar winner and star of the new Kingsman movie, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), soon to be Mrs. Benedict Cumberbatch!"
At that, Benedict's eyes widened.
He barely registered the clapping and screaming all around him, and instead turned his head to look at the entrance of the stage. He was beginning to doubt Graham's words, but then he saw a flash of deep red high-heels and smelled the unmistakable scent of flowers from your perfume and knew that he was not being tricked.
You appeared from behind the red curtains, a huge smile playing on your lips as you stopped to hug Graham, and then Martin, and then finally, Benedict.
He was still sitting on the couch unlike the two other males on the stage, his expression one of pure shock and confusion. It took him about a few seconds to finally realize that what was happening was actually real, and then Benedict was on his feet in one single fast motion that left him slightly dizzy. He wrapped his arms around you before you even had the chance to do anything, embracing you firmly like you could slip away from his grasp and disappear into thin air.
"I can't believe this," he said with a breathless chuckle. One of his hands moved to cradle the back of your neck as he distanced himself just enough to be able to look at your face, and you smiled warmly at him when he leaned in again to press an affectionate kiss to your forehead, earning a series of Aaw's from the crowd.
"It's payback, darling," you said with a cheeky smile, and the audience laughed before the both of you sat on the couch and you were squeezed in between Martin and Benedict.
"I feel like my job is done here now," Graham joked, "I'm sure there has been no matchmaker better than me," he smiled proudly, and Benedict managed to laugh despite his stupor.
He still couldn't believe you were there beside him; still couldn't do anything but admire you in silence. He was sure his face was showing everything he was feeling at that moment, but he simply couldn't make himself care. You looked as beautiful as ever, and he breathed in the smell of you; the one impregnated on his pillows and the one he craved so much during the nights he had to spend alone because you were away.
"So now that you're here, (Y/N), I propose we talk a little bit about you and Benedict," Graham said and the audience clapped excitedly.
"Okay, but aren't you done embarrassing me on this show, Graham?" you asked with an exasperated expression. "I mean, it's only my second time here, you can't possibly think that after this there'll be a third one?" you joked and the three men beside you chuckled, and you felt Benedict's hand sneak around your shoulders to rest on the sofa's back.
Graham laughed and pressed a hand to his chest. "Oh, as long as I'm being paid I don't mind," he countered playfully. "But anyway, I'm sure you're aware that Benedict has become somewhat of a sex symbol," he waggled his eyebrows, and the whole room was filled with whistling as you nodded. "But tell me, are you familiar with the nickname for your fiancée's fans?" His eyes glinted and you smiled knowingly.
"I'm afraid so," you said with the lift of an eyebrow, not entirely sure what you should expect, but grinning nonetheless. You felt Benedict's eyes on you but didn't look back at him.
"Well, I'm glad, because that's exactly what we're going to talk about," Graham smiled. "Sorry, do we have any Cumberbitches in the audience?" He barely finished his question and the entire room was filled with screaming. You heard Benedict laugh beside you, and couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips. You couldn't really blame the fans. He was an attractive man, after all. "Believe me, you'll thank me later. These people can be quite inspiring, really," Graham added looking at you, and you chuckled lightly.
"Of course. Honestly, I'm a bit of a Cumberbitch myself, so..." you shrugged and the audience cheered again, and you searched for Benedict's hand to hold it closer to you. Your eyes finally connected with his, and you could tell that he was pleased by your comment.
"Well, so you must be aware that there are many other things that can be cumbered and batched," Graham stated seriously, but a second later his lips were stretching into a smirk, and the crowd laughed as both you and Benedict blushed at the innuendo.
"Do tell us more about that," Martin chimed in with a mischievous look on his face.
Graham only chuckled before answering. "Well, for example, did you know that apparently, Benedict has slim, very strong, uh... cumberhands?" He hadn't even finished his sentence when you started already laughing. God, people were creative.
"Oh, lord," you heard Benedict murmur beside you, and your smile only grew on your face as he shook his head and looked down in embarrassment.
"Ah, yes. The cumberhands. I'm afraid I'm very familiar with them," you said knowing exactly how dirty your sentence sounded, and Graham and Martin made a show of widening their eyes suggestively while Benedict hid his face at the curve of your neck and the audience whistled and laughed.
"Well that was incredibly meaningful..." Graham murmured with a little smile. "But there's more. He's also got- and this fan was thoroughly specific-" Graham added, looking up momentarily from the card he was reading, "-'Just the slightest cumbermusk in the Boston sunshine'," he said making quotes with his fingers, and you just couldn't help the full blown laugh that escaped your lips.
"Oh my god, this is gold," you laughed wholeheartedly, watching as Benedict became a darker shade of red as he too chuckled.
"I love that she actually managed to smell him," Martin said with a comical raise of his brows, making everyone laugh even harder.
"Yes, that's a bit creepy," Graham commented, all eyes falling on Benedict's red face. "I could go on, but I figured I should ask (Y/N) here what is her favorite, erm... cumberquality," he said and you laughed at his choice of words, looking at Benedict beside you who was eyeing you back expectantly.
"Okay, let me see..." you searched his face slowly. Your heart was beating erratically in your ribs not only due to the fact that you were sitting in front of more than 300 people, but also because of the intensity with which Benedict was staring at you. His hands were gently caressing yours on your lap, and you gripped his fingers lightly before answering the question. "Well I was thinking of saying his beautiful cumberheart," you heard the collective 'Aaw' from the other occupants of the room and immediately pursed your lips, covering your heart with the hand that was intertwined with his. "But I figured that would be a bit too cheesy and cliché, so I'll stick to the cumberbutt," you finished, and everyone laughed loudly.
"Great choice," Graham said and Martin nodded, and the show went on as expected.
You talked about your character in Kingsman and discussed future projects and movies, and by the time the show ended, you were feeling light and happy. You left the stage with your hands still gripping Benedict's, and the both of you bid your goodbyes to Martin before exiting the building and being escorted to your car.
Sometime during the drive home you felt Benedict wrap his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him in the backseat.
You snuggled closer to his warmth unconsciously, and you two stayed silent for a few moments before he decided to speak. "I thought you'd get jealous," he murmured, the deepness of his voice making his chest vibrate against your hand and cheek.
"What?" you asked confusedly, and he smiled.
"Because of the, um... cumberbitches..." he said awkwardly, and you laughed before lifting your head slightly to look at him.
"I was a little bit," you admitted honestly, adverting your eyes with a slight tilt of your head. Your hand that was on his chest started drawing patterns on the collar of his suit as you spoke. "But then I remembered that, oh, yeah," you rolled your eyes and your smile widened as you closed almost the entire distance between your faces so that your lips were barely touching his. Your next words were spoken in a purr that had his heart doing that little leap inside his chest as he gripped your waist affectionately, "you're mine."
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