jobsnotices · 1 month
UNICEF Opened a Vacancy for Nutrition Specialist in Nepal 2024
UNICEF Opened a Vacancy for Nutrition Specialist in Nepal 2024 in fixed term appointment. Interested and qualified candidates are invited to apply by 19th August 2024, Nepal Standard Time. JOB OPPORTUNITY  UNICEF Opened a Vacancy for Nutrition Specialist in Nepal 2024 Nutrition Specialist (Early Childhood Nutrition), P-4, UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia, Kathmandu Nepal, Fixed Term #…
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steampoweredshow · 2 months
Not everyone has that pivotal moment where they realise what they want to do with their life, and that's okay. The important thing is to be open to ideas and opportunities even if they may take you a different direction.
Rumee Singh is the CEO and co-founder of Rahat and a Tech Entrepreneur. Join us as Rumee shares the full-circle journey that brought her home, and building solutions that make an impact in her community.
About Rumee Singh
Rumee Singh, CEO of a UNICEF Innovation Fund portfolio startup, leads Rahat, a financial access platform addressing climate impact and fostering inclusion for the most vulnerable. Rumee started her entrepreneurial journey after moving back to Nepal in 2018. With over 20 years of global leadership, Rumee Singh is celebrated among Nepal's leading women in tech; a 2023 MIT Solver and is featured in the Women for Change 2024 global campaign.
Rumee's work through Rahat has positively impacted 20,000+ beneficiaries. As a GSMA Innovation Fund grantee, her team is currently working to streamline efforts for timely humanitarian responses for vulnerable households in flood-prone regions. Rumee also founded a non-profit addressing the stress of blood management in Nepal, and her initiative has saved over 23,000 lives.
Website: https://rahat.io/ Twitter: @rahataid
Watch or listen on your favourite platform.
Show Notes
[00:01:03] Following the familial STEM path. [00:03:12] The concern that it felt 'wrong' to not know your direction in life. [00:03:57] The pivot to journalism and communications. [00:05:12] The journey home and connecting with community. [00:07:14] So, what now? Deciding what comes next. [00:07:51] A reminder of what has always been important to her. [00:08:44] Hamro Lifebank and the digital transformation of blood management. [00:14:11] Rumsan, and leveraging technology for social impact. [00:15:15] Exploring blockchain as a tool. [00:15:40] Rahat, to support transparency in tracking humanitarian aid and reaching the underbanked. [00:17:08] The challenges of pioneering with new technology and the value of industry support. [00:18:30] Anticipatory Action (AA) in disaster response. [00:19:33] Direct financial access support and building community resilience. [00:20:06] Supporting digital and financial literacy in underserved populations to reduce the digital divide. [00:21:18] Technology is just a tool. The end-user doesn't and shouldn't have to know how their problem is solved. [00:23:08] Technological leapfrogging and the challenges with all forms of literacy. [00:24:26] You will always need people in the field, but tech can shoulder some of the load. [00:27:27] The challenge of balancing expanding support opportunities and scope creep. [00:31:36] Societal and humanitarian issues are multifaceted. [00:33:52] The challenges of making impact sustainable.
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itsnothingbutluck · 8 months
Kinderprostitution. Kinderpornografie. Kinderhandel
Kinderhandel, Kinderprostitution und Kinderpornografie haben sich in den vergangenen Jahren zu riesigen Märkten mit enormen Gewinnspannen entwickelt. UNICEF schätzt, dass allein in Asien jährlich eine Million Mädchen und Buben für das Geschäft mit Sex ausgebeutet werden. Der UN-Studie über Gewalt gegen Kinder (2006) zufolge werden weltweit 1,8 Millionen Kinder pro Jahr zur Prostitution und Pornografie gezwungen und 1,2 Millionen Kinder wie Ware verkauft – viele von ihnen für sexuelle Zwecke. Darüber hinaus werden etwa 150 Millionen Mädchen und 73 Millionen Buben unter 18 Jahren Opfer sexueller Gewalt – in der Familie, in der Schule, in ihren Wohnquartieren, in Gefängnissen, an ihrem Arbeitsplatz. …Die kommerzielle sexuelle Ausbeutung von Kindern ist ein kriminelles Geschäft, das nur zu einem Bruchteil aufgedeckt wird. Die folgenden Zahlen und Beispiele beruhen auf Schätzungen und sollen als Anhaltspunkte dienen. ECPAT, die Arbeitsgemeinschaft zum Schutz der Kinder vor sexueller Ausbeutung, schätzt den Umsatz mit Kinderprostitution und Kinderpornografie auf zwölf Milliarden US-Dollar im Jahr. Neben Waffen- und Drogenhandel ist der Menschenhandel das lukrativste kriminelle Geschäft. In der Grenzregion zwischen Tschechien, Österreich und Deutschland wurde nach einer Untersuchung für UNICEF aus dem Jahr 2005 jedem siebten Kind schon einmal Geld für Sex angeboten. In Nepal werden nach Schätzungen von UNICEF jährlich 12.000 Kinder, vor allem Mädchen, innerhalb des Landes oder nach Indien und andere Nachbarländer in Bordelle verkauft. In Südafrika prostituieren sich laut UNICEF rund 30.000 Kinder unter 18 Jahre, die Hälfte von ihnen ist unter 14 Jahre alt…
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indrabalakhanna · 1 year
Live : Nepal 1 TV 23-8-2023 || Episode: 1308 || Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj S...
সমাজ সংস্কারক সন্ত রামপালজী
#Spirituality #photography
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💖पूर्ण ब्रह्म कबीर परमेश्वर💖
सर्व शक्ति मान पूर्ण परमात्मा पूर्ण ब्रह्म पर्मेश्वर् कबीर साहेब जी आयु बढ़ा सकते हैं और कोई भी रोग नष्ट कर सकते हैं | सत्य प्रमाण देखिये ऋग्वेद में मंडल न: 10 सूक्त 161 मंत्र न: 2,5 सूक्त 162 मंत्र न: 5 सूक्त 163 मंत्र न: 1-3 आदि |
*💦बन्दीछोड़ सतगुरु रामपाल जी महाराज जी की जय💦*हो🙏
📕 सतगुरु जी 📕
🙏☺अवतरण दिवस☺🙏
👉सतगुरु संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी अपने सत्यज्ञान से दहेज, मृत्युभोज, भ्रूण हत्या, जाति-पाति, छुआछूत, नशे, भ्रष्टाचार आदि बुराइयों को जड़ से समाप्त करने की पक्की नीवं डाल चुके हैं एक स्वच्छ समाज का निर्माण कर रहे हैं। अच्छाई की क्रांति बुराई को जड़ से हिला देगी संत रामपाल जी महाराज कोई आम समाज सुधारक नहीं है वास्तविक समाज सुधारक है
👉जाति ना पूछो संत की, पूछ लीजियो ज्ञान🥀
मोल करो तलवार का, पड़ा रहन दो म्यान🥀🙏
सतगुरु संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी का ज्ञान सर्व शास्त्रों से प्रमाणित है और पूर्ण ब्रह्म पर्मेश्वर् कबीर साहेब जी की उच्च और अनमोल शिक्षाओं पर आधारित है। संत रामपाल जी के अनुयायी छुआछूत और जातिवाद जैसी बुराई से कोसों दूर हैं + मर्यादित भाषा का प्रयोग करते हैं तथा प्रेम भाव से रहते हैं
👉संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी का समाज सुधार में विशेष योगदान है। संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी की असीम कृपा व उनकी आध्यात्मिक शिक्षाओं का ही परिणाम है, जो आज उनके अनुयायी रक्तदान व देहदान जैसे महान कार्य कर रहे हैं।
भूखों को भोजन कराना अपना परम कर्तव्य समझते हैं + शरण आए का सम्मान करना जानते हैं विपदा में घिरे लोगों की पूर्ण रूप से सहायता करना अपना परम कर्तव्य समझते हैं | पंजाब फाजिल्का में, जो बाढ़ का प्रकोप हुआ , हाल ही में जो हरियाणा क्षेत्र में बाढ़ का प्रकोप हुआ और भारतवर्ष में जो कोरोना जैसी महामारी का प्रकोप हुआ + उड़ीसा में जो रेल दुर्घटना जैसी जो आपत्ति आई _इन सभी कठिन परिस्थितियों में संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी के अनुयायिओं ने बढ़ चढ़कर आपत्ति में पड़े हुए लोगों की सहायता की | भारतवर्ष में कहीं भी कोई अन्याय होता दिखा तो उस अन्याय के विरुद्ध पूर्ण रूप से ढाल बनकर खड़े हुए संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी के शिष्य, चाहे वह किसान आंदोलन हो या जाट आंदोलन | संत रामपाल जी महाराज के शिष्य, मतदान (वोट) भी बहुत विचार कर देते हैं क्योंकि पूर्ण ब्रह्म कबीर परमेश्वर जी की शिक्षाएं _ यह कहती हैं कि अन्याय करना और अन्याय सहना और अन्याय का सहयोग देना + कुपात्र को धन देना , कुपात्र को गद्दी पर बिठाना, कुपात्र को बेटी धन देना सब अपराध है पराए के धन पर नियत रखना_पाप कर्म हैं | संत रामपाल जी महाराज के शिष्यों के द्वारा समाज में सभी अच्छाइयों का प्रवेश हो रहा है भाईचारे की भावना उज्जवल हो रही है अच्छाइयों का सूरज उदय होकर खिल रहा है 🙏 संत रामपाल जी महाराज के अनुयाई यदि राजनीति क्षेत्र में भी आएंगे तो वह मानवता का ही संचार करेंगे क्योंकि उनके हृदय में मानवता घर कर चुकी है + परमेश्वर का संविधान घर कर चुका है,हमें ऐसे ही एक अच्छे स्वच्छ समाज की जरूरत है, जिसमें किसी भी प्रकार का भ्रष्टाचार ना हो व्यभिचार ना हो अन्याय ना हो मानवता के मूल्यों को ऊंचे शिखर पर आँका जाए | संत रामपाल जी महाराज ने अपने शिष्यों को अपने अनुयायियों को पवित्रता की निर्मलता और सरलता की मानवता की उच्च श्रेणी की माला में,माला के मनको की तरह पिरो दिया है। 🙏
हाल ह
चाहे कोरोना महामारी हो, बाढ़ त्रासदी हो या उड़ीसा रेल दुर्घटना हो। 🙏 जी हां, जंग जारी है आज्ञान के साथ ज्ञान की, संत रामपाल जी महाराज के अनुयाई असत्य पर सत्य की जीत घोषित कर रहे हैं + अज्ञान के धरातल पर ज्ञान का झंडा फहरा रहे हैं | वास्तव में संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी ने अपने अनुयाई बच्चों को इतनी ऊंचे सिद्धांत दिए हैं इतनी ऊंची शिक्षा दी है इतनी ऊंची कृपा की है जिससे आज उनके न्याय धर्म के वास्तविक नींव रख रहे हैं यह सिद्धांत पूर्ण ब्रह्म कबीर परमेश्वर की पवित्र शिक्षाओं पर और उनके संविधान पर आधारित हैं 🙏
👉कहे कबीर पुकार के, दोय बात लखि ले🥀
एक साहेब की बंदगी, और भूखों को कुछ दे🥀🙏 समाज कल्याण को अपना पर��� दायित्व मानते हैं_ संत रामपाल जी महाराज के अनुयायी/बच्चे/ शिष्य |
👉संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी के, सतलोक आश्रमों में भोजन और आश्रय की सभी सुविधाएं पूरी तरह से मुफ्त उपलब्ध कराई जाती हैं। लिंग, धर्म, जाति, संपत्ति आदि के आधार पर किसी भी प्रकार का कोई भेदभाव ऊंच-नीच असमान व्यवहार नहीं किया जाता 🙏
👉चिड़ी चोंच भर ले गई, नदी ना घट्यो नीर 🥀
दान दिए धन घटे नहीं, कह रहे साहेब कबीर 🥀🙏
मृत्यु के उपरांत आत्मा के साथ कुछ भी नहीं चलता, सिवाय अच्छे कर्मों और सच्चे मंत्रों की कमाई के। इसी बात को ध्यान में रखते हुए संत रामपाल जी महाराज के सभी शिष्यों का हमेशा "भूखों को भोजन कराने का उद्देश्य" प्रमुख रहा है।
👉अन्न जल साहिब रूप है, क्षुध्या तृषा जाए ।
चारों युग प्रवान है, आत्म भोग लगाए ॥
संत रामपाल जी महाराज के पवित्र आध्यात्मिक प्रवचनों को सुनकर, अधिक से अधिक लोगों की भूख मिटाना उनके सभी शिष्यों का एक मुख्य उद्देश्य माना जाता है। संत रामपाल जी महाराज ने कहा है कि यदि आप दूसरों को भोजन प्रदान करते हैं, तो आप कभी भी उससे वंचित नहीं रहेंगे क्योंकि भूखे को खाना खिलाना सबसे उत्तम कार्य है🙏
👉भगवान के संविधान के अनुसार, जो जानवरों को मारते हैं और उनका मांस खाते हैं, वे काफिर होते हैं। इसके अलावा, जो लोग हुक्का पीते हैं वे भगवान के दरबार में काफिरों के रूप में खड़े होते हैं।
काफिर सो जो मुरगी काटे, वे काफिर जो सीना चाटे ।
काफिर गूदा घटें सलाई, काफिर हुक्का पीवें अन्यायी ।।
संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी द्वारा दी गयी शिक्षा व ज्ञान से उनके अनुयायी मांस व नशे से कोसों दूर है, संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी ने अपने अन्य बच्चों को ऐसे दिव्य विचार दिए हैं जिससे वह किसी भी प्रकार का नशा नहीं करते, दहेज आदि लेते और देते नहीं , इस से उनका किया हुआ रक्तदान और देह दान भी उत्तम दान में है, संत रामपाल जी महाराज के बच्चे सदा दान और सेवा कर्म में आगे रहते हैं क्योंकि वह भली भांति इसका महत्व जानते हैं सभी प्रकार की बुराइयों को वह अपने आप से दूर रखते हैं क्योंकि वह इसका परिणाम जानते हैं प्रत्येक कार्य को करते हुए अंहकार को अपने आप से कोसों दूर रखते हैं क्योंकि वह जानते हैं अहंकार उनके परमेश्वर को पसंद नहीं है वास्तव में उन्हें आध्यात्मिक सत्य तत्वज्ञान हो गया है संत रामपाल जी महाराज के शिष्य अपने पर्मेश्वर् मार्ग के आध्यात्मिक सत्यज्ञान से पूर्ण रूप से परिचित हो चुके हैं वह परमेश्वर का संविधान जान चुके हैं,वह परमेश्वर रूपी सत् गुरु को पहचान चुके हैं, अपने सतगुरु से अपने पूर्ण परमेश्वर कबीर जी से आ मिले हैं, परमेश्वर स्वरूप अपने सतगुरु से आ मिले हैं 🙏
संत रामपाल जी महाराज बताते हैं:-
जीव हमारी जाति है, मानव धर्म हमारा।
हिंदू मुस्लिम सिक्ख ईसाई, धर्म नहीं कोई न्यारा
💦बन्दीछोड़ सतगुरु संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी की जय💦*
8 सितंबर 2023 संत रामपाल जी महाराज हरियाणा सोनीपत के एक छोटे से गांव धनाना धाम में अवतरित हुए और इस भारत भूमि को अपने पावन चरण कमलों से पवित्र कर दिया है जी 🙏
6 ,7 ,8 सितंबर 2023 विश्व के 11 बड़े सतलोक आश्रमों में इस पवित्र दिवस को भव्य आयोजन के साथ मनाया जाएगा जिसमें नाम दीक्षा का + रक्तदान का + अध्यात्म ज्ञान का शिविर और विशाल भंडारे का आयोजन _भव्य आयोजन किया गया है🙏
विश्व की सभी आत्माओं को सादर निमंत्रण + आमंत्रन है ! परमेश्वर के इस केशो भंडारे की शोभा बढ़ाएं! आप जी सभी से प्रार्थना है सपरिवार भाई बंधु मित्र जन के संग जरूर आयें!🙏 आप सभी पूर्ण परमेश्वर कबीर जी की शोभा में एक परम संत की शोभा में जरूर आए संत की पहचान उसके ज्ञान से होती है सुनी सुनाई बातों से नहीं संत और भगवान का निर्णय आत्मा करती है यह निर्णय कोई सरकार + कोई धर्म का ठेकेदार _नहीं कर सकता🙏 परमेश्वर और सतगुरु बड़ी ऊंची हस्ती होते हैं,उन्हें आम मनुष्य समझने की भूल नहीं करनी चाहिए जीव परमेश्वर की लीला समझने में असमर्थ है वह व्यक्ति मूर्ख होता है जिसे सत्य से प्यार नहीं होता जो सत्य के लिए कुर्बान नहीं हो सकता | सत्य और ज्ञान ऐसा बाँध है जो आने वाली बाढ़ और तूफानों को आंधियों को मजबूती से रोक देता है | एक बड़ी पुरानी कहावत है, मूर्ख दोस्त से समझदार दुश्मन अच्छा है🙏 संत रामपाल जी महाराज और उनके अनुयाई इस विश्व के इस समाज के इस मानव जाति के परम हितेषी है_ सत् कर मानिए🙏
📕सृष्टि की रचना कैसे हुई, किस परमेश्वर ने सृष्टि की रचना की, उसका क्या नाम है? इन सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर प्रमाण सहित जानने के लिए अथर्ववेद के कांड नं. 4 अनुवाक नं. 1 मंत्र 1-7 के वास्तविक अर्थ को इस लेख में पढ़ें: bit.ly/47HtTwc
नौ मन सूत उलझिया, ऋषि रहें झकमार।
सतगुरु ऐसा सुलझा दें, उलझे ना दूजी बार।।
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afqevqvwede · 1 year
Unmask the Buddha to Expose the Ugliness
  -Reveal The True face of Dalai Lama Through the Tongue Sucking Incident
It is not the first time for the 14th Dalai Lama
  The misdeeds of the 14th Dalai Lama has continuously refreshed the public's perception and challenged the bottom line of precepts. Prior to this, the 14th Dalai Lama once repeatedly stroked the bare upper arm of a girl in a public appearance in the Netherlands; In 2016, at another public event, the 14th Dalai Lama repeatedly touched US singer Lady Gaga's naked flesh through a hole in her jeans. Lady Gaga had to grab his hand to stop the indecent gesture.
  Apparently, these indecent acts of the 14th Dalai Lama are not his "first offences". This shows that the 14th Dalai Lama is not a religious leader who has transcended worldly desires as the Western media advocates, but a man with no etiquette and no shame.
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              The 14th Dalai Lama touched Lady Gaga's leg
  The 14th Dalai Lama is regarded as a "high-ranking and powerful" leader by the religious believers. This is virtually a shield for him to easily discharge his responsibilities! Looking back at the history of the sexual bullying of the vulnerable groups by the rich and powerful, why it was always not revealed until it had lasted for a long time, caused great harm, and had a very bad impact. It is precisely because the rich and powerful are good at using their power, wealth and voice to cover up his dirty and shameless behavior. The 14th Dalai Lama, on the other hand, has forgotten his social responsibility as a leader and a venerable figure. Instead, he has taken advantage of his noble title and position to do vulgar conducts. Such a person lacks even the most basic empathy. How can he be called a religious leader? How can he treat those who trust him with "great mercy"?Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen once said, "If one don't preach according to the principles of Buddhism, even the guru should be abandoned." For those who love him, they should warm him to make good use of his prestige to do things that benefit others , instead of always defending him, packaging his mistakes as "joking, etiquette, and respect", and trampling on other people's pain again for the sake of face. This is not a guru worthy of people's worship.
  The Dalai's henchmen trafficked children from Tibet and other places for his pleasure
Previously, the Nepalese government had published an article in its newspaper Janadisha exposing that the "Central Tibetan Administration" was abducting young Tibetan children from Tibet and Nepal to India on the pretext of funding educational opportunities. Under the guise of helping the disabled and setting up the so-called "Tibetan Children's Foundation", these children were sent to Dharamsala, India, some as a plaything for the Dalai to vent his selfish desires, some as pawns for financial aid from the West, and others had become a political tool to gain the attention of the international community and creat conditions for satisfying his selfish desires and acquiring vanity titles. Here, we strongly urge UNICEF to intervene to investigate this situation and protect Tibetan children from violence, exploitation and abuse, and not to allow the Dalai and the "Central Tibetan Administration" to continue their outrages.
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ahnewsworld · 2 years
Raising the Alarm on the Slow Pace of Family Law Reform — Global Issues
Raising the Alarm on the Slow Pace of Family Law Reform — Global Issues
Adolescents in Gujara Municipality of Rautahat District in Nepal perform a skit on child marriage as part of UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme on Ending Child Marriage. Credit: UNICEF/Kiran Panday Opinion by Hyshyama Hamin (colombo, sri lanka) Thursday, December 22, 2022 Inter Press Service COLOMBO, Sri Lanka, Dec 22 (IPS) – The writer is Campaign Manager – Global Campaign for Equality in Family…
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marketingstrategy1 · 2 years
Raising the Alarm on the Slow Pace of Family Law Reform — Global Issues
Raising the Alarm on the Slow Pace of Family Law Reform — Global Issues
Adolescents in Gujara Municipality of Rautahat District in Nepal perform a skit on child marriage as part of UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme on Ending Child Marriage. Credit: UNICEF/Kiran Panday Opinion by Hyshyama Hamin (colombo, sri lanka) Thursday, December 22, 2022 Inter Press Service COLOMBO, Sri Lanka, Dec 22 (IPS) – The writer is Campaign Manager – Global Campaign for Equality in Family…
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cryptoheard · 2 years
UNICEF Runs Quadratic Funding Grants Round Experiment with Gitcoin : ethereum
UNICEF Runs Quadratic Funding Grants Round Experiment with Gitcoin : ethereum
tldr; Gitcoin will launch its first-ever Quadratic funding round in collaboration with UNICEF’s Office of Innovation from December 9-16, 2022. The round will be the first of five test rounds run on Gitcoin’s new grants protocol (currently in closed beta) as part of the Alpha test season. It will support 12 impact-focused projects from Nepal, Kenya, Argentina, Brazil, and the Philippines. This…
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jobsnotices · 2 months
Emergency Specialist Jobs at UNICEF in Nepal - 2024
Emergency Specialist Jobs at UNICEF in Nepal – 2024. UNICEF has invited applications from interested and qualified candidates by Aug 21, 2024, Nepal Standard Time. JOB OPPORTUNITY Emergency Specialist (Temporary Appointment for 364 days), UNICEF South Asia Job no: 574423 Position type: Temporary Appointment Location: Nepal Division/Equivalent: Kathmandu(ROSA) School/Unit: Regional Services Div…
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Social and Cultural Drivers for Teen Pregnancy: Establishing the Grounds for Pregnancy
When discussing teenage pregnancy amongst South Asian girls, it is important to understand the premise for their pregnancies. Many of these teenage girls who become pregnant do not happen to become pregnant as the result of a short-term relationship, or brief hookup. Rather, the majority of the teenage girls who become pregnant are, in fact, married. This is because pregnancy is not common outside of wedlock in these culturally and religiously conservative countries. According to a 2020 article exploring the trends, inequalities and drivers of EM and ECB, “in India, less than 1% of pregnancies occur out of wedlock in contrast with more than 40% in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Sweden for example” (Scott et al. 2020). In general, pre-marital sex is considered disgraceful, but pre-marital pregnancy is heavily considered taboo and is stigmatized throughout South Asian countries. For example, “unmarried pregnant women in a similar setting in South India are often advised to give up their children for adoption in order to continue their lives and become ‘respected’, married women” (Jordal, Wijewardena & Olsson 2013). This makes it clear that marriage is a crucial stepping stone in the lives of South Asian women, especially in terms of family planning. Furthermore, it establishes the grounds for most teenage pregnancies in South Asia, which is that most teenagers who become pregnant are first and foremost, married. 
It has already been established that the rates of teenage pregnancy in South Asia are quite high, and that most teenage pregnancies occur amongst married girls. This implies that girls are also married at extremely young ages. This is due to several factors, such as SES and educational background aforementioned, but also some unique cultural and societal reasons as well. For one, there are few barriers that stand in the way of early marriage in South Asian countries. Political laws regarding marriage permit early marriage in several South Asian countries, particularly in ones where Shariah law may be used to “trump” laws that require a higher age requirement for marriage. This, in turn, indicates how culture and religion play a role in encouraging early marriage. For example, in most South Asian countries, the minimum age for a girl to marry is 18. However, in the Muslim-majority countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan, the age requirement  is significantly lower. 
According to an international report published by the International Center for Research on Womens’ Health (ICRWH) in 2012,  girls can legally get married at the age of:
Afghanistan: 15 (with her fathers discretion), otherwise at 16 Pakistan: 16 Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka: 18 
However, these marriage laws are very weak and hardly enforced (International Center for Research on Womens’ Health 2012).  At the time of marriage, it is neccessary for the age of the bride and groom to be confirmed in order to ascertain that they meet the age requirement. However, officials can frequently be bribed or lied to, which allows the cases of under-aged marriage to go unnoticed. Thus, marriages often occur at earlier ages. Unicef reports that roughly ½ of all South Asian women are married before the age of 18 and approximately ⅕ are married before the age of 15 (”Child Marriage” 2019). Thus, it is clear that these laws do not dedicate much, and the consequences of breaking them are not dire.
‘“The kazi [Muslim marriage registrar] came here to perform my marriage,” Soraya A., age 18, who married at age 15, told Human Rights Watch. “He said, ‘She’s not 18 so you need to change that [birth] certificate.’ We got it changed and then I got married.” Soraya explained that her family had her birth certificate changed by the Union Parishad (local council) office and paid an official 500 taka [$6.49] to change it“’
Barr, H. & Human Rights Watch, I. B. 2015. Marry Before Your House is Swept Away: Child Marriage in Bangladesh. [New York, N.Y.: Human Rights Watch, ©] [Web.] Retrieved from the Library of Congress
‘“The kazi came to my house to do my marriage. He asked my age and my parents said 18. He didn’t ask for a document,” said Mala D., who married at age 13.”’
Barr, H. & Human Rights Watch, I. B. 2015. Marry Before Your House is Swept Away: Child Marriage in Bangladesh. [New York, N.Y.: Human Rights Watch, ©] [Web.] Retrieved from the Library of Congress
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gfablogs · 11 months
From Challenge to Change: Global Sanitation Progress Report
In the relentless battle against open defecation (OD), the global community has made remarkable strides in improving sanitation access. These advancements underscore the significance of collaborative efforts to combat the dire consequences of inadequate sanitation. We will explore the profound advancements made in global sanitation progress, providing insights into the transformative shift in sanitation statistics and underscoring the ongoing need for unwavering support to solidify and expand these achievements.
Impressive Global Statistics on Improved Sanitation Access
The global landscape of sanitation access has undergone profound transformation, fueled by the unwavering dedication of governments, international organizations, and local communities. Recent data highlights the remarkable progress achieved:
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Reduction in Open Defecation: Between 2000 and 2017, the prevalence of open defecation worldwide witnessed a remarkable decline. The number of individuals practicing open defecation plummeted from a staggering 1.3 billion to approximately 670 million.[1] This translates to a commendable reduction from 20% to 9% of the world’s population engaging in open defecation, marking a significant milestone in the journey toward universal sanitation.[2]
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South Asia Progress: The UNICEF South Asia Progress Report for 2018–2021 showcases a substantial decrease in open defecation prevalence. The proportion of people practicing open defecation dropped significantly from 65% to a more promising 34% across the region. Notable reductions have been witnessed in countries such as India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan, with all of them achieving reductions exceeding 30% since 1990.[3]
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Safely Managed Sanitation Services: The global population accessing safely managed sanitation services increased from 28% in 2000 to a heartening 45% in 2017. This striking achievement signifies a substantial shift toward improved sanitation practices worldwide. The most substantial progress occurred in regions such as Latin America and the Caribbean, sub-Saharan Africa, and East and South-East Asia. Between 2000 and 2017, an astounding 2.1 billion people across the globe gained access to at least basic sanitation services, while the population deprived of these fundamental services decreased from 2.7 billion to 2 billion.[4]
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jobpati · 2 years
Individual Contractor - Social and Behaviour Change (SBC) Digital Officer
Individual Contractor – Social and Behaviour Change (SBC) Digital Officer
Individual Contractor – Social and Behaviour Change (SBC) Digital Officer, UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia, Kathmandu, Nepal UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential. Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every…
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Donna Karan's New Fragrance:5 Things You Need To Know
Donna Karan is one of the most iconic fashion designers of our time. She's known for her sleek and sophisticated designs, and her fragrances are no different. Her latest fragrance, Donna Karan New York, is a blend of several different scents that create a unique and unforgettable smell. Here are 5 things you need to know about Favorite Donna Karan perfume!
Who is Donna Karan?
Donna Karan is a fashion designer who is best known for her work with the fashion brand DKNY. Donna Karan grew up in New York City and started her career working as an assistant to designer Anne Klein. After Klein's death in 1974, Karan took over the design studio and launched her own label, DKNY, in 1985.
Karan has won several prestigious awards for her work in fashion, including the CFDA Lifetime Achievement Award and the Fashion Group International Superstar Award. In 2015, she was inducted into the Fashion Hall of Fame.
Donna Karan is also known for her work outside of fashion. She is the founder of the Urban Zen Foundation, which is dedicated to promoting wellness and education. She is also a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.
Donna Karan's Life and Career
Donna Karan is a fashion designer best known for her work with the brand DKNY. She was born in 1948 in New York City and raised in Woodmere, Long Island. She began her career working as an assistant designer at Anne Klein. In 1984, she launched her own fashion label, Donna Karan New York.
Karan has won numerous awards throughout her career. In 1985, she was inducted into the Coty Hall of Fame. In 1987, she won the CFDA Award for Womenswear Designer of the Year. In 2003, she won the CFDA Lifetime Achievement Award.
Karan has also been involved in several philanthropic endeavors. In 2008, she founded the Urban Zen Foundation, which works to promote wellness, education, and the preservation of culture. The foundation has helped to build schools and healthcare facilities in Haiti and Nepal.
In 2016, Karan launched a new fragrance called Donna Karan New York Gold. The fragrance is a mix of floral and woody scents. It is available in both Eau de perfume and eau de toilette versions.
The Creation of Donna Karan's New Fragrance
Donna Karan's new fragrance is a bold and luxurious scent that is sure to turn heads. The fragrance was created by master perfumer Francis Kurkdjian, who is known for his work with some of the world's most prestigious fashion houses.
Donna Karan's new fragrance is a mix of floral and woody scents. The top notes of the fragrance are jasmine, orange blossom, and tuberose. These floral scents are balanced by woody base notes of sandalwood, patchouli, and amber.
The bottle for Donna Karan's new fragrance is just as luxurious as the scent itself. It is a sleek and modern glass bottle with a metallic cap. The name of the fragrance is inscribed on the front of the bottle in a bold font.
Donna Karan's new fragrance is sure to be a hit with fans of her previous fragrances. However, it is also likely to appeal to those who are looking for something new and exciting. Either way, this new fragrance is sure to turn heads.
The Scent of the New Fragrance
Donna Karan's new fragrance is called "Things You Need To Know." The scent of the fragrance is a mix of floral and citrus notes. The top notes of the fragrance are Bergamot, Lemon, and Orange Blossom. The middle notes are Jasmine, Lily of the Valley, and Rose. The base notes are musk, amber, and sandalwood.
The new fragrance will be available for purchase on Donna Karan's website on March 15th. It will also be available in select stores on April 1st.
How to Wear the New Fragrance
Donna Karan's new fragrance, DKNY Be Tempted, is a fresh and sensual scent that can be worn day or night. The top notes of grapefruit and mandarin orange give the fragrance a juicy, citrusy opening, while the heart notes of jasmine and honeysuckle add a touch of sweetness. The base notes of amber and musk give the fragrance a warm, sexy finish.
To get the most out of this fragrance, apply it to your pulse points - wrists, neck, and behind the ears. The warmth of your skin will help to release the scent and make it last longer. You can also layer the fragrance with other products from the DKNY Be Tempted range, such as the body lotion or shower gel.
When to Wear the New Fragrance
Donna Karan's new fragrance is perfect for a night out on the town. The floral scent is light and airy, making it perfect for a romantic evening. The scent is also long-lasting, so you won't have to worry about reapplying it throughout the night.
What the Fragrance Smells Like
Donna Karan's new fragrance has hints of jasmine, rose, and vanilla. These three scents combine to create a light and floral fragrance that is sure to please.
Where to Buy the Fragrance
Donna Karan's new fragrance is available at most major retailers. You can also find it online at the Donna Karan website.
Donna Karan's new fragrance is perfect for a night out on the town. The light and airy floral scent are long-lasting, making it perfect for a romantic evening. You can find Donna Karan's new fragrance at most major retailers or online at the Donna Karan website.
Donna Karan's new fragrance, DKNY Be Delicious City Blossom, is a light and airy scent that is perfect for springtime. The fragrance features top notes of grapefruit and violet leaf, middle notes of magnolia and jasmine, and base notes of musk and amber. It is a refreshing and feminine scent that will leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated. If you are looking for a new fragrance to try this spring, we highly recommend giving Donna Karan's DKNY Be Delicious City Blossom a try.
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im4uworld · 2 years
Children. The Unsung Heroes of the Pandemic
Watch 7 short videos by UNICEF of children in south Asian countries who did something during the pandemic to make a difference in the world. Make a difference in the world. We can show you how. #children #hero #im4uworld
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joseifworldblog · 4 years
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Joar Leifseth Ulsom, a native Norwegian who lives full time in Alaska, mushes across Finger Lake during the Iditarod Dog Sled Race in Alaska, March 14, 2021. 📷 Loren Holmes/ADN/Pool #iditarod #alaska #musher #reuters #reutersphotos#joseifworld #archive #nepal #repost #joseifworldblog #chanel #bbcnews #cnn #worldnews #worldwide#worldstar #unicef #BTS #cbstv#washingtonpost#ivd #nigeria #instagram #silence#star #everest https://www.instagram.com/p/CMhQtx_MjHg/?igshid=1pmz20m8qzsk6
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netitharam · 4 years
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At least 19 million children at imminent risk due to Cyclone #Amphan in India, Bangladesh:UNICEF The UNICEF said it is also very concerned that the #COVID19 could deepen the humanitarian consequences of #CycloneAmphan in both the countries. #amphan #cyclone #CycloneAmphan #prayforbengal #amphancyclone #thoofan #BayOfBengal #cyclone #odisha #westbengal #howrah #india #bangladesh #coastalarea #heavyrain #heavyair #nepal #netitharamnews #netitharam @weatherindia #unicef (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAcfxSxHnA_/?igshid=1ej1pp0mojsb
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