#UMI S2 Pro
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accuswinkelcom · 4 years ago
UMIDIGI Vervangende Accu Z 3780mAh voor Umi Z Umidigi Z Z-Z Pro
Met deze nieuwe Z reserve batterij presteert uw Umi Z Umidigi Z Z-Z Pro Toestellen weer optimaal. Met een langere accuduur kunt u langer bellen, appen of berichten schrijven en blijft u langer bereikbaar. Deze UMIDIGI Z Mobiele telefoon accu is tevens beveiligd tegen overladen en kortsluiting en heeft geen last van het geheugen-effect (luie accu).
Deze Z accu is geproduceerd door een ISO9001 gecertificeerde fabrikant (dus volgens de hoogste kwaliteitsnormen) en voldoet aan alle Europese richtlijnen op het gebied van veiligheid, gezondheid en milieu.
Batterij technologie :Li-ion Merk : UMIDIGI Capaciteit : 3.85V/4.4V Capaciteit :3780mAh Staat: 100% compatibel als originele batterij, klasse A cel
✔ Vervangende kwaliteitsaccu met hoge Capaciteit: 3780mAh ✔ Lange accuduur - dankzij de Modernste lithiumtechnologie zonder memory effect ✔ Lange accuduur - dankzij de Modernste lithiumtechnologie zonder memory effect ✔ Lange accuduur - dankzij de Modernste lithiumtechnologie zonder memory effect ✔ 100% compatibele vervanging voor uw originele accu
De vervangende accu van Accuswinkela– Hoogste kwaliteit tegen een eerlijke prijs
★ 1 jaar garantie ★
Als internationale speciaalzaak, waar het bij hoogwaardige producten op aankomt. Daarom verlenen wij een garantie van 12 maanden!
Vervangt de volgende producten:
Geschikt voor de volgende toestellen:
Umi Z Umidigi Z Z-Z Pro
Hoe verleng ik het UMIDIGI Z Mobiele telefoon accu acculeven?
Het beste voor een UMIDIGI Z accu is helemaal opladen en weer helemaal leeg laten lopen.Heeft u een nieuwe UMIDIGI Z batterij aangeschaft? Laadt de UMIDIGI Z batterij dan de eerste maal minimaal 12 tot 24 uur op. Dit zorgt ervoor dat uw batterij volledig opgeladen wordt. Hierna ontlaadt u de batterij volledig zodat de Umi Z Umidigi Z Z-Z Pro Toestellen automatisch uitschakelt.Om met de UMIDIGI Z batterij vanaf het begin de volledige capaciteit te behalen laadt u de batterij hierna nogmaals 3 á 4 keer volledig op,en ontlaadt u de batterij daarna volledig.
Verwijder de UMIDIGI Z batterij uit uw Umi Z Umidigi Z Z-Z Pro Toestellen en bewaar deze op een koele, droge en schone plaats indien u de UMIDIGI Z batterij voor een periode van één maand of langer niet gebruikt. Gaat u de batterij na deze periode weer gebruiken? Zorg er dan voor dat de batterij de eerste keer volledig opgeladen wordt.
Verzeker uzelf van maximale batterijprestaties door het optimaliseren van energiebeheer functies, zoals het uitschakelen van het scherm na een aantal minuten, speed-step inschakelen, etc.
Prodotti popolari
2500mah 11.1V Nikon D2 D2H D2HS D2X D2XS D3 D3S D3X F6 Camera MH-22
3500mAh 3.85V/4.4V Umi Umidigi crystal
3150mAh/12.12Wh 3.85V/4.4V Umidigi A1 pro Smart
3150mAh/19.83Wh 3.85V/4.4V UMI Umidigi F1 F1 Play S3 pro Smart
5600mAh/19.64WH 3.85V/4.4V UMIDIGI S2/S2 Pro/S2 Lite
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elvegisliena · 4 years ago
Mixed Colors Business Leather Case For UMI X S3 S2 Lite Power 3 One Pro MAX F2 F1 Play A5 A3S A3 Pro Magnetic Flip Cover
Mixed Colors Business Leather Case For UMI X S3 S2 Lite Power 3 One Pro MAX F2 F1 Play A5 A3S A3 Pro Magnetic Flip Cover
Buy from Aliexpress.com : https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_pu47qww
Mixed Colors Business Leather Case For UMI X S3 S2 Lite Power 3 One Pro MAX F2 F1 Play A5 A3S A3 Pro Magnetic Flip Cover
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ayudaroot · 5 years ago
Rootear Umidigi Z1 Pro Original & Umi OS 2.0
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Con ayuda de la publicación de hoy te enseñaremos a hacer root a los terminales Umidigi Z1 Pro con fecha de ROM 01/09/2017 bajo plataforma operativa provista con Android versión 7 Nougat. Este fantástico dispositivo móvil cuenta además de un chipset Helio P20 (MT6757) confeccionado por Mediatek. Indice Requisitos Ajustes Previos Iniciar Root Liberar Bootloader Check Bootloader Verificar Root
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Esquema del Smartphone objeto en este proceso MarcaUmidigiModeloZ1 Pro Original & Z1 Pro Umi OS 2.0ChipsetMediatek Helio P20 (MT6757)Versiónv1.1/v1.01FirmwareV1.1_20170907 / V1.01_20170913Fecha firmware01/09/2017Software7 Nougat o superior Requisitos para este proceso PC Windows XP/7/8, o superior, ya sea 32 o 64 bits.Un cable para datos Micro USB.Descargar la utilidad correspondiente en tu ordenador PC. MTKroot para Umidigi Z1 Pro v1.1 Original MTKroot para Umidigi Z1 Pro v1.1 Umi OS 2.0 Configuración en el Umidigi Z1 Pro Primeramente deberás de proceder a ejecutar unos cambios en las configuraciones del dispositivo, que pasan por Activar la depuración de USB y Habilitar el desbloqueo de OEM. Estas opciones se hallan dentro del menú de desarrollo, el cual deberás de habilitar de antemano dando 7 veces de forma continuada entrando en: Configuración -> Acerca del dispositivo -> Número de compilación.
Root paso a paso para Umidigi Z1 Pro v1.1/1.01 Mediatek Helio P20 (MT6757)
Primero tendrás que descomprimir el contenido del fichero antes descargado en el escritorio de tu ordenador y seguidamente iniciar la aplicación MTKoot v2.4.3.
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Pulsa sobre Drivers -> Mediatek y realiza la instalación de los controladores específicos. Realiza los mismos pasos con la instalación de drivers -> ADB.
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A continuación conecta tu Umidigi con el ordenador usando para ello el cable USB y haz clic en el botón Reiniciar USB. Haz clic al botón Test ADB y cuando puedas leer el texto "Dispositivo detectado" pulsa en el botón Ir a Fastboot.
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Ahora espera unos segundos mientras que tu Umidigi Z1 Pro se inicia con las opciones de bootloader, seguidamente haz clic sobre el botón Test Fastboot. Y de nuevo espera hasta ver el mensaje "Dispositivo detectado" para poder avanzar hacia el paso siguiente. Liberar bootloader de tu Umidigi Z1 Pro En el siguiente paso pasaremos a desbloquear el bootloader de tu Umidigi Z1 Pro de manera automática, una labor que debes saltar si ya lo hubieses desbloqueado anteriormente. Pulsa Test Bootloader con el fin de asegurarte de si ya está o no liberado.
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Para abrir el bootloader a tu Umidigi Z1 Pro simplemente pulsa el botón Liberar Bootloader -> Aceptar y realiza los pasos que aparecerán en la pantalla del Umidigi. Debes pulsar la tecla subir volumen para desbloquear.
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Nota: Cuando liberas el bootloader el teléfono se restaurará al estado predeterminado. Es muy recomendable tomar copia de seguridad o copiar todos los contactos, fotos, archivos y demás datos a la tarjeta de memoria Micro SD. Una vez que has liberado el bootloader solo falta terminar el tutorial y dejar por fin tu teléfono con privilegios de usuario root. Dirígete hacia la parte superior izquierda de la aplicación y escoge la elección rootear, seguidamente pulsa en el botón Root en la parte de abajo.
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En cuestión de segundos tu teléfono móvil Umidigi quedará rooteado y podrás ver las letras "OK" reflejadas tanto en la pantalla del teléfono móvil a la vez que en la ventana de MTKoot v2.4.3. Por último pulsa sobre el botón Salir de Fastboot para así reiniciar tu dispositivo móvil Z1 Pro al sistema Android. Cuando el dispositivo móvil inicie completamente, pulsa sobre el botón Apps -> Instalar Magisk y verifica que la aplicación Magisk Manager efectivamente se encuentra en el escritorio. Para terminar simplemente haz clic sobre el botón Check Root -> acepta y listo.
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smarttrend-blog1 · 8 years ago
UMIDIGI S2 ¦ S2 PRO Official. 6 inch, 1080*2160P 6GB RAM 5100Mah
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top-battery · 4 years ago
5600mAh/19.64WH RECHARGEABLE Cell Phone BATTERY Compatible for UMIDIGI S2/S2 Pro/S2 Lite S2
Buy new Internal Battery Rechargeable For S2 UMIDIGI S2/S2 Pro/S2 Lite 5600mAh/19.64WH 3.85V/4.4V at the best online prices at Top-battery.co. Free Shipping if Ordered Online!
Ticwatch S2 Battery Replacement Details
This is a replacement compatible with a Ticwatch Cell Phone Battery
Volts: 3.85V/4.4V
Capacity: 5600mAh/19.64WH
Policy: uses the highest quality battery cells, brand new, one year warranty.
Professional grade A cell batteries custom manufactured for high performance and longer life to exceed OEM specifications.
Every UMIDIGI S2/S2 Pro/S2 Lite replacement Cell Phone battery is thoroughly tested for safety and certified in our ISO 9001 factories and have received the RoHS certification to show that it's free of lead, mercury, cadmium, PBBs, and PBDE.
The Exact Match System guarantees every UMIDIGI S2/S2 Pro/S2 Lite Professional replacement Cell Phone battery to be 100% compatible and optimized for your OEM system.
Exceptional CAT APP-12F-F5757I-CGX-111 Battery Replacement TechnologyReplaces battery part numbers:
Compatible Model Numbers :
UMIDIGI S2/S2 Pro/S2 Lite
OEM Compatible
Integrated Power Management Circuits - protect against over-voltage and under-voltage conditions and maximizes battery life between charges, minimizes charging times, and improves overall battery life.
The Ticwatch S2 Battery Replacement provides 300-500 discharge/charge cycles.
Your new Ticwatch S2 Battery Replacement comes in a discharged condition and must be charged before use.
The Ticwatch S2 Battery Replacement prefers a partial rather than a full discharge. Frequent full discharges should be avoided when possible.
Keep the Ticwatch S2 Battery Replacement cool and store only in a cool, dry location.
The Ticwatch S2 Battery Replacement is Quality Tested and RoHS & CE Certified.
Shop With Confidence
Brand new, never used, not refurbished, 100% OEM compatible with UMIDIGI S2/S2 Pro/S2 Lite battery.
All the replacement UMIDIGI S2/S2 Pro/S2 Lite batteries are Full 1 Year Warranty, money back guaranteed within 30 days from the date of purchased.
Made with Grade-A battery cells(Panasonic), guaranteed to meet or exceed OEM specifications.
High quality and 100% safety for use, all our replacement replacement UMIDIGI S2/S2 Pro/S2 Lite batteries have passed international certification( CE, UL, ROHS, ISO9001/9002 ect. ), before shipment we will tested carefully to ensure the battery's quality and working perfectly.
Our warranty(for this replacement UMIDIGI S2/S2 Pro/S2 Lite battery) does not extended to any products that are physically damaged or that are not under normal operating conditions as a result of misuse or improper installation on the buyer/user's part.
If you find any quality problems (except Man-made damage by abuse or wrong operation) on the replacement UMIDIGI S2/S2 Pro/S2 Lite battery within 30 days after you receive the goods, you can return them in original condition with the original package and ask for a change or refund.
Best after sales service for this replacement UMIDIGI S2/S2 Pro/S2 Lite battery, if you have any questions or feedbacks about our UMIDIGI S2/S2 Pro/S2 Lite battery please contact us directly, our customer service will reply you within 24 hours.
Some tips for brand new replacement Ticwatch S2 battery
Please read the instructions carefully before using the brand new replacement Ticwatch S2 battery.
Don't let your Ticwatch S2 Cell Phone or battery come in contact with liquid. Liquid can get into the Cell Phone's and battery's circuits, leading to corrosion.
Don't allow the replacement Ticwatch S2 battery to touch metal objects. If metal objects, such as jewelry, stay in prolonged contact with the battery contact points, the Ticwatch S2 battery could become very hot.
Don't disassemble, crush, puncture, shred, or otherwise attempt to change the form of the replacement Ticwatch S2 battery.
Do avoid dropping the Ticwatch S2 battery or Cell Phone. Dropping these items, especially on a hard surface, can potentially cause damage.
If the replacement Ticwatch S2 battery can not work fine, please check twice to confirm that the battery is defective or not, and contact our customer service representative ASAP, let us know the Detailed Problem, we will do our best to serve you.
Top Recommendations
3780mAh 3.85V/4.4V Umi Z Umidigi Z Z-Z Pro
3500mAh 3.85V/4.4V Umi Umidigi crystal
3150mAh/12.12Wh 3.85V/4.4V Umidigi A1 pro Smart
3150mAh/19.83Wh 3.85V/4.4V UMI Umidigi F1 F1 Play S3 pro Smart
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joshjailbait · 4 years ago
Umi Digi S2 Pro USB Drivers Free Download
Download and Install Android USB Drivers If you essentially owner an Umi Digi S2 Pro smartphone or tablet and check for the USB driver for your device? If yes are you checking out an easy way to connect your device to a computer? then you’ve got landed on the correct page. Here we’ve provided a free download Umi Digi S2 Pro USB driver for all models supported their model numbers and check…
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mominagroup · 4 years ago
Umi Digi S2 Pro USB Drivers Free Download
Umi Digi S2 Pro USB Drivers Free Download
Download and Install Android USB Drivers If you essentially owner an Umi Digi S2 Pro smartphone or tablet and check for the USB driver for your device? If yes are you checking out an easy way to connect your device to a computer? then you’ve got landed on the correct page. Here we’ve provided a free download Umi Digi S2 Pro USB driver for all models supported their model numbers and check…
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uptodrivers · 6 years ago
Umi Digi S2 Pro USB Drivers Free Download
Umi Digi S2 Pro USB Drivers Free Download
Free Download and Install Android USB Drivers
If you essentially owner a Umi Digi S2 Pro smartphone or tablet and check for the USB driver for your device? If yes are you checking out an easy way to connect your device to a computer? then you’ve got landed on the correct page. Here we’ve provided free download Umi Digi S2 Pro USB driver for all models supported their model numbers, just check…
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thetechinfluencer-blog · 7 years ago
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MediaTek Helio P25
Premium Octa-Core Cat-6 LTE SoC for dual camera, ultra-thin smartphones
As a premium performance chip ARM SoC for smartphones (mainly Android based) that was introduced in 2017. It is manufactured in a 16 nm FinFET+ process and is equipped with 8 ARM Cortex-A53 CPU cores. The cores are divided in two clusters, a performance cluster clocked at up to 2.6 GHz and a power efficiency cluster clocked at up to 1.6 GHz. With a superior ISP built with dual camera devices in mind. Designed for Android smartphones that aim to differentiate through exceptional camera features and overall premium image quality, the two camera captors allow up to 13MP each or a single captor up to 24MP. By adopting a 16nm FinFET+ process node, MediaTek Helio P25 offers an Octa-core Cortex-A53 processor clocked at up to 2.6GHz that delivers more power while using less energy than competing solutions.
The processor
CPU Type(s):                                     ARM Cortex-A53
Max CPU Frequency:                       2.6GHz
Cores:                                               Octa (8)
CPU Bit:                                            64-bit
Heterogeneous Multi-Processing:    Yes
Memory And Storage
Memory Type:                                  LPDDR3, LPDDR4x
Memory Frequency:                       LPDDR4(X) up to 1600MHz, LPDDR3 up to 933MHz
Max Memory Size:                           LPDDR4(X) up to 6GB, LPDDR3 up to 4GB
Storage Type:                                   eMMC 5.1
Cellular Technologies:                      Carrier Aggregation (CA), CDMA2000 1x/EVDO Rev. A (SRLTE), FDD / TDD LTE
Specific Functions:                           LTE TDD 64QAM UL
LTE Category:                                    Cat-6
General Connectivity:                      Bluetooth, FM Radio, Wi-Fi
GNSS:                                                 Beidou, Galileo, Glonass, GPS
Wi-Fi:                                                  a/b/g/n/ac
Camera ISP:                                      13MP+13MP, 24MP
Max Video Capture Resolution:     3840 x 2160
Capture FPS:                                    24fps
Camera Features:                             ZSD, 12bit Dual ISP, 3A HW engine, Bayer and Mono dual sensor support
GPU Type:                                         ARM Mali-T880 MP2
Max GPU Frequency:                      1GHz
Max Display Resolution:                  1920 x 1080
Video Encoding:                                H.264
Video Encoding FPS:                       30fps
Video Playback:                                H.264, H.265 / HEVC
Video Playback FPS:                        30fps
 Smartphones with MediaTek Helio P25
(Stay tuned for a test of every one of these smartphones)
Aermoo M1
Blackview BV9000 Pro
Bluboo S1
Blu Vivo X
BQ RU BQ-6000L Aurora
Doogee Mix
Doogee Mix 2
Doogee S60E
Elephone P8
Gionee A1 Plus
Gionee S10
Infinix Zero 5
Infinix Zero 5 Pro
Lenovo K8 Plus
Maze Alpha
Meizu Pro 7
Samsung Galaxy J7+
Samsung Galaxy On Max
Ulefone F1
Ulefone Armor 2
UMI S2 Pro
Vernee Mars Pro
Xiaomi Redmi Pro 2
3DMark - Ice Storm Standard Physics 1280x720
8434 Points (5%)
3DMark - Ice Storm Extreme Physics 1920x1080                
min: 8472     
avg: 11328.5     
median: 11328.5 (15%)     
max: 14185 Points
3DMark - Ice Storm Unlimited Physics 1280x720 offscreen
min: 11176     
avg: 14328
median: 15189 (21%)
max: 16619 Points
3DMark - Sling Shot Extreme (ES 3.1) Unlimited Physics 2560x1440
min: 1126
avg: 1590.3
median: 1693 (54%)
max: 1952 Points
3DMark - Sling Shot OpenGL ES 3.0 Unlimited Physics 2560x1440
min: 1128
avg: 1488.3
median: 1391 (44%)
max: 1946 Points
Geekbench 2 - 32 Bit - Stream
982 Points (8%)
Geekbench 2 - 32 Bit - Memory
3344 Points (30%)
Geekbench 2 - 32 Bit - Floating Point
6619 Points (19%)
Geekbench 2 - 32 Bit - Integer
3614 Points (11%)
Geekbench 2 - 32 Bit - Total Score
4348 Points (17%)
Geekbench 3 - 64 Bit Multi-Core Score
3971 Points (11%)
Geekbench 3 - 64 Bit Single-Core Score
841 Points (17%)
Geekbench 4.0 - 64 Bit Multi-Core Score
3608 Points (13%)
Geekbench 4.0 - 64 Bit Single-Core Score
815 Points (14%)
Geekbench 4.1/4.2 - 64 Bit Single-Core Score
min: 828
avg: 833.7
median: 833 (14%)
max: 840 Points
Geekbench 4.1/4.2 - 64 Bit Multi-Core Score
min: 3795
avg: 3838.7
median: 3818 (15%)     
max: 3903 Points
Mozilla Kraken 1.1 - Total Score *
min: 10244     
avg: 12282.7     
median: 10305.6 (17%)     
max: 16298.4 ms
Octane V2 - Total Score
min: 4155     
avg: 4440
median: 4175 (9%)     
max: 4990 Points
AnTuTu v6 - Total Score
min: 60164     
avg: 62864.7     
median: 63989 (28%)     
max: 64441 Points
PassMark PerformanceTest Mobile V1 - CPU Tests
135249 Points (30%)
PCMark for Android - Computer Vision score
min: 1856     
avg: 1858     
median: 1858 (31%)     
max: 1860 Points
PCMark for Android - Storage score
min: 2404     
avg: 2756     
median: 2756 (18%)     
max: 3108 Points
PCMark for Android - Work 2.0 performance score
min: 3795     
avg: 4189.3     
median: 3865 (37%)     
max: 4908 Points
PCMark for Android - Work performance score
min: 4465     
avg: 5051.3     
median: 4562 (53%)    
 max: 6127 Points
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patricbensen · 7 years ago
UMIDIGI S2 Review: An Extremely Affordable mid-range phone
Talk of excellent affordable mid range smartphone and make sure UMIDIGI S2 falls somewhere. UMIDIGI is the latest company to join the bezel less league of smartphone with the S series’ latest flagship phones. UMIDIGI S2 and S2 Pro are the latest UMIDIGI smartphones that bear bezel free smarphones. The products are a true reflection of the re-branding that UMI has undergone to birth UMIDIGI.
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nokipedia · 7 years ago
UMIDIGI S2 Pro| Challenge to play video in the water for 30 minutes
Source: Umi Mobile Youtube —
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monkeyelgrande-blog · 7 years ago
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androidmall · 7 years ago
UMIDIGI S2/S2 PRO 4G Phablet Launched: 6.0''+Full Screen+5100mAh
UMIDIGI (UMI) mobile phone recently launched new UMIDIGI S2 and S2 Pro models recently, which have integrated a numbers of new features of the current phone market trends.
UMIDIGI S2 and S2 PRO are full-screen phones, both equipped with a 6-inch 1440 * 720 pixels resolution Sharp screen (18: 9), while the body size is similar as the ordinary 5.5-inch mobile phone, phone dimensions are 158.1 * 74.6 * 8.8 mm. With such a thin body, UMIDIGI S2 / S2 PRO also built-in 5100mAh large capacity battery, official description is "The world's First 2-Days Lasting Full-screen Phone".
UMIDIGI S2 / S2 PRO have the same appearance design. Both are equipped with Corning gorilla glass 4 screen with higher screen ratio. UMIDIGI Official also use the "Bezel-less" to describe the S2's narrow frame. Moreover, UIMIDIGI S2 series adopts a full metal body, and has black and red two colors for choosing.
The main differences of the S2 and S2 Pro is the storage and processor. UMIDIGI S2 is equipped with MTK MT6757 / helio P20 processor, with 4GB memory + 64GB Storage; while S2 Pro mobile is built-in helio P25 processor, with 6GB RAM. Both use the rear and 500 million pixels front camera, featured with USB Type-C interface, running Android 7.0 system, and support 4G LTE dual sim card dual standby.
UMIDIGI S2 borderless full-screen + large capacity battery phone will be on sale soon. People interested can stay tuned for our later reports.
Source: http://www.androidmall.co.uk/blog/umidigi-s2-s2-pro-4g-phablet-launched/
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fulvius · 8 years ago
Tumblr media
A UMIDIGI é o nome actual da empresa fundada em 2012 na República Popular da China com o nome de Umi. A empresa tem vindo a apostar em smartphones de gama média alta, a prova disso são os seus dois últimos smartphones, o S2 e o S2 Pro com 90% da parte frontal utilizada como ecrã. <<< Saiba mais sobre o UmiDIGI C Note 2  com o código: AJUMICNT2 >>> O UMIDIGI C NOTE 2 com 160 gramas é um smartphone de tamanho médio e fácil de utilizar com uma mão. Apresenta-se com um exterior de alumínio o seu de
via: http://eexponews.com/umidigi-um-smartphone-de-4gb-de-ram-e-muito-mais-por-125_5907893925183488
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nokipedia · 7 years ago
UMIDIGI S2 Pro Antutu Test in the Water
UMIDIGI S2 Pro Antutu Test in the Water
Source: Umi Mobile Youtube —
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nokipedia · 7 years ago
UMIDIGI S2 Pro Unboxing: under the water! Learn more here: https://goo.gl/S51hzA Source: Umi Mobile Youtube —
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