cuteniaarts · 2 months
Here *throws random and actually much more important than I realised at first OC redesign at you after two and a half years since the OG*
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Meifeng, Ming-Hua’s cousin! I just randomly remembered that she exists while putting together my OC family tree and since the only art I have of her is… nearly 3 years old and mediocre at best, and Kat and I have recently spent so much time focusing on Red Lotus siblings, I thought “Hey, why not redraw her? Just because she’s a cousin and not a sister doesn’t make her any less special than Lien-Hua, Summiya, Aiza or Haya!” (On that note… Nia give someone a brother challenge. The only one that counts is Aiza and she’s only a brother half the time)
Some headcanons about her, both new and old (the old copy-pasted over and slightly edited to save everyone the second hand embarrassment of going to look at my old art), which will go under the cut because this has gotten LONG:
Older than Ming-Hua by around 10 years
Her dad is the older half-brother of Ming-Hua's mom who’s… not the most fond of their side of the family
Has never left her home in the Foggy Swamp Water Tribe
Master healer, specialises in children. Can't have any of her own because of the high pollution levels in the swamp which is why she puts all those motherly instincts into teaching and caring for kids
Got a scar on her leg while saving Ming-Hua from some wild swamp creature when the latter was a child who was absolutely convinced she could handle everything herself and never listened to anyone. Ming-Hua still insists she had everything under control that day
She tried to understand Ming-Hua's perspective on things, she really did, but ultimately tribe mentality and fear for her cousin’s safety, believing her not to be nearly as capable as she claims to be, won over
Attempted to stop Ming-Hua from running away but was, obviously, unsuccessful
Was the one consoling Nuying after Ming-Hua left
Helped Suiren learn waterbending and held genuine affection for the girl, although she ultimately refused when Suiren begged for the chance for her and Midori to escape from Haya and live with the tribe. She thought that while Suiren would most likely adjust well, Midori was simply too Gaoling to survive in a place as dark, damp and isolated as the Swamp. She regrets that decision every day since she found out Suiren became an assassin
Mourned Ming-Hua more than anyone else in the tribe when informed of her death
Was the one who babysat Ming-Hua a lot when Nuying was going through one of her depressive episodes after Cadeo left, and Ming-Hua actually enjoyed spending time with her because she was a lot less overbearing and protective than her mother. Was the first person to start calling her Ming. Sometimes Ming-Ming, but Ming-Hua had a tendency to deliver a very hard kick to the shins every time she tried that
Never left Nuying’s side when she got sick in the years following Ming-Hua’s disappearance, no matter how much everyone, including her own father, told her to stay away, there’s nothing she can do to help her. In her final moments, Nuying was delirious with fever and called out for Ming-Hua. Meifeng didn’t have the heart to remind her that her daughter left so instead let her hair down, covered her own hand in water and told Nuying that she was “right here, mom. I’m right here” and stayed like that until Nuying passed
When Ming-Hua returned, Meifeng was the one to break the news to her. Later, when Ming-Hua asked how and when it happened, she couldn’t quite stop herself from snapping at her because she should have been there, Meifeng shouldn’t have had to pretend to be her so her mother could die without worrying about where her daughter was. Their relationship never really fully recovered after that fight
Still, she had met Suiren when she was little on the rare occasions when the Red Lotus passed through the Swamp and Ming-Hua chose to take her daughter to visit the tribe. She never met Midori, but she did see Ming-Hua pregnant with her once
Didn’t know about Ming-Hua’s imprisonment until an 11-year-old Suiren told her because world news don’t reach into the heart of the Swamp. She just thought they had decided to stop visiting. The news crushed her but… a part of her couldn’t help but go “you should have fucking listened to me when I told you to stay, then this wouldn’t have happened”
Her teaching Suiren waterbending involved mostly the basics of combat (she herself doesn’t know much of it since she’s a healer), plantbending and healing. Suiren reached her level of mastery and proficiency as well as figured out icebending on her own through sheer determination and spite (she’s so much like her mama 🥹🥹🥹)
Is the only one from the tribe Suiren had ever confessed to about being an assassin. That knowledge broke her heart and she spent all those years absolutely terrified that Suiren would meet Ming-Hua’s fate. When Suiren stopped visiting at one point (when she left for her mission to kill Kuvira, got injured, recovered at ATI, reunited with her parents, broke Kuvira out and started living with her, etc etc) she had assumed that it really did happen, until Suiren randomly showed up one day with Kuvira in tow (Meifeng did not approve bc of the whole spirit vine thing 😅)
Absolutely reunited with Ming-Hua at some point and it was an extremely emotional moment
Ripped Cadeo a new one when he suddenly appeared looking for his daughter after 45+ years after it became common knowledge that the RL are all alive and no longer wanted by the law
All in all… quite an interesting character that I really should do something with at some point, bc how come Ming-Hua’s family is the only one to get 0 attention in our discussions?? #justiceformeifeng2024
#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#original character#seeds of the red lotus#sotrl meifeng#she doesn’t actually appear in any of my works. let alone sotrl. but she exists in that verse#and it’s the verse in which she plays the most major role so… that’s what her tag is now#anyway#it doesn’t seem that way but she really is a very emotionally conflicting character for me#because she was in the position to get Suiren and Midori away from Haya only four years after they were left with her#which would have left them with 75% less trauma#but she didn’t. coming up with quite a bullshit excuse#yes Midori would have missed the sun and everything but the swamp is still miles better than Haya#meifeng must have seen his skittish Suiren is. how skinny. how bruised#and yet she did nothing. yet another adult whose inaction led to tragedy#ugh. imagine a UtOS-style au where she does take them in and while the biggest obstacle is the trauma#Midori does have an insanely hard time adjusting#she’d probably spend most of her time by the giant tree because the sun gets through there#and maybe one day.. she’d run into one cranky old earthbender#who takes her up as a protege for old times’ sake#(and later hooks her up with her granddaughter– WHO SAID THAT??)#and Suiren would grow up to be a swamp warrior who decides to go after Kuvira when she harvests the spirit vines#I’m a fucking genius#Kat if you’re reading this. look at what fun new branch of the multiverse my brain just spat out!! come yell about it with me!!!#but okay. that is currently besides the point. back to meifeng#you know…#‘oh my art has really stagnated I feel like I haven’t improved in years’#BITCH THIS YOU?? look at the OG version and look at this and TELL ME you haven’t improved#my self hatred may be intense but even I can admit that I’ve gotten much better at drawing. in the character design department at least
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malachitezmeyka · 8 months
Violently swinging between still wanting to write that "Kuvira talks Suiren down from her manic cleaning spree" fic and not wanting to just rehash what I've written before/fearing I won't do it justice/genuinely scared of triggering myself again because I sink deeper and deeper with every breakdown
#and it's also like. what's the point#if only one person will read it. if there's a high chance I'll have to put myself through hell for close to nothing in return#maybe that sounds entitled and ungrateful. I don't care#I don't enjoy writing. never have. I'm not ashamed of admitting that if I force myself to write it's only because I'm looking for praise#and yeah. I know. this coming from the person who near damn deleted her fic after getting a genuinely nice comment on it?#make up your mind nia do you want engagement or not#but we're not talking about that right now#I guess my main worry is that I've already written astraphobia where while the inciting incident is different the gist is still the same#I'm drawn to concepts like these because I've put so much of myself into Suiren and her getting comfort is very spiritually healing for me#especially since my support network is literally limited to one online friend who doesn't always have the spoons to pull me out of my ruts#nor should it be her job to. I'm not implying that#but there's only so many ways I could write essentially the same thing. you know?#I don't think I could make it different enough for it to not be 'astraphobia but a little to the left'#and it sucks. because I've really been wanting to touch on Suiren's trauma responses that aren't completely shutting down#but I don't feel like I can pull it off#but no one else will but me....#ugh. I'm gonna talk myself into a breakdown if I keep on like this#I need someone to slap me every time I start talking like this. maybe that will train me out of it#just wrote out like five other self depreciating tags before realising that I was doing it again and deleting it#I need to stop
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cuteniarose · 2 months
tell us abt meifeng here too plz!
(anon just found ur art blog post lol)
Oh sure!! I was just thinking about her earlier today lmao
So I'm not gonna repeat most of the stuff I've already said about her on my art blog, anyone's who's curious can just go here and read it for themselves, but I will give a brief rundown:
Meifeng – born in about 120-121 AG, give or take a couple of years. She/her, cis, not quite sure about her sexuality yet. A waterbender who specialises in healing. She's Ming-Hua's older cousin, the daughter of Nuying's (Ming-Hua's mom) older half brother, who was often in charge of babysitting her because Nuying's mental state wasn't the most stable after her husband left. Years later, Meifeng was the one who tried to stop Ming-Hua from running away, who remained at Nuying's side as she died (the exact circumstances of which I described in my art post and have actually cried over. It's really a gutpunch and a half), and who taught Suiren the basics of waterbending. That last point makes her an incredibly emotionally conflicting character, at least to me, because she's yet another adult in Suiren and Midori's life who failed them :/
Now, onto some more fun and hopefully less depressing stuff:
I imagine Meifeng and Ming-Hua's relationship to be somewhat similar to some aspects of Nani and Lilo's from Lilo and Stitch, mostly in the sense of Ming-Hua being an uncontrollable little chaos gremlin who Meifeng cannot turn away from for one second without her running off somewhere ("UGH, you're such a pain!!" "So why don't you sell me and buy a rabbit instead?!" "At least a rabbit would behave better than you!" "Great, then you'll be happy cause it'd be smarter than me too!!" "And QUIETER!!!" "You'll like it cause it's STINKY like you!!!!". Also, the gravity scene has them vibes too). She succeeded in stopping multiple of Ming-Hua's attempts to go too far outside their village but the second Ming-Hua learned to climb trees it was all over, it's impossible to catch up to her when she's in full on Tarzan mode. Meifeng's probably the only one of Ming-Hua's relatives to have ever met Ghazan because she's bound to have seen him while going to Gaoling to drag Ming-Hua's ass back home. But to her credit she never told anyone where exactly Ming-Hua was always running off to because she knew she'd get reprimanded for it as well. Eventually if she knew Ming-Hua was going to meet up with Ghazan, she'd let her go and would just spend the day off doing her own things away from the tribe so if anyone asked, she could say Ming-Hua was with her. #bestwingwoman
As Ming-Hua grew older their relationship started changing because it became clear Ming-Hua's thirst for freedom wasn't just her being a little brat or a bout of childish rebellion. Meifeng may have aided her in many things, but she was strictly against her running away for good. Their conversations became rather focused on things like "I know auntie can be... a little much sometimes, but she's your mother, she just wants the best for you". This, of course, pissed Ming-Hua off to no end and their relationship soured as she stopped confiding in Meifeng. Perhaps Meifeng eventually told Nuying about Ghazan and Gaoling and everything else in hopes that maybe at least her own mother would be able to talk some sense into her. That backfired majorly, resulting in a huge fight between Ming-Hua and Nuying. Luckily (or not, depending on who you ask), Ghazan ran away himself not long after so Ming-Hua wasn't placed on house arrest or watched like a hawk or anything since everyone thought her main influence was gone, but she still refused to say a single word to Meifeng for YEARS right up until she caught her running away in the middle of the night at age 15
Afterwards, Meifeng spent a lot of time comforting her aunt and just in general keeping her company whenever she could. And like I said, she was the one with Nuying when she passed, but I don't really want to linger on that bc it'll make me sad again so... regarding her relationship with Suiren. Meifeng knew her when she was very little but post-RL-imprisonment didn't see her again until she was 11. I know that in UtOS specifically Kat and I make a very big point out of Suiren not wanting to learn waterbending from anybody but her mama, but in that verse she's a traumatised seven year old child who, if she can't get her mama back, just wants everyone to leave her alone. In SotRL by the time she was 11 she had already accepted that her life wasn't going to change on its own, no one was coming to save them, nobody cared enough about them to do so. If she wanted to get herself and Midori away from Haya, she had to take matters into her own hands, and that meant learning waterbending. But it was forbidden in Haya's house and her skills atrophied over the years, so she couldn't do it alone. She remembered that her mother has family in the Swamp so maybe someone there could help her. It wasn't Mama, sure, but the swamp bending style is probably similar enough to Ming-Hua's unique one that it's easier to stomach than, say, learning northern style from Ikiaq. Meifeng took up teaching her and was rather impressed at how quickly she picked everything up, and maybe even shared some of what Ming-Hua had told her about her own unique style, how she relies on her spine and shoulders and all that, to help Suiren mimic it at least somewhat. But as nice and helpful as she was, she still ultimately refused to take Suiren and Midori in, even after being told that Haya is physically abusive, and Suiren never quite let go of that hurt and though the lessons continued because she had no other choice, she became even more closed off than she already was. Meifeng regrets that to this day but what she is regret if her choices meant Suiren and Midori needlessly suffered for another 12 years when it could have been different???
So this is basically the extent of what I have for now, I know all of it is based around Meifeng's relationships with other people rather than who she is on her own, but that's because her role in the story is a supporting one so I never really gave her much thought as an individual. Hope this still manages to satisfy your curiosity, though :)
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apothecaryscript · 28 days
Episode 17 : A Jaunt Around Town / 第17話『街歩き(Machi-Aruki)』
Jinshi “Naraba, oreni kesho’o shite kure-naika?”
Jinshi “In that case, can you put makeup on me?”
Maomao “Hai?”
Maomao “Huh?”
Maomao (E… Hitsuyo-nai daroni…)
Maomao (He definitely doesn’t need it.)
Jinshi “N?”
Maomao (Rekishi-niwa, kudaranai ikusaga takusan aruga, sono nakano ikutsukawa keikokuno bijoni yotte hiki-okosarete-iru. Tenjo-bitono gotoki utsukushisano gojinga kesho nante shitara…)
Maomao (There are many silly wars in history, but several of them were caused by beautiful women. If this man, in all his heavenly beauty, were to put on makeup…)
Maomao “Kuni-demo horobosu ki desuka?”
Maomao “Are you trying to topple a nation, or what?”
Jinshi “Naze so-naru! Mattaku, nanio sozo shite-irun-daka… Omaeno oshiroiwa do-yatte tsukutte-iru?”
Jinshi “Where’d that come from?! Why does your imagination do that? How do you make your freckles?”
Maomao (Aa… Utsukushiku suruno-dewa-naku, kusumaseru-hoka…)
Maomao (Ah, he wants to be less beautiful, not more.)
Maomao “Nendo’o kawakashite konani shita mono’o aburade toite-imasu.”
Maomao “I make some powder out of dried clay, then mix that into oil.”
Jinshi “Sorewa, sugu dekiruka?”
Jinshi “Can you do that quickly?”
Maomao “Hai. Hito-ban areba.”
Maomao “Yes, preparing it takes just one night.”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama-niwa, sukoshi kosugi-masune.”
Maomao “It’s a bit too dark for you.”
Jinshi “Kao’o kae-rareru kusuriga areba, benri nano-daga…”
Jinshi “If only there was a drug that can change faces.”
Maomao “Urushi-demo kaoni tsukereba jubun desuga, issho moto-niwa modori-masen.”
Maomao “Applying lacquer to your face would do it. But that would be permanent.”
Jinshi “…Darona.”
Jinshi “Sounds about right.”
Maomao “Heimin’o yoso’oi-tai-to iu-koto deshitara, dekinai kotomo arimasen-kedo…”
Maomao “If you want to pretend to be a commoner, that can be managed.”
Jinshi “Dewa, soreo tanomu. Oreo imato mattaku chigau sugatano ningenni shite-kure.”
Jinshi “Do that for me, then. I want to look like a completely different person.”
Maomao (Ittai, nanio suru ki-yara… Tada… Yaru-nara tettei-tekini.)
Maomao (I wonder what he’s up to. That said… If I’m doing it, I’m going all the way!)
Maomao “Uuu, samui.”
Maomao “Ugh, so cold.”
Maomao “Ohayo gozaima…”
Maomao “Good morni―”
Jinshi “Doshita? Asa-kara fukigen dana.”
Jinshi “Why the bad mood first thing in the morning?”
Maomao “Ie, Jinshi-samawa kyomo ichi-nichi utsukushiino-desho.”
Maomao “Nothing. I’m sure you’re going to be beautiful all day.”
Jinshi “Arateno iyamika?”
Jinshi “Is that a new form of sarcasm?”
Maomao “Jinshi-samawa, hontoni betsujin’ni nari-taito o-omoi-desuka?”
Maomao “Master Jinshi, do you really want to become a different person?”
Jinshi “Sakuban-kara so itte iru-daro.”
Jinshi “That’s what I said last night.”
Maomao “Nara shitsurei shimasu.”
Maomao “In that case, excuse me.”
Jinshi “A…”
Suiren “Ara-maa.”
Suiren “Oh dear!”
Gaoshun “A…”
Jinshi “Na… Nanda ikinari?”
Jinshi “W-What are you doing, all of a sudden?”
Maomao “Konna jotona ko’o taku shominwa imasen. Imano Jinshi-samano fukuwa, sei-zei kakyu kanrino fudangi. Umino muko-kara tori-yoseta saiko-kyuno koboku-towa enga nai hazu-desu.”
Maomao “No commoner burns such expensive incense. Your current outfit is, at best, that of a lower-ranking official. The most exquisite incense from overseas should not be within your reach.”
Jinshi “Yoku wakaruna…”
Jinshi “How do you know this?”
Maomao “Yaku-so to doku-so’o miwakeru-tame, hanaga kiku-yoni natta dake desu. Girono jo-kyakuno miwake-katao shitte-imasuka?”
Maomao “I’ve trained my sense of smell to separate medicinal and poisonous herbs. Do you know how a brothel identifies good customers?”
Jinshi “Shiran. Taikei-toka, fuku-tokaka?”
Jinshi “No. Is it body build, clothing, and things like that?”
Maomao “Soremo arimasuga, mo-hitotsu. Nioi desu. Aku-shumina ko’o ikutsumo tadayowasete-iru kyakuwa, kanewa aruga seibyono kanoseiga takai. Kachiku-kusai nioiga sureba, furono hairazu fu-eisei. Rokushokanni kuru ichigenno kyakuwa, hotondo oikae-sare-masu.”
Maomao “Those too, but one important thing is smell. Those with multiple showy scents tend to be rich but have venereal diseases. Those who smell like livestock don’t bathe and are unclean. Most new visitors to the Verdigris House are shooed away.”
Jinshi “Ho…”
Jinshi “Ah.”
Rakan “So-iu kotowa, sono sekaio shiru mononi kiita-hoga hayai.”
Lakan “You should direct that inquiry to someone who knows that world.”
Jinshi “Fun…”
Maomao “Gaoshun-sama. Kaeno koromono junbio onegai deki-masuka? Dekireba, nioino nokotte-iru, arau maeno monoga konomashii desu.”
Maomao “Master Gaoshun, can you find a new set of clothes? If possible, some that haven’t been washed yet and still smell.”
Suiren “Maa…!”
Suiren “Oh, dear.”
Gaoshun “Wakari-mashita.”
Gaoshun “Understood.”
Jinshi “Oi.”
Jinshi “Hey.”
Maomao “Dewa, sono aidani…”
Maomao “While he finds that…”
Suiren “Sorewa?”
Suiren “What is that?”
Maomao “Aburato shio desu. Korede kamino kotaku’o nakushite, shitsu-kan’o waruku shite-ikimasu. Shitsurei itashi-masu.”
Maomao “Oil and salt. It dulls the sheen of his hair and roughens the texture. Excuse me.”
Jinshi “U, Un.”
Maomao (…Soro-soro iikana.)
Maomao (That should do.)
Suiren “Ara…nanimo sonna kire-hashide yuwa-nakutemo…”
Suiren “Goodness, must you use a fabric scrap to tie it up?”
Maomao “Heiminwa, matome-rarereba nan-demo iin-desu.”
Maomao “Commoners use whatever is available, as long as it works.”
Gaoshun “Korede hontoni yoroshiino-desuka?”
Gaoshun “Are you sure this is acceptable?”
Maomao “Kun, kun kun kun… Motto kusaku-temo ii kurai desune.”
Maomao “Sniff. Sniff sniff sniff. It could be smellier, but this will do.”
Suiren “Hawawa…”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama, fukuo nuide kudasai.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi, please take your clothes off.”
Jinshi “A…Aa. O.”
Jinshi “S-Sure.”
Maomao (Tennyo’no-yona okata-dewa aruga, kinseino toreta kin’niku-shitsuna tsukurida…)
Maomao (Even though he’s like a heavenly maiden, he has a well-balanced, muscular physique.)
Maomao “Achirano tenugui’o tsukattemo?”
Maomao “May I use those towels?”
Suiren “Kamawa-nai-kedo, nanio suruno?”
Suiren “Of course, but for what?”
Maomao “Taikei’o kaete iki-masu. Sumi-masen. Ofutarimo tetsudatte itadake-masuka?”
Maomao “I’m going to alter his build. Would you both mind helping me a bit?”
Maomao “Gaoshun-samawa sochira’o.”
Maomao “Master Gaoshun, over there, please.”
Jinshi “O, Oo…”
Gaoshun “Hai.”
Gaoshun “Yes.”
Maomao “Suiren-samawa kochira’o.”
Maomao “Lady Suiren, please take this side.”
Suiren “Wakattawa.”
Suiren “Understood.”
Maomao “Sono ue-kara fukuo kireba…”
Maomao “Now, with clothes on top of that…”
Gaoshun “Oo…”
Suiren “Ara-ara…”
Suiren “My goodness.”
Jinshi “Oo…”
Jinshi “Wow.”
Maomao (Bukakkona taikeini Jinshi-samano kaoga tsuite-iru-nowa nantomo kimyo dana.)
Maomao (Having Master Jinshi’s face on that awkward body is quite strange.)
Maomao “Tsugiwa kao desu.”
Maomao “Next is the face.”
Jinshi “N?”
Jinshi “Huh?”
Maomao “Irono koi oshiroi’o ikutsuka neri-mashita. Korede heimin’no-yona hiyake shita hadao tsukutte iki-masu. Meo tsumutte kudasai.”
Maomao “I mixed several dark-colored shades. I’ll use them to make a suntanned complexion, like a commoner. Close your eyes, please.”
Jinshi “Aa.”
Jinshi “Yeah.”
Maomao (Chikakude sawattemo, mudani kireida… Hige-dokoroka keanamo mie-nai. Onna’no kesho’o sureba, donnani…N? Fufun. Nya-nya-nya-nyaaa… Atta, Meimei-neechanni oshitsuke-rareta yatsu!)
Maomao (So needlessly beautiful, even to the touch. Not a trace of facial hair, nor any pores for that matter. If I applied feminine makeup on him, I wonder… Here it is, the one that Meimei forced on me.)
Jinshi “Naa, madaka?”
Jinshi “Hey, will this take much longer?”
Maomao “Kuchimo tojite morae-masuka? Chikarawa irezuni.”
Maomao “Please close your lips, but don’t purse too hard.”
Jinshi “N? Un.”
Jinshi “Huh? Right…”
Gaoshun “Uu…”
Suiren “Ararara…”
Jinshi “Doka shita-noka?”
Jinshi “What’s wrong?”
Maomao (Kono san-nin dakede yokatta… Moshi dareka betsuno monoga itara, dai-sanji datta.)
Maomao (I’m glad we were alone here. If anyone else were here, it would have been a disaster.)
Jinshi “Oi, do-shitanda?”
Jinshi “Hey, is something the matter?”
Maomao “Ie, nan-demo ari-masen.”
Maomao “No, there’s nothing.”
Jinshi “Itaizo, naniga attanda?”
Jinshi “That hurt! What happened?”
Maomao “Nanimo ari-masen.”
Maomao “Nothing happened.”
Gaoshun “Nanimo nai desuyo.”
Gaoshun “Nothing at all.”
Suiren “Hai, nanimo ari-masenwa.”
Suiren “Right, nothing happened.”
Maomao “Kio tori-naoshite… Oshiroide kaoni madarao tsuke… Sarani koi irode kumao tsukuri-masu. Hokuro’o tsuke-tashi, mayuwa sayuno ookisao kae-nagara kaite-iku. Amatta oshiroiwa karadano kakushoni nutte shimio tsukuri, tsumeno aida-nimo tsumete, fu-eiseina teo tsukuri-masu.”
Maomao “Back on track. Use makeup to paint blotches on the face. Add circles under the eyes with dark colors. Add some moles, and draw over the eyebrows to change their shape. The remaining makeup can be applied to other body parts to make the skin blotchy. Push some under the fingernails to make the hands look unclean.”
Maomao (Rippana otokono teda… Sasugani shira-uono te-towa… N? Takoga aru… Fudan, fudeka hashi kurai-shika mota-naito omotte-itaga, kenjutsuka bojutsu’o yatte-iruno-daroka? Honrai kangan-niwa hitsuyo-nai hazu daga… Maa, sonna kudaranai shitsumon’o suru hitsuyowa nai.)
Maomao (Solid, manly hands. I guess he can’t have beautiful lady hands… Hmm? He has calluses. What does he use other than brushes and chopsticks? Does he train in sword or polearm fighting? Not something a eunuch usually needs to do, but… Well, there’s no need to ask such a silly question.)
Jinshi “Oo… Kitanaku mieru…”
Jinshi “Wow, that looks dirty.”
Maomao “Dozo.”
Maomao “Please.”
Jinshi “N? Nomi-monoka?”
Jinshi “A drink?”
Gaoshun, Suiren “U!”
Jinshi “Uwa! Nanda korewa.”
Jinshi “Whoa! What is this?”
Maomao “Kuchibiru’o nurasu-yoni, yukkuri namete enge shite kudasai. Kuchibiruto nodoga harete, koega kawari-masu-kara.”
Maomao “Please drink it slowly, licking it like you’re wetting your lips.”
Suiren “Naniga haitte iruno?”
Suiren “What is it made of?”
Maomao “Sushuno shigeki-butsu desu. Totemo karai desuga, doku-dewa ari-masen-node go-anshin’o.”
Maomao “Several different irritants. It’s very spicy, but don’t worry, it’s not poison.”
Jinshi “U…Uu…”
Maomao “Zenbu nonde kudasai.”
Maomao “Drink all of it.”
Jinshi “A…Aa…”
Maomao “Saigono shiage desu.”
Maomao “The final touch.”
Jinshi “N?”
Maomao “Wata desu. Rinkakuo kaeru tameni hohoni fukumasete kudasai.”
Maomao “Cotton. Please fill your cheeks with it to change your face shape.”
Maomao “Fu… Kansei desu.”
Maomao “It’s finished.”
Suiren “Maa…Hontoni Bocchan?”
Suiren “Wow, young master, is that really you?”
Jinshi “Bocchanwa yamete-kure.”
Jinshi “Please don’t call me that.”
Maomao (Sore-demo nimaime-han kuraini mieruno-dakara, motono yosawa komatta monoda. Tomokaku, jibunni dekiru kotowa subete yatta. Saate, hisashi-burino sato-gaerida.”
Maomao (And yet he’s still pretty handsome. Must be hard to have such natural beauty. Anyway, I did the best that I could. Now, time to head home! It’s been too long.)
Gaoshun “Shaomao, kyowa jikkani kaeruto itte imashitane?”
Gaoshun “Xiaomao, you said you’ll be returning home today, yes?”
Maomao “Hai, ashita-made himao moratta-node… E.”
Maomao “Yes, I’ve been granted leave until tomorrow―”
Maomao (Gaoshun-samani shitewa mezurashii hyojoda…!)
Maomao (I haven’t seen him make that face before.)
Gaoshun “Sore-nara Jinshi-samamo tochu-made onaji michi-suji desu-yone.”
Gaoshun “In that case, Master Jinshi’s destination is on your way.”
Maomao “E…Ge!”
Maomao “Yikes!”
Gaoshun “Betsu-jin’ni henso shita-tokorode, itsumoto onaji jushao tsurete-itewa, okashiku omowareru-desho.”
Gaoshun “Even with his disguise, it would be suspicious if he had his usual companions.”
Suiren “Ara, soremo sone.”
Suiren “Oh, that’s true.”
Gaoshun “Jinshi-samamo so omoi-masenka?”
Gaoshun “Don’t you agree, Master Jinshi?”
Jinshi “So-dana… Omaega kureba, tasukarun-daga.”
Jinshi “You’re right. It would be great if you could come along.”
Maomao (Ikan! Jinshi-samamo norikida!)
Maomao (No! Master Jinshi likes the idea, too!)
Maomao “Moshi-wake ari-masenga, watashiga Jinshi-samani tsuitemo, ka…kawari-bae shinai-kato. Tashikani, jimina kakkono shujin-niwa, jimina jushano-hoga shikkuri kuru-kamo shire-masenga, watashimo heya-zukino gejo-toshite shirarete-imasushi…”
Maomao “Unfortunately, I don’t think it would improve matters much if I w-were there… Perhaps having a bland attendant accompany a bland master would look natural, but I am also known to be your personal servant…”
Gaoshun “Sono-yona kotowa.”
Gaoshun “I think it would be fine.”
Suiren “Nara, Shaomaomo henso sureba iinja nai?”
Suiren “In that case, why don’t you also wear a disguise, Xiaomao?”
Maomao “E.”
Maomao “Huh?”
Gaoshun “Sorewa ii desune!”
Gaoshun “That’s a fine idea!”
Maomao “E…”
Suiren “Okesho-yono hakeya kanzashi, iro-iro sorotteru-wayo.”
Suiren “I have all the tools for putting on makeup.”
Maomao “Demo…”
Maomao “But…”
Suiren “Fudanto nitemo nitsuka-nai sugatani nareba iino-yone?”
Suiren “You just have to look completely different from your usual appearance, right?”
Maomao “U…”
Maomao “Ugh…”
Suiren “Neee?”
Suiren “Right?”
Maomao “Ha…Hai.” (Iyana yokan-shika shinai…)
Maomao “Y-Yes…” (I have such a bad feeling about this…)
Maomao “Jinshi-sama, shiseiga utsukushi-sugi-masu.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi, your posture is too graceful.”
Jinshi “Omae-koso, sono kucho yamero. Soreni, namae’o ittara hensono imiga nai-daro.”
Jinshi “You stop addressing me so formally, too. Also, don’t say my name. That would ruin everything.”
Maomao “Dewa nanto yobeba yoroshiino-desuka?”
Maomao “Then what should I call you?”
Jinshi “Sodana… Fu. Watashino kotowa Jinka to-demo oyobi kudasai, Ojo-sama.”
Jinshi “Let’s see… You can call me Jinka, my lady.”
Maomao “Haa?”
Maomao “Huh?”
Jinshi “Kakko-kara sureba, dato-dato omoi-masugane.”
Jinshi “I believe that would be appropriate, given our appearances.”
Maomao (A…Tashikani. Suiren-samano musumeno monode, kijimo dezainmo shitatemo yoku, furu-kusakumo-nai. Kakko-dake-nara, ii tokorono ojo-samato ittemo okashiku-nai-daro.)
Maomao (True, this outfit belongs to Lady Suiren’s daughter. Both the fabric and design are nice. Doesn’t look outdated or anything. I suppose I could come off as a young lady from a good family.)
Maomao “N?”
Jinshi “Fufu…”
Maomao (Naniga sonnani tanoshiinda…)
Maomao (Why is he enjoying this so much?)
Gaoshun “Kochiraga chizu desu. Shaomao-niwa…”
Gaoshun “Here is the map. For Xiaomao…”
Jinshi “Ojo-samano kotowa, watashini omakase kudasai.”
Jinshi “I will take care of the young lady.”
Gaoshun “Ha… Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.”
Gaoshun “Please.”
Maomao “Dewa Jinka-sama… N?”
Maomao “Well, Master Jinka… Hmm?”
Maomao “Jinka.”
Maomao “Jinka.”
Jinshi “Hai, Ojo-sama.”
Jinshi “Yes, my lady!”
Maomao “Haa… Shiseiga yosugiru.”
Maomao “Your posture is too straight.”
Jinshi “Ha.”
Maomao (Jinka nee… Sore-hodo kio teratta gimeija naiga, waza-waza “hana”to-iu jio irete-iru-noga, nan-tomo ienai… Jinshito-iu namo sodaga, otokono na-niwa amari tsukawa-nai. Yappari josoni shita-hoga yokatta-kana… Iya, yono heiwano tameni, sore-dakewa saketa-hoga ii.)
Maomao (‘Jinka,’ huh? Not the strangest of pseudonyms. But to use the character ‘ka,’ for flower, in the name? I guess ‘Jinshi’ isn’t a very manly name to begin with, but still. Maybe I should have made him dress up as a woman, after all. …No, I can’t do that, if I want to maintain peace in our realm.)
Maomao “Mokuteki-chiwa?”
Maomao “Where are we headed?”
Jinshi “Hana-machino temaeni aru meshiya desu. Sokode shiri-aito machi-awase’o.”
Jinshi “A restaurant just outside the pleasure district. I’m meeting an acquaintance there.”
Basen “Nande watashiga goei nanka… Shikamo, kakure-nagaratte imiga…A…Uu…”
Basen “Why do I have to be the bodyguard? And while hidden? Why would―”
Maomao (Jushaga shujin-yori maeni deru-towa, mada-mada dana…)
Maomao (The attendant walking in front of the mistress? He has a lot to learn.)
Maomao “Jinka.”
Maomao “Jinka.”
Jinshi “Moshi-wake ari-masen, Ojo-sama.”
Jinshi “Apologies, my lady.”
Maomao “Yoroshii.”
Maomao “Good.”
Maomao (Kisetsu-gara, mada hamonowa sukunaina…N?)
Maomao (Not many leafy vegetables yet, given the season. Hmm?)
Maomao “O, kozukaimo moratta koto dashi, torio shimete moratte isshoni nitsuke-yoka.”
Maomao “Now that I have my allowance, perhaps I’ll get a chicken too, and boil them together.”
Jinshi “Kaimono desuka? Sono kakkode?”
Jinshi “Grocery shopping? In that outfit?”
Maomao (N…Oyajini kuwasete yarita-katta-noni.. Ishito shitemo kusushito shitemo, migini deru monowa inai kurai sugoi oyaji-daga, nanio machigatta-noka, sontoku-kanjoto iu-monoga ketsuraku shite-iru. Okagede, honrai kui-hagureru kotoga nai shigoto nanoni, anna abarayani sunde-iru. Amarini uejini shiso-nara, sasugani yarite-babaaga meshio nagashi-komu kuraiwa shite-kureru-daro-kedo…)
Maomao (I wanted to feed my dad. He is an impressive doctor and apothecary, second to none. But for some reason, he has absolutely no sense of profit or loss. That’s why he lives in that miserable shack, despite having what should be a lucrative profession. If he were on the verge of starvation, the old lady would probably force-feed him something, but…)
Jinshi “Mu…Muuu.”
Maomao “Nan-desuka?”
Maomao “What is it?”
Jinshi “Nande damatte-iru?”
Jinshi “Why are you so silent?”
Maomao “Betsuni…hanasu kotoga nai-kara?”
Maomao “Because there’s nothing to discuss?”
Maomao (Nanika mazui koto-demo ittaka?)
Maomao (Was that the wrong answer?)
Maomao “A, kono nioiwa…yaki-toriii! Chotto mattete kudasai.”
Maomao “Hmm? This smell! Chicken skewers! Wait here a moment!”
Jinshi “N?”
Maomao “Oyaji, kushi-yaki ni-hon.”
Maomao “Mister, two skewers please!”
Yataino oyaji “Aiyo!”
Old man at the food stall “Gotcha!”
Basen “Un?”
Maomao “Dozo. Samenai uchini tabe-masho. Hehehe.”
Maomao “Here. Eat it before it gets cold.”
Jinshi “Aa.”
Jinshi “Sure.”
Maomao (Kobashii tori-kawa, juwatto horogaru abura… Kyutei-dewa taberare-nain-dayonaaa.)
Maomao (The savory skin, the tasty fat… You can’t get this in the palace.)
Maomao “Tabe-nain-desuka? Kono toori, dokuwa ari-masen’yo.”
Maomao “Aren’t you going to eat it? As you can see, no poison.”
Jinshi “Iya…”
Jinshi “No, I…”
Maomao “Aa…Dozo.”
Maomao “Ah. Here.”
Maomao “Do-desuka?”
Maomao “How is it?”
Jinshi “Un, yaeino tokino-yori umaina! Shioga kiite-iru.”
Jinshi “Yeah, it’s better than I remember at camp. The salt is good.”
Maomao (Yaei? Kanganwa futsu, bukanno-yona shigotowa shinaito omotte-itaga… Soreni-shitemo, uma-soni taberu.)
Maomao (Camp? I thought that type of thing was for soldiers, not eunuchs. He really does seem to be enjoying it.)
Suiren “Ara Gaoshun, okaeri-nasai. Kori-niwa sawara-naidene. Kaki-shibu’o nutta bakari dakara. …Bocchanno omochayo. Natsukashii-desho?”
Suiren “Oh, welcome back, Gaoshun. Please don’t touch the suitcase. I just applied persimmon tannin to it. The young master’s toys are full of memories, aren’t they?”
Gaoshun “Ee.”
Gaoshun “Yes.”
Suiren “Sorede, do-deshita?”
Suiren “So, how was he?”
Gaoshun “Sukoburu jo-kigen deshita.”
Gaoshun “He was extremely pleased.”
Suiren “Fufu. Anatani-shitewa kino kiku teian’o shita-koto. Ichido kini-itta omochaga areba, bocchanwa sore-bakaride asonde-ita-wane. Fu. Kossori kakusuto, tega tsukerare-nai-kurai naite shimatte… Anataga atarashii omochao motte-kitewa, donika shiyoto kuro shiteta.”
Suiren “It was a surprisingly good suggestion, for you. Once the young master found a favorite toy, he would never let it go. If I hid it, he would cry like the world was ending. You worked so hard to find him a new toy to get him to settle down somehow.”
Gaoshun “Fu… Hitotsuno mononi shuchaku suru… Jinshi-samawa surega yurusareru tachibani arimasen-kara…”
Gaoshun “Fixating on one thing… That is not a luxury that Master jinshi is allowed to have.”
Jinshi “Sonnani isoga-naku-temo yoino-dewa?”
Jinshi “Do we have to rush so much?”
Maomao “Donatakato machi-awase nan-desho? Hayameni itta-hoga iino-dewa arimasenka?”
Maomao “I thought you’re meeting someone. Isn’t it best to arrive early?”
Jinshi “Oreto sassato wakare-tai-yona kuchi-buri dana?”
Jinshi “You should like you want to split from me as soon as possible.”
Maomao “So-deshoka.”
Maomao “Do I?”
Maomao (Tashikani… Wakaretara mo-ichido modotte daikonto torio kaoto omotte-iruga…)
Maomao (True, I do want to split from him and go back to buy some radishes and chicken.)
Jinshi “Betsuni…”
Jinshi “Is…”
Maomao “N?”
Jinshi “Kyuteino seikatsumo waruku-nai-daro? Hana-machino seikatsu-yori, zutto iito omouga.”
Jinshi “Is life at the palace so bad? I’d think it’s better than life out in the pleasure district.”
Maomao “Tashikani waruku-nai desune. Jibunno ishide shusshi shite-masushi, atae-rareta heyamo kireina mono desu. Tada…hitori nokosareta yofuga chanto seikatsu dekite-iru-noka shinpai desu-node… Doshitan-desu?”
Maomao “It’s certainly not bad. I left for work of my own free will, and the room I’ve been given is quite pretty. However, I worry about my adoptive father, who I left all alone. What’s wrong?”
Jinshi “Iya… Omaega kusuriya doku igaino kotoni kio tsukau-towa…”
Jinshi “I just didn’t expect you to care about anything other than medicine or poison.”
Maomao “Mu. Yofuwa kusurino shi desu-kara, mada-mada naga-iki shite morawa-neba komarun-desuyo.”
Maomao “He’s also my teacher in the art of medicine. I need him to stay alive for much longer.”
Jinshi “Yohodo yunona kusushino yo-dana? Omaeno yofuwa.”
Jinshi “He must be quite the skilled apothecary.”
Maomao “Kanpo nomi-narazu, saihono ijutsu-made kokoroega arimasu-kara. Wakai koro-niwa saihoni ryugaku shite-ita kotomo atta-sodesu.”
Maomao “He knows not just Eastern medicine, but has studied Western medicine, as well. I heard he studied abroad, in the west, when he was young.”
Jinshi “Sorewa, yohodo yushu dattanja naika? Ryugakuwa, kunini erabare-nakereba ikenai hazu-dazo.”
Jinshi “That must mean he was extremely talented. Only those chosen by the empire are allowed to study abroad.”
Maomao “Ee, sugoi hito desu. Tenwa ni-butsu’o ataezuto iimasuga, atae-rareta ningenmo irun-desu.”
Maomao “Yes, he’s extremely talented. They say heaven only grants a person one talent, but there are some who receive more than one.”
Jinshi “Sorewa taisona gojin dana… Sonna gojinga naze hana-machide kusuriya’o?”
Jinshi “That’s quite impressive. Why is someone so remarkable working as a pleasure district’s apothecary?”
Maomao “Un dakewa nai hito dakara deshone… Ikura ni-butsu’o motte-itemo, ichi-motsu’o torarete shimai-mashita-kara.”
Maomao “It must be because he’s short on luck, of all things. He was given two talents, but lost his manhood.”
Jinshi “Sorewa…Omaeno yofuga kangan dato iu-kotoka?”
Jinshi “Are you saying your adoptive father is a eunuch?”
Maomao “So-desu-kedo.”
Maomao “Yes.”
Maomao (A…Hana-machi-shiki jōkuga subettano-daroka… Oyajiwa saiho’eno ryugakuo riyuni, senteino haha, sunawachi sakino kotaigoni kanganni sarete shimatta-rashii.)
Maomao (I guess the brothel-style joke didn’t land. Apparently, because of his study abroad, he was made a eunuch by the previous empress dowager, the former emperor’s mother.)
Jinshi “Kangan, kusushi, ikan…”
Jinshi “Eunuch, apothecary, doctor…”
Maomao (Itte-nakatta-kana… A…Are kana? Uewa yadoyade shitawa shokudoka.)
Maomao (Did I fail to mention that? Oh, is that it? An inn upstairs from a restaurant.)
Chunen meshi-mori-onna “Chotto yottetteee.”
Middle-aged prostitute at an inn “Come, stop in!”
Dansei “Oi oi oi.”
Man “Hey, hey, hey.”
Maomao (Aa…Naruhodo. Waza-waza henso-made shita riyuga wakatta.)
Maomao (I see. Now I get why he had to disguise himself and everything.)
Maomao “Nara hana-machi-made kite-kurereba yoi-mono’o…”
Maomao “In that case, you could have just come to the pleasure district.”
Jinshi “N? Do-iu imida?”
Jinshi “Huh? What do you mean?”
Maomao “Ie.”
Maomao “Nothing.”
Jinshi “Kusuriya. Omae, Rokushokanno najimi-niwa kuwashii-noka?”
Jinshi “Apothecary, do you know the regulars at the Verdigris House?”
Maomao “E? Maa, hadeni tachi-mawaru kyakude areba.”
Maomao “Well, the customers that stand out, yes.”
Jinshi “Donna yatsuga iru?”
Jinshi “Who are they?”
Maomao “Himitsu desu. Shuhi-gimuga aru-node.”
Maomao “I can’t say. I have a duty of confidentiality.”
Jinshi “Dewa…gijono kachio sageru-niwa, do-sureba ii?”
Jinshi “Then… How does one decrease the value of a courtesan?”
Maomao “…Fuyukaina koto’o kiki-masune. Haa…Ikura-demo ari-masuyo. Tokuni joino gijo-naraba. Rokushokan-dewa, kamuro-jidaini hito-toorino kyoiku’o sumase-masu. Sono nakade, yobono yoi monoto so-de-nai mononi wake-rare, koshawa kaomisega owaruto sugu kyakuo tori, mio uru kotoni narimasu. Ippo, mikomino aru monowa cha-nomi-kara hajimari, kyoyode kyakuo torimasu. Newa don-don tsuri-agari, agatta tokorode roshutsuo herasuto, cha-nomi-dakede ichi-nenno ginga tsukiru urekko-gijoga deki-agari-masu. Miuke-made, kyakuni ichidomo teo tsuke-rare-naito itta kotomo arimasu. Te-tsukazuno hana dakara-koso, kachiga aruno-desu. Taoreba, sore-dakede kachiwa han-gen shimasu. Sarani…”
Maomao “That’s an unpleasant question. There are many different ways, especially with high-class courtesans. At the Verdigris House, girls take most of the important lessons while working as servants. At that time, they are separated into those with beautiful appearances and those without. The latter, after debuting, immediately take on customers to sell their bodies. Those with talent, however, are taught tea ceremony and given a higher education with which to entertain patrons. Their prices to up and up. Once high enough, they start to appear only very rarely. At that point, you get a top-ranking courtesan, who costs a year’s salary just to have tea with. Some retain their chastity until the day they’re bought out. Their value comes from their purity. Losing that purity would easily halve their value. In addition…”
Maomao “Ko’o haramase-reba, kachi-nado naini hitoshiku nari-masu.”
Maomao “A pregnancy would reduce it to nearly nothing.”
Jinshi “A…”
(Continue to episode 18)
0 notes
shadow-and-quill · 5 years
Warning(s): Mentions of past violence and non-con, drugs, healing injuries
Origin Date: 12 Jan 20
“The oak fought the wind and was broken, the willow bent when it must and survived.” -  Robert Jordan, The Fires of Heaven
Ritsuka is a man that never lets himself rest; ever vigilant, ever moving forward. But where the mind wants to push ahead, the body cannot always keep up. And that’s a lesson he hates to be reminded of again and again.
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Sand. Ugh. The damn stuff got everywhere.
Ritsuka carefully slid off his sandals, glad he hadn’t worn tabi knowing the environment of a ‘beach party.’ And he likely wouldn’t have been able to get the tabi off with how sore he was. He hadn’t expected to end up on cooking duty all day but, alas... Suiren Temple had made a deal with their future business partner and, kami strike him down, the Keeper would see it through.
If one of his own employees failed to keep their commitment, he strove to fix that gap. It was only proper to hold up one’s end in business.
The wrapped calf hurt, pulsing with every beat of his heart. His own leg ached after compensating all day for the other. Under his arms, his hands, hurt from crutching about in the sand. His back hurt from leaning over the grill from a seated position. He’d had no other choice being unable to stand for long.
But it was all necessary for the temple’s burgeoning reputation. It was Aoki Ritsuka’s job to keep that intact.
It was late now. The lanterns that were lit by the staff glowed in the corridors, lined the walkways outside. And with the night came the winter chill. He hated the cold, always had. Fortunately Hingashi’s winters weren’t nearly as harsh as other places in the world.
His crutches made small ‘thumps’ as he slowly made his way to his office. Any mail that had arrived while he was out had to be reviewed for anything urgent. The cat’s movements were slow in his pain but steady. His dark hair had begun to fall from its high bun, pinned up since he had been doing food preparation. How annoying. A ‘pft’ of breath to try and get some of those loose strands out of his face
Funny how things came back full circle...one of his first jobs in Hingashi had been a cook after he’d worked himself up from ‘that ijin dishwasher.’ He’d honestly enjoyed that job even though the pay, in the end, hadn’t been lucrative enough to sustain both him and Saeha. That is if he wanted his sister to have a good education and rearing, the best that he could provide.
...oi, when had this hall been so long?
Ritsuka paused, breaths ringing loud in his drooped ears. Why was he out of breath? It hadn’t been that far from the entryway. He’d walked this corridor so many times.
The taps of his crutches quieted as he leaned against the wall to try and steady his breathing. Unfortunately something he’d learned well over his years. It had been worse since his surgery, since Sari and Mashuel had essentially had to /force/ his body keep breathing when his lungs gave out.
...godsdamned Morning.
This wouldn’t have happened if that fucking astrologian hadn’t used those damn magicks on the old wound. His leg wouldn’t be as mangled as it had been.
No, it was wrong to blame Morning.
He’d been an idiot to storm into the druglord’s lair, full of pride and anger after that argument with Percival. Something about that bloody Raen just pissed him off so quickly.
If he hadn’t gone...
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Lavender eyes closed behind his glasses, sweat on his brow, hair sticking to his forehead. The wall was cool to lean against, kept him rooted.
...if he hadn’t gone that night, that man would have never touched him. Kept him tied up, taunted him, so smug in the fact that the shinobi could do nothing between the injury and the drugged incense hanging in the air. And that Ritsuka’s body had betrayed him, that Sweet Flower making his body /want/ such things as much as he wanted to vomit, as much as he cursed and spat at the man.
The punch to the wall was weak, dehydrated and sore as the miqo’te was. Why was he thinking about that now?
Anger bubbled up under everything, making him feel sick to his stomach. Making his head pound and the world spin.
He was still formidable. He was still the authority in this place. His reputation was still intact. No one knew. No one but...but those that had rescued him and the physicians.
Rescued. HIM. RESCUED.
A curse and the Keeper forced himself away from the wall, sweaty palms wrapped about the crutches to take a few shaky hops forward.
A mistake as he coughed, a sharp harsh sound that dissolved into a cacophony of lung-wracking noises despite covering his mouth to try and keep himself quiet.
Only the priests slept in the main building over night but still...
He had to get to his office to stifle the noise.
But his next movement was clumsy, weak, uncoordinated. The crutch slipped and Ritsuka fell to the ground.
Did he yelp when he landed on that leg? Likely not. He was an expert of stifling such things. And he had done so, judging by the blood he tasted in his mouth from biting his lip.
Though the world swum in the aftermath of pain, dehydration, and lack of air from his coughing which still continued. The dark cloth of his top clung to his back, the leather wraps about his forearms soaked as hands tried to seek out his crutches to stand again.
...no, he had to get to work.
There was no time, no reason, to sit here and mope in his failings. The world continued to spin, life didn’t pause. Ruminating on such things did nothing.
Claws brushed the end of the wooden crutch and paused at another fit of coughing.
He couldn’t catch his breath. A sharp hitch in his chest as the world began to dim.
Pride was rapidly fading over survival necessity. Could he make a call on the pearl? Should he...
The crutch seemed like it was malms away as his vision shrank. No he couldn’t reach it...he couldn’t...
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6 notes · View notes
friendlybowlofsoup · 5 years
Just out of curiosity, do you have any background music suggestions or playlists for the game/ROs? Thanks for your time!
Sorry, this took a while for me to come up with! I use music to remind me of the atmospheric mood, so for GoRM I listen to a lot of traditional music from different backgrounds.
I did list some of the artists/instruments that I gravitate to though! (Notable songs are in the bullet points)
High Action (Fighting/Chasing Scenes) 
Yoshida Brothers - The shamisen is particularly attractive to me when it comes to high speed feeling. 
Ringo Bushi
I also just let spotify go on shuffle on their page.
Waggaki Band - Uses Traditional Japanese instruments with heavy rock. Absolute killer. I also just let them run on shuffle.
Their Senbonzakura cover is prettttyyy clean (it’s their most listened to song on spotify)
Jia Pang Feng - I LOVE THIS MAN UGH He’s multi-purpose. 
As Quick as Lightening gives me chills every time hnnngggg
Mai Kyoku
Blue Flamingo
Everything from him is honestly so good uggghhh 
Lots of strings and heavy drums, basically. Taiko and tanggu are also a favorite of mine, but I can’t pin down an artist for either of those styles! 
Scenic Moments (Environmental/chill moments with lots of imagery)
Liu Fang - Guzheng and pipa musician. It’s very atmospheric and helps me immerse myself into the scene.
High Mountain and Flowing Water
The Love for Wei River <- this one in particular sounds like rain and I love it so much 
Pink Lotus
For scenes that are lighter (or happier), I listen to pieces with the koto/guzheng and dizi. 
For scenes that are heavier, I listen to more open instruments like the ehru and the shakuhachi.
Romantic Moments 
Jia Pang Feng - again because he makes me openly weep with his ehru hnnngggg
Erquan Yinyue
Yiruma - He’s my staple romance inspiration, regardless of what I’m writing.
Kiss the Rain is a classic
Honestly, just slap him on shuffle too dang (river flows in you might come up fifty times but oh well)
More bowed instruments than not. Something about them really hurts my heart and gets me a super romantic mood. 
Haha, sorry this got kinda long, Anon! If there was a take away from this, I’d highly, highly recommend Jia Pang Feng and Yoshida bros.
I don’t have specific playlists for each RO, but if someone has some ideas, I’m open to suggestions!
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the-collectim · 6 years
.:RP:. A Day at Suzume
Characters: Chuuya Miyahara (male Raen), An Yeung (male Duskwight)
Rating: General.
Origin Date: 24 Feb 2019
Fresh off business for the Suiren Temple’s opening, An Yeung has some steam to blow off. So he heads for a rather unassuming paper shop in the Rakuza district
Normal text = Chuuya
Italics = An Yeung
{ xxx } = hand signing
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It was another day at Suzume. The shop was in the Rakuza arts district to the north of Kugane, tucked away. There was just enough foot traffic for people to find the shop by chance but hidden away enough in a nook to lay quiet and unnoticed if needed. That was because it was property of the Azuma-gumi, one of the top three yakuza syndicates in the city. Innocuous as the paper and souvenir shop may seem, the men lingering outside the store playing go atop a crate were armed, tattoos hidden from sight.
Chuuya was hard at work in his room, the sliding doors open to the tiny garden in the back. There was no fear he would run. Where would he go? Besides there were always guards about. It was something the young man resigned himself to as just part of his life. He had no clients at the time and he sat at the large desk he did his work at, seated properly on the floor and taking a thin blade to pale paper, carving out intricate, razor-thin and precise shapes that looked as if they'd break with an ill-intended breath.
The red kimono sat low on his shoulders, another thing forced upon him that was routine. He was pretty. And his employers used that to make up for his other flaws. That and the long snow-white hair that as tied loosely back in a subtle, but elegant style.
  An Yeung was flustered. His name was not shared with Lord Bai, but he was still very much a sworn brother. To be looked upon as lesser and regarded as such was a frustrating thing. He should have just talked freely rather than thinking to be mindful of fragile Doman sensibilities and egos. 'This humble one' his ass!
Walking up to the shop, Yeung just eyed the men playing their game of Go and went right by. Let them cause trouble, he'd gladly knock them right into their place. The jug of peach flavored rice wine swung on its rope in his hand as he went up the stairs and opened the door to the shop. The boots already being slipped out of as he balanced there from one leg to the next. He wouldn't prance all over the shop in the things he had been wearing all about the city and residential quarters for most the day. He wasn't that barbaric.
"Ge ge!" He called out as he made sure the boots were out of the way of the door.
  The guards were used to the odd Elezen but they usually let him come and go. He bought things, after all. Though one did get up and follow after eyeing the wine and visible irritation of the dark-skinned man. They did have a job to protect their wares and that included the Raen hard at work.
Speaking of, he looked up from his design towards the sliding doors at the call. An Yeung? But he'd just visited not too long ago, it felt like. Or had it been? It was hard to keep track of time when one was a victim of routine. A click of his tongue and a small red panda scampered down from its cushion in the rafters. A fluffy cute lil thing, it had been trained from near-birth by Chuuya. It scampered over the paper doors, nudging at it and then having enough space to stick its head in the cap to open it up and peer up. Aka just stared up at man. Oh, he knew this one!
   "Hello Aka." He gave a wave to the panda and squatted down a hand reaching out to rub the top of the red pandas head. A grin spread across his face from the moment he saw the critter to this very moment. The jug making a sloshing and blop sound as it rested down on the ground. "I'm sorry to have forgotten treats today! The stand was fresh out of yakitori when I went by."
   The panda stood on its hind legs to enjoy the full motion of such pets! He was such a spoiled lil thing! Indeed he was sniffing for treats, paws out to grab at the guest's sleeve. Where is?
Meanwhile Chuuya was smiling, setting his tools down. Spotting the guard that had followed, he raised a hand in a comforting motion. He had no fear of An Yeung. Besides....as if they would be too far anyway. The yakuza made a face at that and nodded. He was winning his game, likely his partner already manipulated the board while he was away!
With that done, the Raen shifted properly to face the entryway, hands in his lap as he watched the attention lavished upon his furry friend.
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After only a few more moments, An Yeung plucked up the critter in one arm as the jug hung from his other's wrist. His coppery eyes settling across the way to Chuuya whose desk he walked right over to before plopping right down on the spot. The Duskwight already at the pinnacle of height for his kind just leaned there and sat the wine down on the desk, careful of the work being done and kept the Panda in his lap to continue scritches.
"I'll bring treats next time! Unless you want a cup of wine~" He teased the red panda as he rubbed at its belly and looked over to Chuuya. "Aw...you could have left the guard. It's fun to test how much I can get away with around them."
  Aka was perfectly content to skitter up that arm and drape himself about this tall tree's neck. Well-behaved, he was!
Chuuya shook his head with a small frown. No, not messing with the guards. And the dark red eyes looked to the wine in a bit of disapproval. Alcohol never did anyone any good. ‘{You're back in town already? The business has opened?}' he signed with a tilt of his head. He'd heard rumor of the Elezen poking about but he was never allowed to wander over into the residential districts to see things himself.
  '{Things are smooth there.}' His signing, as always, was short even if it was smooth. "Though I've a lot to say to Lord Bai that he will likely enjoy." A heavy sigh left him and he leaned on the desk. His chin upon the heel of the hand, the other on top of the silk cover of the clay pot of brew, and a finger tapping at it as he looked over Chuuya's handiwork. "Granted if some stuffy Doman samurai thinks he'll just waltz out of his room for them, they got a surprise coming for them."
  '{Samurai?}' The frown returned to his pale face. '{And Doman?}' True, Doman businesses were popping up here ever since refugees managed to make it across the Ruby Sea years and years ago before Hingashi closed its ports. But to hear of one causing issues? '{What did you do to anger them?}' was the instant assumption.
He stood at that, a practiced graceful gesture that would make a geisha proud. Chuuya needed to make some warm tea!
   "I am an angel!" An Yeung declared; feigning hurt as finger tapped at the top of the jug. "The most humble of servants to the house of Bai, and I'd never slight my sworn brother's name so sloppily."
Really. He huffed a flop of that ginger-and-white hair out of his face only for it to fall back in place. The Duskwight not even wearing a pout, but instead a slight frown. Though his attention followed Chuuya's movements. Really the Raen was so neat and orderly.
"They were the ones that wouldn't let me read the letter they were handing me for Lord Bai, saying I had no right to it. Even after I showed them my white jade crest, and Atlas affirmed I was very much the most trusted right hand of the Lord Playwright!"
  There was a small stove to the other end of the large room, purposely /away/ from all of his crafting materials. A portable crystal-powered thing that he detested still to this day. It never heated evenly. A pot was put on, water poured in from a pitcher on a stand. Now it would only take forever to heat up with its pitiful heat! But none of that irritation never showed as Chuuya padded back over, listening to his companion's gripes.
He sat back down, tucking the deep red cloth about his legs properly. '{Some are paranoid. I heard rumor that with the war over, there are those looking to falsify documents as former lords. Maybe they were afraid you were playing a game?}' Always one to give the benefit of the doubt.
  "Pffft, like we of Nanxia would lower ourselves to such a point to pretend to be lords." An Yeung huffed at that. Though he moved to pull the covering off the jug and lifted it by the rope to take a drink. "That said the temple is coming along nicely, ge ge. It is a shame I couldn't show you it in person. When a Kami resides there it will be even more splendid."
The change of topic chosen so he didn't have to think about that insufferable samurai. Why was it when you put a sword in their hands they became so insufferable? A man with a blade was no better than a commoner. They all bled the same color red in the end, and breathed the same air. Ugh just thinking about it made him want to roll his eyes, but An Yeung resisted that temptation.
  There was the slightest bit of disapproval on the Raen's face but he said nothing. Well...signed nothing. It wasn't his place to correct another. What to do... Ah. Turning a bit, he reached under the low desk for a small box. Opening it, he took out a piece of his work and handed it over. Once he'd heard the name of the place, he had to do something to commemorate it! It was all the artist could do to offer encouragement.
It was handed over properly with both hands, a small smile on his face.
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An Yeung glanced over at the handiwork. That was a good enough distraction, and sure enough he licked wine from lips before taking it in hand to glance over. With his hands being careful in holding the piece, he at least couldn't drink from that jug so it was a good choice in distractions. Plus how could he not look at what Chuuya made? It would be downright criminal not to look and praise him!
"It's lovely work as always, Chuuya." He praised, the grin softening a bit. "I'm sure Lord Bai will love to see your work on display in Suiren Temple, and so will whatever Kami comes to rest there."
  The praise meant more from someone that wasn't holding his chains and the Raen couldn't keep a smile off his lips, his tail swishing over the cushion behind him. '{No charge this time.}' He added, a little flip in his gestures giving off a vague feel of light teasing. The long thing hands paused before he continued. '{I'd love to do work for the Temple but there has to be a contract in place. And do you really want my work in a holy place?}'
"Why would your work not be fitting?" An Yeung inquired as he looked over towards Chuuya. Really it was remarkable, and he didn't think the Kami would care about such frivolous details like where it originated from. "Plus you know well enough Lord Bai will pay any fee you ask of his coffers for your work. Your work for the last play drew several people to his stage after all."
A light click of his tongue and he moved carefully to place the piece down and back into range for Chuuya to take back. His expression light as he noted to reaction to that praise. Ah it was good to see the Raen in better spirits.
"Maybe I'll have to kick your guards' backsides and spirit you off to see it one day." Kami knew the Duskwight had yet to have a good fight in ages. Biming kept out of trouble which left Yeung restless and bored. "That would be quite a trip to take indeed. Once we've Kami and a priest, that is."
  Instant panic at the suggestion chased away and contentment, ever-fleeting. Eyes were wide and he waved his hands 'no.' To have the yakuza after An Yeung and they would know for sure of a new shrine opening and the name attached to it. They could all be killed, the place burned down. Or even worse, the soft power of threats to keep petitioners and students away! That would slowly suffocate any place.
Another wave of his hands in that no gesture. '{I can't do that, we both know it. Please don't say such things.}' He nodded to the doors. The guard may have left but still, ears were about.
   "Aye..." The relenting word left him, but he did muse at the panic that came with the suggestion. It was always amusing to work up the other. His fingers moved to make for the jug again. "I wouldn't tempt tigers to act against small birds."
A private metaphor for Biming's work. The playwright didn't just write poems and plays, after all. He was a collector of Magpies as much as secrets. Though he was of the benevolent sort as long as someone didn't cross his path in the worst way. No that An Yeung had to regularly go out of his way to crush threats and problems for the reclusive lord.
"I should say such bold things more often if they get that kind of reaction!" he teased.
  That seemed to only make the worry stay! If the Duskwight did say such things so much, it wouldn't take much to bar him from the shop. And to lose an acquaintance, his only one that wasn't simply a customer, would...be terribly lonely. Now that Chuuya had had a taste for such social things, it would be terrible to be deprived of them once more.
'{Just, please, watch what you say.}' With that, his hands fell to his lap, nervously wringing in the silk of the kimono.
  An Yeung's orange gaze just watched him worry at that kimono silk, and he let out a relenting sigh before drinking down a measure of wine straight from the jug once more. It was back on the desk soon after. Those long dark fingers just resting over the lip of it. Though he was once more sitting there quite lazily, elbow on the desk, and chin in hand. His fluff of short cut hair barely hiding the violet tinged face from the wine.
"I shall, ge ge, I shall." He assured. "I'm only teasing you. Kami...there need be something they'll let you do! You can't be cooped up in this fancy cage...shop...thing...all the time."
  Red eyes glanced out the window that let to that tiny yard, the wood of a building right there as well. There was no clear sky, just the scent of the ocean that managed to waft down these alleys. '{I can go for walks once a moon.}' His motions were more resigned, less with the energy from when An Yeung had first arrived. '{They are kind to allow me such an opportunity.}'
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"You need see the sky and sea more than that." He let out a sigh and let eyes close.
To him it still made little sense why they would keep the Raen locked away like this. What was he? Some prized consort? An Yeung could almost believe such a thing to be frank. Especially as he looked over him.
"Let’s go see it tonight." One coppery eye opened to look to him. "The sky will be clear and the sea still. It will be perfect, and we can dodge your hounds."
  The panic was back in an instant and he put a finger to his own lips. Shush, the motion read. There was no need to know signing for that! Then those fingers flew. '{I was already allotted my walk this moon. I went last sennight. I have to wait.}'
  "And you didn't invite me? A shame..." Of course he dropped it, and instead opted to play dejected instead. His arms crossed over the desk and he rested his head there. "Ge ge, don't you want to go on walks with me?" He looked up to the Raen through the fluff of white-and-ginger hair. The glass beads just clacking together as the slightest turn of his head disturbed them. "I can show you where the best wine is sold in all of Kugane."
  '{Thank you but I don't drink and you were out of town.}' Straight to the point yet polite. The Raen jumped as the pot whistled. About time! A slight bow of his head to excuse himself as he stood to tend to it. Two cups were all that he had, one for himself, one for a client. Doman black tea was put in orb-like steepers, placed in each delicate cup, and then the hot water added. Both were then put on a tray, as was proper, and he walked back over with small, controlled paces.
The tray was offered first to the guest, of course.
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 An Yeung sighed heavily at that response. What a curse his job was! Though it had been for good reason and cause, and Biming was interested in this particular investment. So he had no choice but to follow his sworn brother's obscure whims.
"I would be here in the strike of the kilin's hoof, if you called for me." He reasoned even if the scenario was impossible.
The Elezen lifted a hand from his crossed arms, and plucked up the cup. The thing tilted to let the infuser clatter against the ceramic piece of work. What a frustrating scenario. Watched here. Couldn't take him on walks. Didn't even touch wine. What could he do?
"Then I shall stay here the night before Lord Bai calls to drag me off again, and once that's done I shall camp out here until your next walk's allowance!"
  A blink that left Chuuya just staring at the other man. Stay? The night? No, no that was impossible. He shook his head, the long hair framing his rather feminine features in the motion. Not allowed, no. His tail curled behind him at the thought.
  "What? I'll sleep in the window, or at your step like a good gentleman." Though normally didn't a good gentleman take the couch? Well somethings were complex when one didn't own a couch to slumber on!
An Yeung moved to sit up. Nursing the tea like it may as well been even more wine, leaning his weight upon the arm while the other reached forward towards Chuuya. It was hard to resist the temptation to touch that hair. Maybe he already had a fair amount of wine in him? It wouldn't be beyond the monk to waltz about drinking when he had no immediate responsibilities. That or he just wanted to fluster the other further.
It was definitely that last option.
  And it was quite successful. Chuuya recoiled quickly, the other cup in the tray spilling over. Fortunately the tray caught most of the liquid, only a few dots spotting the silk he wore. Now quite out of sorts he was quick to put the tray down on the desk and scampered over to the stove to grab a towel.
  Did the masters not allow him to be touched either? An Yeung let out a sigh and just dropped the hand back to rest on the ground and leaned back into it. The tea cup tilted back as he took a long sip of it. Though he looked sideways to the red panda then.
"I keep getting rejected, Aka, whatever shall I do?" He lamented with great woe to the pet as if it was empathize with him or provide some insight.
  The panda was a master at adjusting whenever An Yeung did, always finding some part of his body to perch on. Unlike his master, he was quite apt to cuddle against others. Big round eyes looked over at the voice, nose wiggling. As if he could provide an answer!
Towels fetched, Chuuya returned to mop the mess out of the tray. Firm presses of the rough woven fabric to the coppery-hued metal to soak up the hot tea. Careful not to let his fingers touch. If they were burned and he couldn't work, he would've caused damage to yakuza property.
  "Ge ge, let me." An Yeung moved forward to take the towel. He was careful in how his pitch-dark fingers - lined with some spots of white from his freckled patterns - touched the other's hand to get that towel. "It is best you take care of your hands after all."
  The Raen shook his head but a moment later, did pull his hands back. The threat of being in trouble was more than simply being rude to his guest. Nervous now, he clasped hands together near his stomach as he watched the cleanup. Why did he have to make a mess?
  "I do apologize," he said lightly, "I'll be more mindful next time."
An Yeung's words were sincere at least. It didn't mean he'd outright avoid teasing him, but he would at least be more mindful now. The copper eyes just looking up to him as he dabbed the mess clean. Once done he offered his cup and what remained to him.
"Here take the rest of my tea."
  A shake of the head though he did bow a bit in gratitude. That was his guest's tea. He wouldn't indulge. After holding the position a moment, he moved forward to take the clean tray and its contents. They would be washed and cleaned later by the help that stopped by in the morning and evenings.
  An Yeung settled back once more and sighed. Though he glanced back towards the way the guards would be. What a pain! And he had missed out on the one walk for the moon. He finished off his cup and just sat it down after. For now he was just quiet and looked thoughtful.
   With that set aside, Chuuya prepared himself another cup of tea. Fortunately there was enough hot water left in that tiny pot. He took his time, trying to calm his nerves. Anything that was out of routine always made him anxious. Especially with this man! It wouldn't take much provocation for the guards to kill a single man. And the fight that would break out as a result would leave plenty of damage to Suzume. What would happen afterwards?
A deep breath before the artist walked back over and sat on his cushion once more. Unsure of what to 'talk' about now, he simply sipped his tea.
  Oh An Yeung would like to see them try. His fist was greater than a dozen of the henchmen any Yakuza could think to tire, and he was certain his stamina would hold out for many a night so sheer numbers alone wouldn't vex him. He chuckled at the thought. The sound rolling into a laugh, but at no particular one. Ah how he wished he could say such things out loud!
"Chuuya, come on. Let me stay here just to rest one evening. I don't wish to go to my Lord with sour news already." He said then in pleading tones, once more testing the waters as he plotted.
  The sound of the laugh had those red eyes looking up from their gaze on the tatami floors. His expression easy enough to read, that uneasiness. With a small clink, he set the cup down on the desk next to his work. A small sigh before he answered. '{I can't. They patrol. They'll find you if you stay any in or on the property. I'm sorry.}'
  An Yeung sighed. "Then at least permit me to nap for a spell? All but a bell, maybe two? I shan't disrupt your work."
  Chuuya looked over to the chronometer on a small shelf nearby. Then he held up one finger. One. He had a client after that.
  One bell? He smiled with that. This was a small victory at least! So he moved to rest down upon that desk as he had before, eyeing the Raen with a single copper hue. "Will you help me rest easier with a pat upon my head?"
  A small noise of surprise and embarrassment left the mute at that. Pale cheeks, more devoid of scales than most of his kind, flushed pink and he shook his head in a most definite 'no!' In fact, he picked up his small blade again, intent on getting back to work!
  At least he hadn't talked on the 'and call me a good boy' part! An Yeung just grinned a bit as he admired that blush. Really a flustered Chuuya was the best even if it cost his life one day.
  Must concentrate. It was more difficult to do so in the presence of someone. Again, his poor routine! It was bells of working alone interspersed with client visits or tourists looking for souvenirs. Accepting a presence outside that was always...different. Not necessarily negative. It was just something out the ordinary. But he had work to do and with a deep breath, Chuuya continued to do so.
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weebotakublr-blog · 7 years
Just the Same (Prologue)
My name's Yuna. Yuna Harper.   It must be nice to be a first-class huh? Actually, a second-class sounds good to me too.
Because it would've been nice to enter a prestigious high school without being judged. Because it would've been nice to sit in class without hearing rumours. Because it would've been nice to walk without being tripped. Because it would've been nice to have a clean locker. Because it would've been nice to have friends.
Because it would've been to nice to be happy.
Ring! Ring! "Crap, I forgot to take notes. I'll just copy them from the internet, I'm pretty sure it's just basic bio." I thought. I didn't see the girl approaching me.
"Knock! Knock! Yuna!", someone in front of me was knocking my desk, "Head in the clouds again, are we?". That "someone" in front of me was no other than Luna Palcov. The Luna Palcov who's always been bullying me since 7th grade, the Luna Palcov who had everything, the Luna Palcov who always thought her life would be a bit better if my life turns out worse.
Luna Palcov.
"Uh, hi." I muttered, as I was standing up getting my lunch, she slung her arm at my shoulders. "Say Yuna,  did you copy my notes that I told you I needed?", she whispered.
"I.. I didn't get to copy, I'm- I'm sorry." I mumbled, putting my eyes down on the ground where it should be. Her arm flinched and un-draped itself from my shoulder, "Well, we all forget things don't we, right Yuna- chan?".
"Huh? Chan?", I turned to her. "Nevermind!", she was walking away. My eyes widened, "What?, Luna's being nice? Huh, today must be a good day then."
I didn't notice her smirk.
Walking down the halls had always been this dreadful. People always staring at my brown hair as if it's the nightmare of their lives.
For them, it was disgusting- I was disgusting.
Stares? The same old.
Smirks? The same old.
Whispers? The same old.
Wyatt Schyuler in front of me? Not the same old.
I did not expect that.
I tried to get past him, I did but the next thing he said shook me.
"There's a paper stuck to your back, you know."
I froze.
"Oh. Uhm." I reached for my back.
I can't reach it.
Wow. Awesome.
"Stuuupid, here you go." He said. He grabbed the paper that was a little too high for me to reach, a little too low for me to grab. "Oh. Thanks.", I murmured.
Brown Dumb***
I should've known. Luna wasn't being nice to me at all. I was just stupid enough to believe so. I was so stupid. So stupid.
Drop. Drop.
What am I even crying about.
You're used to this Yuna. You've been through this Yuna. You've always expected this would happen.
How is this different Yuna?
"Wow. Such a crybaby."
"What did she expect? Be treated like some sort of human here?"
"Lol. Hahaha."
There they go again.
"Chin up, Princess." He said.
He suddenly bent low to whisper in my ear.
"Crying would only make it worse, you know." He dropped something.
A handkerchief.
And like a phantom, I looked at his back get away from me, never looking back once. And I felt the gap that was already between us widen.
Hordes of Girls were following him.
This is it. My chance to escape.
Thanks, Wyatt.
I quickly grab the handkerchief, wiped my tears and quietly ran away from the scene.
Why did he do that?
Was it a sense of justice?
or was it basic morality?
I don't know.
He obviously has a hidden agenda.
Why would he, a first class, with really good looks + untainted white hair, even bother to look at me, much less help me.
But still, it wouldn't hurt to have some hope right?
"Chin up, Princess."
Holy. Did I unconsciously thought about him.
No, don't Yuna. You've got no time for that.
You're a no one.
He's a someone.
I'm sorry self.
My heart already skipped a beat.
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Yuna Harper btw ^^
Suiren Shibazeki from Hibi Chouchou againn
Not my artwork, not my character.
If someone who owns this uhm pic is offended by this, please dm me and I’ll gladly take it off :>
Just a cast.
Loves <3
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