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No Mourners || Rowdy N Randy
Summary: Andrina and Rob Triton blow this Popsicle stand-- see ya later, suckers. 
ROB   Rob got a text from an unknown number. It was three words. It changed everything.   We got him.   He knew immediately it was Joan. That Joan was talkin’ about Fakhir. That somehow — somehow — they’d gotten Fakhir out of prison. Whether the money Rob had wired ‘em had sponsored a lawyer or somehow busted him out.   Where, Rob texted back.   The next answer was coordinates. A date. All in a code that they’d made up long ago. Rob committed it to memory.    He needed to leave town.   He was overdue to leave town.    He’d gotten comfortable here, settled.    This text was a jolt. A reminder that he wasn’t ever supposed to be in Swynlake that long.    He needed to do something about it. He needed to leave.   He filed that thought away and went to dinner with the Triton family.   After that pretty uneventful dinner — and the very eventful aftermath — Rob lay on the mattress he called a bed, staring up at the ceiling for a moment, smokin’ a cigarette. He thought of the text. He turned to Andrina who was sitting besides him, shifting so he was on his side.   “Hey, I need to get out of town,” he said. “Soon as possible, actually. And I can’t come back. Not for a long time at least.” He paused. “Wanna come?”    Even after the fight, he thought she might say no. She did have her family here, after all, and family bonds ran deep. Asking her to pick up everything she’d ever known and never come back was somethin’ big. Well, not that she couldn’t come back. But he couldn’t. Not for a long time at least.   If he had doubt, though, it didn’t show on his face, as he smiled and took another drag. 
  ANDRINA Andrina was going to leave Swynlake. 
The anger that fueled her throughout her confrontation with Tina hadn’t left yet. Instead, it tunneled ever deeper through her, becoming a permanent part of Andrina Triton. Because with the anger came freedom. She had realized as she stalked home-- well, to Rob’s place-- that if she truly no longer gave a fuck about her sisters’ feelings, there was nothing that she couldn’t do. She could quit her job at Whosits and Whatsits, which she only did to make Daddy happy. She could move out of her apartment and crash with Rob, because she spent enough time with him anyway. She could refuse to come to family dinners every single fucking day of the week. No more checking in, more more ‘reporting for duty, mister!’, no more movie nights where her sisters squabble for literally a half hour over someone’s choice.    She didn’t have to, not anymore. Would her sisters hate her? Maybe. But hey, not giving a fuck, remember!    There was a new Andrina here, one waiting to burst forth from her cocoon after so many years of suffocating. What did an Andrina who was not beholden to the Tritons look like? Did she get more shit done? Did she laugh more? Was she happier?    Andy got to find out.   So actually what Andy was doing while in Rob’s bed was looking at cruises online. She’d never been on a cruise before, but it sounded like the kind of thing that was up her alley. What better way to fuck off from Swynlake for a week or two and come back rejuvenated? Attina hated her little Blackpool stunt? Well how about a little jaunt through the Caribbean!    Rob would come with her. They’d dance and fuck and steal the left earrings off all the rich ladies. They’d eat an unlimited supply of frozen yogurt. Maybe they’d stay on the islands, who knows!   Then Rob, like he was reading her mind, propositioned her before she could proposition him.    Her eyebrows raised. “Are you cheating off me?” Andy said and, giggling, she playfully moved her phone against her chest as if she was hiding her answers. “I was literally just looking for some way to fuck off. Granted, I was thinking more of the honeymoon variety but…” she tossed her phone to the edge of the bed and then clambered onto his lap, her thighs on either side. “Whatcha thinking?” She pressed the pad of her thumb in the middle of Rob’s sexy, bushy brows. “You have your plotting face on. Is it illegal?”    Rob   “Nah,” said Rob after he’d laughed and let out a little sigh of relief he didn’t even know he had in him. He rested his hands on Andrina’s legs, lookin’ up at her, his back against the wall.    “Well. Okay, we wouldn’t be doin’ anything illegal.” Yet. Actually I don’t know all the details, but long story short, one of my mates was in prison and now he’s not and the whole gang’s finally in a place where we can meet up. Well not the whole gang…”   This was more about his life than he’d ever divulged. If Andrina was gonna skip town with him and meet Fakhir and Joan and Martin, then, well, he might as well tell her.   “Most of ‘em except Tuck, who’s studyin’ to be a priest or somethin’ — but the rest of ‘em are my crew from back in the day.” His fingers danced up her thigh, fiddling with the hem of her shorts, findin’ somethin’ to do so he didn’t feel as… exposed as he did. “But it’s Joan and Martin and Fakhir — he’s the one outta prison. Which wasn’t a stealin’ things thing so much as it was a wrong place, wrong time thing.”   He chuckled, “But yeah, always meant to use this place as a pit stop before we all got back together to pull off more jobs. And if you’re comin’ along we can dream a little bigger.” He sat up a little straighter, leaning towards her, almost like he was gonna kiss her. “I always wanted to rob a private museum. Or a billionaire with a fancy security system. Need a full team for that, though.”   He caught her lip between his teeth, pullin’ her closer.    “First step’s gettin’ to bloody Croatia though. So y’know, actually a pretty lovely honeymoon destination.” 
  ANDRINA Andrina had never heard any of these names before. They belonged to pre-Rob-Triton. To a pre-Rob-in-Swynlake, even. This was him before, the man who Andrina had only ever glimpsed. The mystery of that Rob had absolutely been part of not only his appeal, but the appeal of the different skills he offered her. Learning how to pickpocket, to pick locks, to plan a robbery--these were all roads into his mystery.   Andrina didn’t actually want to know, by the way, the answer. But she liked being part of the mystery as it unraveled or got more complicated. And this was definitely a handful of new clues. Look at all the people who knew her husband undoubtedly better than Andrina herself.    She wanted to meet them.   Actually, she wanted them to meet her. She imagined wiggling her fingers and flashing that ring at their faces. She imagined pulling out her laptop and showing them what she could do. Would there be a place for her? It sounded like maybe there could be, if only temporarily.    And in Croatia too. She’d never been there.    Andrina tilted her head. Her hands trailed down Rob’s neck, brushed over his collarbone. She gripped his shoulders. They had sex like this often, Andrina fucking Rob into this grimy little mattress, watching him watch her.    “I could get behind Croatia,” she said. One of her flirtiest smiles flashed across her face and she teased a little playful pout into her voice as she took on the role of silly girlfriend. “Did you tell them about me at all? D’you think they’d like me?”   
ROB   “They know about you,” said Rob, “though the ring’s gonna be a surprise.”   He had, actually, told Joan and the lot about Andrina, though he hadn’t mentioned a name, just that there was a girl and she could get into any security system she wanted. That had been enough to impress the gang, though Rob was certain Joan’d think Andrina was hot.    “May’ve been talkin’ you up for a time,” he admitted, kissin’ her on the neck. “Dinnit mention a name, though, security hazard an’ all. But you’re our key to steppin’ up to the next level — if you’re interested.”   He still spoke a little cautiously, somethin’ deep inside of him afraid she’d laugh and tell him thanks, but no thanks. That he’d been a fun little adventure for a while, but now she was goin’ to get back to the things that really mattered to her.   But she didn’t seem to want to back off. Andrina’s eyes glimmered. She looked interested. She looked — she looked like she was going to stay with him. For now. That was all that mattered, really.    “But they’ll like you. If I like you, they’ll like you,” he said, kissin’ her on the mouth now. “We’ve, er, just got to leave as soon as we possibly can in order to make it to our rendezvous point on the specified date. Like within a day. 
  ANDRINA Well, Andrina liked to be the talk of the town. Or the talk of the Tritons. Or the talk of a criminal gang. She smirked, heart fluttering like a girl with a silly playground crush, as Rob kissed her cheek and stroked her hair and flattered her. She’d be more embarrassed about how easy it was to butter her up if it didn’t feel so good-- and if Andrina didn’t think she deserved it.    And you know what? There was no place for her, her talents, her interests here in Swynlake. She’d known that practically since her mum died. Year after year, she tried to ignore it on behalf of her sisters. Year after year, she enrolled in a Pride U class under the guise of taking her life seriously. Year after year, she dropped out, failed to turn in an assignment, took a pass/fail. She’d accumulated a hodgepodge of credits she didn’t care about and wasted so much of Daddy’s money on a big pile of nothing.    The only class she’d never failed was this school of hard knocks, so to speak. Maybe she had an unfair advantage, being a princess with a credit card and nothing to lose. Maybe it wasn’t a perfect fit either because of that but--    Why’d she feel more like herself with Rob than anywhere else, if that was true?    She was starting to think this prank-marriage was going to stick. It wasn’t a prank at all. Or maybe it was a prank on herself-- surprise Andrina! You love something. Maybe not the boy, but you love this life.    She leaned down and kissed Rob full on the mouth and the line between those two things blurred. She didn’t need to pull it apart and define it. She had something better-- and that was Rob’s respect.   “I’m in,” she said against his lips. She leaned away and leaned back to unhook her bra. “We have time for a shag first, right, Mr. Triton?” She flashed a teasing smile as she peeled her own bra off and then held it out to the side, let it dangle there for a second, before she dropped it. 
  ROB    Now really, Rob dinnit know how he’d got here. Swynlake was supposed to be a one and done. But he’d stayed. Now he was married. It had all been a joke. Hadn’t it? Just for shits and giggles and they went along with it all and now his name was officially Rob Triton on a document somewhere and here was his wife takin’ off her bra and tellin’ him she’d run away with him.   Rob had known long ago that a life of a family and kids and a white picket fence would never be in the cards for him. He’d go mad, even if there was something nice about it. But there was no way he could do what he did best and also have that.   But he had somethin’ better.    He looked at Andrina and he kissed her on the mouth and he thought, well, maybe this was somethin’    This was more than something. This — Andrina — was the best thing. He wanted her to come along. He’d been bracin’ himself for the no. But she was coming with him. The intensity of the relief shocked him. He dinnit want to go anywhere without this woman.   He didn’t know if one day he’d wake up and feel differently — or if she would — but for now, he was gonna take that feelin’ and ride with it. Because there wasn’t anyone else in this world who’d not only ride with him, but pull him along too.    Rob knotted a hand in Andrina’s hair, kissing at her jawline. “For you?” he chuckled, running his free hand up her side. “Always time.”   
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pinkpastels113 ¡ 3 years ago
Not an emoji question lol but I need to know who are some of your favorite characters from Grey’s?
omg yes. lemme see lemme see...
i am on season 9 so all of these are based on the knowledge/character development up to that point lol- which is just after the plane crash
lexie grey
she is just SO baby ugh and so cute and pretty? i feel like she has a bit of a naive sense about her, a person too quick to look for the best in others and trust, but like- omg. i love her photographic memory and the way she allows others to "use" it, as well as her sense of humor whenever she comes across someone who would need it. "what? i can't do that, i am helping these people" sjdkksjh please, i just want to give her a big hug
and her total denial in being in love with mark sloan? ugh, suffocate me now please
i am SO sad over what happened to her omg i think i cried for half an hour
addison montgomery
at first i did not like her AT ALL but as the seasons went by i would squeal whenever she would appear, seeing as how she is so cool and independent and has the willpower to go on despite being left by two "desirable" men. she just wants a child but is not given the opportunity to have one and she just- took it in stride and moved on, going to the other side of the country to make a career and living on her own. i just- that is just so admirable i wish i can be someone like her
arizona robbins
she is the show's version of chloe beale. enough said :,))
jackson avery
i feel like he is a controversial person to like, but he- at least in my opinion- is just someone who is grown up in a very... secluded household that values and expects greatness, and he has to live up to that in admist his mom's weird affections that consisted of never ending "tailing." i feel like someone who lives/surrounded by that kind of environment is bound to have a mixture of a personality that is both arrogant, confident, charming, but insecure, and i feel like the show really portrayed him well in that sense. also i'm bi and he isn't bad to look at so SASDJHJKS don't come after me omg
okay this is it for now, it will get super long if i don't end it here haha. thanks for stopping by dude and i'm glad i met a fellow grey's watcher <33
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