ufokaokala-blog1 · 6 years
Illusions of the human mind
 The messages from the highest leader of “Pluto”
Channeled through Ajarn Wassana  Chuensumnaun  
At Kaokala, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, 1998-1999
Today, I’ll offer information to those who want to volunteer to help humankind in the future.   I, who you can call the highest leader of Pluto, need to emphasize that in the near future, your city, your capital, will face a huge catastrophe on a scale that you can’t even imagine.   Yet you think it’s so far away.  You and your cousins, your friends, have a careless mind. For you, it’s just a prediction that you can’t even see… right? Why? Because the illusion of ego clouds your mind, hides the truth, distracts you. I and other civilizations have been looking after your progress, your mind. It’s a complex mechanism that imprisons you, that blinds you to the truth. Most of you don’t actually know yourselves – at all.  I’ll give you an example. Have you ever seen a magic show?  The magician can trick you with all types of materials in the show. You know the magic is fake, but mostly you can’t spot it with your eyes. Why? It’s very fast, and because you don’t know the trick. This is the same with everything you can perceive with your eyes. You don’t even begin to know what the trick is.And what about the mind? Your thoughts can’t be seen by the eyes. They can trick you however, into greed, fear, and ignorance.  This is a far better trick than any one of the magician’s.   And how much of your consciousness is aware of the tricks of the mind? If you’re just born, and no one ever tells you to be an observer of your thoughts, will you ever be able to get free of the mind’s illusion by yourself? Will you ever figure it out if I never tell you? If no one on earth was ever enlightened, where would the world be? More souls would be trapped here. Imagine. In every lifetime of each human, the human would just follow the basic instincts of greed and ego, without ever trying to learn to detach from them, without ever experiencing freedom.This affects the soul. It’s the quantum physics of who you are. Consciousness is like an energy that attaches to the material world that it perceives. It will “en-lighten-up” -- evolve -- by detaching from what it perceives in each life. If no soul is around, who can teach others souls on earth about “en-lighten-ing,” then the copious amount of your tears, from each of the lives you’ve experienced, will be like the ocean, and your soul will not detach from the illusions born of mind.   Disasters are already happening. Here and now, be careful. For those people who have a careless mind, don’t dedicate your life to being motivated by: fake happiness, greed, anger, hate, ego and arrogance. These are also disasters --- for your soul.  For someone who has faith in extraterrestrials, please be open-minded with me. This I would appreciate. Do you know why I’m here? For what purpose? I’m here to ask you to understand the universe. To go beyond faith into understanding.Humans want to see ETs, but don’t realize what ETs expect from them. Humans want to get into an advanced spacecraft, but don’t care that ETs have traveled to Earth to give them important information. Often, I have experienced people who have been focused on mind training, but who, after seeing UFOs, are changed by greed. They’re focused now on wanting to get into a spacecraft. This is not right. The real test is how much ego you let go of. How much you can surrender.  I really admire the people who first started receiving contact. The family never really knew what would happen in the future. They had to work through any resistance or obstacles that appeared in their mind. For all of you who came after the family, I’ll see how much your mind can bear. I will not force you to do anything. I’ll see how well you can free your mind of illusions.  I’ll arrange every possible test by the matrix around you, to shape your mind to be a diamond one. An artificial mind will never bear the test. The weak mind will give up because of greed and fear. There’s no hope in the mind of weakness. They will think it’s a waste of time to uncover the truth about ETs and life. They will think that only money is needed for their survival in the matrix. They don’t want the ultimate truth of the whole universe.      I need the mind that will do anything possible to find peace, and what is true about life; the mind that wants to be free from the cycle of birth and death in any life form; the mind that can see the illusions of its own mind. If the family who had started contact gave in to their own fear, there would not be all of you here today. Therefore, in this place, Kaokala, people can freely come and go. It’s a public place.  But go back and explore your own mind. I need soldiers who want to train their minds to be powerful.  Soldiers who can fight greed, fear and ego, and who can help others relieve their suffering. I need such soldiers in the near future.     The soldiers’ bodies need to be strong. But my soldiers, my crews, their minds need to be clear, open, bright, efficient enough to understand and be able to use, ET technologies.  Therefore, I don’t see any point in you visiting here at Kaokala, to merely see UFOs and go back home unchanged, with the same state of mind you came with. To be an important person of the world comes not only with a little effort but also a little wisdom. Whether you want to follow me or not, it’s your choice. There’s already enough evidence of ET existence for you to go on. I hear what some of you say. “How come the light isn’t purple?”.“Pluto doesn’t have other light colors?”“Why it looks just like a car’s lights!” “It’s not clear it’s a UFO”. Everything I do has reasons. I want to train you. Therefore, my soldiers, my crews, remove your greed and ego. The more desires you have, the more you want, the less I can give you. If I give you everything you want, I will not be helping your soul to evolve. I’ll just be feeding your greed.  
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It doesn’t matter how important people are in your society, in your country, if they have a low state of mind. A low state of mind is a low state of mind. It’s of a low vibration.You have learned your history. Buddha gave up everything that humans think matter. He wanted only to find the truth of life, and to enlighten the minds of his own kind, to heighten their vibration.   The mind that nearly can detach itself from self will see less illusion. Training the mind is science. Briefly and simply, when you step away from all distractions, you will see that in truth there is no such thing – no thing – your mind can attach to. It’s all illusion.  This is also the conclusion of Dharma. The final conclusion of the Dharma’s teaching is that everything is one, from one source, and the no-thing mind is completely free, non-attached. This is the ultimate truth. But you have to train the mind to be able to live out of this truth. And eventually, you will reach the point where you can be completely free. You will not even attach to any principles or teachings any more. You will see that everything lives and harmonizes in its own way.  Some day you will see that everything harmoniously twists and turns and goes “with a flow.” If your state of mind has not reached this point, it’s better that you continue to train, and do your best to stay mindful of good thoughts and good actions. You can begin detaching from self, by removing greed from your beliefs, thoughts, and actions. Everyone knows what’s right or wrong. Quit and detach from what is wrong first. Next, is goodness. Learn to allow the goodness that is within you, to become stronger and stronger, and begin to do good without attaching to it.   Ego is a conglomeration of recurring thought forms and conditioned mental patterns that are invested with a sense of I, a sense of self.Ego arises when your sense of Beingness, of “I Am,” which is formless consciousness, gets mixed up with form. This is the meaning of identification. This is forgetfulness of Being, the primary error, the illusion of absolute separateness that turns reality into a nightmare. But first, as I can see into and through your mind, I say to begin with you must train your mind  to avoid greed (wanting more ), and anything else that you know is not good for you and/or for others. Consider these as skills to learn, to perfect, to evolve. Nowadays, there’re many different ways to mind train, to practice Dharma’s teaching.  What you need is to enter the core, your essence. To reach the core you have to practice directly with and in the mind.  Buddhism in the world right now is not always pure. It’s more than 2,500 years old, and humans have combined essential Buddhist principles with cultural traditions and values that have changed it through time. So, it might be hard for someone to accept me when I say that Buddhism is only about mind. It’s not about clothes, praying, luxurious ceremonies, achieving some special power and/or meditation. Actually, Buddhism is a universal science. Have you ever wondered how extraterrestrials have been practicing Dharma? How they’ve been evolving mind? ETs and humans are made up of so many different factors, but the souls are the same, right?      
Humans can evolve their soul within this lifetime. But if they’re still trapped by illusions of mind like self, fame and money, they chance being reincarnated again. I will not test you by injuring your body. It’s your mind that needs to work. This is what Buddha emphasized in ancient times. You see many gigantic Buddha statues in many elegant places. But look at his real life. He was in the forest. He was with nature. And finally, he could successfully know, reach, be, the source of everything.
Therefore, if you want to follow me, to be included in my crews, you need to reduce your ego and become more Buddha-minded.
In your world, many types of knowledge exist. What I want to emphasize is knowing how to be free from self.So, know this: the more ego you have, the less ability you’ll have to learn. Why? Because your ego does not ever surrender. It believes it knows everything it needs to know, and that it’s in charge. Your ego will resist anything new at every turn.In Buddha’s era, people didn’t need to speak many languages or have many degrees. So, why did people back then become en-lightened to the truth faster than people in this age of yours? Now is the time that humankind should ask such questions for they lead to what is real or what is just illusion. For those whose minds have the capacity to detach from the self, who also have knowledge about the human world – you will become leaders.   
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ufokaokala-blog1 · 6 years
Extraterrestrials value wisdom not miracle
The messages from the highest leader of “Pluto”
Channeled through Ajarn Wassana  Chuensumnaun  
At Kaokala, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, 1998-1999
On earth, you notice people who are suffering more than you. And you gain wisdom from animals and lives that are different from yours. Therefore, the soul can become more and more enlightened while on planet Earth.  Yourself is not really a self at all. This is the truth you are evolving to. If you truly stop to consider why, and you can understand it, then you will become more aware, and remove the veils of ego. Finally, your mind will be open and free, inspired and creative, able to roam, while you’re still alive. Especially during the time of chaos. You still have a chance to free the mind. You have a chance to know who you really are, to detach from the separate self.   Look at Buddha’s life: he’d been trying to find the truth for 6 years. What about you? Do you need 6 years? It will happen soon. Soon the world will change. What are you waiting for? Your soul has been passing through a very long journey. Why did some souls evolve within Buddha’s time?  They were in human form, and so how were they able to understand the universe so quickly? They stopped. They didn’t procrastinate any more. They realized they found the ultimate one. Don’t procrastinate.Nowadays, there are many who are teaching misinterpretations. I can see a human’s mind. They want to get to the truth. But what they don’t understand and are not taught is that the real truth is not in their mind, or in their brain. Living the truth emerges out of learning about the nature of the ego. In this dark age, humans have been learning to accumulate, to inflate the ego, and to compete with greed, and they misunderstand what they need to do with their intelligence.       The way to the truth is the opposite of ego. The universe will never evolve by ego. The same is true for you. In ancient times, humans explained Dharma to one another. They didn’t have an ego that gave them doubt. They integrated Dharma into their mind immediately and experienced the joyous result. What about you? It’s more than 2,500 years since Buddha’s era. It’s not a coincidence that you’re still being born in human form and are still interested in Buddha’s teaching. There are many factors that have contributed to this that you can’t see. Can I say that your karma -- what you have accumulated within your soul from many previous lives – is your quantum physics? Yet you still have a chance to do this physics in order to free yourself from self. Or, can I say it another way? You still have a chance to experience the truth of peace for your soul. Don’t waste your time anymore. You have already seen UFOs. Some of you have seen an ET’s body. Now, you have a chance to prepare for a great mission, with highly intelligent beings, to save your own kind. There is nothing greater than this to do, or want…Yes?  It’s to free you from self. This is your soul’s final job.  Birds can fly by instinct and they’re of a less intelligent form than the human form. You may walk on the ground by using your feet, but your brain/heart/mind can be enlightened. The human is the only form on earth that has capacity to become enlightened – to become free from self. So, you don’t need to learn about getting special powers if you want to work with the ETs. Nature’s best creation so far is the human mind that can become free from self. Those who have trained with ETs, will discover their mind has become clearer and stronger. You can’t reach my technologies with egos. But know: we still have time to train. In the meantime, before I offer more extraterrestrial revelations, I want to tell you who see UFOs, and inform people about this information, I want to say that you may get some negative feedback from the public. But that’s fine. I want to reduce your egos. Everyone here at Kaokala will definitely hear some criticism from others.  I will not teach you by feeding the ego. You can’t be one of my crew with a glimpse of an ego in your head. If the precious mind, the diamond one, wants to learn from me, it will overcome this obstacle. I’ll test your mind. The stronger it is, the more obstacles you can face. People in the public will never understand you. So, who will stay on this planet are those who really see the purpose of the Earth’s rebirth. Who will stay here are those who can let go of fame and money and identity. Your state of mind will tell who you really are.    
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ufokaokala-blog1 · 6 years
Technologies from extraterrestrials
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The messages from the highest leader of “Pluto”
Channeled through Ajarn Wassana  Chuensumnaun 
At Kaokala, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, 1998-1999
Do you think people who become enlightened to the truth are lucky? There’s no such thing as luck. Everything has its own causes and factors. You just can’t perceive all of the factors. So, for you, “luck” might feel like destiny.
Think about galactic citizens working together to organize this big project of saving souls from the upcoming time of chaos. And think about what you call luck. If you want a chance at some luck, do the work. Evolve your soul. Some humans have the capacity to learn from extraterrestrials. And they can use the knowledge they glean to help others evolve.  If you are a doctor in rural area in which there are 5 people. It’s like you can save only 5 people with your knowledge. But if another one is also a doctor, and s/he goes to a village which has ten thousand people --- which one has more luck? The second person, right? Why? Because the second person has a good chance of saving more people, more souls. I, the highest leader of Pluto, will also need to evolve by the cosmic laws. I won’t just be an alien, flying an UFO aimlessly. Each soul has its own galactic duty.  So, I’ll evolve my soul by helping you. I’ll give you power that can save ten thousand people. It’s also a metaphor.   But always keep this in mind, it’s not the power, or my technologies that can help you enlighten your soul. For you to be free from self and attachment – this only comes from your effort. Prepare your mind. Be strong. Unravel your identity down to its core of no-thing. Remember: you will need to have an open, generous, efficient mind first, before you can help others, for they will be suffering. Each family might lose some of its own members. There’ll be chaos. The mind that can work with me needs to be wise and strong enough to do the mission.   Therefore, I will educate you about technologies and also about how to let go of the self. Mind training and technologies together are necessary to complete the mission. 
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ufokaokala-blog1 · 6 years
Extraterrestrials talks about how to survive from disasters
The messages from the highest leader of “Pluto”
Channeled through Ajarn Wassana  Chuensumnaun 
At Kaokala, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, 1998-1999
I will clarify why, if you work on evolving your mind, you will survive the great disasters. Anyone here who knows anything, knows this is important information. And you can help spread the news to others. The purpose of mind training is not only to meditate and pray, but to change the way you think because the old ways of thinking are what caused the disasters.   People will start to pay attention to the processes of mind training because they’ll realize that the mind affects Nature and also the Universe. The negative mind, the ego-mind, causes disasters. And the survivors in the new age will know to have a divine mind, a balanced mind, which matches the new energy – energy of a higher vibration -- of the entirely new age. Why will ETs save these people?  These human beings know that love and cooperation are the glue of the universe. Most people really have no need of negative energy, or war. They deserve helping because basically they are good Universal citizens and can learn quickly.There’s a proverb. Fall in the water, not get washed away. Fall in the fire, not get burnt. You’re about to get burnt from fire coming from the sky. There may be burning meteorites everywhere. But you’ll be safe. You can’t imagine what kind of technologies we’ll bring to help you. Telepathy, teleportation, and more, which come from a highly developed advanced physics. In the near future, your science fiction will come to life. And then it won’t be science fiction any longer. You may be sent a warning from ETs. You may be teleported to Kaokala hill, or you’ll receive the intuition to come here. It’s being sent to you via a technology, sent to you via a wave, coming in through your receivers of heart/mind. You must listen, however. You must know to trust.How can you train your mind to be a lucky person? It is about you realizing the ultimate truth which has to do with impermanence, suffering, and non-self. It’s the core of Buddha’s teaching.
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What is impermanent? Nothing lasts forever. The earth, your house, all the heavens are impermanent. What is suffering? One suffers because everything has changed, is changing, and will change. Mass and energy in the whole universe transforms all the time. You’re changing all the time:  there’s being born, living, breathing, the body dying. You are in form, but you can be also formless. You will learn this: that you are similar to us -- you too are waves of energy.But it’s not just your body and mind that suffers. The Earth itself is also suffering…and changing. A huge burden lives upon it. It’s a species who fears change, knows only conflict, is controlling, is greedy -- wants more and more on a finite planet.  Tension is rising. It’s almost exploding. The Earth will need to change soon. What is non-self?  It lies in a field beyond self. Anatta, in Buddhist philosophy, is the "non-self" or the "absence of separate self."When you are on your deathbed, when everything external falls away, you realize no-thing – not even your body --ever had anything to do with who you’ve been or are. You realize that who you are, you share with the entire universe and everything in it. The non-self is your Self.You can tell others that I and other civilizations will come to save humans. And you will see miracles happen.  You will receive information as to how to survive the world chaos. The information will come in at many different places around the world. And you will deliver it.  You need to tell other people about the three core elements. Let them know what is essential. If you tell them to simply practice mind training, some might think that they ought to go to the temple almost every day – and/or meditate -- and it’ll be just fine. However, that is far from the truth. This is about developing, improving, the capacity of the mind, changing its egoic structures. It’s nothing if the mind hasn’t changed. Consider it like a science. Don’t worry too much. Everything about this mission will always happen according to a right, exact, timeline, including any appearances of my spacecrafts.
Everything is not a coincidence. One day you will reconsider why UFOs, things that money can’t buy, always come to you.
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ufokaokala-blog1 · 6 years
Follow Buddha’s footsteps
The messages from the highest leader of “Pluto”
Channeled through Ajarn Wassana  Chuensumnaun  
At Kaokala, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, 1998-1999
Why do we need to follow in Buddha footsteps? I will clarify this for you.To follow in his steps… he has two feet just like you, right? He walked with the left and the right in one direction. Just imagine it. It’s not too complicated. And if you actually follow him with the left and right correctly, without missing any steps, you will achieve the point that he has already achieved.  Just like what happened in ancient times when he was still alive. How do I know? Well, I’ve lived ten thousand years. Some of his followers would walk behind him closely. It’s a metaphor. Some were enlightened within their lifetime. Some nearly achieved enlightenment, and then their life was ended. And these souls have continued onwards since.   It may seem hard to follow in Buddha’s steps in an age in which the greatest guru is gone.  He was around in the sixth century BC in human history. When he emerged, it was a time of huge transition where traditional societies were being rocked by the emergence of cities, kings, coins and an emerging middle class. It was precisely at that time that Buddha was preaching renunciation – that wealth and belongings are not everything. So, it’s much more than 2,000 years ago, that the greatest human mind was achieved. But always remember, the truth revealing the mystery of the universe is everywhere, and that time is an illusion. Buddha mind is in your mind now. The Buddha himself gave his knowledge to be his legacy. The way to be enlightened to the truth is to become a prophet, a representative of him. So, how much and how far can you follow his steps into enlightenment? You can also evolve your mind and learn from the advanced minds from other planets, so that you can help others when the time of disaster arrives;  and also, so you can finally solve the mystery of your life and the life of the universe. I need minds with courage who can follow the steps of Buddha’s path. What is the essential core of Buddha’s legacy? It’s all in each one of you. The universe is within you. Do you know of impermanence, of suffering, and of the non-self?  These concepts are his greatest gifts.How can you train your mind to see the impermanence, the suffering, and the non-self of yourself? Who are you? What are you? If you arrive at the answers, then you will see, you will understand, who we are in the universe.
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Know that if you can’t completely see the non-self of everything, you will always be a prisoner of your own mind. If you think you’re already happy, then you’re wrong. You might have less suffering than others --compared to the rest of the 7.6 billion people in the world, but you will not know peace nor freedom – nor joy. Within the Earth’s atmosphere, suffering is almost everywhere. And humans can’t find the right way to escape from it. Don’t be careless in life. The mind that is imprisoned by money, materials, greed, fame, and illusion, suffers, and affects the atmosphere of the entire Earth and its peoples. Humanity has been facing this kind of crisis many times before, since the time of the ancients. Souls may be born countless times, but they can’t remember. Your soul experiences countless lives. It’s like an endless cycle of lives. Be born and die, again and again. Who you meet in this life could be one of your previous sisters, brothers, parents, friends, lovers or enemies. A friend that you were in conflict with in a previous life, could in this life, become a brother or a sister who you are in conflict with yet again. Or that friend could even become a lover with whom you will never get along. It’s a mechanism of how life and souls attract and transform throughout time. All advanced extraterrestrials know about this. We all know this as a type of very advanced physics, of how the life and the soul are together, and how they transform, what they become.       Therefore, there’s no difference, there’s no separation, among humans. You all are related within many lives. You should love each other. You all are just like brothers and sisters.  Just like what Buddha said:  reincarnation is countless. The careless one will always believe that they are just born. They will believe that they’re just 30 years old… 40… 50 and so on, and then they’ll die. Have you ever wondered what the real number of your soul age is? It’s countless.  
I, in this life, am alive for more than ten thousand years. It’s still less than the amount of years that you have been reincarnated on Earth -- and you are here on earth still. (You seem to go nowhere.) How do I know? Advanced beings know the physics of energy. We can detect the source of souls, what you ever were, what you might be, and also what you can be, and also what you are. Therefore, the real age of someone can’t be told by the age of the body.  We can only know the age by the state of the evolved mind. The more evolved the mind, the more senior.   
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ufokaokala-blog1 · 6 years
Extraterrestrials and specific mission
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The messages from the highest leader of “Pluto”
Channeled through Ajarn Wassana  Chuensumnaun 
At Kaokala, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, 1998-1999
A human’s state of mind can’t be hidden from me. Humans can invent technologies to detect brain waves, or to detect if someone is telling the truth or not. But the human inventor has not yet learned that s/he can communicate telepathically.However, I who have advanced technologies to help you emerge from nuclear war, will definitely know what’s deep down in your mind for sure. And I am really in need of the minds that can sincerely volunteer to join this three-stage-  mission. How far will you go to improve your mind, to find the truth out about life? You can ask your teachers. You might also try to ask me, because I’m the leader of your teachers.  I am in need of the real ones, of strong minds. In the future, the earth will face catastrophe. I am in need of volunteers for our mission. We will do this great mission together. Stop your doubting. I know the future for sure. It’s very specific. Only the mind, the soul, who is evolved, can do intergalactic missions. And both the souls who are born in other worlds, in other realms, and also on Earth, are coming to join in on this mission. There are many universes and dimensions. All are connected and help each other to evolve. So, all those who join in on this mission will not do so by coincidence. It’ll be by; providence. The mind that can connect to extraterrestrials is very evolved and special.   Therefore, here (Kaokala) is the place of the specials. All of you already have much knowledge and intuition from previous lives. That you have an ability to learn from the ETs is not a coincidence. There are many factors and causes within you that have led you onto this path.There’s not enough time for me to teach you everything again from within this lifespan. This is why only those who have the inner knowledge from previous lifetimes are being chosen for the great mission. We will not have much time to understand each other while you’re playing out your helping role during the chaotic time on Earth. So, it’s very important that the souls who join this great mission can access the knowledge they have within their souls, from their previous lives. You need to have --and to trust – your intuition, in order to learn more from me. You will get more from me based on the capabilities that you are already endowed with, and you need to drop any resistance, and open up to me.  I, the highest leader of Pluto, will enlighten your state of mind. I will bring out in you, the knowledge that is already within your souls from many previous lifetimes, to combine with the knowledge from this new lifetime, to complete our great mission, to help other souls who are living within this particularly significant lifetime.  
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ufokaokala-blog1 · 6 years
How extraterrestrials travel to Kaokala
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The messages from the highest leader of “Pluto”
Channeled through Ajarn Wassana  Chuensumnaun 
At Kaokala, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, 1998-1999
ETs appear in a physical form just like you. Those from Mars and Lokukatapakadikong planets also appear in physical forms.
I, the highest leader of “Pluto”, live in an energy form, and can also appear as a  physical form. But extraterrestrial bodies aren’t made of 4 materials like, soil, water, ether and fire like the human body. Your body is made from very rough elements. It’s quite hard to explain to you. Within ETs’ bodies there are more complex, far more subtle elements. Therefore, ETs have the ability to move their energy in and out of a physical form, which humans cannot do.Not everyone can see us when we’re here on Earth in our physical form because we can so easily move into another dimension. You can call it the fourth dimension. ETs can easily walk through walls, which means they can move their energy through what you think are “hard” materials. They can appear as an energy body to you, or they can hide from you. Therefore, there are many types of extraterrestrial bodies. For those that come to Earth to communicate and save humans from great disasters -- like me -- we have the ability to arrive as both an energy and in a physical form. And we can appear or hide from you. ETs can walk through a wall in two ways. First, as a physical body we can walk through a wall, and it’s called “disintegration of mass”. We can also appear in our energy body, in light, for you to see, and then pass through a wall. It depends on the situation.  
I come from the planet you call Pluto. We’re in the same solar system. We experience a gravitational force like you do here on Earth.How long does it take for me to travel from Pluto to here? Not too long. I travel through dimensions. It’s advanced physics. I travel with my mind. You might not understand. But think about your mind, it can travel to anywhere in a second.  So, time and space, duration and distance, don’t really matter at all. It’s how your mind works. If you think about somewhere, wherever it is, you’ll be there. No matter where it is, the time it takes to travel there is the same. It’s fast right? It’s not about time at all. Therefore, how I travel, how I communicate, and how my spacecrafts come to Earth, all pass quickly through dimensions.  I’ll be giving humans help in the future, and when I do, there will be both technologies that you can see, and also technologies that will be communicated by thought waves, channeled through humans who are prepared to receive contact.     There are 3 stages to our mission. For now, before the great disasters. ETs will appear and guide each one of you based on how evolved you are, how much you can learn. The more you evolved your mind is, the more you’ll reach us, and us, you. So, the first stage is to make humans aware of our ET existence. Next, is to have humans become aware of the probability of WWIII. Technologies from the planet Lokukatapakadikong along with my spacecrafts will be prepared for that time. The Earth will be aided in its rebirth by ET technologies.In the time of catastrophe, there will be worldwide chaos. Don’t be careless. So many people still live with ignorance, for now. But when that time comes, there’ll be only your breath to hold on to. Money and fame, all else will be gone. What is hard to let go of now, will drop down and out immediately. There will be only mind and body left. It might be hard for the ignorant ones to reach safe places. Therefore, people who are unprepared for the future, will find themselves aimless and disappointed. It will be very pitiful for humankind at that time.  
The final stage of our mission, is occur after the disasters. I and many other civilizations will stay with you until the Earth has recovered, and humans have learned how to survive. And then, I must leave. It’s cosmic law that you will have to progress on your own. And many ETs will have other missions to do in other places. It’s all about galactic duty, and helping other civilizations to evolve, to help evolve the souls within them. 
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ufokaokala-blog1 · 6 years
Extraterrestrials talks about “Golden Age”
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The messages from the highest leader of “Pluto”
Channeled through Ajarn Wassana  Chuensumnaun 
At Kaokala, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, 1998-1999
“Golden Age” is a metaphor. It’s not an era that’s full of gold, but full of highly advanced minds who now live on Earth. This is more precious than gold.After the catastrophes that will occur on Earth, the survivors will continue to live there into this Golden Age. When Nature on Earth experiences good people again, then the miracle will happen.   In ancient times, the sunlight was not too hot for the Earth, and the forests were not arid. Remember: Nature always reflects the minds that live upon it. If the mind is lesser, is not evolved, Nature will be variant. The soil will be dry. Water will come when it’s not necessary.  Those places which need water for agriculture will be dry, but those places which don’t need water will be flooded. This reflects the state of the human mind. Out of balance.You will not wait too long to see a “golden age.” After the great disasters on Earth, there will be a miracle. You can’t imagine it. Many precious minerals will appear from the ground.  Many plants’ species will appear to humans. In the ancient time, there were some trees that grew within one day and then could be eaten. This will happen again. You certainly will not need to farm by cattle anymore.  There will be abundance. There were many ancient ages on earth in which there were advanced civilizations, when Nature was abundant and in balance.In ancient civilized times, people didn’t have to work hard to survive. They were surrounded by bio-diversity – which is the diversity among and within plant and animal species in an environment.  Because of this, humans in ancient civilized times didn’t focus too much on basic survival. It’s not just a tale. It’s true.     
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ufokaokala-blog1 · 6 years
How to Use Extraterrestrial Technologies
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by Ajarn Somjit Raepeth 13/12/2014 at Kaokala, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand
ETs know of the many nuclear warheads on earth. They also know that if one is activated, then others will fire off automatically.  We will not be able to know exactly which nuclear arsenals have been activated because of the extent of the explosions and also the earthquakes which will follow. People aren’t aware that nuclear bombs can cause catastrophic earthquakes which can register at more than 10 on the Richter scale. However, Extraterrestrials know this as a possibility. They also know that there may be nukes that people don’t intend to use, but which earthquakes trigger into exploding. This could instigate conflict among countries and once again, could cause the use of more nukes. Unfathomable devastation will be experienced by all countries who use such nuclear warheads. For the rest, radioactivity will permeate the air around the globe. In Asia, compared to the rest of the world, the air will carry less of the radioactive material. Extraterrestrials will arrive here from many planets to help us with the devastation left behind by nuclear war.  And such a nuclear war will affect not only those on Earth, but also those in outer space nearby. There are many habitable stars out there, and many vehicles flying through space. So, other civilizations on other planets will suffer the effects from the nuclear explosions here on earth. And they want to warn us that the coming war is the biggest one that humanity has ever experienced. It will wipe out the entire planet if the ETs can’t help us out. However, because ETs will use their technologies to help us out, about a third of the population on earth will be able to continue on into the next age. Can you imagine how much of our species and all other species will be lost? We can’t truly imagine it because we’re human. Our capacity to know the future is limited, but this is not true for Extraterrestrials. Many stars that we see in the sky are spacecrafts preparing for this great mission. I, Ajarn Somjit, have been training with ETs for more than 10 years. I began after my father, Sergeant Major Cherd Chuensamnaun, passed away. He was the first to be in direct communication with them. My family took over the role from him and have been in training with them since his death, and the ETs have given us their approval. This means our state of mind has been trained and is ready to receive – it is open and ready to download –  any and all of the information that they wish to send. This also means we have been trained to detach from “The Five Aggregates”, which are form, sensation, perception, mental formations, and consciousness.
The Five Aggregates don’t really belong to us. I will explain it briefly because this will benefit all of us. This will help us understand the truth of who we really are, what the purpose is of our evolution. All beings must reach the point in which we experience ourselves as non-self, as one with the god-field, or quantum-field. This is what has happened for the extraterrestrials. They are far more evolved than most beings in Earth. ETs will teach us how to evolve our minds, our souls. Anyone who volunteers to work with them will receive their technologies so as to help themselves and also other people. They will choose and guide us based on our evolving state of mind. So, money isn’t necessary because the one thing it can’t buy are the lessons and the support Extraterrestrials can give us.
Rich people can’t hire ETs. ETs have little to do with money and what money can buy. They are highly advanced intelligent beings who can look directly into a human’s mind to see if it has evolved. They have such a high degree of technological advancement, that they really don’t care about the technologies humans have. What they do care about, however, is how much a human mind has advanced – spiritually.  This is why what they do first is to make an official contact. This is also why they are making contact with people who are ready to receive their technologies in the one country that is the most knowledgeable about mind development on Earth. In Thailand, 90%of the people are Buddhists. Most people know Buddha as the leader of mind training, a training which offers us the ultimate truth --- the truth of the non-self of existence. On other planets, evolved civilizations also have religions. They have their own way of finding the truth of the universe. Their religions are essentially the same. They are connected to oneness. They are connected to the same enlightenment that Buddha found and teaches, one of oneness, of non-self.All of their technological progress comes from this understanding of oneness, from the understanding of what we naturally are in the universe. There are many beings in many stars, in many intelligent life forms, that are enlightened with the truth, who give that knowledge to their species, just like Buddha and his teachings do on planet Earth.  
So, Buddha is the leader of enlightenment on planet Earth. Cosmic law is oneness. The mind leaders on other planets also know this cosmic law. And the way that other civilizations train their mind to the truth is the same: becoming non-self; removing self; dissolving ego. ETs land all over the world. I assume that anyone who visits Kaokala today (13/12/2014) knows and practices mind training. However, I will emphasize again that what we must know, what will make us ready to receive the ETs’ technologies in the future, is the understanding of “The Five Aggregates,” and how to detach from the Five Aggregates. Everyone knows about Dharma, but many still suffer: they become angry, sad, fearful. This is because we still find ourselves stuck in the Five Aggregates. We think that they are actually who we are. We allow them to take us over. We cannot stand back from them. We take them to be who we are.  
The Five Aggregates briefly are: Form, Sensation, Perception, Mental Formation, and Consciousness. I will explain more about working with ETs, and how you can observe these Aggregates. We must learn to observe the Aggregates, not attach any thoughts/beliefs/feelings to them.The Human’s aggregates are within us for the purpose of enlightenment. These aggregates are more intelligent than animals’ aggregates. The human brain is much bigger and can process more information. And so, we are capable of learning how to remove self, which is something that animals can’t. They live with only their basic instincts. The Human however, has greed, anger and ignorance because the human can believe that the five aggregates are its real self, and cannot go beyond them.One of the Five Aggregates is “Form”. This refers to the organs: the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and physical sensation.
Form is the aggregate that encompasses all of the physical senses. So, when the mind attaches to Form, to the body, we believe that the mind IS THE body and its aggregates of thoughts and feelings. Actually, the Five Aggregates and the observer or “The enlightenment,” can be separated. So, other than Form, there are sensation, memory, thought and perception. All of these aggregates work together in our head. And there are also other factors, “ether” or space. The most important part is the “Observer” or “Awareness” or the “Nibbana Element”. The “Observer” or “Awareness” or the “Nibbana Element” is the part that can enlighten or remove self. This is the part of us that can have us step back from the aggregates. Sensation, memory, thought and perception are not actually who we are. They are the consequence of believing we are moving throughout time and space. However, as the ETs know, there is no time and space. Looking at our belief in time and space –- becoming aware it is merely a belief -- helps us to detach from these aggregates. Now you can see why understanding the Five Aggregates and how they are NOT who we are, can help us receive extraterrestrial technologies, because we need to be clear of beliefs that hinder our connecting and harmonizing with them.  We can actually free ourselves from the aggregates of mind formation. You don’t have to follow your thoughts. You can learn to just observe them. For example, when there is anger, then you think YOU are angry. But now you can learn to detach from the anger, and let the anger move through you.The simple way to be free from the mind is to just “observe” it. Let all of your thoughts wash through you. Do not attach to any single one. Just let them move through you. Be like a movie screen. Let the thoughts or images keep moving over you. Be like the blank movie screen. Don’t allow any thought or image to become stuck.
In conclusion, we can achieve becoming the “Observer” of aggregates, and it means we can detach from them. We live with the aggregates as a normal process of the universe. But our mind can let them pass on, let them go like a drop of water leaves a lotus leaf. The Five Aggregates are not in our control. They change throughout time naturally, until we’re dead. But we can be free from them. As the Buddha said: nothing ever belongs to us. We can be free from them, from any expectation and any suffering they create, by stopping to follow them. Breathe. Watch your thought.  See that the thought has already happened. And if you don’t attach to it, it’ll stay gone.
We think everything that occurs in our head belongs to us. But none of it does. If you observe it, you’ll see that it’s not in your control. It’s only because we attach to it immediately, that we become its victim, and we suffer. When the head thinks in negative ways, you believe you aren’t a good person. But this is not true. If you change your thinking, you change your world.  If you observe it, you can stop following it. This means you can reprogram your head. You can rewire it. For example, if you feel anger arise, STOP. Go for a walk. Step back to watch it. True wisdom will appear by watching the mind. Remember: the Buddha teaches that the aggregates don’t belong to us. We don’t have to follow them. You can learn to become aware in every moment. Aggregates work all the time while you’re breathing. Any negative thought is just a wave in your head. You can consider it like a science. It’s just a wave. It can’t kill you. It can change. You can step back and it changes – it dissolves into the ocean it came from.People who work with extraterrestrials are all over the world. As they’re open to ET communication, they will receive information, and they will help other people in the time of disasters. For example, some people will act on the intuition to avoid being somewhere that will experience a catastrophe. Being open to that type of intuition is what ETs have been preparing us for. It is technology in wave form. How much of humanity will remain in the wake of the wars and disasters that will occur, is part of a natural process. The universe has a way of selecting how much of mind in human forms can and will continue to evolve. There’s no coincidence in the universe. Where and when we are and will be, is based on how we have evolved spiritually and how we receive information.
For those who have connected with ETs in this life – know it is not a coincidence. If you want to volunteer to work with them, they will scan your mind, your aggregates. They will consider how much you have and can evolve your mind. For them, this means how much you can help others. If ETs protect you, it means you have something in you that deserves protection. They help you so you can help others. So, what we can do right now is to evolve our mind. To pay less attention on material goods. Remember: we will leave everything when we die but the mind will continue.
Remember: it’s up to you to develop the watcher, and after the body is put aside, the watcher will continue on. If the watcher carries too much greed, or the soul has too much attachment, then the mind takes on a lesser form. So, yes, we should have a sufficient life. But the real treasure to have is an evolved mind. It will continue on throughout eternity. We all are born countless of times.
Every time we’re born, it’s like we’ve just arrived. Why? Because we can’t remember. How much higher your state of mind is means how much nature will select you to survive. And then you can also help your cousins and others. You might start telling people about this information. The universe selects those based on what’s in their greater mind. Extraterrestrials are organized in this great mission to save humanity all over the world. People who work with them are connected. It’s not just happening in Thailand. But Thailand is an official center. In 1998, my father, Sergeant Major Cherd, was asked to create a label written “Extraterrestrial Headquarters.” He and everyone at Kaokala laughed. At that time, Kaokala hill was like a forest. Not too many people visited here. So, it was quite a good place to train the mind, to train the mind to focus, to see the waves of information the ETs sent through. They told us that in the future, Thailand will be the headquarters. It means there will be many spacecrafts around Kaokala because it is and will be a main base of communication. At Kaokala, ETs have contact with humans who have been trained to focus. At Kaokala, they know they will be received with full understanding. We understand their mission and purpose. We have ability to learn their technologies and ways of communication.In other countries, they can’t completely understand why ETs are here. They only see UFOs but don’t know about their project. Some say they’re here to invade. This is why ETs have needed to make official contact here in Asia.  Many humans in Asia are engaged with mind training and practice. And such meditation and mind focus practices are basic to the understanding of how to receive extraterrestrial knowledge, including telepathy. In the future, anyone who knows about this information both Thais and foreigners, can help spread the news that there’s official contact with extraterrestrials at Kaokala, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand. Anyone can visit Kaokala to receive contact. It is a public place. In some countries, everything about ETs is secret. But here’s it’s open. ETs need more humans who will volunteer to work with them, who know they’re here to help us. And we will continue to inform others. We call all ETs that cooperate in this mission, “The System.”   So, some people who visit Kaokala are also people in the system. These people have volunteered before this lifetime, before they’re born, to join the great project to evolve humankind out of destruction, out of disasters. A chance like this can occur in ten thousand years on earth. It’s the great project because there’re 7.6 billion people in the world. ETs can’t just come down here to talk closely to humans. Factors exist which limit them and us. For example, ETs come from many stars and are in many different forms. We can’t just touch them or get near their spacecrafts. Their materials can be dangerous for us. So, when you see UFOs landing, you can’t just run up to them immediately. They will send information through us humans telepathically.  I have trained to receive such information. People know about communicating telepathically, but few can do it.  This is a new technology for communicating that we can and will be trained in. It comes in via waves. When the world’s nuclear crisis happens, the ETs will land spacecrafts all over the world. And ETs will need translators to communicate with the humans. The translators are the people in the system who have already volunteered to cooperate with ETs in this mission. Extraterrestrials won’t speak directly to humans. They will communicate with those who are already evolved enough to communicate telepathically. All of their technologies are driven by mind control. They speak directly to mind. Mind to mind. They don’t need languages. Humans are made by rough materials. We use a mouth to speak. Our digestive system is complicated compared to the one of ETs. We eat 3 times a day and need to defecate. To concentrate so much on eating is nonsense for extraterrestrials. They eat only a little and can exist for many days. Their mouth is very small. Therefore, human aggregates are only for enlightenment, to find the truth. We can achieve it only when we’re alive not after death. People who are already achieved it, will know it, and have no need to let anyone else know. They can fully detach themselves from the Five Aggregates while they’re still alive. In the disastrous times of crisis, extraterrestrial technologies will be installed in humans so that they can help each other. We will have more senses based in mind. We need to let go of ego as much as we can, and not attach to the technologies. We should attach to how much we can stay open and let go. Understand that technologies and an evolved mind help each other. It’s simple and normal. ETs will always scan our mind. Anyone who enters the Kaokala zone will be scanned by ETs. The ETs will not give their technologies to anyone who does not want to help others. The ETs need the minds that can properly accept their technologies without ego. For humans, it’s hard to dissolve the ego. It’s difficult to avoid the kind of thinking that one is superior to others. Extraterrestrials always know who really wants to help or if they just want to build up ego. So, there are many people who may have the technologies but who can’t use them because it’s still not the right time, and/ or their state of mind is not ready yet. Extraterrestrial technologies need to be employed, engaged, by a proper mind, not by greed. ETs always consider their effect on humans. The more ego, the more slowly you will learn from them. So, if you’re coming from ego, know you will learn but you have to be willing. What you need to know and explore is the “The Five Aggregates”. It’s the same as Buddha’s teaching. We are sad, and we are suffering from greed and fear, because we’re attached to the aggregates, rather than observing them as part of the natural process.  We believe they’re our real selves all the time. Extraterrestrials need us to learn to let go of the Five Aggregates. Only then, will we have an open and efficient mind which is necessary to working with them. They will reveal their plans step by step, in the moment. We don’t need to worry much about the future. Our work is to continually improve our mind. They will reveal their technologies and their knowledge to each one of us when it’s the right time. For the people who are part of “The System” --- these people have been working with ETs since they were born. Each one has their own purpose. Every path and every choice they make will lead to the knowing of extraterrestrials, and they will be preparing for the future and for survival. Some might feel that someone else is always guiding them via their head. ETs always speak to the people of “The System.”  They guide them on their mission and nudge them to improve their mind. In the time of crisis, guidance will come via your head, where to go to survive and where to go to help rescue others. There are many types of technologies that will be employed to save humankind. There’s a galactic federation that will manage everything on this mission, including how people in “the system” can connect with each other and receive information about the mission on earth. Therefore, the Kaokala group is a representative group of ETs that will connect with the many other star groups that will be joining the mission. And we will participate and connect with other groups of people that will be preparing for this mission, too. We are all people in “the system.”  
People of “the system,” are watched by the extraterrestrials for the whole of their lives, and they are taught the way of mind practice. They find their lives are quite different from most other peoples.  They find it hard to fit in. They find it hard to follow their society’s system, the one invented by humans over many years. But their souls yearn to learn and evolve. Like when you’re in heat, you need to find a way to escape it. So, it is the same when you reach the point when you know exactly what really matters in life, and what doesn’t. It’s then that you start to change the way you think and the way you act. It’s then that you want to lead your life to arrive in a place that’s wise, knowing, and harmonious.ETs say that the evolving mind is more precious than gold. Your soul will elevate. If you want to work with ETs to receive their knowledge, you need to elevate yourself first. They are already highly evolved and waiting. If you just live day by day with no real purpose, you’ll get nothing in this life from being human. Your soul will never learn to evolve to what the purpose of being a human being is, and then time’s up. Evolve your soul and find the truth out about life, do not waste it.  
Therefore, the Five Aggregates in Humans exist for increasing wisdom. Some humans try to expand the body, but never think about expanding the mind. If we understand change, learn to detach, accept the truth, then our mind will evolve. 
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ufokaokala-blog1 · 6 years
How to Prepare for Disasters and Experiences of Extraterrestrial Encounters
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 By Ajarn Somjit Raepeth 
29/7/17 at Royal Rattanakosin Hotel, Bangkok   
  “Extraterrestrials contact through meditation because they communicate telepathically. In the near future, there will be disastrous incidents. Half of world population will die. Extraterrestrials need humans to work with them in the time of big disasters. They need volunteers, anyone who wants to help each other. They will give their technologies and guide us.”  
“Kaokala hill, Nakhon Sawan province, Thailand, is the place where they choose to be their base to spread their help. They had prepared before we were born. They all have high state of mind and very long lifespan, further develop beyond humans. They have been helping us many times of disastrous events, since ancient past. But it’s hard for people to believe that they’ve been visiting us many times from history to present. There’re many evidences, many pictures of them in ancient caves, astronauts came from the sky. These are evidences from ancient times. Nowadays, there are humans more than 7 billion on the planet. That’s why extraterrestrials from many stars have to come to help us, because of WW3, that’s going to be the cause of many big disasters.”  
 “Extraterrestrials have been training many people, many generations. Kaokala hill is a public place. Anyone can visit there. They’ll train you, guide you by thought. If you’re already interested in mind training and helping people, they’ll guide more ways to do. So, anyone who volunteers to work with them, it’s about your mind, not money, because we will have to help each other in future.”
“Why do extraterrestrials contact through Thailand?  Other countries like Europe and America have been seeing UFOs before the east for 50-60 years. In our universe, on earth, some people say aliens don’t exist. It’s not true. I don’t believe… If you don’t believe, you’re too narrow. Look at our galaxy map, the earth is like a dust, and you think there are just us? We can’t even correctly spot where earth is from far away, there’re too many stars. So you should be open-minded. There’s a proverb, “a frog underneath coconut shell”. It’ll never see the real world. So it thinks the shell is its sky. But when you remove its shell, it can see the real sky. When it finds out that there’re too many stars, it starts to be scared, because there’re other creatures and things that it has never seen. So if we were a frog, we should be happy if we see the real sky. We have many neighbors and are not alone. And our neighbors are more highly civilized. Some of them that have been visiting earth are 300 years old. Some are 500, 1,000, 2,000 years old. Especially, the extraterrestrials from Pluto, the highest one, who communicates the Kaokala group, is more than ten thousand years old and live without form. Their minds are all highly developed, so they can communicate telepathically, but we can’t. That’s why we have to train our mind to work with them.”    “Extraterrestrials from Pluto have very long lifespan, more than ten thousand year. They’ve been helping us many times. Train us to learn about state of mind for cooperating with them, and for evolving ourselves. Why they choose Thailand, because we have knowledge of mind practices since ancient past. We don’t have any material technologies development, but we have state of mind practices. On planet earth, Buddha is the leader of this knowledge. Laws of the universe, the three marks of existence are three characteristics of all existence and beings, namely impermanence, suffering and non-self. Other planets in the vast universe, highly intelligent beings also know the cosmic laws. They’re the same as principles in Buddhism. If we truly reach laws of nature, we’ll live without suffering, and your mind is elevated. We still reincarnate, because we can’t be free from self attachment. Actually, there’s no real self or possession in nature. We all help and harmonize each other. Therefore, extraterrestrials who truly develop mind, come to help us. The real purpose of beings is to free from self or any life forms. Even for extraterrestrials, they live for more than ten thousand years and in energy forms, they still need to reach the cosmic laws, or Nibbana (Nirvana) in Buddhism. So, Buddha truly knew these laws, and taught humans the way to reach the essence, and finally can stop wheels of reincarnation or living in any life forms. We reincarnate because our souls are energy. If soul still has attachment, it will attract form, and continue to attach self. This is why we need to train our mind before connecting with higher beings, to have basic understanding of the universe, to be free from mind attachment and ego. For new members who want to volunteer to work with ETs in this present life, they will scan your mind, to see which ways or roles you can help. But for old members like I, Ajarn Somjit, I had never known anything about aliens. But when the time that I had to connect with them arrived, the situations around me changed. It’s a duty. So many people had volunteered from previous life. Countless reincarnation is real. Five thousand people have been sent to earth, around the world. ETs want to help all nations and all religions. There are 5,000 people and 100 families that were born to work with extraterrestrials. When there’s a right time comes, these people will start to receive contact. Like my family, we are also among 5,000 people. It’s hard to believe. In the west, most people don’t understand about ETs contact. Some think that they come here to invade. So it’s quite hard for people in the west to start official contact from ETs in this saving humankind project. If your mind focuses on materials, you will lack of soul development, and hard to use mind telepathically. In the past, ETs have already contacted people in the west. And the result, humans only focused on technological development and advanced weapons instead of helping each other.”  
“Let’s see what extraterrestrials look like. Extraterrestrial technologies are driven by mind control, unlike humans’ technologies. Look at their intelligence. They have big brain and eyes to perceive things different than us. So, their appearances in movies are 70% correct. They have big head because of brain. But the body from each planet is different, so are geography and elements. How much the highest IQ does human have? And how much do you think ET has? They said we don’t need to know because it’s further beyond us. Besides, their mind and soul are also evolved. They focus on mind evolving first, so when they develop materials alongside souls, they will not destroy themselves. Humans only focus on technological and material advancement, not moral. And use weapons to destroy each other, lead to destruction of earth. So, before ETs give us technologies, we need to evolve our mind alongside learning their technologies.”   “Extraterrestrials told us that real smart beings don’t destroy each other. So why do humans create weapons to finally destroy ourselves? Because we are not really intelligent as we think. If we think we are more evolved than ETs, we’re wrong. Our maturity compared to them, we’re just like children. They are already evolved beyond war and killing.” 
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ufokaokala-blog1 · 6 years
Extraterrestrials talks about the Cosmic Laws
The messages from the highest leader of “Pluto”
Channeled through Ajarn Wassana  Chuensumnaun  
At Kaokala, Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, 1998-1999
If any one of you wants to dedicate something to me, there’s one thing you can give me.  Your intelligence. I want your intelligence. The ability to understand the universe. Your wisdom means something to me. It means you really understand what I’ve been trying to communicate about the purpose of my mission on earth. It’s your state of mind that you can evolve for me.   Can’t you see the law of the universe? It is everywhere. It’s oneness. You are not your “separate” body. Everything is connected in the Universe.And for those who can do inner work, for those who can evolve into embodying the cosmic laws, thereby passing it on to others, there’s this: know this is not a chance that can or will happen to just anyone. You’ll know when you’ve been called. Will you answer?Out of all the religions on earth, which one do you think correctly explains the cosmic laws the most? Each religion tells something true about the universe. But which one more completely describes the truth of it? At what percentage? At 100% or 50 % or 20% or 5% or 1% or even zero? Therefore, we look to Buddha. What he taught people in the ancient times is all there is to know about the truth—about the essential core of – truth.  But only some humans have been able to understand it. Buddha never spoke to humans about paying attention to extraterrestrials, or about trying to communicate with them. But this is the time of earth crisis. We need to reveal our existence more fully. Actually, Buddha did mention to his followers the fact of many other civilizations. And that we all have the same goal: to embody the cosmic laws.     Buddha’s Dharma is the same as the cosmic laws. He has more intellect than I have. But I can train your mind to be free from any illusion of the self -- which is just a part of his teaching.  
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