#U2 was still important enough that my local radio station played the album in its entirety with no interruptions
Okay, HTDAAB re-release with EXTRA songs! Okay. I'm weak. It's fine.
Still waiting for a new album though. I know you guys are sitting on one. I know Edge is still twiddling the knobs. Come ON, already.
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readablenoise · 5 years
Running With The Sound: An Interview with WD-HAN
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The Tampa Bay based trio bring the infamous ‘wall of sound’ back into the rock genre, with passion, love and starlight in their wake
Florida- There is a sound stirring. Somewhere, in the far off distance, something has re-awakened. 
As dormant as it may have been, it's power is immediate; visceral. Like a great thunderclap ringing through the night, or perhaps like the literal clap of thousands of open palms and readied feet, waiting for the right power to carry throughout the area walls.
It isn't the trailer for a new film, but the definition of arena rock. Iit has always been there, powerful and omnipotent, it's an art form that while debtatable, cannot be denied for the level of skill it requires. To compose songs built for the amps, not Spinal Tap loud but resonant in it's immediate response, and most important of all, sounds that can carry universal feeling. These are the sounds that shaped your youth; the ones you watched on the media of your choice in live concerts and left running in the background as you mouthed every word, or else simply sat in front of the TV and just wondered how that was possible. To create something so vibrant, so powerful that you can feel the bass heavy thumps from the amps in your chest, just as if you were at the barrier.
Whether it was U2, New Order, Muse, Queen, Led Zeppelin, The Killers or any of the other rock giants, the inspiration level stemming from your speakers or otherwise even more magical, in person, is irrefutable. This is live music at it’s best; and yet one of the most notable points of interest is there have arguably been no bands formed within the last 10 years that have been able to accomplish this task.
Arena brand rock has somehow become a less purveyed form, partially due to level of ambition associated with it; legend has become legend and while many bask in the light from the trailblazers, most neglect the fact that the stairs to that pantheon are still there. Waiting for those with musical hearts of reckless abandon, arrows shot toward the moon and happy even just to remain in the same gravity as the stars themselves.
And it’s here, we enter WD-HAN. The best band you haven’t heard of...yet. For the pun worthy remark that the name is cleverly an abbreviation for “We Don’t Have A Name” and the sheer fact that the Tampa based trio are ready to burst into their own, with songs that once listened to even once, will have you asking “How have they not played Staples Center yet?”. 
With humbleness and a love for what they do, in addition to the already lovely and potent chemistry of vocalist/guitarist Spencer Barnes, drummer Lea Campbell, and bassist Cal Henry, it results in something truly special. With two albums under their belt and a third soon to be released, their tracks bear the hallmarks of the greats, and all the heart and thunder of Greek heroes. We speak with the act on their inspirations, the current state of rock, and their sparkling future...
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First and foremost, the question that must be asked. Does WD-HAN still not have a name, as abbreviated?
Spencer Barnes: Ha! It's one of those mysteries that may never be solved... What we know for now is that the official name of the band is just WD-HAN and it stands for "We Don't Have a Name." I have no idea if that means we have a name or not. We're just going to keep playing music and let everyone else decide.  
Your music is a perfect mix of something like Neon Trees, that grime of The Black Keys and bombast of The Killers, accessible in the best of ways with a touch of complimentary pop. Do you feel pop in any genre should cease to be a dirty word, and more a recognized/respected as a style that has just as much potential to explore and grow in?
Spencer: I really don't agree with any sort of musical snobbery, for a couple of reasons. First, being an artist means being able to find the beauty and worth in things, and though I might not seek out pop music that often, in its time and place it can be a ton of fun! Second, listening to as much different music as possible forms the bows in my songwriting quiver. For me as a lyricist I think good pop music is a distilled and sometimes impatient version of what's good about songwriting. It is popular music after all, so I see it as something I can learn from and becomes part of a balance in my songwriting.
Cal Henry: Yes, absolutely! Artists are artists and they should create what they want, regardless of what genre it is. The world needs more art!
You have a new single out, what influenced that track and what has been on your playlists as of late?
Spencer: The new song is called Summertime Star Sign and it's the story of me losing a loved one and not getting a chance to say goodbye before he passed away. Actually, more like not making the chance and not realizing I didn't have more time to see him. This song is really me saying goodbye. It's a sad subject, but the song is hopeful as well and I think a lot of people will be able to relate to it.
My favorite band at the moment is Young the Giant. They're incredible and I think their songwriting and production is so dynamic.
How long have you been together as a band, and how did you get acquainted with one other?
Spencer: We all met in high school, and have been playing together since. I think my first gig with the band was in 2007? Wow, it's been a long time! For us, though, this isn't something we're doing for a while in college, and we're not all playing in 6 bands hoping one of them makes it. We'll be playing together as WD-HAN until we physically can't anymore.
Lea Campbell: We originally met in high school and have been together ever since! About 12.5 years. Wow, I feel old now!
Spencer, you're from Australia. A question we are always interested to know is how a scene has influenced a person as it's where you grow as a person that is a big part of the design in the art you create. The Aussie scene has yielded quite a boastful arsenal of artists with that big, crisp sound that is also present in your music. How does the scene there compare to here, and what have you taken from it?
Spencer: I grew up in Melbourne, which has an amazing music scene. However, I was pretty young when my family moved to the US so I didn't get much chance to experience it. The music scene I did get to see first hand was Florida in the mid 2000s, which was huge in the metal genre. At that time, more than anything for us it was an exercise in persistence and belief in what we were doing vs others, as our style of music wasn't that common in our area. Nowadays, the music scene in Florida is amazing and we've been able to meet and play shows with a ton if incredible bands. It's a great place to be from as an artist!
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Lea and Cal, the same question to you both; where did you grow up, and what were the moments that made you want to become an artist?
Lea: I'm originally from Michigan but did most of my growing up in San Jose, CA and Clearwater, FL. I was lucky enough to grow up in a musical household with a dad who plays guitar and drums. A set of drums appeared in our house one Christmas when I was 14. I immediately began jamming with my dad and eventually joined WD-HAN
Cal: I was born in New Jersey and moved to the Tampa Bay area when I was six. So most of my growing up was done here in Florida! I decided to become a musician after hearing Jimi Hendrix. Playing our first show was another big moment for me, that adrenaline rush was something I hadn’t experienced before and I wanted to do it again and again!
One of the reasons for this project is to not only reinforce how strong Florida's music scene truly is, but to bring it more together in support of local bands supporting other local acts. What are some of your favorite local acts right now?
Spencer: Honey, What?, Kodiac, Lions After Dark, Napoleon the Wilderness, The Bad Verbs, Highland Kites...so many and they seem to keep coming up more and more now.
Cal: Ashley Smith and TRO, HoneyWhat and Tides of Man. We have some good friends in those bands and they’re great musicians too!
There is a growing, and more acknowledged presence of women in the music industry, especially behind the kit with an example of Leah Shapiro, Kim Schifino, and yourself Lea. Who were some of your female inspirations in music, and who are some of your current favorites?
Lea: Aw, thank you! It is a HUGE honor to be mentioned in the same sentence as those guys! I have been inspired by so many badass musicians out there, guys AND girls. Brad Hargreaves (Third Eye Blind), HAIM, Alanis Morrissette, Dolores O'Riordan (The Cranberries), Dead Sara, Emma Richardson (Band Of Skulls), Juliet Simms, Wendy Ann Melvoin (Prince), Hayley Williams (Paramore) and SO MANY MORE!
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And following up with that question, what would be your advise to any female musicians who are just starting to either get into music, or the scene in general?
Lea: Pick up an instrument and start playing it! Don't be shy. You can even learn some of your favorite songs on YouTube! Then start playing with friends or find some other musicians.  Chances are, they would be stoked to have you jam with them! Share your recording or videos on social sites and just get crankin!!!
What is the most surprising influence each of you have?
Spencer: I don't know that I have many really surprising ones! I do like a lot of the old crooner music, like Sinatra, Davis Jr., Martin.
Lea: Beyonce. Of course.
Cal: Biggie, Jay-Z and Lupe Fiasco
Arena rock is an avenue we're seeing less and less of due to a variety of reasons: the decline of rock radio stations, the desire to follow in the footsteps of it's forerunners or a diversion to the mainstream.
Spencer: Wow, what a question! I think when I'm performing I'm not necessarily thinking about how I fill the room, other than I want the people there to get something from me. It doesn't have to be a literal listening to every word, but I want them to feel what we're trying to say as a band. A concert is amazing because it's a conversation, it's an ebb and flow. I play that way whether it's 50 people or thousands.
Cal: Wow, thank you for comparing us to U2! That's incredibly high praise. We all have a shared reality of the kind of music we want to make and have made in the past. We all love Rock music. Each of us have a good idea of what interests the others so when we’re all excited about a song it’s a good sign. I love playing and creating music with Spencer and Lea. And we just create the kind of music we love to play.
I personally don’t have the idea that rock is dying. There are so many great bands still making incredible music today. For example I’ve been listening to Third Eye Blind’s new album, “Screamer”  every day since it came out. They started in the 90’s and are still going strong! Their first album was the first CD I ever got
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What would be a dream band to tour alongside, or a producer you'd like to work with?
Spencer: I'd love to tour with Young the Giant or Third Eye Blind. I just think what they do is amazing and it'd be a hell of a show every night for us to share the stage with them! As far as producers, we have been really fortunate with the ones we have worked with so I've got no complaints. I would love to work with Jeff Bhasker and Alex Salibian, producers of Home of The Strange for YTG, though!
Cal: There are so many! Beck, Third Eye Blind, Walk the Moon, John Mayer, Oh Wonder, Young the Giant, Coldplay... Ryan Tedder would be amazing to work with and Justin Meldal-Johnsen too! And of course Alex Arias!
You've toured Asia to a great degree of success. Having been, how do you feel music is received there, and how does it differ from the US?
Spencer: We’ve specifically been to Taiwan three times and I can't even describe how amazing that island is. The people there are incredibly kind to any foreigner and their reception of us was no different. If we looked lost in the street, within 30 seconds someone would ask if we needed help! When we played music, that carried through and they were so appreciative. We were the ones honored to be there, and they were treating us like U2 had come to town. It was surreal.
Is there a country you'd like to tour to in the future?
Spencer: Anywhere and everywhere. I can't wait to tour Europe, but if we get the opportunity to play anywhere that it's reasonably safe to do so, I'd do it.
Lea: I would love to tour in the UK! What history!
Cal: Italy - the food over there is incredible!
What's your favorite song you've written thus far and why?
Spencer: That’s cruel! Seems funny, but my favorite is usually the one we most recently wrote. Right now, Summertime Star Sign would be it, just because it's such a personal story for me.
Cal: It’s hard to choose just one so I’ll bend the question a bit and say our three latest recordings. Summertime Star Sign just came out and the other two will be following shortly! We worked with Alex Arias to come up with what I feel is our best work yet. We weren’t rushed in any aspect of making these songs and they represent us really well.
And finally, we always like to wrap our interviews with a question that has proved difficult for the bands we've interviewed but we have fun asking: if you could each pick one lyric to describe yourself as a person, what would it be?
The lyric could be your own, or from a different artist entirely.
Spencer: I think I can answer this for the group -
“Wonderboy, what is the secret of your powers?”
- Tenacious D
Listen and purchase “Summertime Star Sign” here: https://fanlink.to/summertimestarsign?fbclid=IwAR1Z9JC1gLE88UbG5UiHpOzJbwlTJwTYOktmeGQk3xRB8OetN2dDuHMBkW4
Find more information, upcoming tour dates and all things WD-HAN here: https://www.wdhan.com/
-Jenelle DeGuzman
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