#Tymothy Longoria
bobjackets · 2 years
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Creepy Joker art by Tymothy Longoria.
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trmousner · 13 years
Work in Progress: An Interview with Tymothy Longoria
Thanks for returning to the Self-Publishing Realm!
 Since publishing my debut novel, Being, in March 2011, I’ve had the privilege of meeting many Indie authors at various stages in their careers.  Fellow Texan Tymothy Longoria (no relation to Eva) recently completed work on his epic fantasy novel entitled, The Stories, and is here to discuss it and writing.  
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Thanks for joining me today, Tymothy.  How long have you been writing? 
I’ve been writing since I was about 17. I started writing bible lessons-really-and from there I went on to writing song lyrics for my band a few years later. Then some poetry. I liked them. I’ve been writing seriously for two years.
 The Stories is your debut work?
As far as all of my works, no. The first book I wrote is a childrens picture book called The Sad Little Robut. It is about a little ‘bot I call Robut and his journey to find the meaning of his life. A journey to find friendship and love.  The Stories, however is my first full-length book, yes. An epic fantasy.
I read The Stories synopsis on your blog and it sounds like a new spin on Little Red Riding Hood. Is this correct? 
You are correct … but that is just the beginning. It’s not called the “stories” for nothin’.  She was the first one I saw in my head. Running through the dark wood. Why? At the time of course I didn’t know. But I knew that the beasts were chasing her. That moving scene in my head played over and over. Then soon after an entire storyline unfolded. The reason they were after her. How they looked. What happened before that chase and of course, what happens after for three books. Thus began The Stories.
How long did it take you to write? 
About a year. It was a great time of introspect and self-awareness.
 Have you started submitting it yet? What stage of the process are you currently in?  
I’m drafting a query. I’ve queried The Sad Little Robut and let me tell you honestly, it’s harder writing a query letter for a 1400-word picture book than a full-length! That being said I want this query spotless.
What has been your favorite part about writing The Stories?
This one’s easy. My favorite part is watching these characters interact with each other, speak to one another.
If you had to choose to be a character from The Stories, who would you be and why?
I would most definitely say a character I’m introducing named Jehiel.  Without giving too much away, he is a musician. He just has an air about him. He is wrought with anguish and pain yet still has faith in all that is good. That’s the way I have learned to be. Despite circumstance, despite tragedy, I must BE.
What other writers have inspired you to write?
My biggest inspiration is God. He is a writer, you know. I may be an anomaly in that I’ve read in my short time a lot of spiritual books by T.D. Jakes and such and I was a huge comic-book reader when I was younger. I also read a ton about mythology and different beliefs. As far as writers in YA, I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it: Indies are a great inspiration. They have the desire to write. The ideas come to them and they get it done. Look again at one Amanda Hocking.
We embrace that which defines us.
Thanks again, Tymothy, for visiting my blog.  
 To learn more about Tymothy Longoria, you can follow his blog, like his author pages on Facebook, visit The Stories website or follow him on Twitter. 
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trmousner · 13 years
And Now For Something Completely Different ...
Thanks for returning to the Self-Publishing Realm.
The last few months have been a whirlwind. It’s been an incredible ride and my gratitude for the people I’ve met and experiences I’ve had is immeasurable.  However, I’ve been so busy with the peripheral business of writing that I haven’t inked a single word of fiction. For those of you new to this game, be advised.  This is one of the challenges of being an Indie Author.  
Thus, the time has come for me to seal myself inside my writer's cocoon so I can get on with my getting-on.  Since I’ll be shifting gears, don't be surprised if the blog posts appear less frequently or if the blog's focus changes temporarily.  If you don’t see me on Twitter or Facebook, I will return in time.  Work must come first.  
When I started this blog, I intended to share my experiences as a self-published author in order to help other writers facing the same decision: to traditionally publish or self-publish?  
However, I had such a great experience profiling Author Tiffany King that it got me thinking.  How can I help the most people?  By focusing on my experiences or by helping others promote their work? 
Since helping others is always a worthy endeavor and I’m totally over talking about myself for now, I’ve decided that promoting other writers while I get reacquainted with my characters is the best course of action.  I'll also explore writing-related topics as they come up in my work.  
Look for my features on Texas writers Tymothy Longoria, Leah P. Lozano and others in upcoming days and weeks. 
As always, wishing you only the best!!
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