#Tyme trilogy
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theviolettulip · 6 months ago
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@alwaysanovice it's ur boys
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I was gonna draw Jasper grumpy & Serge cheerful as like a switcheroo but then I ended up with tearful heartbroken Jasoer and isn't he the cutest little bean<3
(Serge's hair looks so bad 💀)
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alwaysanovice · 9 months ago
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First Tyme fanart I've posted in a long time; my favorite faires!
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kanerallels · 2 years ago
Top 6 Reasons You Should Read the Tyme trilogy by Megan Morrison
Reread a fantasy series I love and appreciate, so now it's time for you guys to love and appreciate it too
It's a fairy tale retelling series. Which is always an endorsement in my mind, but here are some more reasons that's great in this series. The takes on the fairy tales are so cool and refreshing, and well executed-- Cinderella fighting for the working class, the Frog Prince going through a redemption arc where he becomes a better person, and the absolutely shaped storyline that Rapunzel has. And most of them (particularly books one and three) combine multiple fairy tales in such a smooth, natural way.
The world building is INCREDIBLE. The tiny details and the way the different countries are introduced are so cool!! And they really go into smaller details, like the main exports that keep the country going, or the traditions of each country when it comes to dealing with loss. The magic systems are SO COOL, too!!
The characters are all really well done-- they're beautifully developed, both as characters and their relationships with each other. Syrah (main character of book three) has one of the best redemption styles arcs I've ever seen where he goes from unlikeable jerk to a caring, kind individual. Even the villains have well thought out motivations and in depth backstories
The romances in each of the three books are PERFECT because you have a slow burn, a couple that get together in the same book but help each other grow in powerful ways, and a book where the main character doesn't get the girl. The trope breaking! The following of the tropes but in just the perfect way! The level to which I am obsessed with Jack and Rapunzel! It's INSANE
All of the books and their stories are deeply intwined. There are cameos and small details in each book that lead you back to the other three, details that pop out and blow your mind at a reread or even the first time around!
It's really funny and charming and delightful writing. And There are these fascinating implications of other stuff going on in the world you're reading about-- stuff that we'll probably never find out about, since the last book was released in 2019 and there's no sign of another, which is really sad
Anyways, this is a super good series, you won't regret it if you read it! Oh my stars and I didn't even mention SERGE MY BELOVED FAVORITE CHARACTER FOR SURE THE FAIRY GODFATHER LEGEND HIMSELF listen just. read this series. Good talk
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tm-trx · 6 months ago
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selections from my week in media [11-17 august 2024]
My birthday was this week (one of the milestone ones 😬) and both Onew and Taemin are in the midst of album pre-release promotions right now, so it's been a fun week.
That pool scene in Sunset x Vibes.
Akira's coming out scene in Life: Love on the Line.
Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater {5 stars} - A very sweet fae fantasy. Dora Ettings is one of my favorite book characters I've read this year.
Idol Lives by KT Salvo {3 stars} - A satisfying conclusion to the trilogy of books about these two. I say that because the author is continuing the series next year but changing protagonists to kpop idols competing in a survival show.
Light of Stars (and the Destroyer) by Sanguis - MDZS AU
My Summer of You, vol 2-3 by Nagisa Furuya {4 stars} - Finished up this manga series and loved it. Slowest of slow burns, but seeing Wataru and Chiharu get more comfortable with each other and their relationship over the summers was wonderfully nostalgic.
There is such an interesting contrast between the intimacy portrayed in two of the shows I'm watching as they air: Sunset x Vibes is suggestive and takes its time, leaving a lot to the imagination. 4 Minutes is filmed closely, sometimes bluntly and it feels like you see practically everything. I think in practicality, you don't, which is even more fascinating and just shows how important filming style is to the mood and feel of a scene.
4 Minutes, ep 4 - I was happy to see more back story filled in for Tonkla and Korn's relationship, but it really highlighted how little we know about Tyme. He's the second lead and yet the show is very focused on Tonkla when it's not following Great. Yet another thing to pay attention to on my binge rewatch. The highlight of the episode was that last scene between Tyme and Great. The focus stayed with Great's adrenaline rush longer than expected and it was lovely how Tyme's tenderness in response led to their first sex scene. It was just very well done all around. (Even though I found myself wondering where Great found a glamping yurt at that time of night and on such short notice.)
Life: Love on the Line (Director's Cut) {finished: 5 stars} - Um wow. My heart is full and yet again I've got no way to describe how a jdrama has left me feeling. It lived up to every good thing I've heard about it over the years. And the framing device using their ages was genius.
Monster Next Door, ep 4 - I really liked how deftly the show treated Diew taking steps outside his comfort zone, with God's very sweet support and encouragement. Also, God is a very funny drunk. I do wonder what God's character development will be because if they've hinted at it I missed it completely.
Sunset x Vibes, ep 10 - The past life scenes I've been waiting for yay. Does Sun have a past life too? He's not having dreams so I'm inclined to think no, which is disappointing because I like the shared reincarnation trope. I am still all ::chinhands:: about the way Sun is with Lin. I love him.
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writergracethepanda · 1 year ago
- fav trilogy?
- how many books are on your tbr?
- how many books have you read this year?
(ask game <3)
The Gilded Wolves, The Tyme Series, The Burning Kingdoms (ik the third book isn't out yet shush)
idk and to be honest i'm scared to know
I think I've read three so far.
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ladyelainehilfur · 2 years ago
Not exactly a webtoon ask, but are there any online novels you really enjoyed and wished more people knew about? Completed, ongoing, prematurely ended? I always love hearing about stories that I never would have encountered if it wasnt for a curious search or a random saved post.
Sorry to say I don't read online novels at all. I don't even read e-books 😭 last digital book I read was an Avatar: The Last Airbender graphic novel and that was months ago.
However, in terms of media I wish people knew about: if you really like twisted fairy tales and fantastic but uncomplicated world-building, I highly recommend the Tyme series by Megan Morrison! It's a trilogy thus far, focusing on Rapunzel, Cinderella, and the Frog Prince. What's really cool about this series is that characters from later books make appearances in former books and everything is cleverly connected! I'd actually go as far as to say it's my favorite book series.
If books aren't your thing, there's this super cool Ghibli short movie my friend introduced to me recently. I'd call it an underrated story for sure, and I'm very glad she shared it with me.
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themonkeycabal · 4 years ago
re: Fantasy Recs
riseoftherose said: If you don’t mind a slightly younger aimed author, I still enjoy a series I first read as a kid, always thought it deserved more rep. The Land of
Sorry friend, it looks like your rec got cut off a bit there. 
msprufrock said: Also aimed slightly younger, but I really enjoyed Akata Witch (and the sequel Akata Warrior) by Nnedi Okorafor. It’s a YA fantasy series set in Nigeria
Oh nice. Sounds like fun. Scarlet Odyssey is also set in a very Africa-like world, really loved that. 
gerundsandcoffee said: I liked Uprooted by Naomi Novik. It’s a stand alone original but heavily rooted in Eastern European folklore.
I think I might have read that one. It sounds familiar. I’ll have to look again. Thanks! 
solysgoldensun said: The Invisible Library series by Genevieve Cogman is pretty fun, involving dragons, fae, and librarians (oh my!) in a multiverse semi-portal fantasy deal with steam punk elements.
Oh nice. I’ve got a little bit of a weakness for steampunkish-ness. (oh, bonus, the first book was only $2.99. I picked it up. thanks!)
anomaly-nerd said: The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison is my current favorite. It’s a little plot heavy but the worldbuilding is fantastic and the protagonist is impossible not to love
I don’t mind plot-heavy if I feel like it’s going somewhere. Love good worldbuilding, though. So great. 
Anonymous said: I highly recommend Temeraire. That series was amazing. It's 9 books, complete storyline that begins in Napoleonic Wars era Europe and then expands into almost every continent. It was just mwah *chef's kiss*. The lead characters (one human, one dragon) are both absolutely adorkable and I thoroughly enjoyed every chapter. There are serious matters and some dark chapters, but it's a very optimistic series overall, not grimdark in the least.
Oh, thank you for reminding me of that one! I have the first one, I think I read it when it came out, but I never followed up on the rest of the series. 
emilise284 said: any/all of Diana Wynne Jones’s works: Howl’s Moving Castle, Dogsbody, and Fire and Hemlock are among my favorites. 
Robin McKinley is also gr9, I especially love Pegasus and Chalice
if you’re looking for recent fantasy Gideon the Ninth (and sequel, Harrow the Ninth) by Tamsyn Muir are GREAT fun and very gay (but also maybe edging a lil further towards grimdark than you’re in the mood for rn)
Cool. Thank you!
backwardsandinhighheels said: For urban fantasy, I’ve really enjoyed the Guild Codex series by Annette Marie - funny with found family vibes and slooow burn romances, and the heroine of Spellbound is a normal human girl in a magic guild which gives me serious Darcy vibes
That sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks. (score, the first one is $3.99 and has Margarita in the title. Can’t go wrong there. I grabbed it.) 
lady-of-luthien said: The first fantasy author I really got into was Tamora Pierce. She writes a lot of YA stuff. Song of the Lioness, The Immortals, and Protector of the Small series. All awesome.
Oh yes, I read some of those. Definitely fun. 
furyleika said: Absolutely second Robin McKinley, particularly The Blue Sword and The Hero and the Crown. Also Tamora Pierce. If you don’t mind younger aimed, my absolute favorites of all time are Patricia C. Wrede’s Enchanted Forest Chronicles. Anne McCaffrey’s Pern novels straddle the fantasy/sci-fi line depending where in the timeline you’re reading. The Harper Hall series is a great starting point.
I also really like Garth Nix’s Old Kingdom series. They may be closer to grim than not, but things turn out okay! Way less depressing than GRRM. I liked Holmberg’s Paper Magician series if you haven’t read that from her.
Swordheart from T. Kingfisher is awesome and funny and romantic. It says it’s in the same series as something else of hers, but I didn’t read those and enjoyed it anyways. Okay, I’ll stop. (Oh wait! Have you read Neil Gaiman’s stuff? I like almost all of it.)
Oh, I’ve totally read Anne McCaffrey, very into Pern back in ye olden tymes.  
I have the Paper Magician, but I haven’t read it yet. I just finished Spellbreaker/Spellmaker and I wanted to try somebody else first. 
T. Kingfisher sounds familiar, but I don’t recognize any of the titles (maybe I read Clockwork Boys, that sounds really familiar. Or I started to read it and got distracted and forgot -- this happens). I will check out Swordheart. 
Garth Nix sounds familiar, too (I am bad with names, so this happens a lot, too). I’ll check out the first one. Thanks! 
And, yes, I’ve read all the Neil Gaiman things lol. 
owl-librarian said: Echoing Diana Wynne Jones, Tamora Pierce, and Garth Nix rec’s. I also recently reread a bunch of Patricia C Wrede books, which are delightful. If J/YA isn’t your jam, try Mercedes Lackey; HIGHLY prolific fantasy writer. Some of her stuff is a little dated now, but gosh a lot of it is still awesome. I particularly like her Arrows of the Queen trilogy.
Oh, yes, definitely I’ve ready Mercedes Lackey. Back in ye olden days with Anne McCaffrey and Terry Brooks (I was very into the Shannara books in high school). 
gothfirefaerie said: If you like amazing world building and word porn I can not recommend Patricia a McKillip enough! My favorites are alphabet of thorn, fantastic beasts of eld and ombria in shadow. Also great for world building is Michelle Sagara and her chronicles of elantra but while I wouldn’t call them grimdark they are heavy.
Those sound fun. Thank you. Love worldbuilding. 
owl-librarian said: Have you done any Terry Pratchett? He’s the right kind of fantasy for me, definitely not too heavy “high fantasy” - and full of real characters and great humor! If you are intimidated by his Oeuvre start with “Guards! Guards!” or “The Wee Free Men”
Oh yes, absolutely. Great fun. 
owl-librarian said: I also highly suggest the Bordertown books edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling; it was a shared world created back in the 80s for authors to play in - there are several short story collections and a couple of novels set in this town that is the border between our world and faerie. It was revived in the 2010s with Ellen and Holly Black in another short story collection.
That sounds familiar, but I don’t think I ever read any of it. Thank you, I’ll check it out. 
cathsith said: @sarahreesbrennan In Other Lands is *amazing* and lots of fun and the furthest thing from grim!dark that I can think of
Awesome. Thank you.
lover-of-the-starkindler said: *nods along for most of the recs and takes notes of the others* Summers at Castle Auburn by Sharon Shinn is good; Perilous Gard by Elizabeth Marie Pope is a Tam Lin retelling set in Elizabethan England and is amazing; Woodwalker by Emily B. Martin if you like sneaking through forests and political plots…
Sweet, thank you.
Thanks everybody I will check out all of your lovely recs. 
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swan2swan · 6 years ago
princezilla replied to your post: Can’t tell if they’re Amish or in Ye Olden Tymes 
Yeah. His obsession with making everything a twist ironically makes things really predictable
And yet Rian Johnson is still getting a movie trilogy
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robkirbycomics · 6 years ago
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I did Twitter’s #31HorrorFilm31Days challenge again this year - at the outset I thought it would be really hard to accomplish this time around, but it wasn’t - I finished with days to spare. Of course now I won’t be able to watch another horror movie for another month at least. This year I went heavily 80′s, rewatching several favorite old chestnuts and finally catching up with never-seen-before perennials like Return of the Living Dead. I also saw some good newer stuff like Creep 2 & the new Halloween. Gotta mix it up at least a little, right? Anyway, read my full list with their accompanying twitter comments below, and happy Halloween! 
1. CREEP 2 ('17) Female filmmaker doesn't *flinch* when guy she’s filming tells her he's a serial killer, thinks he’ll make for fab material. Good luck with that. 
2. HELLO MARY LOU: PROM NIGHT II (’87) Who was that who said "Hell hath no fury like that of a 50′s prom queen scorned by being burned alive who reappears in the 80′s as a vengeful spirit supported by lots of FX"? Whoever said that, they are vindicated.
3. MR JONES ('13) Film-making couple has neighbor who is either (A) a famous reclusive artist ("like Banksy!") or (B) a guardian between us & a nightmare realm. I'm gonna go with (B)
4. THE BIRDS (’63) Our fine feathered friends become our fine feathered foes in this classic Hitchcock thriller. 
5. HOLIDAYS (’15) Featuring 8 short tales, each on a different holiday. It's hit or miss but u may well enjoy imagining Mitch McConnell as the male character in K. Smith's gruesome anti-misogyny revenge fantasy - I sure did. 
6. GOD TOLD ME TO (’76) Randos begin killing randomly, claiming "God told me to!" But what's reeeeally going on? Cop w/ personal issues is on the case. Solid, wacko B flick features tons of late 70s NYC goodness
7. THE BEYOND (’81) Woman inherits hotel in New Orleans which turns out 2B one of the 7 Gates to Hell! The hotel offers lovely amenities such as murderous walking corpses & eyeball eating spiders
8. THE BLACK CAT ('81) Title cat goes full-out serial killer in small English village, also manages to get bricked up behind a wall b/c you know, that's the classic black cat behavior 
9. PROM NIGHT (’80) Jamie Lee Curtis & group of teens are stalked by vengeful masked killer. Everything comes to a head (literally) at the disco prom. Sample music lyrics: “Prom night/Everything is alright!”
10. HALLOWEEN (’78) The boogeyman comes to Haddonfield with a big knife and a nasty attitude, but Final Girl extraordinaire Jamie Lee Curtis is having none of it
11. THE FOG (’80) Title fog + ghosts + vengeance + death = total entertainment. With this we conclude the Jamie Lee Curtis trilogy portion of this year's #31HorrorFilms31Days
12. DEADLY BLESSING (’81) Wes Craven’s overstuffed tale of sinister goings-on in a Hittite community includes interesting moving parts, incl a young Sharon Stone & a bonkers ending. Sample Hittite dialogue: "“You are a stench in the nostrils of God!”
13. DEADLY FRIEND (’86) Cute brainiac plants an AI chip in his murdered girlfriend's brain and she proceeds to go on murderous rampage because in good times & bad times that's what Deadly Friends are for  
14. RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD (’85) A genuinely funny horror comedy w/ pitch perfect performances by a stellar cast of B-movie pros + a killer soundtrack. A fan fave for good reasons, glad I finally saw it!
15. THE HOUSE THAT DRIPPED BLOOD (’71) As the poster advertises you get Vampires! Voodoo! Vixens! Victims! But no dripping blood, TBH
16. SUSPIRIA (’77) Dario Argento’s baroque classic stars Jessica Harper, a coven of e-vil witches, and fabulously over-the-top sets, cinematography & score. 
17. NIGHT OF THE SEAGULLS (’75) Nice Dr. & wife move to crusty seaside town of rude, fearful villagers + band of murderous dead blind knights, and learn what niceness gets you in this world
18. THE WITCH (’15) Puritan family runs afoul of witches in ye olden tymes: death, madness, & corruption of the innocent ensue, in pretty much that order. 
19. MALATESTA’S CARNIVAL OF BLOOD (’73) Uncommonly weird, original little grindhouse item recommended to that certain type of fan who responds 2 made-on-the-fly auteurist nonsense. And yes: that *is* Tattoo from Fantasy Island! 
20. THE PREMONITION (’76) whackjob lady has her eyes on nice lady's cute lil adopted daughter & plans to take her but the nice lady has THE PREMONITION and things escalate from there
21. SWEET, SWEET LONELY GIRL (’16) Titular sweet  n lonely 70′s girl goes 2 stay with ailing recluse aunt, meets a hot mysterious other girl and things proceed from weird 2 weirder. 
22. WE GO ON (’16) Young man terrified of life offers big $$$ to anyone who can prove existence of an afterlife, comes 2 regret what he learns. Fine cast + scary, thoughtful story: this gets the Sincere Rob Recommendation (tm) 
23. TERROR TRAIN (’80) Crazed madman vs obnoxious fraternity members aboard New Yr’s Eve party train. With the exception of Jamie Lee Curtis, who ably performs final girl duties, you'll root for the killer
24. RE-ANIMATOR (’85) Jeffrey Combs is fabulous as a wacky med student who discovers a way 2 re-animate dead tissue in this funny, gory (somewhat Bro-y) '80's cult classic
25. STAGE FRIGHT (’87) Enjoyable Italian fromage features an escaped psychopath in an owl mask vs. a locked theater full of actors rehearsing a play. Co-starring: a stormy night, unintentional laughs
26. THE NESTING (’81) Agoraphobic writer from the city rents a spooky old house in the country which A. was once a brothel & B. was the scene of a massacre, leading to C. Complications.
27. THE NINTH GATE (’99) Filthy rich dude hires Johnny Depp to acquire rare satanic book. Predictably, satanic things then begin to happen
28. HALLOWEEN (’18) Michael Myers returns after 40 yrs 2 reprise his gr8st hits from the original & its sequel, H20, & even the R. Zombie sequel (the PTSD stuff). Still - SURPRISE! - none of it compares to the original '78 classic.  
29. FRIEND REQUEST ('16) Facebook-inspired horror. I'm srsly unfriending it unliking it & wish I could unwatch it 
30. FIEND (’80) Supernatural entity possesses a dead man and proceeds 2 Fiendishly strangle neighbors b/c that's what Fiends do. Amateurish but endearingly sincere production was apparently made for $39.99 + some coupons
31. ALL THE BOYS LOVE MANDY LANE (’06) Unappealing teens go 2 ranch  4 fun & sex & 2 be killed off one by one as usual, but wait there’s a twist! But wait again you’ve figured it out already.
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feelmains · 2 years ago
Total war saga
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The Witcher 3 | Check out Kratos’ Leviathan Ax mod The Witcher 3: The Leviathan Ax of Kratos if Geralt de Rivia was already feared throughout the Continent in The Witcher’s universe, for using 2 swords (1 steel and another… God of War: David Jaffe lashes out at those who call the Kratos of the original trilogy “misogynistic” The original creator of God of War, David Jaffe, has recently vented against some criticisms leveled at the protagonist Kratos, from the people who continue to compare the character and… Rod Fergusson, who has been leading The Coalition ever since, said in his days that when he… God of War – Kratos and Atreus were almost completely out of the game The studio had had enough of the bald god, they were almost binoculars. Kratos was close to being out of the 2018 God of War Kratos appears to be an essential part of the God of War series, but in fact, Sony Santa Monica thought about discarding it early in the development of God of… God of War: Finding Odin’s Hidden Chambers – Prove your courage Already in the first chapter of God of War you stumble upon one Hidden Chamber – These closed areas only become really relevant much later. How do I get there? What exactly happened at the…
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This comic explains what happened to Kratos between God of War III and God of War PS4 God of War meant a reboot of the saga in which Kratos was suddenly in Norse lands with a son. God of War loses his Kratos: dead Shad Gaspard, the former wrestler who gave his physique to the God of War Last Sunday, Shad Gaspard, ex-wrestler of the WWE and member of the Cryme Tyme tag team, was located off the beach of Marina Del Rey, where he was swimming with… God of War: Fallen God is the new comic that sheds light on the events between God of War 3 and God of War God of War represented a decisive step for the future of Kratos and for that of an entire franchise that found new lifeblood by modifying various elements of the gameplay… Will Kratos have that morale in the next God of War? Talk to us in the comments section below! It is worth remembering that Atreus in its adult version also served as an inspiration for another artist – and is as epic as his father. Other details such as the spear in his hands and the accessories on his beard also impress and excellently represent what can happen to the character in the next games of the franchise. The God of War also steps on the head of a sculpture of Odin, while one of the blades of the Blade of Chaos is embedded in the head of a wolf – apparently it is Fenrir, one of the creatures of Norse mythology. The art is meticulously elaborated and represents an older and more experienced Kratos. The following image is of Kratos on the throne of Odin, the supreme being of Norse mythology who is sure to give a headache to the God of War. We still don’t know what will happen next, but Turkish artist CK Göksoy gave us an idea through his art. To see this content please enable targeting cookies.God, god of war, kratos, throne, war God of War: check out Kratos’s epic fanart on the throne of OdinĪfter his bloody past as a god killer on Olympus, Kratos triumphantly returned in God of War (2018), but this time in the cold lands of Scandinavia and the beautiful Norse mythology as a background. The game will be released on Steam during summer 2021. Here, you will assume the roles of Achilles, Hector, and other legendary heroes as you fight to defend Troy - or destroy it.
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Not only does this mean that we can bring the tales and legends of Troy to a wide audience through Epic’s massive platform, but it also means new players will get to try Total War for the first time, experiencing the unique gameplay that the series is famous for.”Īnnounced in September last year, the game puts players in the middle of the Bronze-Age Trojan War conflict. "It's a hugely exciting thing for us to be able to do for our players.
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“Thanks to Epic, we're able to offer a Total War title for free on its launch day," said Tim Heaton, chief studios officer at Sega Europe in the press release.
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It will also be a freeload during its first 24 hours of availability. A Total War Saga: Troy has a release date, and it will be free to download for the first 24 hours of availability on the Epic Games Store.Īn Epic Games Store exclusive for one year, A Total War Saga: Troy will be released on August 13.
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theviolettulip · 5 months ago
The scene where Syrah & Harrow stumble out of Gretel's place barely supporting each other's weight cuz they're literally poisoned and drugged respectively, then come upon the police--who Syrah sasses even as he's half unconscious--and then promptly collapse and somehow Syrah STILL finds the energy to be all like "Oh btw could u get us a doctor plz" lives rent-free in my head XD
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 7 years ago
If you like *popular series*, read *this*
Percy Jackson: The Cronus Chronicles by Anne Ursu
The Kane Chronicles:
Theodosia by R.L. LaFevers
The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud
Children of the Lamp by P. B. Kerr
The Sisters Grimm:
School of Good and Evil by Soman Chainani
Hero’s Guide by Christopher Healy
The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer
The Storymakers Series by Betsy Schow
The Ever Afters by Shelby Bach
The Princess Tales by Gail Carson Levine
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
Tyme by Megan Morrison
The Babysitters Club
The Sisters 8 by the Logsteds
The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall
Millicent Min by Lisa Yee
The Popularity Papers by Amy Itnatow
N.E.R.D.S: H.I.V.E by Mark Waldon
The Mortal Instruments: The Dark Materials by Philip Pullman
The Secret Series: A Whole Nother Story by Cuthbert Soup
Random Series that I recommend:
The True Meaning of Smekday by Adam Rex
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
Heck: Where the Bad Kids Go by Dale E. Bayse
Ordinary Boy by William Boniface
I So Don’t Do by Barrie Summy
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djskewbeezy · 6 years ago
[Video] EBE BEAVE Feat. Ball Reckless - Da Game | @tymeshard @ball_reckless
[Video] EBE BEAVE Feat. Ball Reckless – Da Game | @tymeshard @ball_reckless
Hard Tymes Records presents EBE BEAVE Feat. Ball Reckless “Da Game” official music video produced by Jae trilogy. Go take a listen and watch the official music video “Da Game” now. Beave & Ball Reckless are set for breakout careers there both very talented artist.
Watch the official video https://youtu.be/W9UBXla0Z0Q
Stay Connected
EBE BEAVE https://www.instagram.com/ebebeave/ https://tidal.com/br…
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theviolettulip · 9 months ago
Yesterday was awesome.
Why, you may ask?
Because I spent 11 & a half hours binging one of my childhood book series - The Tyme Series. And today, I (unfortunately) concluded my binge.
So. Let's talk about it~
Starting with "Grounded", here are some of my thoughts/feelings in no guaranteed order, tho ill try to be chronological:
OH MY GOD SO MANY HINTS!!! I already knew I'd enjoy this reread cuz of how CONNECTED these books are, so I'll have fun noticing the hints & foreshadowing, and BOY DID I! I can't count how many times I struck the guy & butterfly meme pose and was like, "is this foreshadowing?" ESPECIALLY with the way Witch spoke to Rapunzel in the beginning & Prince Frog's actions
Rapunzel's....not UNPLEASANT, per se, I actually still liked her and felt sorry for her, but in the beginning she's just really brainwashed and does and says....unpleasant things
When Jack showed up I got SO EXCITED!! Also when he goes "I literally told you yesterday--" and gets cut off, I actually squealed and took a sec cuz AHHHHH I LOVE THIS SERIES AND PLOT SO MUCH!! her memory loss plotline is soooo good. BUT! I'm glad she doesn't forget Jack any more times
They did NOT like each other at first, not at ALL! XD Rapunzel 's insults are soooo amusing, but poor Jack!
Also poor Red Fairies....come ON, Rapunzel! You don't just say "I wish your mate died" to somebody!!
You know how years after you've read smth, certain moments & details remain in your mind? One of those for me was the scene where R&J are talking about killed vs died & just death in general. I absolutely ADORE Morrison's world building!! About the countries and beliefs and stuff!
The amount of CONNECTIONS Rapunzel makes throughout the books are quite....astounding! And numerous. And she makes them everywhere she goes, without intention! (Reminds me of Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece ngl)
Ngl throughout the whole jacks tournament I was shouting "GO RAPUNZEL! KICK THEIR BUTTS!!!" And she really showed her! Tho I feel kinda bad for the woman who lost, cuz she thought Raps was mocking her when she was being /gen
However it pains me to say that this wasn't my reaction when Raps met him cuz I...MAY have forgotten most things about Serge beside the fact that he's Ella's godfather. Still, he was sooooo cool & awesome & I love him! (Can't WAIT to gush about him (and Jasper. yes, get angry at me and expel me to the void, i deserve it cUZ I FORGOT JASPER EVEN EXISTED!!! 😭😭😭)
Not Rapunzel later getting interviewed and ending up just gushing about her boots for half the article XD
...I am sooooo glad Rapunzel is Rapunzel and not Charlotte, I know WAAAAY too many Charlottes!
I think this might make me a bit evil but I just ADORE grieving scenes when the death is fake! And sometimes when it's real....it's just that real emotions...I really like them. So when Jack is just despiration to save Rapunzel after she gets swallowed by a tree, I could FEEL the sorrow and despair and that made me ache and also fangirl a bit because they CARE about each other!! 🥹
OH just remembered, BRUH. When Prince Frog "died" I was like -_- cuz he's just hibernating, and I thought Jack would at least know that frogs hibernate in cold weathers! and Raps using that life-breather thing that Rune gave her, OH MY GOD I just realized! It's like Tangeled's Rapunzel's magic healing hair! And then she loses the power or uses it up, like in Grounded, and because of that they can't save their partners, both of which were injured by Gothel/Witch!! =(
Another moment that remembered well and was anticipating was Rapunzel & Witch's deal and questionaire situation. And I kid you not, I legitimately started crying. Not tearing up, CRYING! And I was hastily wiping off tears so I can keep reading. That last question was the straw the broke the camel's back--
"Do you love me?"
and then Envearia telling rapunzel to go get water so she can die OH MY GOD THE TEARS KEPT ON COMING!!
I think my foreknowledge added another layer to my experience. That, and my more kowledgable and experienced brain. Cuz this? This whole situation? SO. FRICKING. NUANCED! Rapunzel, she understands, truly she does, all the pain and suffering Envearia has caused, but she's still her mother. She raised her and loved her, loved her so much she did the thing she was afraid of the most. Die for her sake.
I was SO glad White didn't collect her. I would've been so pained ='(
On a lighter note, Raps's fam & Jack's fam being next door neighbors? Why is that THE cutest thing EVERRR. Just THINK of the fanfic possibilites! Of them becoming one big close fam so that when R&J tell them theyre together they'd be BEYOND excited! Plus you just KNOW Rapunzel's gram & Tess are invested in R&J, you just know it!
Anyhoo, that is Grounded's bullet list, and I was going to do the other two books here too but I am tired and I think it might be too long. I'll make them their own seperate lists, maybe just one if they aren't too long. (They'll be too long.)
OH! One last thing, do any of you know Rapunzel & Jack's ages? I don't remember them being outright stated in the books.
I *think* Rapunzel is 16ish, and Jack's probably her age. I think. Please correct me. I also have the same wonderings about Dash & Ella. I think they're 15. R&J are definitely at least a year older, but I think maybe a couple years makes more sense, so if D&E are 15 then I think R&J are 17.
Luckily, I know that Syrah is 15 cuz he says he was 13 when he kissed Deli and then a year passed and then another year passed, so he's 15. BUT he said once that he thought of Raps as his younger sis (which is ADORABLE and so sweet but I will get into that more when I talk about Transformed), but I don't think that necessarily means she's younger than him, just that she's more...childish and naive, and he's more experienced so it would make more sense for him to be the older sibling.
....I think I might be overthinking this. If you guys know anything, or have any better speculations or any at all, do tell! I'd LOVE to chat with anyone who has read this series! Questions & Comments are very welcome.
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connie93 · 6 years ago
New Video: EBE Beave - Da Game Featuring Ball Reckless | @ball_reckless @tymeshard
New Video: EBE Beave – Da Game Featuring Ball Reckless | @ball_reckless @tymeshard
New Video: EBE Beave – Da Game Featuring Ball Reckless
Hard Tymes Records presents EBE BEAVE Feat. Ball Reckless “Da Game” official music video produced by Jae trilogy. Go take a listen and watch the official music video “Da Game” now. Beave & Ball Reckless are set for breakout careers there both very talented artist.
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realentertainmentnews · 6 years ago
New Video: EBE Beave - Da Game Featuring Ball Reckless | @ball_reckless @tymeshard
New Video: EBE Beave – Da Game Featuring Ball Reckless | @ball_reckless @tymeshard
New Video: EBE Beave – Da Game Featuring Ball Reckless
Hard Tymes Records presents EBE BEAVE Feat. Ball Reckless “Da Game” official music video produced by Jae trilogy. Go take a listen and watch the official music video “Da Game” now. Beave & Ball Reckless are set for breakout careers there both very talented artist.
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