#Tyler x logan
d-llahanspade · 4 months
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The silly little guys
I found the perfect template for them and I had to draw it lol (Nothing will stop me from adding dynamic lighting to everything I draw hahaha! >:D )
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thurio-edau · 6 months
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i just HAD to
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floralcavern · 7 months
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Tyler calling out “Logan” and not “Guys” maybe meaning he really wanted to see Logan specifically. Um, um… Tylo brainrot-
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stillfrownyclownlol · 8 months
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st4rzl1ghtz · 5 months
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People asked 'what about poly', soo
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE POLY SHIP FROM SCHOOL BUS GRAVEYARD (If you don't ship any poly just say your favorite ship, mine is Tylenol, Tyler x Logan)
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rot-decay-erosion · 25 days
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fruits. That’s all I can say tbh
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ohquail · 4 months
Tyler x Logan (Tylenol) Headcannons
Their song is My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski
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One time, Tyler came to school in one of Logan’s t-shirts after staying the night at Logan’s house (they were studying and fell asleep) and did not hear the end of it from Aiden and Taylor.
They go to rival schools and watch baseball games together so that Tyler can get an idea of what the other team plays like.
Tyler lets Logan wear his baseball jacket when Logan gets cold.
Tyler is the chef & Logan is the baker. Tyler loves Logan’s cookies and Logan loves when Tyler makes any Italian dish.
One time (when they first started dating), Aiden walked in on them cuddling and they both almost killed him after he told everyone else.
Tyler always feels bad when Logan gets hurt, and no matter his own health, Tyler will always make an effort to ask Logan how he is.
Logan helps Tyler study and do homework often, but Tyler always refuses help until he has tried the assignment himself because he doesn’t want Logan to think he’s using him like Barron did. Logan doesn’t care.
They have matching white crocs that have each other’s names on them in widgets. They never wear them with the widgets but they have the widgets.
Tyler likes to visit Logan at the flower shop, even though Logan’s grandparents make him help out. He likes seeing Logan surrounded by flowers.
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rinka-dr · 3 months
and when Ashlyn was attack by mike LOOK AT AIDEN'S EYES the other are upset and worries BUT AIDEN HE'S EYES SAY OK I'M GONNA KILL HIM HAHAHAHHAHA #aidlynfan4ever🗣️🗣️ AND HE LITERALLY WAS EXHAUSTED BUT HE DID THAT FOR ASHLYN ( and because he can't stand in a wheelchair for more than 2 minutes but it's a detail 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️)
Btw Lily and Ben ☹️ Ben when he hugs Lily it postures is literally " I’m sorry I’m here now I’m going to protect you" SHE IS A KID LIKE A LITTLE CHILD MAN SHE DOESN’T DESERVE THAT ☹️☹️ ☹️☹️
The hug of Ashlyn and her parents ❤️
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jjsstars · 11 months
random school bus graveyard headcanons
// with aiden/ashlyn & ben/taylor & logan/tyler <3 //
warnings: weed/smoking, swearing
[cut off cause this got rlly long whoops]
Ash is bi & Aiden is pan
Taylor & Ben are both asexual but also hopeless romantics
Tyler is bi & Logan is gay
Taylor does Ben’s nails on weekends
Tyler tries to teach Logan how to play baseball (he’s semi successful)
Ash is paramore fan (p sure this is just canon atp)
Aiden loves all those dystopian movies and forces Tyler to watch them when he finds out he’s never seen them (ie hunger games, the maze runner, divergent etc.)
Aiden’s best subject is math and his worst is English, Ash is the same way
Taylor’s best subjects are science & math, her worst is art (she just can’t draw okay)
Tyler’s best subject is gym but as far as academics go he’s pretty good at history, he sucks at science tho
Logan’s best subject is obvi science, he honestly does good in everything, but he doesn’t like language that much
Taylor carry’s extra ear plugs/headphones/notebooks & pens for Ben & Ash (or anyone who might need them)
Tyler can braid better than Taylor can (he would do her hair growing up)
Aiden & Ash are adhd vs autism
Logan and Taylor hold hands when they’re anxious
Aiden can play the guitar & drums
Ben can also play the guitar but he prefers acoustic whereas Aiden likes electric
Tyler can play guitar but he prefers to play the trumpet (he’s rlly good)
Taylor can sing but she only does around Ben - he totally doesn’t cry nope totally not -
Ash can play the Harp (stealing that from someone else’s hc post <3) but she can also play violin & piano (multitalented queen)
Aiden & Ash link pinkies while sitting on the bus if Ash is feeling particularly pda strong
the whole group goes to cheer on Tyler’s baseball games
Logan now has a first aid kit in his locker from dating Tyler and being friends with Aiden
Aiden has a medical card for medical weed and he definitely abuses that shit
the first time Ashlyn gets high it relaxes her so much she’s convinced she’s dying for a hot minute
Logan & Taylor don’t like being high, Ben is indifferent to it, Aiden, Ashlyn & Tyler enjoy it throughly
It calms Aiden & Tyler down a lot
Taylor & Ben are the only ones capable of sitting in a chair like a normal person
Aiden & Ben smuggle good food into the hospital for Tyler
Tyler gives Logan forehead kisses
Ben kisses the top of Taylor’s hand
Aiden kisses the tip of Ash’s nose - Ash kisses his cheek
everyone is always finding Ashlyn hair in everything cause she sheds so much
Logan & Ben are Star Wars fans
Aiden is the first one to get his official license - to everyone’s horror -
Tyler is the last one to get his license (he’s so mad about it)
Ashlyn still sleeps with a stuffed animal and has a tote of them in her closet — she hides this for months until Ben finds them one day and casually adopts them all with Taylor
Aiden runs like a space heater as does Taylor
Ash & Ben both run superrrr cold
Logan and Tyler have normal temperatures, the freaks /j
Ben carry’s an inhaler because Aiden got asthma attacks as a kid - he hasn’t had one since he was like 7 but Ben likes to be prepared
If he gets hyper focused enough Aiden will go non-verbal / won’t acknowledge the outside world to the point of Ben having to write down responses for him
Aiden & Tyler can skateboard
Taylor can rollerskate & she teaches Logan how to too
Ashlyn is a god at ice skating
Ben prefers to stay on his own two feet thank you very much
Tyler’s terrified of dogs and screams for Taylor anytime one comes near him
Animals naturally love Ashlyn, Taylor’s jealous
Aiden is one of those people that will spend five minutes in a backyard and pick up three frogs, a lizard, a scarily big spider, two beetles and point out where a snake is
birds really like Ben - he doesn’t know why
Aiden & Ben are really good at art, but with totally different styles
Ben prefers realism and charcoal pieces
Aiden prefers more stylized art, markers & paints
Aiden did graffiti for a while and still would if he ever had the time (stupid phantoms) - when Ash finds out she lets him tag the buses in the graveyard and he’s so excited about it
Aiden & Tyler play basketball together on the weekends while the others watch/mess with them the entire time
If Tyler’s being particularly cocky about winning against Aiden then Ben will step in cause he’s naturally really good at basketball
Taylor and Logan always giggle watching Tyler’s face fall seeing Ben stand up
Ashlyn doesn’t mind when Aiden loses because then she gets to use it as an excuse for them to go get ice cream to “make the loss easier” (aiden knows she does that every time because she also asks to go out for ice cream if he wins to celebrate)
Taylor lets Aiden try on her lip gloss once and now he has his own collection and keeps some on him at all times — mostly just clear ones or sparkly light pink ones that aren’t super noticeable but still leaves a shine
Tyler uses like ten separate hair products daily - him & Ash take the longest to do their hair out of the whole group
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Tylo oneshot - Tire Swing
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Everyone was walking around their camp, doing something.
Ashlyn was teaching Aiden how to throw a proper punch, Ben was restocking the first aid kit, Taylor putting in new light bulbs in their stage lights, and Tyler was kind of just sitting there, bored.
He had gotten an injury at his last baseball game, and everyone insisted that he sit down to avoid him overexerting himself. He just thought they were all overreacting. It wasn't an awful injury. He wasn't a baby. And besides, it was only his arm.
It really just frustrated him. He hated not being able to feel helpful. Helping and being productive is how he's managed to keep his family from crumbling for years.
Though, there was one thing he did notice, since he wasn't too busy working. Logan was missing. Everyone else was so busy with their own tasks that they just didn't seem to notice.
And, honestly, the more he thought about it, the more concerned he got. Logan hasn't been in a very good mood today. Sad and melancholic.
Out of instinct, Tyler checked Logan's tire spot, but was reminded that it wasn't there anymore.
Due to Logan getting overwhelmed easily, they decided to give him his own quiet spot a little farther from the rest of the camp. A tire swing, hanging from a sturdy tree.
Tyler got up and froze like a deer in headlights for a split second, hoping no one noticed him leaving. Namely Taylor, who's been keeping him under surveillance like a security guard.
Once he saw that everyone was distracted enough, he slinked away. The grass was getting really tall and itchy. He waded through it and spotted the swing, gently moving back and forth against the wind. And there, in the swing, was Logan, the evening sunlight reflecting off of his glasses, casting a faint shadow.
Tyler hesitated. Logan looked sad and rather serious. Lost in thought. Should he really interrupt him?
Tyler shifted a little bit and decided to try and take a step back, only to end up stepping on a branch.
Logan's head quickly turned to where the noise came from and froze, staring at Tyler.
"Um... sorry. I just came to check on you."
Logan stared at him for a bit longer before turning his head and blinking a bit. "It's ok."
Tyler stood there before taking slow and steady steps forward. "So, uh... what are you, uhm-"
Logan turned to him again, his brow furrowed and tears in the corners of his eyes.
They stared at each other, another staring contest before Tyler clenched his fists.
"You're crying," he said. Pointing out the obvious, thanks Tyler.
"Who made you cry?" Tyler asked, seething with rage.
"It's not something you need to worry about, Tyler."
"But you're crying. I can't not want to-"
"I said it's ok!"
Tyler's eyes widened, and Logan's did too. Neither of them expected the outburst.
Tyler almost felt helpless. And he hated feeling helpless. When Taylor was sad, he always managed to make her feel better. Who was he if not someone who could help the people he cared about?
Tyler turned his head, thinking, before stamping his foot into the dirt in frustration and climbing into the tire swing with him.
"H-Huh!? Tyler, what are you doing?"
Tyler uncomfortably got situated and grumbled a little. "How do you spend so much time in this thing?"
Logan pouted a little and repeated his question: "What are you doing?"
"I'm gonna stay in here until you tell me what's wrong."
Logan's eyes widened. "Seriously?"
"Yep. You shouldn't bottle it in, or whatever."
"Tyler, you're too cramped. Your arm-"
"-will be fine," Tyler finished for him. "Don't worry."
Their legs awkwardly tangled together. Tyler's legs were definitely too long for this.
Logan sighed a little and looked out at the distance. "Why are you doing this?"
"I.. I don't like not being able to help," he said gruffly. He hated saying that stuff out loud, but if he was going to force Logan to open up, he should probably as well... just a little. He didn't like being too vulnerable.
Logan doesn't say anything for a good minute before rubbing his eyes with his sleeve. "Nothing specifically is wrong. I'm just.. sad."
"How can that be? You can't just be sad for no reason."
Logan shrugged. "Sometimes I am. I have a bad habit where I think about things, make up scenarios in my head, fake conversations in my head and I get sad about them before forgetting what it was that I thought to make me so sad in the first place."
Tyler doesn't know what to say to that before being Captain Obvious again: "That sounds awful."
Logan chuckles halfheartedly. "It is what it is. I've been like this ever since I started to live with my grandparents. I just get sad for no reason and I hide myself away."
Tyler pauses for a moment before gently tapping on Logan's knee. "What can I do to help?"
Logan shakes his head. "Nothing. I can't help that this happens. Most I can do is ride it out."
"But how am I supposed to make things better? I'm supposed to...-" I'm supposed to be the problem solver.
Logan sniffles a little. "Honestly... knowing that you care is almost enough."
Tyler pauses, sweat dripping down his nose from the heat of being in the tire, the Georgia sun, and Logan's body heat so close.
"It is?"
Logan nods and their hands almost touch before they both stop themselves.
"So should I stay?"
"I'd like that.. just no talking. I want your presence."
"Will that make you feel better?" Tyler asked. He didn't know why his voice was so quiet, it just was.
Logan thinks for a second before nodding again. "Ya. It really would."
The swing gently swayed in the wind, the almost setting sun in the distance, casting a shadow over the tree, giving them a cooling shade, as if the world itself was saying:
"Stay and rest."
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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corpseidol · 5 months
tyler seeing logan able to do the “leaf clover” thing and then he tries copying it just to look like a bird that’s vomiting silently
“tyler? what are you doing?” taylor narrows her eyes. tyler flinched, turning his head back and immediately pausing his actions. “doing what?” tyler cleared his throat. taylor looked at her brother up and down before looking back at her phone.
believing that taylor’s gonna let it slide, tyler was proven wrong when he got a notification from the groupchat with taylor’s text message:
tyler’s trying to copy logan’s leaf clover tongue thing and he looks ridiculous.
view attachment . . .
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d-llahanspade · 3 months
Can we complete the gender swap triad and get lesbian Tylenol 😭 pls im on my hands and knees fr-
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Lesbian Tylenol for the masses
I worked rlly hard on Logan’s dress please tell me it’s pretty ;-;
+ the sketch and lineart below the cut because I rlly like how it turned out
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thurio-edau · 5 months
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they're gay your honor
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just-call-mefr1es · 6 months
at first i was skeptical abt tylo being tyler n logan’s shipname, but then i realized that tygan or logler was not any better so tylo it is
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stillfrownyclownlol · 10 months
I'm making Tyler x Logan propaganda but for now take another ship ask thingy whatever (shoots my fucking brains out) <3
This is also...long... 🫠
1. How did they first meet?
They knew *of* each other since elementary school, but they met officially when they got grouped together for the Savannah project.
2. What was their first impression of each other?
Tyler: Nerd. Wished he'd stop mumbling all the time, it pisses him of.
Logan: internal crying. Jocks are scary lahdhosjdjd- (thought he was handsome tho)
3. Did any of their friends/family want them to get together?
They had never thought about them like that haha. Logan pretty much periodically told the whole squad except Tyler 💀 so they were all like very subtly encouraging him. Taylor was VERY excited. Aiden would be SO obvious about it but luckily Tyler is kind of oblivious. Ash and Ben are just watching the whole thing go down.
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Tyleeeeeer. Dork.
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
You know they would 🤡 Whatever let me have my angsty gay pining leave me alone 😭
6. If you had told one of them the other would be their soul mate, what would they think?
Logan: He would combust into flames and melt into a pile of stuttering and blushing.
Tyler: he'd probably punch you.
7. What would their lives be like if they had never met?
No phantom dimension! Tyler would probably get a baseball scholarship to some nice uni and Logan would get a scholarship cuz he's super smart. I think they'd be alright but probably a lot more emotionally stunted
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Tyler because Logan Gen/ thought he was straight so he'd legit never brought it up. Ngl Logan prob got injured and Tyler was just ranting and confessed on accident hihi ❤️
2. Did they have an official first date? What was it like?
I think yes. I think Logan would ask him and they'd do smth very low pressure :) Go out to eat somewhere (not a fancy place) and then walk around the park or smth until night time, so Logan can geek out about the constellations. Normal friend stuff...but they both know it's a date so they're freaking out. Then Tyler holds his hand and- *slams my head into a wall*
3. What was their first kiss like?
Awkward. They bumped their foreheads together since they tried to do it at the same time. Tyler instigated it :)
4. Were they each other's first anything?
Logan: Tyler's first kiss (with a boy) and first relationship
Tyler: Logan's first kiss (In general) and first relationship
5. What's their height and age difference?
Tyler is 187 cm (he did not get those short boy genes lol) and Logan is 164 cm, so I think that's like, 9 inches? Tyler was born in August 2000 and Logan in December 2000, so only 4 months.
6. What's their relationship with each other's families? Do they share a friendgroup?
You know they share a friend group lmao.
Logan gets along very well with Marianna :) she thinks he's super sweet and he doesn't mind her eccentricity. Taylor loooooves having Logan as a "brother in law" ^_^
Tyler's relationship with James and Mary is...testy 💀 they don't mind the fact that he's dating a boy but they HAVE heard Logan venting about how insecure he is in the friendship because he thinks Tyler hated him. Tyler doesn't really appreciate being reminded of all that and the fact that they might antagonize him. They're working on it for Logans sake.
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
Tyler usually, he's not afraid to call somebody out on their shit :) Logan is better at mediating tho.
8. Who gets jealous easier?
Logan is more insecure than jealous. Tyler is just normal jealous 🤡 he's a little itty bitty bit possessive...👍🏽
9. Who whispers unsuitable things in the others ear?
Technically Tyler does, but not like, on purpose. They might just be out somewhere and some guy will be being mildly irritating or whatever and Tyler will mutter "this fucking clown" to Logan. Logan is always "!!! Ty!" Lmao
1. Who said "I love you" first?
Logan! He definitely cried while saying it too haha. I think Tyler would say it back...after kissing him mwah mwah.
2. What are their primary love languages?
For Tyler absolutely acts of service. It's what he's used to haha. Likes to cook for Logan and help him around the shop (while James and Mary are watching him like a hawk) :) Receiving, tbh, he just likes when Logan wants to spend quality time with him.
Logan...also acts of service; for a long time he valued himself on how useful he was to somebody and its still how he evaluates his relationships. He helps Tyler with homework he doesn't understand, helps him with chores around the house, etc. He really appreciates words of affirmation, makes him feel more secure ^_^
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
In the beginning it was Logan, he bought a book and everything 🤡 he always fumbles the delivery tho help him. After a while Tyler says them cuz he likes messing with Logan and watching him get flustered lol.
4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
It is 2016 in Georgia, they don't engage in any PDA 🤡 as if Logan needed another reason to get harassed. They like cuddling in the privacy of their houses tho, but just the standard amount ^_^
5. Who initiates kisses?
Tyler will generally ask Logan to kiss him, since he's a little awkward about initiating.
6. Who's the big and little spoon?
Tyler is pretty protective so he likes being the big spoon, but if Logan asks he's also fine with that. He likes rubbing Ty's stomach due to the injury he got there U_U
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
Logan: STARGAZINGGGG. Nothing makes him happier than infodumping :D Ty likes listening to him anyways so. He also likes going to Tyler's games cuz, you know, he wanna be supportive and all that. Plus he thinks he looks sooooo cool while playing.
Tyler: Something chill, he's like, consistently tired lmao. He just likes spending time with him, he doesn't mind if they're just laying down studying or listening to music, or just talking to each other.
8. Who's better at comforting the other?
Tyler is, surprisingly. When Tyler is upset he's just generally mad and needs to cool off alone, plus Logan isn't really good around people who are angry haha ":). When Logan's upset he tends to be more teary eyed, so Tyler just hugging him and reminding him to breathe is enough.
9. Who is more protective?
Tyler 🤡 I don't think I need to elaborate aldhoshd
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Tyler: physical because verbal affection flusters him a lot.
Logan: verbal because physical affection flusters him a lot.
....Help them, lol
11. What are some songs that apply to their relationship?
*Points to Red's Spotify playlist*
(This doesn't really make sense but Campus by Vampire Weekend reminds me of them by proxy because I was listening to it while I drew them lmao)
12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Logan: Will usually call him Ty. "Babe" if he's up to it haha. When they're older he probably calls him the usual ones like honey or sweetie :)
Tyler: probably something real cringy considering that carrot-top nickname he gave Ash. I mentioned Starboy and Cielo before. I think he'd call him "Bizcochito" (porque le quiere comer a besos jajajajaj)
13. Who remembers the little things?
They're both very detail oriented so they remember all those things.
1. If they get married, who proposes?
Since gay marriage was legalized in June 2015, for most of his life Logan pretty much never thought he would be able to get married. So he proposed to Tyler. Was crying profusely the whole time and dropped his cards haha.
2. What's the wedding like?
They couldn't find a church that would bless their marriage even tho Mary and James had asked for it. So they just got married at city hall. BUT they did have a super big after party with all of Tyler's extended family >:) Logan has no idea what "gringo" means but he's not thinking about it too much.
3. How many kids do they have, if any?
It was really fucking hard to adopt one :") one girl because I said so and this is my list
4. Do they have any pets?
They have a few cats because for a long time they couldn't adopt any kids. It's good for Logan's enrichment, even though the cats don't really like Tyler lol
5. Who's the stricter parent?
Tyler loses his temper easier, but he's also way more likely to indulge their daughter so like, he is stricter, but he's not very consistent about it lmao. Logan is better at disciplining Tho.
6. Who worries the most?
They're both worrywarts kkkkk Tyler a little more tho, it's the ✨️anxiety✨️ kicking in.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Tyler will scream if he sees a bug so 🤡 Logan is very used to bugs because there's usually a few in the plants, so he'll catch them and throw them outside.
8. How do they celebrate the holidays?
Tyler isn't really big on holidays, but he'll help Logan put up decorations and stuff if he wants to. They generally go visit their family and friends U_U
Tyler does celebrate Día de Los Muertos as an adult tho, he spends most of the day at his dad's ofrenda. Logan is there for moral support, and they'll call Taylor and Marianna if they can't come over for any reason.
9. Who's more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Tyler's naturally an early bird and Logans a night owl, so Logan will pull him back into bed haha.
10. Who's the better cook?
Tyler's the better cook and Logan's the better baker.
11. Who likes to dance?
Tyler! He's a bit reluctant to admit it tho, but he's a good dancer and he loves pulling Logan by surprise to dance bachata or cumbia hihi
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st4rzl1ghtz · 5 months
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