#Tyler lockwood imagines
mostfandomimagines · 8 months
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IMAGINE: Trying to help Tyler through his first full moon as a werewolf
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realtvdtexts · 2 years
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crazyk-imagine · 8 months
Finding their Mate
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A/N: I had fun with the Twilight version of this and was in a tvd mood. Half of these I have no idea where these were going but we're here now so...
Didn't think that mates existed but then again, here you are, surprising him in more ways than one and he's seen a lot of things. You tried talking to him about it at first after learning about your connection, but that didn't work. What else was he supposed to do other than run away and pretend like he was never informed of your connection, stay? No, no, no because, that is not the Damon way... at least, not until you threaten to use all his bourbon as a flame retardant to burn down their house. He slowly becomes a little more lenient in building a stronger bond. When you two get closer and become a couple, he never looks back because, you are his everything which means he will do whatever he can or needs to do in order to protect you because too much happens in this damned town
He knew deep down that even though he loved Elena, it wasn't always going to last with the way it was between her and his brother. Even with their destiny tied them together; they never lasted. And to think his life was dramatic and chaotic then but now, you come into his life, almost as if out of nowhere was even crazier. Finding out that his epic love actually came from a place of fate, someone who could complete him and make him feel whole...was interesting, to say the least. He didn't know what to expect but he knew right away there was something special about you and always wanted to know more about you (before the whole mates' thing came about). After getting together, he realized he's more honored to be your mate and knows it's better than anything he's had before
She hoped that she'd find the one person she knew she was meant to be with because of watching how her parents were when she and Jeremy were growing up. They were her role models and wanted what they had. Finding out that she is actually meant to be with someone who wasn't Stefan was, shocking, really but it was also a good thing because this meant she could have a romantic life with you. She's always felt something for you which confused her more than anything but then Damon informed her about the whole mates' thing and concerned everyone when they had just found out about the sire bond. The only reason the older Salvatore told her was when he caught her staring at you for the millionth time, forcing her to understand more about you
She barely started understanding the supernatural world and finding out that mates existed was crazy as hell. Honestly, it was the last thing she needed to hear. But then you started putting in an effort, putting her first (compared to what her friends do), she realized that maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have a mate. She was careful, guarded almost, at the beginning but your patience won in the end, and she knew you're the one for her. Everyone else (especially Caroline) was so happy that their friend found someone as awesome as you were; not to mention the fact that the blonde vampire is planning your guy's wedding already and is most definitely, going to fight whoever plans on being Bonnie's bridesmaid
She never knew mates existed, always thought it was a fictional thing even with the whole supernatural world going on around her because no one really talked about it. She was the kind of girl who talked about having an epic love, but never realized she was talking about mates. Meeting you and then Bonnie telling her about the real reason behind your connection (and calming her mind, shutting down the thoughts of her being sired to you), she was excited. She finally had someone to spoil and someone who could take care of her. She offered to take you out, wanting to explain... everything since you know nothing and are being dragged into her hectic life. She will do everything she can to protect you
The only reason he had an ounce of knowledge about mates was because of his wolf, had he not turned, he probably would have never found out and would have been whoring himself out to anyone he could (even more). But then you stepped foot into town, and it drove his wolf absolutely insane, to the point where he was starting fights with anyone. His wolf tried telling him, but it was hard for the boy to understand when he barely understood the supernatural world as it is. Then you found your way into his life and changed him, in more ways than one. He was lucky he didn't need to explain to much about the supernatural to you, but he still wasn't happy to know you were aware of, well, everything. It scared him, he doesn't want to lose you
When he became a vampire hunter, he didn't think he was going to be more than that and then when he died and came back, he wasn't all that pressed to talk to people and make friends. Then, you came, and things changed. He was working a shift at the grill when you walked in, and he was thought you were just- wow. Luckily you were seated in his section, giving him more opportunities to talk and try learning more about you. You caught the hints he was throwing and decided to throw him a bone, his number was immediately put in after picking up the bill. And, dammit if he hadn't texted you after his shift. He put in a genuine effort and found out you two were mates (who would have thought), certainly not you two
He's been around for a while, knew a few things to help him get by and read a little bit about these things when he got into the supernatural world. So, he wasn't too alarmed when he found out he was mated to you but imagine his surprise when he finds out you also know about the supernatural and... actually know how to defend yourself, if needed. That man is floored, he thought he was going to need to show you a thing or two. What else would you expect from the guy who taught and helped all the kids learn about these things. (Don't even get him started on the time when Klaus had his body and knew before he did. He will go bonkers). He's not the happiest about others knowing about your bond but no one can keep their mouths shut anymore
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cupidmydarling · 11 months
Let's talk about Tyler Lockwood. The guy is a TOTAL smash (Ik how that sounds but am I wrong?) and with a little bit of delusion his fanfics could be awesome. I need some x readers. Pretty please if anyone wants to write that ;)
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
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Part 2
Kid!Fem!Reader x Damon!Salvatore x Stefan!Salvatore
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of boobs, mentions of sex, blood ig
It's 2:30am and your thrashing around in your bed, crying. Your dreaming about some time in the early 1890's when you were kidnapped by a vampire hunter, he was torturing you. He was using vervain ropes to tie you up and stab wood through you, getting closer to your heart every time. You did eventually get away but the dream is recapping every part of the torture that happened.
At some point you started to scream. Katherine came running in as fast as she could since the room she's staying in is right next to yours.
"Hey, hey, hey y/n wake up" she said, shaking you.
Once you woke up and saw Katherine sitting at the edge of the bed beside you, you jumped into her arms. Your head resting on her shoulder, crying your eyes out.
"Were you having a bad dream, hun?" Katherine asked rubbing your back.
You nodded feverishly. "You want to talk about it?"
"Wan' Stefy and Damy" you whined and then nuzzled your head into her chest.
Without much thought and because your tired, you started to trace the curves of her boobs from the cleavage of her top. Katherine looked at you and smiled, holding back a laugh. She stood up and started walking to Stefan's room with you in her grasp, continuing the movements of tracing her breasts.
You guys finally got to Stefan's room and right as she was about to turn the doorknob she heard noises of him and Elena having sex.
"Okay, how about we go see Damon instead" Katherine looked to where now you started to suck on your index and middle fingers.
She just decided to let that be Damon's problem, knowing there was a high chance of you biting her fingers. Now she was heading to Damon's room and opened the bed, going inside.
Katherine went over to his bed and placed you on it, making sure you couldn't fall off before waking him up.
"Damon!" All he did was just grunt and turn the other way. "Damon wake up! y/n had a nightmare" that woke him up and he sat up to see you and Katherine.
You rushed and climbed into Damon's lap, still crying. "I'll leave you two alone now" Katherine said while she left, going back to her room.
"What was your dream about y/n/n?" Damon asked, trying to pull your fingers out of your mouth.
You tried to bite him but stopped when he gave you a 'don't even think about it or else' look.
"Mean 'erson hur' me. Burn a wot and awmost kiwl me" you said with a sob.
Damon looked down at you with widened eyes, thinking you would've forgotten about that experience by now. "Oh bub, it's okay. I promise that will never happen to you again" Damon said, reassuring you.
You looked up at him and he wiped the tears off your face with his thumbs. "Pwomise?" You asked.
"I promise" He said and kissed your forehead.
Not so long after, you fell asleep Damon noticed Alaric leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. Damon just rolled his eyes while Alaric walked in going over to him.
"That was cute and impressive" he said to Damon.
"Well she's my baby sister. Literally" Damon said nodding down to where you were now sucking your thumb, leaning against his chest.
Damon laid down with you still laying on his chest, pulling a blanket up. “So are you just going to stand there and stare at us sleeping?” Damon said while closing his eyes. 
 Alaric softly smiled again then left, closing the door on his way out, going back to bed.
In the morning (later)
Every one is now  awake and downstairs, Bonnie and Elena making breakfast. At first Tyler was helping but then got kicked out after almost starting a fire on the counter somehow. Stefan was sitting on one of the couches with a mug of coffee and realized that it was way too quiet.
“Hey where’s Damon?” To Stefan’s question everyone looked around the room, not seeing him. 
Katherine just chuckled and everyone turned their heads towards her suspiciously. “What?” She asked.
“What did you do?” Stefan started to walk over to her.
“She didn’t do anything.” “Yeah, listen to Mister history teacher over there” Katherine said with a smirk. 
“Just go to his room and you’ll see why, it’s cute” Stefan listened to her and sped up to Damon’s room. 
“It is never a good sign when you say something is cute” Elena said walking over and sitting on the couch opposite from her, with a plate of the food her and Bonnie just finished.
“If you don’t believe me just wait until the three of them come down here” She said back to Elena.
“Three? Is y/n with Damon?” Tyler asked and Katherine just nodded.
Soon Stefan and Damon came down the stairs with you in Damon’s arms, leaning on his shoulder, still half asleep. 
“Was she with you the whole night?” Stefan asked as Damon sat down next to Bonnie.
“Yup, she had a nightmare, Katherine brought her to my room at like two in the morning, crying” He said, starting to play with your hair.
“Wait was y/n crying or was Katherine?” Jeremy asked confused, while grabbing some of the food.
“y/n” Katherine said glaring at him. 
You looked up, hearing your name being said, rubbing your eyes with closed fists cutely. You then were staring at some fruit on Bonnies plate. “Do you want a piece of pineapple?” Bonnie asked you.
You nodded your head and bonnie handed you a piece, you started to chew it and after a couple seconds brought your hands up and spat it out into them. Making a disgusted facial expression. Damon immediately carried you over to the sink in the kitchen to wash your hands, getting all the chewed up pineapple off. He also grabbed a paper towel to wipe your chin.
“Alright you don’t like pineapple, noted” Damon said and walked back into the room where everyone else is, everyone now finished their food. “Down p’ease” You mumbled.
He set you down and you went over to Elena, making grabby hand motions. Elena smiled and picked you up, setting you on her lap. Damon sat down, looking offended because you picked you’d rather go to Elena than stay with him.
You turned to face her and saw her necklace. You reached a hand out and touched the necklace but then quickly took back your hand, burned by vervain. Your eyes started to water and Elena pulled you into a hug and started to rub your back. 
“I’m sorry” Elena whispered.
You rested your head on her shoulder and started to trace the curve of her boobs showing. Everyone started staring at what your doing and Elena looked confused before Stefan came over lifting you up, placing you on his hip.
You looked at him with a pout on your face. “Where did you even- why?” Stefan asked while Caroline chuckled at what you just did. 
“Hmmmm I wonder where?” Katherine said smirking at Stefan then Elena. 
“What are you talking about?” Elena asked.
“The fact that last night she started to do that exact same thing to me last night and then when I got to your room you guys were having sex. Also just the fact that she’s related to Damon” Katherine said and you started to kick Stefan to let you down.
Everyone stared shocked at the couple while Stefan let you down. “What did I say about the kicking yesterday?” Stefan said crouched down to your level.
“yes kicking” You said with a smile and ran over to Alaric, clinging to his legs.
“I’m pretty sure that won’t sink into her mind anytime soon” Caroline said and went over to you lifting you up from where you were holding on for dear life to Alaric’s legs.
“Wow she has a strong grip” He said, surprised. 
When Caroline sat back down you started to play with her hair and brought it up to your nose to sniff it. “Smell ‘ood” you said looking up at her.
“I think she likes your hair” Tyler said.
“Don’t be a smart ass” Bonnie said to him.
“ass!” You exclaimed, excitedly.
“No, remember what I said yesterday if you said a bad word?” Stefan said, looking at you. 
Again Jeremy and Tyler were laughing, not helping at all. You look confused at Stefan’s question, your head laid down against Caroline’s chest. 
“Well what I remember is that if you said a bad word you get time with a bar of soap in your mouth” Stefan said. 
“Okay. I no say bad word” You glumly answered your brother.
Meanwhile Elena got a text. “Guys, it’s Elijah. He said we need to meet up. Like now” Said Elena, standing up.
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imaginefan · 6 months
Be Better
Tyler Lockwood X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 820
Requested: Anon
Request: Can you write a story about reader asking Tyler out on a date but he is a jerk to her cause he can't help himself and tries to get reader to figure him? But she isn't sure if she can trust him? (You know cause in season 1 Tyler was a bit of a jerk), or however you'd like to do it. So this is way before when he isn't a werewolf. Thank you advance !
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Why did you think that it would be any different? People had warned you about Tyler the first time that you met him but up until this point he had proved them all wrong, he was nice to you, always checked in with you and honestly you had fallen for him hard. You decided that you were going to ask him on a date and that went better than you thought. What had gone wrong was the date itself, you had run into a couple of his friends who commented that you weren’t his usual pick and he decided to play along with them instead of sticking up for you. You pushed through the rest of the date not that it was anything like you thought it would be and then you went home.
Now you were standing in front of your mirror getting ready for bed, you trying to decide what it was that you wanted to do, whether it was worth giving him another chance if he asked for one. At this point it didn’t matter to you so you instead got into bed placing your phone face down on your bedside table and going to sleep. The rest of the weekend was spent with you trying to forget what had happened on Friday night but it was all worthless when you went back to school, with no texts from Tyler you assumed that he was done with you and you’d just have to deal with it.
The first time that you saw him you were walking to you locker, he was standing with Matt, he did look at you and waved but you didn’t acknowledge him instead you grabbed everything that you needed before heading to your homeroom. Only 10 minutes later did you get a text message from him.
I messed up didn’t I?
Again you ignored him, you didn’t actually have any classes together except for the one before lunch, you packed everything up and got ready to leave but as you turned to the corner to head back to your locker, someone grabbed you pulling you into an empty classroom. “You're avoiding me.” Tyler said. “Not very well apparently.” You muttered as you stepped away from him which he allowed. “What happened? I thought that everything went well.” He frowned. “Yeah, if teasing me with all of your friends was the goal, it feels more like a joke than a date.” You decided on honesty if you were going to be angry at him then he would know why. “I didn’t mean that.” He said. “I know that.” You frowned. “Then what’s going on?” He asked. “Tyler I’m not going to date you if I have to hide from your friends to save you image, I’m not going to be teased everytime that they catch us together. It doesn’t matter how much I like you, I won’t suffer that… Would you?” You asked. “No.” He answered. “I didn’t think so.” You turned and left the room after that, he didn’t stop you, he had things to make up for after all.
“So what are you going to do about (Y/N)?” Matt asked. “What?” Tyler looked at him. “How are you going to fix it?” He asked. “None of your business.” Tyler answered. “Alright dude, I'm just saying that she’s probably the best person that you’ve been interested in so I'll be mad at you if you let her slip away.” Matt shrugged as he watched you talk to one of your friends before disappearing out of sight. “I messed up pretty bad.” Tyler admitted. “Yeah you can be a jerk sometimes.” Matt teased. “Thanks man.” He rolled his eyes. “Look, all I’m saying is maybe if you just admitted it and showed her that you are serious about being better, it might work.” Matt suggested. “Yeah whatever man.” Tyler waved him off.
After school you started your walk home when Tyler pulled up beside you “can I drop you home, I want to talk to you about something.” He said, you thought about it for a second and finally walked over to the passenger side opening the door and getting in. “What do you want to talk about?” You asked. “I’m going to prove to you that it’s going to be different, I know what I did wasn’t… I’m a jerk and I am going to make it up to you, I don't expect you to believe me now but give me a chance to prove it to you.” He pleaded. “How?” You asked. “Well first we’re going to redo the first date and then you can decide whether you want a second one.” He answered as he pulled up to your house. “When?” You asked. “Friday?” He suggested. “Friday.” You nodded. “Really?” He asked. “Don't mess this up.” You warned him before getting out of the car and going into your house.
Requests and general question!
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girlkisser13 · 4 months
the vampire diaries masterlist
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alaric saltzman
alexia "lexi" branson
bonnie bennett
caroline forbes
damon salvatore
elena gilbert
jenna sommers
jeremy gilbert
katerina petrova/katherine pierce
lorenzo "enzo" st. john
lucas "luke" parker
malachai "kai" parker
matthew "matt" donovan
olivia "liv" parker
stefan salvatore
tyler lockwood
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captainsophiestark · 6 months
Matt Donovan x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Summary: Matt's SO convinced him to leave Mystic Falls behind in favor of attending college far, far away. Now, they've gotten themselves into a different kind of trouble.
Word Count: 1,391
Category: Fluff, Humor
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"Careful!" hissed my boyfriend, Matt Donovan, from behind me. His voice was tight with stress, but I just rolled my eyes.
"I'm always careful!" I hissed back. He scoffed.
"That is the biggest lie I've ever heard."
"Yeah, yeah. You know, you're sounding a little hypocritical as someone who used to go toe to toe with vampires."
I shot a meaningful look back at him over my shoulder, and he tensed. He was leaned out over the balcony of our college apartment, watching as I shimmied along the edge to the next balcony. He kept glancing at the distance from me to the ground, white-knuckled on the balcony railing.
"Can you please focus on what you're doing?" he ground out, not even bothering to respond to my vampire comment. I sighed.
"Don't worry, Matt, I'm almost there."
I faced forward again, refocusing on the last stretch to my goal. To be totally fair to Matt, it definitely wouldn't be good if I fell. But it wasn't that far from one balcony to the other, and after making it out of Mystic Falls and living to tell the tale, there was no way a dumb stunt for victory in a college prank war was going to take me down.
Finally, I made it to the other balcony, carefully climbing over it and away from the edge. I took a quick second to carefully creep forward and glance in the window of the apartment to make sure no one was home, and Matt and I weren't gonna get caught. Once I knew the coast was clear, I returned to the railing and leaned over to grin at Matt.
"Mission accomplished."
"Thank god. Now are you ready to finish this prank war, once and for all?"
"Oh, you know I am. Just hurry up and toss me that cardboard cutout, I don't want to get caught out here."
Matt shook his head, but he was still smiling as he started passing over the first piece of our prank. We'd found a cardboard cutout of some actor and were going to tape it up in the window, so it looked like some shadowy figure was lurking on the apartment balcony. Matt passed over a few light strips, and I set up a nice, terrifying red light glow in the background for added effect.
A little much? Maybe. But this was supposed to be the final move in an all-out, knock-down drag-out prank war. We couldn't exactly go easy.
After I got the red lights set, I unscrewed the deck lightbulb just slightly, so it wouldn't come on when the light switch was flipped. With another assist from Matt, I dumped a bunch of whipped cream and shaving cream on the floor, so it would be gross and slippery whenever someone came out here.
"Be careful!" Matt called as I leaned on my tippy toes and set up the last part of our prank: a banner that would drop down when the door was opened, declaring us the forever winners of the prank war.
"I am!" I whispered back. I stepped back once I'd finished, taking just a second to admire my handiwork. Then I hustled back to the balcony railing and my boyfriend.
"You probably have whipped cream on your shoes, so make sure you don't slip."
"Come on Matt, I'm fine. Besides, I have you to catch me if things go wrong."
"Contrary to what you apparently believe, I don't have super speed."
"Don't need it," I said, holding out a hand for Matt to take as I reached him, swinging both legs over the railing and landing in front of him with a grin. He shook his head, but he was smiling as he wrapped his arms around me.
"You know, when you convinced me to leave for college, a lot of your pitch revolved around not fearing for each other's lives anymore."
"Which is why our stakes are now prank war-level, and not life and death! Come on, Matt, take the victory with me."
He shook his head, still grinning as I leaned up and kissed him. After a moment we pulled apart, the grin on Matt's face even wider than before.
"Man. Tyler would be so proud right now."
"Oh yeah. We've stepped up our game big time since high school."
We shared a smile, then Matt sighed.
"So. What should we do while we wait for our neighbors to get back?"
"Well, we don't want to get too distracted and miss their reactions... maybe a game night?"
"With two people?"
"Yeah, so there's no one else for you to blame the loss on when I smoke you at Mario Kart."
Matt's jaw dropped in fake outrage as he laughed.
"Alright, you did it now. You're going down."
"Do your worst, Donovan," I teased, even as I moved closer and Matt wrapped an arm around my shoulders. The trash talk continued as we headed inside together, leaving the balcony door open so we wouldn't miss a second of the reactions from our neighbors.
Matt and I snacked and laughed and played a few ruthless rounds of Mario Kart, until we ended up with a two-two tie. Then, just my luck, I was ahead in the tiebreaker when we heard noise from the hallway that almost always meant our neighbors were home.
"Ope, that sounds like them," said Matt, not missing the opportunity to pause the game. "Guess we'll have to pick this back up later, so we don't miss their reactions."
I sighed dramatically. "Fine. But don't even thing about turning off that console, Donovan. I want to pick this race back up exactly where we left it."
"Yeah, yeah."
Matt waved me off, but I still watched carefully to make sure he didn't sabotage anything as we headed for our balcony. He gave me a grin and shook his head, but I just shrugged. He knew me well enough by now to know my competitiveness was no joke, as evidenced by the lengths I'd just gone to for this prank war.
Silently, Matt and I snuck out onto the balcony, just waiting for the reactions from our neighbors. We heard shouting a moment later, probably when they caught sight of the cardboard cutout in the window, and I had to hide behind Matt as I wrestled down a laugh.
The next few moments were a blur of shouting and panic as our neighbors worked up their courage to come out on the balcony, only to start shouting again. When we heard the sound of our banner dropping down and the shouts of fear changed to shouts of outrage, Matt and I stuck our heads around the corner, both of us grinning.
"Surprise!" I yelled. Every single person on the other balcony flipped me off, but Matt and I just laughed. "Consider that our checkmate move, ratcheted up a little after you threw my underwear all over the lawn."
For a brief moment, it seemed like our prank war might continue to escalate despite Matt and I declaring ourselves the winners. But as we talked over the balconies and the adrenaline faded, we came to an official truce and ended all pranking activity for this round.
"So, now that we've officially made peace, do you guys want to come over and play Mario Kart?" asked Matt, leaning casually against the railing. I turned around and smacked him in the chest.
"Not before we finish our championship round, Donovan!"
"We're in!" called our neighbors, immediately heading inside so they could come over to our place. I glared at Matt.
"We're finishing that race before they get here."
"I don't think we're gonna have time-"
"Only if you're slow in and out of the video game! Come on!"
I tugged Matt after me, laughing as we went. I managed to get him on the couch with a controller in hand, but our neighbors knocked on our door before I could unpause, and Matt took the opportunity to ex out of the match with a shit eating grin as he went to get the door. I threw a pillow at him, but I found myself smiling all the same. We'd just been crowned the winners of our prank war, after all, and any time I got to laugh and enjoy myself with Matt, like a normal couple, was a victory as far as I was concerned.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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writememysticfalls · 19 days
Welcome to writememysticfalls, a blog dedicated to fanfiction about The Vampire Diaries and The Originals
Fics will be posted four times a week
We accept requests!
🌻- Fluff  ☔️ - Angst  💋 - Suggestive
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The Vampire Diaries
Dive In - Stefan Salvatore x Reader 💋
7 Minutes in Heaven - Damon Salvatore x Reader 💋🌻
Three's A Crowd - Damon Salvatore x Elena Gilbert 💋
More coming soon...
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The Originals
All Night Long - Klaus Mikaelson x Reader 💋
Soaked - Klaus Mikaelson x Reader 💋
Naked - Elijah Mikaelson x Reader 💋
Wet - Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall 💋
More coming soon...
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The Hope of the Mikaelsons family Part two
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Summary: Y/n and Klaus deepen their bond as they spend the day painting together at Klaus's mansion. Caroline tries to reassure Elena and the others about Klaus's character, emphasizing that he has changed since his daughter's disappearance. Meanwhile, Marcel contacts the others to discuss the surprising news about Caroline's younger sister, Y/n, who shares the same name and age as Hayley’s missing daughter.
"Hey, I'm here, sorry for being late." Carolina sat on a chair next to Elena
"What took you guys so long? " Elena asks but she noticed you were not here "Wait, where's Y/n?"
"She's with Klaus." Carolina smiles
"Klaus Mikaelson is here?" Bonnie asked shocked
"Yes." Caroline nods with a smile
"Why did you leave Y/n with him? He's dangerous. " Elena says worried about your safety
"Come on, you know he changed."
"Do you really believe that he did?" Elena asks
"You know that he changed for his daughter." Caroline answers
"But sadly she got taken away."
"If he didn't change he would be after you Elena." Caroline looks over at Elena
"You're probably right Caroline that he has changed. " Elena smiles
"Believe me he did and I know for sure he wouldn't hurt Y/n. " Caroline smiles, knowing that she can trust Klaus with you
"So where are we going?" You asked Klaus
"To my Mansion I hope your sister doesn't mind." Klaus smiles
"Can we paint?" You asked with your puppy eyes
"Of course love." Klaus grabs your hand
"Rebekah, your family and you need to come to Mystic falls. " Marcel says, though the phone
"Why did something happen?" Rebekah asked worried
"No, but something might happen. I can't tell you over the phone it has to be in person." Marcel answers
"Fine, we'll be there tomorrow." Rebekah ends up
Marcel walks into the living room to find Klaus and you painting, "she loves painting just like you."
Klaus smiled "Yes, she does."
"As much as I love shopping, we have to be done, I need to go get my sister from Klaus." Caroline took out her phone to call Klaus "hey where are you guys?"
"We're at my Mansion painting Why?"
"It's time to go home, see you in three.”
"No, it's fine, I'll bring her home."
"Klaus I don't think it's a good you know how's my mother."
"I know, but Y/n is having so much painting."
"Fine, bring her home before 7."
"I should will."
"I guess we can go on and shop again."
"Why did Marcel call you?" Freya asked
"He wants us to go to Mystic falls because he needs to tell us something." Rebekah says
"I can't leave New Orleans, I still need to look for my daughter." Hayley tells Rebekah
"I know Hayley but he wants us to go to Mystic falls." Rebekah tells Hayley
"Is it really that important that he couldn't tell you over the phone?" Kol asked
"Klaus probably did something stupid." Elijah said
"Who knows but we're leaving tomorrow."
Klaus was walking you to your house "love I had so much fun today."
"I did too. could we do it again?"
"Of course."
Your sister opened the door with a smile "thank you so much for bringing her home safely."
"Of course Caroline we had so much fun today."
"I'm glad that you both did."
"Bye love, have a good night. " Klaus gave you a kiss and a hug as Caroline give him a sad smile
"Bye Caroline."
"Bye Klaus."
It's been a long drive for the Mikaelson siblings and Hayley but at least they were in Mystic falls already
"Thank you guys for coming. " Marcel welcome them
"Now tell us what you couldn't tell me over the phone." Rebekah tells Marcel
"Caroline has a small sister." Marcel tells them
"And?" Kol rolls his eyes
"What does that have to do with us?" Rebekah asks
"You made us come here just to tell us that Klaus's girlfriend has a sister." Kol crossed his arm
"Klaus has been hanging out with her so much she loves painting just like Klaus now they're painting buddies." Marcel says
"I'm confused when did Caroline have a sister?" Freya asked
"Probably she was hiding her from the drama and the supernatural that's going on." Hayley answers
Marcel gives Hayley a sad look "Hayley I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry for? " Hayley asked, confused
"For what I'm going to say her name is also Y/n and she's also five years old just like your-"
"Just like my daughter. " Hayley says sadly "I want to meet her so take me with her
"She'll be here in a few minutes."
minutes later They heard a door open
"They're here."
Klaus and you walked into the living room, Klaus was shocked to see his family here
"Hey. " Klaus greets making everyone to turned around to face Klaus and you they gave you a shock stare
"Meet Y/n forbes." Klaus smiles
"Hey little one. " Everyone smiles at you
"Hey Klaus, can I talk to you? " Hayley asks
"Can it wait?" Klaus says
"Fine Y/n stay here I'll be back."
"Why didn't you tell me about Y/n?" Hayley asks hurt
"Because I didn't wanted you to think that she's our daughter." Klaus tells Hayley sad
"I know, but I deserve to know about her. I wanted to go back to New Orleans, but I'm going to stay just in case."
"I don't know if Marcel told you but she loves painting. She's a professional at painting." Klaus smile
"Yeah, he told us." Hayley laughs, "I didn't know that Caroline has a sister."
"I didn't know either, but Caroline told me Y/n was living with some family In New York because Caroline and their mother wanted her away from the drama and to keep her safe."
"I know right but anyways let's go back to the living room."
Klaus and Hayley went back to the living room to see that you started already painting
Hayley looks at you "She's a good painter."
Klaus nodded "you should see her drawings as well, she's making beautiful drawings."
"Klaus come here and paint with me." You said
"I'll be right there in a second." Klaus tells you
Hayley went to sit on the couch with Freya and Rebekah as kol and Marcel were watching Klaus and you paint
"Are you ok Hayley?" Freya asks, worry
"I don't know if I'm?" Hayley answers
"What's wrong?" Rebekah asked
"I don't know, but I feel a connection with Y/n she's just like Klaus, they both love painting." Hayley says
"I feel it too. There's something about her and we're going to figure it out."
"Ok painters come here and take a break Elijah baked cookies for us to enjoy." Freya said, smiling at you
"Yay cookies I love cookies." You jump up and down happily
"Here's your milk sweetie." Hayley handed you your glass of milk
"Thank you, could we watch a Disney movie?"
"Of course love what movie do you want to watch?"
"I want to watch Encanto."
You lay between Klaus and Hayley as the Mikaelsons and Marcel smiled at the image of the three of you that they decided to take a picture to have it as a memory
By the time the movie ended you fell as sleep with both Klaus and Hayley holding you as they slept as well, everyone were sleeping not waking up as Klaus phone kept ringing
"There's bad news Sheriff Forbes."
"What is it?"
"The Mikaelsons are back in town."
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n3x0tic · 2 years
Male reader x Tyler Lockwood:
A/n: I feel like there aren’t close to any Tyler Lockwood male reader inserts. He need to be appreciated moreeee!
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Y/n Bennett was you name, the younger brother of Bonnie Bennett by a few years, also you were naturally a witch given you family’s bloodline. To you, magic was like a missing piece that made everything fit once you delved in it with you sister and the guidance of your grandmother. While you’re sister was more creative with her magic and spells, yours were powerful due to the way you channeled your emotions while using magic. To say the least you two were a force to be reckoned with when your powers combined.
Naturally, being the youngest of the Bennett´s, that implied that you and Jeremy became sort of best friends, you didn’t hang out as much, but you made sure to talk and keep up with what happened with your lives. However, unlike him you always kept a secret until a few years later, that being the fact that you and Tyler hooked up a lot. Out of respect for his decision you didn’t say his name when you rarely talked about getting in bed with someone, and so did Tyler, since from what you’ve gathered he never told Matt.
You’re relationship with him always had ups and downs, and due to the nature of your relationship you were on and off. It was something secretive since you had a relationship of brothers until puberty attacked the both of you. Much to your dislike, the arrival of the vampire brothers actually made your relationship become better, at first it was a chaos, Bonnie almost jumping on Tyler because the brothers snitched on him, they didn’t care about you guy’s sexuality, mostly due to you coming out.
What do I mean much to your dislike? Because you actually believed that everything in your lives worsen when they vampires were involved, the death of your grandmother being a key point in your way of thinking. Then Tyler was revealed to be a werewolf, and even at first when you were wary of Caroline´s actions, her intentions of helping him during his shifting was genuine. Soon after everyone’s life being in a constant border between life and death was tiresome and irritating for you, but for some strange reason everyone was brainwashed to always keep doing their suicidal missions, and more so when it involved Elena, which you started to resent for her lack of actual participation, her ridiculous moral compass that only served to judge, and her ability to always be the center of everything that want’s to put in danger Mystic Falls.
After Elena went into slumber, soon after Damon doing the same you and Tyler actually got together, got married, and owned a Cabin far from Mystic falls, only Bonnie and Matt knew, the latter visited every once in awhile, meanwhile you visited Bonnie at the mental health center. You somewhat though you were being selfish, after finally being happy from the life you wanted with Tyler, away from the supernatural problems, and more of the supernatural benefits. Your witch identity gave you an opportunity to help others with with day to day stuff, like performing spells for the protection of others, offering guidance, and preparing natural remedies for sickness and wounds for a price of course, and an affordable one at that. Tyler did his own thing here and there while trying to learn to live every day with his werewolf nature.
Then you were informed that Damon was awake again, and another villain was on the rise. You of course let everyone know that you we’re no longer participating on that crusade, and that they shouldn’t ask Tyler either since you guys lost so much for you to keep loosing, mostly Tyler than you. What you didn’t expect was that Tyler didn’t come home after the day before, and there was no sign of him through text or calls. As much as you tried to calm yourself, you couldn’t do much, you had a bad feeling and your intuition rarely ever failed you, but you wished so hardly that this time it failed. Hours kept passing and you tried to busy yourself sorting things making medical remedies and then you organized a few documents on the living room table since you were supposed to go through with them when once Tyler arrived. Then noon came, you called severa times to his phone and after a few seconds it always went directly to voicemail. You waited a few minutes, only to receive Matt’s call with heavy news.
"Y/n, I’m so sorry…" Your skin crawled, freezing in your spot as you knew the words that soon would follow. "It’s Tyler, he’s dead." The hurt in his voice, the pain he once had to endure for his sister, his mother abandonment was nothing to loosing his best friend, his other half.
You hung up, in denial. Running towards the truck you both owned and heading straight to Mystic falls after an hour of traveling leaving the documents of adoption agencies that were in the table now in the floor. You knew it was real, but your mind couldn’t believe, making you believe that maybe it was their twisted way of trying to bring you back to the group to help the, or maybe there was a poison that was stopping his werewolf healing from working and he’s si unconscious that he looks dead.
When you arrived at the Salvator mansion, you opened the doors looking for Tyler, only to see a teared up Caroline with Stefan. Their gaze quickly went to you, they were both about to approach when you came quickly to them.
"Y/n, wait. He’s—" Caroline tried to stop you to ease you into it, but you went past them seeing the love of your life in a casket, his color almost completely leaving his skin.
"W-What happened…" Your voice quivered, and your body trembled, as you fought to maintain your composure from completely breaking, you took a long shaky breath, while your words came out flawlessly with an ice cold feeling to it. "Who…DID THIS TO HIM?!" The room shook violently as your words came out with fury and grief.
"It was Damon…" Stefan quickly told him. "He’s been under control of the siren and—." You cut his sentence short.
"Enough… I need sometime alone with him." The way your words by this time carried close to no emotion scared Caroline, it was as if you’d have shut your humanity, even if you weren’t capable of doing so, not like vampires at least.
"Sure, take all the time you need…" Caroline was soon entangled with Stefan who carried her in his arms. She felt a little frustrated knowing that she couldn’t do or say anything to help you in this crushing time. She understood your pain, knowing very well that the both of you lost a living being who was important, and caring in their lives.
Internalizing all this new information in your mind, the latter could finally confirmed what has happened, as you looked through every inch of your late husband’s body. Tears streaming down your face. That was the sign you needed to know that you couldn’t do anything in the face of death. If only Bonnie was still the anchor to the other side, maybe there was a chance to get him back again, but a las, she was reduced to a simple human with struggling magic. Maybe in a way you were cursed like your ancestors Qetsiyah, fated to be alone, with no lover, it happened to your grams and your mother at the end of the day, separated from the people they once loved.
After a while, the couple came back to see how you were coping.
" Y/n, how are you holding up..?" Caroline asked, but her footsteps came to a halt after noticing that you had disappeared alongside your truck.
She notified everyone just in case they saw you, thinking that maybe you were about to spiral or something worse. However weeks passed and there was no sign. It was very troublesome since Bonnie performed a locator spell but nothing about your whereabouts appeared, to which she assumed that you out a very powerful cloaking spell.
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cielodicemento · 2 years
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viavolterra · 1 year
favourite friendships to write in ur tvd fic?
mines lexi jesse and mia
yesss I love those 3, they’re a lot of fun to write bc I don’t get to do it a lot…yk bc jesse and Lexi are both dead. So the ghost chapter was one of my faves to write but it hurt so much to make them disappear
my fave would probably be Bonnie, Mia and Tyler, they’re gonna be moving in together next chapter which will be fun.
I feel like a lot of fics make damon, Caroline and Katherine best friends with the OC so it’s fun to do different characters that I haven’t seen written a lot
same with OCs and Elena, it rlly confuses me how ppl make Gilbert sister OCs hate elena but be besties with Katherine…like it makes no sense but oh well their fics their choice
Mia and Rebekah are also very fun to write esp in the present time, they were so pure and cute in the 20s tho and I miss that.
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Hey, I want to get to know y'all! Tell me where your from and something about your culture you love the most or something you love to do where you live! I love to hear about different cultures!
I'm Ashlee, I'm from the Unites States, one thing I love to do is go to the beach. I save up money and go to the Outer Banks in North Carolina, USA. It's one of the most beautiful places I believe. But it's nothing like the outer banks tv show. Truly. Lol
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imaginefan · 2 years
Tyler Lockwood X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1045
Requested: Anon
Request: Hey can you do a a Tyler lockwood x mate reader where after the reader gives birth to tyler son and klaus forces her and her son to be with him and she accepts it
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The day that your son was born should have been the happiest day of your life but in the time that the nurse left the room and your mate Tyler came to see you something had happened, Klaus had come to you first ordered that you come with him or he’d kill you baby, you had no idea what he was planning but you couldn’t let him hurt the baby that you had just given birth to so you left with him hoping that the cameras in the hospital would be enough for everyone to figure out what was going on.
Klaus had put you and your son in a room, he locked the doors and only allowed it to be opened when you needed food for yourself or the baby, everything else was inside the room, there was a toilet, bath clothes for you and the baby. He planned this which means that there was something he wanted or needed from your friends.
The first time that he had come to see you was 3 days in “what am I doing here?” “I just need something from your friends, I doubt they would have listened if I didn’t have something to hold over them.” Klaus answered “you should be glad I could have just taken the baby, but I’m not a monster.” “Glad you told me, I thought otherwise.” You glared at him and he sighed. “Are you going to tell me what you want?” “Well actually that’s what I came for.” He said as he sat down in one of the chairs in the room “so you know that your baby will be a hybrid correct?” He asked. “That’s basic science, yes.” You nodded. “Did you know how many people will want him dead?” Klaus asked. “I do because they are all trying to kill my daughter as well.” He explained. “Daughter?” You asked. “I’ll show you.” He gestured for you to follow him, you frowned but he already had you what more could you do, instead you stood with your son cradled in your arms, he led you through to compound until you came to a room, when he opened the door, Rebekah was sitting in the room with a little baby one that must have been maybe a year old. “This is your daughter?” You asked. “She looks like you.” “Your boy looks like his father.” Klaus said as he glanced at the baby in your arms. “Who is trying to hurt her?” You asked. “They’re a group of organised hunters, they are easy to deal with but there are a lot of them, I need help to get rid of them all and of course there’s Marcel.” Klaus answered. “Who is Marcel?” You asked. “Someone I turned years ago, he might not kill your boy but you should be careful around him.” Klaus answered.
“Klaus!” You would recognise that voice anywhere. “You should let me talk to him, I’ll let you explain but he’ll only listen if he knows that we are safe.” You explained, Klaus had witnessed Tyler’s anger before and he knew that you were right so he nodded and gestured for you to follow him. “Tyler.” Klaus smirked when he came into view. “Where are they!?” Tyler asked. “They’re here.” Klaus answered as he stepped to the side, you smiled at him as you attempted to walk towards him Klaus grabbed your arm. “Not so fast love.” Tyler let out a dangerous growl and Klaus lifted his arm in surrender. “Let me talk first then you can go see him.” “What do you want?” Tyler asked. “I need your help to get rid of some hunters.” He answered “some of them have taken residence in Mystic Falls, I think they were looking for you and now they’ll be looking for your son too.” “Why not just tell me that?” Tyler asked. “Would you have listened?” Klaus asked. “I also needed you away from the rest of the scooby doo gang if we were going to get anywhere.” “What makes you think that I’ll listen to you now?” Tyler asked. “You wouldn’t have bothered asking if you weren’t willing to listen.” Klaus answered. “Tyler, we have to work with them if we want to keep Theo safe.” You called and he glared. “I don’t trust you.” Tyler declared and Klaus shrugged. “But for now we will have to work together to keep our children safe.” Klaus said. “Fine.” Tyler answered. “Go.” Klaus relented, you moved faster than you ever have before, keeping your son close to you as you met Tyler at the bottom of the stairs, he wrapped his arms around you pulling you close, careful not to crush the small body between you. “Are you okay?” He asked. “We’re fine, both of us, he gave us a room and everything. I promise nothing happened.” You said softly. “He’s okay?” Tyler asked, running his thumb over Theo’s cheek. “Yeah…” You answered. “You’ll have to stay here at least until we get them out of New Orleans…” Klaus called. “You know where your room is.” “You're not going to escort us there?” Tyler asked. “I trust her to keep a promise and to keep you in line.” Klaus answered before disappearing. “Come on… I want to actually rest.” You answered, taking Tyler’s hand and while he didn’t like the way that things had turned out, you were safe and he could work out the rest later.
Later that night when everything had calmed down and Theo had gone to sleep, Tyler took the time to check you over properly, you were both lying in bed as he gently ran his hands down your cheek “Are you sure that you are okay?” He asked. “I am, you found me really quickly, I’m okay, just tired.” You answered. “Are you sure?” He asked. “I’m sure.” You promised, pressing a kiss to his cheek, he didn’t let you get too far before he pulled you to him, holding you close. “Once this is over, I’ll never let anything happen to either of you again.” He said, wrapping his arms around you. “You didn’t let this happen to me.” You said. “You saved me.” “I will always be here.” He said softly.
*Part 2*
Requests and general question!
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5sos-saucyy · 8 months
Hi guys!!! So I’ve had Wattpad for 4 years now, I’ve been writing on and off but recently decided to publish a Multifandoms Imagines book! I’ve only uploaded 2 chapters so far but I’d really appreciate if you guys have it a look at!!
My Wattpad user is Love-Barnie and this is the cover to my book
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