#Twst headcannon
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etheries1015 · 2 years ago
*During the 3rd years class time*
Idia- How could you possibly find that attractive, Malleus?
Malleus- what do you mean? I see nothing wrong with my dearest. Do you have a problem with whom I choose to mate with, shroud?
Idia- Uhh..No, It's just...um.. *points ahead*
Yuu- *Laughing maniacally with glass shards sticking to them and blood dripping down their head before looking up and seeing malleus sitting among the students and gasping* Hi Mal Mal!
Malleus- *Smiles and waves back* Hello, my dear prefect.
Vil, mortified- You just flew through a glass window, How are you okay right now? We should get you to the nurse-
Yuu- Nah its okay! I'm sure I can fly one of these eventually, this actually went a lot better than last time! *Grabs broom* anyways, bye guys! *Proceeds to jump out the same (now shattered) window they came through to get back to gym class*
Malleus, in love- Ah...perfect.
Check out my masterlist for more of my writing!
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devilbeez · 7 months ago
Okay because I got into fruit basket recently I feel like the funnier alternative of “oh the twst boys all have a crush on Mc” is “all twst boys view Mc as their mom and trying so hard to compensate because in their mind it’s so weird and unheard of to think of someone their age/younger than them to be their mom” just like Yuki did with Tohru
Like consider where some of these mfs trauma stem from I would not be surprised if they accidentally called Mc mom or dad
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luna-the-moth · 7 months ago
deuce likes having you do his hair. surely.
anon...please...my heart can only take so much...permhaps , , , , dollification! with deuce , , , im being haunted i need to do his hair so nicely and dress him up , , ,
but i'll get into that in another post (if someone asks probably lol)! i think hair washing/styling and general personal care being done by your partner is sooo intimate it's genuinely my love language.
sfw, gn! reader <3
ur so right anon. he would live for it. having you massage his scalp with your nails scratching just right , , , gently washing his hair and making sure it doesn't get in his eyes , , , using a shampoo/conditioner in a scent he likes (that will later be a staple in his hair-care routine) , , ,
drying his hair and laughing as his hair fluffs up into different shapes like a baby chick , , , combing gel through his hair and seeing his confidence visible spike (pun intended <3) and see him sit up straighter , , , seeing him grin at his reflection once you're done, thanking you profusely and asking if he could do your hair as well , , , he wants to take care of you just as you have taken care of him, and will learn every single step with the determination of an honors student , , ,
he'll ask you to do his hair again for special occasions- he feels a bit shy about asking you to do it more often, but you can see the tension in his shoulders visibly ease out of his body whenever you do it , , ,
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rath00ker · 2 years ago
Random headcannons about twst characters
Vargas owes a King Charles spaniel with a really cute name like Cinnamon or Sweetie. He fucking loves this dog and Crewel was the one that helped him adopt her
Idia has an unhealthy addiction to blue razz flavored stuff
Trein was Sam, Crewel and Vargas teacher when they went to NRC
Trein caught Crewel smoking while he was still a student at NRC and now that they are both working together everytime Crewel goes on a smoke break Trein will just stare at him with the most disappointed look til he puts his cigarette out
Crewel is hypersexual (you will rip this hc out of my cold dead hands)
Vargas’s favorite student is Floyd because he thinks all the wild shit he does is funny
When Deuce was little he thought that teachers lived at the school
Floyd has no sense of style what so ever and if he was aloud to dress himself he would dress like a mix of Adam Sandler and Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad
Trein is the teacher that stands behind you while your saying the most outrageous shit to your friends and just stares at the back of your head til you turn around
Crowley is scared of Trein and Trein could boss him around if he wanted to
Lilia used to tutor Trein when he was pre teen and he nearly had a heart attack when he showed up as one of his students
Leona has kicked people out of Savanaclaw for being misogynistic and has throat punched a boy once
Jade throws away Floyd or Azul’s food when he’s mad at them
Floyd and Jade will get into fights and just beat the shit out of each other before calming down and eating lunch together like nothing happened
Jamil reads cheesy romance novels marketed for 30 year old women
Kalim watches horror movies without flinching or jumping
When Ruggie gets sick he won’t take medicine then wonders why he’s been sick for so long
That’s all bye
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modkandmodc · 1 year ago
Random twst thought
So you know how Yuu is from another world right? I know canonically magic affects them, but what if
What if Yuu isn't affected by most magic?
Like, the stronger ones still work on them, but they have high magic res so there aren't many that do affect them
Since they're from another world, their biology is bound to be different in some way. Otherwise that'll be a bit too convenient imo.
What if magic doesn't even really affect them at all? Maybe the nature of magic is actually a harmless force to them? Or maybe magic is like a virus of some sort that twst people are just kind of weak against. This would be a really funny scenario to explore honestly.
Alternatively, since I made a virus comparison, what if Yuu is like, reaaally weak against magic? They're not someone from twst, and a whole new type of energy that their body isn't used to might have a really big impact on them and easily harm them (if you want to go the angst route).
Or it might cause a severe allergic reaction because even if it's harmless, like healing magic (which I assume either replaces cells or speeds up their growth), even if it's supposed to help you, the fact that it's a foreign thing the human body isn't used to might make the body attack the new cells instead, and rather than heal the wound, it makes it worse.
Both are fun thought to entertain and since I have two Yuu OCs I might make them both have this muehehehehe
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mylittlesecrethaven · 6 months ago
This might be a repost?
Y'know how a lot of the fics have Malleus's horns as super sensitive?
What if they were the opposite?
Like, he gets extremely turned on if he can feel you messing with them,
But he can't tell if you're messing with them unless you're tugging hard.
Like, gripping tight during sex and pulling with all your might and he just fucking loses it or something.
(idk. Just another headcannon I have that kinda goes with the Trey teeth brushing.)
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justyoureverydaytwstsimp · 1 year ago
Meet my twst OC: Kim Whitehare
Kim is a serious, no dilly-dallying type of girl.
She sees instructions, she does the instructions. She is a great mage, with lots of power. Not only that, she has an insatiable hunger for information. Kim spends her free time at the library, always reading. The books range from proper etiquette to history of making magic pens. Unfortunately, Kim is also stubborn. So stubborn that she sees her perspective as the only right thing, the only right way.
Kim doesn't mess around. She's serious, and barely smiles.
But she was not always like this.
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<photo above: Little Kim with messy hair humming to herself as she puts water in the baby bottle>
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<Little kimmy takes the milk powder yet stops. "Huh?">
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<"milk is kinda boring...">
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<returns the milk and takes the tea bag box.
"Tea is better! much cooler!">
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<feeds little brother with tea bag in bottle
"eat up, baby!">
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<a casket. Mother was crying. "My son, my son", She wails. Brother was dead. Kim reached for her, tears in her eyes. "Momma...">
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<*slap* big words surround Kim. "You! You killed my son! You MONSTER! You should've KNOWN BETTER! Cause of YOU, My son is dead. My son...>
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<young Kim studying a book, with her hair tied, though still kinda messy
"I should've known better">
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<Student Kim reaches for a book from the library. Book is called "Etiquette. "I will know better>
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<Kim in a graduation toga with her doctorate/phd looking smug.>
"I know better."
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<Kim Whitehare with a doctor's uniform, with a serious expression on her face.
"Welcome to the team, Dr. Whitehare"
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devilbeez · 1 year ago
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@d3m0lix @nboa13466
When you remember that paintings can talk in TWST:
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You can't forget about Rosalia from Cater's vignette, she's lonely too.
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marigoldendragon · 4 months ago
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The twins really took one look at Ernesto's flags and said 'red is my favourite colour'
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elizzsush · 9 months ago
Beastmen Courting Rituals | TWST
Savanaclaw Dorm X Reader
Leona X Reader, Ruggie X Reader, Jack X Reader,
---- BeastFolk typically have instinctual ways they begin 'courting' or a relationship, some even taught from a young age certain courting rituals. (Non-Human courting rituals part 1/3)
Note: Fun fact, I began making Fae courting first but then I posted the future kid thing and didn't want to post two Diasomnia so close together!
Octavinelle Ver | Diasomnia Ver.
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It started very small, one day he was there, the next he was there again, and the next he was also there.
He was always there.
Then it got a bit... weird? You noticed that when he would approach you, he was making this grumbling, whining sounds? You don't even think he realized it. You chose to ignore this fact for now, maybe it was just because he was a beast man? You didn't want to be rude by saying anything- or make him feel embarrassed.
After that he began to help you with your hair more as well. Well, your general appearance. He'd help you fix your uniform and brush off any dust or anything you'd may want or need help with. In turn you helped him back, it was only fair after all!
Never mind his flushed face while you did this, moving small hairs back in place and picking any particles off his own uniform.
"There's our dynamic pair! beauty and the beast man." Ace teased, a confident grin on his face while you sat down at the table, Jack not too far behind you.
Jack just rolled his eyes, a small blush on his face as he ignored Ace. Aka, while he did the smart thing to do. You, however, have yet to learn that Despite so many months of friendship and raised an eyebrow at the Card boy. "What are you talking about." You rolled your eyes at the boy.
"You don't know? but it's so obvious!" Ace frowned, Grim nodding beside him in agreement, though you doubted he even knew what the boy was talking about. "His tail is always wagging like a fan when he's talking to ya! He's totally in l-" just as Ace was about to finish speaking Jack piped up, his ears straight on his head in an alert manner and his tail stiff behind him.
"I didn't get anything to drink when we got food." He excused himself, you tried to get a look at his face because he wasn't looking at you but he didn't look back and stood up.
Glancing at his tray, you didn't fail to notice the milk carton on it. Plush, Jack was always the prepared, diligent one. That was so odd... You glanced back at Ace only to find him laughing to himself like the funniest thing just happened. "Whatever, where is Deuce?" You rolled your eyes.
"Why should I know? I'm not his mom."
After that, Ace started calling you dense. Maybe you were because you really didn't know what the hell he was talking about.
After that it was like there was a switch in Jack. He began to be touchier, not that you minded of course! Cuddling with friends is always nice, and you liked to think it was because of his more... animalistic features and instincts he was cuddlier.
But somehow it felt more intimate. He'd nuzzle his face into your neck and hang off of you like he was a coat instead of a large man who was... well jacked.
You'd often wrestle him off of you because he had gotten into the habit of, as you said before, hanging off of you! He'd whine and almost instinctually wrestle you back to stay into his place.
You may not be as strong as him, but you also didn't hate the way he'd run with you at P.E. You knew he could easily run laps around everyone, but instead he stuck with you. Smiling at you exhausted look and cheering you on. "I'm sure Coach Vargas wouldn't mind us taking a break?" He laughs a bit awkwardly after you glared at him for suggesting it when he barely even broke a sweat.
It wasn't till after Leona off Handly mentioned something about you smelling like Jack. Even wrinkling his nose and saying that he "didn't have to lay it on that thick." That you started to think, maybe, just maybe, something else was going on here.
So, you went to the library. Got yourself your very own book (that you had to return in two weeks) on Beastfolk Mating rituals.
Suddenly, it made sense why Ace thought you were dense. Apparently, this was commonish knowledge in this world! And maybe you were ignoring pretty obvious signs now that you thought about it.
So, one afternoon when Jack was hanging off of you, that look in his eyes you hadn't noticed till now. You bit his hand. His ears straightened in surprise and he looked at you for a moment. A thick blush on his face.
"Am I dense or are you courting me?" You finally asked now that you had his attention.
"I have been for a while now..." He sheepishly admitted while not looking you in the eye.
He avoided you like the plague, at first.
Even now, sometimes when he's approaching you, you noticed that he might backtrack and hesitate.
Now he is a lot more relaxed, often hanging off of your shoulder. Now that he knows you won't bite his head off. His tail would wag behind him slightly while he interacted with you. A stark contrast to the stiff, alert eared boy he was just a little while ago!
You will say though, it did take some of your lunches to get here. You'd equate this process to that of getting a scared cat to approach you with treats. Now, you didn't even need the treats to get him around! He'd approach you first now too. Still with hesitance, but once he did come up to you he did seem to enjoy himself.
"He loved hanging off of you and cuddling up to you. He was very handsy, (Like most beast men, you'd later learned) His face often nuzzled into the nook of your neck. "He loved hanging off of you and cuddling up to you. He was very handsy, (Like most beast men, you'd later learned) His face often nuzzled into the nook of your neck.
"It's so weird to see a Ruggie-Senpai hang out with you so much." Deuce said off handedly one afternoon. You two were studying together when he thought of this.
"What do you mean?" You couldn't help but ask the card solider. Putting your pen down as you looked at him curiously.
The boy just shrugged, a odd look on his face. "I don't know, I just thought Hyena beast men were more... You know." he added a bit awkwardly. You decided to drop it there.
"Yeah... Anyway, I think I remember-"
The interaction stood out in your head, however. What exactly did Deuce even mean? After that interaction, you noticed a couple things as well. Beast students would look at you and nodded at you in recognition? Leona's nose would scrunch up a bit when you spoke to him (though he never made any comments on it), and when you walked into Savanaclaw a beast guy once mistook you for Ruggie before he looked at you?
What did any of that even mean?! When you asked Jack, he just said you smelt like Ruggie.
That small interaction you had with Deuce quickly began to send you down a hill of thinking about everything Ruggie ever did! How he hung off of you, and how you two hung out. It got even weirder when Ruggie offered you some food. Like he had been for a while.
This was very out of character for the Hyena boy! How did you not realize it before? So, you asked him about it. "How come you always offer me something when we eat together?"
He blushed a bit looking at you with wide eyes for a moment before shaking his head, "I do that don't I?" he laughed awkwardly, "I mean I bring food home for the neighborhood kids too. We all got to eat; you know?" He shrugged it off. You wondered what that meant, because he didn't do it with anyone else, but you failed to push him on the subject.
Your sad to say, you never fully realized what was happening till someone explained it to you.
He knocked on Ramshackle door with a handful of pretty dandelions and asked you on a date. "Perfect, would you like to um... go out with me?" he asked hesitantly, a nervous smile on his face while he put his head down. Like he was trying to protect his neck...
You said yes and it was after that Leona explained how annoying it was watching you two and basically inadvertently explained everything to you...
"That would have been helpful to know sooner." You grumbled to yourself after talking with the lion.
"Eh? Ignore him shyhehe!~ Ruggie just snickered with his usual sly smile.
Leona didn't really have time for games. If he liked, you he'd just come out and say it. At least, that's what you had first thought. Yes, he did use your lap as a pillow and you two did cuddle somewhat regularly. That didn't exactly mean anything. Right?
And yeah, Ruggie did scrunch his nose up and complain that you smelt too much like Leona, but that didn't matter. Leona probably didn't mean to do that; he was probably sleeping.
Did Leona roar at you? Yeah, so what? It was like a yawn; it just came out. No, he wasn't blushing! He couldn't be because you were already looking away in embarrassment.
Leona just didn't like you like that. No matter how many Courting book you read on beast men!
The Lion man in question invited you out to a Spelldrive tournament he had been practicing for. Obviously, you went without a second thought. It would be nice to see the lazy lion not lazing around for once! At least that's how you justified it.
You definitely didn't want to just see your crush play a match.
You couldn't help but notice the whole time, how Leona kept looking at you in your seat. Making sure you had just seen him perform. You'd smile and cheer for him and maybe, just maybe, a sense of pride would build up in his chest.
And maybe it was really nice to hear you cheer, and see you jump up from your seat in excitement. And maybe it was really nice to be able to cheer for him.
So you planned to confess to him after this game. "Leona I really liked you! I have for a while now!" And you did.
"Finally." He yawned and rubbed the back of his neck, you two then went to cuddle in the garden.
Did that mean you two were together now...?
A/N: I know that some dorms aren't like nonhuman, but I can imagine that like Riddle was taught like courting customs in The Queendom of Roses, (Some queen of heart rule) or like the scalding sands have some costumes? Like the world changes because of beastmen/Fae customs and people adapted to that and added it to their own ways of approaching a relationship? Idk lol
Sorry Leona's part was quite short, I was getting tired and just wanted to get this out! But thank you for reading!
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etheries1015 · 1 year ago
Now that I have learned of Bisexual Lilia
Imagine he gets in a relationship with Bisexual Yuu
"You WHAT?!" You exclaimed to your fae lover, him chuckling in response as you flipped through a photo book, to which you inquired about a certain beautiful fae he stood next to during his time of being a general.
"Yes, I asked Malleus's mothers hand in marriage. I'm not going to lie, I also had a bit of a thing for Levan as well. Its a shame neither of them worked out for me!" You raised an eyebrow and punched him arm, chuckling.
"What, are you jealous, my dear?" Lilia cooed. You simply shook your head and let out a hearty laugh.
"Actually I feel bad for you, too. She's so gorgeous I'd ask her to marry me too!"
"Oh really? You should see Levan. He was also quite the looker."
"I believe you. Do you think they'd join us in a thrupple? Or a quad?"
"Unfortunately they were far too smitten with each other. I'm afraid neither of us would stand a chance." Lilias shoulders slumped.
"Ah...well. Its a good thing us plebians stick together, then. I suppose you will do for now," you joked, ruffling your lovers hair. You both erupted with laughter, continuing to flip through the photos and reminisce from times of old.
Note: yess I understand that the moment they spoke about "love" was more likely in the sense of platonic, familial love but I also like the interpretation that he's a bi legend sooo
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justyoureverydaytwstsimp · 11 months ago
A girl in NRC
No they won't fall for you immediately
Not all of them will be perverts
They won't kneel for you and serve you
They've seen and talked to girls before
Deuce may be the only one that has never talked to one
Some will probably respect or treat you more decent
Like some savanaclaw members
Who would treat you more gently?
Riddle(was taught how to treat a lady)
Who would treat you a little more decent?
Floyd(won't touch/hug you randomly but still threatens you)
Sebek(Lilia taught him how to treat ladies)
Flirts but is protective
Azul(business man act)
Kalim(unintentionally flirts)
Treats you the same
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devilbeez · 10 months ago
Vil’s baby name
(This is way in the future btw)
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the-twst-cast-needs-therapy · 5 months ago
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I'd like the solution of book 7 to be that Lilia stays for at least for a bit to let his boys process their grief at an appropriate pace. I think he'd wear a very cozy bat poncho and would actually allow his boys to take care of him for once.
Hugs are a little awkward after losing his magic, especially with people way taller than him. Malleus has to lift him up, which is a little awkward for the both of them. Silver also has to bend down a lot for hugs, pats etc.
I didn't draw this but I think Lilia will try to find the silliest solutions to make up for his lack of magic. You will catch this man upside down, hanging on the top floor railing to make silvers soul almost leave his body when he's on his way to make his morning coffee.
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rath00ker · 1 year ago
Genderbent Twst headcannons
I was thinking about fem Leona and now here we are. Twst characters but they women.
Riddle Rosehearts
Nothing personality wise changes nor height but I’d like to think she wears her hair in space buns. She still has that heart antenna to sense when people are breaking rules but she either has her hair in space buns or one long braid. She wears a skirt with her dorm uniform and it’s VERY long reaching down to her ankles
Uhhh she’s still short as fuck and she probably throws bricks at people idk.
Trey Clover
Again personality doesn’t change she’s just a pretty okay person all around with a weird teeth fetish or smt. Her hair is a bit longer than OG Trey kinda turning into a mullet. I believe in buff Trey so fem Trey is also pretty built, she had strong arm muscles and back muscles. Also her and Masc Trey are the same height. So she’s like a six foot tall woman who could easily beat the shit out of you. Unlike Riddle she doesn’t wear skirts she just wears pants. Isn’t a big fan of dresses and skirts just not her thing
Cater Diamond
She a gyaru girlie <3!!!! She’s not much different personality wise from Cater definitely has his addiction to social media and peppy personality. She has much longer hair than Masc Cater, hers fall to her shoulders and it’s curly. She is definitely the best dressed out of her dorm and she loves girly clothes. Wears a shorter skirt her skirt going to her thighs and just above her knees, she also has leg warmers and heeled boots making her seem taller than Masc Cater (She’s the same height as him just the heels make her taller) and she has fake nails.
She’s a girls girl, definitely the girl that has pads and tampons in her bag along with band aids and pain killers. She’s the girl you meet in the bathroom during your period who hooks you up with like three pads and some pain killers
Deuce Spade
Deuce literally doesn’t change. The only change is boobs. Literally the same person. She’s like an inch shorter than masc deuce though but they got the same haircut and everything. She like Trey doesn’t wear a skirt and just wears pants, she might wear a skirt in once a blue moon but it’s long like Riddles.
Can and will beat the fuck outta you
Ace Trappola
Same shit head just has tits now. Her hair is a bit longer going half way down her neck and she wears a skirt just goes to her knees nothing special. Probably picks her nose in public
Leona Kingscholar
The beast men characters have the most personality change and Fem Leona is nothing like Masc Leona. She physically can’t not be doing something. Girlie is always walking around doing something and she actually has trouble sleeping. She’s also more dominant than Masc Leona, like she’ll make you wish you were never born if you disrespect her. Her hair is shorter but she still has those two braids and she’s like the same height as Masc Leona.
She’s also muscular like Leona, with strong arms and legs also girl has a six pack. She can and WILL beat you up. All her dorm mates respect her and if she tells you to do smt you better just nod and go do it. She is also just has a normal skirt for her uniform
Ruggie Bucchi
Taller than Ruggie and more of an asshole. She’ll steal your food right off your plate then eat it in front of you. She gets into more fights than Masc Ruggie due to female hyenas being much more dominant than male ones. Her hair is longer than Ruggie and is always done up in a ponytail. Her and Leona’s relationship is more friendly than Masc Leona and Ruggies and fem Ruggie will talk shit to Leona’s face if she thinks sometimes stupid. They fight sometimes. Physically.
She wears a skirt for her uniform just one that goes to her knees. She will also throw a brick at you
Jack Howl
Also literally nothing changes. She’s just like an inch shorter than Masc Jack other than that she’s just as muscular and has the same hair length as Masc Jack. She is another pants girlie. She just never got used to wearing skirts because of how cold her home town is. Probably gives great hugs idk
Azul Ashengrotto
Wanna be business woman. Not much changed really she’s just more sass then Masc Azul is. She serves more cunt along with food. Her hair is much longer and done into a braid that just lays on her shoulder and wears red lipstick. She wears a pencil skirt instead of like a normal one. She’s also taller than Masc Azul like Azul is 5,8 and she’s 5,10. She’s also less ashamed of her mer form and she’s fucking huge in her mer form definitely bigger than Azul.
She’s also a bigger girl, she isn’t very muscular like some other ladies at NRC but she has a bigger body type (She isn’t plus size but she isn’t skinny).
Literally beautiful I would sign away my soul for her
Jade Leech
She is more feminine presenting than Floyd is with longer hair than her twin that she keeps in a ponytail. Her hair falls to her shoulder and is never not in a ponytail. She’s less muscular and just tall n lanky, she also wears a pencil skirt but hers is long. She seems chill but is probably wanted for murder somewhere, don’t ever be alone in a room with her if you don’t wanna end up on a milk carton <3
Floyd Leech
Her hair kinda just stays short like Masc Floyd. She got that pixie cut that she probably did herself and looks like actual ass (Jade tried to fix it up for her but there wasn’t much helping that). She’s the same height as Masc Floyd and had the same personality has him just is now a victim of the “are you on your period or smt?”. She is more muscular than Jade cause she beats the fuck out of people on the regular.
That’s all I have the energy for…*dies*
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twisted-broth · 17 days ago
Their Favorite Place to Kiss You
Characters: Cater, Trey, Leona, Rook, Vil, Idia, Lilia, Malleus, Rollo, Chenya
Genre: fluff, suggestive (Minors DNI)
Happy Valentines Day!
Cater loves a quick peck on the cheek! It always makes for the best pic when he can catch off guard and capture your expression of delighted surprise. Every time he can manage to draw a joyful giggle from your lips, he swears he can die a happy man. And it's really your own fault for having such a photogenic reaction
Trey likes to kiss you on the jaw, just below your ear. He argues that it's the best position for him to experience every aspect of your reaction. He can feel the heat on his lips from your blush, see your eyes widen, and hear your soft gasp all at once. His favorite thing to do is to hug you from behind and lean down to kiss your jaw then. This way gives him the added joy of feeling all of you against him
Leona will kiss you on the neck so much you would think he's trying to eat you. Actually with the amount of hickeys he leaves behind, maybe you're not wrong. The feeling of your pulse beneath his lips gives him a high unlike any other. But you should really stop moving so much. Those fangs aren't just for looking pretty, you know
Rook, ever the gentleman, prefers to kiss you on the back of the hand. It's how he says hello, goodbye, and everything in between. When he's particularly excited to see you (which is most of the time), his kisses will make their way up your arm until he's peppering them all over your face and anywhere else he can reach.
Vil doesn't want to mess up his makeup, so when he needs to be quick he'll go in for a nose kiss. His days are fast paced, but he'll always spare a second to give you a nose kiss in passing. He adores the way your face scrunches up when you laugh and squeeze his hand.
Idia will kiss you any spot where he doesn't have to meet your eyes, especially your shoulder blade. His happy place is when you're in his lap, playing video games with your back against his chest. The only thing that distracts him from gaming is nuzzling into your back and pressing his lips against your shoulder.
Lilia is always trying to make you squirm and the easiest way is by kissing your inner thighs. His lips and teeth graze your most sensitive skin until you're trembling beneath him. Even more than your whines of frustration, he revels in your cries when he sinks his teeth in. But if you wanted to grab his head and put his mouth to use somewhere else, he wouldn't mind that either
Malleus would accept nothing less than to kiss your lips. He is a prince after all, so of course he would deserve to lay claim in a spot no one else would even dare touch. Even though his lips are cold, his breath is always burning hot as it fans across your face. Even in the most passionate moments, his kisses are always gentle. Of course he'll still kiss you enough to make your lips chapped and sore by the time you're done
Rollo is always quiet in his affection, which is why he likes to kiss your wrist. Kissing you anywhere more intimate makes him too nervous to really enjoy the moment, but pressing his lips to your pulse point while you cradle his face brings him back to earth.
Chenya lives for a surprise forehead kiss. His face will pop up out of nowhere, inches from your own. Before you can even get a word in, he presses a quick kiss to your forehead and disappears again, leaving you blinking in confusion.
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