#TwT what can I say I’m a Belle with a heart full of love and affection towards many f/os
rnm-magic-space-xsd · 11 months
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xonxsm · 4 years
pastel || bnha x male!reader
---》 two 《---
class went on normally, with a few glances occasionally being thrown at the [h/c]-male, to which he never noticed- he was too busy daydreaming about kermit and pepe the frogs' forbidden love.
'mi amor,' [m/n] thought to himself with a weird voice, looking at the "man" he formed with his fingers, imagining it as kermit. setting his head on the desk he made kermit kneel in front of pepe, with kermit holding out imaginary flowers.
'i cannot hold this inside me anymore... my beautiful boyfriend, dear pepe, my love, will you marry and run away with me?'  pepe let out dramatic tears and nods aggressively, [m/n] about to make both hands 'kiss' before aizawa brought him to his attention.
"we will be choosing a class rep today."
almost everyone started talking at once, mostly about how much they wanted to be class rep and why them people should choose them; until iida shushed everyone by saying they should choose by voting. [m/n] looked lost.
bruh. i just started, like, two hours ago. i don't even know anything about them- wtf lol-
sighing, he doodled the poop emoji with hearts and flies surrounding it before folding it up and submitting his 'vote'.
midoriya and momo ended being chosen as class president and vice president respectively, while iida sulked in a corner. bakugo- an ash-blonde boy started shouting about the people that voted for broccoli while explosions went on around him.
:o boomboom be handsome tho, me hearteu umu
the bell rang right after that. [m/n] stretched, excited for food, but quickly slouched as he realised he had no idea where the canteen was. he decided to just follow the others, and grinned when he arrived, quickly running to the line to get food.
holding his tray he walked around, hoping to spot an empty table. there were many empty seats, but [m/n] being the little antisocial bean he is he refused to walk up and ask if he could sit. he was about to leave the lunch room and go eat in the bathroom AlOnE before he spotted a pink-haired and skinned girl frantically waving him over to sit at her table.
grinning he strutted over with his tray, his tail flicking slightly as he sat down beside an electric blonde. "heyyyy-"
"hey! i'm mina. this is kaminari, bakugo, kirishima annnd sero." mina gave him a big smile while he munched on his sushi rolls.
"yoe." [m/n] mumbled with his mouth full of rice, waving. quickly finishing his rice balls he was about to reach for his banana milk when suddenly loud alarms started blaring. [m/n] let out a soft whimper as he massaged his ringing ears. confused voices and shuffling of students filled the lunch room.
"warning: there has been a level 3 security breach. this is not a drill." an upperclassmen stood up, screeching about how this hasn't happened in three years and everyone ran out of the lunch room, [m/n] somehow getting caught up in the crowd. he could feel tears building up, slowly getting harder and harder to breathe. just as he was about to collapse on the floor- a hand grabbed him and roughly pulled [m/n] to the side, slamming him against the wall.
waht. oh shiddy tiddies I'm being pinned against de wall. a flustered [m/n] looked up into curious red eyes. "uh- thankz."
kirishima only grinned, showing off his sharp teeth. [m/n] shyly fiddled with his tie, looking behind kirishima when he heard a familiar voice shout. he looked over to the floating dude shouting about the breach caused by the 'press'. everything was sorted out, everyone stopped running and went back to what they were doing before. [m/n] yeeted himself outta the corner, quickly walking back to the cafeteria with a still grinning kirishima in tow.
walking back to the table where he was sitting before the breach he dramatically dropped to his knees to where his fallen tray was, his food splattered on the ground. "Noooo... me love, me zalmon roll, me banana milk." clutching his chest with a sad look he picked up the fallen tray and food before casually dumping it in the trash can, a happy look immediately on his face as he let out a smol burp, setting his phat ass on his seat.
kirishima only stared at him like he was the most unmanly thing in the whole universe. BiPoLaR MuCh Ay-
"E." [m/n] stated as he stared at the approaching group he sat with before, munching on a bag of chips he pulled out of n o w h e r e.
realising he was probably blocking the standing group from getting into their seats he stood up in shy, his ears lowering as he stepped aside for them to pass and sit down. mina, sitting in the middle immediately pulled him down next to her, giving him a smol noogie before successfully stealing [m/n]'s last chip.
"beach." [m/n] sulked, throwing the empty potato chip bag in her face, to which she somehow dodged and it smacked bakugo square in the face.
"HEY YOU LITTLE-" [m/n] shrieked, quickly retrieving the empty bag, placing it on the side as he shifted away a little. bakugo only huffed and continued eating his food, while [m/n] sipped on a banana milk that magically appeared.
uncomfortable silence filled the table as [m/n] shifted awkwardly in his seat, feeling like he was the cause. he was about to get up, using "i wantz some more banana milk" as an excuse before mina pushed him back down.
"hey, are your ears and tail part of your quirk? ooo wait CAN I TOUCH THEM? THEY FLUFFY 🥺"
a certain green-haired boy across from them listened in, hearing the word 'quirk'.
"yez! me tail and earz are part of my quirk. i can alzo zhift into a wolf, and like, run really fast. and zure you can touch me earz," [m/n] replied, lifting his ears a little as mina pet his ears like how you would pet a dog- as he let out really soft purrs from his throat.
and scribbling intensifies for midoriya.
"you talk weird," kaminari blurted out, his ears immediately turning a little red. "not that its bad or anything-"
"yeh, itz juzt me long azz tongue, it makez it kinda hard to form wordz- zadly i can't control itz length."
but, i have good tongue technology. [m/n] let out a soft giggle before cringing at his own voice, pouting slightly as he felt mina stop petting his ears. IMMEDIATELY turning red when he felt something poking his tail.
"ZLKDFJNKZ WOMAN!" he quickly jumped up, shifting his tail to cover his growing um... area before shooting mina a glare. "DON'T TOUCH ME TAIL!"
then he dashi ran outta the lunch room to the bathroom, feeling his whole body turn hot as the others stared at his disappearing figure confused.
[m/n] boredly stared on as midoriya decided to give iida his position of class rep. not even bothering to continue his story of pepe and kermit, he laid his head down on his desk again, yawning a little.
sero and kaminari poked his ears as he looked over. "dude, you ok? you just zoomed outta there."
[m/n] coughed, slightly embarrassed as he moved his tail closer. "yeah, totally finez."
totally did not get a boner because someone touched my tail. ahem. he was grateful for the fur on his ears, feeling them heat up as he buried his head between his arms.
[m/n] was still groaning internally as the others cheered for the new class president, the one and only iida tenya.
"for today's hero training we will be having three different instructors; with them being me, all might and another person you will meet later." aizawa droned on about the training, holding out a card with the word 'rescue' with all caps written on it. he pointed to a rack full of suitcases where the costumes were put. [m/n] rushed over after aizawa told them to get ready- he was quite excited to put on his costume which was shipped to japan after it was completed in [your country]. grabbing a suitcase with his name he skipped to the changing rooms, humming.
[m/n]'s suit was rather child-like, but also kinda revealing. short-sleeved [h/c] shirt with a long v-neck that was tucked into a pair of black pants that folded in mid thigh- and of course a hole in the back so he could comfortably tuck his tail out. then some bandages that acted as gloves and socks, and black boots. to top it all off a [f/c] cloak that reached his knees.
he checked in the suitcase, hoping to find a collar but was disappointed to find nothing.
well i didn't order for one to be made, i guess-
he stuffed the suitcase and collar into his locker and quickly ran out to where the bus was, lining up as iida told.
word count: 1536 words
ahem.. no, [m/n] isn't in heat.
from what i read from other uh more mature fanfics hybrids have sensitive ears and t a i l s. so yeah [m/n] isn't in heat. it's gonna be weird if he is already in heat after he joins yuuei for like five hours.
the pepe and kermit part gave me inspiration, so I'm going to be writing a whole book dedicated to their forbidden love.
. . .
just kidding lol no-
unless~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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jungiyara · 6 years
[REQUEST] SF9 Reaction to their crush accidentally sitting on their hand [Part 1/2]
@summerangel96 I’m sorry this took so long for you its just been a long time formatting and my computer broke. I hope you like it and I had a fun time writing this. Sorry for lack of photos, it was hard to find any. <3 TwT
Bus catastrophe
Blushing furiously
She didn’t seem to notice and thought it was the seat belt
She sits
He panics
He removed his hand causing both of them to stutter and apologize
He quickly gets up and moves to another seat where he just sits there and nearly sobs
She notices and gets curious as to why he’s so nervous
“Youngbin-ah, why so nervous?! I should’ve looked”
“I-I like you”
The bus stops and he runs off. She sits there blushing and her friends are watching
She decides to run after him
When she catches up she grabs his hand and kisses it.
“Don’t worry, it was an accident” she says
He’s nervous...
“I’m sorry I like you...”
“Well I kissed your hand didn’t I? That probably means I like you too.”
They start dating from this. soft
Tutors his crush. Recipe for disaster
He’s hid it long enough
Until she comes in and unknowingly sits on his hand
Usually he oozes confidence during the tutoring sessions
Oh all his confidence fades so damn fast
He freezes up and forgets to remove his hand
“Inseong-ah I’m sorry!” She gets up and he moves further away
She scoots closer
Ohhhhhh he’s blushing
R e d
“Inseong you’ve known me for so long this stuff happens. Come on let’s finish this math study guide I have a test tomorrow”
He complies and is blushing the whole time
while she’s working on the math, he’s nervously doodling little hearts on his paper
He’s trying to teach but excuses himself to pace in the bathroom. Why was he so nervous?? it was an accident!
She notices the hearts and doodles and takes a closer look at the notebook he has. She notices her name and she starts blushing
She writes his name and “Do you wanna go out?” under one of the hearts, then closes the notebook.
After the session, he opens the book and sees it.
Doesn’t stop thinking about it the whole day then texts her later that night.
Choir story
They’re both tenors
 So they sit next to each other.
He came back from gym class so he’s exhausted
He really likes this girl
Always tries to impress her with his singing
She’s pretty into it 
Today he ran the pacer test
D Y I N G 
Comes to class sweaty and fragile
He sticks his hand out on the seat to catch balance when he sits down
She walks in and didn’t see his hand resting on her chair
To prevent catastrophe he tries to move his hand. But as previously stated he’s trying to catch his balance and really needed support
In 1 swift motion; he moves out of the way, loses balance, falls on her, tips the chair, falls on her lap
She’s giggling and helping him up, he’s a nervous messss
He settles down but is stupidly anxious
Jittery all of class
She asks whats wrong at the end of class
“I-I li-“
Bell rings
They pack up, and he doesn’t finish his phrase
But she already knew, so she slipped a note that said “I like you too Jaeyoon-ssi. Text me tonight <3″
Cocky bastard
But ya gotta love the confidence
He likes her a l o t but doesn’t show it that much
He shamelessly flirts a lot with her as a joke
She finds it funny and endearing and doesn’t think much
This time tho, his flirting doesn’t go as planned
They have little siblings and they are close friends (both the siblings and them)
So while their siblings are playing with each other, they talk and gossip and whatnot.
Prime “flirting time”
Usually its a joke but recently has been really falling for her.
He sits on the couch
She sits down
On the hand
He removes it, and blushes
Tries to cover it up
In a moment of panic and sheer stupidity he goes
“Oh so you like my hand don’t you”
Immediate facepalm. His worst pick up line
She’s laughing really hard
He moves his hand and blushes
She realizes that this was him actually revealing he likes her
Kisses him on the cheek while he’s RED
He is WARM and a small love blooms
Like Dawon, oozes confidence 
But is soft
He treats her with all the things all the time
Gifts flowers hugs, she is oblivious
The poor boy is in love
So he invites her to dinner at his house so he could confess
Super nervous
Hes waiting for her on the couch, she walks in
Rowoon invites her to see the movie with him
His hand is on the seat next to him and he didn’t move it in time
All confidence converted in full nervousness
He’s blushing so badly is hilarious
Shes giggling, hes going to prep dinner, and she notices the little rose on the table and figures out right away
She creeps up behind him while he’s prepping dinner, snakes her arms around him
“Your hand is not the only thing I can sit on ;))
Dear lord hes stuttering and dropping things but inside he is so happy
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