#Tw: implied torture
drawlypsy · 2 years
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TW: blood, implied torture, obscured torture, pain, Dottore being Dottore...Lots of Scaramouche's tears. Dottore's segment taking liberties with Wanderer and Lumine showing up to shank him like the rat bastard he is. Did this for dear @venranae and because I have had an absolutely awful week. This is PART ONE - PART TWO will be coming shortly and will involve less of...well...all this.
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Surrender An Ask Game! - "Dreadful Meetings"
CW: dehumanization, captivity, implied past torture.
Heheheehe, this has been quite fun! Hope you all enjoy what I cooked up! <33
Ask game made by: @epiclamer & @save-the-villainous-cat
What is the game about?
Ask submitted by @livingforthewhump
Prompt: "This is hyper specific, and probably doesn’t make much sense, but imagine Whumpee was originally part of a team, before Whumper took them. Maybe a few months pass, and Whumper has a meeting with their team Leader over something completely unrelated. 
Maybe this is a league of Villains bargaining with a League of Heroes or something. Whumpee is leashed and collared with a muzzle over their face, kneeling at Whumper’s side. At some point, the meeting turns ugly, with Leader being (understandably) distressed seeing Whumpee in such a state, and starts threatening Whumper. At which point the Whumpee starts 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 at their former team leader.
Whether they’re genuinely so far gone that they see themself as less than human, making animal noises, or they’re trying to speak through the muzzle is irrelevant. Both parties are in shock. Whumper is delighted, and 100% rubs it in team Leader’s face, but team Leader suddenly loses their will to fight.
Bonus points if the Whumpee is quite big and muscular.”
The door swung open with a soft creak as Leader entered the room. They stood tall, chin held high with a perfectly blank expression in the face of their enemy. The villain greeted them with an equally blank facade, shaking hands before guiding them to a pair of chairs.
Even before the leader got a chance to sit down, they noticed the third presence in the room... and promptly ignored it. Their heart couldn’t handle seeing yet another person suffering. With so much already weighing on their shoulders, they paid the stranger no mind.
Villain would fall soon enough. They just had to push through. Just push through…
The two foes quickly plunged into conversation, discussing the Hero League’s most recent offer. It was important... and yet sounded more and more like mindless buzzing to Leader’s ears the longer it went on.
They spoke their piece expertly, doing their best to convince the villain to agree, but their focus kept drifting away. The leader’s eyes couldn’t help but glance at the unfortunate soul kneeling by Villain’s feet.
Despite their attempts at doing otherwise, Leader studied the stranger closer. Their muscular body - clearly fit and powerful - was covered by shaggy rags with a thick, leather muzzle covering half of their face.
“A guard dog…” the leader surmised in their head. “Dear god, they have so many scars… What has this bastard put them through…?”
Anger boiled in Leader’s veins the longer they stared. To subject a fellow human to such horrors, such degradation, it’s… it’s…!
A cold dread washed over them for a split second. “It’s… Whumpee…?”
When those once shining eyes met theirs, the recognition of their lost teammate set Leader’s fury ablaze once more. In the short time they had frozen and stared at the whumpee, Villain noticed their realization.
With a knowing smirk, the criminal asked, “Do you like my pet? I trained it myself.”
The leader’s fists clenched hard enough to go numb, their teeth grinding together as they spoke. They whipped towards Villain with a fiery stare. “You…”
Jumping to their feet abruptly, Leader knocked the chair backwards in their rage and loomed over the enemy. “What have you done to them?!”
The villain, to their credit, appeared unfazed if not amused.
Their smug face only raised the leader’s anger to levels they had never thought possible. “I swear, if you don’t release them at once–” Leader began their threat, but the moment they took a step forward, their words fell silent when a growling sound filled the air.
Surprised, their head snapped to the source of it, finding nothing but the whumpee.
Their lost teammate was staring at them with wide eyes, snarling like the rabid dog they had been degraded to. Every muscle in their body was suddenly taut, ready to spring forward should their master be endangered.
That was why Villain had never bothered to stand; they had no need to.
The coldness in Leader’s chest came back tenfold, suffocating whatever fight had just been there. They… didn’t know what to do.
Luckily for them, once the villain had gotten their fill of causing anguish, they chirped, “I’d advise you to sit back down, Leader. I’m willing to overlook this little… tantrum of yours and get back to business.”
Tantrum. Tantrum…
Villain’s lips had twitched with such vile amusement at the word. Leader didn’t want to “get back to business”! They wanted to grab Whumpee and get the hell out of there! Their teammate was right there!
But alas… they couldn’t.
Whatever remained of the whumpee they knew, so feral and destroyed, drove them to a feeling of defeat. They fell back into their chair.
The growling stopped, and Whumpee spared them no second glance.
Villain’s smile only grew as Leader’s soul cracked into ever-tinier pieces. The anger was gone, replaced with a shameful exhaustion they couldn’t bring themself to oppose.
The meeting continued, but Leader barely paid the words any mind. Their thoughts raced, relentlessly bashing their psyche with a mental crowbar.
“How could I have failed so horribly? Do I… even deserve to be called a leader?”
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BECAUSE I DREW A THING!! It's my One Piece OC Roronoa Zakiko (the little sister of Zoro)! In her story she gets captured, tortured, and brainwashed by the CP9 into becoming a Pirate Killer so she can kill the Straw Hats. This is her in the middle of a torture session<33
Honestly really proud of this!! I gave myself whumperflies! This is the first digital drawing I've done in like... ages (and I usually hate my drawings lol BUT NOT THIS ONE!)
Traditional versions under the cut!
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halfagone · 2 years
The Ghosts of Phantasm's Past
The story goes: Andrea "Andi" Beaumont fell in love with Bruce Wayne, but before they could be wed, she returned the engagement to Bruce, and fled to another land. She would not return until many years later, when she would come to Gotham City under the guise of 'reorganizing family finances' by day, and donning the costume of 'Phantasm' by night. All this to avenge her father's murder at the hands of the Gotham mafia and mob bosses.
But. But in the margins, there's a note of little detail, that often goes unnoticed. Nearly two months after fleeing to Europe with her father, Andi (not Andrea, not Phantasm, Andi) finds out that she's pregnant with Bruce's child.
She is currently on the run from the mafia, with the chance she has to pick up everything at any given time to run for her life. And she is pregnant with her ex-fiancé's baby.
There are three things Andi can choose to do here. (Well, there is a fourth, but it had been no more a passing thought before it'd been dismissed with certainty.)
She can screw all sense and raise the child herself, no matter how dangerous it might be, no matter how solitary a life it would undoubtedly be for her baby to stay constantly alert and vigilant.
She can bring the child to their father, to be raised by the man she'd once given her whole heart to. But that runs the risk of someone finding out about her involvement, finding out that she's not as 'in the wind' as her hiding might imply. She can't afford to put Bruce and their baby in danger. That just negates the whole point. Or...
She can give the baby up for adoption, give them the better life they deserve because she knows, she knows, that she can't give it to them.
Andi chooses Option 3.
And for the longest time, it seems like she made the right decision. She choose not to be a part of her baby's (her son's) life, because if she thought she could get away with that, she wouldn't have given him up in the first place.
So she lives without regret, only vengeance and spite and grief. That is, until she returns to her first home, her old stomping grounds. She murders mob boss after mob boss in cold blood (the same way they'd killed her father), and for the first time in years, she feels alive. Her heart is pumping, there is a thrill to her hunt.
But then. But then, when she bursts into the Joker's base, she finds that the man had been planning on securing one more victim that night.
That night she comes face to face with her son for the first time since she'd given him up. He's bloody and broken and a step away from death, but she takes one look at him and knows: This is my son.
She does not take Joker prisoner that night. Instead, she puts a bullet between his eyes and takes her son away. Far, far away, and hopes, prays, that this time- this time he'll be safe.
Bruce doesn't agree with her idea of 'safe'.
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ask-casteliabounce · 1 year
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No munday but get some art instead! A past-the-deadline bad end AU. Bad end AU according to my brain: if it ended bad for my ocs (with a great emphasis on the word "ended") What I enjoyed most while drawing this was imagining the multiple reasons that could've lead to this single outcome; either stealing, snitching on their bosses, or maybe just doing their job too well and an ambitious rival gang decided to use a full measure. You can come up with your own too. Either way, here's them seconds away from having a 9mm bullet farm on their torsos, one by one, so that each other's silence can be the last thing they ever hear.
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onyourleftrogers · 1 year
Ellie had thought it was horrifying to be infected by the symbiote, to feel its influence slowly creeping over her mind and pushing out her personality. But it was nothing compared to Hydra's brainwashing. That was a white hot bolt of lightning in her brain, burning away every last trace of her, and it never. ever. stopped. After her parents' deaths, after Ian disappeared, she'd been completely alone. It had been a mistake to go looking for Bucky; she realized that almost immediately. But he was the only familiar thing left to her, the only connection she had to her parents.
She'd fought it for as long as she could, and she was a Rogers, half her dad's super soldier serum running through her veins. It was weeks, maybe months. She didn't have a lot of concept of time there. It was probably the only reason she survived. No matter how she screamed, no matter what names she called him (traitor--never mind that in this world, it was Ellie who was considered the traitor), nobody could fight that forever. Deep down, maybe she didn't want to. He was all she had left, and he'd made sure she was loyal to him. It was almost a relief to let go and give in after this latest round of brainwashing, her mind a comforting blank as she turned her gaze to Bucky. "Ready to comply," she murmured.
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vvaywardhunter · 1 year
❛ the last time we talked, didn’t you say you wanted to kill me? ❜
"Oh, I will kill you, sweetheart. When I'm ready, you'll die slow, and you'll die screaming. You have no idea how long hell's been waiting to get its hands on you." That last part was a bluff, but that was the thing about demons: they lied. Unless she'd traded her soul at the crossroads (Bzzt. Wrong answer. Already tried that.), then there was rarely any way to know which were damned and which were saved. He wasn’t God. He could bet souls on the fact that Katherine thought she was damned though. There was certainly enough blood on her hands, and saving this one measly meatsuit wasn’t going to change that.
There was interest in those black eyes as they settled on her again, and he paced forward a couple steps in the crappy motel room. "I'd almost think you liked him better this way, Katerina. His soul's as black as yours now. Is it nice, not to be the most evil thing in the room for a change?" He could see why Dean favored her, really. She was a lot more fun than his boring brother or that sanctimonious angel he hung around with. It was the main reason she was still alive. She kept his interest, and she didn’t try to curb most of his habits, whether that was closing down the bar or hacking his way through its clientele when drinking got boring. 
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Dialogue Prompt:
"No, please, don't make go through all that again..."
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chaoticstrata · 10 months
Aketheron Chapter 4 WIP
Finally got started on Chapter 4.
Aketho was pretty damn sure that if Lana had not talked him down, he was going to tear the Revanite camp apart piece by piece and limb by limb. Part of him wishes she would have let him, especially when Theron showed up during his little ‘chat’ with Revan. Stars, seeing the bruises and the limp the other man sported as he came running in…Aketho wanted nothing more than to eliminate all of them. Sadly, they had more pressing matters to deal with. But first he needed to check over Theron’s injuries…if the Republic spy would take a moment to slow down and breathe…
“Theron!” Aketho chased after the limping man. But the other spy didn’t slow his pace, even as he held his side. Stubborn--and Aketho would know stubborn very well since he was very much the pot calling the kettle black.
“Theron, wait!” he said again as he reached out and caught the human’s elbow to slow him down. “Let me look at your injuries before you stomp your way through the jungle.”
“There’s no time,” Theron all but growled. His bruised face held a look of fury, frustration, and…fear. A curious reaction, and one to catalog for later. “We have to--”
“We have time for me to patch you up enough for the journey back to the Rishi Village,” the Chiss stated, using his own stubbornness as a tool. He set his jaw as he stared down Theron’s glare. He would not let the Republic spy win this argument. “If we try leaving with you in this condition and no medical treatment, something could happen to you on the way back and delay us even more.”
The brunette pressed his lips together, and Aketho could see it in his eyes how he was trying to come up with a counter. “You could just leave me here and go with the information I gathered--”
“No,” Aketho said quickly and firmly, eyes narrowing. He poked Theron in the chest. “I didn’t come here for information, I came here for you. And I’m leaving with you. That is not up for discussion. Now we can continue standing here arguing, or you can let me look you over so we can get back faster.”
Theron looked at him in surprise. Did the other man really not believe he had come here for him? Why else would he? The SIS agent closed his eyes and sighed in resignation. “Fine.”
“Good,” Aketho responded, leading him over to some nearby boxes. He glanced at his companion. “Vector?”
“We will keep watch, Agent,” the Joiner said before moving a safe distance away.
“Thank you,” Aketho murmured before setting to work on Theron’s injuries. He had the other man lift his shirt so he could take a look. The moment he saw the multitude of bruises, burns, and cuts scattered across the expanse of Theron’s torso, his mood turned exceedingly dark. “How bad?”
“Shouldn’t you be the one telling me?” the SIS agent scoffed. Clearly they were both in a mood.
“How bad was the torturer, Theron,” Aketho asked, and even managed to not ask it through gritted teeth.
“I’ve had worse,” Theron said stiffly, wincing when the Chiss applied a light spray of kolto.
“Considering I don’t know how bad you’ve tortured before--and the very thought does not sit well with me--you’re going to have to be a little more specific,” the former Cipher snorted, rolling his eyes.
The Republic spy was quiet for a long moment, eyes shifting away when Aketho look up. “Bad,” he said quietly. "Real bad."
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aquariyein · 1 year
— fish in the water —
There was a fish in the water.
It was swimming in circles, the ripples of its rapid movements sending waves to my sand covered feet.
It was a small fish; a fast one too. It looked transparent in the water, and its sand colored body made it so.
It was living its life in that small pool of water. Not a thought behind those eyes other than swimming in endless circles until it hit the walls of sand; and only then did it turn a different direction.
And even with that boring, useless repetitive routine, it was happy.
I didn't like that.
The red plastic cup in my hand rested comfortably in the wet sand waiting for its prey to wander in.
As I waited for the fish to swim into the cup, I started to wonder; why was I even doing this?
Was it because it was happy? Happy with no meaning to its pitiful life of swimming in circles? Did that make me jealous? Was I not happy enough to begin with? Did I want to ruin this fish's simple, happy life to make mine feel like it had meaning?
Was it because it was helpless? Unknowingly an easy prey to just snatch and kill? Did I relish in the fact that I could be the predator in this situation?
Was it because I wanted control? Did I want to make this fish suffer because of my own greedy desires? Did I want to do this because I enjoyed the fact that I controlled when this fish would potentially die? Did I like how I had life in my hands, and it all boiled down to how I would treat that life?
Or maybe, it's because I'm a bad person. Just maybe.
The splish-splash of the water brought me back to reality; the fish had been captured.
I pick up the cup and I bring it near the rocky formation away from the water and its shore.
I take one last look at its form; and it was still swimming in circles.
I spilled it into the sand, and its body started flipping and thrashing around; and I smiled.
Walking back to the sandy pool, I wonder to myself: was that a bad idea? Was it cruel for me to do that? It didn't do anything to me, nor did it do anything wrong. Maybe I'm just a bad person.
Maybe. Just maybe.
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secretagentstevenau · 2 years
Do you know their location? Because i dont think they just post them up on google maps, doc
*evil chuckle* Oh don't worry about that, I was able to get the information out of one of Lady Redundant Woman's contacts which she so graciously helped me to trick into getting captured.
You be surprised how the right interrogation tactics can get you the information you need.😈
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strykingback · 10 months
The Student And The Master
"Verification Confirmed, unlocking file now." The System Computer said before showing an advisory to the agent/reader.
This drabble will contain gore, war, and death. Reader discretion is heavily advised. _______________________________________________________
Location: The Town Of Driega, Outside of Atlas Time: 2:30 PM
Panting a young boy only at the tender age of twelve would run across the destroyed village, looking around and whimpering a bit hearing the sounds of gunfire far away from him. Black hair that blew throughout the wind as he ran, grey eyes scanning around for a safe spot hide. This was none other than a young Zek Sunna who had ran away from the orphanage program he was inducted into at the tender age of ten... and after two years. He ran away to find the murderers who took the lives of those he knew from the Bragi village taken from him along with his mothers.
Yet, Zek needed to take matters in his own hands and he was even willing to dirty his hands for it. Spotting a fountain straight ahead he would run to it as fast as his legs could carry him getting into the empty fountain. What he did not expect was an array of dead corpses of townspeople who either had fought to the last person, or was slaughtered as they tried to escape.
The sight alone would nearly make the young Zek vomit, but he would gasp when he noticed one of the bodies moving. "Down boy! Now! Hurry!" One of the still alive townsperson whispered towards him as Zek laid down on the ground near a few corpses making himself seem amongst the dead.
"W-W-What h-h-happened.....?" Zek said.
"They're coming.... the Solitas Liberation Force! They already killed my wife...... an-" Another man spoke while the other shushed him quickly trying to keep his comrade from dying.
"Listen.... a patrol! Quiet now!!!" The first man spoke.
With everyone and Zek putting his hands over his mouth to prevent even the slightest slip of a sound go by. With crows and rats already moving around to pick at the flesh of corpses. However, the two men would slowly but surely begin to panic as the patrol went by. The Solitas Liberation mercenaries laughing at how much they were going to have "fun" with some of the women and men they had captured back at camp, others talked about money and the location of dust, and lastly the orders to find still alive bodies in the fountain.
Which the second man who lost his wife began to panic too much and was shot by one of the Solitas soldiers and the other who was beginning to writhe and panic, attempting to make a decision to either run or stay still, ending with him being shot while Zek nearly flinched at the sound of gunfire being so close to him.
Finally, the soldier would kick away a corpse as he walked around the fountain finding nothing and rejoining the patrol, with voices of joy going away. A sigh would leave Zeks mouth, starting to crawl slowly amongst the corpses, while he whimpered softly trying to understand what was going on and trying not to look at the corpses. Yet, a man would slowly lean forward off of another corpse. "Shh.... are you okay, boy?" He would say, with Zek releasing a soft gasp looking at the man.
His skin was full of life as it was olive, covered in a combat clothes of some sort, while wearing a hat resembling a Karvalakki hat. His hair was as grey as concrete along with his beard while having an eyepatch on one eye and his facial expression shown that of a war torn man. Zek would quickly nod in response to his question.
"Good... follow me. Do what I say and I will get you to safety boy... or by what your eyes tell me... you seek to avenge this massacre?" The old man asked.
"Y-Y-Yes Sir. I-I-I w-w-wish to avenge the people here...." Zek said quietly making sure to not raise his voice while the man grabbed his rifle which Zek noticed two of the mans fingers on his right hand were wrapped up in bandages, with a splotch of blood. "W-What happened to your hand, sir?" Zek asked.
"An Injury...." The man replied, while the two crawled around the fountain to open clearing amongst the fountain stopping. "My injury means I can no longer aim with my weapon." He said holding out the rifle to Zek which the boys hands trembled at first seeing it, but steeling himself he took it carefully and observed the wooden rifle.
"Now. look at the car, boy." He commanded with Zek looking at the car that had drove up and a man walking out looking like he was a commander of sorts despite being in a suit.
"The сволочь (bastard) in the suit is none other than one of the many high-ranking CEO's in Atlas, Ivan Gacy. Leader of NeoArma Technologies. For days I tracked him like a rat, and twice luck has saved him. Now he recruited the Solitas Liberation Force to drive me out to make sure he gets away for a third time....." The man explained.
Zek gritted his teeth and aimed the rifle at the Ivan, looking through the iron sights ready to fire. However, the rifle would gently be p ushed down. "Not yet, boy. Patience." He said, watching Ivan and his guards entered the building
"Think of the area around you. It is a warzone, no? Sniping is like having to play a game of timing and natures elements. War is an element as well. Before I encountered you, there were tanks nearby.... they should still be in the area....wait for the next explosion... and then snipe the men taking a smoke there." He said with Zek listening intently, raising the rifle up towards the two men waiting for the next explosion.
Immediately, Zek would think about how his mother would take him out on hunting trips, and how she told him how patience was key for him. Which he took it half-heartedly and went for the kill when he could. This time it was different, he could not rush it this time. Finally, the explosion would come making the whole place ring out like an echo chamber.
"Now Boy!"
The man commanded, whcih Zek fired immediately with the bullet piercing the soldiers heads, with blood and grey matter being splattered across the floor. and their uniforms falling to the floor dead with their craniums cracked wide open.
"Well done, boy! Prepare yourself, then the man and woman conversing near the car there. They will be your next targets." The man said towards Zek, which he needed help reloading the rifle as he worried about the next shot. Luckily the man was kind enough to help him reload.
"Do not panic. Panic will lead to your position being revealed. Moving too slow will lead to the loss of your target." The man would guide Zek passing the rifle back to him as he aimed and waited, and then the next explosion came creating the echo chamber as he fired taking out the first man as the other who was a female, stood up looking around for wherever the sniper was as they were shot by Zek but in the throat and not the head.
"I-I-I... shot in her the throat... will she be dead...?" Zek asked in a worried manner.
"She will. The throat is also where the spine is located...... piercing through it is instant death because of the throat and spine being destroyed together...." The man said with Zek's eyes widening at the explanation. "Come, boy. We hunt our target together." He said grabbing a machine gun and its ammunition from one of the corpses as he and Zek hopped over the fountains edge and near the car where Ivan was dropped off.
Just before they could begin their hunt, the old man would notice an armored patrol ahead. "Agh! Armored Patrol. Come, we must use another route to reach Ivan!" He would say with Zek nodding in agreement and following him into a destroyed bar....with the man slowly standing up and looking around.
"Look boy, do you see how these corporations steal the laughter of friends and loved ones. One day these PMC's will remember that the Hunters are not their soldiers... it will be their corporations money flowing back to the people and their blood will stain the streets." The old man spoke.
"Um... sir... I never got your name." Zek asked nervously, with the old man approaching him and kneeling down to his height to ruffle his hair.
"I am Odin, Odin Simo and yours?"
"Zek, Zek Sunna." The young Zek responded.
"Good, we are acquainted now. Come Zek... we can talk more once our job is done." Odin would say walking out of the back door of the bar and into the open streets where the two were like rats scrambling to get to their next meal. Just before they were about to enter a building, a bullet whizzed by in front of Zek realizing that if he took one more step he would have been a dead man. "SNIPER!!!! ZEK INSIDE THE BUILDING NOW!!!!!" Odin shouted leaping through the window and into the building with Zek scrambling quickly to get inside with Odin assisting him.
"He almost got you, Zek! You must react fast in order to do receive safeties blessings!" He would say offering more advice with Zek too panicked to think. "Come! This is a perfect way for you to train!" He said rushing up the stairs.
"Perfect training!?! But! But! I dont even know where he is! This rifle does not even have a scope on it!" Zek cried out following his new teacher. "Hah! scopes reveal your position, but... the enemy is using one. He hides behind a cowards way of sniping. But you do not. The glare of the scope will reveal his position!" Odin would speak, with Zek thinking about it...
"Do not worry boy, I will not abandon you!! But I will be putting myself on deaths edge, just like at the fountain! You must deliver the killing blow!" He said once more preparing to shoot at the sniper who was hiding in the building across the river.
"Ready, Zek!?!" Odin asked with Zek taking a deep breath in and out.
"Ready!!" Zek replied.
"Go!" Odin said entering the half destroyed room shooting to the building across to the draw the Snipers fire while Zek scrambled into the room leaping for cover, with Odin sliding for safety. "Zek! Be wary, while we do have the blessings of cover, the sniper will slowly chip away at it! Be ready!!!" Odin said shooting at the building once more as Zek aimed, trying to find the sniper panting quickly.
"Hurry Zek!!!" He said with the young sniper trying to find his target until a flash showed up as Zek immediately pulled the trigger firing with the enemy sniper doing the same with both the sniper and zek missing each other.
"Close! But you will improve my friend!" Odin said praising Zek.
While Zek hurriedly reloaded and aimed again this time, noticing the glare of the scope first and firing which afterwards there was no flash afterwards... only Zek being a good sniper and finding his prey...
"Well done!!! But we must hurry... the soldiers may have heard our fight from across..." Odin said with Zek and him running throughout the building.... and to which the two would race up the stairs and across a plank.. leading to another building.
Finally... the two could rest for a minute...
"Rest boy. I'm certain the fight may have taken a lot out of you....." Odin said with Zek sitting down and sighing holding the rifle like it was a teddy bear and was his favorite toy that he did not wish to share. The sight alone made Odin laugh as he was the same way when he was younger.... but that was a bygone time.
Two minutes would pass, with Odin walking over after Zek who had caught his breath, stood up. "Ready..." He said with some confidence in his voice which the two would race out towards the route, where there was another half destroyed building displaying a courtyard and on the right was the exit of the town.
"Shite! They're moving out soon..." Odin exclaimed.
"Zek! You must hurry. Now this is the game of speed! First was the game of patience! Then The Game of Cat and Mouse! Now this will show me if you are who I think you really are!" He continued with Ivan being rushed out while Zek fired missing his first shot.
"He got to the car too quickly!"
"The coward is using the debris around the courtyard as cover! This time we are the cat and he is the mouse! The roles reversed!!!" Odin said.
Finally Ivan would be rushed out of his cover again as Zek fired missing his next shot as it hit a soldier. "Hmmph. Even guards must know their weaknesses!" Odin said with the enemy firing on their position. "Damn! You must hurry Zek! He will get away!!!!" He said with worry with Ivan being taken into his car and driving away while Zek aimed feeling his eyes enter a state of focus while his aura surged.
"I WONT MISS." He said firing as the bullet broke through the glass and pierced through Ivans head splattering blood across the window, causing the car to drive out of control and crash...
"WELL DONE MY BOY!!!!" Odin said until a n explosion from a missile sent the two flying backwards. "Ugh! We need to go now Zek! Run!!!" Odin with the two rushing out of the building and into the cold river.. below.... and for Zek...
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grimmusings · 1 year
“ i don’t know who the bigger threat is; the dead, or the living. “ Maggie to Sam or Dean? 🤔 @pleinsdemuses
Answered here! 🧟
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luazasvogel · 1 year
Has King and Kaido achieved revenge against the scientists? How were their screams? Did they beg and plead?
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" those that sought to experiment and contain us were killed when we escaped. i remember so vividly their bodies burning, the sound of their screams, the smell of their scorched flesh. that lab was cleansed that day. in it's entirety. "
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vvaywardhunter · 1 year
“ i don’t know who the bigger threat is; the dead, or the living. “
Once upon a time, Dean thought it would be cool to find an actual zombie. It was one of few things he'd never seen before on a case, probably because they didn't exist. If he could go back in time and punch himself in the face, he'd do it. There was no such thing as one zombie. One always led to more, and then a hoard, and then the whole goddamn world, and that was pretty much how it had happened. The whole world gone practically overnight. Given that Sam and Dean had already been fighting monsters all their lives and had an arsenal of weapons at their disposal, they'd fared better than most in the outbreak.
A couple years into it, and everyone was hurting though. Supplies were starting to dwindle no matter how far out they went on their raids, and the people… sweet Chuck, he'd never had to kill so much, even in his hunting days. Killing human monsters hadn't been his job, but it was a requirement for survival these days. It never got easier, and he still hated doing it, but he'd do what he had to do, just like always. They were holed up in an abandoned shack in some nowhere town until morning, and he was checking the cabinets for food or maybe ammo. "C'mon, Mags. You know the living are always worse. The dead'll just kill ya." He grinned over at her, but there was little humor in it. The things he'd seen other humans do to each other since all this started were best left unsaid, buried so deep in his memory they could only surface again in nightmares.
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aimasup · 6 months
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evil loving relationships are too fun to write oh no
Hope they all get a horrid ending and they do it together (preferably if one or two of them die)
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