#Tw castism
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redcr9ssnine · 9 months ago
9h, n9, really, trust me. It is much m9re desired than my, er, 9ther title. Which I will n9t 6e menti9ning. I'd rather y9u call me that if y9u need a title at all, 6ut Kankri just w9rks fine. Thank y9u, th9ugh!
That is c9rrect, we d9n't actively have Gl'bg9lyb 9n 9ur 6ef9rus, and while I cann9t speak f9r the 9thers wh9 d9 n9t share my same.... class and aspect, I had 6een c9nci9usly aware that s9mething was "missing" fr9m 9ur planet in a way. Expansi9n was never a main g9al, instead 9ur missi9n was t9 c9llect inf9rmati9n and pr9vide a helping hand at every turn. Many systems, due t9 their expansi9n g9als in mind w9uld l9se sight 9f their 9wn devel9pment, and when we w9uld all9cate a l9cati9n like that, we w9uld send 9ur 6est tr99ps and f9cus s9me res9urces t9wards assisting the planet int9 sta6ility. This expl9rati9n 9f space was 9ften delegated t9 tr9lls wh9 had pr9ven their mental and physical f9rtitude 9n 6ef9rus thr9ugh their w9rk hist9ry. 9f c9urse this did n9t c9me with it's 9wn c9mplicati9ns 69th due t9 the discriminati9n warm castes w9uld face due t9 the assumpti9n that they were physically weaker 9r less intelligent than c99l castes, as well as many planets denial 9f assistance fr9m 6ef9rus. 9ur empress was n9t very easy t9 say n9 t9.
I w9uld agree that yes the c9nflict 6etween landdwellers and seadwellers is similar t9 if n9t 9n par with h9w it was in Alternia, th9ugh, I 6elieve what stands 9ut specifically is seadwellers unique 6ef9ran experience 9f s9cial 9utcast in landdwellers s9ciety due t9 their increased aggressi9n. It was c9mm9n kn9wledge that 9ut 9f all the hues, the c99l-t9nes were the quickest and easiest t9 l9se their tempers, which was a massive ta699 9n 6ef9rus, and c9nsidered imp9lite and unwelc9me. This w9uld cause great c9nflict 6etween the seadwellers and landdwellers especially am9ngst the 9chre bl99ds, due t9 warmer t9nes 6eing given a grant f9r their 6ad 6ehai9r, especially if they were cullees.
The clurch as it exists 9n Alternia never existed t9 6egin with 9n 6ef9rus if I remem6er c9rrectly, in fact my teammate, Kurl9z, is the 9nly Juggal9 I've met in pers9n. He claims that there are hundreds t9 th9usands like him that share his 6elief system, 6ut I have yet t9 find a s9urce t9 his claim 9n 6ef9rus specifically.
That's incredi6le, truly, I have much I'd like t9 ask a69ut, 6ut I w9uldn't even kn9w where t9 start.
)(appy Quad week everyone.
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gulaabjamoon · 4 years ago
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"CaSTiSM dOEsN'T eXIsT iN InDIa"
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provokedpussy · 4 months ago
TW / castism , problematic people
why can’t people juwust (just) appreciate that some trolls have some compassion? i always see good highbloods on here speaking ouwut (out) against things, and getting yelled at becauwuse (because) they’re right! by the same people they’re helping! it’s so confuwusing (confusing) /neg (to people attacking) /pos (to good highbloods) /srs /lh
I think the fact that y8u, a highbl88d, speaking 8n l8wbl88d t8pics is pr8blematic. Implying that l8wer bl88ds can't speak f8r themselves is a deeply castist sentiment and leads tr8lls t8 getting culled.
🧵 The preferred term is actually warmbloods. Using the term "l*wbloods" implies that they're worth less or should be ranked below others, which is inherently castist. It's just another facet of the awful mess that is "hemospectrum truther" (and apologism) talking points...
🧵 I suggest you sort out your own (possibly internalized) castism first, before giving any recommendations to others...
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thequirkybookaholic · 4 years ago
People who do not acknowledge the rampant casteism can die by my sword
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"CaSTeSiM dOEsN'T eXIsT iN InDIa"
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