#Tursio Feresa
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crowleplays · 6 years ago
Tursio Feresa
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(sprite artwork by Brinytrolls)
Your name is TURSIO FERESA and despite everything life’s thrown at you, you’re trying to remain OPTIMISTIC. After all, you’re VIOLET, you can afford to get roughed up by the world, and so long as people are focused on YOU, they won’t go after the more VULNERABLE types you associate with.
It’s PRETTY EASY to stay in the spotlight when you’re a MUSICIAN, especially now that you’ve branched out to more MAINSTREAM territory with your recent works. For someone that should be ACCUSTOMED to being the center of attention, you’ve NEVER felt all that comfortable when everyone’s eyes are on you. Everyone wants to be FAMOUS until they are. Still, you try not to let the ANXIETY get to you, along with the LITANY of other personal issues you keep mostly to yourself. By Alternian standards you’re SOFT, but even soft types know to keep weaknesses hidden away. Maybe you’re a little TOO good at looking OKAY sometimes, but you can handle it, it’s fine, don’t worry about it. OTHER people need help more than you.
(My love to Danny at teamstarlightcollectors for letting me use his bio layout)
Name: Tursio Feresa
Age: 14 sweeps (wriggling day November 11th)
Gender: Nonbinary
Sexuality: Bi/Pan (Only poly in red and black)
Blood color: Violet
Lusus: Bottlenose Dolphin
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Physical Characteristics:
Height: 5′3″ 
Injuries: Torn, damaged fins, scars around his gills, a large scar that runs from his temple to his collarbone, and an injury to the base of his spine that’s been mended by a biotech implant
Deformities/Mutations: Shifter/Shadowdropper; form is a big fuckoff feathery dragon. Very difficult to force him to shift. Shifter form is highly protective and territorial, though not outwardly malicious or destructive. It is not afraid of killing people though.
Tattoos/markings: Twin back tattoos in the shape of watery wings
Other notable aspects: Iridescent hair (it’s dyed), symmetrical paired fangs, short for a seadweller
Strife Specibus: Weaponized violin, which can shoot hard light projectiles, illuminated snare nets, and sonic blasts.
Occupation: Musician
Face Claim: Renan Pacheo
Voice Claim: Adam Young
Troll tag: aberrantComposer
Typing quirks:
Replaces e/E with €
Quirk example: “If I cannot figur€ this m€lody out I'm going to scr€am.”
Ancestor’s Title: The Composer
Notable Skills/Abilities/Powers: Very good at being able to pack up and disappear off the map in about 24-48 hours, knows how to use his size to his advantage in a fight against a bigger opponent, can recover incredibly fast from wounds that aren’t inflicted with silver
Interests/Likes: Video games, tasteful neons, sweets, sour candy, stargazing, Pokemon, comfy clothes, fiction books
Dislikes: Paparazzi, stuffy formal wear, too many loud noises, hemoist bullshit, being yelled at, having his personal space invaded
Extra Information:
Lowkey involved with hemorebels and his music often carries undertones of this
His bloodcolor when in public is usually anonymous, as he’s not known to be a violetblood by the press
Super friendly and easygoing but can’t stand overly negative people and will just walk away from a conversation with one
Tursio Things
Tursio Aesthetic
The Dissident: When you first met Peraux, she broke your nose. Granted, you absolutely deserved it at the time and had it coming. She’s the person who made you take steps to be a better person, be someone worth befriending and knowing. In a way she saved you from yourself, which is something you’ve repaid with sweeps and sweeps of love. (Spitfire)
The Old Friend: Satare’s someone you’ve known a long time, and you’ve both seen each other’s ugly histories. Beyond just that, you’ve been through hell together and come out the other side. He’s a rabble-rousing shit-disturber with something to prove and you wouldn’t trade him for anyone else. 
The Sucker Punch: Vlinde earned that title when your crush on him came out of nowhere and sent you reeling for the next few perigees. It wasn’t helped by the fact that he’s completely oblivious to romantic hints. Somehow, despite all your collective idiocy, you started dating, and just like Peraux he means the world to you. (Breakbeat)
The Reminder Of Your Old Life: Faldur is a piece of goddamn work, that’s for sure. Thankfully, he’s not yours, and while part of you wishes he could get better, most of you knows he won’t. Everything your old friendship was built upon is mostly gone now anyways. It’s better this way.
The Nerd: Honestly, messaging Sarkan was the best thing you’ve recently done. He’s an absolute goofball and the best person to have on a stream, not to mention one hell of a friend. 
The Pain In Your Ass: JUST WHO DOES THIS ANGELO PRICK THINK HE IS?! No, really, someone telling you would be nice since you can’t remember much about him.
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Relationship Status
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shivroy · 7 years ago
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@crowleplays HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BOTH YOU AND TURSIO!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day and like this lil doodle ^u^
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crowleplays · 7 years ago
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Man €v€ry tim€ I s€€ s€adw€ll€rs with massiv€ fins or tails with fins I just winc€ a bit int€rnally. Lik€, shit, look at min€. Ripp€d th€ fuck up and th€y ain't h€al€d prop€rly. Tail is straight up gon€ 'caus€ it got torn off.
And som€ of th€m hav€ th€ n€rv€ to walk around in gold bikinis and talk shit lik€, dud€, you'r€ asking to g€t fuck€d up.
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crowleplays · 7 years ago
Listen I didn’t even know when I first picked them out for Orcuso and Tursio that African Wild Dogs don’t bark but squeak.
It’s goddamn perfect for them
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crowleplays · 7 years ago
Tursio is the kind of celebrity that absolutely just fuckin goes out in the night or early mornings and hangs out in a park or on a rooftop with one of his portable setups
Like ah yes there’s Songdog, rooting around for ideas and inspiration in a public area
Will casually talk to you while he’s in his full robot gear
Don’t call the press bc if he gets swarmed he’ll leave but if you’re chill you can just hang
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crowleplays · 7 years ago
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Th€r€ is nothing mor€ Alt€rnian than b€ing r€cord€d as "d€c€as€d" on th€ public r€cord and still g€tting mail€d propoganda and fl€€t draft "off€rs."
I'v€ b€€n d€ad for 4 sw€€ps guys pl€as€ gods l€t m€ hav€ normal mail full of bills and Amazon ord€rs. Or fanmail packag€s from my vi€w€rs that ar€ full of m€m€s and ch€ap lub€.
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crowleplays · 7 years ago
02:04] AC: Right, sorry
[02:04] AC: Mayb€ it's just th€ w€ird lighting in h€r€
[02:04] AC: But I can't s€€ your gills 'n it looks mor€ r€d-ish
[02:05] IB: /pauses and her eyes go wide
[02:05] IB: Um
[02:05] IB: I was maimed?
[02:05] AC: W€ll, if Higgins fuck€d you, y€ah
[02:05] AC: Can't r€ally argu€ with that.
[02:05] -- idiosyncraticBalatron [IB] bursts out laughing --
[02:05] AC: ....oh you m€an b€for€hand
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crowleplays · 7 years ago
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Tursio Feresa - The Virtuoso
Shipwreck in a sea of faces There's a dreamy world up there Dear friends in higher places Carry me away from here  X
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crowleplays · 7 years ago
But does he got ABS
Nope! He used to when he was a lil younger but now he’s squishy.
Doesn’t mean he can’t fuck someone up tho.
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crowleplays · 7 years ago
"doing" for tursio!! [and "psst" if u got anything ;3c]
Doing: Three habits that they have.
Tursio is very, very prone to chewing on stuff. Like, he owns about 12 different chewy stim toys and still manages to slowly eat his mechanical pencils and water bottle caps. 
He also is prone to making high pitched clicks and squeaks like his lusus did when he was a kiddo. Usually when he’s deep in thought.
Sio usually has pretty good volume control but when he’s excited he tends to...forget that and kinda yell a lot. RIP everyone on the skype call with him. 
Psst: Three things that they've always wanted to tell your character.
“I r€ally did miss Faldur aft€r I kinda f€ll off th€ fac€ of th€ plan€t for a bit and tri€d to scrap€ my lif€ tog€th€r. Lik€, w€ us€d to b€ fri€nds! I wanna still b€ fri€nds, y'know? I just...I dunno, I wanna h€lp him. It's dumb.”
"List€n, I know I act all chill about it around him but hhhaaaaahahaa holy crap I'm fri€nds with Sarkan? H€'s so fucking cool and also, lik€, incr€dibly r€latabl€. Might giv€ him my r€cip€ for €n€rgy drink €spr€sso shots."
"Flor€m is so wond€rful and I f€€l so guilty that I kinda...spook€d h€r wh€n I was young€r and a fucking idiot douch€bag. I r€ally, r€ally wanna ask h€r about th€ typ€s of succul€nts I can k€€p in my hiv€ b€caus€ having a tiny gard€n at my d€sk would b€ rad as h€ll. That and, w€ll. Sp€nding som€ tim€ talking to h€r would b€ nic€. Sh€'s a v€ry soothing p€rson."
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crowleplays · 8 years ago
YELLS HE’S GOT A PAGE ACTUALLY (Tho it needs some updating that writing is Old)
He’s my oldest fantroll and means the absolute world to me, since he’s grown so much as a character and developed as I have. While I gradually came to terms with my gender he has too, which might be a bit of projection but y’know I don’t care lol.
Sio is an electronic musician that is known as Concussion, alongside his matesprit Peraux who goes by Songbird. They have a pretty big fanbase and it’s how they make a living, as their previous engagement as pirates didn’t work out too well. He’s been playing music since he could hold an instrument correctly and is classically trained with a violin and piano. He likes to go Lindsey Stirling from time to time with his albums.
He struggles a lot with anxiety, depression, and severe ADHD, which makes doing shit in general pretty difficult for him outside his bubble of comfort. He tends to overcompensate in social situations by being super bubbly and friendly and not exactly truthful about his overall emotional state unless you pry it out of him. Tursio usually comes off as pretty relaxed but his temper is very easy to bring out if there’s no one around to ground him. 0 to 100 real quick man. 
Sio was a pretty godawful person when he was younger and that shit haunts him like nobody’s business, to the point where he refuses to go back to his home in Corriente. Partially because he’s afraid of confronting the people he hurt, partially because he’s terrified of getting gunned down by gang members that he owes a fuckton of money to. 
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crowleplays · 8 years ago
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crowleplays · 8 years ago
🎲 tursio
He’s a music man, he’d absolutely be a bard.
I mean shit the DnD session I’m getting read for right now has him as a bard; he’s a Kenku with a magic violin.
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crowleplays · 8 years ago
★★★ for tursio & ★★★ for satare :3c
Tursio -
He used to be a godawful hemoist piece of shit when he was younger. Like, he had zero regard for anyone under jade and saw very little wrong in just killing them for shits and giggles or if they pissed him off. He’s deeply ashamed of who he used to be and has done a lot to repair and bury his past, though he still is afraid of going back home.
The reason for this is that he racked up a fuckton of debt while he was still acting like a jackass. Thousands and thousands of caegers spent on drugs, stupidly fancy clothes, expensive weapons, and all kinds of favors. He was very hedonistic.
Now he makes most of his money through producing digital music. He’s been at that career for about 7 sweeps and has a pretty sizable fanbase. In all that time, he’s never once slipped up and given away his bloodcolor or name. Even his his gender is pretty ambiguous, which he very much enjoys. All he’s known by is his online name, Concussion. 
His shifter condition isn’t natural, at least in the sense that it was passed down through his bloodline. Instead, he got it through one of his ex-kismesises being a fucking jackass and knocking him out to do a random surgery on him. One of his ears was cut off and replaced with another troll’s and they happened to be a shifter, so he contracted it through that.
Most things don’t squick him out or make him too uncomfortable, but he can’t stand any type of violence against animals. Every time he watches an action/thriller/horror movie he always looks up if any dogs or other animals die because he has to look away at that part.
He does artwork from time to time! He first started getting into illegal activities with graffiti and has gotten a lot better at it since he started, though as pretty as his pieces are most of them are still illegal. He considers that part of the art. Other times he’ll paint tiny blank models or modify them to look like something else. He’s got a lot of custom figures he did himself on his desk.
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crowleplays · 8 years ago
for a moment i read Tursio Feresa, as Turian Fursona and i was really confused
Listen the boy has many fursonas and im like 99% sure he’s played Mass Effect so who the hell knows 
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crowleplays · 8 years ago
Satare and Tursio’s relationship with each other is so weird bc they met at a rave while both higher than kites and ended up screwing each other a few hours later. Satare initially intended to just kill him afterwards and take his money but was too tired and slept through the day. Woke up to Sio making the pair of them breakfast and they just hit it off and were nearly instant bros. 
They both have seen each other at their absolute worst and just have a pretty strong policy of having the other’s back. They’ll tease and poke fun about shit from time to time but more often than not one will probably get a bit defensive of the other if anyone else not close to them does the same shit. At one point they tried dating in the red quad but neither was too into it in the long run. They’re just really really close platonic friends.
Tursio frequently has Satare provide audio and do vocals for his music, though this has only become a trend more recently since Satare’s been really shy on that front for sweeps. They’ve set up a vlog series on Tursio’s GrubTube channel, though Tursio still is under his guise of anonymity as Concussion. Sometimes Gineyo shows up for certain vlogs when he’s in the area and they’re all furry trash together.
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