customcargrills · 1 year
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These old 1st gen Tundras look a lot younger with new grille & wheels!
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towengine · 5 months
2015 Toyota Tundra Towing Capacity
Attention all truck enthusiasts! 🚚🔥 Check out our latest blog article on the 2015 Toyota Tundra towing capacity. 💪 Whether you need a reliable work truck or a powerhouse for your outdoor adventures, this beast has got you covered. 💯 Don't miss out on all the details and features that make this #ToyotaTundra a top contender in its class. 🏆 Read now and share with your friends who are in the market for a new truck!
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starchanged · 7 months
@destinybcnds / Drayton texted back: [TXT] imagine getting caught lacking by a leaf. Couldn't be me. lol lmao even…
[TXT: Dafty Dragon] no u just get caught slacking by literally everyone & everything else 🙄 [TXT: Dafty Dragon] unlike u a leaf is the only thing stealthy enough to catch me slacking lol
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Tundran Territories 'Battalion Wars' Nintendo Gamecube
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black-suns-rim · 1 year
The Loreirrans - regional appearance and subspecies
it is time that i finally make a big post about my original alien species, the Loreirrans! keep in mind that i have been world-building about them for about 5 years now, so i have so much information about them that i'll need to post in sections. This post will focus on the diverse appearances the Loreirrans take and a couple of the subspecies that exist.
General Physical Appearance
Appearance of the Loreirrans
The Loreirrans are a captivating and ancient species, distinguished by their unique physical characteristics. These highly intelligent, bipedal humanoids possess a striking appearance, and their attributes vary depending on their age, environment, and reproductive state.
Height and Physique: Loreirrans exhibit a remarkable range in height, typically standing between 8 to 12 feet tall. In rare instances, some Loreirrans can grow even taller, reaching heights of 15 feet or more. Their body types, from slender to robust, are influenced by the environmental conditions of their habitat, and their fur varies from short peach fuzz to long and lush, offering insulation and camouflage.
Coloration: The coloration of Loreirrans is predominantly dark, serving as effective natural camouflage. However, their bodies are adorned with vibrant neon patches that appear on their joints, backs, and the undersides of their feet and hands. These bright accents contrast beautifully with their dark base color and are influenced by their specific environment.
Limbs and Digits: Loreirrans possess five fingers on each hand and two toes on each foot, except for those residing in the swamp and jungle regions, who boast a unique third toe, functioning like a dew claw. Their hands and feet are highly dexterous, facilitating complex tasks.
Sensory Adaptations: Intriguingly, Loreirrans lack visible ears and noses. Instead, they rely on sensory input from small openings located behind their jawlines for auditory perception. They have sharp front teeth reminiscent of canines, and their back teeth are adapted for grinding. A retractable tongue, capable of extending up to 3 feet, aids in various tasks.
Sensory Organs: Loreirrans possess unique sensory adaptations. They lack conventional eyes but perceive the world through infrared and electromagnetic fields, providing them with a distinct and comprehensive view of their surroundings. Adults boast sensory organs on their backs and shoulders, visible as neon-colored patches, which enhance their perception further.
Metamorphosis and Reproduction: Loreirrans undergo a metamorphosis-like transition from youth to adulthood. Prepubescent and young Loreirrans lack certain adult traits, including the neon patches, extra arms, antennae, and a spiny ridge extending from head to tail, lacking a tail as well. Young Loreirrans have a more humanoid appearance with four antennae. Upon completing this transformation, Loreirrans are considered adults, achieving sexual maturity and the potential to produce offspring. Most Loreirrans are hermaphrodites, capable of both male and female reproduction, although exceptions exist with distinct male or female sexes.
Regional Appearances
Appearance of Tundra Regional Loreirrans (Tundrans)
Fur and Palms: Tundra regional Loreirrans, affectionately known as Tundrans, exhibit distinctive physical traits uniquely adapted to their frigid environment. Their fur is notably thick, covering their entire body in a pristine white coat. While their body fur is plush and soft, their palms boast a shorter but denser fur, providing extra insulation against the cold. This specialized fur texture ensures warmth and comfort in the harsh tundra conditions.
Antennae: The Tundrans' antennae are shorter than those of Loreirrans from other regions, and they share the same fur texture as their palms. These shorter antennae are perfectly suited to their environment and contribute to their streamlined appearance.
Size: Tundrans are comparatively smaller in stature, standing at an average height of 7 to 8 feet tall. This smaller size allows them to navigate their icy surroundings with agility and efficiency.
Color Variations: While Tundrans predominantly sport a pristine white fur coat, some individuals may exhibit patches of alternative colors, such as browns or grays. However, it's important to note that Tundrans never possess bright neon colors on their fur. Instead, their dark and neon colorations are concealed beneath their fur, remaining unseen unless a Tundran undergoes shaving.
Appearance of Water Regional Loreirrans (Watorrians)
Skin and Gills: Watorrians are uniquely adapted to their aquatic habitat, featuring smooth, water-resistant skin that allows for effortless gliding through the water. Distinctively, they possess three rows of gills situated beneath their jawline. These gills play a crucial role in respiration and appear to connect to their infrared sensing organs, granting them unparalleled underwater perception.
Webbed Adaptations: Watorrians are streamlined swimmers, thanks to their extensive webbing. This webbing extends across various parts of their bodies, facilitating swift and graceful movement in the aquatic realm. Notably, their fingers, toes, antennae base, and tail base are adorned with webbed structures, optimizing their hydrodynamic efficiency.
Spiny Ridge and Sensory Fins: The spiny ridge of Watorrians is elongated and exceptionally smooth, contributing to their streamlined form. Along the bottom of their tail and stomach, they possess small sensory fins that serve as sensitive detectors, allowing them to perceive even the slightest changes in water conditions, such as sudden movements or currents.
Colorations: Watorrians exhibit a color palette that leans toward shades of blues and greens, mirroring the hues of their underwater world. However, some individuals may display variations in color, including purples and reds. These colorations add to their visual diversity and blend harmoniously with their aquatic surroundings.
Size: Standing at a height of 8 to 9 feet when on land, Watorrians are equally formidable underwater, where their total length, from head to tail, spans an impressive 18 to 20 feet. These dimensions are finely tuned for their adept navigation and survival in the water.
Appearance of Desert Regional Loreirrans (Desertorrians)
Plentiful Representatives: Among all regional Loreirrans, Desertorrians are the most abundant and serve as the primary physical representation of the Loreirran species.
Fur and Coverage: Desertorrians possess a distinct covering of thin peach fuzz that envelops their entire body, with notable exceptions. This fine fur provides insulation and protection from the desert environment. Notably, their spiny ridge, the soles of their feet, and the palms of their hands remain devoid of fur.
Cranial Features: One distinguishing feature of Desertorrians is the slight elongation of the back of their heads compared to Loreirrans from other regions. This subtle cranial adaptation is a hallmark of their regional identity.
Size and Stature: Desertorrians stand as the largest of all Loreirrans, with heights ranging from an impressive 10 to 12 feet. Their imposing stature reflects their adaptability and resilience in the challenging desert landscape.
Coloration Variations: The coloration of Desertorrians typically leans towards darker shades, aligning with the arid, sun-soaked environment they call home. However, rare instances reveal Desertorrians adorned in warm pastel hues or even completely black, showcasing the intriguing diversity within their regional population.
Appearance of Forest Regional Loreirrans (Forestorrians)
Size and Stature: Forestorrians, as inhabitants of the lush forest region, are slightly smaller in stature compared to the Desertorrians. They typically stand at heights ranging from 10 to 11 feet, making them imposing yet agile within the forest canopy.
Coloration Palette: One of the most distinctive features of Forestorrians is their neon coloration, which leans heavily towards earthy and natural tones. These hues include varying shades of greens, browns, and blues, perfectly suited for blending into their forest environment.
Prehensile Tails: Unlike Loreirrans from other regions, Forestorrians boast prehensile tails that are notably thinner at the base. This unique adaptation allows them to grasp and manipulate objects with precision, aiding in their arboreal lifestyle.
Limbs and Digits: Forestorrians' limbs and digits are characterized by their slightly greater length and slenderness. These features enhance their agility in navigating the dense foliage and intricate terrain of the forest region.
Spiny Ridges and Claws/Talons: In contrast to their Desert counterparts, Forestorrians exhibit shorter spiny ridges along their backs. Additionally, their claws or talons are notably thicker, providing them with superior grip and dexterity when climbing trees and navigating the forest environment.
Additional Notes:
Forestorrians' neon coloration, while vibrant, remains subtle and harmonious with the forest surroundings.
Their adaptability to the forest ecosystem makes them exceptional climbers and agile explorers of their habitat.
Appearance of Jungle/Swamp Regional Loreirrans (Surglans)
Distinct Regional Similarities: Surglans, the inhabitants of both the Swamp and Jungle regions, share a strikingly similar appearance. They stand out as the least abundant among all regional Loreirrans.
Spiny Ridges and Antennae: One of the defining features of Surglans is their elongated spiny ridges, which extend along their backs, providing them with a unique and striking appearance. Additionally, Surglans have longer antennae compared to other regional Loreirrans, enhancing their sensory perception in their lush and vibrant environments.
Coloration Spectrum: Surglans exhibit an impressive array of colorations that mirror the vibrant hues of the swamp and jungle ecosystems. These colors include varying shades of reds, oranges, yellows, greens, and on occasion, blues. This diverse palette helps them blend seamlessly into their surroundings and offers a stunning display of regional diversity.
Claws/Talons and Third Toe: Surglans possess longer and thicker claws or talons, granting them superior dexterity when navigating the dense undergrowth and moist terrain of their regions. What sets them apart further is the presence of a third toe, which resembles a dew claw. This additional appendage enhances their agility and grip, making Surglans adept climbers and hunters in their challenging environments.
Size and Stature: Surglans typically range from 9 to 10 feet in height, reflecting their adaptability to the dynamic and intricate landscapes of the Swamp and Jungle regions.
Additional Notes:
Surglans' longer spiny ridges and antennae serve both aesthetic and practical purposes, aiding in sensory perception and maintaining balance in their lush habitats.
Their vibrant colorations are a testament to the rich biodiversity and unique flora and fauna of their regions.
Loreirran Subspecies
Off-planet Loreirrans
Physical Characteristics: Off-planet Loreirrans display a set of distinct physical traits that set them apart from their counterparts on Icera-5. These differences are primarily adaptations to their environment in outer space.
Stature and Size: Off-planet Loreirrans are notably shorter in height, typically ranging from 5 to 6 feet tall. This diminutive stature is a result of their adaptation to living in environments with weaker gravity compared to their home-world.
Coloration: Their coloration differs significantly from their terrestrial counterparts. Off-planet Loreirrans are lighter in color, reflecting the muted tones of their artificial habitats in space.
Antennae: In contrast to the longer antennae seen in Loreirrans on Icera-5, Off-planet Loreirrans have shorter antennae. This adaptation likely aids in maneuvering within the confines of their space stations and artificial planets.
Body Patterns: The body patterns of Off-planet Loreirrans are limited to complex stripes and spots. These patterns may serve as a form of camouflage within the artificial structures of their space habitats.
Environment and Lifestyle: Off-planet Loreirrans call space stations and artificial planets their home. They inhabit environments with weaker gravity compared to Icera-5. This unique habitat has led to specific adaptations that enable them to thrive in space.
Life Span and Development: Despite their adaptations, Off-planet Loreirrans tend to have shorter life spans compared to their counterparts on Icera-5. Their bodies are adapted for faster development during childhood, likely as an advantage in the confined and resource-limited space environments they inhabit.
Mixed ancestory
Compatibility and Rarity: It is exceptionally rare for any species to be compatible with Loreirrans, and this subspecies represents a fascinating exception. They share a unique ancestral connection with a species that has been extinct for centuries, leaving behind only mixed Loreirrans and a rich cultural legacy.
Distinct Characteristics: These unique Loreirrans do not undergo the customary second metamorphosis that other Loreirrans experience. As a result, their physical characteristics are distinct and reflective of their ancestral lineage.
Stature and Size: Loreirrans with extinct ancestry typically stand at heights ranging from 7 to 8 feet. This falls within the range of their Loreirran counterparts, allowing them to somewhat blend within Loreirran communities.
Feathered Appearance: One of the most striking features of this subspecies is their feathered appearance. They are covered in small feathers that adorn their entire body. These feathers give them a unique and childlike appearance, setting them apart from typical Loreirrans.
Tail Feathers: These unique Loreirrans possess tail feathers, although they are functionally useless. These feathers are a vestige of their ancestral heritage and contribute to their distinctive appearance.
Non-Shape Shifting: Unlike some Loreirrans, this subspecies does not possess the ability to shape-shift. Their physical form remains consistent throughout their lives.
Ancient Loreirrans
Distinctive Characteristics: The first Loreirrans, in ancient times, bore a striking contrast to their modern counterparts. Their physical attributes were distinct and set them apart in Loreirran history.
Physical Features:
Eyes: Unlike the contemporary Loreirrans who lack visible eyes, the ancient Loreirrans possessed eyes, allowing them to perceive the world visually.
Limbs: They had two arms, which was different from the current Loreirrans with four arms.
Fur Resembling Hair: Their heads were adorned with fur that closely resembled the appearance of hair, another departure from the modern Loreirrans.
Nose Similar to Earth Bunnies: Their noses bore a striking resemblance to the noses of Earth bunnies, providing a unique feature in their appearance.
Antennae: While they retained the characteristic antennae of Loreirrans, they had only two antennae on their heads.
Sensory Perception: It remains a mystery what spectrum of light the ancient Loreirrans saw in. However, archaeological evidence suggests that their vision might have been akin to that of humans, as evidenced by colored art found in deep caverns.
Unique Markings and Appearance: Art depictions of the ancient Loreirrans reveal a distinctive appearance characterized by:
Dark skin or fur, setting them apart from the neon complexion of modern Loreirrans.
Intricate and unique markings covering their bodies, akin to the patterns seen on tigers or leopards.
Extinction: Unfortunately, the subspecies of ancient Loreirrans is now extinct. Their unique physical characteristics and visual perceptions have been lost to history, with only remnants of their existence preserved in ancient art and records.
i'll share some art of each regional loreirran and their repected subspecies sometime soon.
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waqupi · 5 months
Lyrics to / Låttext till Brevet - Turid from / från Tistlar från tundran 1980
De skickade mig ett brev Jag fick det med första posten Där stod det att min bror Blev arresterad i förrgår morse Och släpad genom gatorna med handklovar i blåsten, ja!
De klargjorde motivet Till att Roberto blivit tagen Han stödde en strejk Som var ett brott mot själva lagen Med sådana lagar blir jag väl brottsling Själv endera dagen, ja!
Och jag som är långt från Chile Och bara väntar på att få veta Så får jag höra att därhemma Kan inte arbetare leva De hungriga får gevärseld Istället för nåt att äta, ja!
De rika med sina later De försvarar sin egen ställning Och kommer och går i kyrkan I frack och högtidsstämning men de struntar i alla budord Det räcker väl med bekänning, ja!
Och breven som de har skickat Det kräver att jag svarar Då vill jag att nån som kan det För människorna förklarar Att blodsugarna fortsätter Att döda av gammal vana, ja!
Det är tur att jag har gitarren När hjärtat brister Och nio bröder förutom, Den som sitter hos polisen Och tack gode gud i himlen Alla nio är kommunister, ja!
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ferrunough · 9 months
[A Spindagram story on forgelovesquinoa’s account. The video has text added on the bottom left reading: Sharing this maddness because I can’t suffer alone
No Name is sat opposite the cameraman, both at a table in a kitchen. Or so you assume — it’s completely covered by scraps of paper and plates.
“Th unly gud wun so far is Fritellis buh, lie, A dun… A really wan ih ta be a Smifs r Killas name!” (The only good one so far is Fritellis but, like, I don’t… I really want it to be a Smiths or Killers name!)
“Think of one then,” the cameraman says.
No Name shakes their head with a miffed tut as Ferris laughs from behind the camera.
“Best A goh is Malassey buh tha wone werk ‘cause:” (Best I got is Malassey but that won’t work because:)
Frenzied footsteps slipping along varnished floorboards and tile approach rapidly. No Name gestures to their side exactly as Wisp appears in frame. She quickly exits frame having overshot.
No Name leans down to fuss her, cooing “atta lass” and chuckling.
“Why do you want them specifically?”
“Y know th song y sen me yestaday? Ih reminded me ov a mae.” (You know the song you sent me yesterday? It reminded me of a mate.)
“… Wasn’t it a Tundran Mankeys song?”
No Name takes a second to smile at Ferris in their position before kissing at Wisp and sitting up properly.
“Ih woz, yeh! He jus lied tha song. Reminded me ov th CDs ee’d make…” (It was, yeah! He just liked that song. Reminded me of the CDs he’d make…)
As they fall silent, Ferris leafs through the sheets closest to him.
“Krullers isn’t too... Why is— What is Crody?”
No Name snaps back to the moment. “Cronuh an Cody. A dun thin cronuhs’d be a gud basis though. Bugalugs dun… Wha’s croissan dough eevun like? Is ih eevun dough‽ R is—” (Cronut and Cody. I don’t think cronuts’d be a good basis though. Buggerlugs doesn’t… What’s croissant dough even like? Is it even dough‽ Or is—)
The rest of their rant is cut off.]
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arbitri · 1 year
I vattnets flöde
I vattnet avspeglas eldens årstid, kylan fångas av vinden.
Ripfjället står en över om.
Färd bland sprakande färger, sätter ton på fjällets skugga.
I väntan på nattsvarta tider, svansar norrskenet obemärkt.
Skymningstid sätter himlen i brand.
I Sarek går ej ensamhet.
Ett skri i horisonten, kastas ned i dalen,
upp på tundran och ut i skyn.
Melankoli i vildmark, fångas upp av det karga,
mjuknar i sinne.
Av vattnets klarhet rensas själen återigen.
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blue-flame13 · 1 year
Nordgewandt - Departure, Thunder
You wake up - sounds of commotion outside your tent. The fire has already been put out and the biting cold of the tundran morning makes it difficult to raise yourself out of your bedroll.
As you come to your senses you see a wooden plate with a piece of bread and cheese next to you on the carpet. Is it time already? - You think to yourself, struggling to accept the discomfort of standing up from your bed.
But you manage, like many times before. So you begin putting on your clothes - Warm woolen and woven garments in multiple layers, dyed in a brown and green pattern as it is common for your tribe. This is how they’ve been wearing it for three, maybe four generations. At least since the path of the Shadowdwellers has grown alarmingly close from the west.
It takes a while to get ready and eat your meal, but after a couple of minutes you take your trusty Kieferbrecher, a surprisingly hefty bronzen sword entrusted to you by your late father, and step out of your tent.
A threatening rumble far from the South.
By the spirits, it really is time! A harsh wind hits your face as you examine your surroundings. Your tribe of twenty-nine are gathering their possessions, breaking camp and making ready the oxens and horses, while the cold grassland surrounding you is engulfed by a thick fog.
Another surge of rumbling shakes the air. It seems to be about nine or ten days closer than the Elder anticipated. Maybe he wasn’t quite awake the last time he called to the Spirits. - You sheepishly think to yourself, with an urgent thought in the back of your head:
Your tribe needs to leave.
The Elder’s tent is the largest of all and placed a couple steps away from the others - As is tradition. Your brothers and sisters already struggle against the winds, trying to load their packs onto the carriages, but you making your way toward the tent tells them to start packing your things too.
Step by step you fight against the biting cold and cutting gusts, as you finally reach the Elder’s tent. Elder! - You call, standing on the outside. It is your task to make him ready, so you wait a minute for him to answer. You call again, but only silence answers from the inside.
You begin to worry. It is not the first time he slept through your calls, but usually you’d at least hear rummaging inside. Especially with the thunders from the south, him waking up might be more urgent than the many times before.
But tradition is tradition. You wait another minute to make your third call. Again - Nothing. Entrance is only allowed after the fourth, so you wait another minute. Time seems to stand still as you watch your tribe in their rush to pack up their tents. You count the seconds and try not to think about how much time might actually be left.
But how did the South close in so quickly? You’ve always been traveling further behind than many other tribes, taking the risk of being closer to it in exchange for not having too many rivals around. But you never were this close before.
You finally end your count and pray to the Spirits as you make your fourth and last call... Nothing.
Immediately you pull aside the curtain and step into the Elder’s tent, witnessing a sight that proves your worries right.
In the middle of the tent, in front of his divining bowl sits the Elder, wearing his spirit calling garbs. His head hangs low and he doesn’t move a muscle. Grandpa! - You call out, running towards him, pushing aside colorful ribbons and beads hanging from the top of the tent.
Is he dead? He can’t be!
Completely responseless and cold to the touch you carefully shake the old man, calling his name, hoping for the Spirits to do... something. Your mind starts racing: Why is he dead? Why now? How will the tribe survive? How will... I survive?
A few members of your family heard your panic and approch. They are filled with shock at the sight: The Elder dead, his next in line embracing him.
I can’t lead the tribe, can I? I never learned to call to the Spirits, how can I be a proper leader? I’m too young, how can I be an Elder?
Your aunt steps in. Seeing what is happening she immediately orders the others to start packing up the Elder’s - now your - possessions. As is tradition, they leave you to your shock and grief; if you cannot overcome it, the Spirits must have willed it so.
The world around you seems to fade, the thunders and rumblings drowned in the storm of your emotions. You start crying. Tears of loss, of despair and of fear. Fear if you will be able to lead your tribe. Fear of the unknown to the South. Fear of the unknown to the North.
It seemed like an eternity. These moments of shock and sorrow. Of responsibility crashing upon you like a torrent.
But the world around you doesn’t care. Suddenly you’re being snapped out of your emotions. Threatening and foreboding like you have never felt it before, a surge of thunder booming from the south suddely shakes the air. Following it, a strong gust of wind, taking the others on the outside of the tent aback.
You take your eyes away from your grandfather and look at your surroundings.
The others already started packing things up, but at the center of the tent, lying right in front of you, sits your grandfather’s divining bowl. It is made of bronze, embossed with runes reading “Go North Spirits Leading Go North Spirits Leading”. Lying upon it, the Nordknochen.
The task of the Elder is it to lead their tribe to the North, away from the destruction in the South. And the long but slender bone in front of you has been used to divine their path for generations.
Your guts tell you to flee directly away from the Thunder and Roaring. Go North.
But the way the bone lies inside the bowl tells you that your grandfather must’ve already thrown it before he died. And it suggests a much different angle, to the... western North? That can’t be right, this direction would be too slow to flee, never mind that you might cross the paths of other tribes!
Did your grandfather really divine this before he passed away? You never felt the Spirits like he did, so even if he did, how could you know?
Seeing how you begin to regain your composure, your aunt steps in from the entrance. You already know the questions she is going to ask, the decision she is going to demand of you: Where to go, Elder?
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customcargrills · 11 days
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Bout to start working on some more older Tundra pieces. Maybe some Ivan Stewart clones in the works later this year 🤷🏼‍♂️
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wingedteasommeiler · 1 year
Phil’s journal entry #2:
Tea isn’t the boys… “cup of tea.” Redundant, but I find that surely funny. Regardless of their preferences, a nice, warm cup of tea, especially within the tundras always hits the spot. I know there isn’t much for me to look and think about at the moment, but a part of me tends to think about that day that I get nightmares from. Of course, I have to keep my chin up and be a strong pillar for the boys. I, for one, do not want to feel like a failure of a father once more. I honestly feel more silent than I normally was way before. I feel like I shouldn’t say anything, but I’m doing the best I can to support the boys, especially him.
In moments I see all of their now dull eyes behind those supposed excitable smiles, I feel heartache. Then again, the more I grimace over it, the more I just sulk and not move on. I know that from hereon out, I should just help them, but I feel like I never had the right ever since that happened. I do swallow my own guilt and self-pity and move forward and try to help.
Above all else, I aim to help my boys, and look at them from a distance while sipping a cup of tea, just like how I usually make them to my liking and sitting outside within these tundran sceneries.
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robmotive · 3 years
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Top or Bottom? #tacoma #tundra #toyota #2022tundra #2020tacoma #trucks #tacomaworld #tundranation #teamtoyota #choices #youtuber #youtubechannel #robmotive https://www.instagram.com/p/CTlQCS1NmK6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yankokofficial · 5 years
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New arrival. LED License Plate Light Assembly for Toyota Tundra 2000-2013 & Tacoma 2005-2015. DOT SAE approved, 18 SMDs full LED display, direct bolt-on replacement. Review on any of our products and get it free. 
Amazon link: https://amzn.to/2pwkerU
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waqupi · 6 months
Lyrics to / Låttext till Ballad för Penelopes systrar - Turid from / från Tistlar från tundran 1980
Du nutidens Penelope som aldrig väntar mera När din Odysseus inte kom Tog du det hela kallt Ibland när något skepp kom Och med tiden blev det flera Då uppläts han åt seglaren En kort stund det var allt
Penelope ditt fruktträd ska aldrig mer bli ympat Och gräset växer vilt Och inga rosor lyser grant För ingen frukt kan växa På det träd som lämnat stympats Och törnesnåren växer Ut med trädgårdens ytterkant
Men nutidens Penelope är fri från sin väntan Och sina bojor har hon sprängt Och tar sitt liv med ro Och vet sitt värde där hon sitter nöjd i trädgårdsgläntan Rakryggad utan fruktträd Rosen doft och barnatro
Penelope du står där klarögd fri friska vinden Bland sköna vilda blomster Och ser skepp gå vid din hamn Ibland styr skeppen in Kanske öppnar du då grinden Till svalkan i din trädgård Och om du vill Till din famn
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It’s not all cleaned up for appropriate set up yet but I’ve got my directions, tracking my friends progress to the Ozark National Forest, HAM radio, CB radio and of course my phone. #ozarknationalforest #roadtrip #tundra_crew #toyotatundra #tundranation #tundra4x4club #tundramafia #PassionPassport #RoamThePlanet #LifeOfAdventure #Travel #Travelling #Adventure #AdventureWithDanan #AdventureIsOutThere #AdventureIsNecessary #Adventures (at Arkansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByS5S33gZpH/?igshid=pml1uv6nkc13
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battleshipbeaner · 6 years
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#battleshipbeanery #coffee company #tundra #tundracrew #tundranation #4x4 https://www.instagram.com/p/BtHG5Pih8kt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ct5tzr0vw5gj
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