#Tudor Giurgiu
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ozdeg · 1 year ago
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romaniasweetromania · 2 years ago
"În mine era o gălăgie îngrozitoare… Am avut momente ceva mai grele în viață și lungi perioade în care n-am râs. Eu sunt un om care râde numai când simte. Și când am râs, am simțit că amețesc. Noi, oamenii, suntem, totuși, niște animale mai protocolare și, când ne lipsește protocolul, nu prea știm ce să facem cu noi." (Carmen Galin
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asoiaf-fancasts · 11 months ago
Rhaenyra Targaryen - Fancasts
Age: 07 - 33
08 [Mother’s Death]
14 [Tourney]
17 [Marriage to Laenor]
23 [Marriage to Daemon]
32 - 33 [Civil War]
Appearance: She is beautiful with the Valyrian look and small lips. After her first 3 children she retained the weight from their pregnancies having a thick waist. She is dressed richly and is often wearing rings.
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Character: Elizabeth Murray [Younger]
Actress: Cara Jenkins
Movie: Belle [2013]
[She was 8/9 during filming so good for Rhaenyra when her mother dies and she is declared heir to when her father marries Alicent. She is pretty with pale skin, blonde hair and small lips.She wears mid 18th century clothes ish.]
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Character: Katherine Woodville
Actress: Elsa Houben
Show: The White Queen [2013]
[Unknown age, looks to be around 8 - 10 years old so good for when Rhaenyra is declared heir till her first half brother is born. She is pretty with fair skin, blonde hair and a small mouth. She unfortunately is only shown in one scene clearly. She wears a 15th century ish dress.]
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Character: Violetta Giurgiu
Actress: Anamaria Vartolomei
Movie: My Little Princess [2011]
[She was 11 during the filming of this movie so good for a year before he sweet half sister was born. She is pretty with blonde hair, pale skin and small lips. She wears modern clothes that are still good for close ups.]
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Character: White Queen [Younger]
Actress: Amelia Crouch
Movie: Alice Through the Looking Glass [2016]
[She was between the ages of 10 - 12 during the filming of this movie. So, good for when her half brother and sister were born. She has light blonde hair, has small lips and is pretty. She wears fantasy clothes.]
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Character: Lucrecia Borgia
Actress: María Valverde
Movie: Los Borgia [2006]
[She was 18 - 19 during this movie so the right age for Rhaenyra when she’s married to Laenor. She’s pretty and has small lips and blonde hair that is a bit too golden. She unfortunately has brown eyes and is not “thick of waist”. She wears 15th century Italian ish clothes.]
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Actress: Catherine Howard
Actress: Tamzin Merchant
Show: The Tudors [2007] [Season 3 & 4]
[She was 22 - 23 during this show so good for her during the start of her marriage to Daemon although she does have a love interest that more suits Harwin and is playing a character of an age with Rhaenyra when she was with Harwin. She’s pretty. She has lighter blonde but golden hair and small lips. Unfortunately she is quite skinny and not thick of waist. She wears Tudor ish clothes.]
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Character: Queen Jadwiga of Poland
Actress: Dagmara Bryzek
Show: The Crown of the Kings [2018]
[She’s 22 - 25 during this show so a good age for Rhaenyra during her marriage to Daemon. Her hair is brown and obviously not correct for Rhaenyra but with some editing I do think this fancast could be really good. She has pale skin, a rounder face and small ish lips. She isn’t plus sized but she is “thick of waist” compared to the other actresses. She wears 14th century polish clothes.]
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Character(s): Lucrecia Borgia & Constance Chatterly
Actress: Holliday Grainger
Show: The Borgias [2011]
Movie: Lady Chatterley’s Lover [2015]
[She was 22 - 25 during the show and was 26 - 27 in the movie so good for during her marriage to Daemon. She is blonde although a bit more golden than I imagined her hair and has relatively smaller lips. She has a rounder face in the movie but is unfortunately skinny in both. She wears 15th century Italian clothes in the show and in the movie she wears late 1920’s clothing.]
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Character: Catherine the Great
Actress: Yuliya Snigir
Show: Catherine the Great [2015]
[Suggested by: ???]
[She was 31/32 during this movie to the right age for her at the start of the war. She wears a silver wig, has a round ish face and small lips but unfortunately isn’t really “thick of waist”. She wears 18th century clothes.]
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onenakedfarmer · 14 minutes ago
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LIBERTATE [FREEDOM] Tudor Giurgiu Romania, 2023
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captaindanielepoto · 3 months ago
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ionutdragu · 4 months ago
Producătorii Tudor Giurgiu, Ada Solomon și Bianca Oana au încheiat sesiunile one to one cu cei 11 participanți la New Draft 
Cea de-a treia ediție a rezidenței New Draft, dedicată dezvoltării de scenarii de lungmetraj, a atins un nou punct important odată cu finalizarea sesiunilor de feedback între producătorii Tudor Giurgiu, Ada Solomon și Bianca Oana și cei 11 participanți selectați. Întâlnirile, desfășurate online, au oferit fiecărui participant ocazia de a primi sfaturi personalizate, menite să le îmbunătățească…
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deadlinecom · 8 months ago
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bdpst24 · 1 year ago
A hétvégén két díjait is nyert a Libertate’89 – Nagyszeben
A hétvégén két díjait is nyert a Libertate’89 – Nagyszeben
Tudor Giurgiu magyar-román koprodukcióban készült filmje csütörtöktől a mozikban A Cottbusi Filmfesztiválon a FIPRESCI – a Filmkritikusok Nemzetközi Szövetségének – díját, az Arras Film Festival-on pedig a Kritikusok díját nyerte a hétvégén Tudor Giurgiu rendező magyar koprodukcióban készült Libertate ’89 – Nagyszeben című történelmi drámája. A romániai kommunista rezsimet megdöntő forradalom…
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celluloidrainbow · 3 years ago
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LEGĂTURI BOLNĂVICIOASE (2006) dir. Tudor Giurgiu Alex and Cristina are university students who end up living in the same building. Their friendship develops quickly, overcoming several phases, from fellowship to care and tenderness. While the two are very different, the two girls get along fine, except for the moments when a third character shows up — Sandu, Kiki's brother who is permanently tormented by a very much unnatural jealousy... (link in title)
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kunsstlerroman · 5 years ago
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jurnaldeoltenia · 3 years ago
Prima premieră a stagiunii la Teatru Național Marin Sorescu : câine cu om. câine fără om
Prima premieră a stagiunii la Teatru Național Marin Sorescu : câine cu om. câine fără om
Prima premieră a stagiunii 2021/2022 a Teatrului Național „Marin Sorescu” din Craiova este spectacolul câine cu om. câine fără om, producție în regia lui Radu Afrim. Primele reprezentații vor avea loc în 9, 10, 15 și 16 octombrie 2021, de la ora 17:00, în Sala I.D. Sîrbu a teatrului. câine cu om. câine fără om este cel de-al patrulea spectacol pe care Radu Afrim îl montează la Naționalul…
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westerosiladies · 5 years ago
Myrcella Baratheon Fancast Resource
Myrcella has golden curls, emerald eyes, and full lips. She is described by her uncle, Tyrion Lannister, as having all of her mother Cersei's beauty, but none of her mother's nature. Myrcella is delicate, beautiful, and courteous. For her age, she displays courage, a strong will, and high intelligence. She is eight, or almost eight, at the beginning of A Song of Ice and Fire. Myrcella resembles Rosamund Lannister. (x)
TIL: Eight-year-olds are smaller than you think they are.
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Cara was 8/9 when filming Belle. She’s got a handful of scenes at the beginning of the film, all in regency-ish clothing.
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This film had an unusually long post-production, so despite the 2010 release date, it was filmed a few months after Elle’s 9th birthday. I honestly cannot pin down any sort of era for the fashion, but she’s just got the most perfect Myrcella curls.
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Poppy (seriously does this kid have the most fun name or what?) was also 9 when filming The duchess. Late 18th-century fashion, usually in scenes with several younger girls.
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11 during filming, Anamaria is really too old for Myrcella, but she’s has such a perfect aesthetic for her that I’m including her anyway.
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1. HANNAH ENDICOTT-DOUGLAS - BRIDGET O’MALLEY (SAMANTHA: AN AMERICAN GIRL ADVENTURE): 9 during filming, Edwardian fashion. She plays a working-class girl, so most usable Myrcella footage comes from the end, when she’s in a nightgown instead.
2. ELSA HOUBEN - KATHERINE WOODVILLE (THE WHITE QUEEN): I can’t find an exactly birthdate, but she was roughly 10 during filming. The White Queen and the other Philippa Gregory series’ are full of tiny blonde children in Tudor dress, but you do have to do a fair amount of mining since the children tend to appear briefly.
3. LIA GIOVANELLI - YOUNG COSETTE (BBC LES MISERABLES): Another one for whom I can’t get an exact birthday, but she’s 10ish as well. Again the costume design’s not super accurate to Westeros, but she’s an expressive child with a fair amount of featured scenes.
4. RAMONA MARQUEZ - PRINCESS MARGARET (THE KING’S SPEECH): 9 during filming, medium number of featured scenes, early 20th century fashion.
Particularly for this one, feel free to add any of your own! The full set of my fancast resources can be found here.
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romanmigracs · 4 years ago
Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem - NYÍLT LEVÉL
Mi, a romániai színházi és zenei előadó-művészeti szervezetek igazgatói, támogatásunkról biztosítjuk a budapesti Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem (SZFE) tanárait és hallgatóit. Szomorúan és aggodalommal tekintünk arra a durva beavatkozásra, amely a budapesti Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem szervezeti felépítésében történt, s amely által az Egyetem vezetését egy olyan alapítványra ruházták át, amelynek a kuratóriumát politikai szempontok alapján nevezték ki. Úgy gondoljuk, hogy az államnak kötelessége támogatni az egyetemi művészképzést, és mindennél fontosabb, hogy az Egyetem megőrizhesse autonómiáját, az akadémiai szabadságot és a szólás szabadságát, anélkül, hogy bármely politikai párt ráerőltethetné programját és anélkül, hogy csatlakoznia kellene bárminemű politikai doktrínához. Hisszük, hogy a budapesti Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem életébe történt ilyen mérvű beavatkozás károsan érinti a teljes kulturális életet.
Csatlakozunk azon személyekhez és intézményekhez az európai kultúra térségéből, akik szolidaritásukról biztosították a SZFE hallgatóit és Szenátusát.
1 Ada Hausvater, igazgató - Mihai Eminescu Nemzeti Színház, Temesvár
2 Adrian Tibu, igazgató - Gong Színház, Nagyszeben
3 Alexandru Boureanu, igazgató - Marin Sorescu Nemzeti Színház, Craiova
4 Anca Dana Florea, igazgató, - Masca Színház, Bukarest
5 Anna Maria Popa, igazgató - Andrei Mureșanu Színház, Sepsiszentgyörgy
6 Gáspárik Attila, igazgató - Nemzeti Színház, Marosvásárhely 7 Bogdan Costea, igazgató - Ioan Slavici Klasszikus Színház, Arad
8 Călin Mocanu, igazgató - Țăndărică Bábszínház, Bukarest
9 Carmen Steiciuc, igazgató - Matei Vișniec Színház, Suceava
10 Constantin Cotimanis, megbízott igazgató - Alexandru Davila Színház, Pitesti
11 Cosmin Brehuță, igazgató - Elvira Godeanu Drámai Színház, Târgu-Jiu
12 Cosmin Crețu, igazgató - Tudor Vianu Színház Giurgiu
13 Cristian Hadjiculea, igazgató - Vasile Alecsandri Nemzeti Színház, Jászváros
14 Eduard Sisu, igazgató - Gulliver Színház, Galați
15 Eliza Noemi Judeu, igazgató - Bacovia Megyei Színház, Bákó
16 Elvira Râmbu, igazgató - Regina Maria Színház, Nagyvárad
17 Emanuel Petran, igazgató - Puck Bábszínház, Kolozsvár
18 Erwin Șimșensohn, igazgató – Állami Színház, Konstanca
19 Florin Toma, igazgató - Fani Tardini Drámai Színház, Galați
20 Gabriel Popescu, igazgató - Ariel Színház, Râmnicu-Vâlcea
21 Gavril Cadariu, igazgató - Ariel Színház, Marosvásárhely
22 George Ivașcu, igazgató - Metropolis Színház, Bukarest
23 George Mihăiță, igazgató, - Vígszínház, Bukarest.
24 Gheorghe Colceag, igazgató - Kisszínház, Bukarest
25 Gianina Cărbunariu, igazgató - Fiatalok Színháza, Piatra-Neamț 26 Ioana Bogățan, igazgató - Prichindel Színház, Gyulafehérvár 27 Ion Caramitru, igazgató - I.L.Caragiale Nemzeti Színház, Bukarest
28 Albu István, igazgató - Figura Stúdió, Gyergyószentmiklós
29 Bocsárdi László, igazgató - Tamási Áron Színház, Sepsiszentgyörgy
30 Laurențiu Pleșa, igazgató Merlin Színház, Temesvár
31 Lucian Sabados, igazgató - Maria Filotti Színház, Brăila
32 Marius Bodochi, igazgató - Román Drámaírók Színháza, Bukarest
33 Marius Rogojinschi, igazgató - Vasilache Színház, Botoșani
34 Mc Ranin, igazgató - Tony Bulandra Színház, Târgoviște
36 Mihaela Rus, igazgató - Toma Caragiu Színház, Ploiești
35 Mihaela Soloceanu, igazgató - Arlechino Színház, Brassó
37 Mihai Maniuțiu, igazgató - Nemzeti Színház, Kolozsvár
38 Mihai Panaitescu, igazgató - Művész Színház, Déva
39 Nicolae Pungă, igazgató - Stela Popescu Színház, Bukarest
40 Ovidiu Caiță, művészeti igazgató - Északi Színház, Szatmárnémeti
41 Romică Stan, igazgató - "Căluțul de mare" Színház, Konstanca
42 Kányády Szilárd, igazgató - Csíki Játékszín, Csíkszereda
43 Traian Apetrei, igazgató - Mihai Eminescu Színház, Botoșani
44 Vasile Muraru, igazgató - C.Tănase Színház, Bukarest
45 Vlad Zamfirescu, igazgató - L.S. Bulandra Színház, Bukarest
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stars2day · 4 years ago
Transilvania Film Festival Forges Ahead With Online Events, Open-Air Screenings
Transilvania Film Festival Forges Ahead With Online Events, Open-Air Screenings
Throughout the anxious weeks leading up to the opening night of the 19th Transilvania International Film Festival, as the coronavirus pandemic continued to spread across Romania, government officials began to impose a series of increasingly rigorous safety protocols that cast the festival’s viability in doubt. But the organizers insisted that the show would go one.
“When we realized that the…
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captaindanielepoto · 7 months ago
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ionutdragu · 9 months ago
NASTY, documentarul despre Ilie Năstase, în selecția Festivalului de la Cannes
NASTY, documentarul despre viața și cariera tenismenului român Ilie Năstase a fost inclus în selecția celei de-a 77-a ediții a Festivalului Internațional de Film de la Cannes, unul dintre cele mai importante evenimente cinematografice din lume. Filmul regizat de Tudor Giurgiu, Cristian Pascariu și Tudor D. Popescu va putea fi urmărit în secțiunea „Proiecții Speciale” din Programul Oficial.…
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