#Tucson water filters
Tucson Arizona Whole House Water Filters
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plumbertucson · 1 year
Tucson Whole House Water Filtration
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tucsontoiletrepair · 1 year
Plumbing Service Tucson
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Tucson Drinking Water Filtration
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Tucson Irrigation Repair
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Pretty little letters 2
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Dbf Negan x fem reader
Synopsis - After finishing college you decide to on a gap year to take a breather after many years of hard. Setting out to travel the country, you promise to write to your dad every week, what happens when his best friend Negan makes you promise to write to him too.
Warnings- No apocalypse AU, dads best friend, large age gap, feelings, love confessions, adventures, reader travelling, reader described as female, mentions of cheating, Negan is the one cheated on in this fic by ex wife, struggles with feelings, dad finding out about relationship, some angst, obviously not canon at all, smut in this chapter, p in v, unprotected sex, both reader and Negan are consent king and queen. So yeah 18+ only please.
Let me know if I’ve left anything out
Word count - 6.1K (sorry another long one)
This is two of two chapters in this mini series.
Waking up the next morning was a task in itself, your head was pounding, and the light filtering in from the cheap motel curtains was making things worse. You looked over at the wall clock 9:00am, pulling yourself up with a groan you headed for the shower, once in you began lathering yourself with soap to remove the stale alcohol smell. God last night was a blur, a few flashbacks start filling your mind, you remember sitting with a few women who invited you to their booth for some drinks, and you remember leaving before they dragged you onto the dance floor.
As the warm water spray roused you more you remember staggering home and passing out, ‘could have been way worse’ you think to yourself. After brushing your teeth and packing up your room, you grab your phone and car keys and make your way into town to find somewhere to eat. Maybe a good breakfast will help, although luckily your head hurts more than you felt nauseous.
Walking into a cute little diner you sit down and ask the waitress for pancakes, whilst waiting for your breakfast you pulled out your notebook and pen, deciding it was the perfect time to write your letters, it’s been a while since you’d written properly to your dad, and after your conversation with him last night you felt guilty. Thinking back on the phone calls of last night though your stomach drops, Negan and his date, argh! Surely he won’t go? He really didn’t seem that keen on it, you needed to put it out of your mind today, just be in the moment of the day! So you write your dad a little letter explaining where your off to next, before moving on to Negan's.
Hey Negan,
I’m currently sat in a cute little 50s style diner, I’m hoping breakfast cures this hangover a bit.
Maybe I had a little too much fun last night, though sitting with the middle aged women having a girls night seemed to be the right call, as I made it back to my room in one piece!
I’m going to head through New Mexico today on my way to LA, planing some stops on the way though. Going to stop in Arizona and see the Grand Canyon, I’ve always wanted to see it, maybe visit my best friend Gemma who lives in Tucson now, her and her husband have recently bought a puppy so I’m gonna be right in there!!
I hope you and dad are doing well this week, I miss you both a lot today, and please make sure dad doesn’t burn the garden shed down with his BBQ this weekend!
With love
On your way back to the car, you post the letters in the postal box on the sidewalk. The warm breeze kisses your skin as you walk, leaving goosebumps in its wake, it’s a beautiful day and you take pleasure in the little things that morning. Birds chirping, children laughing in the streets, a man who is dancing down the road with his headphones blaring out classic rock, not a care in his mind as to who may be watching.
Once back in your car you set your sat nav for a small town in the Gila National Forest, New Mexico and hit start, you’ll see how far you can get in a day, as you’re excited to get to Arizona. Whilst turning up your music you hear your phone buzz, ‘I’ll get that later you think’ eager to get going this morning, you have a long drive ahead of you.
The flight had been awful, he was squished between a screaming child and a sweaty bald man, who felt it appropriate to tell Negan his life story. So once he had stepped through customs he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, good god he thought that was hell, but at least he will be with you in just shy of an hour, checking his watch he checked the time 8:30am he had time.
Once he secured a taxi he gave the man the motels address and counted the minutes down, he couldn’t wait to pull you into his arms and tell you he felt the same, that there’s no way he’s going to go on this date, that the only women he wants is you. Checking his watch again 9:35am and only 10 minutes until he’s at the motel, he ran over in his mind again everything he needed to tell you, he hasn’t ever declared love to someone before and he wants it to be perfect. He runs a hand through his salt and pepper hair, he’s so nervous and he doesn’t know why? It’s you! He’s never been nervous around you.
“Here we are sir, Eunice south motel”, “Thank you” Negan answers, handing the man his money before grabbing his bags out the trunk, once the cab had left he made his way over to the reception, entering he found a young lad at the desk, he must have been 19 at the very oldest. “Hello sir, welcome to Eunice south motel, are you checking in?” He reads it out like a scripted monologue that’s ingrained into his brain. “Hello there, I’m wandering if you can help me, see I’m looking for a young woman, she checked in yesterday. She’s called y/n y/l/n, she is about this tall ‘Gestures with hand’ and she has h/c hair.” Negan asks.
“Oh yes! I do know who you mean, she was in room 27” the boy answers.
“What do you mean was?” Negan asks.
“Yeah well she checked out this morning, about 20 minutes ago actually, you just missed her” the boy nervously answers again.
Panic sets it, your gone how can you be gone already!
“Did she say where she was going at all?” Negan asks.
“Said something about finding some breakfast in town”
“Ok thanks” Negan responds before rushing out and calling another cab, hoping he can find you before you drive off. He tries calling your phone but it goes straight to voicemail. “Shit!” He mutters before deciding it was quicker to jog into town than wait for the cab to arrive. Hauling his backpack and duffle on to his shoulders he starts a steady jog into town.
Once he arrives he notices a 50s diner, that would be the exact kind of place you would go he thinks. Upon entering he asks the waitress if she has seen you, “Yes I’ve seen a girl matching that description, how do I know you’re not a pervert chasing her though hmm?” The waitress sneered, reluctantly Negan fished his phone out of his pocket, showing the waitress his Lock Screen, it was a photo of you and him, his arm looped around your shoulders pulling you in close, big grins on both your faces.
Negan was loosing time and patience, “Please have you seen her?” He asks once more. “Yeah I saw her she left about ten minutes ago, she left this accidentally” the waitress mentions, handing him your debit card. “Shit” he mumbles again, “She isn’t going to get far without that” he sighs. “Ok thank you I’ll see if I can track her down” he says as he leaves, your card in hand.
You’re singing along without a care in the world, your phone is still buzzing in your pocket. You will check it once you stop for gas, you’d need to stop soon looking at the dash it’s saying there’s only 80 miles left.
Spotting one ahead you pull in, pulling out your purse when you notice it, your card is gone “Fuck!” You call out to no one. Luckily you noticed before you put gas in, pulling out your phone you notice you have 5 missed calls from Negan, that’s odd he doesn’t usually call that many times knowing you’re busy. You’ll have to call him back later you have bigger things to deal with right now, walking into the shop part you ask if they take Apple Pay, to which they state no. Groaning you go back out to your car, pulling it forward and out of the way of the pumps.
What are you going to do now?
You call your dad but he doesn’t answer, probably busy with work, you could call Negan back see what he could do, but he’s the other side of the country, there’s no way he could help. Sighing you close your eyes and groan, did you even have enough fuel to go back to the diner, that must be where you left it. But it’s 100 miles back and you only have 80 at a push! Checking google, there’s a town with your bank in ahead you could get a new card issued, that’s only 70 miles away, cutting it close but it’s the best option you had.
Searching your glove box for your phone charger you came across a scrunched up ball, pulling it out you found it was a $20 dollar bill and a $10 dollar bill. “Yes!” You cheer, that can definitely get enough gas to get me to the next town, once your car was filled as much as you could afford you set off once more.
Little did you know Negan was frantically trying to catch you up, now in another cab following the route that he was praying you took.
You’d had success at the bank, another card would be ready for you to collect in the morning. They had also given you a cash withdrawal to pay for your motel tonight, all in all things weren’t too bad. You'd found a nice motel close by making it easy to walk over first thing, so with everything sorted you settled in your room for the evening.
Maybe you could find somewhere for dinner? You weren’t all that hungry though, you’d had a hell of a day and really you just wanted to rest. You’d spoken to your dad and assured him you’d sorted it, when he said he would leave now and come get you, you’d had to laugh though, he’d do anything to have you back earlier.
Laying yourself back on the beds itchy covers, you close your eyes, a nap may do you good.
Meanwhile Negan was going out of his mind, where were you! The cab driver was loosing his patience too, telling him to pick a motel and call someone else in the morning. He was just about to give up hope when he spotted your car in a motel carpark. “Stop! There! That’s her car!” He shouted, tears now filling his eyes from sheer relief! “Thank god for that” the cab driver muttered, Negan grabbed his bags with urgency, paid the driver and shot over to your car. That was definitely your number plate! He looked into the room behind the car, there you were, asleep on the bed safe and sound.
He gathered up all his courage before knocking on your door.
You shot up from the loud knock, it was heavy and urgent. You slowly shuffled to the door, as quietly as you could muster and peaked through the peep hole. Negan??? It was Negan, you grabbed the handle and swung the door open.
There he stood right in your doorway, with a face you couldn’t quite read, you usher him in closing the door “Negan what are you doing here? Not that it’s not good to see you! This is the best surprise ever! It’s just I’m confused why are you……..” your rambling was cut off by him flying forwards and smushing his lips against yours in a searing kiss, his hands found your cheeks as he pulled your body into his, after recovering from the shock, you threw your arms around his neck pulling him in even closer.
“I love you” kiss “So much” kiss “So Fucking Damn Much!” He punctuates between fierce kisses, you’re now struggling to stand upright, your legs buckling as so much emotion fills you, this is everything you’ve ever wanted. “I love you too Negan, so so much” you mumble against his swollen lips. He smiles against your mouth “I know, I got your text” you're confused now “My text?” You ask, “The one you sent me last night before you fell asleep” he mentions, now staring down at your beautiful face, memories start flooding back! You did text him, you told him not to go on the date and that you loved him.
Gasping your hand flies to your mouth, “Oh my goodness” you shake your head in embarrassment. “You were drunk weren’t you” he laughs, “Yeah a bit” you mumble still feeling incredibly flushed. “Hey” he moves your chin up to face him, “Don’t be embarrassed, I feel the same about you doll, I flew here! Chased you down in the back of a cab until I found you, god I sound like a stalker now don’t I?” He laughs, “No” you shake your head in disagreement, “I think it’s incredibly romantic, I’m so happy you found me!”, “Me too beautiful, me too” he agrees placing is forehead against yours.
“Oh I almost forgot! You left this at the diner” he mentions, handing you your debit card. “Oh ” you giggle, “I have already cancelled and replaced it, I’m collecting the new one in the morning.” You explain. “Hmm well maybe look after that one better” he laughs, you nod in agreement, before bringing your lips back to his in another passionate kiss.
Pulling him against you, you run your hands through his hair, slightly tugging the strands causing him to let out a low moan. Smirking at his reaction you do it again, tugging his bottom lip between your teeth in tandem. “Careful sweetheart, you’re going to start something you can’t finish” he groans, ���Who says I don’t have every intention in finishing it!” You tease. He growls picking you up and throwing you onto the bed, before crawling over you and attaching his lips to yours once more.
You slowly start running your hand under his shirt exploring the planes of his toned chest, you can feel his heart thump under your fingertips, the rhythmic drumming grounding you, he is really here, this is really happening. “I love you” you blurt out once again, he smiles against your throat, “I love you too beautiful”. Moving your hand back down you tug at the hem of his shirt, “Are you sure sweetheart?” He asks, watching your features for any hesitation, “I’m sure Negan, you’re all I’ve ever wanted” you admit.
“Ok baby girl” he offers, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before shuffling back to stand up. He smiles down at you as he pulls his shirt off, you sit upright tugging your sleep shirt over your head leaving your top half bare, before bringing yourself onto your knees. “You’re so gorgeous sweetheart” he admires as his eyes run over the exposed parts of your body.
You run both hands over his chest again, the look of love and admiration on his face as he watches you, brings up a mix of strong emotions. You’ve never felt so loved or so wanted in your life, the few college boys you’d been with before never took their time like this, they never made you feel this special and he hasn’t even touched you yet.
Cupping your face in his large hands he pulls you in for another slow kiss, sweeping his tongue against your lips seeking entrance, which you grant happily, deepening the kiss. You move your hands downwards, fingers playing with his belt buckle, hesitating you break the kiss and look up at him, meeting his warm hazel eyes.
“Go on baby, I’m all yours” he whispers, that was all the confirmation you needed, you make quick work of his belt and jean buttons, before pulling them down his legs, he steps out of the offending material kicking it to the side. You lay back against the sheets lifting your hips, encouraging him to do the same to you. His fingers hook under your sleep shorts and panties before pulling them both off in one swoop, leaving you completely naked.
Kneeling at the foot of the bed he tugs sharply on your ankles, pulling them up and over his shoulders, bringing your soaked heat to his face. “This ok baby girl?” He asks, “Yes!” You reply pleadingly, lifting your hips a little as you speak, feeling like if he didn’t touch you soon you’d combust. “So needy baby” he teases, running his forefinger through your slit.
He groans when he feels just how wet you already are, “Shit baby, this all for me?” You whimper nodding frantically, “Negan please” you beg, becoming needier by the minute. He gives your inner thigh a playful nip before licking a firm stroke through your folds, you throw your head back with a breathy moan, fingers finding purchase in his hair.
He sets a steady pace, alternating between licking and suckling at your clit. He quickly learns what you like, as he starts working you open with his fingers, angling them upwards and reaching that spot that makes you see stars. “Fuck Negan I’m gonna come” you cry, reaching your peak fast. He works you through your high before pulling away and placing a gentle kiss to your hip bone.
As your catching your breath he pulls his boxers off and rejoins you on the bed, once more hovering over you. “Still sure baby?” He asks again, letting some self doubt fill his mind, he’s still unsure as to how someone as beautiful, young and brilliant as you, would want an old man like himself. “Yes, I told you, you’re all I’ve ever wanted Negan, please I want you” you answer, rolling your hips into his seeking that friction you so desperately needed. “Fuck baby girl, ok” he moans, taking himself in his hand he rubs the blunt end of his cock through your folds, before notching it at your entrance and sinking forward.
As your hips meet flush against one another you both let out deep moans, getting lost in the feeling of each other. “Shit baby you feel so good” he groans, “God I’ve thought about this for so long, I’ve needed you so much, can’t believe you’re now mine” he rambles, slowly thrusting in and out of your tight heat. “Fuck baby girl say it! Tell me you’re mine!” He begs, “I’m all yours Negan, fuck I’ve always been yours” you cry as you start meeting his thrusts.
The room is filled with the sounds of soft moans and broken gasps, you grab his shoulders pulling him in as close as you can, “Faster! Please go faster” you plead, moving your hips harder against his, he indulges you picking up speed, his movements becoming more frantic. “So close, don’t stop” you whine as the familiar feeling in your core builds, Negan moves his hand between your bodies rubbing your clit, causing your whines to grow louder, “That’s it baby girl let go for me” he encourages you, throwing your head back you give in to it coming hard, white hot pleasure cursing through you.
“Fuck! There you go baby, shit I’m close where do you want it” he asks, “Inside” you gasp another orgasm building, “I want it inside me” you affirm. His thrusts become rougher, rhythm becoming sloppy as he reaches his high stilling against you as he comes. You reach your high simultaneously, grasping onto him for dear life as you repeat his name like a mantra.
When your heart rates steady and the fog clears he looks down at you, removing a sweaty lock from your face, “you’re going to be the death of me, you know that baby girl?” You grin up at him, “Yeah but what a way to go huh?” You reply, he huffs out a laugh, “Yeah” he agrees, nuzzling in against your throat, “Let’s get cleaned up yeah?” He asks, “Yeah ok”.
Cuddled up in bed, drifting off in each others arms your heart felt so full. “I love you” you whisper before falling into a dreamless sleep.
The next morning starts in a rather frantic rush, it was amazing to wake up beside the man you love, but you had a lot to get through. You’d managed though to go to the bank, collect your new card, grab breakfast together and pack up your room in just over an hour, leaving you feeling quite accomplished.
Walking out from your now vacant motel room Negan asks “So baby are you driving or am I?” You grin at him teasingly, “Oh you most certainly can drive! I want to relax. I’ve loved every minute of this trip, but it’s been heavy going” you admit. “You’ve got it sweet cheeks, today you can be my passenger princess” he proposes. You giggle at his comment as you enter the car, “So where too baby girl?” He asks, “Well I was heading towards Tucson to see Gemma and her new puppy” you mention, “Ok we will make our way there then, did you want to get it up on the sat nav?” He suggests. “But will you really want to come with me to see her?” You ask nerves settling in.
“Of course I do baby, I want to meet your friends, if you don’t want me to come with you, I can drop you off and collect you later?” He offered, “No I’d like to bring you with me, I guess I just got into my head” you sigh, “Hey sweetheart look at me” he says lifting your chin up to meet his gaze, “I am in this for the long haul baby, I don’t throw I love you around pointlessly, I’ve never loved anyone like I love you beautiful. So that means meeting your friends, your family and we do need to tell your dad.” He explains.
Your face falls at the mention of telling your dad, you would need to tell him, you couldn’t start a life with Negan and not tell your dad, and you knew Negan wouldn’t want to keep anything from him. The thought though terrified you, what if your dad can’t except it? What if he hits Negan?, shouts at you both? Refuses to talk to you? Fear sinks in your gut as you think of all the consequences.
“Hey darlin’ let’s not worry about it right now, but in the next week we need to tell him, yeah it may not go as well as we hope, but I can’t live without you, so we will have to make him see won’t we?” He asks, and he’s right, you cannot live without him either! You want the whole lot with Negan, a home together, marriage, maybe a dog? “Yeah ok your right we do need to tell him, just not today. Let us just live in this bubble another day?” You ask, “Yeah ok sweetheart” he smiles, before putting the car into drive and heading out to the highway.
You’d reached Tucson by 2pm and after giving Gemma a quick call from an hour out, she’d told you she was home and excited to see you. Pulling up outside the address she gave you, your nerves were replaced by excitement of seeing your best friend again. As you got out of the car her front door was thrown open as she bolted out to meet you! “Y/N!!! Oh my god it’s so good to see you!” She gushes throwing her arms around you in a fierce hug, one you returned effortlessly. “I know!! It’s been too long! How are you? And where is this cute puppy I’ve heard so much about?” You ask excitedly.
“Oh he’s inside with Alex!! Gosh, I haven’t seen you since my wedding day home in Virgina! How’s your dad? Oh and your Nan? Are they well? We have so much to catch up on!!!” She rambles out without so much as a breath. You laugh at her antics, “Dad and Nan are both well yeah” you return. She looks up from you then and clocks Negan behind you, “And who is this?” She asks teasingly, grinning like a Cheshire Cat! You step back grabbing his hand and lacing your fingers together, “This is Negan” you answer, recognition flashes on her face, “As in the Negan? Your dads best friend? The one you’ve been in love with for years?” She whispers into your ear, he hears though, laughing at her very loud whisper.
“That would be me, but I’m lucky enough to be her partner now” Negan replies, you smile at him and then back at Gemma “Sooo puppy?” You ask again, Gemma giggles “I swear you’re more excited to meet the dog than see me!!” She laughs, “Well yeah?” You offer smiling.
The afternoon was great, you and Gemma sit on her kitchen floor playing with the puppy, while Alex and Negan talk about guy stuff and you can’t help but smile at how easily he gets on with everyone around him, despite being a couple of decades older than you all. It all feels so effortless, and you can’t help but feel excited for your future together.
Once alone Gemma asks you “So you haven’t told your dad yet?”, “No not yet, it’s only been a couple of days that it’s been official you know? I wanted to live in this happy bubble before my dad bursts it. I know he won’t be happy” you sigh, “Well if you two were this obvious before, then I think he already knows, or is at least waiting for it to happen.” She offers, “What do you mean?” You ask confused. “Y/N, you look at each other like the other hung the moon in the sky, you are obviously very much in love, and that didn’t happen over night. I’m telling you he knows something, your dad isn’t a stupid man. I think he’d be more upset if you kept it from him now it’s happened, than the actual happening of it, if that makes sense babe?” She asks.
“Yeah, it does. I just worry because I can’t loose him you know?” You sigh, “I know and you won’t, you’re an adult remember? He can’t stop you both being together” she offers giving you a playful nudge, you nod at her giving a small smile. You are still worried though about how this will all go. Just then the men walk back into the room breaking your train of thought, “You’ll both stay for dinner yeah?” Alex offers, “Yeah that would be lovely thank you” you smile.
The journey to the motel that night was quiet, you were deep in thought and Negan didn’t want to pry and make you uncomfortable, he ran a gentle, comforting hand over your thigh. “We need to tell him” you blurt out, “My dad I mean, we need to tell him, Gemma is right, he’d be more upset about us not telling him than anything else” you offer, he gives a deep sigh glancing at you “Yeah I think she’s right too, when did you want to do it baby?” He asks.
“Tonight” you declare, “The longer we leave it the worse it will be” you decide. “Ok baby girl.” He agrees. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t shitting it, but it needed to happen, he couldn’t have a life with you in secret.
It’s been an hour now, an hour you’ve been sat in the motel room. Well Negan is sat, watching you from his spot on the bed, as you pace back and forth the room clutching your phone. “Sweetheart, just call him it will be ok, I’m right here.” He comforts, grasping your hand as you try and pace past him again.
“Ok ok” you give a deep sigh before calling your dads cell phone. “Hey kiddo! It’s been a couple of days, everything ok?” You dad asks, “Yeah dad I’m fine, actually I’m really good. I’m in Tucson I’ve just got back from seeing Gemma” you mention, “Oh that’s great honey, how is she it’s been a year since her wedding!” Your dad answers, “Yeah she’s good, her and Alex have a new puppy, he’s super cute” you say, “Aww that’s good, you spent the day playing with him then?” He asks, “Yeah that, and just catching up you know?” You reply, “Yes I know well how you two get when you are catching up” he laughs.
“So I have something I need to tell you” you say biting your nails nervously, “Ok kiddo? You ok?” He asks, “Yeah like I said I’m really good ummm, Negan’s here with me” you say, “Negan is with you? What as in right now?” Your dad asks and you can hear the confusion in his voice, “Yeah as in right now, here in my motel room with me” you say nervously, “Hey Mike” Negan speaks up, confirming he was in fact with you.
“Negan’s with you in Tucson? In your motel room with you? Why is he there with you? How is he there, he was here just a couple of days ago.” Your dad asks his voice becoming more frustrated while he tries to put together what is going on. “Yeah he flew out to me a couple of nights ago dad” you respond, you know you are beating around the bush, buying time but the anxiety is overfilling now.
“Put him on the phone Y/N!” Your dad demands, “I don’t know if that’s a good idea dad, just talk to me” you deflect, but Negan hands out his hand for your phone, reluctantly you hand it over to him. “Hey Mike it’s me” Negan answers, “Do you want to tell me why you are in a motel room in Arizona with my daughter Negan, because I am really struggling to understand this.” Your dad asks angrily, “Well it’s a long story, but in short she admitted her feelings to me so I flew to her to tell her I felt the same way” Negan answered, trying to keep as calm as possible.
“Feelings? What feelings Negan?” He was definitely confused, his mind not quite catching up with everything, or wanting to ignore what he already knows. “I love your daughter Mike, I have for a very long time, and I think deep down you’ve known this a while too” Negan replies, “Well I knew you two were close, and I had suspicions, but I never really put much thought into it. She’s young enough to be your daughter Negan!” Your dad shouts, “I know that, I know the age gap isn’t ideal Mike but I love your daughter very much. This isn’t some fling I want to assure you of that, I’ve never felt this way before. I want a life with your daughter, a home together, the whole nine yards.” Negan explains calmly hoping to make your dad understand.
“I’m going to need some time to come to terms with this….. I need to go” beeep, the phone line goes dead and you look down at Negan worriedly. “Come here baby girl, it’s going to be ok, he’ll come around” he says pulling you into his arms. “He just needs some time, we did the right thing not keeping it from him” he continues, kissing the side of your head.
Later that night while Negan is softly snoring behind you, you lay awake worrying. Your phone buzzing tears you from your thoughts, it’s a message from your dad.
Hey kiddo
I have to know how long has this been going on really? Xx
Hey dad
We were being honest, it’s been just over 24 hours, we couldn’t keep it from you. Although we hid our feelings from each other for years this is very new. I love him too though Daddy, I can’t live without him now, and you know he’s a good man, he won’t hurt me. I don’t expect you to understand it, I just hope you can come to except it.
Hey kiddo
Thank you for telling me from the start, I’m glad you don’t ever keep things from me. And I can appreciate how hard that was to do, I need some time ok? But I love you that will never change ok? Xx
Ok dad, love you too xx
You both spent another two weeks travelling, you saw the Grand Canyon and it literally blew you away, but that niggling feeling in your heart kept twinging “We need to head home Negan, I need to see him and fix this, I haven’t heard from him in weeks” you say, “Ok sweetheart, let’s go home” he agreed, he hated seeing you so churned up.
Arriving back in Connecticut felt weird, seeing the familiar streets pass by in a blur, as you head to your home street. Pulling up in your drive you notice your dads truck is there, signalling he was home. Negan gives your leg a gentle squeeze “Come on baby, let’s sort this out yeah?” He asks, “Yeah” you sigh exiting the car.
Entering your house you take in its familiarity, you let that in itself comfort you. Taking Negan’s hand in yours you make your way through to the kitchen, you notice your dad in the garden mowing the lawn, no wonder he hasn’t come greet you.
You tap loudly on the window causing him to snap his head up, emotion filling his features when he sees it’s you. He kicks off the mower and rushes inside, you let go of Negan’s hand and throw your arms around your dad. “What are you doing home kiddo? Not that I’m not happy to have you home! It’s just your not due back for months” he asks, “I couldn’t be away with everything up in the air dad, I had to come home and see you.” You admit.
Your dad looks over your shoulder at Negan and then back at you before giving you a small nod, “Yeah ok let’s sort this” he sighs motioning for everyone to head into your living room.
“So I’ve had some time to think it through, and I guess I did always notice something between you both. I guess I just hoped I was wrong” your dad starts, his confession causing Negan to wince, “But you are both my favourite people on this god forsaken Earth, and I do want you to both be happy. So I will except it, but I can’t say I understand it” he offers.
You go to speak but your dad cuts you off “I also know that you won’t listen to anything I say y/n so there’s no point going there. It’s not like I can stop two adults from being together. But if you ever hurt her Negan I swear to god” he threatens, “Absolutely man, I’d expect no less” Negan agrees. “Ok then, come here kiddo” he offers pulling you into another hug. Then he turns to Negan shakes his hand and gives him an awkward side hug, “I’m trusting you ok buddy, with the most important thing in my life, you understand that?” Your dad asks, “Yeah I know, I can promise you I will love and cherish her for every day I have left” Negan affirms.
Your dad gives him a nod, “Ok then guys it’s Friday night, so pizza and a board game?” Your dad offers, “Sounds perfect dad” you smile, snuggling into Negan on the sofa,
Just like that everything was right again, you were home with your boys eating pizza and fighting over monopoly, everything was as it should be.
@lanadelnegan @lunajay33 @akah565
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Rainwater Harvesting
In the City of San Diego seasonal rainfall averages about ten inches near the coast. Some recent drought years brought only three to six inches of rain. Eight-five percent of the rainfall occurs from November to March.
Tropical Storm Hilary brought an unexpected deluge in August. Anticipating this, we deployed thirteen rain barrels, checked the gutters and made sure all the connections for the rain tanks were functional.
There’s nothing like rainwater.  Garden plants and weeds seem to prefer it. Collection methods can be simple and low tech. We chose plastic trash cans that catch the runoff from our 400 square foot metal garage roof. Here’s the math for 1 inch of rain: 10 cups/sq. ft x 400 square feet = 4000 cups or 250 gallons. Writing this near the storm’s passage, we’re at two inches of rain in the last 24 hours.
Currently, I have eight 32 gallon and two 44 gallon Rubbermaid Brute trash cans lined up near the vegetable garden.. They are #2 food grade plastic. By request, I’ve received them for birthdays and Christmas over the years and they’ve increased in price. By storm’s end, I expect all to be full which totals 344 gallons plus another 50 gallons in the tall black can—almost 400 gallons.
After the rain, I cover the cans to prevent evaporation and mosquito breeding. Using a watering can, I irrigate the garden with the rainwater and consider it weightlifting The “bottom of the barrel” is used on fruit trees so the water is filtered through the soil. Two cans have low spigots so a hose can be used for irrigation.  At season’s end, we stack in store them in a corner behind a tall fruit tree.
In November 2015 we installed our first Bushman 305 gallon rain tank with rebates from local water authorities. Our son, Tim was a co-laborer. Enamored with the successful rain capture, we purchased an identical second tank four months later. They’re installed in a narrow area between the houses and mostly out of sight.
Because of the configuration of the rain gutters, the green tank fills first. When the overflow can is full we open the spigot at the bottom and drain the excess to a lawn area where there are five fruit trees nearby. The second best place to store rainwater is in the ground.
We were first inspired by Brad Lancaster’s Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond and his inventive measures in Tucson, Arizona. An internet search will yield many other resources if you’re looking to capture rainwater.
If you’re in the San Diego area consider contacting RainThanks & Greywater. We were inspired by the owner’s rainwater collection projects at an open house of her property.
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spaciousreasoning · 3 months
Mid-Week Wanderings
We started Wednesday with our usual coffee and online games. We turned on the water again for the lawn for about 15 minutes. We repeat this morning and evening. Then we had the last bagel from Costco and did the dishes.
After an inquiry from a Tucson friend, we exchanged some current news about each other’s lives, and I updated my mailing list to include her when it comes time to send out next year’s calendar postcards. Following that, I scheduled sending 20 more change of address postcards to friends around the country.
We ventured out to Jerry’s again for a different sprinkler, based on Nancy’s concern about watering patterns. Two circular sprinklers weren’t covering the rectangular front yard, so we bought an inexpensive version that would cover that shape.
Then we went to Kelly Butte Park, which turned out to be nothing more than a small parking lot with a viewing spot on top of a tiny hill in Springfield named for an early pioneer to the area. The neighborhood built on the sides of the butte was very interesting with some attractive homes. One on sale was a dome on stilts.
We stopped by Jersey Mike’s for sandwiches and went home to eat. Later we did some research into Subarus for sale from Kendall, which is the local auto dealer for pretty much all makes and models in the area. We might get a new car before worrying about anything more than lube, oil and filter for the old Nissan.
We fiddled with the new sprinkler then put out the trash and recycling for Thursday. For dinner, we whipped up some chicken Alfredo from Costco. Just fifteen minutes and it’s done. It’s delicious, and there’s usually enough left over for another meal.
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Avoiding Common Pool Problems: The Role of Tucson's Cleaning Services
Owning a pool in Tucson can be a dream come true. The sweltering Arizona heat makes having a pool not just a luxury but a necessity for many residents. However, maintaining a pool comes with its fair share of challenges, from algae blooms to equipment malfunctions. That's where professional pool cleaning services in Tucson come into play. In this article, we'll explore the common pool problems that Tucson pool owners face and how the expertise of cleaning services can help you avoid them.
Algae Infestations
One of the most common problems pool owners face, especially in the hot and sunny climate of Tucson, is algae infestations. Algae thrive in warm water with the right pH levels and sunlight. Neglecting regular pool maintenance can lead to green, slimy water that's not only unattractive but also unhealthy for swimmers.
Tucson's pool cleaning services have the experience and knowledge to effectively combat algae growth. They will test and adjust the water chemistry, ensuring that the pH and chlorine levels are optimal for algae prevention. Regular cleaning also includes scrubbing pool walls and vacuuming, which removes algae spores and prevents them from taking hold.
Filter Clogs and Malfunctions
Pool filters play a vital role in keeping the water clean and clear. However, over time, filters can become clogged with debris and dirt, leading to reduced water circulation and filtration efficiency. A malfunctioning filter can quickly turn your pool water into a murky mess.
Tucson's pool cleaning services offer routine filter maintenance as part of their packages. They will clean or replace filter cartridges, backwash sand or DE filters, and ensure your pool's circulation system is running smoothly. This not only keeps your water crystal clear but also prolongs the life of your equipment.
Chemical Imbalances
Maintaining the proper chemical balance in your pool water is crucial for the health and safety of swimmers. Imbalances in pH, chlorine, or other chemicals can lead to skin and eye irritations, algae growth, and even damage to pool surfaces and equipment.
Pool cleaning services in Tucson have the expertise to test and balance your pool water accurately. They can adjust chemical levels as needed to maintain water quality within safe and comfortable ranges, ensuring that your pool remains a refreshing oasis.
Equipment Wear and Tear
Pool equipment, such as pumps, heaters, and valves, can deteriorate over time due to constant exposure to the elements and regular use. If left unattended, worn-out equipment can lead to costly repairs or replacements.
Cleaning services not only keep your pool water pristine but also perform routine checks on your equipment. They can detect and address minor issues before they escalate, helping you avoid expensive repairs and downtime.
Debris Management
In Tucson, where dust storms and desert debris are not uncommon, pools can quickly accumulate leaves, twigs, and dirt. Dealing with debris can be a time-consuming and frustrating task for pool owners.
Professional cleaning services in Tucson will regularly skim the surface of your pool, empty the skimmer baskets, and clean out the pool's pump and filter baskets. This proactive approach prevents debris from settling to the bottom, reducing the strain on your filtration system and making your pool easier to maintain.
Owning a pool in Tucson can be a source of joy and relaxation, but it also comes with its share of maintenance challenges. To avoid common pool problems and ensure your pool remains a pristine retreat, consider enlisting the help of Tucson's pool cleaning services. With their expertise in water chemistry, equipment maintenance, and debris management, they can keep your pool in top-notch condition, allowing you to make the most of the Arizona sunshine. Don't let pool problems spoil your fun; let the professionals take care of your oasis.
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Local Tucson Aquasana Installation
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plumbertucson · 2 years
Affordable Local Tucson Plumber
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qocsuing · 1 year
UFI Filters for Hyundai Tucson, the best-selling C-SUV in Europe
UFI Filters for Hyundai Tucson, the best-selling C-SUV in Europe
UFI Filters filtration technologies are once again confirmed as the winning choice of car manufacturers, Hyundai Tucson indeed mounts the UFI fuel filter as original equipment and was the best-selling C-segment SUV in Europe in 2022.Get more news about hyundai filter,you can vist our website!
According to data published by JATO Dynamics, a company specializing in the automotive business intelligence sector, 150,803 Tucson were registered in the old continent last year. Now in its fourth edition, the car from the Korean brand has confirmed itself as the most popular mid-segment sport utility vehicle over time. Thanks to the design of its lines and the reliability of the engine, it can count on the protection guaranteed by UFI Filters filtration systems, not only for the latest series, but from the second generation yet.
NEW GENERATION DIESEL FUEL FILTER: ECOFRIENDLY AND INTEGRATED WITH MULTIPLE FUNCTIONS UFI Filters supply as original equipment the diesel filtration system for the 1.6 CRDi engine of the new Tucson, also for the mild hybrid version (MHEV). Compared to the previous version, the advantages of this new module are the integration of multiple functions and the lightness of the element given by the plastic materials and the cartridge in ecological material. Water presence sensor, ceramic material heater and pressure sensor are located within the same group sensor unit, located on the top of the filter. This allows for greater efficiency of the heat exchange.
The filter cartridge has high water separation capacity, produced according to the exclusive material in FormulaUFI.Stratiflex which separates the water particles based on the coalescence principle. Reinforced with an internal hydrophobic mesh, the filter blocks the water droplets marking them fall to the bottom of the module tank, where there is a draining plug. The water presence sensor signals precisely when it is time to empty the tank.
UFI FILTERS FUEL FILTRATION TECHNOLOGY Thanks to its industrial site in Korea, UFI Filters can boast an historical partnership with Hyundai, since its second generation, Tucson in diesel version was equipped with the complete fuel filter made with the exclusive filter media in FormulaUFI.Stratiflex.
UFI module for Tucson model year 2015-2021 comprises an aluminum head with pressure sensor and a heater, while the filter body is equipped with a water presence sensor. This is all supplied inside a retainer to protect the system in an impact. The steel filter element encloses a dual-stage filtration system, made of FormulaUFI.Stratiflex: a first barrier for impurities and water formed by a cellulose-based media, a second made of hydrophobic mesh to eliminate residual water particles.
The guaranteed filtering efficiency is greater than 99% at 4 μm, while the water separation exceeds 90% according to ISO 16332 and the water presence sensor signals when it is necessary to purge the liquid collected on the bottom of the filter tank.
THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL FOR THE AFTERMARKET. UFI Filters thus confirms itself as the preferred brand of car manufacturers, chosen by 95% of vehicle manufacturers in the world. This know-how developed for the original equipment turns out to be one of the main advantages also for the aftermarket. In fact, the quality of the original product is also guaranteed by the independent spare parts network. The diesel filter for Hyundai Tucson second generation is available in the aftermarket catalogue with the UFI brand, under the code 24.123.00 and with the brand SOFIMA, under the code S 4123 NR. While the introduction of the eco-cartridge for Tucson last generation is under development.
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Tucson Irrigation Sprinkler System
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Source: https://plumbingservicetucson.blogspot.com/2022/12/tucson-irrigation-sprinkler-system.html
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arizonapestcontrol · 1 year
Bed bugs removal and Control Tips - AZPest Tucson
Bed bugs are small creatures, blood-sucking pests that can cause a lot of discomfort and frustration. They often infest mattresses, upholstery, furniture, and other household things, and can be very complicated to destroy without professional help. Here we can look into some tips to remove and control bed bugs:
Find the infested areas: Check routine your bed, mattress, and furniture for signs of bed bugs, including bloodstains, shed skins, and tiny brown or black bugs.
Vacuum regularly: Use a vacuum with a filter to vacuum your mattress, bed frame, furniture, and floors regularly to remove bed bugs, eggs, and larvae.
Wash-infested items: Wash all infested bedding, clothing, and other washable items in hot water and dry them on high heat for at least 30 to 45 minutes.
Utilize bed bug interceptors: Put bed bug interceptors underneath your bed and furniture to trap bed bugs and prevent them from climbing onto your bed.
Use pesticides: Use pesticides to treat bed bug infestations, but it's important to use them correctly and follow the label instructions carefully. Consider hiring a pest control professional for best results.
Seal gaps and cracks: Seal any cracks or gaps in your walls, floors, and furniture to prevent bed bugs from concealing and breeding in these areas.
Monitor checking: Keep closely monitoring your house for any bed bug signs, even after treatment, to prevent a new infestation from occurring.
Remember that bed bug infestations can be complex to remove, and it may take multiple treatments to eliminate get rid of them. You can contact AZPest professional for help even if you're having trouble already and getting rid of bed bugs on your own property.
AZ pest control refers to pest control services located in Tucson in the state of Arizona, USA. These services typically provide solutions for controlling and eliminating pests such as ants, spiders, rodents, termites, bed bugs, and other common household pests. 
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Why We Have High Efficiency Pressure Assist Toilets In Our Homes?
Today our favorite Tucson Plumber https://tucsonirrigationplumber.com/ will discuss the primary purposes of having a sanitation system or toilet in your Tucson home.
Toilets also referred to as latrines promote proper health behaviors within your home for your entire family because they educate and provide people the proper method to dispose of their waste appropriately preventing contamination of their home environment and surroundings.
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Toilets are taken for granted daily. The functionality of a toilet is very important because they deliver our human bodily waste to sewer systems allowing human waste  to travel indiscreetly to a treatment plant. This method of disposing of waste also helps our environment thrive.
Many third world countries are not so fortunate to have toilets and human waste systems in place to protect the health and wellness for themselves, their family and of course the environment that needs to be sustained properly for future generations. Waste must be properly treated in order to assure we have a healthy environment in our homes and on our planet.
Anthony your Local Tucson Plumber with TucsonIrrigationPlumber.com wants to bring awareness to the “Household Toilet”. Toilets save lives! Without toilets, deadly diseases spread rapidly.
Over 750 children under five die every day from diarrhoea caused by unsafe water, sanitation, and poor hygiene. Diarrhea is a common deadly disease discovered in parts of the world where toilets do not exist. For example: These issues arise in parts of India and many other 3rd world countries.
Of course, it may be true that your toilet may not evoke the thoughts of a germ-free, clean facility but the existence of the sink and bathroom have paved the way to reducing diseases and providing a healthier society. In fact, a simple handwashing with soap after using the toilet is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to prevent pneumonia and the decrease the risk of diarrhea diseases by 47%.
50% of child undernutrition around the world is caused by diarrhoea, which in turn is caused by unsafe water, poor sanitation and lack of hygiene practices. Therefore, living and enjoying a comfortable life in America we can find it easy to underestimate the importance for the humble toilet.
To maintain a safe family and clean plumbing to the sewer system, start by installing a new high efficiency pressure assist toilet. A new powerful flushing toilet will certainly help relieve stress, worry, and health issues by delivering all solids and wastes to the sewer without blockages in the plumbing system.
For the absolute best plumbing and most affordable irrigation plumber along with the most powerful toilet for you and your family call a local Tucson Plumber!
Anthony with A.S.G. Plumbing Enterprises, Inc. L.L.C. (520)-351-2787
Toilet Estimates Are 100% Free Daily
With over 25+ years as your Tucson Plumber, we offer outdoor and indoor plumbing for all of your plumbing needs and plumbing emergencies such as leaky faucets, irrigation installations, irrigation repairs, repair leaky pipes, toilet repair, toilet installation and sales, shower repair, kitchen and bath repair, whole house water filtration, water filters fountain leaks and much more.
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tucsonsmokesupplies · 4 years
Top Advantages Associated with Tucson Smoke Supplies
There is nothing new in bongs and they have been around for more than hundreds of years but now their fame has grown exponentially due to the progress in their water filtration systems that let’s tucson smoke supplies an enjoyable practice. Smoking from a bong is considered as one of the healthiest means to smoke dry herbs other than making use of a vaporizer. However, now several people are wondering just how much doe’s water filtration filter damaging carcinogens and does it block the efficiency of your dry herbs.
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Why bongs are the right solution?
The prime reason why the majority of the smokers choose using a bong rather than an old range of the glass pipe is the presence of the water filtration that is available with a bong. If you are smoking from a regular glass pipe or cigars, there are high risks of inhaling burnt ash or even tar. It is different from the glass bongs where the ash mixed into the water source and therefore avoided from triumphing the mouth. 
Moreover, they are also recognized to assist trap and clean out possible harmful toxins and carcinogens from the dry herbs that would usually be inhaled with the usage of the traditional pipe. Additional advantages of the water filtration are it assists in cooling up the smoke before it is expected to inhale and turning it simple for the lungs and fewer hazards of frustrating your throat. As compared to the bong smoking from a basic dry glass pipe, the difference is comparatively cooler, smoother, and even gives a better taste. If you choose to burn from the small pieces, bubblers give the easy hand pipe portability but with the filtration of the water of a bong. Bongs online India is just better as the simplicity of usage; there are fewer possibilities of turning clogged as compared to a bubbler.
If you are planning to shop online, you can easily choose the Weed grinder as well. It makes the grinding of the weed quite simple and trouble-free. Making shopping online is a quite comfortable and relaxed option for you. 
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