#TtEotM OST (kazoobie ver.)
heymeowmao · 1 year
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2023.04.11 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324889450688938446
Surprise! I’ll stream a small while~
bgm: Fall in Love LYN: Hallo everybody, good evening. I am Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. Welcome! - /ends the song with the ~playboy voice~ and asks to add your WeChat ID/ LYN: Right? It was pretty sudden, today. I remember I once told you that I would stream until you threw up. I’m going to slowly make good on that promise. Don’t say I’m giving you inconceivable fantasies. It’s time to make good on my promise.
LYN: I don’t have a theme today, nor do I have anything in particular to share. I just wanted to come and chat. Today I will stream a little less. It won’t be for too long.
C: Ning-ge, you’re so fashionable today! LYN: So do I usually dress unfashionably? My outfits for the past few streams were lacking?
LYN: After I streamed the last time, I saw someone comment that every time after I stop streaming they take some time to cry alone. I didn’t know what to say. At the time I- I realized that a lot of friends feel a sense of loss after I stop streaming. So I was thinking I would, if I had the time, come to greet you more often.
LYN: Of course, every time I come to stream there are always some group of you who have unreasonable requests. Like, “How about a kiss?” XD Uh... if you want one then I am not the person who’ll be giving it to you. Find whoever you want, just not me. 
bgm: 阿拉斯加海湾 (Gulf of Alaska)
LYN: If you’re watching a stream, just watch the stream. Why do you have to come up with all these unreasonable requests? Like this one: ”Ning-ge, undo a button from your shirt.” First of all, this is a PG stream. Secondly, what can undoing one button do for you?? What do you get out of it?! I don’t understand why you would ask such a question. I wanted to look neater and here you are telling me to undo a button. Tell me, what would one button do for you? Are you going to become passionate or?? Or are you simply innocently commenting that it looks like the collar is too tight, so you want me to undo a button to relieve me? Then, I’ll undo a button. Amazing. // So it seems like you thought it looked tight. Alright, it’s undone. I don’t want you to feel any pressure. C: Just afraid you’d be hot. LYN: It’s okay, I have AC at home. It’s cold enough.
C: You’re streaming again right as I have to work. LYN: What time is it now, that you have to work? It’s 9:30p. It must be hard on you. I’m guessing you have a night shift? Remember to rest well; you’ve worked hard. But if you’re working, of course, focus on your work. it doesn’t matter if you watch my stream or not. When this is over there’s always the playback. Finish your work and watch the playback later.
C: Undo another one. LYN: It’s already undone. Let’s stop talking about this, now. Otherwise it’s going to look like my stream is weird. It’ll look like our topics of conversation are strange. I want to have a green-lit stream. Let’s stop talking about this- change the subject.
C: How come you’re streaming again? LYN: My main theme is “unexpected attendance”. Ever since I started filming as the male lead in dramas, it’s true that the frequency of my streams have significantly lowered. We’re going to be switching locations in a couple of days and I heard that the schedule is going to be packed. I’m not sure if I will have the time later to stream so I decided I would stream while I have the time.
C: Lao-da, can you wish me a Happy Birthday? LYN: Happy Birthday. Today is April 11th, and it’s your birthday, right? Happy Birthday.
LYN: I already told you not to call me “lao gong” (husband) and things like that. If you continue to be so presumptuous, I’m going to kick you out. Let’s communicate using terms used in a normal relationship, alright? Don’t call me your husband. I don’t want to use these types of terms between us. It’s very... in poor taste.
C: Have you fixed the lyrics? LYN: I did start my stream and try to adjust it but I couldn’t fix it. I think I might have to change my computer. I don’t know where the problem is. The software can’t find my lyrics anymore. It will only show the title of the song, but not the lyrics. When I get back and reinstall everything, then we’ll talk. It’s alright, though. You’re looking at me, anyway. Or are you really scrutinizing the lyrics in such detail? You don’t need to.
C: I am a student-fan who crossed the seas to see you. LYN: ? You don’t need to add so many qualifiers. It’s not necessary either. You can use your phone to watch the stream. It’s not like you ACTUALLY crossed the seas. Are you watching my stream from the ocean? You must have gotten on a boat, and are watching my stream from the boat? No, right? You’re just watching my stream on your phone. What do you mean a “student-fan who crossed the seas”?? I don’t really get it. LYN: That’s why you have to do well in school. If you’re in school, focus on your studies. When you graduate, I hope you can all find good jobs. I want my fans to be able to find good jobs after they graduate. If they do, then that means that my concert tickets can be more easily sold (bc people can afford to buy them). Don’t rush. I’ll wait for you.
C: Ning-ge, do you not have any money to buy any other colored wigs? LYN: Uh... yeah. Are you going to add my WeChat and send me 50RMB? I went online to search for wigs and I saw some are around 60+RMB. How about this- transfer me 50 and I will make up the rest myself. Alright? Let’s add each other and you can transfer me 50RMB. Let’s see how sincere you are. LYN: No- I have other colors; I have all of the colors. I have a pink one and a grey one. But I found out that on video the white makes me look a little cooler. I tried a few colors and decided that this one is actually not bad. So I’ve been using this one. I’ll try to go online and see if there are any other good quality ones and buy some more. C: Yellow. LYN: You can’t really see the yellow clearly on video- it doesn’t give much of a feel. / I thought you’d seen too much of this hair so that’s why I added a hat today. Now it feels like I’ve changed it up. It’s fine, just watch and be done with it.
C: I’m making comments, but why can’t I see them? LYN: Because there’s a lag. Don’t worry, I can see everything from my side. You don’t need to worry that I won’t see your comments. I see them all.
C: Ning-ge, I’ll give you 5000. Get a blue one. LYN: A blue one? Do you really like... Avatar? Blue is okay, I can buy one. You don’t need to give me 5000, I can afford it. The problem is that the blue color might make my face look darker. I guess this friend likes Avatar.
C: Hello, I came from the ZY reuters. LYN: /laughs/ Oh- is it that I don’t need my music to get fans for me, I can even get fans through reuters? Those can help me gain new fans?
C: You look handsome. LYN: /snaps his fingers/ Look at that. This world is still fair. Maybe you... have some astigmatism, and think I look handsome? It must be because you’ve read too many books and your eyesight is blurry. But this person must have seen my face and also seen gotten that blurry feeling, so it’s like another added filter. Thanks for saying I’m handsome. You have good taste, friend.
C: Ning-ge, you really have so much free time? LYN: Not really. If I wanted to be busy, I could be. I could go record some songs and not stream, instead. But I figured I would stream and find another day to record songs. I still owe some. I’m not FREE, I just used the time that I could be using to go out to eat to stream. There is no “busy” or “not busy”. LYN: I already said. I want my friends in this industry... no, not “in this industry”- in this circle to have the slightest bit of happiness. I want to appear in front of them often, so they don’t worry about not being able to find me. Of course, I have my own worries. Which are that once all these dramas start airing and varieties start being released, my fans are going to start running.  LYN: I experienced something like this before. I often sing OSTs- this, you all know. It expanded my horizons. If I sang an OST for any recent drama, I will always tell my fans to go watch that drama. When I stream, I promote the show too. And because I have a lot of time and scroll through my SuperTopic, I discovered that some group of friends may start off having a profile picture of me... but then it changes to another artist after a while. But they remain in my SuperTopic. Do you know how that feels? So let me open for business, a little.
LYN: /sigh/ Someone was spamming. Friends, don’t spam in my comments. What that means is they repeat one word over and over to try and gain my attention. Don’t do that. I find it annoying and it also affects everyone else’s viewing experience. Don’t spam in my stream. Thanks, everyone. LYN: If this were before and we weren’t on Weibo I would have kicked you out a long time ago. On weibo it reaches a wider audience, it’s not a closed system like other platforms. If this were before, I would have kicked you out. But now, I need to... maintain my image. But really, if you type too many words it affects other people’s view. Some people get carsick. If they see so many words flying across their screen watch out or they’re going to throw up.
C: Ning-ge, let me tell you. You have to bait your fans/string them along. LYN: Where did you learn such a useless thing? Did you used to be a fan of someone else? Other people can bait their fans all they want, but I don’t play that game here. LYN: Right, fam’?? /laughs/ LYN: I don’t play that game. My stream counts as a sort of outlet, for my work. But it’s also a way to relax. I don’t really have the time to go out and play, nor do I like going out for drinks. I really don’t enjoy drinking at all, but somehow the internet is spreading rumors that I like to accompany people for drinks. “Liu Yuning goes out for a drink and comes back with a job.” /sigh/ “All of LYN’s work comes from accompanying so-and-so Director for drinks.” First of all, if we go by that logic- let’s not factor in the fact of whether I can handle drinks or not, or whether this is truth or fiction- by this logic there would be no actor in this industry who should be lacking work. What is it- whoever’s alcohol tolerance is the best, gets the most work? It’s not as easy as you might think. Usually I- /sigh/ It doesn’t matter. If someone wants to say shit about you, they’ll say anything. C: Ning-ge, are you a one drink and out? LYN: Not as limited as one drink. My tolerance has been improving over time, I guess it might have to do with the fact I’m getting older? My tolerance is improving. I used to only be able to handle one bottle of beer. Now I can do two. It’s doubled. Two bottles of beer should be... fine. C: Ning-ge, when you’re out for drinks do you talk much, too? LYN: I don’t really talk. Maybe when you’re watching my stream I’m like a dragon- always blowing smoke. But when I stream I’m relaxed because I know that the people who come to see me are largely my fans. Most of them are my fans and only a small portion might be passersby or people who know OF me and want to come in to take a look. My fans- honestly- that all flatter me. They like me, so they’re okay with whatever I say. They can accept anything I say and they know I don’t mean to say anything with ill-intent. You know? But when I’m out and about and having drinks or a meal with the boss or superiors then I have to be careful with what I say. If you can get away with speaking less then do. Who knows if you might say something wrong and make someone unhappy. You’re not even clear exactly what these people do. Normally when I go out for a social gathering like that I don’t really say anything. I can be here and chat all I want because you are my fans. I can’t go out there with the directors and producers and do the same- who do I think I am?? I just eat quietly and that’s it. C: You’re indifferent to strangers. LYN: Yes and no, you can’t call it “indifferent”. Honestly I am a different person when I stream. Whether it’s my friends in real life or my coworkers- as soon as they watch one of my streams they’ll think it’s weird. If they watch my stream they’ll come up to me the next day and ask if I went crazy when streaming. I said, “What’s up?” and they reply that I seemed like I was crazy, making such a racket in my stream but why is it that normally I don’t talk much? I seem like a “normal” person most times but when I start streaming I’m “crazy”. Like two different people. Old but still vigorous. In private I am not like how I act in my streams. It’s not that I’m indifferent or pretending to be, I just don’t know what I should say and I don’t really like saying anything. When I’m filming I get into the character- because I’m stupid, so I get immersed. It’s not because I am taking it seriously. I’m a little slow, so I don’t dare to let my mind wander. Unless the scenes I am filming are light, then I will relax a little. If the scenes are heavier, then I will drop my mood for the whole time.  LYN: I really do talk the most when I’m streaming. I don’t even talk this much when I’m on variety shows.
C: I like watching your streams. LYN: Yeah. I’m more relaxed in my streams. I don’t consider this work- I just come to chat. People can watch or not. I can play some songs. I can chat with you all. Its nice. There’s no pressure.
C: Ning-ge, I read the original novel of ZY and started liking you. LYN: ?? How mysterious. Why is that? I’m only playing a role in ZY, but you started liking me because you read the original novel?? Have I been transformed from words on a page? I don’t really get it... Maybe it’s that they saw that I was going to play Wei Shao and they got too into it? But seeing my current look, can you still say you feel the same? C: You acted it very well. LYN: How come you’re speaking as if the drama has already aired?? It’s that you saw the leaks and have convinced yourself of the characters? You associate my face with the character when reading the novel now? Thank you, everyone. Truly. C: It already aired. LYN: Is it 2024 right now??? There are time travelers in my stream and you’ve already watched the drama and have traveled back in time to 2023 to chat with me in my stream? Is that it? So mysterious? Look at that. Amazing. Then tell me, did ZY do well? You already watched it and travelled back in time, right? Is it popular? Or no? // It is popular? While you’re at it, can you tell me the lottery numbers for 2024.4.11? What are they? C: ZY “exploded”. You’re at the top, now. LYN: /laughing/ /suddenly sobers/ Don’t trick me. Thank you. // There really are people giving me numbers! You know the lottery numbers for 2024... if that’s the case why are you telling me about them in the comments instead of buying a ticket yourself? If you had travelled back in time from 2024, that’s the first thing you would have done. Why are you waiting around for me to ask you about them? You’re all liars! Everyone who is typing numbers into my chat right now must be rich in 2024! C: I’m not buying any tickets to save it for you. LYN: We could say nonsense, but you can’t take me for a fool. You think my IQ is that low?? LYN: Your imaginations really are something. Why don’t we write a drama script together? It’ll be called “Travel Back in Time to Buy Lottery Tickets”.  C: Ning-ge, you buy the tickets. I’m telling you the numbers so that you can buy them, because I have tickets for another day. LYN: LOL. “You win this 5M first, because I will go win a different prize amount. I’ll let you win this round, Ning-ge. You go buy the tickets.” /sigh/ Alright. LYN: Our main theme for today’s stream is “TimeTravel-ZY’sPopular”
C: Ning-ge, you don’t have work tonight? LYN: I can if I wanted to. I can go record songs or do some voice acting. But I chose to stream. I know I just did a stream a couple of days ago and you are all thinking I wouldn’t stream again for a while, but I just wanted to stream. I just want the element of surprise.
LYN: There are some fans here typing in English?? Um.. you’ve overestimating me. LYN: /in English/ I don’t understand you talk some. (??) My English is so bad. Sorry-ah.  LYN: Coming at me in English, I can’t communicate. Sorry.
C: Why is the ground in guzhuang dramas always wet? LYN: This friend really has an eye for detail! It’s true. I’ve done my fair share of guzhuang dramas, now. Every time before we start filming we will ask the set laoshi to clean the floors. We’re not cleaning the floors simply to rid the set of dust, but so that the floor is wet. What I’m thinking is-  C: It looks clean. LYN: ... I really haven’t thought about this before. I didn’t care about this, before but now that I think about it, they always make the floor wet before we start rolling. C: So there’s a reflection? // So it’s shiny? // To make it look new. LYN: That’s probably the correct thinking. When I go to work tomorrow I’ll ask the Director and crew about it and tell you the answer in the next stream. Why do I feel like they mop the floor after they finish stationing the cameras? I don’t know if it’s for the reflection or if mopping the floor makes it look better. I’m not sure. It’s not so the dust won’t be stirred up; it has nothing to do with that. Because when we’re shooting in a room they will create smoke so there’s a hazy look and the light is diffused. We’re not afraid of the dust... C: Maybe afraid that the floor is showing scuff marks? LYN: No~ If we scuff the floor all they have to do is re-wax it. C: So you don’t slip. LYN: Not so. Some scenes I needed to run and have almost slipped because the floor was wet. It’s not slippery when dry, but it is when wet. I’ll ask about it tomorrow and tell you the answer next time I stream. // It should be so that it looks new... I think that logic tracks. But I’ll ask tomorrow. You can hold me to it.
C: Ning-ge is the saber heavy? LYN: You mean the longsword? It’s a jian, not a dao.** When we’re shooting fight scenes, the actor’s weapons are mostly fake. They’re either made with plastic or from bamboo or wood. A lighter material, so it’s not particularly heavy. But there are certainly real swords- like when we’re doing special takes. In some scenes it will focus on let’s say- a person’s neck, and the sword pointed at it. In this case the sword is real. But normally if two people are fighting each other, it’s a fake sword. More skilled actors could possibly use the real thing, because they have more awareness of the weapon. But for actors like us who have not undergone years of training it’s fake. We don’t want to accidentally cut someone with a real weapon- that’d be terrible. We don’t need anyone dying because they were trying to shoot a drama. We can’t be afraid of hurting each other, and wishy-washy about the fight scenes because of it- so we use fake weapons. [** jian (longsword) - straight, double-edged sword vs dao (saber) - single-edged sword, typically curved]
C: Ning-ge, why do you keep furrowing your brows and glaring when you stream? LYN: /laughs/ I’m trying to pick you up, didn’t you know? I just wanted to flirt when you were unawares but you’ve caught me so how do you expect me to explain? LYN: No, my eyes have some discomfort. When I overuse them or the nerve hurts- I have a (nerve) problem. [also read as: “神经病” = “I’m crazy.”] So I’ve developed this habit of scrunching- but don’t worry I don’t do it when I’m acting. LYN: I’m not making faces, I’m trying to wink at you. I was trying to wink but you say I’m making faces at you- oh my goodness... how hurtful.
C: Ning-ge, will you go on a variety show? LYN: I will, but I’m working on the drama right now. When it’s over I’ll think about going on a show, we’ll see. I’ll be on one, at least. Other variety shows have contacted me but the timing didn’t match up so I didn’t go. I will record some shows; to go and relax. To me variety shows are like playing. I can go relax and wander around if there’s time between takes. C: Is it a music-related one? LYN: One did contact me but the timing didn’t work out. C: What a shame. LYN: It’s alright. There are plenty of opportunities. There’s a limit to your time, right? So you’ve got to make some choices. C: Is it a travel show? LYN: I think there IS a travel show scheduled for later. We’ll see. I hope I can make it. As long as I have the time. I hear that the guests are all people I am close with.
C: Disney stream. LYN: I probably.... The Disney stream is like this- I promised you all that I would go to Shanghai Disney and do a stream there. And then... I thought of it too simply. I thought I could just take my phone, go to Disney, and wander around and stream at the same time. I thought that was all there was to it. The problem is.... C: There are too many people. LYN: That’s not it. It’s that Disney won’t allow you to stream there. Have you ever seen anyone stream from there? Usually you’re made to stop as soon as you start. They don’t allow live-streaming in the park. It’s a copyright issue- they just don’t allow it. It’s not as if just because you have an annual membership you suddenly can. But- I have a collaboration with Disney, don’t I?  C: Don’t you have an “in” with Disney? LYN: Right. So I was chatting with them about this. We’re close now, after the collab. They said, “No one else can stream but if it’s you, you can.” They’re giving me that much face?? I’m not worth it. But they’re also afraid of possible congestion, so I would first have to give them an itinerary. I’ve to let them know which attractions I want to visit and where I’m going next. So they can assign people to escort me. They would gather up some staff and we would use the employee walkways. You know, how Donald Duck and Minnie Mouse have their own passageways? They don’t use the public paths and move directly from place to place. I will use those passages to move around as well.  C: Pulling rank. LYN: It’s not exactly that- I have a collaboration with Disney, so they’re just allowing me this small benefit, is all. It’s like using the employee passages. I would set a few places and and go and do activities there. I will be able to stream, but they’re afraid of the possible traffic it could cause. Just in case someone wants to try and hit me or something. I already look like I’m looking for a beating, so they don’t want me to be streaming in Disney and for someone to come deck me. In that case I would need to quickly find an employee passage and run. It’s possible. LYN: So, that’s how the stream might be structured. I’ll decide on a few places and some employees will accompany me around. It should be around May. We’re in discussions. I think it would be more fun if I could wander and stream but they have their own process. So it could be like how I described it earlier.
C: Ning-ge, then do it secretly. LYN: How could I? As soon as I start the stream it’s going to be announced on Weibo. Do you think Disney doesn’t look there?? There’s no way. They’ll know in an instant. There’s no way of doing this secretly. How could I?? Do you think I’m just streaming to a group of friends in WeChat? No one will care about me, there. But if I’m streaming on Weibo there’s no way to do it secretly. I want my streams to be seen by more and more people and here you are telling me to do it secretly! XD C: Ning-ge, hide your phone in your pocket. LYN: You must be crazy. If I put it in my pocket what are you going to be watching? The inside of my pocket?? If you put a sack over your head you could be “watching” the same stream. C: Ning-ge, how about this? Go in dressed as a character. LYN: You’re probably thinking I can just put the head on, put my camera where the mouth hole is, and no one could tell? But... the costumes in Disney are all accounted for. They’re kept locked up. If you want me to do this stream, not only do I have to stream secretly, but also steal clothes?? That’s illegal, friend. You must not want me to do well in life, anymore. That’s stealing. Even if I didn’t steal a costume and brought my own in- I’ll go online and buy a Calabash Brother costume, wear that in- that would look weird. C: There’s nothing in your size. LYN: I can buy an XL, can’t I?? A 1.9m tall Winnie the Pooh- is that so wrong?  C: Haier Brothers. LYN: What do I need to buy anything for that, for? I can just go in wearing swim trunks, in that case. I’ll tell them I am also a Disney representative, of the Haier Brothers. Then it won’t count as breaking in.
LYN: Friends, if you’re here for the first time you have to know that most of what’s said in my stream is complete nonsense. Please don’t take this seriously. In my stream a lot of the topics are just me and my fans messing around. Don’t take it seriously.
C: You can consider Avatar. LYN: There’s no way. Disney is such a strict place. You can’t walk in there wearing the Calabash Brothers or the Haier Brothers costumes. Not even that. If you’re IN the park and you buy a princess costume and want to wear it inside, they won’t let you. You can’t just wear whatever you want, in there. Otherwise I’d go in as Sun Wukong. I’ll go online and buy a mask for the furry face and grab by staff and go. No way. They’ll kick you out. They have security guards. I’ll wear a Zhu Bajie costume inside! No way. You’re thinking of this too simply. C: Wearing Sun Wukong inside a Disney park IS strange... C: If no one else can do it, you can. LYN: /laughs/ Someone said I have an “in” with Disney, so they’ll open the back door and let me in. Absolutely not. No matter how close they are to me there’s no way they’re going to do it at the expense of their brand.
C: Ning-ge, wear the invisibility cloak to get inside. LYN: Invisibility cloak... you must have seen too much Harry Potter. Do you also believe there’s magic in this world? Or is it that muggles like us can’t understand the magical world? LYN: Someone told me to wear an invisibility cloak to get inside the park. Oh my goodness. You’re too amazing.
C: This streamer looks a lot like Liu Yuning. LYN: LOL. Do I look a lot like LYN? ... He’s imitating me. Next time you see that person who looks like me streaming you should go report him. 
C: Your clothes today are so nice! LYN: Have I not worn this before? I think I have? It’s nothing- just a shirt. -  LYN: I won’t stream for too long today. I have nothing else going on, so I just came to chat. I’ll sign off soon, but I just want to chat for a bit longer. I don’t have a lot of energy. C: Sing. LYN: Sing? I can sing one or two. I don’t have a lot of energy, I feel a little tired. - C: Never seen you wear it before. LYN: You haven’t? Then I must not have.
~ - ~
bgm: 问风 (Ask the Wind)
C: /asks for a song I didn’t catch the name of - “zhi”?/ LYN: Someone asked for this song the last time, too. But I can’t sing just- /snores/ The songs are like this- I need the accompaniment track in order to sing it. I don’t have the track. It’s not like before, when Da-Fei and Ah-Zhuo were here, they could play me any song. I don’t have them right now so if the track isn’t on the internet then I can’t sing it. That’s why I didn’t sing this song the last time, either. Singing is nothing, but I don’t have the track. C: “Shi”. LYN: Right. “Shi”. What did I say earlier, “zhi”? C: Sing two lines acapella. LYN: My second aunt... 
C: Wujiapo. LYN: Let’s do it! // I’m not very good at these operatic types, so I’m just singing for fun, alright? Just listen for entertainment.  - /starts but jumps in too early and messes up the timing/ LYN: /clears his throat/ Hold on a second. Wait. I just discovered that my eye makeup is smudging. -- 武家坡2021 (Wujiapo 2021)
-- break #1 - /kazoobie makes its reappearance to the tune of 问风 (Ask the Wind)/
C: Sing the theme song to TtEotM. LYN: If I sing it... It won’t be “fresh” anymore. Let me blow it for you. How does that sound? --  我爱的这个世界 (My World), Till the End of the Moon OST (kazoobie ver.) LYN: Amazing. That’s my trump card. I don’t have anything else but a lot of equipment. Double kazoobie. It’s a duet. We’ve upgraded to a dual performance. The best of the best.
C: Lao-da, can you do a rap song? LYN: Didn’t I sing one the last time? (雪Distance) I sang it the last time. You didn’t seem to like my version of it, so I’ll never sing it again.
C: 麒麟 (Qilin) LYN: I only know that one part and I don’t say it smoothly, either. (麒麟) I only know that one part, I can’t do the rest. Let me try it, though. // I need to change into shades. - /reciting the lyrics to the whole song to familiarize himself with them. XD/ C: That’s enough. LYN: I was just reciting the lyrics, why is it “enough”? Who are you looking down on? I might not sing this song very well, but I can be sure the mood matches up. /recites the lyrics some more/ -- 麒麟 (Qilin) - /tired AF/ LYN: Old but still vigorous. I’m old. I can’t really keep up with these lyrics. - /out of breath/ LYN: Isn’t this usually how it goes, after an idol finishes their performance? // They look into the camera while trying to catch their breath. If I also do that then doesn’t it seem like I was very into the performance? C: Ning-ge, is old but vigorous. LYN: Yes, I’m 老当益壮 (lǎo dāng yì zhuàng) (determined to hold one’s position despite old age). // In the future you can call me Liu Yizhuang.
C: Ning-ge, your streaming condition today isn’t bad! LYN: Am I usually lacking? One which day did my condition not match up to today? Just because I sang that song just now, you think that my condition is good?? No- I’m still not good enough.
C: Sing 问风 (Ask the Wind). LYN: I’ll try it. Because this is for a woman’s key, so it might not be very comfortable for me. - /adds a sound effect/ LYN: This is too low. - /tries it a different way/ LYN: /to the tune of Ask the Wind/ ~It seems like this way is also uncomfortable and unfeasible~ LYN: It’s too high! C: Kugou can lower the key. LYN: What kugou are you using that’s so advanced? Mine can’t do that. LYN: Let me try it, I’ll do it just like this. With the “pinched” tone. -- 问风 (Ask the Wind) (original key) LYN: It doesn’t work. The mood starts turning all wrong. C: I’m already laughing. LYN: What do you mean? LYN: Let me try lowering it by an octave and see if I can. -- 问风 (Ask the Wind) (lowered by an octave) LYN: Thank you. I didn’t sing that very well, but listen for entertainment.
bgm: 天光 (Heaven Light), Chong Zi OST
C: Man, you’re playing with fire. LYN: You’ve successfully gained my attention.
C: Have you downloaded 笑红尘 (Laughing at the Mundane World)? LYN: I really don’t have it. I looked for it the other day and I don’t think we saved it. One day I’ll ask Jiangsu Satellite TV if I can have it. I’ll ask for it. I don’t think we saved it; I really did look. LYN: I really don’t have it- I just looked through again. I’ll ask.
C: 同生 (Co-Existence) [The Love of Hypnosis OST] LYN: How does that one go? Let me listen to it. If I’m remembering correctly, this song was hard to sing. LYN: This is The Love of Hypnosis OST... but the problem is this drama hasn’t aired yet but my OST for it has. Since the drama hasn’t aired I haven’t had much of a chance to listen to this song. Usually I’ll listen when the drama is airing but since it hasn’t I haven’t really paid any attention to this song. I forgot how to sing it. It’s been too long. I recorded it a long time ago and it was released a long time ago. The drama hasn’t aired yet. But I’ll try it, okay? LYN: Let me look up the lyrics. C: Even I know how to sing this! LYN: Then YOU sing it. Come on. Come here, I’ll give you the mic. If you know it, then you come sing it. Who are you trying to diss? Don’t think I don’t have you figured out. I just said I was unfamiliar with this song and may have forgotten how to sing it, and you say you know it. So what you mean is- // Let me look up the lyrics. Don’t rush. LYN: /turns on a mic effect/ Hello my dearest viewers, good evening. I am your beloved Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. This "余生” is for you. I hope you like it. - [t/n: he called the song the wrong name X’D] -- 同生 (Co-Existence) LYN: I think I sang it incorrectly. This is my own song- let me sober up. - /continues, ends up missing the timing/ LYN: ... ... LYN: The stream lagged, okay? There was a small problem with the internet, just now. It lagged. It doesn’t effect your overall viewing experience. The beginning didn’t really lag, but the ending half did. It’s okay though, friends. The internet cut out, is all. The connection here is bad. C: The mic broke. LYN: No, it was just an effect of “lagging”. There was no problem with the mic today. We can’t blame the mic every time. X’D It lagged. Please understand. C: No, no, no. Ning-ge, my headphones broke. LYN: You don’t need to say that. Because I’m afraid you’ll say that my singing broke your headphones so you’ll want me to buy you a new pair. 
C: My best friend really likes you. LYN: /clicks his tongue/ That’s normal.
C: Can we do an interview segment? LYN: You want to interview me? Okay, we can do that. Interview me if you’d like. I guess all of you must be the media.
C: Ning-ge, all the people in my class like you! LYN: Thank you. Thank all the students in your class. That’s very nice, and I’m so happy.
C: Lao-da, why is your skin so pale? LYN: The beauty filter is on. “Brightening” is on 35.  - LYN: Am I trending? No way, do I have what it takes? I don’t. / Friends- go take a look for me. Am I really? -  LYN: Right. Someone asked why I’m so pale. It’s because “brightening” is on 35 and “blur” is on 100. It’s at its limit and can’t go any higher. - C: #32 in the Entertainment Tab. LYN: What’s wrong with that? / Isn’t it 35? C: It’s 32. LYN: Oh, nice. It rose a little while we were discussing it.
C: Ning-ge, when is your stream NOT trending? LYN: I have nothing to be trending FOR. We’re going for “no news is good news” right? There isn’t anything particularly outstanding about my stream- it’s too regular. I’m not like other artists, like some good friends of mine, who only stream every once in a while. When they stream it’s very fresh. My stream is a long-running thing, so there’s nothing really new for the viewers to look at. The people who like me will like the fact that I am streaming but the people who don’t like or care about me are probably thinking, “Why is he streaming AGAIN?” They’re not interested. It’s a different way of thinking, is all- what do they care if I stream or not. // It’s not a big deal.
C: Can you tell us in advance when you’re about to stream? LYN: You want me to give you a call?? What do you mean, “Can you tell us in advance?”? Because my stream- isn’t for business. I don’t need to tell you in advance on what day and what time on what platform I will be streaming as a brand spokesperson to meet with you all. I’m not recommending you any products- there’s none of that. I’m not that type of streamer. With my stream usually it’s when I wrap with work early. It’s not as if it’s a shame to have missed it when I am live or anything, either. You can subscribe to my weibo, and the next time I start a stream it will notify you. C: But it doesn’t. LYN: You must not have notifications on. Or, you haven’t selected the option to pay special attention to my page. // Next time I’ll try to announce it beforehand, but don’t count on it. I was thinking I would come home, shower, and get a good rest. But then I was thinking that resting wasn’t appropriate. So I’ll stream for a bit.
C: It’s my first time seeing the stream, are there any benefits. LYN: Benefits? The benefit is that I’m not kicking you out. You’re here watching my stream and I don’t have any special requests on my part- I don’t expect you to spend money here. I even gift you with my wonderful voice at no cost. That’s your benefit. It’s good enough, yeah? LYN: Actually, this friend reminded me. Anyone who is watching my stream right now all have a benefit. When I hold my concert anyone who is in the stream today- as long as you have a screenshot- can receive a 5yuan discount on the cost of my concert ticket. If you’re watching my stream right now, then take a screenshot immediately. Then when you’re buying tickets for my concert it will automatically deduct 5yuan. How does that sound? C: Can I use it with the discount I got the last time? LYN: No. You can only use one per concert.  C: Ning-ge, I have five now... LYN: Just keep collecting them.
C: Trending on main at #45 LYN: I don’t believe it. Let me go take a look. // /smug/ I’m at #41. I saw it. LYN: Since I’m on the main page now I should make myself more presentable. I can’t have my appearance not live up to status of having a trending topic. I don’t want anyone to come in through the topic and see a sloppy-haired beast. LYN: Every time I’m trending there will be a new group of friends who enter my stream for the first time. Many of them have probably never seen me before. They’ve never seen me but have heard of me. They may have heard my songs, but never seen my dramas or my streams. But the first time they come- I want to leave a good impression. I should stop talking, now. Let me play the role of “quiet boy.” From now on I am the quiet type, alright? I’ll sing a song. LYN: What song is on the quiet side and can also give off the impression that I’m just a pretty boy? Someone with a lot of charms~ Is there any song that can do that? Let me think... maybe something ballad/folk. - /reviewing song options/ LYN: How about 走你? (走马) // Let me grab my guitar. /strums it/ It’s not tuned. Whatever. We’re not listening to this. It’s just a prop. -- 走马 (Zou Ma) (Cursory Glance)
LYN: /gently/ Welcome all the new friends, to my stream. Here I will share with you some nice songs. I’m more of a quiet person in daily life, so I wanted to give you a quiet song. I hope you liked it.
bgm: 与子成说 (Yu Zi Cheng Shuo), The Starry Love OST LYN: That’s about enough. // Friends, my topic wouldn’t have dropped because I sang that song, right?? It’s happened before. I made it to a trending topic on main and wanted to show off my talents in thanks so I sang a song and- my trending topic disappeared. LYN: It really fell. Let’s not talk about whether I sang well or not. If I can drop down the list just by singing a song, then the future of the music scene is... yeah. (in bad shape). C: #42. LYN: Oh, I didn’t drop? C: It’s not that fast. LYN: /laughs/ So you’re saying it’ll still drop either way, but can’t it rise instead?? “It doesn’t drop that quickly.” Okay. Thanks! Your words were of a great comfort!
C: I came in because of the trending topic. LYN: It seems like we do have some new friends, here. If you haven’t yet subscribed to my weibo, please do so. I am Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. Don’t think that my Standard Mandarin isn’t good just because you hear me speaking like this in my stream- I CAN speak Standard dialect. Don’t let this affect whether or not you watch my dramas when they air.  LYN: I think that if you were able to come to my stream today... you are all.. friends. You are all my guests. I hope that I can make more friends through my stream, so... I will gift you with the song “朋友 (Friends)”. I hope that starting from today- even if you don’t know me, even if you don’t understand me- I hope that we can sing this song together. After the song is over, we will be friends. -- 朋友 (Friends by Alan Tam) C: I don’t know Cantonese. LYN: I don’t either. I’m also just making it up as I go, aren’t I? C: Ning-ge, aren’t we “family”? LYN: /thinking/ -- 我们是一家人 (We Are a Family) LYN: ?? I can’t find the song! Isn’t there one that goes, “Because we are a family...” What song is that? Oh, 相亲相爱一家人 (A Loving Family), right? They don’t have it?? /found it/ This song is for all my family. If you know how to sing it, let’s sing together! -- 相亲相爱一家人 (A Loving Family) LYN: How is it, are you satisfied? C: Damn it. I actually sang along. LYN: /laughing/ Wait- is that a shameful thing?? Doesn’t that just make it more of a fact that we are one family and one mind? Is that not it?
C: The people who came in because of the trending topic will all be scared away. LYN: ... I don’t believe it. How can the people who came in because of the trending topic be scared away? Do you think they are cowards? -- 胆小鬼 (Coward) LYN: Right? There’s no way. How could you think they are cowards? They’re not, rest assured. They’ve seen all there is to see, already. (won’t be easily scared away).
C: Ning-ge, didn’t you say you wanted to be a quiet pretty boy? LYN: Ah... I gave up. There are some things in this world... if they’re meant to be yours it will be, if it’s not meant to be yours then don’t try to force it. LYN: I can’t believe there are some people replying the song I sang just now was “addicting”. Oh? You like this style of music? Then, we will become very good friends. I think if you are able to accept that style of music then you can really be a true musician. If you enjoyed that song and think it was addicting, you can go out into the world and say, “As a musician, I think...”. You can give yourself a title.
C: Ning-ge, how about a non-mainstream song? LYN: Are you trying to hurt me? What if I go online and search “non-mainstream songs” and I end up singing so-and-so’s song. Doesn’t that mean that I... what if people say I am trying to diss that singer? Don’t you know that in this industry, “if you look up you don’t meet, but if you look down you do”? If I get this wrong I might... I might search “non-mainstream” songs and end up finding the names of some of my friends. C: 烏梅子醬 (Dark Plum Sauce) LYN: Does this song have an accompaniment track? There isn’t. I can’t sing it. I wanted to, but since there’s no track I can’t. No helping it. // Actually, I think this IS. But why does it start from the chorus?? It really IS the instrumental track. -- 烏梅子醬 (Dark Plum Sauce) - /gets through a few lines... barely/ LYN: Let’s forget this one. This track doesn’t really work.
LYN: Wasn’t I here to chat with you, what am I doing singing? Anyway- let me rest a bit. What time is it? !! I’m not seeing wrong, am I? It’s 11:44pm. /sigh/  LYN: I said I would stream a little less today, but I didn’t think it would be this time already. Um... alright. C: Are you working tomorrow? LYN: Let me see what time I have to go out tomorrow. // 7a.
bgm: 霓虹甜心 (Neon Sweetheart)
LYN: Alright, today I’ll stream until 12a. LYN: Ok, let’s save some time (by not singing) and chat. Let me play some quieter music.
C: Ning-ge, I have 60 days left until the high school entrance exam, can you cheer me on? LYN: I can. I hope your exam goes well and you get into a high school you like. I wish you better and better. Jiayou.
C: You also have to get up at 7a tomorrow? LYN: We’re all the same. We all have to get up early.
C: When I think about having to go to school tomorrow I want to cry. LYN: ?_? What’s there to cry about. Tomorrow’s Wednesday. It’s only been two days since the week started and you want to cry? There’s still Thursday and Friday. Saturday and Sunday are okay, though. Being able to go to school is such a great thing. It’s the time when you are the most carefree. Cherish it while you can.
LYN: I see more people are trying to send signals. I can see all of your comments, but I won’t make a heart or a “V” for you. There are always people in my stream trying to send signals saying, “Ning-ge, if you can see this, make a heart.” I see all the comments. But there’s no way I can respond to each one. That’d be crazy. I wouldn’t be doing anything else, in that case.
C: If you’re shooting an outside scene for a guzhuang drama will you ever step on a snake? LYN: I have not encountered one as of yet. One of my fellow actors has, though. It’s normal, especially in the mountains. There are snakes. A few days ago my stand-in (light double) was bitten by a centipede. It was this big /gestures/, and it bit him. He went to stand in the tall grass and got bitten. It started feeling numb immediately so we sent him to the hospital. Thankfully it was not very venomous. C: “guang ti”? LYN: Oh, I said “stand-in (light double)” and you thought I meant “guang” as in “naked” (therefore: “naked body”)? No, it’s “guang” for “light” and not “naked”. // The kind you’re thinking of is not called a “guang ti” but a “luo ti” (body double). Those are two different things. C: Why do you need a double for light? LYN: We accidentally stepped into a sensitive topic, here. Every drama will have a staff called a “light double”. Let’s say the actors are shooting a scene, and we took 10 minutes to finish. Then, it’s time to switch the camera positions. When they’re switching the camera positions, the actors can rest for a bit. But the setting and light directors have to set the scene. So there needs to be someone there to stand in our spots. They use the standing position to check all the angles. When all the instruments are in the right place the actors will stand back in their positions and they will make minor adjustments and we can start. It helps to progress the filming schedule, a little. If the actors had to act the scene, then stand there and wait for setting to finish before the next one, I would probably tire to death standing the whole day. The double is there to stand in your spot in order to set the lighting. Usually they will find someone who is around the same height as the actor. - /continues talking about various stand-ins and doubles/ C: It must be hard to find someone the same height as you. LYN: It’s difficult to find a three-legged hippo. People, we can find. It’s not as if I’m some strange species, am I??
- /bickering with the fans over his pronunciation; topic of discussion: “wen ti” (body-double vs “kiss” double)/ LYN: Can you understand Standard Mandarin? Is mine really that bad?? How come I don’t believe it?! LYN: You must be doing this on purpose. How could I find a “kissing double”? I’m willing to- Zu’er must be crazy to agree, too! The opposite actor must be crazy. How could I? For example the two leads need to have an.. emotional interaction and in that moment I say, “Come here, kissing double. Kiss her for me!” No way! XD C: She can find one, too. LYN: Who does that? If that’s the case, what do you expect the viewers to watch for?? You want viewers to watch two strangers kissing? Why would they? They can see plenty of that on the street. Viewers don’t want to see two strangers kissing. They want to see the ML and FL. C: Does ZY have scenes like that? LYN: Not even a little. Not at all. Don’t anticipate it at all. There’s none of that. Stop asking. C: There are plenty of people in front of my dorm. LYN: You- ???? I said that there are a lot of people on the street, if you want to see it and someone replied that there’s plenty of that in front of their dorm. /laughs/ What are you telling me for?? Do you want me to go take a look, or what. Are you sharing with me? I don’t want to know that information, thanks. Are you so idle that you hang out in front of your dorm and watch? You don’t need to tell me! LYN: Let’s change the topic. C: There used to be a lot of that in front of my dorm too. LYN: Alright. That’s enough. OK, already. Let’s not talk about this. It’s enough. 
C: Ning-ge, can you tell me how to wake up early without hurting? LYN: ??? Where do you hurt when you wake up?? If your head hurts, you can get that checked out at a hospital. What do you mean by “wake up early without hurting”?  Does it hurt you to wake up early? Tell me where it hurts. C: My heart. (figuratively) LYN: If your heart hurts (literally) then you should get an angiogram to see if there are any problems with your heart. You have to be careful. Take care of yourself. C: My head. LYN: You must have slept too much, then! If you’re waking up early that means you slept too much. Sleep a little less and you’ll be fine.  C: When I wake up early my soul hurts. [?] LYN: I guess that when you sleep you don’t age, either? [??] When other people sleep they do it soundly, but you’re over here practicing wing chun? If you go a whole night practicing martial arts of course you’re going to hurt all over in the morning. Sleeping to you is like working out. That doesn’t work.  LYN: I think I can guess what this friend meant by “wake up early without hurting”- it’s just that waking up early puts them in a bad mood. I’m like that, too. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I think to myself, “What’s the point in living?? I’m here on this earth and I can’t even sleep. What is the meaning of life and in working?” I’m like that too. I’m sure everyone is. But once you’re up, you’re up. Even if that means that you have a bit of grumpiness in the morning. You;ll be fine after some time passes.
C: Do you check in for attendance in your own SuperTopic? LYN: What are you saying? You must be new. I’ve checked in to my SuperTopic for 1,000+ days, now. Consecutively.  LYN: I already spent so much money on supplement cards for my SuperTopic. My header description even says “Modern Brothers Weibo SuperTopic Big Fan”. Everyone else’s is “singer, actor”.  Mine is “Modern Brothers Weibo Supertopic Big Fan" [超话粉丝大咖 (摩登兄弟超话)]. I have a prestigious title.  LYN: I told you before, that anyone who checks in to my SuperTopic for more than 1,000 consecutive days can contact my studio and ask for a bottle of soybean oil.  C: Wasn’t it 500 days? LYN: Ehm... was it 500 days? Well, it’s already been 200 days since I set that price. Let’s raise it a little.  C: Ning-ge, I was almost at 500 days. How could you raise the prices?? LYN: That’s just the way a lot of things are. This society is like this, friends. I just want you to have a bit of a preview as to the cruelty of this society. When you go to work, they will put you on probation for two months. After those two months are over they might say they will think about it and put you on probation for an additional month. Anything is possible.  
bgm: 意气趁年少 (Youth at Will), A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College OST
LYN: Happy New Year, friends. This year I wish... that anyone who is taking tests has a good result. Thank you for keeping me company and if you haven’t subscribed to my weibo yet, please do so. I am Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. You can come hang out the next time I stream. Thanks for everyone who is in this stream and still watching- I was able to get a trending topic because of you. Thank you to everyone who participated in my stream tonight.  LYN: It’s about time, and I should go to sleep. I hope you had a relaxing and wonderful night. It was great to have you and I hope you enjoyed yourself. We’ll meet again in the next stream! Good night, everyone.
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