#Tsuyoshi Shinjo
chernobog13 · 4 months
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"Whoa, guys, let's not go down there! Our slacks will get filthy!"
Robot Detective was nothing if not fastidious.
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hotfoot · 6 months
Shinjo has the most over the top entrances. This was his debut in 2022.
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margatsniph · 2 years
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csajokamotoron · 8 months
Mégsem fogunk egyelőre repülő motorkerékpárral közlekedni
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A Tokyo Shoko Research hitelkutató cég jelentése szerint egy japán startup, amely a "Csillagok háborúja" által inspirált légpárnás motorkerékpárok fejlesztéséről ismert, 1,17 milliárd jen adóssággal csődöt jelentett. A tokiói székhelyű A.L.I. Technologies célja az volt, hogy kulcsszerepet játsszon a várható "légi mobilitási társadalomban", és drónjaival, mesterséges intelligenciájával és repülő motorkerékpárjaival növelte ismertségét, de a jelek szerint nehezen tudta biztosítani a vállalkozás fenntartásához szükséges készpénzt. Nemrég csődeljárás indult az A.L.I. Technologies ellen a tokiói kerületi bíróságon, a startup december 27-én jelentett csődöt - áll a Tokyo Shoko Research jelentésében. Az A.L.I. Technologies-t 2016-ban alapították a Tokiói Egyetem űrkutatással foglalkozó hallgatói, és drónokat és drónmegoldásokat kínáltak infrastrukturális cégek számára. A cég 2021 októberében kezdte el világszerte fogadni a megrendeléseket az Xturismo repülő motorkerékpár-modellre, amelyből korlátozott, 200 darabos készlet állt rendelkezésre. Az ára 77,7 millió jen (180 millió Ft?) volt, és először 2022 decemberében szállították ki az első vásárlóknak. A hat propelleres motorkerékpár mintegy 3 méter magasan képes lebegni a föld felett, és körülbelül 80-100 kilométer/órás sebességgel képes repülni. A futurisztikus gép az elmúlt években folyamatosan figyelmet keltett. https://csajokamotoron.hu/2022-ben-mar-te-is-felszallhatsz-a-japan-repulo-motorral/ A startup például együttműködött a Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters baseballcsapattal a szezon első hazai mérkőzésén 2022 márciusában, amelyen Tsuyoshi Shinjo menedzser a repülő motorkerékpáron lépett be a stadionba. A befektetők láthatóan nagy reményeket fűztek a repülő motorkerékpárokban rejlő lehetőségekhez, mivel az A.L.I. Technologies 2019 novemberében 2,31 milliárd jen tőkefinanszírozást gyűjtött, ami egy japán startup esetében meglehetősen nagy összeg. A vállalat azonban magas fejlesztési költségekkel küzdött, és a veszteségei egyre nőttek. A Tokyo Shoko Research jelentése szerint 2020-ban 1,37 milliárd jen veszteséget könyvelt el, és ez a szám 2022-re 1,94 milliárd jenre duzzadt. Ezekben az években a cég a COVID-dal kapcsolatos hitelek és kockázati tőkebefektetők révén tudott készpénzt szerezni, de végül nem tudott eleget szerezni ahhoz, hogy talpon maradjon - tette hozzá a jelentés. Read the full article
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hotarutranslations · 1 year
Hokkaido! Thank you very much! It was fun today as well~~ 🐣 It was really kinda over in the blink of an eye~
Mei-chan came home to Hokkaido,
Various places throughout the live, Panda-san Power was flying throughout the performance 🤭
By the way I received the full brunt of it,
It was dangerous (?)
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A lot of people came today as well,
Did you enjoy it!
It seems that there were those here for the first time too~ 🎈 Thank you~ 🎈
I look forward to seeing you in Hokkaido again!
With the Hokkaido dressing rooms, The mirrors faced each other in the room, Doing make up through the mirror, you could make eye contact with the members,
If you suddenly looked towards the back of the room with today's mirror,
you'd make a lot of eye contact with Shinjo Tsuyoshi-san,
I burst into laughter
🤣 lololol (Look at my insta story, ok lol)
Maria-chan, she has this t-shirt with a lot of Otani-san's face all over it, and she wears it a lot so I've seen it quite a bit, its really powerful but I've gotten used to it,
And so she's wearing this Shinjo-san ver. lol
That moment was the best~~~ 😂👏
With many of us laughing out loud, Fukumura-san was in the room next to us, she even checked in ← to see if there was a monkey in the room lol
Well, tomorrow is Zama!! Again!!
Thank you very much!!
see you ayumin <3
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Tsuyoshi Shinjo
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anamon-book · 3 years
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新庄くんは、アホじゃない! 中田潤 飛鳥新社 装丁=守先正、カバーイラスト=本秀康
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fa-cat · 2 years
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Channelling this energy
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Post 66 - Just enjoy it!
Post 66 – Just enjoy it!
「苦労して最終的に楽しんだらいいよとみんな言うけど、楽しむ意味が分かってない。苦労することが楽しむことなのよ。 『楽しむぜ』って言って!」- 新庄剛志 – “La gente dice que hay que sufrir y trabajar duro para poder disfrutar de momentos divertidos en la vida. Así que no saben lo que significa divertirse, ya que el esfuerzo es parte de la diversión. ¡Solamente disfrútalo!” – Tsuyoshi Shinjo – “People say that you have to suffer and work hard to be able to enjoy fun…
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 39 - Finland's female Prime Minister wears a suit with no bra. Indecent? Sexist?
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru with this week's episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome. Well...
J: Hahaha
K: This suits you (*pointing to Tokyo Sports hoodie that Joe is wearing*)
J: Oh thank you. Im starting to quite like it.
T: Im glad.
J: There is also a Tokyo Sports logo here on the end of the sleeve, so even if you are wearing a jacket, you can show it.
T: Thank you, haha.
J: So, (*To Tasai*) Im waiting for a job.
T: Thank you, lets do something.
K: Haha
J: Lets do something.
K: Ok, Joe, today's news please.
J: Yes, ok. 'Finland's female Prime Minister wears a suit with no bra. Indecent? Sexist?' 34 year old Northern European Prime Minister, Sanna Marin, appeared in a magazine wearing a jacket which exposed slight clevage, causing an unexpected stir. While parts of social media labelled this 'indecent', and 'inappropriate', other voices have been raised claiming this backlash is sexist, because a male politician appearing even half-naked in a magazine would not face the same criticism. Elected at the end of last year, Prime Minister Marin is notable as her country's youngest ever Prime Minister. She was interviewed by the fashion magazine, sold this month in Finland, and was  portrayed as a role model, wearing a black suit. It appeared as if she was wearing the jacket with no bra, and her clevage was slightly visible below an elaborately designed necklace. Parts of social media responded that, 'It looks cheap', 'I've lost trust in her', 'She's trying to stand out'.
Well, if you search for this you will be able to find the image. Firstly, when I had a look, I didn't think it was all that indecent.
K: Yeah.
J: Kaoru, how do you feel about this?
K: Well, I feel like there is always gonna be someone who complains.
J: Yeah, so those who are defending PM Marin say that, for example, with that photo of Putin going fishing topless, or that photo which was posted of him jogging in floral patterned shorts in winter...People are asking why it is ok to show naked photos of male leaders, but indecent for a female leader to show a tiny bit of clevage? This had led to some claims of sexism. I think this is a difficult problem. (*To Tasai*)What does the expert on clevages have to say about this?
K: Are you an expert?
T: Haha, it has been said about me. Well, recently at Tokyo Sports, we've had a lot of articles concerning sex. Like, things that really make you think 'it this sexist against men? Or is this sexist against women?' I've been thinking a lot about what it means to be a man or a woman. Its like women will point out sexism if they see it, but as a man, even if I think the same inside, I will question myself.*1
J: I see, men are bad at expressing feelings?
T: Yeah, so i've been thinking a lot about what it all means.
J: I see.
Kami: Um..
J: Oh, Kami's here.
Kami: Do you think people with small boobs are jealous of her clevage?
J: Oh, that?
Kami: As for me, I don't even mind if there is no clevage.
J: I see.
Kami: I probably even prefer small boobs.
J: You like small boobs?
Kami: I think they are better. But this photo, however you look at it, its a nice photo, isn't it?
J: Yes, its a good photo, right?
Kami: So maybe the people complaining about her clevage are just jealous because they have no clevage. I feel like that might be it.
T: Well, we don't know whether the people complaining were men or women though.
J: Yeh, we don't know that. We can't say.
K: It could be either.
Kami: So, Kami, are you saying 'Don't worry about the size of your clevage!'? Like, 'Its ok, don't worry about it!'
Kami: Yeah. Its whats on the inside that counts.
J: Thats it.
K: Yeah.
Kami: Either is ok.
K: But this is a fashion magazine, right?
J: Yeah. So PM Marin isn't wearing this type of thing for public affairs, its for this magazine. And I don't think this was only her idea. With a fashion magazine, there will be the director and the stylist etc, so she will have been shot in this way in oder to properly show off the fashion. So, even if you attack this, it is what it is. What do these complainers think is indecent about it?
K: Well, no matter what you do, you will always get opinions from both sides.
J: Well, of course, yes.
Kami: Its these small-boobed people who are attacking her.
K: He's particular about this, haha.
Kami: Its the truth. No mistake.
J: Attacking her like, 'Don't brag about your boobs!'?
Kami: Yes, thats it. They don't like the bragging. No mistake!
J: No mistake?
Kami: No mistake.
J: Haha, well if Kami has no doubts, maybe thats it.
T:Well, there may be some women who don't like hearing that*2
J: Like, Kami is doing sexual harassment?
T: Well, he is just saying his honest opinion as a man. But a man wouldn't say this looks cheap, would he? Or that they'd loose trust in her, or that she's trying to stand out? What do you think?
K: Even if she is trying to stand out, whats wrong with that?
J: Yeah, if people pay attention to this and see her a politician, it might draw more interest into politics, or spread awareness of her policies, so in that way, its a kind of promotion.
K: So its not really anyone's business to say 'It looks cheap' and stuff.
J: Yeah. But it doesn't look cheap, does it? From what I can see.
T: No, it looks nice.
Kami: Oh, I've just realised something.
J: What is it, Kami?
Kami: There may actually be a mistake about when I said 'there's no mistake' before.
J: Ah, tell us what it is.
Kami: She's a politician, right? She is being criticized as a politician, so it might be the small-boobed of the Opposition Party criticizing her. 
K, T, J: Hahaha
J: No way! Really?
Kami: Yeah. The small-boobed of the Opposition.
J: I see.
T: Thats interesting.
J: So its like criticism of the administration?
Kami: Yes.
J: Political affairs, right? But I think PM Marin will be quite happy with this
T: Yeah, I bet she didn't expect it to turn into such a talking point.
J: But 'the small-boobed Opposition'...?
K: Haha, its a new phrase.
J: A first for humanity! Small-boobed Opposition!
T: I wanna search for it on my computer later.
J: I bet you won't get any results.
T: Haha.
J: Its only just been said...'Small-boobed Opposition'.
T: Incredible, right?
J: Haha. But conversely, what if it were a Japanese female politician appearing like this?
T: How would that go?
J: Yeah, how would it? Are there any Japanese politicians we'd like to appear in fashion magazines..
K: Its not really like we want them to appear, the editors want to feature them.
T: There isn't really anyone I'd like them to pick up on specifically.
J: Yeah. Well, the conclusion here is that PM Marin looks great.
K: Yeah, I think thats it.
J: No mistake.
K: It reminds me of when former Hanshin player Shinjo (Tsuyoshi) san returned from Nippon Ham, he was all over the magazines.
T: Oh yeah.
K: Its great, isn't it?
J: Yes, it is.
K: Ok, well...let's finish here.
J: Before Kami says anything else.
K: Thank you very much. Please subscribe.
*1,2 Slightly unsure about these bits.
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loverintranslations · 4 years
『I Started Online Ballet Lessons♡2020.5.2~♪*゚』Makino Maria (2020-5-18)
Shinjo Tsuyoshi-kun is doing an Insta Live Broadcast❤️❤️
I’m watching every day 🐰 Maria
LOVE ❤️Shinjo
    🎀 Online Ballet Lessons 🎀
2020.5.2~ ��
Every Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday
※ Chibi Maria had ballet lessons 3 times a week 🐰
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 Yesterday was Sunday、but I had a lesson。
Look up the meaning of 「adductor muscle」‼️ (Yesterday’s homework)
 The training for the lessons includes、training your core・soma・abdominal muscles・spine・adductor muscle etc.。
Training while thinking about which muscles its affecting、is something I’m being conscious to do at the moment。
It’s really tough😆 But I can tell it’s effective。
 Hand movements・Ballet vocabulary、I’m memorising from my teacher’s manual💕💕
※Because I quit ballet when I moved to Tokyo
 At the end of the lesson、I was able to dance a Variation。
After the lesson finished there’s a meeting。
While reviewing the lesson、think about your bad habits・things you noticed・how to dance correctly to avoid injury・・・etc.、that’s what my teacher taught me。
 Ballet lessons are super fun💕
                                                To be continued
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 My leotard and ballet slippers are at my parents’ house
※Although they don’t fit anymore😢 Maybeー
I brought this when I moved to Tokyo✨ A big mirror
Socks so I can glide※Currently
Using my iPad🍓
✨Up Front Channel✨
 Up Front Telework Choir
「Ai wa Katsu」 🎶「Naite Iiyo」 🎶「Makenaide」
Please watch it✨
 Makino Maria’s Instagram 🐰 Take a look okay
                            🍀 Makino Maria 🍀
Original - https://ameblo.jp/mm-12ki/entry-12597953451.html
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news247planet · 1 year
#Baseball #Japanese #Baseball This Japanese baseball group’s Deep-V uniforms are the way forward for sports activities apparel https://news247planet.com/?p=386123
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Tsuyoshi Shinjyo
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anamon-book · 3 years
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アサヒグラフ 1993年2月26日号 朝日新聞社 表紙=新庄剛志(高知・安芸キャンプ) 郭李加入で「今年はやっぱり優勝だ!」阪神キャンプ報告
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makinomariasama · 6 years
Translation: Blog Post: October 24th, 2018
Enjoy, and please don’t repost without credit!
World Series 2018 Game 1 Dodgers vs Red Sox
Going over the green monster Is cool!!
Benintendi His interview was great, huh * NHK's interview (after the game) And so on - to be continued
World Sports MLB And MLB World Series highlighes Game 1 "Dodgers" vs "Red Sox"
Please watch it by all means - Maria will watch it too *
Good evening. This is Maria.
Morning Musume '18 66th single "Furari Ginza / Jiyuu na Kuni Dakara"
It's on sale today, September 24th!!!!!!!!!!
Release event mini concert and handshake event Yamano Hall Today, truly, thank you very much <3
Iikubo-san Shinjo Tsuyoshi Kimbrel
I thought of that in the event corner. Maria's haiku
And then, I did Kimbrel's pose when he sees the signs from the catcher :) I did it well *
<3 Iikubo Haruna-san <3 Iikubo-san sent me photos of SHINJO ♪ That was today's event :) <3
I thought of Maria, since SHINJO is here~~ * <3 (t/n: a text that Harunan sent Maria, complete with a photo of the ad she saw)
Iikubo-san is wonderful <3 <3 <3 Every day From Maria
* "Young Magazine No. 21" * It's on sale now!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!
The cover and lead feature Is Morning Musume '18's Makino Maria
Please check it out by all means <3
Maria did Pujols pose Look for it okay * (But, I don't think it looks like it at all :'( Gotta redo it)
Tomorrow is...
World Series Game 2 The starters are Hyun-Jin Ryu #99 David Price #24
And, and
Morning Musume '18's 66th single, on sale on October 24th Release event mini concert and handshake event
We'll be waiting for you at Sunshine City ♪
Look forward to it, okay :)
* Makino Maria *
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