#Tsuna just wants to help
In Tsunayoshi's valentine event he says Arjuna and Georgios stop him and Shuten from making a blood bath of each other and I thought you'd like to know cuz this immediately summoned the img of Arjuna just hanging around the simulator like a school monitor to whistle at mischievous rule breakers and it's absurdly funny to me.
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*quietly adds 5 good noodle points to arjuna and georgios’ scoreboard*
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einsatzzz · 1 year
will be on hiatus for more or less a month, but my queue has lots of stuff so the acct itself won't be inactive 👍 can't say the same for twt, since tweetdeck is dead, rip (it's already dying anyway). i'll try to reply to dms from time to time! see ya!
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gojoux · 1 year
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Previous headcanons — 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 + Safe words dictionary
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He’d look at you surprised with a slight blush on his cheeks if you broke your swimsuit bra strap right in front of him. He would stand in front of you and point at the broken strap, “Tsuna Tsuna.” You nod as you hold onto the strap from falling off, asking him if he could help which he nods right away, “Takana.” You can also see how he’s trying so hard to not stare at your chest as he helps you. He’s being nice and all despite being a bit pervy about it afterwards. “Sujiko~”
This guy would be shocked if you slap his ass. He’d be stunned by the sudden hit after letting out the loudest “Ikura!” you’ve ever heard from him. He would then look back at you with wide eyes with a mix of surprise while placing his hands on his ass, giving you the ‘what was that for?’ look. He is taken back but also amused by your action. “Okaka!” He would chase you around to slap your ass in return.
He would be so confused and offended if you wiped his kiss away. “Okaka?” He’d look at you with a mix of shock and annoyance as he held your wrist to wipe the kisses more. His eyebrows would be furrowed and he’d sigh in frustration before kissing you again. When you wipe off the kiss once more, he’s looking at you in disapproval before typing aggressively on his phone and showing it right in front of your face. Why are you wiping my kiss? Is it too sloppy?? Don’t do that!!!
His face would light up with joy and surprise when you ask him to make out. “Shake.” He nods quickly, grabs you by the waist and kisses you eagerly. Making out is his favorite intimate moment with you to show his love and appreciation that he couldn’t through words. He’s also sneaky and would slip in a word of command now and then to spice up the kiss. He’s gotten so good at it, you won’t be surprised that you’ll be left breathless after.
He would be a little worried if you fell asleep while waiting for him to come home. When he walks in and sees you sleeping on the couch still sitting against the backrest, he immediately goes to your room to grab a blanket and put it over you, slowly and carefully moving your body to lay on your back. He’ll be so attentive at tucking you in and he’ll sleep next to you, hugging your body from over the blanket.
You could feel his jealousy if you talk to another person and compliment them just from the slight change of his expression to the other person. He’d cross his arms with furrowed eyebrows when you start to take too long, making him feel like he’s ignored on the sideline. He’ll pull the hem of your clothes to get your attention back, “Tsuna,” and point at himself, showing his sulky face to you. You’d get the signal and give him his attention back, he’s not the overbearing type for a few reasons. He’s all happy again after as he holds your hand tight.
He would immediately shake his head and his arms shaping an X with complaining noises. “Okaka.” He furrows his eyebrows at you. When you walk towards the living room, he’ll block your way, quickly standing in front of you with his arms stretched. “Okaka.” He shakes his head again, placing a hand facing you to stop you. “Takana?” He’d be worried why you don’t want to sleep with him but on the couch instead. If you keep denying him, he’ll probably pull your arm in a childish manner so you won’t walk any further away from him.
His arms would fall onto his side along with his smile. He’d feel so betrayed, like, why would you say that? “Okaka.” He shakes his head frantically and holds onto your hands tightly. “Okaka.” He says again with more firmness. If you insist on your act, he’ll pull you with him to sit down, quickly using his phone to express himself since he has so many things to say at this moment and if he doesn’t let it out soon, he’ll end up grumbling gibberish at you with his hands thrown on the air with different gestures. His hands are sweating and shaking with his heart beating fast against his chest as he tries to type as fast as he can, clearly seen from the many amounts of typos and slipped words, but you understand him anyway. When you tell him it was just a prank, he’ll look at you with wide eyes and drop his phone on the couch, “Ikura!” He sulks before throwing himself onto you, embracing you tightly and nuzzling your cheek aggressively with his nose.
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For Inumaki stans, here you go~
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rebo-chan · 4 months
Something I was thinking about lately is Tsuna's daddy issues. Specifically this frame.
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Like that's such a loaded thing to think about. He's got so much resentment built up. Obviously, there's no direct connection to any of Tsuna's issues made but I think a few fun things can be said from this. In general, Tsuna clearly didn't have a father figure in his life which sorta results in him leaning on Reborn pretty often. Tsuna doesn't have a very stable self-esteem with him going from confident to "Aah, Gokuderas going to become disillusioned with me now that all my flaws have been pointed out." GOKUDERA. His FIRST SUBORDINATE. The guy who literally has been LOYAL FROM DAY ONE. Not that we consider them canon, but this happens also during the filler arcs where Daemon points out that Tsuna's not worth following to Gokudera and it seems to make Tsuna a little antsy. He DOES NOT THINK THE PEOPLE HE LOVES ARE GOING TO STAY WITH HIM, THIS IS LITERALLY RUINING MY LIFE. What Daddy Issues DO TO A MF. But that's a post for another day. But okay, back to Reborn, Reborn proves himself to be immovable from Tsuna's life. The story points out that Tsuna very much has two fathers. The one who won't leave and the one who is always gone. Tsuna really leans on Reborn throughout the series. "Reborn, what do I do?" Is a common thing he says, until Reborn is literally swept away from him against his will in Future arc where he's forced to think that he's half a person in Reborns absence. Meanwhile, we have Iemitsu who Tsuna has resentment built up towards, does not respect, and is forced to acknowledge in order to win his fight. Throughout the rainbow arc battle, they try to point out that Iemitsu is trying to teach Tsuna something here and unless I'm confused (someone feel free to tell me?) it's not really clear WHAT that is. And I've always thought that was neat, because it's obviously coming from Tsuna's inability to respect Iemitsu enough to want to learn anything from him. Yet when Reborn comes in, hell he doesn't even recognize him in his Adult form, but he politely listens and takes his advice seriously. In the grand scheme of the series, Reborn is a good teacher and father figure in his life. When Tsuna is made to feel like that he can't do anything in Reborn's absence during Future, Reborn takes a step back in that arc and lets him learn to survive without his guidance. (Notice how the training almost entirely disappears after Future.) He lets him learn how to be a person without him, only stepping in to help when Tsuna really needs it. When he's unable to light his flame, with Spanner, or when he's freaking out about the Irie reveal, the list really goes on. There's a scene I recall I believe when Yuni asks to join their group, Tsuna still turns to ask Reborn what to do, and Reborn redirects him by asking him what he wants to do. That it was his call as a boss. And Tsuna ends up making the decision to help her off his own accord.
It's with Reborn's guidance that Tsuna ends up learning to be his own person, it's this guidance that allows him to make the decision and gather everyone on his own accord when it was Reborn's turn to be shaky and give up. Where Tsuna tells him that he's got this under control, without his guidance. To just watch him. "you've always knew I could win before." It's this arc where Reborn's pride in Tsuna shines. Multiple times. "Surprise me again, Tsuna." And he does. It's in Reborn's second absence where Tsuna feels himself get shaky again, feels the old feelings of poor self image crop up, that Reborn comes back. Because Reborn is not Iemitsu, and he wasn't someone who left him in that house alone forever. Because he's still young and has much to learn before he's ready to do this on his own. It's at this he feels a little embarrassed about how glad he is that Reborn came back, but then recalls the "mean words" that Reborn said before leaving. It's here that Reborn tells him it's a good thing he hasn't changed much. Another sliver of guidance that Tsuna takes in from the figure in his life that won't leave him alone in that house.
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 months
Ray, more of the Assassination Classroom Fem!Tsuna hit. This is entirely your fault, so you get to deal with it.
Tsuna has a sinking feeling in her gut the first day of middle school. She gets turned around and mixed up, and somehow she ends up on a bus, and she’s racing through the woods and into a classroom full of strangers. She’s too embarrassed to say anything so she slinks into a seat in a corner. She’s in the wrong school, the senpai at Namimori Middle have her in entirely the wrong town. Even a dame like her can recognize Kunugigaoka uniforms. Hibari-senpai is going to be so angry with her.
Nothing could have prepared her for Koro-sensei. — Tsuna is petrified. She’s too young for this. After all the ruckus, everyone’s attempts, that’s all that rings in her head. She’s too young for this. She’s not even supposed to be here. — Tsuna is stuck. She can’t afford to take the bus, or the time to take the bus, from Namimori everyday. In retrospect, she really does have to hand it to her old senpai. They’d gotten up early to ‘walk her to school’ and paid to get her on the bus. But it’s coming close to the end of the day, they’ve come no closer to assassinating Koro-sensei, and she doesn’t have bus fare home anyway. She’s not even sure Mama would be able to keep it together long enough to come get her.
Everyone in Namimori knows her Mama needs, help sometimes. Everyone is glad to give it to her. Tsuna just doesn’t trust that anyone would think helping her Mama help Tsuna would be a good thing. — Trembling, Tsuna stays in her seat at the end of the day. What should she do? What can she do? She’s just Dame-Tsuna, in the wrong grade, in the wrong class, in the wrong school, in the wrong town. She keeps her head tilted down to allow everyone to ignore her tears.
A gentle touch to her shoulder makes her flinch. She tilts her head up to see Koro-sensei standing at her shoulder. — Calling Mama was useless, just like Tsuna knew it would be. She’s just thrilled that her “Dame-Tsuna” managed to get into the prestigious Kunugigao despite her, everything. Tsuna loves her mama, she does. But sometimes Tsuna thinks she could hate her a little too. Karasuma-sensei and Koro-sensei are both very angry.
Tsuna wants to cry that it’s not her fault. Mama tries to love her and pay attention to her, but Mama is sick. Something doesn’t work right in Mama’s head, like something doesn’t work right in Tsuna’s. But while whatever went wrong in Mama’s head means that she has a hard time remembering things if she doesn’t see them, whatever’s wrong with Tsuna is just everything. — They get her an apartment. It’s close to the school and a market. It’s basic and bare and empty and tiny, but Tsuna supposes she’s tiny so that makes sense. Karasuma-sensei is her neighbor, but she’s left to basically make it on her own. She gets a small stipend, the only one in class to do so. It’s not much, but it should be enough for groceries.
She doesn’t know how to cook. She never learned how to do what her homework is asking her to do. At least she can tell herself it’s because it’s work two grades above her and not just because she’s dame. — Karasuma-sensei is kind enough to get her to school the next day. He’s also nice enough not to say anything about her still red eyes, or how long she sobbed last night. He just handed her a handkerchief.
Tsunami can’t remember the last time someone was so kind to her. She waits for the ridicule to start, but it never comes. — After a few days, when it becomes obvious and impossible to ignore that she’s just as stuck here as the rest of them, Nagisa-senpai gives her a girl’s uniform. It’s big on her, but at least she doesn’t stand out this way. As much.
Tsuna pricks her fingers bloody, and her stitches are crooked, and the seams are bulky, but at least it kind of fits her a little better now.
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hopeswriting · 1 year
tsuna and gokudera’s dynamic is “no one’s ever found me worth standing by my side no matter what to the very end” and “no one’s ever found me worth accepting me just the way i am, and as i am now in spite of my many flaws and shortcomings”
tsuna and yamamoto’s dynamic is “everyone always makes me pay the price for every single one of my mistake, no matter how little and insignificant” and “everyone always expects me to be perfect at being who they want me to be, and i’m afraid they’ll find me worthless if i mess up even once”
tsuna and lambo’s dynamic is “no one ever cares that i’m just a child” and “everyone always punishes and rejects me for acting like the child i am”
tsuna and ryohei’s dynamic is “no one’s ever found me worth taking under their wing, looking after, paving the way for me and making sure it’s safe for me to follow after them” and “as the one who needs to be relied on, as the protector, the example, the older one, no one’s ever looked after me and took care of me on the same grounds as i do for them”
tsuna and hibari’s dynamic is “i’ve never had anything to put my faith in, knowing that it wouldn’t so much as shake and would never fail me even in the face of the end of the world” and “i’ve never had to learn that even my strength can fail me, but there can be strength in weakness too, in letting others help me make up for that weakness, and i can grow even stronger for it”
tsuna and mukuro’s dynamic is “no one’s ever thought me worth allowing me my childhood and made me grow up too soon” and “no one ever cared that i was never allowed to be a child, and i’ll never stand for that fate to be allowed to go on unpunished any longer”
tsuna and chrome’s dynamic is “i’ve always been less than what people want me to be, have always been not enough to meet their expectations of me” and “i’ve always been so worthless in everyone’s eyes, no one’s ever expected anything of me”
(tsuna and reborn’s dynamic is “no one’s ever put faith in what i can become, in what i can be right now, and in me in spite of my many flaws and shortcomings” and “i’m never going to let anyone inside my heart ever again, and no one will bother trying to get inside anyway being the way i am now”)
do you get it?
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katzkinder · 1 month
I just thought about how Tsuna would have to learn how to put his “seal” on official documents. The guy who still hasn’t figured out “not ending up in his underwear” and only remains clothed thanks to some very generous handmade clothing from Reborn and Leon.
Which at least tells me he’s got some subconscious idea of how to not turn his clothes to ashes
Using test papers doesn’t work, and using identical duplicates of actual important items doesn’t work because of Tsuna’s stupid intuition, and using real important papers is out of the question
So Reborn asks the kids to draw something for Tsuna
It’s fine if it’s burned but Tsuna really will not want to. There aren’t any “real” consequences if he fails… Except for the ones Tsuna gives to himself
“You’re so evil…” Tsuna mutters, staring hard at the crayon drawings in front of him. Out of all three, I-pin shows the most talent, though Lambo has the most. Interesting. Interpretations. Is that supposed to be a grasshopper or the couch?
“I could have made you use your birth certificate y’know.” Reborn says it so casually Tsuna almost doesn’t register it at first. “That’s what I did to Dino”
Tsuna gapes at him, “You’re really super evil?! That’s dangerous!”
Reborn shrugs. “It also failed.”
“So I tried it with Romario’s next. Perfect score.”
A long, drawn out sigh. Really… Reborn’s methods always produced so much misery. “I really don’t want to burn this…”
“And why not?”
“Because the kids made it for me!”
“Don’t you think they’d be happy to have your mark on it?”
Tsuna blinks, lips parting slightly in question. “My…?”
“The flame seal is something that cannot be copied, replicated, or forged.” It’s easy to tell, now that they’ve known each other for long enough, that Reborn is just the slightest bit relieved by Tsuna’s interest. “It’s more unique than even a fingerprint. A truly, one of a kind signature.”
Tsuna mulls those words over, and his eyes slide sideways. Contemplative, and just a little bit shifty. Something about it is reminiscent of Gokudera. “Can I see yours? Like. Really look at it. You showed me but I didn’t get to observe it much…”
“Observing isn’t going to do you much good.”
“Please?” Tsuna’s voice pitches with the plea, verging on whining. “Just… One more time. Let me look at how your Flame acts when you do it.”
Reborn sighs. “Sun and Sky—“
“I know! I know they behave differently. Still… I think I’ll get something out of it!”
“… Fine.” Lately, it feels like Reborn has been giving in to Tsuna more and more. It makes him happy. It also gives him the courage to reach out and stop Reborn before he can apply the seal to a random scrap of paper, instead looking carefully at the way his Flame appears when still on his finger, face pinched with concentration.
He knows what sun flames look like usually, but this is a tighter control than that. Even if they're different, he's noticed that Sky and Sun are the most similar when it comes to their "resting" states. So, logically, this should help give him an idea of how his own should look when it’s ready. Shouldn’t it?
“What happens if you try and apply it to a person…?”
Reborn stares at him. And stares. And stares. "Tsuna,” he starts, slow, incredulous. “You happen.”
Tsuna blinks back at him. “I was born?”
“The seal, you idiot. The one from when you were a toddler.”
“They’re the same thing?!”
“I dearly wish I could have started with you earlier. Much, much earlier.”
Despite the earlier acid, Reborn sounds fond when he speaks of the prospect. Tsuna thinks that’s worth something.
“Now that you’ve had your fill of looking.”
He manages not to turn the drawings he’s been given to cinders.
It really is all about having the right material to work with.
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stormsthatrage · 1 year
Have an angsty KHR AU (Playing fast and loose with flame lore and characterization. Also, I haven't figured out what the 10th Gen Guardians are doing during all this, but whatever it is, it involves So Many miscommunications.)
The AU:
Tsuna doesn't want to be a mafia boss. He hates the violence, he hates the danger, he hates knowing that if he messes up, it can get people killed.
But no one really listens to him. Not even Reborn, who just sees Tsuna's whole "I don't want to be a mafia boss" thing as a sort of juvenile rebellion phase.
(But it's not. Every time one of Tsuna's people comes home hurt, every time Tsuna has to inflict harm on the battlefield, every time Tsuna is exposed to the casual cruelty of the underworld, it damages something inside of him. It scars his soul. He hates it. He does not want to be a mafia boss.)
And then Timoteo's health declines. (These next two paragraphs were heavily inspired by Break These Chains on Me by Luki on AO3.) Tsuna, knowing his time is running out and absolutely desperate, tries to make plans to get tf out. Maybe he signs up for civilian university. Maybe he makes plans to travel. Maybe he tries to create a fake identity to just run. And Tsuna, who has learned to rely on and trust Reborn -- after everything, how could he not -- confides in him about these plans.
And Reborn -- who has never really understood why Tsuna hates the mafia -- thinks this is one last (highly irritating) attempt at a teenage rebellion. It's not entirely unexpected, what with the weight of being Don Vongola looming over Tsuna's shoulders. And so, in a true Disappointed Reborn fashion, he responds with a harsh but effective lesson. He plays along with Tsuna's escape plans for a bit, and then. And then. It's the day Tsuna plans to vanish, and Reborn sits Tsuna down at the table, with Xanxus and Timoteo, and tells Tsuna if he doesn't fall in line Bad Things are gonna happen to his people.
(Reborn does not intend this to be an actual threat. It's supposed to be a slap on the wrist. A sort of, "Yeah, you're a teenager, but you need to start conducting yourself more seriously, knock it off before I actually get mad." Sure, Vongola is threatening to kidnap Tsuna's mom, but the kidnappers are just going to take her out for tea and cake and a spa night, and when Tsuna shows up to rescue her she'll be fine. The real punishment will be the physical path to go get her -- Reborn has an Embarrassing Obstacle Course TM planned.
And so on, for all of Tsuna's precious ones.
Reborn does not consider that Tsuna might actually believe the severity of the threats. After all they've been through, after all they've done for each other, Reborn knows Tsuna would never believe that Reborn could actually hurt Tsuna's people.)
But Tsuna. Well, Tsuna's on a different page. This life is killing him, slowly, and when Reborn tells him that he never intended to help Tsuna escape, it hits Tsuna like a full-on betrayal. And while mere minutes before, Tsuna knew that Reborn would never even dream of harming Tsuna's people, Tsuna no longer can trust this. Tsuna fully and absolutely believes that Reborn's threats are real, and that there will be permanent consequences if he doesn't comply.
It gets worse.
Tsuna thought Reborn actually cared about him. Reborn had, slowly but inevitably, become something like a father to Tsuna. But in that moment, Tsuna realizes that he actually was just a job all along.
And Xanxus. Tsuna also thought Xanxus cared about him. He thought they had come to an understanding. He thought they were starting to become brothers, of a sort -- bonded by battle and trauma and shared responsibilities, by nights complaining to each other over dinner or over the phone. And as Tsuna sits across from them, hearing his people threatened and knowing he is, in fact, going to be forced to Italy, he comes to believe that none of that new brotherhood was real.
And Tsuna realizes he has no choice. He never had a choice. He will end up in Italy, as Don Vongola, no matter how much it is going to kill him inside.
And worse: the people he has come to love clearly do not love him back. If they did, they would not be doing this to him. And sitting at that kitchen table, seeing the disappointment in Reborn and Xanxus' eyes, he knows that he is never going to be enough.
But he knows, he knows, that he isn't going to survive Italy without having them in his life supporting him. Because even if they don't love him, he does, truly, love them.
And he comes to the conclusion that if he remains as he is -- weak, useless Tsuna -- not only will he inevitably lose them, but he just flat out won't survive the life stretching out (long, so long, and so so desolate) before him.
So he uses his flames.
He images the mafia boss that they want him to be (as he perceives it). He thinks about all the characteristics they must want him to have, all the things they expect him to want, and he conjures an image of this better Tsuna in his mind. And then he harmonizes with it, becomes one with this false image of himself.
But it doesn't work, not all the way. There are still bits of him, the original, weak, disappointing Tsuna left. He can feel it, in the dread at the thought of the life before him. In the shocked-hurt he feels at this betrayal. In the agony of knowing that they don't care about him, they never cared about him, they only care about his title.
So he puts those bits of himself in ice.
And suddenly, the years ahead don't seem so bad. Suddenly, the betrayal seems reasonable -- after all, wasn't he acting so silly, so juvenile, trying to escape like that. Suddenly, it doesn't matter that they don't love him back -- of course they don't, why would they love him? -- all that matters is he loves them. As long as he keeps himself in check, and matches their expectations, nothing is wrong.
Tsuna looks at them, sitting across the table, and complies with their demands.
Reborn does, for a moment, think that it happens a bit too easily. There's none of the usual screeching, no dragging of the heels, no protests. Right then, Reborn fully expects it to boil over at some point in the future. (He thinks, maybe, that Tsuna is playing along now, but will have a teenagery-protest again as it gets closer to the time they leave for Italy.)
(It never happens.)
Reborn thinks, merely, that Tsuna has put on the mantle of maturity. It's a little ahead of schedule of what he was expecting, but then again, Tsuna has always exceeded expectations.
Time passes. Timoteo's health declines. He dies. Tsuna goes to Italy, and becomes a mafia boss.
(It's a golden age. Tsuna is just as compassionate and selfless and determined as Reborn always knew he would be. There is a peace, unlike anything the underworld has ever seen, because of his rule.
This peace is a result of the core of Tsuna peeking out. It always would have happened.)
It's five years into Tsuna's reign before people begin to realize that something is really, really wrong with Tsuna.
They do figure it out, eventually. And when they do, when they realize what happened and what caused it, it breaks them, just as much as they broke Tsuna all those years ago.
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milky-fixx · 3 months
They looked way too good in suits.
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feat. adult!reborn, adult!skull, tyl!tsuna, tyl!xanxus, tyl!yamamoto
implied not sfw. afab reader. this is a repost of my old work
He always looked sinfully carnal, but tonight he was especially so. He knew you were watching him, if the amused glint he directed your way was anything to go by. That’s why he wasn’t surprised when you led him outside the gala and into a private restroom.
Before you could blink, he spun you around, hands gripped your waist as he pinned you against the wall with his hips. He nuzzled into your neck, chuckling.
“What’s gotten you all riled up, amore mio?”
When you responded by smashing your lips against his, clutching his face desperately, his lips tugged up into a smirk. You gasped when you felt him bite into your lower lip, and when you pulled away, his eyes were dark. 
“I think I have an idea,” he purred. “Why don’t I take care of you?”
You were…surprised by how well Skull cleaned up, considering his default outfit consisted of his motorcycle suit. Even so, it took you awhile of gawking at him in the entrance to your shared bedroom before he became flustered.
“W-What?” He rubbed his arm. “Do I look bad? I knew I should’ve taken out my lip piercing, dammit, your parents wouldn’t like that…” he mumbled, turning to walk away.
He was interrputed by your arms wrapping around his middle, holding him in place. He called out your name, flustered, before you answered. 
“You look amazing.” He shivered at the lust weighing down your words, how riled up you suddenly sounded. “So sexy, in fact, I might have to cancel plans with them….” 
Even though he was the boss of a mafia family, he still struggled with things like putting on his tie. You smiled as you offered your help and he sheepishly agreed.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he admitted, as you looped his tie around into a knot.
You rolled your eyes, smiling. “Well,” you said, stepping back to survey your work, and discreetly, the rest of him. Tsuna was always a cutie, but he had matured into such a… fine specimen. Especially in that suit. “I think you look… capable without me. Very capable. Boss.” You winked.
His eyes darkened, his hand shooting out to grasp your wrist before spinning you towards him. You landed in his arms with a squeak, his breath warm against your face, his gaze molten. 
“Boss, huh. I wonder what other names you’ll be calling me tonight.”
If he wasn’t so sexy in that suit, you would say he was an arrogant asshole. As it was, he was still both.
Some lackey from a small family had been chatting you up a little too friendly at the gala, and once Xanxus took notice, you can damn well be sure he told that trash to get a fucking life. But not before groping your ass in front of him, before declaring you were his woman.
And now you were in the bathroom, your legs wrapped around his frame, while he held you propped against the wall. His hand groped your breast roughy.
“Stupid. Why the hell are you entertaining loser trash?” He grunted. The sleeves of his jacket were shoved down, revealing his white button up.
You knew you shouldn’t incite him even further, but at the same… the sex was so much hotter when he was. 
“Maybe I just wanted to see you when riled up.”
No one came into the bathroom that night, deterred by the sounds the two of you made.
Takeshi was trying on the suit the Vongola tailor had made for him, and he asked for your opinion. You were surprised when you walked into the dressing room, and he wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
“Takeshi?” You called out, before nearly screaming when you felt a hand wrap around your eyes. 
“Shh, it’s me.” You would recognize that playful voice anywhere.
“God, you scared me,” you said, swatting his hand away, before turning to face him…. Oh. Before ogling the way his slacks clung to his thighs, the way his shoulders looked so broad in that suit.
Yamamato, ever-observant, noticed your stare. You missed the wicked grin that stretched his face.
“Like what you see?” His voice was husky, and sent shivers down your spine.
You were already locking the door. “Very much so.”
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kankuroplease · 5 months
could you do an Hc of Kuri,please she has Wolfgang's eyebrows ✨and she married her big brother's best friend even though she doesn't love him 🤣🤩
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Kuri looked so similar to the daughter Tsuna said he’d like to have one day (his hair, Ebba’s eyes) that it made Ebba tear up a bit seeing her for the first time
She was a rather joyful baby that smiled easily
Total daddies girl from day one
She took a bit longer to talk, but once she started, she didn’t stop
Often talking to her parents about the different things she saw in town
Or pestering her grandmother about weaving lessons and horseback rides
She had no problems making friends and quickly became popular despite being a bit timid because her friends (two very popular girls) took her under their wings
Her Irish Wolfhound came from the same litter as her best friends ninken
Once she was a bit older, she took up apprenticeship with her grandmother as a ferrier
That’s about the time Asahi started hanging out with his friend Ivan
Who was as big as mountain even as a child. He laughed too loud, ate too much, and always said the strangest things
Including; she should speak with her head up, he can tell the difference in her embroidery style to her mothers, and she chews loudly
But what really made her not like him was when he said his father told him she had a face full of stars (complimentary)
She hated her freckles, so it just seemed like he was trying to make fun of her
After that she kept conversations with him SHORT, even when he stayed with them while his father was away. That is Asahi’s problem friend not hers 😤
In her teens, she full embraced her popular role and almost exclusively hung out with the Inuzuka that had also settled in this land
This kept her ninjutsu skills sharp and that gave her a sense of pride because she was praised for both her Uchiha and Inuzuka abilities
She was still a daddies girl, so he was still the first person she told all her big news to
She loved shipping with her mom and helping her embroider things. Often sneaking in an uchiha fan to make her smile
Her relationship with Asahi was rocky as he didn’t spend much time at home
She joined Frederick in playing the taikos with their mother
She was the best sibling at managing the triplets and that was done through making everything a game. She could get them to scrub the whole house if she wanted to and let them crash in her bed with her most nights
Elke was like her own little baby doll. She liked picking her clothes and styling her hair as it had a fun flip to it’s ends
Arashi was her other little doll, sort of. More like the puppy she showed off to her friends and taught funny work songs to
She loved betting on dog races with her grandmother. Ebba always made it fun as she wasn’t afraid to challenge anyone
Unfortunately for her, so did Ivan
And he was much better at choosing a winner than her
She tried to avoid him, but they always ended up in the same spots, shops, or being seated near each other at festivals
Her mother telling her to stop acting rude when Ivan never so much as said a bad word about her or mistreated her
Her friends all gushed about how big he was and giggled when he let them compare their hand sizes to his
To which she passed when he reached out his hand for her to do the same
He knew his hand was bigger than hers and wasn’t impressed like the others
He eventually stunned the heck out of her when asked her out
So much so she sort of just agreed as long as he didn’t tell Asahi or anyone else
He agreed and so they agreed to meet by the “quietest” part of the river
She didn’t know what to talk to him about. She knew her parents weren’t to happy about his father getting Asahi into bounty hunting, but that didn’t seem to extend to him
It was during that awkward silence sitting by the river that she noticed he smelled nice; earthy like rosewood but also something more alluring
He knew she liked rye bread best and pulled out the fresh loaf he packed along with some sweet wine (which she also liked sipping off of her mother’s in secret)
It made her feel happy and horrible that she didn’t bother paying attention to what he liked or anything about him other than him being her brother’s friend
after a little liquid courage, she asked about his likes and dislikes
She learned he has a bit of light perception and can determine light from dark
She also learned Asahi forbid him from asking her on a date… but here they were, which they both laughed about
He confessed he had liked her for sometime. He liked her laugh, how sweet she was with her family, and how excitedly she talks about her job
And she practically melted. Only able to tell him an shaky ‘thank you’
In the end she apologized for being so rude to him when he just was trying to start a conversation with her.
She promised to be nicer towards him and consider is confession seriously (sealed with a kiss on his cheek check)
It was from there that they started their secret trial relationship. Holding hands when no one was looking, brushing hands under the table, sneaking away to their secret spot, talking, kissing, etc..
It wasn’t that she was ashamed of being with Ivan, but she wanted to keep something to herself for once coming from such a big family and not feel like there was pressure
Each rendezvous got a little better and brought them closer
She found herself falling for him hard as his straightforwardness and genuine affection left no room for doubts in her about her own feelings about him
She loved that he was so gentle with her, loved hearing about her day, the way he lit up when she complimented him, and how his ears turned red whenever she whispered sweet nothings to him
Even his strange sense of humor made her laugh; the main one being that they sounded like some sort of fairytale couple where he kept changing their titles ‘the ferrier and the blind man’ ‘the witch and the bounty hunter’
It was perfect. Nothing could ruin her mood when she got to spend time with him
Or so she thought
Nothing like going to her grandmother’s house to pick up a few tools before heading home and being forced to take a bath + drink some funky mixture because dear grandma could smell that she had sex despite Kuri having washed up a bit afterwards
It was mortifying. Not because her grandmother was judging her (Ebba would never), but because it was her first time and she got found out not even an hour later.
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She was very grateful that Ebba told her parents she was staying at her place to help for a couple of days (so she could shake off her nerves)
In reality, she was getting an Inuzuka crash course in how not to get caught by her Inuzuka father because “what she does as a woman is not his business if it’s not happening in his house” (Ebba’s words)
Kuri did learn some helpful tips and tricks,and her father was non the wiser of her activities
She knew Ivan was going to ask for her hand before he did because while he was still very affectionate, he was acting strangely
So when her father asked her what she thought of Ivan, she told him honestly that she loves him
Telling Asahi was more nerve wracking for some reason. She didn’t want him to think she was taking his only friend away from him
He took it well to her surprise, especially considering he apparently knew about them for a long while
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animeyanderelover · 6 months
Anon: Could I please request yandere headcannons for: gokudera, yamamoto, spanner, dr shamal, basil, ryohei, dino, hibari, haru and squalo from khr?
Yandere Katekyo Hitman Reborn Hc's
Miura Haru
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👘​There is no chance in heaven nor hell that people won't know about Haru's feelings for you because she is anything but discreet about how much she loves you. She is openly declaring how much her heart is pounding whenever she sees you and she often awakes the impression that she is retelling a love poem whenever you are around as she confesses every sappy thought she has in her mind. Haru is very obsessive because she is very firm in her decision that she will be your future wife so she is already busily memorizing everything she can about you. This may already be a tad bit disturbing as it is although it could still be trivialised as her just being very attentive when it comes to you. The attentiveness probably stops when you realise that she has even memorized where you walk as soon as you leave the house and at which times you are most likely to go out to buy some groceries.
👘​The innocent-looking cinnamon roll takes it with her observations maybe just a tad bit too far as she essentially stalks you and lies in wait for you to turn up. She would like to see her behavior as dedication to the person she loves most in the world. Can you not understand her desire to spend time with you? You wouldn't think about sending her away after she has waited for you here all this time, right? Haru is extremely single-minded in her pursuit and this makes her very delusional and dismissive if you should ever try to explain to her that she couldn't be more wrong with her assumptions. Instead you will only hurt her feelings. Whilst she would never be truly angry with you, when you see the tears bubbling up in her eyes you can't help feeling like you are the bad guy. Since Haru won't even hold her emotions back when in public, everything is made even more complicated because the last thing you want is making her cry whilst others are watching.
👘​Haru gets quite easily jealous but it is at the same time also quite easy to de-escalate her emotions if you explain to her who the person is or if you simply involve her in the discussion. Her social attitude will solve the rest and by the end of the conversation she has probably made a new friend. That is if you actually notice that she is watching because otherwise things can take a more interesting turn. Haru has a very lively imagination to the point where she feels like she is witnessing a scandal in the making whenever you converse with someone she does not know and don't introduce that person to her afterwards. For whatever reason instead of simply asking you about it, she comes up with the most complex solution of stalking you and the other person in one of her questionable outfits she chose to blend in mission failed as she follows you two around. Safe to say, you have spotted her every single time and managed to untangle the misunderstanding which quickly lifts her mood.
👘​Whilst Haru could always take the easy route of asking Tsuna for help who just happens to be the head of the mafia, she likes to take matters into her own hands. As kind and caring as she is, she can be very assertive if she wants to be and can whop someone's ass verbally if they should have wronged you. Her persistence and stubbornness are her finest weapons and she can very likely wear someone down by remaining so single-minded as she can use her stalking tendencies to find out where someone lives if she is upset enough with them. In situations where more caution would be adviced you better stop her because she doesn't seem to work with a rational mindset at times when she tries to solve even such problems for you by dressing up as a samurai or another fitting costume in her arsenal to defend you. Asking her friends for help is a last resort, especially since they are real mafioso.
👘​She has already envisioned it all. From the house you two will buy to the colour you paint the walls with the every single furniture you're going to have in your shared home. She has even started practicing to cook your favorite meals to be able to make you really happy as soon as the both of you live together. Don't even try to shatter her dreams unless you want to summon her tears. It isn't like Haru would actually ever kidnap you because she does not have the heart to do so. She would never hurt your feelings like that. At the same time she is so painfully optimistic and delusional about the matter. She is saving up money already to buy the house of her dreams and she is even telling all the people around her very excitedly about her visions. You just have a hard time ruining her her dreams because whilst she would probably accept your decision, she would never recover from her crushed dreams and hopes.
👘​Haru is very clingy and since she is always waiting for you to turn up to have the chance to spend as much time with you as she possibly can, it is quite hard to shake her off. She already has a "Haru Appreciation Day" and you get an appreciation day once a month too. It is a day where she is going to be even more affectionate and will spoil you even more than she normally does already and it is very likely that she will very soon make one to celebrate the fact that you two are a couple as well. She has a fascination with cosplaying and costumes already so she will 100% want you two to wear matching outfits or cosplay as fictional couples. She's even sewing you shirts with embroidery stating that you are her lover and she gets sad if you don't wear what she has sewn you. She doesn't understand your uncomfortableness with wearing something that has such cheesy words written on it.
Gokudera Hayato
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🧨Above all else, Gokudera will be the most loyal simp you have ever seen in your entire life. He is infatuated with you to the point where he can even justify some stuff that normally should demand an apology from you as he likes to think that you are a good person through and through and that it's the fault of the people around you for triggering you. Whilst he can be a tad bit delusional with this particular way of thinking, he won't let everything you do just slide like this because even he can recognize if you were clearly in the wrong in a certain situation but even then he will probably go easy on you. Hayato, even if he likes to let you off the hook easy with his mindset, is up to a certain point still more aware of his obsession that is rapidly evolving and funnily enough he is a tad bit embarrassed about it initially. That is only a short phase though before he throws all worries out of the window and just dedicates himself to you.
🧨His dedication can go indeed quite far as he does some good research on you because even if he has quite a bit of a temper, Gokudera is also awfully smart and methodical. That naturally includes that he literally notes down the habits and preferences he is able to figure out by observing you and he will even go as far as casually stalking you, although he is smart enough to not let himself get caught. There is a possessive streak he has and he likes to express that often because of his hot-tempered nature. He has sworn loyalty and dedication to you after all even if you never asked for it and due to this oath he has made he tends to be more arrogant as well as very protective. After all none of the other people you waste your time with would know as much about you as he does not would they be willing to go as far for you as he would. If you don't see that yet, he will gladly prove himself to you.
🧨His explosive temper is going to be quite difficult to handle as he is almost always irritable and hostile to the people around you. It is because he has promised himself that he would be the one to love and protect you best that he gets even more frustrated and angry whenever someone else thinks they're the shit and can do what he can obviously do better. If his patience snaps he will beat someone up and that without much consideration or regret. Hayato is still lucid enough to realise that you probably wouldn't appreciate him beating someone up in front of you so he tries to not get physically violent if you are around, although he certainly can't hold back all of his jealousy as he instead vents out his frustration through his words. He can always beat them up later when you aren't around. Everyone who tries to charm you and protect you is his rival but he will most certainly fight for his spot for you to want him as your lover and protector.
🧨I believe the most evident sign of his sheer dedication and willingness to really uphold his oath of protecting you from all harm is shown in the almost jarring difference in his attitude when he is presented with no other choice but murdering someone. His jealous and violent behavior, as immature and harming it can be, is still a mere child's play. Even Gokudera knows about the weight of killing someone and that hasn't changed even if he is the Storm Guardian of the current mafia generation. Taking someone's life is a serious matter and for that reason he will take it just as serious as well. Instead of impulsively storming to his victim and killing them, he is far more methodical and meticulous with his plans. Depending on whom it is he sees the need to murder he either only uses his dynamite to set a trap or uses his Box Weapon. If he is going to murder someone in cold blood, he will do it properly and not play around.
🧨He will most likely show enough understanding that an abduction might be a bit more extreme but at the same time he is a part of the Vongola Family. He knows very well that the life he has chosen is not safe and that is why he tends to be very overprotective and in urgent situations even controlling as he then wants you to listen to every instruction he gives you. There is this bad reputation clinging to the mafia so Hayato greatly hesitates to even inform you about his occupation. A scenario where you get kidnapped by him is usually one where he finds himself in a desperate situation that could either include the danger of your own life or the danger of the relationship. Whilst it will be more of a spontanous decision, Gokudera still somehow manages to squeeze in a plan as he has to act swiftly, especially if your life is indeed in danger due to another gang targeting you. He knows that it'll be confusing and frightening but he is begging you for a chance to listen to him at least.
🧨Despite the bad boy image that Hayato is often cultivating, he gets surprisingly easily flustered whenever you pay any attention to him. He always becomes hyper-aware of every twitch of his lips and tries his best to not embarrass himself. Instead he's always trying to use the chance to look cool and impress you so if someone else steals your attention away whilst he is in the middle of attempting to amaze you, his jealousy quickly returns. You will be the sweetest thing to him with every small affection that you give him because he will always turn a bit red in his face. His tough appearance melts when he is around you and specifically if he is alone with you because then he can truly dedicate all of his attention and focus to you instead of getting triggered by the people around you. As soft as he can be with you though, Hayato is very serious and will enforce decisions on you if he should ever suspect your life to be at risk.
Yamamoto Takeshi
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💧​Yamamoto is terribly oblivious as he will probably remain forever ignorant of his obsessive feelings. This is after all the same boy who has been treating the whole mafia affair as some sort of role play and even as he grows older and matures more, you can not hope him to ever consider his love as something that could potentially be a tad bit dangerous. At least you are lucky enough though that Yamamoto is such an easy-going and relaxed guy who isn't very possessive nor is he really controlling. What he will be though is protective and I can definitely see this as a trait that will amplify as the years go by and he gains more knowledge and especially more battle experience as the Rain Guardian of Tsuna. After all he can be as relaxed in battle and with his overall life only as long as no one he cares about greatly is brought in danger because of it. He learns that it isn't all fun and games to him the moment you are in danger.
💧​Even if you were to somehow know of his obsession with you, you will have a very hard time convincing others of it and chances are that even you will have troubles believing it. It is Takeshi's very personality that makes it so hard to accept and believe it. He is kind and warm-hearted and he has a very special ability to get on friendly terms with most people he engages with. This will mean that you will be in troubles if you would try to avoid him because not only is he going to charm most of your acquaintances and friends anyways but they will most likely pick his side and would think that you are in the wrong. If Yamamoto wouldn't be such a good and kind individual, he would be a frighteningly good manipulator so just be thankful that he is always so painfully sincere with every gesture and word of his. That doesn't mean that you will be able to avoid him if you choose to do so though as even your own friends might try to help Takeshi.
💧​Differently from Hayato, Yamamoto will showcase a great amount of patience and respect with most people you engage with. His own willingness to befriend the people you hang around with regularly only aids in this as this means that he is already familiar with most people around you anyways. Even if he were to feel jealous it is not like he is going to make a big drama about it but is going to handle the situation maturely. If he doesn't know someone yet and he gets uncomfortable with the way they behave around you, he will tell you so whilst also asking who that was. He's just informing you whenever someone has made him slightly uncomfortable with the way they are behaving around you and he will tell the other person about it just as much. It is all fine though but only as long as he can expect the same level of respect and maturity from the other person. If they instead choose to act immature, Yamamoto will make sure to keep them away from you.
💧​Usually known as a peacekeeper, Takeshi is fully capable of acting accordingly if a situation should turn dire and that is easier if you are involved than if it would be only him. He is able to maintain a level of calmness in combat but he tends to be more frantic and panicked if you should get involved which is why he takes according preparation to ensure that you won't get involved and will be used as a distraction against him. He has a code of honor though as he doesn't walk around and beats everyone up who gets on his nerves nor does he stain his sword in needless blood. He only ever draws his sword in a dire situation. Whilst he is considerate enough to give someone a warning if they should slowly get on his bad side, the fun has already stopped for him there. All signs of a warm smile on his face are already gone at that point and instead there is this serious and almost somber aura around him that makes the air heavy. Don't underestimate him, although be reassured that at least he will give his victims a swift death.
💧​Despite the existing obliviousness that he has when it comes to the ability to recognise his own wrong feelings for you, Takeshi also draws a line he tries to not tresspass under normal circumstances. Next to the act of taking a life, the act of abducting his darling is also something he normally wouldn't dare to do. His position as the Storm Guardian may be one filled with more risks and danger but he also makes sure to enable you to live a normal life. I don't really see him permanently abducting you but he will take certain meassurements for your safety if the situation calls for it. That can include relocating you to a safer and better guarded and protected place and restricting your ability to walk freely and alone around for an unknown period of time. Those conditions are never something permanent though as they only last as long as the situation is still grave.
💧​His good-natured personality might to more harm for you than it can do good for you at times because you somehow always end up being blamed for misunderstanding the situation if you truly try to avoid him or just aren't interested in him as he ends up stealing the hearts of all the people around you. Almost chivalrous in his courting, Takeshi is also unable to be stopped in his attempts to woo you. His determination is overflowing and he never gives up his hopes no matter how much you try to tell him that you aren't interested. Even if he may be considerate enough to back off and stop, you can always sense that he is waiting for the next chance. He often invites you over to the sushi bar his father owns and ends up preparing you sushi for free, even if you insist on paying.
Sasagawa Ryohei
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👊​As someone who lives by the motto of living to the extreme, you can probably already imagine how Ryohei is. He gives 120% all of the time and that naturally includes his behavior around you. Ryohei dabbles into the full-blown delusional area of his obsession. You are his passion, his heart is set on fire whenever he sees you and all the potentially worrying behavior he starts exhibiting due to his feelings all fly over his head as he can easily dismiss them as acts of his passion for you. You think that it is quite creepy that he is always insisting on following you around wherever you go to the point where he even sprints to you if you try to leave earlier in order to be freed from his company? You're being silly, he just wants to make sure that he can protect you if something should happen. A particular focus of his seems to be his fixation on thinking that it is his job to protect you since he is your boyfriend.
👊​His delusional streak makes the normally already obstinate boy even more sturdy as every rejection coming from you flies over his head to the point where he even forgets that you ever had the conversation with him in the first place. Whilst he is at least not that bad to the point where he literally misunderstands everything from you as a sign of your secret feelings for him, he is still quite good in erasing everything "inconvenient" from his mind. Did I mention that he is clingy? He has to be involved in your life as much as he can and he does so even if he ends up making you a tad bit more uncomfortable by inserting himself arguably more forceful into your daily routine. If he doesn't do exactly that, he in fact can get quite twitchy as he doesn't really like not being up to date and actively involved in your life for a longer amount of time.
👊​Bring. It. On. Jealousy from Ryohei's side can very quickly activate his competitive nature where he sees every provocation from someone else as a challenge and since it really isn't his personality to back away from a fight, he will accept the challenge that probably only exists in his own mind. It isn't even out of character for him to actually ask someone if they would fight him in a boxing match. He really doesn't think such things through and he is quite fine with that as he is always ready for a fight and that eagerness is especially triggered if he finds a "rival" he has to compete against. The problem here is thst Ryohei is exceptionally quick to feel jealous, don't underestimate how passionate his feelings for you actually are. Chances are due to this that someone gets involved who isn't even interested in you and Ryohei insists on a fight because if someone isn't even couragous enough to face him, they are not worthy of you.
👊​His willingness to battle even extends to more life-threatening fights where his own life is on the line as he sees every obstacle as a chance to grow stronger. However, Ryohei is firm in his belief that his lover has nothing to do with his battles so he always makes sure never let you get involved in any dangerous activities, especially once he starts working for the Vongola Family. The thing is that he doesn't really think too much the moment someone infuriates him because then the result is usually a broken jaw as he impulsively punches them. His passion can turn quite deadly if you are at risk as it can turn into mindless wrath where he just starts violently attacking someone without stopping until he has calmed down. Whilst this reckless and impulsive behavior dies down a bit as he gets older, I would argue that the new maturity he brings to the task is perhaps even more terrifying as he lets his victim know that he is going to kill them and that they should at least show him that they have some honor by fighting back instead of begging pathetically for their life.
👊​As a student this is honestly a tad bit amusing but for the biggest portion just scary. Ryohei doesn't force you in his life because it has always been the other way around. He forces himself in your life. Whenever he is in the mood, he just pops up in front of your house and screams in front of your window that he wants to see you. The whole neighborhood knows about his feelings because he really doesn't hold back to express them to you in about every loud way possible. So during his younger years he always comes to you when he feels like you might be in danger, fully prepared to defend you. He only really gets the needed capacities to kidnap you when he joins the mafia and matures as it is only then that he realises that an abduction is a thing. At this point he has fallen out of his worst delusional phase though and only uses that option if your life is in grave danger. The whole plan will be more or less a spontanous act though as he is the one who then comes storming to your house to bring you to a safer place.
👊​Ryohei is not a good planner, especially during his time as a student. He tends to forget important stuff and details though and he becomes quite conscious of this when he starts gaining feelings for you. It would be incredibly unfitting for him to forget important details about you since he wants to be your man so he starts writting memos to not forget it. He has those same memos still years later although he doesn't need them anymore at that point. He is quite verbal and physical to express his love to you and at times he even sees it as a challenge to show you as much of his love as he can, especially if someone else is very nice to you and in this case it doesn't even matter if they are interested in you or not. He's constantly begging you to visit his boxing club or to just watch him train because he does like to show off his skills at time. Whilst the wildest parts of his personality weaken over time as he grows older, his feelings for you certainly don't.
Hibari Kyoya
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🐤​Hibari is going to pose a big problem for you due to his solitary and indomitable nature as well as his naturally scary appearance. He is very possessive and shows little to no consideration to you nor to others as he wants you and he does whatever it takes to have you. Your consens isn't even really needed for that matter because as long as Hibari knows that you are his, he is going to be satisfied no matter how you may currently feel. Whilst he is actually not blind to the fact that he is very obsessed with you and that he does a lot of things that are anything but good and moral behavior, he just frankly doesn't care. Hibari is only interested in what he values and wants so he doesn't have time considering everyone's feelings, not even your own. Since he is known to use authority and even violence to everyone who doesn't follow the rules or who gets on his nerves, you can probably already imagine what that implies for you.
🐤​You have your own lovely set of rules he has made for you and he expects you to follow them as well. It is quite hypocritical that he despises being controlled or restrained but inflicts the very things he hates on you. You may be tempted to try to escape or simply ignore the rules because Hibari is actually not that present in your life but whenever you do such a wasted attempt, he finds out and will approach you quickly after with a displeased glint in his eyes. What you don't know is that whilst you may not see him every day, Hibari is watching you more often than you think. He is stalking you often from somewhere, those cold eyes trailing after you as he mentally notes every thing you do. It is due to this stalking nature that he has gathered a ton of information on you, more than you are confident with. His lonesome and possessive nature is going to isolate you naturally more, even if you aren't a social butterfly to begin with.
🐤​He values rules and expects others to stick to them. The moment he sets his eyes on you, one unspoken rule instantly becomes that no one should dare to get close to you or try to take you. Since Kyoya is quite confident in his own abilities and his strength, jealousy is perhaps not the right word to use. He is displeased and annoyed more than anything because some idiot here thinks that they can just ignore his rules. Well, it usually doesn't end well for the person anyways and unfortunately even you may become a victim to his displeasure if you should have acted in a way that has awoken the impression that you forgot that you belong to him. If this should happen often, whether it is your fault or someone else's, Kyoya will see it through to isolate you from people a lot more so that you learn your lesson. Honestly, he is being unnecessarily harsh with you but that is mainly to blame on his introverted traits.
🐤​Due to his little regard for the well-being of others, Kyoya will be especially ruthless if he decides to attack because he is always going to hurt someone. Whilst he doesn't let people die needlessly for his own interest, he will be everything but gentle on them as he just believes that people who don't value rules have to be punished. He knows that establishing his own dominance and letting others know what happens if they break rules or annoy him is the most efficient way to make them listen and obey so he does exactly that. Since you are his possession after all, he won't allow anyone to touch you nor will he allow anyone to hurt you. As cold and scary as he may be, this makes him awfully protective over you as he will go after everyone who does as much as threaten you. He is not joking around in the least bit and that means that Hibari will have a considerable kill count as the years pass by, especially once he gets involved with the mafia.
🐤​He hates crowds, he hates people, he just hates being around others in general. He prefers to be alone and he prefers you to be alone as well. It is easier to keep an eye on you then and see what you do and he also doesn't have to get irritated by the people around you. Yet I don't see Hibari going instantly for the forceful abduction because he likes to believe that you will know what you are and aren't supposed to do without him needing to actively surveil you. Don't get cocky though because if you misbehave one too many times, he will lock you away in his house and not let you leave until he believes you have learned your lesson. A permanent abduction doesn't sound appealling to him because he doesn't want to become some sort of caretaker for you as that would just tie him down. He wants you to be independent enough to get through your normal life by yourself yet obedient enough to him to know what you aren't supposed to do.
🐤​Sometimes days go on where you do not see Hibari personally but you never know if he is currently watching you from elsewhere in that moment or not. Truth is that Kyoya actually needs his solitude as well and will leave you by yourself then. If you break any of his rules, he will find out somehow after all but sometimes he just needs some time for himself. Whilst he has been acting on his possessive feelings for the most part, sometimes he gets really strict with you precisely because he has a soft spot for you. In a way one could see this as a way of you having control over him too but to not let you even get the idea that you may use his feelings against him, he is very keen on establishing his own dominance over you. It is this mindset that gives him a tough time being soft around you although he eventually mellows out slowly as years pass by until he even entrusts you with the care of his Hibirds.
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🟤​Basil may be a part of the CEDEF but don't even expect for a minute that this means that he is aware enough to know about his own feelings. He is quite a good example of being a delusional Yandere though because despite working for a Secret Intelligence Organisation, he is quite prone to misunderstand things. Yes, he will completely misunderstand it whenever he catches you looking at him or whenever you are just simply polite and helpful around him. Apparently politness from your side is seen as signs of attraction for him from his side. This can get quite out of hand as he slowly starts reciprocate your gestures in the way he thought they were meant. He also starts helping you in your daily life and he even buys you small gifts every once in a while which he gives you whilst a blush is on his face.
🟤​He is quite shy though because whilst he is talented in many things and is the apprentice of Iemitsu, he has never been trained how to court someone and how to confess to the person he loves. This does cause him to feel awfully hesitant and insecure at times because he is constantly worrying that he does something wrong and tends to dramatise gestures and behavior from your side to the point where he believes that he has done something terrible to offend you. Whilst Basil is quite gullible and for that fairly easy to manipulate the tables can turn quite a lot when he gets desperate and looks like he is genuinely about to cry. He's on his knees and begging you then to forgive him because he doesn't know how he could continue living happily if he wouldn't have you in his life. If you think that this outburst is only going to last for a little while, you couldn't be more wrong. Are you really heartless enough to let him drown in such eternal misery?
🟤​If you worry that his insecurities might make way to jealousy, don't. He's got you covered already. He has gotten over those feelings by pretty much keeping tabs on all the people around you and spying on them as well as stalking you and noting down who all the people are you have in your life. This might be quite disturbing for you if you were to ever find out but knowing such things is very reassuring for Basil who feels less threatened by having potentially someone else who would be interested in you. If he ever does feel jealous, there is always this black hole that is mainly there because he feels like he doesn't understand them enough so he intensifies his research until he digs very deep into their life just to fill that empty hole in his heart. If he knows them after all, he can prepare himself accordingly and that helps him to feel at ease.
🟤​As a member of the CEDEF, despite his innocent looks Basil actually holds a lot more power and possesses much more skill than the average person could ever hope to have. As such he would be in theory quite dangerous but luckily he is on the kinder and polite spectrum. He may know at one point everything about you as well as all your family members, friends and acquaintances but that is just how he works as he feels uneasy if he doesn't know everything. His obsession really won't let him rest when it comes to this. This automatically means though that he can use his position as a member of the organisation to dig up some secrets that shouldn't be known if he should ever classify someone as a threat to you. There is no real use for violence for Basil unless it is a last resort because he can just blackmail someone with the information he has obtained about them.
🟤​He would be lying if he would claim that he has never imagined living with you before. In fact he starts fantasising about it quite a lot the more time you spend together with him and the more he finds out about you. He has his hopes even up that those dreams won't be dreams anymore as soon as the both of you are old enough because he tends to see things with rose-tinted glasses. There is no real threat for Basil to kidnap you though, at least for the most part. He may start shedding tears the moment he asks you if you want to move in with him and you reject him, he may beg you to change your mind but he won't do much else. You do think you see him at night standing in front of your house at times though. Basil can be quite efficient though with the load of stuff he knows about you as well as your family and friends which can be used as a very lethal way to blackmail you into doing as he says. Let's just hope that it doesn't get that far.
🟤​His extremely obsessive tendencies imply that he also knows all about your secrets and fears that only very few people may know but at least he seems to possess enough common sense to understand that he shouldn't let you know about the knowledge he possesses about you. At times he may slip up though by accidentally mentioning something to you that he shouldn't know about you but he is smart enough to always cover his mistakes up. Basil definitely uses the huge amount of information he holds in his hands to charm you as well as all the people who are important to him in hopes that they will like him. It is quite important to him that all the people you love will like him so he would be quite distraught if one of them wouldn't think much of him or even go as far as thinking that he isn't suited to be your partner.
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🐎​Dino is just smooth. He is tall, he is handsome and he is quite skilled with his words as well, sure to flatter all the women around him, Dino has set his eyes on you though so he only cares about how his charm will affect you. Dino is actually quite lucid about the entire situation and he won't lie, he has spent some nights thinking about how he should feel bad about it. After all he is a very caring individual to everyone who works for him and who means something to him. Despite the hint of guilt that he manages to experience at times though, for the most part there is just a dwelling possessive feeling that demands him to claim you as his. He is careful with the way he approaches you though as he keeps his identity as well as the true extend of his feelings a secret. Even as a mafia boss, he chooses the honest route of courting you for the most part and he is actually quite confident in his ability to pull it off.
🐎​Nevertheless though, a sprinkle of manipulation here and there will still be used to just stir you in the right direction. His mature and calm exterior combined with his good looks and his smooth words can make a quite lethal combination after all and he even learns to use his occasional clumsiness to make himself appear even more endearing in your eyes. He only uses subtle manipulation for the most part though as he still wants you to choose him out of your won free will. Quite protective of those who mean something to him, this naturally starts applying to you as well to the point where his skills even increase when around you. Whilst his clumsiness then doesn't work anymore, he learns to act like he is sometimes still quite ditzy either to make you smile or de-escalate a possibly tense situation between you two. Whilst he ensures that he never reveals his more intimidating side to you though, he will be much more willing to reveal it to others.
🐎​How blessed you are to have someone like him who is not only skilled and handsome but also so mature and collected. Confidence really can do wonders and Dino showcases that perfectly. He knows that he is physically appealing and since he has gotten so insanely dedicated to you which has led to the disappearance of his clumsiness when he is around you, he is very skilled in most things he does. There aren't many people who can do the same so he can be quite relaxed as he lets you spend your time with other people. Even if there should be someone who tries their luck with you, he just watches with an amused look on his face. He doesn't even have to say anything as most lose their courage the moment he steps next to you and just looks at them with that entertained look on his face. He can switch a flip though by becoming more serious when someone is actually more than just talk. He respects that but that doesn't mean that they can just think about trying to court you.
🐎​He is not going to take it lightly the moment someone threatens his darling. Dino is very protective because he is a mafia boss who has been in this business for quite some time now. He knows how dangerous it can get in his world and that you wouldn't last long if you were to get ever involved. He is vicious to guarantee that no one can ever get that close to you simply to protect your unawareness of what he really does. Perhaps it also the fear of what you might do if you were to ever figure out that he is the head of his own mafia family. It is going to be difficult to touch even your hair in any harmful way though because not only is his organisation very big but his subordinates are also extremely loyal to him. Then there is of course also Dino who is a force that has to be acknowledged because Reborn has trained him truly well as he murders anyone who poses a serious threat without any hesitation. You must never know about all of this though.
🐎​He is definitely going to ask you to move in with him after a while of being a couple. If you reject him, that is fine. He understands that it may be still a bit too sudden and then he just waits for a while until he repeats his question to you. If it would be someone else than Dino, you could get in trouble but to your huge luck Dino is as composed as he is. There is a limit to this all though and that will be when he decides to propose to you within only two years of being a pair. That is your last chance to accept him on your own free will because after that Dino will get involved otherwise to give you the needed push to accept his offer. Even if he attempts to not be too horrible in the course he chooses to take, what he does cannot be excused as he gives you some financial troubles or sees it through that some essential things like your car or your keys get stolen.
🐎​Your life is going to be quite an easy one as long as things between Dino and you go smoothly. You will be pampered and spoiled by him a lot as a sort of excuse for his absence whenever he has to fulfill his role as the mafia boss. Lavish clothes, delicious food and expensive trips around the world all become part of your life and technically everything could go smoothly. Unfortunately Dino has never really told you what he really does for a living so the essential break might happen if you find it out in a most unfortunate moment and react horribly to the reveal. Because at this point in your life, you won't go anywhere anymore. He hasn't married you for you to leave him just because you found out who he really is. He feels sorry and believe him, he understands. He didn't desire to be the boss of the Cavallone Famiglia until Reborn trained him either.
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◻️​Whether Squalo really has any understanding for his obsession or not is not really of importance, although I like to imagine that as a second-in-command he is smart enough to recognise it. Even if he knows about it though, it does not matter in the least bit to him as he just takes it as it is with no signs of guilt or mercy which spells trouble for you, my dear. Squalo has an awfully huge ego and is very possessive to top it all as he takes pride in his strength and his skill. There is no such thing as courting you or trying to win your heart over as this is way too time-consuming and too much work for this man and since he is as powerful as he is, the easiest way is just forcing you into everything by abusing his influence and his power. You are just his one day suddenly and from that day on he makes sure through often radical ways that you learn to understand this by adjusting your social activities and your closeness to others.
◻️​Squalo has no troubles simply blackmailing you into doing as he tells you to do and isn't even shying away from threatening those around you to make everything even more efficient. His overly possessive antics definitely lead you into an isolating condition where you are partially stuck because you are too scared of him and are partially stuck because you are too scared of what he may do to other people if you would break his rules. You are constantly put under stress as you are never feeling safe even if he isn't pysically within your proximity. Your unease is not unjustified because even if Squalo has a short temper it is important to consider that despite everything he is still part of the Varia and an extremely talented assassin. It is part of his skill to watch people silently from afar to wait for the right moment so you never know when he might watch you either.
◻️​Squalo is threatening and noisy if he should ever feel jealous because he for sure will let you and the other person know about how he is feeling. You should know better than to engage with someone else, you should know better than to question his possession over you like this but sometimes you just seem to be amazingly stupid. Think about it and consider that this man is very violent and extremely deadly too. He could probably murder someone within only a few seconds, if he is feeling merciful that is. Needless to say, such events never end well for you as he is not only threatening your company but will also violently drag you away from the scene. You cannot say anything unless you dare to add fuel to his flaring temper as he frags you away, his grip on you tight and painful but it's not like he cares. You better pray that he won't search for that bastard later on to quench his anger.
◻️​Squalo is arguably one of the most vicious and violent people you could have in this cast. He is already a trained assassin, he loves fights and he has been described by Dino as a shark that has smelled blood. The only thing you can do is pray when he leaves to hunt someone down. He kills everyone who has gotten on his nerves or triggered him in regards to you. Whether the poor victim he hunts down is someone who would have been an actual threat to your life or is just someone who you seem to be too attached to is of no matter. He experiences a euphoric bloodlust whilst hunting his prey down as he displays a sadistic vein, enjoying the sight of them trembling in fear and begging for their life. Even more twisted is the fact that he tends to take his time when he is feeling especially sadistic, cutting his victims slowly down until they have either succumbed to their injuries or he got bored of them.
◻️​Technically he already exhibits a great influence over your life even whilst you are still living by yourself but as he wants complete submission from your side, you just have to wait for a bit until he finally makes the decision to relocate you somewhere else. He does it as he has always done everything in your life which is using force to have you comply with his demands. The new place you can call your home from that day on is isolated which reduces your social contact significantly and will also be installed with cameras and a security system so that you don't get any stupid ideas if he should be gone on missions. You still receive everything you need to survive and keep the house clean as he doesn't want to be your babysitter and whenever he returns to the place where you are stuck, he sort of expects from you to have taken care of the house in his absence.
◻️​He displays an extremely shitty and arrogant attitude around you where he isn't even scared to draw his sword against you if you should get on his nerves too much. Other members of the Varia definitely know you as he sometimes drags you along to show you off like a trophy, looking and sounding unusually proud as he shows you off and actually getting mad for your sake if someone else from the other assassins should insult you. That is only as long as you behave yourself because Squalo will punish you if you were to embarrass him in front of other members of Varia. He is actually willing to give you compliments if you happen to be exceptionally talented in something he deems as useful as he likes having something he can brag about to the Varia about you. He also expects getting a lot of compliments from you because of the pride he takes in himself. Don't try to insult him though because he will be quick to make you regret it.
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🔧​Spanner is willing to betray his own side when it helps him to find out more about something he is interested in. Now crank that up a few notches and give him an obsession centered around his darling and you have yourself a prime example of an obsessed man. Spanner is very willing to break private rights and throw away commonly accepted morals if it helps him to find out more about you and whilst he is careful about not to betray the Millefiore, he is willing to lie to them to keep them away from your life as much as possible. Despite those actions he takes, he is actually quite good in deceiving you to see him as someone else. He just presents himself with a laid-back and chill exterior which manages to make you feel at ease around him. What you don't seem to notice for a long time is how he observes you as you let your guard down around him, gauging your every reaction with a keen interest.
🔧​He is an engineer and he is quite talented as well so obviously he is going to abuse the skills he has to spy on you even better. Whether he wires your house when you invite him over or even installs a tracker on your phone to always be able to know your exact location, he is not holding back. He in fact occasionally even causes some devices in your house to malfunction without your knowledge when he is in your house just to have you spend more time with him because he is always the one who offers to repair them for you when you complain to him that they aren't working properly anymore. If he considers his feelings and the actions he has chosen to take so far more carefully, he guesses that his interest in you might be quite unhealthy but somehow he is far too nonchalant to really care. He doesn't have any bad intentions after all and is actually even protecting you so it can't be that bad.
🔧​With the way he is installing the listening devices and at one point even tiny cameras in your house and tracks you down via your phone, it is safe to assume that he has a very good idea with whom you choose to spend your time with when either he or you don't have a chance to see each other. He thinks it is better that way because by being able to hack your phone or other technical devices, he always knows what is going on between you and others and it saves him from being worked up over nothing. There is very little chance for him to misunderstand the situation as he can constantly spy on you. He handles jealousy fairly composed in comparison to some other members but he is definitely going to have to know more about anyone who triggers such an emotion inside of him. He just likes to be prepared in case he has to interfere before they get any closer to you by being able to blackmail them a bit.
🔧​I'm pretty sure he is just going to invent something instead of killing someone with his own hands. It's not like he is just going after everyone's threat because he actually enjoys his peace and wouldn't want too much trouble in his life. Sometimes Spanner knows that he has to do something before something happens, especially if your own life is in any danger. Then he has of course also the option of asking Shoichi for help if your life should be in potential danger and he does use the influence of his friend at times. Other times he feels like he should be the one to make sure that your life is protected though because he is the one obsessed with you and then he just builds something to assist him in his task to protect you. He is uncomfortable with killing someone personally but this seems to be a different matter if he kills someone with one of his inventions and just watches from the sideline or from behind a monitor.
🔧​With the data he collects on you as time passes by, he has technically quite a bit he could use against you if he were to ever feel like forcing you. For some reason Spanner instead likes to savor the time he has with you right now as it is. The time where you don't know that he has cameras and listening devices in your home, has a tracker installed in your phone and has hacked into your laptop and phone already multiple times. He isn't as optimistic as to believe that it will all stay a secret forever though. After all life can always take an unexpected turn and so he starts thinking ahead how he should react and what he should do the moment you would find out about the people he works for as well as his own creepy behavior he has secretly done without your knowledge. He's sure he would have to restrict you within your life somehow, partially also to protect you from the Millefiore.
🔧​You are going to be given quite a few of his lollipops and depending on what your favorite flavor is, he will adjust his candies accordingly whenever he gifts you some. He will even shape them differently if you would ask him to do so. If we ignore the fact that he always sabotages your electronical advices to his own advantage, Spanner is actually quite helpful as well as useful in your life. He is an expert when it comes to everything electronical and next to fixing your stuff for free whenever he has time, he even builds you some devices to help you in your household. He's normally quite relaxed and just likes to lean back and listen to you instead as he is not a big talker and thinks that whatever you could tell him would be much more interesting over what he could talk about. Well, not like he can really talk about some of the activities he does in his daily life to you anyways unless he wants to scare you away by revealing that he has been spying on you.
Doctor Shamal
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🩺​´Shamal is a simp who is down bad for his darling and their gender doesn't even play a role in this case because will act even worse than he has already done with every other woman he has been trying to flirt with. It is highly likely that his darling thinks of it as nothing serious because Shamal is such a womanizer and has been flirting with a lot of people. You'd think that the doctor would assume so too, especially if his darling is biologically female. However, somehow Shamal has known that he feels differently for you after only meeting you one time. You are different and the fact that he feels something very special when he as much as thinks about you causes him to be quite clingy and obsessive as a reaction. He wants to be with you as much as he can and he will openly creep you out with it as he has no shame to follow you around in public and even wait for you in places he eventually comes to realise you tend to visit often. That or he's just standing in front of your door all of the time.
🩺​In Doctor Shamal's mind though, he doesn't see any of this as scary or creepy. Instead he goes down the delusional path as he is absolutely enraptured with you. He has fallen in love with someone for the first time and he just knows that his feelings for you will always be there and that he will from now on always be genuine when around you. So he makes absolutely no attempt to try to hold his feelings for you back as he showers you in presents and even tries to steal kisses from you even if you do not consent to it. He is downright reckless at times in his attempts to declare his love to you. If you lock the door and refuse to acknowledge how he is knocking on your door, it has happened that he has even climbed up the roof of another house or to your window to see you and to make you see him. As you can see, he really has no chill.
🩺​Struck with the attention-seeker-syndrome that he has, he will never be happy if you ignore him for someone else and you do it quite a lot. That's alright though, he likes how you try to play the tough game with him but he is still quite unhappy if you ignore his presence even if he is standing right next to you. You may hope that you will discourage him by doing so but instead you only fuel his passion as he sees it as a sign that he has to fight for you and prove to you that he is the right man to be your lover so in a way all people you rather spend your time with become his rivals. He is especially competitive against those who are neither family nor close friends of yours as he views them as love rivals. This all seems ridiculous and pathetic until he pulls out his mosquitoes to inflict someone with a harmless, but still severe disease because if they don't appear, you won't be able to ignore him.
🩺​All of his silliness aside you better keep in mind that this is a notrious assassin who was even offered a position in the Varia for his skills. The best and simultanously scariest part is that Shamal doesn't even have to do much to kill someone. He merely has to send one of his mosquitoes after his victim and then has to simply wait until they die from the deadly disease the insect has infected them with. He isn't a crazed doctor though so he at least doesn't let anyone around you drop dead within a day. His main motivation behind it is mainly that he doesn't want to push you into the depths of despair so we can argue about whether he is acting noble or not. He has no such problems if it concerns people who endanger your life or just don't treat you right as he can switch to a more cunning and serious side then. Everyone who doesn't respect you or even dares to hurt you will receive no mercy from him and he will get rid of such people quickly before they can pose a even bigger threat in your life.
🩺​Shamal is totally convinced that you two will live together later on. He has envisioned it all. You two will move in together, he will propose to you and then both of you will get married and be the sappiest and most lovely couple that people will have ever seen. You may not share those fantasies and dreams of his but it is not like you will ruin them for him anyways. There is going to be no competition to consider besides him anyways because all of them are battling with some tough diseases and as soon as they seem to recover, they are struck with the next illness. You see, you won't have any other choice besides him. That's alright though because he is the only one who can truly love and worship you as you deserve to be treated.
🩺​There is a potential where he could simply use his mosquitoes against you and weaken you to force you to rely on him but that is a more unlikely scenario. As indecent as he can be towards you at times, he genuinely doesn't intend any harm to come your way. Whilst he will openly admit that he enjoys it whenever you do come down with something and need his medical assistance to get better, he would never infect you with something. He can use the illnesses of others around you though to boost his image as he will offer you his assistance for free only to then take advantage of the debt you oew him after, even if he doesn't demand any money from you. You just feel too guilty to deny him some of his requests where he wants you two to spend some time together. He's going to praise you nearly all the time though for everything as your mere existence is wonderful.
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gojoux · 1 year
Hi can I request. What will jjk men do when you are sad? Thank you
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Gojo. Geto. Sukuna. Nanami. Choso. Toji. Megumi. Itadori. Yuta. Inumaki.
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◈ — 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎
His smile drops slowly when he notices you’re looking down. “You sad? Why?” He sits down next to you, wrapping an arm around your body to pull you to his side, his head resting on top of yours. “Let’s fix that, shall we? That’s why I’m here.” He tries to cheer you up with short praises and snuggles onto your side for as long as you want him to.
◈ — 𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐎
He’d notice right away even when you’re trying to hide it. “Now, now, what’s making you sad?” He asks with that gentle, soothing voice. He caresses your head, staying close by your side, “Anything you want to do to distract your mind?” He’d ask what you want to do and he’s more than willing to oblige just to make you happy again.
Despite selfish traits, he genuinely cares about you and only you in his own way. “What’s gotten you all down, hm? Do I need to beat up someone today? You look miserable.” He’d tease you for a bit. “I’ll make you feel better.” He urges you to come to him, placing an arm over your shoulder so casually as he listens to your worries.
He’d have no problem pointing out how down you look after observing you in silence, noting the change of speaking and behavior from you. “You look uneasy, dear.” He opens the conversation, wanting to know if you want to discuss your problem more with him. “You can tell me when you’re ready.” He rubs his thumb on your wrist.
He may look unbothered and distant from the outside, but he has a caring heart. He’ll pull you into a tight hug, “It hurts to see you sad. What happened?” He kisses your forehead and your temple while his hands rub your back up and down to ease your tense self. He doesn’t talk much, but he’s trying for you.
◈ — 𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈
He remains unbothered, but his eyes keep looking at you. “What’s gotten you all worked up, darling? You’ve been frowning since this morning. You look better when you smile, y’know?” He asks casually about it since he doesn’t want to worsen the tension. He then pats his lap, “Come and tell me. Let’s get this over with and relax together.”
“You look sad. Did something happen?” He’s quite unsure how to lift someone’s mood, he doesn’t talk much but he’s good at finding words to support you even though he’ll just stay quiet beside you for a while, giving you comfort from his presence alone. “I’m here whenever you want to talk, okay?” He’ll rather bashfully hold your hand tight on his.
He’ll get worried seeing you sad, thinking that something must have happened. “Are you okay?” He asks the obvious, but he just wants to make sure how you’re feeling. He’d hug you tight, tucking your face in the crook of his neck, and caress your head. “Let’s make you happy again, ‘kay? How about movies? Cuddles?” Anything and he’ll try to provide it for you.
◈ — 𝐘𝐔𝐓𝐀
He is someone who has a lot of sympathy and empathy, seeing you sad will get to him. “Why do you look so unhappy? Did something bad happen today? I may not be the best person to cheer you up, but can I do something for you?” He’s trying his best to cheer you up with encouraging words, hugging you close to him, and agreeing to whatever you want to do.
“Takana?” He’ll sit down next to you, trying to stay as close as possible to you to show his support and provide his comfort as he can. “Tsuna Mayo?” He’d listen to your worries and what made you upset. He’ll try his best to cheer you up, like watching videos on his phone with him close to your side to help you forget the problem at the moment.
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Hope everyone out there who's feeling sad will get better soon 🫶
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rebo-chan · 23 days
So, if you know me at all, have spoken to me anytime in the last year. You know, how unbelievably annoying I am about the last frame of the manga. The "My teacher, my partner, my angel without wings.. or maybe that's giving him too much credit." OAGH.
Now, Amano absolutely is just letting that be a homage to the beloved anime that brought so many fans to their series. BUT, because I'm delusional, that immediately made me go look at the english lyrics of Drawing Days and make me draw conclusions about the characters because thats what I DO. I MAKE SHIT UP. <3 I just wanted to drag you all into this Drawing Days hell with me, because these lyrics are HURTFUL. In general though, when it came to the lyrics, they were so clearly about Tsuna but with Amano labeling REBORN the angel without wings, clearly I HAVE TO LOOK AT IT FROM BOTH PERSPECTIVES AND SEE THE LYRICAL PARALLELS THESE TWO HAVE.
This will likely be another long post so fkjhgnsh heres the cut:
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Our beautiful english lyrics.
So, the narrator depicts themselves as having met an angel who doesn't have the map to go home. For their sake, they pick up a paintbrush and start drawing it for them. They talk about how a cat laughs at the narrator, as they stumble through life without purpose but through this angel, they've found a purpose in drawing this map for this angel and how they'll keep drawing out this map no matter what they lose throughout because they care that much. (Dying will much? The resolve to do something even as your body is being destroyed?) No, but its clear that Tsuna is the narrator here, who stumbled through life without purpose until he found one in his family, and the angel without wings that brought those opportunities for him.Everything about feeling powerless but picking up a paintbrush anyway to help someone. Isn't that just him?
With Amano pointing out that Reborn is the angel without wings, that made me want to become a little ball and explode. Because the angel without wings had said they had lost the map to go home, implying a sort of lostness to the angel too and needing help from someone else to make its way home. And that's just what we learn about Reborn in rainbow arc!! He lived a life where he was overly cautious and trusted no one, and was mostly alone if him coming home to an empty house with no one but his chameleon seemed to imply. Only for his life to seem to 'freeze' at the moment he was cursed, and he believed he would just die without meaning in this world. How he had everything about his old life erased, and wandered himself into exile. It's through becoming a mentor that he finds a purpose for himself, and finds someone to draw that map for him to go home. And isn't it just so special that the map that he was drawn to go home gave him the freedom to choose where he'd go next? That his purpose was to live, and he chose to whirl back around and come back to the person who drew him a map? ISNT THAT JUST SPECIAL? SHAKES THEM BOTH VIOLENTLY.
Leaning on each other, as the cat laughed at them both struggling to live, they painted together a prayer that encompasses every wish.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Tsuna but he breaks the Seal somehow, blame Yakuza or whatever, learns about the whole mafia thing, again blame the Yakuza, and he decided to full Dabi arc on Iemitsu.
Doesn't help that when he meets Basil he understandably thinks he looks way too similar to him to be a coincidence.
Tsuna is ,,, slow.
Dame, as everyone else, including his own mother, so often calls him.
And, as much as it hurts, Tsuna knows it's true.
He's a loser, a bottom-of-the-food-chain type of nobody whose only skill is being the perfect target.
That's just the way his life is.
Always has been, and always will be.
Except ,,,
E x c e p t
Tsuna stares down at the flames wreathing his hands at first to keep from looking at the still-smoldering bodies that are sprawled in a semi-circle around him.
But soon Tsuna finds himself captivated by the flames themselves, finds himself staring down at the crimson-shot orange flicker of their edges with nothing short of awe.
For all that Tsuna feels no real heat against his skin, the flames coating his hands seem almost alive. Their edges flicker and pulse with a sort of rhythm that almost feels familiar to Tsuna for some reason.
Heartbeat, something murmurs in the back of Tsuna's mind, a voice that is his-and-not-his all at the same time supplying the answer.
Tsuna knows it's right. Knows that these flames pulse in time to his own heartbeat. Knows that these flames, whatever they are, are his and his alone.
Knows that they will never hurt him.
Not like they'd hurt the yakuza grunts who'd grabbed him on his way home from school.
Mind whirling and yet somehow almost frighteningly calm and with his flames somehow hidden in the curves of both his palms, Tsuna leaves the warehouse behind and makes his way home.
He has so many questions, so many things he wants and needs to know.
They all run through Tsuna's mind as he walks, steps sure and steady after what feels like a lifetime of living in a body that just doesn't fit right.
All the while that little voice from before whispers truths into Tsuna's ear.
Nana doesn't even realize he was late.
Doesn't bother to ask why his uniform is ripped and stained.
Doesn't ask where he got the bruise Tsuna knows is already darkening his jaw.
But then, she never does.
With the bedroom door shut and locked behind him, Tsuna sits down on the edge of his bed and just ,,,
For a while Tsuna just sits there, eyes unfocused and mind filled with a buzzing sort of feeling that he can't quite put his finger on.
Eventually, he comes back to himself in pieces, in trickles.
Tsuna breathes.
He flexes his hands.
He counts his heartbeats by the pulse of the flames still nestled in his palms.
He finally identifies the feeling buzzing around in his skull.
Pure, unadelterated rage.
The type of anger that feels mythic.
The type of ire that feels almost too big for Tsuna's body.
It is, Tsuna can't help but think just a bit absently, the type of fury that could eat stars.
And Tsuna is, for what feels like the very first time in his life, so very hungry.
Tsuna has always been slow.
Dame, as everyone else, including his own mother, so often calls him.
Except ,,,
E x c e p t
Tsuna is eleven years old when he decides he's going to kill his father.
And in the back of Tsuna's mind that little voice purrs.
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hopeswriting · 4 months
was on the verge of waking up and randomly dreaming of a fight scene where the ones who fought kind of just clung to each other once the fight was over and it was safe again, hugging each other and stroking each other's back and hair, and i immediately thought of the vongola tenth gen.
i thought of tsuna who, once the dust settles and the danger passes, before they've even really caught their breaths or they can move/go back to a safer place, or maybe on their way there, as long as none of them are hurt too badly for that to take precedence over everything else, walks from guardian to guardian and just, like. reaches out.
he clasps gokudera's hands in his each in turn, gently, softly, with room for him to pull them out if he wants to, but holding onto them as long as he doesn't, waiting for gokudera to let go of the tension in them, for that slight restlessness that makes the tip of his fingers twitch to go away, waiting for gokudera to realize he won't need to reach for anymore dynamites to keep them safe for the time being. he massages his hands gently from his wrists to the tip of his fingers, rubbing at the back of his hands and at his joints along his fingers each in turn, blowing over the reddened and burnt spots on his skin, new and old ones alike, brushing his lips against them in a feather-light touch.
he reaches for hibari's hands too, palms bruised from how unyieldingly he held onto his tonfas until he came out on top no matter what came his way. tsuna holds his hands in his, his palms turned upwards, and runs his thumbs over stiff, roughened up skin, over callouses made raw again. it's not a massage, his touch light, barely there, only meaning it to soothe and not wanting to overwhelm him with it. he strokes his thumbs over his palms for as long as hibari lets him, careful not to hurt, hoping it takes some of the ache away and will make it go away faster altogether.
yamamoto gets a hug. tsuna wraps his arms around his back, bringing him close as he leans flush against him, tucking his head under his chin. yamamoto always hugs him back right away, but he always needs a moment to let himself relax into it. tsuna waits patiently, rocking them slightly from side to side, snuggling closer the more tension bleeds away from his body, holding him tighter as yamamoto's arms around him turn lighter. tsuna keeps hugging him until he melts into the hug, burying his face in his hair, exhaling a slow, deep breath that steadies them both.
lambo gets a hug too. tsuna holds him close, sitting down to curl protectively around him, hiding him from sight, keeping him hidden and safe from the world. he's mischievous with his hug, letting one hand wander to poke at his sides, strokes at his nape or just behind his ears, wanting to make him laugh. he grins in his hair when lambo lets out his first giggle, relief coursing through him, both of them laughing when he starts to wiggle, pretending he wants to get away but clutching tightly at his shirt, his hands shaking. he whines and complains and orders tsuna to stop and let go of him, and laughs all the while, because it's okay now for him to do that. tsuna-nii's safe, bakadera and everyone else is too, and he even helped make it happen! and it was terrifying, but it's over now. he's safe too, tsuna-nii will keep him safe, and the louder and livelier he gets, the more everyone smiles and laughs.
tsuna bumps his fists against ryohei first things first, both of them smiling at each other. he helps him with his bandages when need be and when they have the means for that at hands, removing them and putting on new, clean ones, or as clean as possible. he washes the sweat and blood off of his hands with water, both his opponent's but his too, his knuckles busted and his skin scraped and bruised all over his fingers; or cleans them when he can, apologizing softly whenever ryohei winces and hisses in pain. otherwise he intertwines their fingers together so slowly, so very gently, unwilling to hurt him more, squeezing his hands only as much as ryohei has already squeezed his.
chrome and him link arms together, pressed against each other shoulder against shoulder, leaning their weight against each other. chrome rests her head on his shoulder and tsuna on top of hers, nuzzling his cheek against her hair every time chrome's fingers dig into his skin. they stay like that long enough for their breathing to sync together, shoulders raising and falling at the same time, warm against each other. they're alive, they're alive.
mukuro barely allows him to come within arm's reach the first time. tsuna doesn't push, makes do with that, trailing his eyes over him from afar, trying to assess the damages and asking with his eyes without having to say it out loud if he's okay, and if he'll still be okay if left alone to take care of himself. mukuro lets him come closer a little more each time until tsuna can touch, until he can brush his fingertips against the building headache in his temple, against the throbbing veins of his right eye and the piercing ache that follows every time. until tsuna can brush his fingertips over his eyelid, closing his eye for the briefest of moment, allowing him to surrender to the pain that always comes with using his right eye, and make it more bearable even if only for a split second.
i don't know. something something, what comes after enough blood was spilt? what do you do with the sight of it laying at your feet, staining your hands, dripping from them? how do you reconcile the proof of the violence you're able of with the idea of your hands still being worth doing anything else?
and something something, tsuna, of course, making it a point for the answer to be picking up every piece of chipped kindness, gentleness and love among the blood, and guiding them to find their way home again within themselves.
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kyokosasagawa · 3 months
Fran in Wonderland - A analysis post, of sorts. Maybe more like rambling.
Future Arc --- "Who the hell is this?" Introduced as the latest Varia member to replace Mammon, Fran is a completely new face. No one knows who he is or what his deal is. Not even Byakuran expected him, and it was one of the few moments that indicated that Byakuran had a weakness in his ability to see different worlds..
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Fran of the Varia Arc is a complex figure. I cannot analyze him chronologically---no, he leaves crumbs of himself in extras. Interviews. Character songs.
But lets start off with his key trait:
Fran is an immensely curious young adult. That is his fundamental trait as a character that spreads through both Rainbow and Varia arc.
What he does, he mainly does to satisfy his curiosity regarding powerful people.
In the manga canon itself, he lets Rasiel go away free just to find out if he would be able to beat Xanxus.
Speaking of Xanxus, in an interview he joins the Varia to find out why Xanxus can command respect. In a character drama, he tricks Hibari with his illusions and is impressed by Tsuna being able to see past them.
In his character song, he has Wonderland motifs. But the interesting part about it----he prolongs the torture of the victim in the song, curious to see if they could beat him. if given the chance.
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Fran is a curious man that could, in fact, be interpreted as being….well, bored. He wants to find something interesting, so he follows his curiosity.
But he's also fickle, and distasteful, which brings me to the next point.
Lack of Respect / Respect towards Power
Future Fran does not respect other people easily. But to those who he does, they get power beyond all belief. Mukuro is freed with his power, a power that can fight against what we now know is a gang of ex-Arcobaleno.
He insults the rest of the Varia, while never saying anything particularly….mean, about the Xanxus he's curious about. In fact, Xanxus didn't have a single bad thing to say about Fran in the Rainbow arc, while the rest of them remembered nothing but insults.
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Essentially, Fran only respects powerful people in the Varia arc. Perhaps its because he himself is powerful, so he doesn't feel a need to care about those who aren't. After all, Lussuria even admitted that Fran could escape from the Varia in the aforementioned interview---but he chooses not to, curious about Xanxus. He thus gives Xanxus his power in battle.
He respects Mukuro, calling him his Master. He helps the man escape.
I think, fundamentally, Future Fran doesn't care for weak people.
In a future where the world is ending, where only three people can trick the Vindice---clearly, he's better than the rest, especially if it was so effortless to trick them like its hinted by him not being even the slightest bit exhausted afterwards.
The thing is though, its hinted that he was always this way.
Rainbow Arc -- Again, who the fuck is this?
Fran. Fran, Fran, Fran.
He's introduced as a child playing in the forest and waterfalls of Jura, France without any supervision. A place that takes the Varia and Kokuyo some effort to get to. Even the Varia admits that he's no ordinary child.
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Later, its shown that he's still able to trick the Vindice with his illusions.
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So we know he's always been like this. He has, since he was young, always been more powerful than others.
What a wonderful way to get a bloated head like in the Future Arc.
But, in the Rainbow Arc, he's proven he's not the strongest person around.
He's scared of the Shinigami, he's intimidated by Chrome yelling at him.
Sure, he still has to fight in the final battle, but that could just be because the glove didn't fit Chrome. Chrome still had to instruct him.
So how does he grow up, in the Rainbow Arc?
Healing of a Childhood?
Rather happily, actually.
In the future arc, Fran smiles rarely. You get most of his smiles in artwork outside of the manga and anime, or if he's smiling, its for snarky reasons. It's one of the reasons why for the longest time, we had "depressed!Fran" fanfiction everywhere.
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No, he chose the Kokuyo to grow up with, and he seems to enjoy their company a lot.
Surprisingly, its Ken who gets the most attention from him and where Fran's character development seems to shine the most.
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He goes from considering Ken an idiot, a wild animal in the future arc---to considering him a big brother figure. He even changes honorifics.
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He also seems to enjoy the company of Verde, despite bullying him all the time.
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And don't forget about Chrome, who he instantly develops a crush on after getting yelled at. Or M.M, who carries him around and protects him.
The Kokuyo is depicted as a family, unlike the Future Arc.
In the Future Arc, Fran floats around place to place looking for someone powerful. He hangs out in the Varia, hangs out in the Kokuyo, tricks Hibari and tries to trick Tsuna, tries to give that nameless victim in the Special Illusion song a chance to survive and see if they're stronger….
But in the Rainbow Arc, Fran is…he's happy. He sticks with the Kokuyo from day one, and doesn't leave their side, and he becomes an actual kid.
Fran is healing in the Rainbow Arc, and I love that for him.
Conclusion Fran of the Future Arc is fundamentally a different person from Fran of the Rainbow Arc.
Future Fran is curious and bored. He's strong, and he knows he's strong. He's equivalent to a Saitama-like figure in KHR.
But Fran of the Rainbow Arc is still learning how to be a kid.
He's strong, yes, but the Kokuyo is giving him the chance to be better. To become strong, yet loved.
To have Fran without the Kokuyo is to have a unhappy Fran, who calls Ken "-san", who looks at the Varia with distaste and hate.
I don't know what he becomes in the future of the Rainbow arc, but I'm sure its going to be happier.
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